SOURCES: irssi-color_support_for_gui_entry.patch (NEW) - http://bugs.irssi....

jezik jezik at
Sat Nov 15 02:12:42 CET 2008

Author: jezik                        Date: Sat Nov 15 01:12:42 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:

---- Files affected:
   irssi-color_support_for_gui_entry.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/irssi-color_support_for_gui_entry.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/irssi-color_support_for_gui_entry.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sat Nov 15 02:12:42 2008
+++ SOURCES/irssi-color_support_for_gui_entry.patch	Sat Nov 15 02:12:36 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+Index: src/perl/textui/TextUI.xs
+--- src/perl/textui/TextUI.xs	(revision 4874)
++++ src/perl/textui/TextUI.xs	(working copy)
+@@ -123,6 +123,14 @@
+ 	gui_entry_set_text(active_entry, str);
++gui_input_color(pos, len, color)
++	int pos
++	int len
++	int color
++	gui_entry_set_color(active_entry, pos, len, color);
+ int
+ gui_input_get_pos()
+Index: src/fe-text/gui-entry.c
+--- src/fe-text/gui-entry.c	(revision 4874)
++++ src/fe-text/gui-entry.c	(working copy)
+@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
+ 	entry->text_alloc = nearest_power(entry->text_alloc+grow_size);
+ 	entry->text = g_realloc(entry->text,
+ 				sizeof(unichar) * entry->text_alloc);
++	entry->colors = g_realloc(entry->colors,
++	                        sizeof(int) * entry->text_alloc);
+ }
+ GUI_ENTRY_REC *gui_entry_create(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int utf8)
+@@ -73,11 +75,12 @@
+ 	rec = g_new0(GUI_ENTRY_REC, 1);
+ 	rec->xpos = xpos;
+ 	rec->ypos = ypos;
+-        rec->width = width;
+-        rec->text_alloc = 1024;
++	rec->width = width;
++	rec->text_alloc = 1024;
+ 	rec->text = g_new(unichar, rec->text_alloc);
+-        rec->text[0] = '\0';
+-        rec->utf8 = utf8;
++	rec->colors = g_new(int, rec->text_alloc);
++	rec->text[0] = '\0';
++	rec->utf8 = utf8;
+ 	return rec;
+ }
+@@ -88,7 +91,8 @@
+ 	if (active_entry == entry)
+ 		gui_entry_set_active(NULL);
+-        g_free(entry->text);
++	g_free(entry->text);
++	g_free(entry->colors);
+ 	g_free(entry->prompt);
+         g_free(entry);
+ }
+@@ -227,7 +231,8 @@
+ static void gui_entry_draw_from(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos)
+ {
+ 	const unichar *p;
+-	int xpos, end_xpos;
++	const int *c;
++	int xpos, end_xpos, color;
+ 	xpos = entry->xpos + entry->promptlen + 
+ 		pos2scrpos(entry, pos + entry->scrstart) - 
+@@ -237,12 +242,15 @@
+ 	if (xpos > end_xpos)
+                 return;
++	color = ATTR_RESET;
+ 	term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET);
+ 	term_move(root_window, xpos, entry->ypos);
+ 	p = entry->scrstart + pos < entry->text_len ?
+ 		entry->text + entry->scrstart + pos : empty_str;
+-	for (; *p != '\0'; p++) {
++	c = entry->scrstart + pos < entry->text_len ?
++		entry->colors + entry->scrstart + pos : 0;
++	for (; *p != '\0'; p++, c++) {
+ 		if (entry->hidden)
+ 			xpos++;
+ 		else if (term_type == TERM_TYPE_BIG5)
+@@ -255,6 +263,11 @@
+ 		if (xpos > end_xpos)
+ 			break;
++		if (*c != color) {
++			term_set_color(root_window, *c);
++			color = c;
++		}
+ 		if (entry->hidden)
+                         term_addch(root_window, ' ');
+ 		else if (unichar_isprint(*p))
+@@ -262,7 +275,7 @@
+ 		else {
+ 			term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET|ATTR_REVERSE);
+ 			term_addch(root_window, (*p & 127)+'A'-1);
+-			term_set_color(root_window, ATTR_RESET);
++			term_set_color(root_window, color);
+ 		}
+ 	}
+@@ -456,6 +469,10 @@
+ 	g_memmove(entry->text + entry->pos + len, entry->text + entry->pos,
+ 		  (entry->text_len-entry->pos + 1) * sizeof(unichar));
++	/* make space for the color */
++	g_memmove(entry->colors + entry->pos + len, entry->colors + entry->pos,
++	          (entry->text_len-entry->pos) * sizeof(int));
+ 	if (!entry->utf8) {
+ 		if (term_type == TERM_TYPE_BIG5) {
+ 			chr = entry->text[entry->pos + len];
+@@ -470,6 +487,10 @@
+ 		utf8_to_utf16(str, entry->text+entry->pos);
+                 entry->text[entry->pos+len] = chr;
+ 	}
++	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
++		entry->colors[entry->pos + i] = ATTR_RESET;
++	}
+ 	entry->text_len += len;
+         entry->pos += len;
+@@ -495,8 +516,13 @@
+ 	/* make space for the string */
+ 	g_memmove(entry->text + entry->pos + 1, entry->text + entry->pos,
+ 		  (entry->text_len-entry->pos + 1) * sizeof(unichar));
++	g_memmove(entry->colors + entry->pos + 1, entry->colors + entry->pos,
++	          (entry->text_len-entry->pos) * sizeof(int));
+ 	entry->text[entry->pos] = chr;
++	entry->colors[entry->pos] = ATTR_RESET;
+ 	entry->text_len++;
+         entry->pos++;
+@@ -571,8 +597,11 @@
+ 		w = cell_width(entry->text + entry->pos - size, entry->pos - size + 1)-1;
+ 	g_memmove(entry->text + entry->pos - size, entry->text + entry->pos,
+-		  (entry->text_len-entry->pos+1) * sizeof(unichar));
++	          (entry->text_len-entry->pos+1) * sizeof(unichar));
++	g_memmove(entry->colors+ entry->pos - size, entry->colors + entry->pos,
++	          (entry->text_len-entry->pos) * sizeof(int));
+ 	entry->pos -= size;
+         entry->text_len -= size;
+@@ -592,8 +621,11 @@
+ 		       mk_wcwidth(entry->text[entry->pos+size]) == 0) size++;
+ 	g_memmove(entry->text + entry->pos, entry->text + entry->pos + size,
+-		  (entry->text_len-entry->pos-size+1) * sizeof(unichar));
++	          (entry->text_len-entry->pos-size+1) * sizeof(unichar));
++	g_memmove(entry->colors + entry->pos, entry->colors + entry->pos + size,
++	          (entry->text_len-entry->pos-size) * sizeof(int));
+ 	entry->text_len -= size;
+ 	gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos);
+@@ -655,6 +687,7 @@
+ void gui_entry_transpose_chars(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry)
+ {
+         unichar chr;
++	int color;
+ 	if (entry->pos == 0 || entry->text_len < 2)
+                 return;
+@@ -666,7 +699,11 @@
+ 	chr = entry->text[entry->pos];
+ 	entry->text[entry->pos] = entry->text[entry->pos-1];
+         entry->text[entry->pos-1] = chr;
++	color = entry->colors[entry->pos];
++	entry->colors[entry->pos] = entry->colors[entry->pos-1];
++	entry->colors[entry->pos-1] = color;
+         entry->pos++;
+ 	gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, entry->pos-2);
+@@ -703,31 +740,50 @@
+ 	/* do wordswap if any found */
+ 	if (spos1 < epos1 && epos1 < spos2 && spos2 < epos2) {
+ 		unichar *first, *sep, *second;
++		int *first_color, *sep_color, *second_color;
+ 		int i;
+ 		first  = (unichar *) g_malloc( (epos1 - spos1) * sizeof(unichar) );
+ 		sep    = (unichar *) g_malloc( (spos2 - epos1) * sizeof(unichar) );
+ 		second = (unichar *) g_malloc( (epos2 - spos2) * sizeof(unichar) );
+-		for (i = spos1; i < epos1; i++)
++		first_color  = (int *) g_malloc( (epos1 - spos1) * sizeof(int) );
++		sep_color    = (int *) g_malloc( (spos2 - epos1) * sizeof(int) );
++		second_color = (int *) g_malloc( (epos2 - spos2) * sizeof(int) );
++		for (i = spos1; i < epos1; i++) {
+ 			first[i-spos1] = entry->text[i];
+-		for (i = epos1; i < spos2; i++)
++			first_color[i-spos1] = entry->colors[i];
++		}
++		for (i = epos1; i < spos2; i++) {
+ 			sep[i-epos1] = entry->text[i];
+-		for (i = spos2; i < epos2; i++)
++			sep_color[i-epos1] = entry->colors[i];
++		}
++		for (i = spos2; i < epos2; i++) {
+ 			second[i-spos2] = entry->text[i];
++			second_color[i-spos2] = entry->colors[i];
++		}
+ 		entry->pos = spos1;
+-		for (i = 0; i < epos2-spos2; i++)
++		for (i = 0; i < epos2-spos2; i++) {
+ 			entry->text[entry->pos++] = second[i];
+-		for (i = 0; i < spos2-epos1; i++)
++			entry->colors[entry->pos++] = second_color[i];
++		}
++		for (i = 0; i < spos2-epos1; i++) {
+ 			entry->text[entry->pos++] = sep[i];
+-		for (i = 0; i < epos1-spos1; i++)
++			entry->colors[entry->pos++] = sep_color[i];
++		}
++		for (i = 0; i < epos1-spos1; i++) {
+ 			entry->text[entry->pos++] = first[i];
++			entry->colors[entry->pos++] = first_color[i];
++		}
+ 		g_free(first);
+ 		g_free(sep);
+ 		g_free(second);
++		g_free(first_color);
++		g_free(sep_color);
++		g_free(second_color);
+ 	}
+ 	gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, spos1);
+@@ -895,3 +951,31 @@
+ 	gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry);
+ 	gui_entry_draw(entry);
+ }
++void gui_entry_set_color(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos, int len, int color)
++	int i, end, update = 0;
++	g_return_if_fail(entry != NULL);
++	if (pos > entry->text_len)
++		return;
++	end = pos + len;
++	if (end > entry->text_len)
++		end = entry->text_len;
++	for (i = pos; i < end; i++) {
++		if (entry->colors[i] != color) {
++			entry->colors[i] = color;
++			update = 1;
++		}
++	}
++	if (update) {
++		gui_entry_redraw_from(entry, pos);
++		gui_entry_fix_cursor(entry);
++		gui_entry_draw(entry);
++	}
+Index: src/fe-text/gui-entry.h
+--- src/fe-text/gui-entry.h	(revision 4874)
++++ src/fe-text/gui-entry.h	(working copy)
+@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+ typedef struct {
+ 	int text_len, text_alloc; /* as shorts, not chars */
+ 	unichar *text;
++	int *colors;
+         int cutbuffer_len;
+ 	unichar *cutbuffer;
+@@ -60,4 +61,6 @@
+ void gui_entry_redraw(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry);
++void gui_entry_set_color(GUI_ENTRY_REC *entry, int pos, int len, int color);
+ #endif

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