SOURCES: (NEW) - script I am using to sort kernel con...

sparky sparky at
Sun Sep 28 02:37:42 CEST 2008

Author: sparky                       Date: Sun Sep 28 00:37:42 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- script I am using to sort kernel config files

---- Files affected:
SOURCES: (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/
--- /dev/null	Sun Sep 28 02:37:43 2008
+++ SOURCES/	Sun Sep 28 02:37:37 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+# Script used to sort kernel-*.config files.
+# Usage:
+#  ./ ../BUILD/linux-2.6.*/ kernel-multiarch.config
+#  ./ ../BUILD/linux-2.6.*/ -a x86 kernel-x86_84.config
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+my $dir = ( shift @ARGV ) || ".";
+my $arch;
+if ( $ARGV[0] eq "-a" ) {
+	shift @ARGV;
+	$arch = shift @ARGV;
+my $old_dir = $ENV{PWD};
+chdir $dir;
+my @Kconfig_list;
+my @Kconfig_arch;
+sub look_in
+	my $parent = shift;
+	my @files = glob $parent."*";
+	foreach ( @files ) {
+		if ( -d ) {
+			if ( $_ eq "Documentation" or $_ eq "build-done" ) {
+				warn "Skipping $_\n";
+				next;
+			}
+			look_in( $_ . '/' );
+			next;
+		}
+		if ( m#^.*/Kconfig# ) {
+			if ( m#^arch/# ) {
+				push @Kconfig_arch, $_;
+			} else {
+				push @Kconfig_list, $_;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+if ( $arch ) {
+	push @Kconfig_list, "arch/$arch/Kconfig";
+} else {
+	look_in("");
+	push @Kconfig_list, @Kconfig_arch;
+my %byFile;
+my %byName;
+sub add_Kconfig
+	my $file = shift;
+	my @maybe_add_source;
+	my @config_list;
+	unless ( -r $file ) {
+		warn "FILE $file does not exist\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	open my $f_in, '<', $file;
+	while ( <$f_in> ) {
+		if ( /^\s?(?:menu)?config\s+(.*?)`?\s*$/ ) {
+			if ( $byName{ $1 } ) {
+				warn "Warning: $file: $1 already defined in $byName{ $1 }\n";
+				next;
+			}
+			push @config_list, [ 'o', $1 ];
+			next;
+		}
+		if ( /^\s?comment\s+"(.*?)"\s*$/ ) {
+			push @config_list, [ 'c', $1 ];
+			next;
+		}
+		if ( /^\s*source\s+"(\S+?)"\s*$/ or /^\s*source\s+(\S+?)\s*$/) {
+			push @maybe_add_source, $1;
+			push @config_list, [ 's', $1 ];
+			next;
+		}
+	}
+	close $f_in;
+	$byFile{ $file } = \@config_list;
+	{
+		my %add;
+		@add{ @maybe_add_source } = ();
+		foreach ( @Kconfig_list ) {
+			delete $add{ $_ } if exists $add{ $_ };
+		}
+		if ( keys %add ) {
+			#warn "Adding more source files: " . ( join ", ", sort keys %add ) ."\n";
+			push @Kconfig_list, sort keys %add;
+		}
+	}
+	my $i;
+	for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar @Kconfig_list; $i++ ) {
+		my $file = $Kconfig_list[ $i ];
+		add_Kconfig( $file );
+	}
+my $arch_specific;
+unless ( $arch ) {
+	my @arch_specific;
+	foreach my $f ( sort keys %byFile ) {
+		next unless $f =~ /^arch/;
+		foreach my $line ( @{ $byFile{ $f } } ) {
+			push @arch_specific, $line->[1]
+				if $line->[0] eq 'o';
+		}
+		delete $byFile{ $f };
+	}
+	my @as = map { [ 'o', $_ ] } sort @arch_specific;
+	$arch_specific = \@as;
+chdir $old_dir;
+my $out_file = $ARGV[ $#ARGV ];
+my %setOptions;
+my $allowed_name = qr/[A-Za-z0-9_]+/;
+my $comment = "";
+while ( <> ) {
+	if ( /^#\*/ ) {
+		$comment .= $_;
+		next;
+	}
+	my $opt;
+	if ( /^# CONFIG_($allowed_name) is not set$/ ) {
+		$opt = $1;
+	}
+	if ( /^(?:CONFIG_)?($allowed_name)[=\s]/ ) {
+		$opt = $1;
+	}
+	unless ( $opt ) {
+		if ( /\S/ and !/^#-/ ) {
+			warn "Ignored line: $_";
+		}
+		next;
+	}
+	if ( exists $setOptions{ $opt } ) {
+		die "OPTION $opt REDEFINED";
+	}
+	chomp;
+	$setOptions{ $opt } = $comment . $_;
+	$comment = "";
+sub file_out
+	my $file = shift;
+	my $any_out = 0;
+	my @out;
+	push @out, "#-", "#- *** FILE: $file ***", "#-";
+	my $file_lines = $byFile{ $file };
+	foreach my $line ( @{$file_lines} ) {
+		my ($type, $data) = @$line;
+		if ( $type eq 'o' ) {
+			if ( exists $setOptions{ $data } ) {
+				push @out, $setOptions{ $data };
+				delete $setOptions{ $data };
+				$any_out = 1;
+			}
+		} elsif ( $type eq 'c' ) {
+			push @out, "#- $data";
+		} elsif ( $type eq 's' ) {
+			push @out, "#- file $data goes here";
+		}
+	}
+	if ( $any_out ) {
+		return "\n" . ( join "\n", @out ) . "\n";
+	}
+	return "";
+if ( $out_file ) {
+	open FILE_OUT, '>', $out_file;
+unless ( $arch ) {
+	my @out;
+	foreach my $f ( sort keys %byFile ) {
+		push @out, file_out( $f );
+	}
+	my $as_name = "arch/* - ARCH SPECIFIC OPTIONS";
+	$byFile{ $as_name } = $arch_specific;
+	unshift @out, file_out( $as_name );
+	print FILE_OUT @out;
+} else {
+	foreach my $f ( sort keys %byFile ) {
+		print FILE_OUT file_out( $f );
+	}
+if ( keys %setOptions ) {
+	print FILE_OUT "\n#-\n#- *** PROBABLY REMOVED OPTIONS ***\n#-\n";
+	foreach my $k ( sort keys %setOptions ) {
+		print FILE_OUT $setOptions{ $k } . "\n";
+	}

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