packages: qt4/qt4-build-lib-static.patch, qt4/qt4-buildsystem.patch, qt4/qt...

arekm arekm at
Wed Dec 2 15:53:39 CET 2009

Author: arekm                        Date: Wed Dec  2 14:53:39 2009 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- up to 4.6.0

---- Files affected:
   qt4-build-lib-static.patch (1.6 -> 1.7) , qt4-buildsystem.patch (1.7 -> 1.8) , qt4-kde-git.patch (1.1 -> 1.2) , qt4-locale.patch (1.13 -> 1.14) , qt4-tools.patch (1.9 -> 1.10) , qt4.spec (1.226 -> 1.227) 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/qt4/qt4-build-lib-static.patch
diff -u packages/qt4/qt4-build-lib-static.patch:1.6 packages/qt4/qt4-build-lib-static.patch:1.7
--- packages/qt4/qt4-build-lib-static.patch:1.6	Tue Mar  3 15:24:42 2009
+++ packages/qt4/qt4-build-lib-static.patch	Wed Dec  2 15:53:33 2009
@@ -1,30 +1,34 @@
---- qt-x11-opensource-src-4.1.0/tools/assistant/lib/	2006-02-13 07:13:58.000000000 +0100
-+++ qt-x11-opensource-src-4.1.0/tools/assistant/lib/	2006-02-13 07:39:59.000000000 +0100
-@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
- TEMPLATE = lib
+diff -ur qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0-beta1/tools/assistant/lib/
+--- qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0-beta1/tools/assistant/lib/	2009-10-13 17:34:08.000000000 +0200
++++	2009-10-18 10:39:24.621596267 +0200
+@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
  TARGET = QtHelp
 +!contains(CONFIG, static) {
 +    CONFIG += dll
- CONFIG += qt warn_on
+ CONFIG += qt \
+     warn_on
---- qt-x11-opensource-src-4.1.0/tools/designer/src/uitools/	2005-12-16 12:52:20.000000000 +0100
-+++ qt-x11-opensource-src-4.1.0/tools/designer/src/uitools/	2006-02-13 09:26:05.000000000 +0100
+Tylko w
+diff -ur qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0-beta1/tools/designer/src/uitools/
+--- qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.6.0-beta1/tools/designer/src/uitools/	2009-10-13 17:34:08.000000000 +0200
++++	2009-10-18 10:40:38.624930212 +0200
 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
  TEMPLATE = lib
- TARGET = QtUiTools
+ TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(QtUiTools)
  QT += xml
 -CONFIG += qt staticlib
 +CONFIG += qt
  DESTDIR = ../../../../lib
  DLLDESTDIR = ../../../../bin
-@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
+@@ -22,11 +22,20 @@
- QMAKE_TARGET_COPYRIGHT = Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Trolltech
 +!contains(CONFIG, static) {
 +    CONFIG += dll
@@ -35,4 +39,12 @@
  HEADERS += quiloader.h
+ SOURCES += quiloader.cpp
++INSTALLS        += target
+ include($$QT_BUILD_TREE/include/QtUiTools/headers.pri, "", true)
+ quitools_headers.files = $$SYNCQT.HEADER_FILES $$SYNCQT.HEADER_CLASSES
+ quitools_headers.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_HEADERS]/QtUiTools
+Tylko w

Index: packages/qt4/qt4-buildsystem.patch
diff -u packages/qt4/qt4-buildsystem.patch:1.7 packages/qt4/qt4-buildsystem.patch:1.8
--- packages/qt4/qt4-buildsystem.patch:1.7	Tue Jun 17 20:00:56 2008
+++ packages/qt4/qt4-buildsystem.patch	Wed Dec  2 15:53:33 2009
@@ -12,10 +12,3 @@
          if [ "$PLATFORM_MAC" = "yes" ]; then
              echo "export MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.2" >>$mkfile
              echo "CARBON_LFLAGS +=-framework CoreServices -framework CoreFoundation" >>$mkfile
---- qt-copy/src/plugins/sqldrivers/	2005-05-15 21:26:42.000000000 +0200
-+++ qt-copy/src/plugins/sqldrivers/	2005-05-15 21:26:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@
- contains(sql-plugins, db2)	: SUBDIRS += db2
- contains(sql-plugins, sqlite)	: SUBDIRS += sqlite
- contains(sql-plugins, ibase)	: SUBDIRS += ibase
-+contains(sql-plugins, sqlite2)	: SUBDIRS += sqlite2

Index: packages/qt4/qt4-kde-git.patch
diff -u packages/qt4/qt4-kde-git.patch:1.1 packages/qt4/qt4-kde-git.patch:1.2
--- packages/qt4/qt4-kde-git.patch:1.1	Mon Oct 12 09:48:22 2009
+++ packages/qt4/qt4-kde-git.patch	Wed Dec  2 15:53:33 2009
@@ -206,10 +206,10 @@
 +	rm -rf include
 +	bin/syncqt
 diff --git a/bin/syncqt b/bin/syncqt
-index edabeca..e71d480 100755
+index a14a82d..ac140eb 100755
 --- a/bin/syncqt
 +++ b/bin/syncqt
-@@ -363,9 +363,13 @@ sub fixPaths {
+@@ -366,9 +366,13 @@ sub fixPaths {
          $match_dir = $tmp;
          $i = $slash;
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@
          for(my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
              $dots .= "../";
 diff --git a/configure b/configure
-index 4ea1ad0..b28a1fa 100755
+index 146ba82..7be8f7c 100755
 --- a/configure
 +++ b/configure
-@@ -960,6 +960,11 @@ while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+@@ -1012,6 +1012,11 @@ while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
              VAL=`echo $1 | sed 's,-D,,'`
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
          if [ "$1" = "-I" ]; then
-@@ -1930,6 +1935,9 @@ while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
+@@ -2020,6 +2025,9 @@ while [ "$#" -gt 0 ]; do
          I_FLAGS="$I_FLAGS -I\"${VAL}\""
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@
          L_FLAGS="$L_FLAGS -L\"${VAL}\""
 diff --git a/ b/
-index f6c596d..79420d2 100644
+index aa1eb71..8ae64c2 100644
 --- a/
 +++ b/
-@@ -131,6 +131,9 @@ unix {
+@@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ unix {
     DEFAULT_QMAKESPEC ~= s,^.*mkspecs/,,g
     mkspecs.commands += $(DEL_FILE) $(INSTALL_ROOT)$$mkspecs.path/default; $(SYMLINK) $$DEFAULT_QMAKESPEC $(INSTALL_ROOT)$$mkspecs.path/default
@@ -322,405 +322,11 @@
      if(!ok) {
          QString version = qmake_version();
          if(slash != -1) {
-diff --git a/src/corelib/global/qnamespace.h b/src/corelib/global/qnamespace.h
-index ac2ad34..58d7df0 100644
---- a/src/corelib/global/qnamespace.h
-+++ b/src/corelib/global/qnamespace.h
-@@ -895,12 +895,10 @@ public:
-         Key_Dead_Horn           = 0x01001262,
-         // multimedia/internet keys - ignored by default - see QKeyEvent c'tor
-         Key_Back  = 0x01000061,
-         Key_Forward  = 0x01000062,
-         Key_Stop  = 0x01000063,
-         Key_Refresh  = 0x01000064,
-         Key_VolumeDown = 0x01000070,
-         Key_VolumeMute  = 0x01000071,
-         Key_VolumeUp = 0x01000072,
-@@ -909,7 +907,6 @@ public:
-         Key_BassDown = 0x01000075,
-         Key_TrebleUp = 0x01000076,
-         Key_TrebleDown = 0x01000077,
-         Key_MediaPlay  = 0x01000080,
-         Key_MediaStop  = 0x01000081,
-         Key_MediaPrevious  = 0x01000082,
-@@ -918,13 +915,11 @@ public:
- #endif
-         Key_MediaNext  = 0x01000083,
-         Key_MediaRecord = 0x01000084,
-         Key_HomePage  = 0x01000090,
-         Key_Favorites  = 0x01000091,
-         Key_Search  = 0x01000092,
-         Key_Standby = 0x01000093,
-         Key_OpenUrl = 0x01000094,
-         Key_LaunchMail  = 0x010000a0,
-         Key_LaunchMedia = 0x010000a1,
-         Key_Launch0  = 0x010000a2,
-@@ -943,6 +938,98 @@ public:
-         Key_LaunchD  = 0x010000af,
-         Key_LaunchE  = 0x010000b0,
-         Key_LaunchF  = 0x010000b1,
-+        Key_MonBrightnessUp = 0x010000b2,
-+        Key_MonBrightnessDown = 0x010000b3,
-+        Key_KeyboardLightOnOff = 0x010000b4,
-+        Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp = 0x010000b5,
-+        Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown = 0x010000b6,
-+        Key_PowerOff = 0x010000b7,
-+        Key_WakeUp = 0x010000b8,
-+        Key_Eject = 0x010000b9,
-+        Key_ScreenSaver = 0x010000ba,
-+        Key_WWW = 0x010000bb,
-+        Key_Memo = 0x010000bc,
-+        Key_LightBulb = 0x010000bd,
-+        Key_Shop = 0x010000be,
-+        Key_History = 0x010000bf,
-+        Key_AddFavorite = 0x010000c0,
-+        Key_HotLinks = 0x010000c1,
-+        Key_BrightnessAdjust = 0x010000c2,
-+        Key_Finance = 0x010000c3,
-+        Key_Community = 0x010000c4,
-+        Key_AudioRewind = 0x010000c5,
-+        Key_BackForward = 0x010000c6,
-+        Key_ApplicationLeft = 0x010000c7,
-+        Key_ApplicationRight = 0x010000c8,
-+        Key_Book = 0x010000c9,
-+        Key_CD = 0x010000ca,
-+        Key_Calculator = 0x010000cb,
-+        Key_ToDoList = 0x010000cc,
-+        Key_ClearGrab = 0x010000cd,
-+        Key_Close = 0x010000ce,
-+        Key_Copy = 0x010000cf,
-+        Key_Cut = 0x010000d0,
-+        Key_Display = 0x010000d1,
-+        Key_DOS = 0x010000d2,
-+        Key_Documents = 0x010000d3,
-+        Key_Excel = 0x010000d4,
-+        Key_Explorer = 0x010000d5,
-+        Key_Game = 0x010000d6,
-+        Key_Go = 0x010000d7,
-+        Key_iTouch = 0x010000d8,
-+        Key_LogOff = 0x010000d9,
-+        Key_Market = 0x010000da,
-+        Key_Meeting = 0x010000db,
-+        Key_MenuKB = 0x010000dc,
-+        Key_MenuPB = 0x010000dd,
-+        Key_MySites = 0x010000de,
-+        Key_News = 0x010000df,
-+        Key_OfficeHome = 0x010000e0,
-+        Key_Option = 0x010000e1,
-+        Key_Paste = 0x010000e2,
-+        Key_Phone = 0x010000e3,
-+        Key_Calendar = 0x010000e4,
-+        Key_Reply = 0x010000e5,
-+        Key_Reload = 0x010000e6,
-+        Key_RotateWindows = 0x010000e7,
-+        Key_RotationPB = 0x010000e8,
-+        Key_RotationKB = 0x010000e9,
-+        Key_Save = 0x010000ea,
-+        Key_Send = 0x010000eb,
-+        Key_Spell = 0x010000ec,
-+        Key_SplitScreen = 0x010000ed,
-+        Key_Support = 0x010000ee,
-+        Key_TaskPane = 0x010000ef,
-+        Key_Terminal = 0x010000f0,
-+        Key_Tools = 0x010000f1,
-+        Key_Travel = 0x010000f2,
-+        Key_Video = 0x010000f3,
-+        Key_Word = 0x010000f4,
-+        Key_Xfer = 0x010000f5,
-+        Key_ZoomIn = 0x010000f6,
-+        Key_ZoomOut = 0x010000f7,
-+        Key_Away = 0x010000f8,
-+        Key_Messenger = 0x010000f9,
-+        Key_WebCam = 0x010000fa,
-+        Key_MailForward = 0x010000fb,
-+        Key_Pictures = 0x010000fc,
-+        Key_Music = 0x010000fd,
-+        Key_Battery = 0x010000fe,
-+        Key_Bluetooth = 0x010000ff,
-+        Key_WLAN = 0x01000100,
-+        Key_UWB = 0x01000101,
-+        Key_AudioForward = 0x01000102,
-+        Key_AudioRepeat = 0x01000103,
-+        Key_AudioRandomPlay = 0x01000104,
-+        Key_Subtitle = 0x01000105,
-+        Key_AudioCycleTrack = 0x01000106,
-+        Key_Time = 0x01000107,
-+        Key_Hibernate = 0x01000108,
-+        Key_View = 0x01000109,
-+        Key_TopMenu = 0x0100010a,
-+        Key_PowerDown = 0x0100010b,
-+        Key_Suspend = 0x0100010c,
-+        Key_ContrastAdjust = 0x0100010d,
-         Key_MediaLast = 0x0100ffff,
-diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp b/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp
-index 87e9728..7f6dbb6 100644
---- a/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp
-+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp
-@@ -127,16 +127,11 @@ struct GTimerSource
-     GSource source;
-     QTimerInfoList timerList;
-     QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags processEventsFlags;
-+    bool runWithIdlePriority;
- };
--static gboolean timerSourcePrepare(GSource *source, gint *timeout)
-+static gboolean timerSourcePrepareHelper(GTimerSource *src, gint *timeout)
- {
--    gint dummy;
--    if (!timeout)
--        timeout = &dummy;
--    GTimerSource *src = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(source);
-     timeval tv = { 0l, 0l };
-     if (!(src->processEventsFlags & QEventLoop::X11ExcludeTimers) && src->timerList.timerWait(tv))
-         *timeout = (tv.tv_sec * 1000) + (tv.tv_usec / 1000);
-@@ -146,10 +141,8 @@ static gboolean timerSourcePrepare(GSource *source, gint *timeout)
-     return (*timeout == 0);
- }
--static gboolean timerSourceCheck(GSource *source)
-+static gboolean timerSourceCheckHelper(GTimerSource *src)
- {
--    GTimerSource *src = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(source);
-     if (src->timerList.isEmpty()
-         || (src->processEventsFlags & QEventLoop::X11ExcludeTimers))
-         return false;
-@@ -160,9 +153,35 @@ static gboolean timerSourceCheck(GSource *source)
-     return true;
- }
-+static gboolean timerSourcePrepare(GSource *source, gint *timeout)
-+    gint dummy;
-+    if (!timeout)
-+        timeout = &dummy;
-+    GTimerSource *src = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(source);
-+    if (src->runWithIdlePriority) {
-+        if (timeout)
-+            *timeout = -1;
-+        return false;
-+    }
-+    return timerSourcePrepareHelper(src, timeout);
-+static gboolean timerSourceCheck(GSource *source)
-+    GTimerSource *src = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(source);
-+    if (src->runWithIdlePriority)
-+        return false;
-+    return timerSourceCheckHelper(src);
- static gboolean timerSourceDispatch(GSource *source, GSourceFunc, gpointer)
- {
--    (void) reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(source)->timerList.activateTimers();
-+    GTimerSource *timerSource = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(source);
-+    timerSource->runWithIdlePriority = true;
-+    (void) timerSource->timerList.activateTimers();
-     return true; // ??? don't remove, right again?
- }
-@@ -175,6 +194,53 @@ static GSourceFuncs timerSourceFuncs = {
-     NULL
- };
-+struct GIdleTimerSource
-+    GSource source;
-+    GTimerSource *timerSource;
-+static gboolean idleTimerSourcePrepare(GSource *source, gint *timeout)
-+    GIdleTimerSource *idleTimerSource = reinterpret_cast<GIdleTimerSource *>(source);
-+    GTimerSource *timerSource = idleTimerSource->timerSource;
-+    if (!timerSource->runWithIdlePriority) {
-+        // Yield to the normal priority timer source
-+        if (timeout)
-+            *timeout = -1;
-+        return false;
-+    }
-+    return timerSourcePrepareHelper(timerSource, timeout);
-+static gboolean idleTimerSourceCheck(GSource *source)
-+    GIdleTimerSource *idleTimerSource = reinterpret_cast<GIdleTimerSource *>(source);
-+    GTimerSource *timerSource = idleTimerSource->timerSource;
-+    if (!timerSource->runWithIdlePriority) {
-+        // Yield to the normal priority timer source
-+        return false;
-+    }
-+    return timerSourceCheckHelper(timerSource);
-+static gboolean idleTimerSourceDispatch(GSource *source, GSourceFunc, gpointer)
-+    GTimerSource *timerSource = reinterpret_cast<GIdleTimerSource *>(source)->timerSource;
-+    (void) timerSourceDispatch(&timerSource->source, 0, 0);
-+    return true;
-+static GSourceFuncs idleTimerSourceFuncs = {
-+    idleTimerSourcePrepare,
-+    idleTimerSourceCheck,
-+    idleTimerSourceDispatch,
-+    NULL,
-+    NULL,
-+    NULL
- struct GPostEventSource
- {
-     GSource source;
-@@ -235,14 +301,15 @@ QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate::QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate(GMainContext *context)
-         g_main_context_ref(mainContext);
-     } else {
-         QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance();
--	if (app && QThread::currentThread() == app->thread()) {
--	    mainContext = g_main_context_default();
--	    g_main_context_ref(mainContext);
--	} else {
--	    mainContext = g_main_context_new();
--	}
-+        if (app && QThread::currentThread() == app->thread()) {
-+            mainContext = g_main_context_default();
-+            g_main_context_ref(mainContext);
-+        } else {
-+            mainContext = g_main_context_new();
-+        }
-     }
-+    // setup post event source
-     postEventSource = reinterpret_cast<GPostEventSource *>(g_source_new(&postEventSourceFuncs,
-                                                                         sizeof(GPostEventSource)));
-     postEventSource->serialNumber = 1;
-@@ -257,14 +324,21 @@ QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate::QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate(GMainContext *context)
-     g_source_set_can_recurse(&socketNotifierSource->source, true);
-     g_source_attach(&socketNotifierSource->source, mainContext);
--    // setup timerSource
-+    // setup normal and idle timer sources
-     timerSource = reinterpret_cast<GTimerSource *>(g_source_new(&timerSourceFuncs,
-                                                                 sizeof(GTimerSource)));
-     (void) new (&timerSource->timerList) QTimerInfoList();
-     timerSource->processEventsFlags = QEventLoop::AllEvents;
-+    timerSource->runWithIdlePriority = false;
-     g_source_set_can_recurse(&timerSource->source, true);
--    g_source_set_priority(&timerSource->source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE);
-     g_source_attach(&timerSource->source, mainContext);
-+    idleTimerSource = reinterpret_cast<GIdleTimerSource *>(g_source_new(&idleTimerSourceFuncs,
-+                                                                        sizeof(GIdleTimerSource)));
-+    idleTimerSource->timerSource = timerSource;
-+    g_source_set_can_recurse(&idleTimerSource->source, true);
-+    g_source_set_priority(&idleTimerSource->source, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE);
-+    g_source_attach(&idleTimerSource->source, mainContext);
- }
- QEventDispatcherGlib::QEventDispatcherGlib(QObject *parent)
-@@ -272,12 +346,9 @@ QEventDispatcherGlib::QEventDispatcherGlib(QObject *parent)
- {
- }
--QEventDispatcherGlib::QEventDispatcherGlib(GMainContext *mainContext,
--					   QObject *parent)
--    : QAbstractEventDispatcher(*(new QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate(mainContext)),
--			       parent)
-+QEventDispatcherGlib::QEventDispatcherGlib(GMainContext *mainContext, QObject *parent)
-+    : QAbstractEventDispatcher(*(new QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate(mainContext)), parent)
-+{ }
- QEventDispatcherGlib::~QEventDispatcherGlib()
- {
-@@ -289,6 +360,9 @@ QEventDispatcherGlib::~QEventDispatcherGlib()
-     g_source_destroy(&d->timerSource->source);
-     g_source_unref(&d->timerSource->source);
-     d->timerSource = 0;
-+    g_source_destroy(&d->idleTimerSource->source);
-+    g_source_unref(&d->idleTimerSource->source);
-+    d->idleTimerSource = 0;
-     // destroy socket notifier source
-     for (int i = 0; i < d->socketNotifierSource->pollfds.count(); ++i) {
-@@ -324,11 +398,16 @@ bool QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags flags)
-     // tell postEventSourcePrepare() and timerSource about any new flags
-     QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlags savedFlags = d->timerSource->processEventsFlags;
-     d->timerSource->processEventsFlags = flags;
-+    if (!(flags & QEventLoop::EventLoopExec)) {
-+        // force timers to be sent at normal priority
-+        d->timerSource->runWithIdlePriority = false;
-+    }
-     bool result = g_main_context_iteration(d->mainContext, canWait);
-     while (!result && canWait)
-         result = g_main_context_iteration(d->mainContext, canWait);
-     d->timerSource->processEventsFlags = savedFlags;
-     if (canWait)
-diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h b/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h
-index eb7fb75..4103aa3 100644
---- a/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h
-+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib_p.h
-@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ protected:
- struct GPostEventSource;
- struct GSocketNotifierSource;
- struct GTimerSource;
-+struct GIdleTimerSource;
- class Q_CORE_EXPORT QEventDispatcherGlibPrivate : public QAbstractEventDispatcherPrivate
- {
-@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ public:
-     GPostEventSource *postEventSource;
-     GSocketNotifierSource *socketNotifierSource;
-     GTimerSource *timerSource;
-+    GIdleTimerSource *idleTimerSource;
- };
-diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix.cpp b/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix.cpp
-index 897bb49..903b0eb 100644
---- a/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix.cpp
-+++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qeventdispatcher_unix.cpp
-@@ -423,10 +423,10 @@ bool QTimerInfoList::timerWait(timeval &tm)
-     // Find first waiting timer not already active
-     QTimerInfo *t = 0;
-     for (QTimerInfoList::const_iterator it = constBegin(); it != constEnd(); ++it) {
--	if (!(*it)->inTimerEvent) {
--	    t = *it;
--	    break;
--	}
-+        if (!(*it)->inTimerEvent) {
-+            t = *it;
-+            break;
-+        }
-     }
-     if (!t)
 diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp
-index 1ed0332..089ddfc 100644
+index 9614e7a..58493a5 100644
 --- a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp
 +++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject.cpp
-@@ -986,8 +986,16 @@ void QObject::setObjectName(const QString &name)
+@@ -1136,8 +1136,16 @@ void QObject::setObjectName(const QString &name)
      d->objectName = name;
@@ -738,641 +344,35 @@
  #ifdef QT3_SUPPORT
  /*! \internal
 diff --git a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h
-index 6ca4dc8..1551472 100644
+index e75f24e..1294fa4 100644
 --- a/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h
 +++ b/src/corelib/kernel/qobject_p.h
-@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ extern QSignalSpyCallbackSet Q_CORE_EXPORT qt_signal_spy_callback_set;
+@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ void Q_CORE_EXPORT qt_register_signal_spy_callbacks(const QSignalSpyCallbackSet
- inline QObjectData::~QObjectData() {}
+ extern QSignalSpyCallbackSet Q_CORE_EXPORT qt_signal_spy_callback_set;
 -enum { QObjectPrivateVersion = QT_VERSION };
 +// add 0x1000000 to mark it as qt-copy version, with possible modifications
 +// in some Q*Private class
 +enum { QObjectPrivateVersion = QT_VERSION + 0x1000000 };
- class Q_CORE_EXPORT QObjectPrivate : public QObjectData
+ class Q_CORE_EXPORT QDeclarativeData
-@@ -144,6 +146,9 @@ public:
-     mutable quint32 connectedSignals;
-     QString objectName;
+@@ -157,6 +159,9 @@ public:
+     void sendPendingChildInsertedEvents();
+     void removePendingChildInsertedEvents(QObject *child);
+ #endif
 +#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
 +    virtual void checkWindowRole();
-     // Note: you must hold the signalSlotLock() before accessing the lists below or calling the functions
-     struct Connection
-diff --git a/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp b/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
-index 828e427..8bbdd7b 100644
---- a/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
-+++ b/src/dbus/qdbusinternalfilters.cpp
-@@ -274,9 +274,23 @@ QDBusMessage qDBusPropertySet(const QDBusConnectionPrivate::ObjectTreeNode &node
-             QDBusAdaptorConnector::AdaptorMap::ConstIterator it;
-             it = qLowerBound(connector->adaptors.constBegin(), connector->adaptors.constEnd(),
-                              interface_name);
--            if (it != connector->adaptors.end() && interface_name == QLatin1String(it->interface))
-+            if (it != connector->adaptors.end() && interface_name == QLatin1String(it->interface)) {
-+                if (value.userType() == qMetaTypeId<QDBusArgument>()) {
-+                    QDBusArgument valueArg = qvariant_cast<QDBusArgument>(value);
-+                    if (valueArg.currentType() != -1) {
-+                        int mid = it->adaptor->metaObject()->property(it->adaptor->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(property_name)).userType();
-+                        void *null = 0;
-+                        QVariant valueStore(mid, null);
-+                        QDBusMetaType::demarshall(valueArg, mid,;
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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