PLDWWW: FrontPage

shadzik shadzik at
Sun Dec 6 03:50:15 CET 2009

Author: shadzik   Date: Sun Dec  6 02:50:15 2009 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:

---- Page affected: FrontPage

---- Diffs:

  PLD is a free, RPM-based Linux distribution, aimed at the more advanced users and administrators, who accept the tradeoffs of using a system, that might require manual tweaking in exchange for much flexibility. Simultaneous availability for a wide variety of architectures and non-conservative approach to RPM usage provides our users with a consistent environment on almost all available architectures. More details are available in the [:About:about] section.
  == News ==
+ === 6th December 2009: A new LiveCD with KDE4 released ===
+ Today the LiveCD with KDE4 project's finally got updated.Main feature is the new preview of the upcoming KDE 4.4 version - KDE 4.4 Beta1. Read more and download it on the official website []
  === 1 August 2009 Th: ppc and athlon unmaintained [update] ===
@@ -24, +27 @@

  Main tree uses 2.6.28, xserver 1.6 and kde4 now.
  ps. "obsolete" in this case means "unmaintained"
- ##=== 8 March 2009 PLD LiveCD with KDE4 - stable release ===
+ === 8 March 2009 PLD LiveCD with KDE4 - stable release ===
- ##Finally the LiveCD with KDE4 makes it into stable. This release includes:
+ Finally the LiveCD with KDE4 makes it into stable. This release includes:
- ##K Desktop Environment 4.2.1, KOffice 2.0 Beta 7 and many many more...
+ K Desktop Environment 4.2.1, KOffice 2.0 Beta 7 and many many more...
  ##Get it from []!
- ##=== 2 February 2009 PLD LiveCD with KDE4 makes it into RC3 ===
+ === 2 February 2009 PLD LiveCD with KDE4 makes it into RC3 ===
- ##RC3 of the second LiveCD with the PLD brand on it is out!
+ RC3 of the second LiveCD with the PLD brand on it is out!
- ##This release covers many, many fixes and features some parts of KOffice 2.0 Beta ##6.
+ This release covers many, many fixes and features some parts of KOffice 2.0 Beta ##6.
  ##Get it at []!
  === 16 November 2008 ===

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