PLDWWW: Docs/xorg

glen glen at
Wed Feb 25 22:34:09 CET 2009

Author: glen   Date: Wed Feb 25 21:34:09 2009 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:
poldek -u works better

---- Page affected: Docs/xorg

---- Diffs:

The comment on the change is:
poldek -u works better

  # backup xorg.conf, and then
  rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf
  # install drivers
- poldek -i xorg-driver-video-$YOUR_VIDEO_DRIVER
+ poldek -u xorg-driver-video-$YOUR_VIDEO_DRIVER
- poldek -i xorg-driver-input-evdev
+ poldek -u xorg-driver-input-evdev
  # install hal and dbus
- poldek -i hal dbus
+ poldek -u hal dbus
  # and the most important step for mouse and keyboard (-:
+ service messagebus start
  service haldaemon start
  # test it

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