packages: awesome-plugin-rodentbane/rodentbane.lua (NEW) - initial PLD release

pawelz pawelz at
Thu Jul 2 22:44:52 CEST 2009

Author: pawelz                       Date: Thu Jul  2 20:44:52 2009 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- initial PLD release

---- Files affected:
   rodentbane.lua (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/awesome-plugin-rodentbane/rodentbane.lua
diff -u /dev/null packages/awesome-plugin-rodentbane/rodentbane.lua:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Jul  2 22:44:52 2009
+++ packages/awesome-plugin-rodentbane/rodentbane.lua	Thu Jul  2 22:44:47 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+-- @author Lucas de Vries <lucas at>
+-- @copyright 2009-2010 Lucas de Vries
+-- Licensed under the WTFPL
+-- Load awful
+-- Load beautiful
+---- {{{ Grab environment
+local ipairs = ipairs
+local pairs = pairs
+local print = print
+local type = type
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local tostring = tostring
+local unpack = unpack
+local math = math
+local table = table
+local awful = awful
+local os = os
+local io = io
+local string = string
+local awful = awful
+local beautiful = beautiful
+-- Grab C API
+local capi =
+    root = root,
+    awesome = awesome,
+    screen = screen,
+    client = client,
+    mouse = mouse,
+    button = button,
+    titlebar = titlebar,
+    widget = widget,
+    hooks = hooks,
+    keygrabber = keygrabber,
+    wibox = wibox,
+    widget = widget,
+-- }}}
+--- Utilities for controlling the cursor
+-- Local data
+local bindings = {}
+local history = {}
+local current = nil
+local wiboxes = nil
+--- Create the wiboxes to display.
+function init()
+    -- Wiboxes table
+    wiboxes = {}
+    -- Borders
+    local borders = {"horiz", "vert", "left", "right", "top", "bottom"}
+    -- Create wibox for each border
+    for i, border in ipairs(borders) do
+        wiboxes[border] = capi.wibox({
+            position = "floating",
+            bg = beautiful.rodentbane_bg or beautiful.border_focus or "#C50B0B",
+            ontop = true,
+        })
+    end
+--- Draw the guidelines on screen using wiboxes.
+-- @param area The area of the screen to draw on, defaults to current area.
+function draw(area)
+    -- Default to current area
+    local ar = area or current
+    -- Get numbers
+    local rwidth = beautiful.rodentbane_width or 2
+    -- Stop if the area is too small
+    if ar.width < rwidth*3 or ar.height < rwidth*3 then
+        stop()
+        return false
+    end
+    -- Put the wiboxes on the correct screen
+    for border, box in pairs(wiboxes) do
+        box.screen = ar.screen
+    end
+    -- Horizontal border
+    wiboxes.horiz:geometry({
+        x = ar.x+rwidth,
+        y = ar.y+math.floor(ar.height/2),
+        height = rwidth,
+        width = ar.width-(rwidth*2),
+    })
+    -- Vertical border
+    wiboxes.vert:geometry({
+        x = ar.x+math.floor(ar.width/2),
+        y = ar.y+rwidth,
+        width = rwidth,
+        height = ar.height-(rwidth*2),
+    })
+    -- Left border
+    wiboxes.left:geometry({
+        x = ar.x,
+        y = ar.y,
+        width = rwidth,
+        height = ar.height,
+    })
+    -- Right border
+    wiboxes.right:geometry({
+        x = ar.x+ar.width-rwidth,
+        y = ar.y,
+        width = rwidth,
+        height = ar.height,
+    })
+    -- Top border
+        x = ar.x,
+        y = ar.y,
+        height = rwidth,
+        width = ar.width,
+    })
+    -- Bottom border
+    wiboxes.bottom:geometry({
+        x = ar.x,
+        y = ar.y+ar.height-rwidth,
+        height = rwidth,
+        width = ar.width,
+    })
+--- Cut the navigation area into a direction.
+-- @param dir Direction to cut to {"up", "right", "down", "left"}.
+function cut(dir)
+    -- Store previous area
+    table.insert(history, 1, awful.util.table.join(current))
+    -- Cut in a direction
+    if dir == "up" then
+        current.height = math.floor(current.height/2)
+    elseif dir == "down" then
+        current.y = current.y+math.floor(current.height/2)
+        current.height = math.floor(current.height/2)
+    elseif dir == "left" then
+        current.width = math.floor(current.width/2)
+    elseif dir == "right" then
+        current.x = current.x+math.floor(current.width/2)
+        current.width = math.floor(current.width/2)
+    end
+    -- Redraw the box
+    draw()
+--- Move the navigation area in a direction.
+-- @param dir Direction to move to {"up", "right", "down", "left"}.
+-- @param ratio Ratio of movement, multiplied by the size of the current area, 
+-- defaults to 0.5 (ie. half the area size.
+function move(dir, ratio)
+    -- Store previous area
+    table.insert(history, 1, awful.util.table.join(current))
+    -- Default to ratio 0.5
+    local rt = ratio or 0.5
+    -- Move to a direction
+    if dir == "up" then
+        current.y = current.y-math.floor(current.height*rt)
+    elseif dir == "down" then
+        current.y = current.y+math.floor(current.height*rt)
+    elseif dir == "left" then
+        current.x = current.x-math.floor(current.width*rt)
+    elseif dir == "right" then
+        current.x = current.x+math.floor(current.width*rt)
+    end
+    -- Redraw the box
+    draw()
+--- Bind a key in rodentbane mode.
+-- @param modkeys Modifier key combination to bind to.
+-- @param key Main key to bind to.
+-- @param func Function to bind the keys to.
+function bind(modkeys, key, func)
+    -- Create binding
+    local bind = {modkeys, key, func}
+    -- Add to bindings table
+    table.insert(bindings, bind)
+--- Callback function for the keygrabber.
+-- @param modkeys Modkeys that were pressed.
+-- @param key Main key that was pressed.
+-- @param evtype Pressed or released event.
+function keyevent(modkeys, key, evtype)
+    -- Ignore release events and modifier keys
+    if evtype == "release" 
+       or key == "Shift_L"
+       or key == "Shift_R"
+       or key == "Control_L"
+       or key == "Control_R"
+       or key == "Super_L"
+       or key == "Super_R"
+       or key == "Hyper_L"
+       or key == "Hyper_R"
+       or key == "Alt_L"
+       or key == "Alt_R"
+       or key == "Meta_L"
+       or key == "Meta_R"
+    then
+        return true
+    end
+    -- Special cases for printable characters
+    -- HACK: Maybe we need a keygrabber that gives keycodes ?
+    if key == " " then
+        key = "Space"
+    end
+    -- Figure out what to call
+    for ind, bind in ipairs(bindings) do
+        if bind[2]:lower() == key:lower()
+           and table_equals(bind[1], modkeys)
+        then
+            -- Call the function
+            if type(bind[3]) == "table" then
+                -- Allow for easy passing of arguments
+                local func = bind[3][1]
+                local args = {}
+                -- Add the rest of the arguments
+                for i, arg in ipairs(bind[3]) do
+                    if i > 1 then
+                        table.insert(args, arg)
+                    end
+                end
+                -- Call function with args
+                func(unpack(args))
+            else
+                -- Call function directly
+                bind[3]()
+            end
+            -- A bind was found, continue grabbing
+            return true
+        end
+    end
+    -- No key was found, stop grabbing
+    stop()
+    return false
+--- Check if two tables have the same values.
+-- @param t1 First table to check.
+-- @param t2 Second table to check.
+-- @return True if the tables are equivalent, false otherwise.
+function table_equals(t1, t2)
+    -- Check first table
+    for i, item in ipairs(t1) do
+        if awful.util.table.hasitem(t2, item) == nil then
+            -- An unequal item was found
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    -- Check second table
+    for i, item in ipairs(t2) do
+        if awful.util.table.hasitem(t1, item) == nil then
+            -- An unequal item was found
+            return false
+        end
+    end
+    -- All items were equal
+    return true
+--- Warp the mouse to the center of the navigation area
+function warp()
+    capi.mouse.coords({
+        x = current.x+(current.width/2),
+        y = current.y+(current.height/2),
+    })
+--- Click with a button
+-- @param button Button number to click with, defaults to left (1)
+function click(button)
+    -- Default to left click
+    local b = button or 1
+    -- TODO: Figure out a way to use fake_input for clicks
+    --capi.root.fake_input("button_press", button)
+    --capi.root.fake_input("button_release", button)
+    -- Use xdotool when available, otherwise try xte
+    command = "xdotool click "..b.." &> /dev/null"
+      .." || xte 'mouseclick "..b.."' &> /dev/null"
+      .." || echo 'W: rodentbane: either xdotool or xte"
+      .." is required to emulate mouse clicks, neither was found.'"
+    awful.util.spawn_with_shell(command)
+--- Undo a change to the area
+function undo()
+    -- Restore area
+    if #history > 0 then
+        current = history[1]
+        table.remove(history, 1)
+        draw()
+    end
+--- Convenience function to bind to default keys.
+function binddefault()
+    -- Cut with hjkl
+    bind({}, "h", {cut, "left"})
+    bind({}, "j", {cut, "down"})
+    bind({}, "k", {cut, "up"})
+    bind({}, "l", {cut, "right"})
+    -- Move with Shift+hjkl
+    bind({"Shift"}, "h", {move, "left"})
+    bind({"Shift"}, "j", {move, "down"})
+    bind({"Shift"}, "k", {move, "up"})
+    bind({"Shift"}, "l", {move, "right"})
+    -- Undo with u
+    bind({}, "u", undo)
+    -- Left click with space
+    bind({}, "Space", function () 
+        warp()
+        click()
+        stop()
+    end)
+    -- Double Left click with alt+space
+    bind({"Mod1"}, "Space", function () 
+        warp()
+        click()
+        click()
+        stop()
+    end)
+    -- Middle click with Control+space
+    bind({"Control"}, "Space", function () 
+        warp()
+        click(2)
+        stop()
+    end)
+    -- Right click with shift+space
+    bind({"Shift"}, "Space", function () 
+        warp()
+        click(3)
+        stop()
+    end)
+    -- Only warp with return
+    bind({}, "Return", function () 
+        warp()
+    end)
+--- Start the navigation sequence.
+-- @param screen Screen to start navigation on, defaults to current screen.
+-- @param recall Whether the previous area should be recalled (defaults to 
+-- false).
+function start(screen, recall)
+    -- Default to current screen
+    local scr = screen or capi.mouse.screen
+    -- Initialise if not already done
+    if wiboxes == nil then
+        -- Add default bindings if we have none ourselves
+        if #bindings == 0 then
+            binddefault()
+        end
+        -- Create the wiboxes
+        init()
+    end
+    -- Empty current area if needed
+    if not recall then
+        -- Start with a complete area
+        current = capi.screen[scr].workarea
+        -- Empty history
+        history = {}
+    end
+    -- Move to the right screen
+    current.screen = scr
+    -- Start the keygrabber
+    -- Draw the box
+    draw()
+--- Stop the navigation sequence without doing anything.
+function stop()
+    -- Stop the keygrabber
+    capi.keygrabber.stop()
+    -- Hide all wiboxes
+    for border, box in pairs(wiboxes) do
+        box.screen = nil
+    end

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