packages: munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.p...

baggins baggins at
Fri Dec 4 00:36:58 CET 2009

Author: baggins                      Date: Thu Dec  3 23:36:58 2009 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- old fixes no longer necessary (plugins in main munin distribution)
- added vserver_jiffies plugin (cumulative cpu usage by vservers)

---- Files affected:
   munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.patch (1.1 -> 1.2) 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.patch
diff -u packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.patch:1.1 packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.patch:1.2
--- packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.patch:1.1	Sat Nov 29 01:41:27 2008
+++ packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-vserver.patch	Fri Dec  4 00:36:52 2009
@@ -1,236 +1,94 @@
-diff -ur munin-plugins-muninexchange-20081128/vserver/vserver_cpu_ munin/vserver/vserver_cpu_
---- munin-plugins-muninexchange-20081128/vserver/vserver_cpu_	2008-11-28 18:36:19.000000000 +0100
-+++ munin/vserver/vserver_cpu_	2008-11-29 01:39:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+--- /dev/null	2009-11-24 13:50:34.796667044 +0100
++++ munin/vserver/vserver_jiffies	2008-12-06 02:00:43.000000000 +0100
+@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Holger Levsen and Micah Anderson
- #
-diff -ur munin-plugins-muninexchange-20081128/vserver/vserver_loadavg munin/vserver/vserver_loadavg
---- munin-plugins-muninexchange-20081128/vserver/vserver_loadavg	2008-11-28 18:36:21.000000000 +0100
-+++ munin/vserver/vserver_loadavg	2008-11-29 01:39:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2007 Andrei Morgan
- # Copyright (C) 2008 Micah Anderson
-diff -ur munin-plugins-muninexchange-20081128/vserver/vserver_resources munin/vserver/vserver_resources
---- munin-plugins-muninexchange-20081128/vserver/vserver_resources	2008-11-28 18:36:22.000000000 +0100
-+++ munin/vserver/vserver_resources	2008-11-29 01:39:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Holger Levsen, Micah Anderson
- #
-@@ -188,6 +188,12 @@
- 	    echo 'graph_vlabel ANON pages'
- 	    echo 'graph_info Shows anonymous memory (human readable) used by each vserver.'
- 	    ;;
-+	RMAP)
-+	    echo 'graph_title Mapped memory used by vserver'
-+	    echo 'graph_args --base 1024k -l 0'
-+	    echo 'graph_vlabel RMAP pages'
-+	    echo 'graph_info Shows mapped memory (human readable) used by each vserver.'
-+	    ;;
- 	    echo 'graph_title Files used by vserver'
- 	    echo 'graph_args --base 1024k -l 0'
-@@ -224,6 +230,30 @@
- 	    echo 'graph_vlabel SHM pages'
- 	    echo 'graph_info Shows shared memory (human readable) used by each vserver.'
- 	    ;;
-+	SEMA)
-+	    echo 'graph_title Semaphore arrays used by vserver'
-+	    echo 'graph_args --base 1024k -l 0'
-+	    echo 'graph_vlabel Semaphore arrays'
-+	    echo 'graph_info Shows semaphore arrays used by each vserver.'
-+	    ;;
-+	SEMS)
-+	    echo 'graph_title Semaphores used by vserver'
-+	    echo 'graph_args --base 1024k -l 0'
-+	    echo 'graph_vlabel Semaphores'
-+	    echo 'graph_info Shows semaphores used by each vserver.'
-+	    ;;
-+	DENT)
-+	    echo 'graph_title dentry structs used by vserver'
-+	    echo 'graph_args --base 1024k -l 0'
-+	    echo 'graph_vlabel dentry structs'
-+	    echo 'graph_info Shows dentry structs used by each vserver.'
-+	    ;;
-+	ALL)
-+	    echo 'graph_title Resources used by vserver'
-+	    echo 'graph_args --base 1024k -l 0'
-+	    echo 'graph_vlabel Resources'
-+	    echo 'graph_info Shows rsources used by each vserver.'
-+	    ;;
- 	*)
- 	    echo "$RESOURCE not defined."
- 	    exit 1
-@@ -242,53 +272,108 @@
- 	case "$RESOURCE" in
- 	    PROC)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: processes"
--		echo "$ Number of processes used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_PROC.label $LABEL: processes"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of processes used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    VM)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Virtual memory"
--		echo "$ Size of virtual memory used by $LABEL. (Number multipled by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
--		echo "$NAME.cdef $NAME,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VM.label $LABEL: Virtual memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of virtual memory used by $LABEL. (Number multipled by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VM.cdef ${NAME}_VM,$pagesize,*"
- 		;;
- 	    VML)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Locked memory"
--		echo "$ Size of locked memory used by $LABEL. (Number multipled by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
--		echo "$NAME.cdef $NAME,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VML.label $LABEL: Locked memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of locked memory used by $LABEL. (Number multipled by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VML.cdef ${NAME}_VML,$pagesize,*"
- 		;;
- 	    RSS)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Resident set size"
--		echo "$ Size of resident set size used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
--		echo "$NAME.cdef $NAME,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RSS.label $LABEL: Resident set size"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of resident set size used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RSS.cdef ${NAME}_RSS,$pagesize,*"
- 		;;
- 	    ANON)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Anonymous memory"
--		echo "$ Size of anonymous memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
--		echo "$NAME.cdef $NAME,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_ANON.label $LABEL: Anonymous memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of anonymous memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_ANON.cdef ${NAME}_ANON,$pagesize,*"
-+		;;
-+	    RMAP)
-+		echo "${NAME}_RMAP.label $LABEL: Mapped memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of mapped memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RMAP.cdef ${NAME}_RMAP,$pagesize,*"
- 		;;
- 	    FILES)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Files"
--		echo "$ Number of files used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_FILES.label $LABEL: Files"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of files used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    OFD)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Open filedescriptors"
--		echo "$ Number of open filedescriptors used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_OFD.label $LABEL: Open filedescriptors"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of open filedescriptors used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    LOCKS)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Locks"
--		echo "$ Number of locks used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_LOCKS.label $LABEL: Locks"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of locks used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    SOCK)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Sockets"
--		echo "$ Number of sockets used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_SOCK.label $LABEL: Sockets"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of sockets used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    MSGQ)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Message queues"
--		echo "$ Number of message queues used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_MSGQ.label $LABEL: Message queues"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of message queues used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    SHM)
--		echo "$NAME.label $LABEL: Shared memory"
--		echo "$ Size of shared memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
--		echo "$NAME.cdef $1,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_SHM.label $LABEL: Shared memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of shared memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_SHM.cdef ${NAME}_SHM,$pagesize,*"
-+		;;
-+	    SEMA)
-+		echo "${NAME}_SEMA.label $LABEL: Semaphore arrays"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of semaphore arrays used by $LABEL."
-+		;;
-+	    SEMS)
-+		echo "${NAME}_SEMS.label $LABEL: Semaphores"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of semaphores used by $LABEL."
-+		;;
-+	    DENT)
-+		echo "${NAME}_DENT.label $LABEL: dentry structs"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of dentries used by $LABEL."
-+		;;
-+	    ALL)
-+		echo "${NAME}_PROC.label $LABEL: processes"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of processes used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_VM.label $LABEL: Virtual memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of virtual memory used by $LABEL. (Number multipled by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VM.cdef ${NAME}_VM,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VML.label $LABEL: Locked memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of locked memory used by $LABEL. (Number multipled by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_VML.cdef ${NAME}_VML,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RSS.label $LABEL: Resident set size"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of resident set size used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RSS.cdef ${NAME}_RSS,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_ANON.label $LABEL: Anonymous memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of anonymous memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_ANON.cdef ${NAME}_ANON,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RMAP.label $LABEL: Mapped memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of mapped memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_RMAP.cdef ${NAME}_RMAP,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_FILES.label $LABEL: Files"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of files used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_OFD.label $LABEL: Open filedescriptors"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of open filedescriptors used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_LOCKS.label $LABEL: Locks"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of locks used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_SOCK.label $LABEL: Sockets"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of sockets used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_MSGQ.label $LABEL: Message queues"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of message queues used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_SHM.label $LABEL: Shared memory"
-+		echo "${NAME} Size of shared memory used by $LABEL. (Number multiplied by $pagesize to make it human readable)"
-+		echo "${NAME}_SHM.cdef ${NAME}_SHM,$pagesize,*"
-+		echo "${NAME}_SEMA.label $LABEL: Semaphore arrays"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of semaphore arrays used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_SEMS.label $LABEL: Semaphores"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of semaphores used by $LABEL."
-+		echo "${NAME}_DENT.label $LABEL: dentry structs"
-+		echo "${NAME} Number of dentries used by $LABEL."
- 		;;
- 	    *)
- 		echo "$RESOURCE not defined."
-@@ -299,7 +384,7 @@
- 	if [ ! -z "$LIMITS" -a "$LIMITS" = 1 ]; then
- 	    LIMIT=`cat /proc/virtual/$xid/limit | grep $RESOURCE | cut -f4`
- 	    if [ ${LIMIT:-0} -gt 0 ]; then
--		echo "$NAME.critical $LIMIT"
-+		echo "${NAME}_${RESOURCE}.critical $LIMIT"
- 	    fi
- 	fi
-     done
-@@ -310,8 +395,15 @@
- for xid in $XIDS ; do
-     LABEL=`cat /proc/virtual/$xid/$NAMELOC |grep NodeName |cut -f2`
-     NAME=`echo $LABEL | cut -d. -f1 |  tr '-' '_'`
--    cat /proc/virtual/$xid/limit | awk -v name="${NAME}" -v resource="${RESOURCE}:" \
--	'{ if ( $1 == resource )
--            printf "%s.value %d\n", name, $2 }'
-+    if [ $RESOURCE = "ALL" ]; then
-+    cat /proc/virtual/$xid/limit | awk -v name="${NAME}" \
-+	'{ if ( $1 ~ /[A-Z]*:/ ) {
-+            resource = $1 ; gsub(/:/, "", resource);
-+            printf "%s_%s.value %d\n", name, resource, $2
-+           }}'
-+    else
-+    cat /proc/virtual/$xid/limit | awk -v name="${NAME}" -v resource="${RESOURCE}" \
-+	'{ if ( $1 ~ resource )
-+            printf "%s_%s.value %d\n", name, resource, $2 }'
-+    fi
- done
++# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Holger Levsen and Micah Anderson
++# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
++# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
++# as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 dated June,
++# 1991.
++# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
++# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
++# GNU General Public License for more details.
++# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
++# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
++# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
++# Graph Vserver cpu usage stats
++# Configuration variables
++#   vservers - specify the vservers to include in the graph (default: all)
++# NOTE: If no configuration variable is set, the default will be used
++# see vserver_resources for example uses of configuration files
++INFO=(`sed 's/.*:\t//' /proc/virtual/info 2>/dev/null || echo '<none>'`)
++KCIN="$[ 16#${INFO[2]} ]";
++# If this is 1, then VCI_SPACES is present in the kernel (new in 2.6.19)
++if [ $[ (KCIN >> 10) & 1 ] -eq 1 ]
++    NAMELOC="nsproxy"
++    NAMELOC="cvirt"
++if [ -z "$VSERVERS" ] ; then
++    XIDS=`find /proc/virtual/* -type d -exec basename {} \;`
++    # it's really more performant to specify vservers by ids or by linking but not in the configuration-file by name
++    XIDS=""
++    for i in $VSERVERS ; do
++	if [ -d /proc/virtual/$i ] ; then
++	    XIDS="${XIDS}${i} "
++	else
++	    for j in `find /proc/virtual/* -type d -exec basename {} \;` ; do
++		if [ "$i" = "`cat /proc/virtual/$j/$NAMELOC |grep NodeName |cut -f2`" ] ; then
++		    XIDS="${XIDS}${j} "
++		fi
++	    done
++	fi
++    done
++if [ "$1" = "config" ]; then
++	echo 'graph_category vserver'
++	echo 'graph_args --base 1000'
++	echo 'graph_title Vserver cpu usage'
++	echo 'graph_vlabel jiffies used per ${graph_period}'
++	echo 'graph_info Shows jiffies used on each vserver.'
++	for i in $XIDS ; do 
++		LABEL=`grep NodeName /proc/virtual/$i/$NAMELOC | cut -f2`
++		NAME=`echo $LABEL | tr '-' '_'`
++		echo "${NAME}_hold.label on hold for cpu on $LABEL"
++		echo "${NAME} on hold for cpu on $LABEL."
++		echo "${NAME}_hold.type COUNTER"
++		echo "${NAME}_scpu.label system cpu usage for $LABEL"
++		echo "${NAME} system cpu usage for $LABEL."
++		echo "${NAME}_scpu.type COUNTER"
++		echo "${NAME}_ucpu.label user cpu usage for $LABEL"
++		echo "${NAME} user cpu usage for $LABEL."
++		echo "${NAME}_ucpu.type COUNTER"
++	done
++	exit 0
++for i in $XIDS ; do
++	NAME=`grep NodeName /proc/virtual/$i/$NAMELOC | cut -f2 | tr '-' '_'`
++	awk -v name=$NAME -v u=0 -v s=0 -v h=0 '
++		/^cpu [0-9]+:/ { u+=$3; s+=$4; h+=$5}
++		END {
++			print name "_hold.value " h
++			print name "_scpu.value " s
++			print name "_ucpu.value " u
++		}' /proc/virtual/$i/sched

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