SOURCES: (NEW) - based on
pawelz at
Sun Feb 22 23:12:11 CET 2009
Author: pawelz Date: Sun Feb 22 22:12:11 2009 GMT
---- Log message:
- based on
---- Files affected:
SOURCES: (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/
--- /dev/null Sun Feb 22 23:12:12 2009
+++ SOURCES/ Sun Feb 22 23:12:06 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+my $exim = '/usr/bin/exim';
+# wrap 'exim -be' string expansion:
+# up and down arrows for history and history editing
+# ability to substitute certain variables so whole expansions can be tested
+use strict;
+use Term::ReadLine;
+my($p_name) = $0 =~ m|/?([^/]+)$|;
+my $p_version = "20050922.1";
+my $p_usage = "Usage: $p_name [--help|--version] (see --help for details)";
+my $p_cp = <<EOM;
+ Copyright (c) 2004-2005 John Jetmore <jj33\>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ext_usage(); # before we do anything else, check for --help
+my $term = Term::ReadLine->new('Exim Expansion Tester');
+my $OUT = $term->OUT() || *STDOUT;
+my %track = ();
+my $pr1 = 'expand> ';
+my $pr2 = '> ';
+my $cpr = $pr1;
+my $clear = 1;
+my $wstr;
+my $istr;
+#$SIG{INT} = sub { $wstr = ''; $istr = ''; $clear = 1};
+#$SIG{INT} = sub { $clear = 1; print STDERR "foo!\n"; };
+while (defined ($istr = $term->readline($cpr, ""))) {
+ #if ($clear) {
+ # $clear = 0;
+ # $wstr = '';
+ # $istr = '';
+ #}
+ next if (!$istr);
+ if ($istr =~ /^\./) {
+ if ($istr =~ /^\.(quit|exit)\b/) {
+ exit;
+ } elsif ($istr =~ /^\.clear\b/) {
+ $wstr = '';
+ $cpr = $pr1;
+ next;
+ } elsif ($istr =~ /^\.track (\S+)(?: (.*))?$/) {
+ my $var = $1;
+ my $val = $2;
+ $track{$var}{on} = 1;
+ if (!$val && !$track{$var}{val}) {
+ $track{$var}{val} = "";
+ } else {
+ $track{$var}{val} = $val;
+ }
+ } elsif ($istr =~ /^\.untrack (\S+)/) {
+ $track{$1}{on} = 0;
+ } elsif ($istr =~ /^\.unset (\S+)/) {
+ delete($track{$1});
+ } elsif ($istr =~ /^\.showvar(?: (\S+))?/) {
+ my $var = $1;
+ if ($var && !$track{$var}) {
+ print $OUT "The variable $var is not set\n";
+ } elsif (!scalar(keys(%track))) {
+ print $OUT "No variables are being tracked\n";
+ } else {
+ printf $OUT "%3s %-20s \"%s\"\n", "On?", "Name", "Value";
+ my @keys = $var ? ($var) : (sort keys %track);
+ foreach my $k (@keys) {
+ printf $OUT "%3s %-20s \"%s\"\n", $track{$k}{on} ? 'Y' : 'N',
+ $k, $track{$k}{val};
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ print $OUT "command unrecognized\n";
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ $wstr .= $istr;
+ if ($istr =~ m|\\$| && $istr !~ m|^\\\\| && $istr !~ m|[^\\]\\\\|) {
+ $cpr = $pr2;
+ #$wstr =~ s|\\$|\\\n|g;
+ $wstr =~ s|\\$||g;
+ } else {
+ $cpr = $pr1;
+ my $eval = $wstr;
+ # XXX header expansion (ending in :) is missing here
+ foreach my $var (keys %track) {
+ next if (!$track{$var}{on});
+ if ($var =~ /^r?h(eader)?_/) {
+ #print STDERR "header hit on $var\n";
+ $eval =~ s|\$$var:|$track{$var}{val}|g;
+ }
+ $eval =~ s|\$$var\b|$track{$var}{val}|g;
+ $eval =~ s|\${$var}|$track{$var}{val}|g;
+ }
+ print $OUT "Evaluating: $eval\n";
+ system($exim, '-be', $eval);
+ $term->addhistory($wstr);
+ $wstr = '';
+ }
+print "\n";
+sub ext_usage {
+ if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--help$/i) {
+ require Config;
+ $ENV{PATH} .= ":" unless $ENV{PATH} eq "";
+ $ENV{PATH} = "$ENV{PATH}$Config::Config{'installscript'}";
+ #exec("perldoc", "-F", "-U", $0) || exit 1;
+ $< = $> = 1 if ($> == 0 || $< == 0);
+ exec("perldoc", $0) || exit 1;
+ # make parser happy
+ %Config::Config = ();
+ } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ /^--version$/i) {
+ print "$p_name version $p_version\n\n$p_cp\n";
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ exit(0);
+=head1 NAME
+exixpand - Wrap exim -be, providing readline and variable substitution
+=head1 USAGE
+exixpand [--help|--version]
+exixpand (pronounced exi-spand) is a wrapper for exim's expansion testing function (-be). It provides readline support via perl's Term::ReadLine module and also provides variable interpolations. The main intention of being able to track variables is to be able to test different values for variables without modifying the expansion string. The idea is to be able to test expansion strings that can be copied verbatim into a config file with different variable values.
+Any text that starts with a "." is a command that is handled by exixpand itself. These commands are explained in more detail below. Any other text is passed to 'exim -be' and the result is displayed.
+=head1 COMMANDS
+=over 4
+=item .track <variable> [<value>]
+This causes exixpand to mark <variable> for interpolation in passed in strings. <variable> should not contain any spaces and should not start with a dollar sign (though it should when used in an expansion string). <variable> does not need to be the same as an internal exim expansion variable.
+<value> is optional. Leaving it blank will either set an empty variable or cause a previously set but untracked variable to be tracked (see .untrack below for details).
+=item .untrack <variable>
+.untrack causes exixpand to save the value for <variable> but stop interpolating it in strings. It can be reactivated using .track. This functionality is provided so that interpolation can be turned off without having to lose potentially complex or lengthy values.
+=item .unset <variable>
+.unset causes exixpand to completely forget about <variable>.
+=item .showvar [<variable>]
+.showvar shows the value of a tracked variable and whether it is currently active or not. If no <variable> is provided all variables are displayed.
+=item .exit, .quit, ^D
+Exit exixpand. Note that some bug seems to cause EOF not to be received properly in some perl versions. I've tried multiple versions of perl on Linux, Solaris, and Darwin, and 5.6.1 consistantly fails to recognize EOF.
+=item .clear, ^C
+Reset internal state (empty multiline buffers).
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+Test an ${if test against $sender_helo_name. Use of $GOODHELO and $BADHELO is done to demonstrate nested variable interpolation.
+ expand> .track BADHELO
+ expand> .track GOODHELO
+ expand> .track sender_helo_name $GOODHELO
+ expand> $sender_helo_name
+ Evaluating:
+ expand> ${if match{$sender_helo_name}{^.*_}{yes}fail}
+ Evaluating: ${if match{}{^.*_}{yes}fail}
+ Failed: "if" failed and "fail" requested
+ expand> .track sender_helo_name $BADHELO
+ expand> ${if match{$sender_helo_name}{^.*_}{yes}fail}
+ Evaluating: ${if match{}{^.*_}{yes}fail}
+ yes
+ expand>
+This is a contrived example showing how you can use variable interpolation to make complicated expansions more simple. It uses small pieces to build up to a failry complicated expansion string which can be paste directly into a configuration file. (This specific example finds the number of seconds since midnight localtime.)
+ expand> .track HOUR ${substr{11}{2}{$tod_log}}
+ expand> $HOUR
+ Evaluating: ${substr{11}{2}{$tod_log}}
+ 21
+ expand> .track SECS_IN_HOUR ${eval:$HOUR*3600}
+ expand> $SECS_IN_HOUR
+ Evaluating: ${eval:${substr{11}{2}{$tod_log}}*3600}
+ 75600
+ expand> .track BASE_SECS ${eval:3600*${eval:$tod_epoch/3600}}
+ expand> $BASE_SECS
+ Evaluating: ${eval:3600*${eval:$tod_epoch/3600}}
+ 1101438000
+ expand> .track REMAINING_SECS ${eval:$tod_epoch-$BASE_SECS}
+ expand> .showvar
+ On? Name "Value"
+ Y BASE_SECS "${eval:3600*${eval:$tod_epoch/3600}}"
+ Y HOUR "${substr{11}{2}{$tod_log}}"
+ Y REMAINING_SECS "${eval:$tod_epoch-$BASE_SECS}"
+ Y SECS_IN_HOUR "${eval:$HOUR*3600}"
+ expand> ${eval:$SECS_IN_HOUR + $REMAINING_SECS}
+ Evaluating: ${eval:${eval:${substr{11}{2}{$tod_log}}*3600} + ${eval:$tod_epoch-${eval:3600*${eval:$tod_epoch/3600}}}}
+ 77742
+ expand>
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