packages: ekg2-script-pynotif/ekg2-script-pynotif.spec, ekg2-script-pynotif...
pawelz at
Tue Jul 14 12:04:54 CEST 2009
Author: pawelz Date: Tue Jul 14 10:04:54 2009 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- up to 20090714
---- Files affected:
ekg2-script-pynotif.spec (1.2 -> 1.3) , (1.2 -> 1.3)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ekg2-script-pynotif.spec
diff -u packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ekg2-script-pynotif.spec:1.2 packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ekg2-script-pynotif.spec:1.3
--- packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ekg2-script-pynotif.spec:1.2 Mon Jul 6 10:37:15 2009
+++ packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ekg2-script-pynotif.spec Tue Jul 14 12:04:48 2009
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Skrypt programu ekg2 wysyłający powiadomienia
Name: ekg2-script-pynotif
Version: 0
-Release: 0.20090706.1
+Release: 0.20090714.1
License: GPL v3
Group: Applications/Communications
# git clone git://
@@ -43,6 +43,9 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.3 2009/07/14 10:04:48 pawelz
+- up to 20090714
Revision 1.2 2009/07/06 08:37:15 pawelz
- dropped R: python-pynotify. It should be added by autodeps.
Index: packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/
diff -u packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/
--- packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ Mon Jul 6 10:32:03 2009
+++ packages/ekg2-script-pynotif/ Tue Jul 14 12:04:48 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# vim:fileencoding=utf-8
+# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:sw=4
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -14,12 +14,14 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
# Copyright (c) 2009 by Paweł Tomak <satherot (at) gmail (dot) com>
+# Copyright (c) 2009 by Paweł Zuzelski <>
import ekg
import time
import pynotify
import re
import sys
+import glib
@@ -27,12 +29,22 @@
def removeHTML(text):
reg = re.compile("&")
text = reg.sub("&", text)
+ reg = re.compile('"')
+ text = reg.sub(""", text)
reg = re.compile("<")
text = reg.sub("<", text)
reg = re.compile(">")
text = reg.sub(">", text)
return text
+def catchURL(text):
+ reg = re.compile("((news|telnet|nttp|file|http|ftp|https)://[^ ]+|www.[^ ]+)")
+ if len(reg.findall(text)):
+ text = reg.sub(r'<a href="\1">\1</a>', text)
+ return [1, text]
+ else:
+ return [0, text]
def transStatus(status):
return {
'avail': 'dostepny',
@@ -44,26 +56,46 @@
'dnd': 'nie przeszkadzac',
'xa': 'bardzo zajety',
'notavail': 'niedostepny',
+ 'unknown': 'nieznany',
def displayNotify(title, text, timeout, type):
if not pynotify.init("EkgNotif"):
ekg.echo("you don't seem to have pynotify installed")
return 0
+ if ekg.config["notify:catch_url"] != "0":
+ l = catchURL(text)
+ if l[0]:
+ text = l[1]
+ timeout = int(ekg.config["notify:catch_url_timeout"])
n = pynotify.Notification(title, text, type)
+ # Most probably glib.GError is:
+ # The name org.freedesktop.Notifications was not provided by any
+ # .service files
+ # Catch this exception and print information in debug window.
+ # Sometimes I
+ # do not have org.freedesktop.Notifications registered and
+ # I do not want
+ # error messages in chat window.
+ # Or logs buffer has overflowed ;/
+ try:
+ except glib.GError as e:
+ ekg.debug("pynotif: " + str(e))
return 1
def notifyStatus(session, uid, status, descr):
- regexp = re.compile('irc:*')
- regexp = regexp.findall(session)
- if len(regexp):
+ if ekg.config["notify:status_notify"] == "0":
+ return 1
+ regexp = re.compile('^irc:')
+ if regexp.match(session):
return 1
regexp = re.compile('.*' + session + '.*')
- regexp = regexp.findall(uid)
- if len(regexp):
- ekg.echo("Zmienil sie status sesji: %s. Nie zostal on zmieniony przez ten program. Sprawdz to, jesli nie zmieniales statusu jakims innym programem" % session)
+ if regexp.match(uid):
+ ekg.debug("Zmienil sie status sesji: %s. Nie zostal on zmieniony przez ten program. Sprawdz to, jesli nie zmieniales statusu jakims innym programem" % session)
return 1
sesja = ekg.session_get(session)
regexp = re.compile('([a-z]{2,4}:[^/]+)')
@@ -72,10 +104,13 @@
user = sesja.user_get(regexp)
except KeyError:
- ekg.echo("Nie znalazlem uzytkownika %s." % uid)
- return 1
+ ekg.debug("Nie znalazlem uzytkownika %s." % uid)
+ user = "Empty"
status = transStatus(status)
- nick = user.nickname or user.uid or "Empty"
+ if user == "Empty":
+ nick = regexp
+ else:
+ nick = user.nickname or user.uid or "Empty"
s = status or "Empty"
s = removeHTML(s)
text = "<b>" + nick + "</b> zmienil status na <b>" + s + "</b>"
@@ -85,19 +120,26 @@
return displayNotify(session, text, TIMEOUT_STATUS, ekg.config["notify:icon_status"])
def notifyMessage(session, uid, type, text, stime, ignore_level):
- regexp = re.compile('irc:*')
- regexp = regexp.findall(session)
- if len(regexp):
+ if ekg.config["notify:message_notify"] == "0":
+ return 1
+ regexp = re.compile('^irc:')
+ if regexp.match(session):
return 1
text = removeHTML(text)
sesja = ekg.session_get(session)
user = sesja.user_get(uid)
except KeyError:
- ekg.echo("Nie znalazlem uzytkownika %s." % uid)
- return 1
+ ekg.debug("Nie znalazlem uzytkownika %s." % uid)
+ user = "Empty"
t = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(stime))
- title = t + " " + user.nickname
+ if user == "Empty" and ekg.config["notify:message_notify_unknown"] == "0":
+ return 1
+ if user == "Empty":
+ user = uid
+ else:
+ user = user.nickname
+ title = t + " " + user
if len(text) > 200:
text = text[0:199] + "... >>>\n\n"
return displayNotify(title, text, TIMEOUT_MSG, ekg.config["notify:icon_msg"])
@@ -114,19 +156,43 @@
if name == "notify:status_timeout":
TIMEOUT_STATUS = int(rexp[0])
return 1
+ if name == "notify:catch_url_timeout":
+ return 1
if name == "notify:message_timeout":
ekg.echo("Zmienna %s bedzie pomijana do czasu, az zostanie ustawiona wartosc z zakresu od 1000ms do 9999ms. Jej obecna wartosc to: %i" % (name,TIMEOUT_MSG))
elif name == "notify:status_timeout":
ekg.echo("Zmienna %s bedzie pomijana do czasu, az zostanie ustawiona wartosc z zakresu od 1000ms do 9999ms. Jej obecna wartosc to: %i" % (name,TIMEOUT_STATUS))
+ elif name == "notify:catch_url_timeout":
+ ekg.echo("Zmienna %s bedzie pomijana do czasu, az zostanie ustawiona wartosc z zakresu od 1000ms do 9999ms. Jej obecna wartosc to: %i" % (name,TIMEOUT_STATUS))
return 0
+def notifyTest(name, args):
+ args = args.split(None, 1)
+ if (len(args) == 0):
+ title="Test"
+ else:
+ title=args[0]
+ if (len(args) <= 1):
+ text="Pięćdziesiąt trzy"
+ else:
+ text = args[1]
+ return displayNotify(title, text, TIMEOUT_MSG, ekg.config["notify:icon_msg"])
ekg.handler_bind('protocol-status', notifyStatus)
ekg.handler_bind("protocol-message-received", notifyMessage)
ekg.variable_add("notify:icon_status", "dialog-warning")
ekg.variable_add("notify:icon_msg", "dialog-warning")
ekg.variable_add("notify:message_timeout", "3500", timeCheck)
+ekg.variable_add("notify:message_notify", "1")
+ekg.variable_add("notify:message_notify_unknown", "1")
ekg.variable_add("notify:status_timeout", "3500", timeCheck)
+ekg.variable_add("notify:status_notify", "1")
+ekg.variable_add("notify:catch_url", "1")
+ekg.variable_add("notify:catch_url_timeout", "5000", timeCheck)
+ekg.command_bind("notify:send", notifyTest)
if int(ekg.config["notify:message_timeout"]) < 1000 or int(ekg.config["notify:message_timeout"]) > 9999:
timeCheck("notify:message_timeout", ekg.config["notify:message_timeout"])
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