SOURCES: (NEW) - from

pawelz pawelz at
Sun Feb 22 23:35:22 CET 2009

Author: pawelz                       Date: Sun Feb 22 22:35:22 2009 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- from

---- Files affected:
SOURCES: (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/
--- /dev/null	Sun Feb 22 23:35:23 2009
+++ SOURCES/	Sun Feb 22 23:35:17 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,1777 @@
+my $spool   = '/var/spool/exim';
+my $charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
+# use 'exipick --help' to view documentation for this program.
+# Documentation also viewable online at
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+my($p_name)   = $0 =~ m|/?([^/]+)$|;
+my $p_version = "20061117.2";
+my $p_usage   = "Usage: $p_name [--help|--version] (see --help for details)";
+my $p_cp      = <<EOM;
+        Copyright (c) 2003-2006 John Jetmore <jj33\>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ext_usage(); # before we do anything else, check for --help
+$| = 1; # unbuffer STDOUT
+  'spool=s'     => \$G::spool,      # exim spool dir
+  'bp'          => \$G::mailq_bp,   # List the queue (noop - default)
+  'bpa'         => \$G::mailq_bpa,  # ... with generated address as well
+  'bpc'         => \$G::mailq_bpc,  # ... but just show a count of messages
+  'bpr'         => \$G::mailq_bpr,  # ... do not sort
+  'bpra'        => \$G::mailq_bpra, # ... with generated addresses, unsorted
+  'bpru'        => \$G::mailq_bpru, # ... only undelivered addresses, unsorted
+  'bpu'         => \$G::mailq_bpu,  # ... only undelivered addresses
+  'and'         => \$G::and,        # 'and' the criteria (default)
+  'or'          => \$G::or,         # 'or' the criteria
+  'f=s'         => \$G::qgrep_f,    # from regexp
+  'r=s'         => \$G::qgrep_r,    # recipient regexp
+  's=s'         => \$G::qgrep_s,    # match against size field
+  'y=s'         => \$G::qgrep_y,    # message younger than (secs)
+  'o=s'         => \$G::qgrep_o,    # message older than (secs)
+  'z'           => \$G::qgrep_z,    # frozen only
+  'x'           => \$G::qgrep_x,    # non-frozen only
+  'c'           => \$G::qgrep_c,    # display match count
+  'l'           => \$G::qgrep_l,    # long format (default)
+  'i'           => \$G::qgrep_i,    # message ids only
+  'b'           => \$G::qgrep_b,    # brief format
+  'size'        => \$G::size_only,  # sum the size of the matching msgs
+  'not'         => \$G::negate,     # flip every test
+  'R|reverse'   => \$G::reverse,    # reverse output (-R is qgrep option)
+  'sort=s'      => \@G::sort,       # allow you to choose variables to sort by
+  'freeze=s'    => \$G::freeze,     # freeze data in this file
+  'thaw=s'      => \$G::thaw,       # thaw data from this file
+  'unsorted'    => \$G::unsorted,   # unsorted, regardless of output format
+  'random'      => \$G::random,     # (poorly) randomize evaluation order
+  'flatq'       => \$G::flatq,      # brief format
+  'caseful'     => \$G::caseful,    # in '=' criteria, respect case
+  'caseless'    => \$G::caseless,   #   ...ignore case (default)
+  'charset=s'   => \$charset,       # charset for $bh and $h variables
+  'show-vars=s' => \$G::show_vars,  # display the contents of these vars
+  'just-vars'   => \$G::just_vars,  # only display vars, no other info
+  'show-rules'  => \$G::show_rules, # display compiled match rules
+  'show-tests'  => \$G::show_tests  # display tests as applied to each message
+) || exit(1);
+# if both freeze and thaw specified, only thaw as it is less desctructive
+$G::freeze = undef               if ($G::freeze && $G::thaw);
+freeze_start()                   if ($G::freeze);
+thaw_start()                     if ($G::thaw);
+# massage sort options (make '$var,Var:' be 'var','var')
+for (my $i = scalar(@G::sort)-1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
+  $G::sort[$i] = lc($G::sort[$i]);
+  $G::sort[$i] =~ s/[\$:\s]//g;
+  if ((my @vars = split(/,/, $G::sort[$i])) > 1) {
+    $G::sort[$i] = $vars[0]; shift(@vars); # replace current slot w/ first var
+    splice(@G::sort, $i+1, 0, @vars);      # add other vars after current pos
+  }
+push(@G::sort, "message_exim_id") if (@G::sort);
+die "empty value provided to --sort not allowed, exiting\n"
+    if (grep /^\s*$/, @G::sort);
+# massage the qgrep options into standard criteria
+push(@ARGV, "\$sender_address     =~ /$G::qgrep_f/") if ($G::qgrep_f);
+push(@ARGV, "\$recipients         =~ /$G::qgrep_r/") if ($G::qgrep_r);
+push(@ARGV, "\$shown_message_size eq $G::qgrep_s")   if ($G::qgrep_s);
+push(@ARGV, "\$message_age        <  $G::qgrep_y")   if ($G::qgrep_y);
+push(@ARGV, "\$message_age        >  $G::qgrep_o")   if ($G::qgrep_o);
+push(@ARGV, "\$deliver_freeze")                      if ($G::qgrep_z);
+push(@ARGV, "!\$deliver_freeze")                     if ($G::qgrep_x);
+$G::mailq_bp        = $G::mailq_bp;        # shut up -w
+$G::and             = $G::and;             # shut up -w
+$G::msg_ids         = {};                  # short circuit when crit is only MID
+$G::caseless        = $G::caseful ? 0 : 1; # nocase by default, case if both
+ at G::recipients_crit = ();                  # holds per-recip criteria
+$spool              = $G::spool if ($G::spool);
+my $count_only      = 1 if ($G::mailq_bpc  || $G::qgrep_c);
+my $unsorted        = 1 if ($G::mailq_bpr  || $G::mailq_bpra ||
+                            $G::mailq_bpru || $G::unsorted);
+my $msg             = $G::thaw ? thaw_message_list()
+                               : get_all_msgs($spool, $unsorted,
+                                              $G::reverse, $G::random);
+die "Problem accessing thaw file\n" if ($G::thaw && !$msg);
+my $crit            = process_criteria(\@ARGV);
+my $e               = Exim::SpoolFile->new();
+my $tcount          = 0 if ($count_only);  # holds count of all messages
+my $mcount          = 0 if ($count_only);  # holds count of matching messages
+my $total_size      = 0 if ($G::size_only);
+$e->set_undelivered_only(1)      if ($G::mailq_bpru || $G::mailq_bpu);
+$e->set_show_generated(1)        if ($G::mailq_bpra || $G::mailq_bpa);
+$e->output_long()                if ($G::qgrep_l);
+$e->output_idonly()              if ($G::qgrep_i);
+$e->output_brief()               if ($G::qgrep_b);
+$e->output_flatq()               if ($G::flatq);
+$e->output_vars_only()           if ($G::just_vars && $G::show_vars);
+$e->set_show_vars($G::show_vars) if ($G::show_vars);
+foreach my $m (@$msg) {
+  next if (scalar(keys(%$G::msg_ids)) && !$G::or
+                                      && !$G::msg_ids->{$m->{message}});
+  if ($G::thaw) {
+    my $data = thaw_data();
+    if (!$e->restore_state($data)) {
+      warn "Couldn't thaw $data->{_message}: ".$e->error()."\n";
+      next MSG;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (!$e->parse_message($m->{message}, $m->{path})) {
+      warn "Couldn't parse $m->{message}: ".$e->error()."\n";
+      next MSG;
+    }
+  }
+  $tcount++;
+  my $match = 0;
+  my @local_crit = ();
+  foreach my $c (@G::recipients_crit) {              # handle each_recip* vars
+    foreach my $addr (split(/, /, $e->get_var($c->{var}))) {
+      my %t = ( 'cmp' => $c->{cmp}, 'var' => $c->{var} );
+      $t{cmp} =~ s/"?\$var"?/'$addr'/;
+      push(@local_crit, \%t);
+    }
+  }
+  if ($G::show_tests) { print $e->get_var('message_exim_id'), "\n"; }
+  foreach my $c (@$crit, @local_crit) {
+    my $var = $e->get_var($c->{var});
+    my $ret = eval($c->{cmp});
+    if ($G::show_tests) {
+      printf "  %25s =  '%s'\n  %25s => $ret\n",$c->{var},$var,$c->{cmp},$ret;
+    }
+    if ($@) {
+      print STDERR "Error in eval '$c->{cmp}': $@\n";
+      next MSG;
+    } elsif ($ret) {
+      $match = 1;
+      if ($G::or) { last CRITERIA; }
+      else        { next CRITERIA; }
+    } else { # no match
+      if ($G::or) { next CRITERIA; }
+      else        { next MSG;      }
+    }
+  }
+  # skip this message if any criteria were supplied and it didn't match
+  next MSG if ((scalar(@$crit) || scalar(@local_crit)) && !$match);
+  if ($count_only || $G::size_only) {
+    $mcount++;
+    $total_size += $e->get_var('message_size');
+  } else {
+    if (@G::sort) {
+      # if we are defining criteria to sort on, save the message here.  If
+      # we don't save here and do the sort later, we have a chicken/egg
+      # problem
+      push(@G::to_print, { vars => {}, output => "" });
+      foreach my $var (@G::sort) {
+        # save any values we want to sort on.  I don't like doing the internal
+        # struct access here, but calling get_var a bunch can be _slow_ =(
+        $G::sort_type{$var} ||= '<=>';
+        $G::to_print[-1]{vars}{$var} = $e->{_vars}{$var};
+        $G::sort_type{$var} = 'cmp' if ($G::to_print[-1]{vars}{$var} =~ /\D/);
+      }
+      $G::to_print[-1]{output} = $e->format_message();
+    } else {
+      print $e->format_message();
+    }
+  }
+  if ($G::freeze) {
+    freeze_data($e->get_state());
+    push(@G::frozen_msgs, $m);
+  }
+if (@G::to_print) {
+  msg_sort(\@G::to_print, \@G::sort, $G::reverse);
+  foreach my $msg (@G::to_print) {
+    print $msg->{output};
+  }
+if ($G::qgrep_c) {
+  print "$mcount matches out of $tcount messages" .
+        ($G::size_only ? " ($total_size)" : "") . "\n";
+} elsif ($G::mailq_bpc) {
+  print "$mcount" .  ($G::size_only ? " ($total_size)" : "") . "\n";
+} elsif ($G::size_only) {
+  print "$total_size\n";
+if ($G::freeze) {
+  freeze_message_list(\@G::frozen_msgs);
+  freeze_end();
+} elsif ($G::thaw) {
+  thaw_end();
+# sender_address_domain,shown_message_size
+sub msg_sort {
+  my $msgs    = shift;
+  my $vars    = shift;
+  my $reverse = shift;
+  my @pieces = ();
+  foreach my $v (@G::sort) {
+    push(@pieces, "\$a->{vars}{\"$v\"} $G::sort_type{$v} \$b->{vars}{\"$v\"}");
+  }
+  my $sort_str = join(" || ", @pieces);
+  @$msgs = sort { eval $sort_str } (@$msgs);
+  @$msgs = reverse(@$msgs) if ($reverse);
+sub try_load {
+  my $mod = shift;
+  eval("use $mod");
+  return $@ ? 0 : 1;
+# message_data_bytes
+# message_data
+# <...>
+# EOM
+# message_list
+# message_list_bytes <- 10 bytes, zero-packed, plus \n
+sub freeze_start {
+  eval("use Storable");
+  die "Storable module not found: $@\n" if ($@);
+  open(O, ">$G::freeze") || die "Can't open freeze file $G::freeze: $!\n";
+  $G::freeze_handle = \*O;
+sub freeze_end {
+  close($G::freeze_handle);
+sub thaw_start {
+  eval("use Storable");
+  die "Storable module not found: $@\n" if ($@);
+  open(I, "<$G::thaw") || die "Can't open freeze file $G::thaw: $!\n";
+  $G::freeze_handle = \*I;
+sub thaw_end {
+  close($G::freeze_handle);
+sub freeze_data {
+  my $h = Storable::freeze($_[0]);
+  print $G::freeze_handle length($h)+1, "\n$h\n";
+sub freeze_message_list {
+  my $h = Storable::freeze($_[0]);
+  my $l = length($h) + 1;
+  printf $G::freeze_handle "EOM\n$l\n$h\n%010d\n", $l+11+length($l)+1;
+sub thaw_message_list {
+  my $orig_pos = tell($G::freeze_handle);
+  seek($G::freeze_handle, -11, 2);
+  chomp(my $bytes = <$G::freeze_handle>);
+  seek($G::freeze_handle, $bytes * -1, 2);
+  my $obj = thaw_data();
+  seek($G::freeze_handle, 0, $orig_pos);
+  return($obj);
+sub thaw_data {
+  my $obj;
+  chomp(my $bytes = <$G::freeze_handle>);
+  return(undef) if (!$bytes || $bytes eq 'EOM');
+  my $read = read(I, $obj, $bytes);
+  die "Format error in thaw file (expected $bytes bytes, got $read)\n"
+      if ($bytes != $read);
+  chomp($obj);
+  return(Storable::thaw($obj));
+sub process_criteria {
+  my $a = shift;
+  my @c = ();
+  my $e = 0;
+  foreach (@$a) {
+    foreach my $t ('@') { s/$t/\\$t/g; }
+    if (/^(.*?)\s+(<=|>=|==|!=|<|>)\s+(.*)$/) {
+      #print STDERR "found as integer\n";
+      my $v = $1; my $o = $2; my $n = $3;
+      if    ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)M$/)  { $n = $1 * 1024 * 1024; }
+      elsif ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)K$/)  { $n = $1 * 1024; }
+      elsif ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)B?$/) { $n = $1; }
+      elsif ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)d$/)  { $n = $1 * 60 * 60 * 24; }
+      elsif ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)h$/)  { $n = $1 * 60 * 60; }
+      elsif ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)m$/)  { $n = $1 * 60; }
+      elsif ($n =~ /^(-?[\d\.]+)s?$/) { $n = $1; }
+      else {
+        print STDERR "Expression $_ did not parse: numeric comparison with ",
+                     "non-number\n";
+        $e = 1;
+        next;
+      }
+      push(@c, { var => lc($v), cmp => "(\$var $o $n)" });
+    } elsif (/^(.*?)\s+(=~|!~)\s+(.*)$/) {
+      #print STDERR "found as string regexp\n";
+      push(@c, { var => lc($1), cmp => "(\"\$var\" $2 $3)" });
+    } elsif (/^(.*?)\s+=\s+(.*)$/) {
+      #print STDERR "found as bare string regexp\n";
+      my $case = $G::caseful ? '' : 'i';
+      push(@c, { var => lc($1), cmp => "(\"\$var\" =~ /$2/$case)" });
+      # quote special characters in perl text string
+      #foreach my $t ('@') { $c[-1]{cmp} =~ s/$t/\\$t/g; }
+    } elsif (/^(.*?)\s+(eq|ne)\s+(.*)$/) {
+      #print STDERR "found as string cmp\n";
+      my $var = lc($1); my $op = $2; my $val = $3;
+      $val =~ s|^(['"])(.*)\1$|$2|;
+      push(@c, { var => $var, cmp => "(\"\$var\" $op \"$val\")" });
+      if (($var eq 'message_id' || $var eq 'message_exim_id') && $op eq "eq") {
+        #print STDERR "short circuit @c[-1]->{cmp} $val\n";
+        $G::msg_ids->{$val} = 1;
+      }
+      #foreach my $t ('@') { $c[-1]{cmp} =~ s/$t/\\$t/g; }
+    } elsif (/^(\S+)$/) {
+      #print STDERR "found as boolean\n";
+      push(@c, { var => lc($1), cmp => "(\$var)" });
+    } else {
+      print STDERR "Expression $_ did not parse\n";
+      $e = 1;
+      next;
+    }
+    # assign the results of the cmp test here (handle "!" negation)
+    # also handle global --not negation
+    if ($c[-1]{var} =~ s|^!||) {
+      $c[-1]{cmp} .= $G::negate ? " ? 1 : 0" : " ? 0 : 1";
+    } else {
+      $c[-1]{cmp} .= $G::negate ? " ? 0 : 1" : " ? 1 : 0";
+    }
+    # support the each_* psuedo variables.  Steal the criteria off of the
+    # queue for special processing later
+    if ($c[-1]{var} =~ /^each_(recipients(_(un)?del)?)$/) {
+      my $var = $1;
+      push(@G::recipients_crit,pop(@c));
+      $G::recipients_crit[-1]{var} = $var; # remove each_ from the variable
+    }
+  }
+  exit(1) if ($e);
+  if ($G::show_rules) { foreach (@c) { print "$_->{var}\t$_->{cmp}\n"; } }
+  return(\@c);
+sub get_all_msgs {
+  my $d = shift() . '/input';
+  my $u = shift; # don't sort
+  my $r = shift; # right before returning, reverse order
+  my $o = shift; # if true, randomize list order before returning
+  my @m = ();
+  opendir(D, "$d") || die "Couldn't opendir $d: $!\n";
+  foreach my $e (grep !/^\./, readdir(D)) {
+    if ($e =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]$/) {
+      opendir(DD, "$d/$e") || next;
+      foreach my $f (grep !/^\./, readdir(DD)) {
+        push(@m, { message => $1, path => "$d/$e" }) if ($f =~ /^(.{16})-H$/);
+      }
+      closedir(DD);
+    } elsif ($e =~ /^(.{16})-H$/) {
+      push(@m, { message => $1, path => $d });
+    }
+  }
+  closedir(D);
+  if ($o) {
+    my $c = scalar(@m);
+    # loop twice to pretend we're doing a good job of mixing things up
+    for (my $i = 0; $i < 2 * $c; $i++) {
+      my $rand = int(rand($c));
+      ($m[$i % $c],$m[$rand]) = ($m[$rand],$m[$i % $c]);
+    }
+  } elsif (!$u) {
+    @m = sort { $a->{message} cmp $b->{message} } @m;
+  }
+  @m = reverse(@m) if ($r);
+  return(\@m);
+package Exim::SpoolFile;
+# versions 4.61 and higher will not need these variables anymore, but they
+# are left for handling legacy installs
+$Exim::SpoolFile::ACL_C_MAX_LEGACY = 10;
+#$Exim::SpoolFile::ACL_M_MAX _LEGACY= 10;
+sub new {
+  my $class = shift;
+  my $self  = {};
+  bless($self, $class);
+  $self->{_spool_dir}        = '';
+  $self->{_undelivered_only} = 0;
+  $self->{_show_generated}   = 0;
+  $self->{_output_long}      = 1;
+  $self->{_output_idonly}    = 0;
+  $self->{_output_brief}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_flatq}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_vars_only} = 0;
+  $self->{_show_vars}        = [];
+  $self->_reset();
+  return($self);
+sub output_long {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_output_long}      = 1;
+  $self->{_output_idonly}    = 0;
+  $self->{_output_brief}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_flatq}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_vars_only} = 0;
+sub output_idonly {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_output_long}      = 0;
+  $self->{_output_idonly}    = 1;
+  $self->{_output_brief}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_flatq}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_vars_only} = 0;
+sub output_brief {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_output_long}      = 0;
+  $self->{_output_idonly}    = 0;
+  $self->{_output_brief}     = 1;
+  $self->{_output_flatq}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_vars_only} = 0;
+sub output_flatq {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_output_long}      = 0;
+  $self->{_output_idonly}    = 0;
+  $self->{_output_brief}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_flatq}     = 1;
+  $self->{_output_vars_only} = 0;
+sub output_vars_only {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_output_long}      = 0;
+  $self->{_output_idonly}    = 0;
+  $self->{_output_brief}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_flatq}     = 0;
+  $self->{_output_vars_only} = 1;
+sub set_show_vars {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $s    = shift;
+  foreach my $v (split(/\s*,\s*/, $s)) {
+    push(@{$self->{_show_vars}}, $v);
+  }
+sub set_show_generated {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_show_generated} = shift;
+sub set_undelivered_only {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_undelivered_only} = shift;
+sub error {
+  my $self = shift;
+  return $self->{_error};
+sub _error {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_error} = shift;
+  return(undef);
+sub _reset {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->{_error}       = '';
+  $self->{_delivered}   = 0;
+  $self->{_message}     = '';
+  $self->{_path}        = '';
+  $self->{_vars}        = {};
+  $self->{_vars_raw}    = {};
+  $self->{_numrecips}   = 0;
+  $self->{_udel_tree}   = {};
+  $self->{_del_tree}    = {};
+  $self->{_recips}      = {};
+  return($self);
+sub parse_message {
+  my $self = shift;
+  $self->_reset();
+  $self->{_message} = shift || return(0);
+  $self->{_path}    = shift; # optional path to message
+  return(0) if (!$self->{_spool_dir});
+  if (!$self->{_path} && !$self->_find_path()) {
+    # assume the message was delivered from under us and ignore
+    $self->{_delivered} = 1;
+    return(1);
+  }
+  $self->_parse_header() || return(0);
+  return(1);
+# take the output of get_state() and set up a message internally like
+# parse_message (except from a saved data struct, not by parsing the
+# files on disk).
+sub restore_state {
+  my $self = shift;
+  my $h    = shift;
+  return(1) if ($h->{_delivered});
+  $self->_reset();
+  $self->{_message} = $h->{_message} || return(0);
+  return(0) if (!$self->{_spool_dir});
+  $self->{_path}      = $h->{_path};
+  $self->{_vars}      = $h->{_vars};
+  $self->{_numrecips} = $h->{_numrecips};
+  $self->{_udel_tree} = $h->{_udel_tree};
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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