SPECS (AC-branch): X11-driver-firegl.spec - merged 8.6 version from LINUX_2...

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Jul 3 08:45:14 CEST 2008

Author: glen                         Date: Thu Jul  3 06:45:14 2008 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: AC-branch
---- Log message:
- merged 8.6 version from LINUX_2_6 branch, old one in LINUX_2_6_16 branch

---- Files affected:
   X11-driver-firegl.spec ( -> 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/X11-driver-firegl.spec
diff -u SPECS/X11-driver-firegl.spec: SPECS/X11-driver-firegl.spec:
--- SPECS/X11-driver-firegl.spec:	Sun May 18 17:04:43 2008
+++ SPECS/X11-driver-firegl.spec	Thu Jul  3 08:45:09 2008
@@ -1,25 +1,26 @@
 # $Revision$, $Date$
+# firegl driver for Ac 
+# For later kernel versions (LINUX_2_6 family) than standard Ac kernels 
 # Conditional build:
 %bcond_without	dist_kernel	# without distribution kernel
 %bcond_without	kernel		# don't build kernel modules
-%bcond_without	up		# don't build UP module
-%bcond_without	smp		# don't build SMP module
 %bcond_without	userspace	# don't build userspace tools
 %bcond_with	verbose		# verbose build (V=1)
-%bcond_without	incall		# include all sources in srpm
-%if %{without kernel}
-%undefine with_dist_kernel
-%if "%{_alt_kernel}" != "%{nil}"
-%undefine	with_userspace
 %define		_min_eq_x11	1:6.9.0
 %define		_max_x11	1:7.0.0
 %define		x11ver		x690
+# Either we use rpm-macros from Th and define
+%define		_libdir		/usr/X11R6/lib/
+# nor use Ac rpm-macros and define kernel macros 
+%if !%{with kernel}
+%undefine with_dist_kernel
 %ifarch %{ix86}
 %define		arch_sufix	""
 %define		arch_dir	x86
@@ -28,26 +29,24 @@
 %define		arch_dir	x86_64
-%define		pname	X11-driver-firegl
 Summary:	Linux Drivers for ATI graphics accelerators
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Sterowniki do akceleratorów graficznych ATI
-Name:		%{pname}%{_alt_kernel}
-Version:	8.36.5
-Release:	63
+Name:		X11-driver-firegl
+Epoch:		2
+Version:	8.6
+%define		_rel	1
+Release:	%{_rel}
 License:	ATI Binary (parts are GPL)
 Group:		X11
-Source0:	http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-%{version}-x86.x86_64.run
-# Source0-md5:	bf056417ac6c57acdf5e5a6bb99a7dae
-Patch0:		firegl-panel.patch
-Patch1:		firegl-panel-ugliness.patch
-Patch2:		%{pname}-kh.patch
-Patch3:		%{pname}-viak8t.patch
-# Patch4:		%{pname}-force-define-AGP.patch
+Source0:	http://dlmdownloads.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8-02-x86.x86_64.run
+# Source0-md5:	bcdf3c19c0b7a7c2051d751d5131d426
+Patch0:		%{name}-kh.patch
 URL:		http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html
-#BuildRequires:	X11-devel >= %{_min_eq_x11}	# disabled for now
-%{?with_dist_kernel:BuildRequires:	kernel%{_alt_kernel}-module-build >= 3:2.6.14}
+%{?with_userspace:BuildRequires:	OpenGL-GLU-devel}
+%{?with_dist_kernel:BuildRequires:	kernel%{_alt_kernel}-module-build >= 3:}
 %{?with_userspace:BuildRequires:	qt-devel}
-BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.406
+BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.379
+BuildRequires:	X11-devel >= %{_min_eq_x11}
 Requires:	X11-OpenGL-core >= %{_min_eq_x11}
 Requires:	X11-Xserver
 %{?with_kernel:Requires:	X11-driver-firegl(kernel)}
@@ -68,9 +67,6 @@
 %define		_noautoreqdep	libGL.so.1
-%define		_prefix		/usr/X11R6
-%define		_mandir		%{_prefix}/man
 Display driver files for the ATI Radeon 8500, 9700, Mobility M9 and
 the FireGL 8700/8800, E1, Z1/X1 graphics accelerators. This package
@@ -82,12 +78,41 @@
 dostarcza sterowniki obsługujące wyświetlanie 2D oraz sprzętowo
 akcelerowany OpenGL.
+%package devel
+Summary:	Header files for development for the ATI Radeon cards proprietary driver
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Pliki nagłówkowe do programowania z użyciem własnościowego sterownika dla kart ATI Radeon
+Group:		X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description devel
+Header files for development for the ATI proprietary driver for
+ATI Radeon graphic cards.
+%description devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe do programowania z użyciem własnościowego sterownika
+ATI dla kart graficznych Radeon.
+%package static
+Summary:	Static libraries for development for the ATI Radeon cards proprietary driver
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Biblioteki statyczne do programowania z użyciem własnościowego sterownika dla kart ATI Radeon
+Group:		X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires:	%{name}-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description static
+Static libraries for development for the ATI proprietary driver for
+ATI Radeon graphic cards.
+%description static -l pl.UTF-8
+Biblioteki statyczne do programowania z użyciem własnościowego
+sterownika ATI dla kart graficznych ATI Radeon.
 %package -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-video-firegl
 Summary:	ATI kernel module for FireGL support
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Moduł jądra oferujący wsparcie dla ATI FireGL
+Release:	%{_rel}@%{_kernel_ver_str}
 License:	ATI
 Group:		Base/Kernel
-%{?with_dist_kernel:Requires:	kernel%{_alt_kernel}(vermagic) = %{_kernel_ver}}
 Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/depmod
 Provides:	X11-driver-firegl(kernel)
@@ -97,21 +122,6 @@
 %description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-video-firegl -l pl.UTF-8
 Moduł jądra oferujący wsparcie dla ATI FireGL.
-%package -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-firegl
-Summary:	ATI kernel module for FireGL support
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Moduł jądra oferujący wsparcie dla ATI FireGL
-License:	ATI
-Group:		Base/Kernel
-%{?with_dist_kernel:Requires:	kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp(vermagic) = %{_kernel_ver}}
-Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/depmod
-Provides:	X11-driver-firegl(kernel)
-%description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-firegl
-ATI kernel module for FireGL support.
-%description -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-firegl -l pl.UTF-8
-Moduł jądra oferujący wsparcie dla ATI FireGL.
 %setup -q -c -T
@@ -119,21 +129,16 @@
 cp arch/%{arch_dir}/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod/* common/lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod
-install -d panel_src
-tar -xzf common/usr/src/ati/fglrx_panel_sources.tgz -C panel_src
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
 cd common
-%{?with_dist_kernel:%patch2 -p1}
-%patch3 -p1
-# %patch4 -p2
+%if %{with dist_kernel}
+%patch0 -p1
 cd -
 install -d common%{_prefix}/{%{_lib},bin}
-cp -r %{x11ver}%{arch_sufix}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/* common%{_prefix}/%{_lib}
-cp -r %{x11ver}%{arch_sufix}%{_bindir}/* common%{_bindir}
-cp -r arch/%{arch_dir}%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/* common%{_prefix}/%{_lib}
-cp -r arch/%{arch_dir}%{_bindir}/* common%{_bindir}
+cp -r %{x11ver}%{arch_sufix}%{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib} common%{_libdir}
+cp -r arch/%{arch_dir}%{_prefix}/X11R6/%{_lib}/* common%{_libdir}
+cp -r arch/%{arch_dir}%{_prefix}/X11R6/bin/* common%{_bindir}
 %if %{with kernel}
@@ -143,15 +148,6 @@
 cd -
-%if %{with userspace}
-%{__make} -C panel_src \
-	C="%{__cc}" \
-	CC="%{__cxx}" \
-	MK_QTDIR=/usr \
-	LIBQT_DYN=qt-mt
@@ -160,23 +156,25 @@
 %if %{with userspace}
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_bindir},%{_libdir},%{_includedir}/X11/extensions} \
-	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/{%{_lib},include/GL}
-install common%{_bindir}/{fgl_glxgears,fglrxinfo,aticonfig} \
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_sysconfdir}/{ati,env.d},%{_bindir},%{_libdir}/modules,%{_includedir}/{X11/extensions,GL}}
+install common%{_bindir}/{fgl_glxgears,fglrxinfo,aticonfig,fglrx_xgamma} \
-install panel_src/fireglcontrol.qt3.gcc%(gcc -dumpversion) \
-	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/fireglcontrol
-cp -r common%{_prefix}/%{_lib}/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
-ln -sf libGL.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libGL.so
+cp -r common%{_libdir}/lib* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
+cp -r common%{_libdir}/modules/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/modules/
+cp -r common%{_sysconfdir}/ati/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ati/
 # OpenGL ABI for Linux compatibility
-ln -sf %{_libdir}/libGL.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so.1
-ln -sf %{_libdir}/libGL.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so
+ln -sf libGL.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libGL.so
+ln -sf libGL.so.1.2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libGL.so.1
+cp -r common%{_sysconfdir}/ati/control $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ati/control
+echo "LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=%{_libdir}/modules/dri" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/env.d/LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
 install common/usr/include/GL/*.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/GL
-install common%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/*.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions
+# install common%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/*.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions
@@ -191,318 +189,84 @@
 %postun -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-video-firegl
 %depmod %{_kernel_ver}
-%post	-n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-firegl
-%depmod %{_kernel_ver}smp
-%postun -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-firegl
-%depmod %{_kernel_ver}smp
 %if %{with userspace}
+%doc ATI_LICENSE.TXT common%{_docdir}/fglrx/*.html common%{_docdir}/fglrx/articles common%{_docdir}/fglrx/user-manual 
+# common%{_docdir}/fglrx/release-notes 
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/ati/*
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/env.d/LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libGL.so.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libGL.so.1
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libGL.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libfglrx_dm.so.*.*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libfglrx_gamma.so.*.*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libfglrx_pp.so.*.*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libfglrx_tvout.so.*.*
-# Linux OpenGL ABI compatibility symlinks
-%attr(755,root,root) /usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so.1
-%attr(755,root,root) /usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so
-#%%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/dri/atiogl_a_dri.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/glesx.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/dri/fglrx_dri.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/linux/libfglrxdrm.so
-%doc ATI_LICENSE.TXT common%{_docdir}/fglrx/*.html common%{_docdir}/fglrx/articles common%{_docdir}/fglrx/release-notes common%{_docdir}/fglrx/user-manual
-# -devel
-#%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libfglrx_gamma.so
-# -static
+#%files devel
+#%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libfglrx_*so
+#%files static
 %if %{with kernel}
-%if %{with up} || %{without dist_kernel} || %{with desktop_kernel}
 %files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-video-firegl
-%if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
-%files -n kernel%{_alt_kernel}-smp-video-firegl
 %define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
 * %{date} PLD Team <feedback at pld-linux.org>
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
-Revision  2008/05/18 15:04:43  glen
-- convert to utf8
-Revision  2008-02-20 19:38:22  glen
-- release 63
-Revision  2008-02-15 01:29:33  glen
-- use kernel vermagic in deps
-Revision  2008-02-12 11:01:10  glen
-- release 61 (kernel-
-Revision  2008-01-28 09:33:20  glen
-- rel 60 (kernel-
-Revision  2008-01-21 08:28:14  glen
-- rel 59 (
-Revision  2008-01-18 12:26:08  glen
-- rel 58 (
-Revision  2007/11/06 21:11:10  glen
-- add desktop_kernel bcond to be able to build module for kernel-desktop.spec
-Revision  2007/11/06 18:28:31  glen
-- rel 57 (
-Revision  2007/11/04 20:22:05  glen
-- prefix src package with alt kernel if present
-Revision  2007/11/01 08:24:18  adamg
-- release 56 (rebuild against
-Revision  2007/10/22 20:41:53  glen
-- disable userspace for alt kernel
-Revision  2007/10/22 20:24:59  glen
-- unify kernel macros
-Revision  2007/10/15 08:26:44  glen
-- rel 55 (kernel
-Revision  2007/10/15 08:21:38  glen
-- rel drbd.spec (
-Revision  2007/10/01 21:25:45  glen
-- rel 54
-Revision  2007/09/30 22:17:50  adamg
-- release 53.1 (rebuild against
-Revision  2007/09/05 19:30:12  glen
-- rel 53 (kernel
-Revision  2007/06/04 08:09:08  glen
-- rel 52 (
-Revision  2007/05/11 06:38:50  glen
-- rel 51 (
-Revision  2007/05/08 12:10:09  glen
-- rel 50 (kernel
-Revision  2007/04/25 22:11:15  glen
-- rel 2 (kernel
-Revision  2007/04/20 09:37:08  matkor
-- Version 8.36.5-1. Build on
-Revision  2007/03/27 22:17:52  glen
-- rel 3 (kernel
-Revision  2007/03/15 23:31:49  glen
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.141  2007/01/01 14:34:08  matkor
-- Autoupdated to 8.32.5-1. Builds on kernel.
-Revision 1.140  2006/12/08 15:26:23  hawk
-- workaround for builder automation to allow building against
-  kernel-grsecurity (via bcond)
-- release 1
-Revision 1.139  2006/11/19 02:26:11  psz
-- up to 8.31.5
-Revision 1.138  2006/11/15 17:06:58  sparky
-- escape '\'
-Revision 1.137  2006/11/15 17:00:20  sparky
-- define GCC_VER_MAJ, should prevent gcc being detectted as version 64
-Revision 1.136  2006/11/14 20:36:21  sparky
-- BR: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.330 -- build_kernel_modules fix for kernels 2.6.18
-Revision 1.135  2006/11/13 14:51:45  sparky
-- don't use %{without ...}, it may not work after inverting bcond
-Revision 1.134  2006/11/13 12:41:56  sparky
-- use %build_kernel_modules, %install_kernel_modules (not tested)
-Revision 1.133  2006/11/02 13:46:16  matkor
-- Now builds on @
-Revision 1.132  2006/11/01 14:53:14  psz
-- up to 8.30.3
-Revision 1.131  2006/09/25 10:08:41  shadzik
-- 8.29.6
-- rel 0.1, will soon be tested
-Revision 1.130  2006/09/06 13:48:33  sparky
-- mass atack: -j1 for make scripts
-Revision 1.129  2006/08/31 18:17:34  glen
-- 8.28.8 (partial merge from xorg-driver-video-fglrx.spec)
-Revision 1.128  2006/08/31 17:38:36  glen
-- make -j1 for scripts
-Revision 1.127  2006/08/26 16:07:13  jackass
-- rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.308 (required by %{_alt_kernel})
-Revision 1.126  2006/08/21 14:33:04  areq
-- alternative kernel support
-Revision 1.125  2006/08/11 00:04:53  psz
-- up to 8.27.10
-Revision 1.124  2006/06/15 19:46:30  averne
-- 8.25.18
-- tested, works fine
-Revision 1.123  2006/04/22 13:51:27  baggins
-- merged changes from AC-branch
-Revision 1.122  2006/04/12 11:40:46  glen
-- kernel epoch, adapterized
-Revision  2006/04/22 13:48:09  baggins
-- release 1
-Revision  2006/04/22 13:42:31  baggins
-- updated to 8.24.8
-- spaces -> tabs
-Revision  2006/04/15 00:25:24  baggins
-- release 3
-- force enable support for kernel AGP drivers
-Revision 1.121  2006/03/17 22:03:24  glen
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.120  2006/03/10 00:20:40  psz
-- up to 8.23.7
-- rel 1
-Revision 1.119  2006/02/11 14:09:38  arekm
-- rel 2
-Revision 1.118  2006/02/09 22:08:00  wolf
-- sources available
-Revision 1.117  2006/02/08 16:29:30  wolf
-- 8.22.5, binaries will be available tomorrow
-Revision 1.116  2006/01/26 10:06:58  arekm
-- rel 4
-Revision 1.115  2006/01/12 19:06:37  arekm
-- rel 3
-Revision 1.114  2005/12/31 16:59:23  arekm
-- fixes from Patryk Szczygłowski
-Revision 1.113  2005/12/31 08:55:52  ciesiel
-- upgraded to new X.org 6.9.0 (by patryk szczyglowski and some fixes)
-Revision 1.112  2005/12/29 15:39:44  charles
-- pass C and CC to make
-Revision 1.111  2005/12/28 00:29:34  arekm
-- rel 1; proper requires
-Revision 1.110  2005/12/27 21:43:29  arekm
-- fix x11 requirements
-Revision 1.109  2005/12/21 17:22:16  charles
-- updated to 8.20.8 (by  Patryk Szczygłowski patryk @ patryk one pl)
-- removed obsolete -ioctl32.patch
-- added missing -fglrx_pp_proto.h
-- rel. 0.1 (need check x8664)
-Revision 1.108  2005/11/16 12:36:01  havner
-- package aticonfig binary
-  (suggested by Maciej Witaszek maciek2w at gmail dot com)
-Revision 1.107  2005/11/15 00:40:13  pluto
-- verify_area patch merged into firegl sources.
-Revision 1.106  2005/11/13 16:48:02  patrys
-- up to 8.19.10
-- temporarily commented out patch4 (not sure if still applicable)
-- rel. 0.1
-Revision 1.105  2005/11/06 07:06:04  paszczus
-- fetch Source1 ; rel 1.1
-Revision 1.104  2005/11/05 21:54:08  pluto
-- now it builds/works fine.
-Revision 1.103  2005/11/05 20:28:36  paszczus
-- updated to 8.18.8
-- Source{0,1} goes to DF
-- removed Patch4 (amd64 builds fine)
-- changes made by sebastian (at) oclab.ano.pl
-Revision 1.102  2005/09/23 21:24:33  pluto
-- fix x86-64 build (ioctl32 issue).
+Revision  2008/07/03 06:45:09  glen
+- merged 8.6 version from LINUX_2_6 branch, old one in LINUX_2_6_16 branch
-Revision 1.101  2005/09/15 18:25:04  sparky
-- prepared for kernel >= 2.6.13: link Module.symvers
+Revision  2008/06/20 07:59:51  matkor
+- Autoupdate to 8.6-1. At least builds on Ac kernel 2.6.22.
-Revision 1.100  2005/08/17 22:40:05  wolf
-- 8.16.20
+Revision  2008-03-12 07:22:44  matkor
+- Fixed typo in my pre last commit message.
-Revision 1.99  2005/07/31 15:58:45  glen
-- introduce some English here
+Revision  2008-03-12 07:12:42  matkor
+- Version 8.3-1. Works with 2.6.22.
-Revision 1.98  2005/07/31 15:01:49  jpc
-- escape %prep in comment
+Revision  2008-02-21 18:59:31  matkor
+- Version 8.2-1.
-Revision 1.97  2005/07/27 14:44:26  adamg
-- patches needed to compile firegl on 2.6.12 kernel - commented out for now
-  as I suspect these break things on < 2.6.12 kernels
+Revision  2008-02-21 07:47:41  matkor
+- Missing Source0-md5 added.
-Revision 1.96  2005/06/10 16:36:22  wolf
-- 8.14.13
+Revision  2008-02-21 07:36:16  matkor
+- Little cleaning.
-Revision 1.95  2005/05/29 18:28:01  paszczus
-- release 3 to rebuild with fixed viak8t patch
+Revision  2008-02-13 20:20:19  matkor
+- Version 8.1-1. Builds and works with My Radeon XPRESS 200M and kernel
-Revision 1.94  2005/05/11 13:22:05  qboosh
-- use x8664 macro
+Revision  2007-12-23 14:46:46  matkor
+- Version 7.12-1. Works with kernel
-Revision 1.93  2005/05/11 13:17:29  qboosh
-- use x8664 macro
+Revision  2007-12-22 16:16:19  matkor
+- Release 1. Added signature file. Seems to work with
-Revision 1.92  2005/05/08 15:18:19  pluto
-- missed %patchX for viak8t.patch added.
+Revision  2007/10/25 08:50:54  matkor
+- Version 8.40.4-0.1 .Builds on Ac/ Not tested yet.
-Revision 1.91  2005/05/08 12:08:21  pluto
-- via k8t support added (patch sent by Paweł M. Zaskórski).
-- release 2.
+Revision  2007/07/28 21:21:54  matkor
+- Version 8.39.4-0.1 for Ac with kernel 2.6.20. At least builds. Based on xorg-driver-video-fglrx.spec.

---- CVS-web:

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