packages: lenya/lenya-web.xml (NEW) - load mysql jdbc driver

pawelz pawelz at
Thu Oct 8 13:20:22 CEST 2009

Author: pawelz                       Date: Thu Oct  8 11:20:22 2009 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- load mysql jdbc driver

---- Files affected:
   lenya-web.xml (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/lenya/lenya-web.xml
diff -u /dev/null packages/lenya/lenya-web.xml:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct  8 13:20:22 2009
+++ packages/lenya/lenya-web.xml	Thu Oct  8 13:20:17 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    | This is the Cocoon web-app configurations file
+    +--><!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" "">
+  <listener>
+    <listener-class>org.apache.lenya.modules.monitoring.SessionListener</listener-class>
+  </listener>
+  <listener>
+    <listener-class>org.apache.lenya.modules.monitoring.SessionCountLogger</listener-class>
+  </listener>
+  <!-- Context Configuration ========================================== -->
+  <!--+
+      | Set a context property useful to allow you to ProxyPass your
+      | web application mounted to a different URI without loosing the
+      | ability to do cookie-based sessions.
+      | WARNING: this is Jetty specific!
+      +-->
+  <!--context-param>
+    <param-name>org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.SessionPath</param-name>
+    <param-value>/some/path/to/your/webapp</param-value>
+    <description>An override of the session cookie path</description>
+   </context-param-->
+  <!-- Servlet Configuration ========================================== -->
+  <servlet>
+    <servlet-name>Cocoon</servlet-name>
+    <display-name>Cocoon</display-name>
+    <description>Cocoon</description>
+    <!--
+      The regular servlet class (trusts the servlet container classloader)
+      -->
+    <servlet-class>org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet</servlet-class>
+    <!--
+      This parameter tells cocoon to set the thread's context classloader to
+      its own classloader. If you experience strange classloader issues,
+      try setting this parameter to "true" or using ParanoidCocoonServlet.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>init-classloader</param-name>
+      <param-value>false</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows to set system properties
+    -->
+    <!--
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>force-property</param-name>
+      <param-value>
+        org.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.LogKitLogger
+      </param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      This parameter points to the main configuration file for Cocoon.
+      Note that the path is specified in absolute notation but it will be
+      resolved relative to the servlets webapp context path
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>configurations</param-name>
+      <param-value>/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter indicates the configuration file of the LogKit management
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>logkit-config</param-name>
+      <param-value>/WEB-INF/logkit.xconf</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter indicates the category id of the logger from the LogKit
+      configuration used by the CocoonServlet.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>servlet-logger</param-name>
+      <param-value>access</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter indicates the category id of the logger from the LogKit
+      management configuration for the Cocoon engine.
+      This logger is used for all components described in the cocoon.xconf
+      and sitemap.xmap file not having specified a logger with the
+      logger="..." attribute in the component configuration file.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>cocoon-logger</param-name>
+      <param-value>core</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter indicates the log level to use throughout startup of the
+      system. As soon as the logkit.xconf the setting of the logkit.xconf
+      configuration is used instead! Only for startup and if the logkit.xconf is
+      not readable/available this log level is of importance.
+      Available levels are:
+        DEBUG:        prints all level of log messages.
+        INFO:         prints all level of log messages except DEBUG ones.
+        WARN:         prints all level of log messages except DEBUG and INFO ones.
+        ERROR:        prints all level of log messages except DEBUG, INFO and WARN ones.
+        FATAL_ERROR:  prints only log messages of this level
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>log-level</param-name>
+      <param-value>WARN</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      The forbidden level for deprectation messages. DEBUG forbids all deprecations (strict mode)
+      and FATAL_ERROR allows all (tolerant mode). Default is ERROR, allowing up to WARN.
+      See org.apache.util.Deprecation for more details.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>forbidden-deprecation-level</param-name>
+      <param-value>ERROR</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter switches the logging system from LogKit to Log4J for Cocoon.
+      Log4J has to be configured already.
+      <init-param>
+        <param-name>logger-class</param-name>
+        <param-value>org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.Log4JLoggerManager</param-value>
+      </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      If you want to configure log4j using Cocoon, then you can define
+      an XML configuration file here. You can use the usual log4j property
+      substituation mechanism, e.g. ${context-root} is replaced by the
+      context root of this web application etc.
+      You can configure the log4j configuration even if you use LogKit
+      for Cocoon logging. You can use this to configure third party code
+      for example.
+      <init-param>
+        <param-name>log4j-config</param-name>
+        <param-value>/WEB-INF/log4j.xconf</param-value>
+      </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      Allow reinstantiating (reloading) of the cocoon instance. If this is
+      set to "yes" or "true", a new cocoon instance can be created using
+      the request parameter "cocoon-reload". It also enables that Cocoon is
+      reloaded when cocoon.xconf changes. Default is no for security reasons.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>allow-reload</param-name>
+      <param-value>no</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter is used to list classes that should be loaded at
+      initialization time of the servlet. For example, JDBC Drivers used need to
+      be named here. Additional entries may be inserted here during build
+      depending on your build properties.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>load-class</param-name>
+      <param-value>
+        <!-- For parent ComponentManager sample:
+        org.apache.cocoon.samples.parentcm.Configurator -->
+        <!-- For IBM WebSphere:
+ -->
+        <!-- For Database Driver: -->
+	    <!-- MySQL -->
+	        com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
+	    <!-- or any other jdbc driver you need. For example:
+	        org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
+	    -->
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      Causes all files in multipart requests to be processed.
+      Default is true but the maximum allowed size is kept small for security reasons.
+      Unsupported values will be interpreted as false.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>enable-uploads</param-name>
+      <param-value>false</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows to specify where Cocoon should put uploaded files.
+      The path specified can be either absolute or relative to the context
+      path of the servlet. On windows platform, absolute directory must start
+      with volume: C:\Path\To\Upload\Directory
+      The default directory is "upload-dir" in the work-directory
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>upload-directory</param-name>
+      <param-value>WEB-INF/work/upload-dir</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      Causes all files in multipart requests to be saved to upload-dir.
+      Default is true for security reasons.
+      Unsupported values will be interpreted as false.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>autosave-uploads</param-name>
+      <param-value>true</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      Specify handling of name conflicts when saving uploaded files to disk.
+      Acceptable values are deny, allow, rename (default). Files are renamed
+      x_filename where x is an integer value incremented to make the new
+      filename unique.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>overwrite-uploads</param-name>
+      <param-value>allow</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      Specify maximum allowed size of the upload. Defaults to 10 Mb.
+      Set here to a very low 100 kb to allow samples to run.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>upload-max-size</param-name>
+      <param-value>10000000</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows to specify where Cocoon should create its page
+      and other objects cache. The path specified can be either absolute or
+      relative to the context path of the servlet. On windows platform,
+      absolute directory must start with volume: C:\Path\To\Cache\Directory
+      The default directory is "cache-dir" in the work-directory
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>cache-directory</param-name>
+      <param-value>WEB-INF/work/cache-dir</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows to specify where Cocoon should put it's
+      working files. The path specified is either absolute or relative
+      to the context path of the Cocoon servlet. On windows platform,
+      absolute directory must start with volume: C:\Path\To\Work\Directory
+      The default directory is "cocoon-files" directory in the servlet
+      context's temp directory (context property javax.servlet.context.tempdir).
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>work-directory</param-name>
+      <param-value>WEB-INF/work</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows to specify additional directories or jars
+      which Cocoon should put into it's own classpath.
+      Note that you must separate them using the platforms path.separator
+      (":" for *nix and ";" for Windows systems). Also note that absolute
+      pathes are taken as such but relative pathes are rooted at the context
+      root of the Cocoon servlet.
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>extra-classpath</param-name>
+      <param-value>WEB-INF/extra-classes1:/[YOU-ABSOLUTE-PATH-TO]/own.jar</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows you to select the parent component manager.
+      The class will be instantiated via the constructor that takes a single
+      String as a parameter. That String will be equal to the text after the
+      '/'.
+      Cocoon honors the LogEnabled, Initializable and Disposable interfaces for
+      this class, if it implements them.
+      If you uncomment the following lines the parent CM is set to the Parent CM
+      sample, which will look up a configuration via JNDI at
+      org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/ParentCMConfiguration and use it.
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>parent-component-manager</param-name>
+      <param-value>org.apache.cocoon.samples.parentcm.ParentComponentManager/org/apache/cocoon/samples/parentcm/ParentCMConfiguration</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      If you set this parameter to 'true' or 'yes', Cocoon will add processing
+      time to the end of each response. Value 'hide' adds processing time as an
+      HTML comment. By default, processing time is not added (corresponds to
+      value 'no').
+      NOTE: If you use this feature, Cocoon might generated a wrong content
+      length header in the response. This is due to the internal processing
+      of Readers and the Caching. So, this might be the reason if you get
+      a warning about a wrong content length.
+      See
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>show-time</param-name>
+      <param-value>hide</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    -->
+    <!--
+      Whether or not the X-Cocoon-Version response header will be included.
+      This is true by default, but there may be some circumstances when it
+      is not desired (e.g. "information hiding" for added security, or if
+      using jsp:include with Cocoon-generated pages produces a "response is
+      already committed" error).
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>show-cocoon-version</param-name>
+      <param-value>true</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+       If true or not set, this class will try to catch and handle all Cocoon
+       exceptions. If false, it will rethrow them to the servlet container.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>manage-exceptions</param-name>
+      <param-value>true</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+       If true, Avalon Excalibur instrumentation will be enabled on all
+       Instrumentable components with Cocoon and your Cocoon application.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>enable-instrumentation</param-name>
+      <param-value>false</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+       This defines the location of the instrument manager configuration, only
+       used if the init-param enable-instrumentation is enabled.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>instrumentation-config</param-name>
+      <param-value>/WEB-INF/instrumentation.xconf</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      Set encoding used by the container. If not set the ISO-8859-1 encoding
+      will be assumed.
+      Since the servlet specification requires that the ISO-8859-1 encoding
+      is used (by default), you should never change this value unless
+      you have a buggy servlet container.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>container-encoding</param-name>
+      <param-value>ISO-8859-1</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      Set form encoding. This will be the character set used to decode request
+      parameters. If not set the ISO-8859-1 encoding will be assumed.
+    -->
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>form-encoding</param-name>
+      <param-value>UTF-8</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>logger-class</param-name>
+      <param-value>org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.Log4JLoggerManager</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <init-param>
+      <param-name>log4j-config</param-name>
+      <param-value>/WEB-INF/log4j.xconf</param-value>
+    </init-param>
+    <!--
+      This parameter allows you to startup Cocoon2 immediately after startup
+      of your servlet engine.
+    -->
+    <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
+  </servlet>
+  <!-- URL space mappings ============================================= -->
+  <!--
+    Cocoon handles all the URL space assigned to the webapp using its sitemap.
+    It is recommended to leave it unchanged. Under some circumstances though
+    (like integration with proprietary webapps or servlets) you might have
+    to change this parameter.
+  -->
+  <servlet-mapping>
+    <servlet-name>Cocoon</servlet-name>
+    <url-pattern>/</url-pattern>
+  </servlet-mapping>
+  <!--
+    Some servlet engines (Tomcat) have defaults which are not overriden
+    by '/' mapping, but must be overriden explicitly.
+  -->
+  <servlet-mapping>
+    <servlet-name>Cocoon</servlet-name>
+    <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
+  </servlet-mapping>
+  <!--
+    Some servlet engines (WebLogic) have defaults which are not overriden
+    by '/' mapping, but must be overriden explicitly.
+  -->
+  <servlet-mapping>
+    <servlet-name>Cocoon</servlet-name>
+    <url-pattern>*.html</url-pattern>
+  </servlet-mapping>
+  <!-- various MIME type mappings ====================================== -->
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>css</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/css</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>xml</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>xsl</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>xconf</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>xmap</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/xml</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>ent</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/plain</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>
+  <mime-mapping>
+    <extension>grm</extension>
+    <mime-type>text/plain</mime-type>
+  </mime-mapping>

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