SVN: toys/tools/cleanbuild: build clean cleanbuild cleaninstall install

sparky sparky at
Sun Dec 6 15:32:28 CET 2009

Author: sparky
Date: Sun Dec  6 15:32:28 2009
New Revision: 11006

   toys/tools/cleanbuild/build   (contents, props changed)
   toys/tools/cleanbuild/clean   (contents, props changed)
   toys/tools/cleanbuild/cleanbuild   (contents, props changed)
   toys/tools/cleanbuild/cleaninstall   (contents, props changed)
   toys/tools/cleanbuild/install   (contents, props changed)
-- cleanbuild: create new chroot and build package inside
-- build: build package inside existing chroot
-- clean: remove chroot
-- install: install packages inside existing chroot
-- cleaninstall: create new chroot and install packages

Added: toys/tools/cleanbuild/build
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/tools/cleanbuild/build	Sun Dec  6 15:32:28 2009
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link cleanbuild
\ No newline at end of file

Added: toys/tools/cleanbuild/clean
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/tools/cleanbuild/clean	Sun Dec  6 15:32:28 2009
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link cleanbuild
\ No newline at end of file

Added: toys/tools/cleanbuild/cleanbuild
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/tools/cleanbuild/cleanbuild	Sun Dec  6 15:32:28 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#!/usr/bin/sudo /bin/sh
+SRC="-n th -n th-ready"
+[ -r .cleanbuildrc ] && . .cleanbuildrc
+export LC_ALL=C
+unset LANG
+usage() {
+	[ $# -gt 0 ] && echo "$*"
+	echo "Usage:"
+	echo "	./cleanbuild [cleanbuild options] specname [builder options]"
+	echo "	./build [cleanbuild options] specname [builder options]"
+	echo "	./clean [cleanbuild options]"
+	echo "	./cleaninstall [cleanbuild options] packages"
+	echo "	./install [cleanbuild options] packages"
+	echo ""
+	echo "cleanbuild options:"
+	echo " -32, -64, -th-i486  - select architecture"
+	echo " -a, -b, -c, -d      - select chroot directory"
+	exit 1
+case "$0" in
+	*cleanbuild)
+		FETCH=true
+		CLEAN=true
+		BUILD=true
+		;;
+	*clean)
+		CLEAN=true
+		;;
+	*build)
+		BUILD=true
+		;;
+	*cleaninstall)
+		CLEAN=true
+		INSTALL=true
+		;;
+	*install)
+		INSTALL=true
+		;;
+	*)
+		usage
+		;;
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+	OPT="${1}"
+	case "$OPT" in
+		-32)	OPT="-th-i686" ;;
+		-64)	OPT="-th-x86_64" ;;
+		-th-32)	OPT="-th-i686" ;;
+		-th-64)	OPT="-th-x86_64" ;;
+		-ac)	OPT="-ac-amd64" ;;
+		-ac-32)	OPT="-ac-i586" ;;
+		-ac-64)	OPT="-ac-amd64" ;;
+	esac
+	V="${OPT#-}"
+	case "$OPT" in
+		-th-i[46]86 | -th-x86_64)
+			DEST="$V"
+			SRC="-n $V -n $V-ready -n th-noarch -n th-noarch-ready"
+			;;
+		-ac-amd64 | -ac-i[356]86 | -ac-athlon)
+			DEST="$V"
+			SRC="-n $V"
+			;;
+		-cleanafter | -ca)
+			;;
+		-[a-z])
+			;;
+		-~*)
+			SUFFIX="$V"
+			;;
+		*)
+			break
+			;;
+	esac
+	shift
+if $BUILD; then
+	[ $# -ne 0 ] || usage
+	build_pkg="${1}"
+	shift
+	builder_options="$*"
+warn() {
+	echo -n -e "\033[31;1m" >&2
+	echo -n "$*" >&2
+	echo -e "\033[0m" >&2
+die() {
+	code=$1
+	shift
+	warn "$*"
+	exit $code
+info() {
+	echo -n -e "\033[32m"
+	echo -n "$*"
+	echo -e "\033[0m"
+title() {
+	[ -t 1 ] || return 0
+	local msg="$CHNAME: $build_pkg: $*"
+	case "$TERM" in
+		cygwin|xterm*)
+			echo -ne "\033]1;$msg\007\033]2;$msg\007" >&2
+			;;
+		screen*)
+			echo -ne "\033]0;$msg\007" >&2
+			;;
+	esac
+	return 0
+check_running() {
+	[ -r "$CHDIR/.pid" ] || return
+	PID=$(< "$CHDIR/.pid")
+	if [ -d /proc/$PID ]; then
+		die 10 "Another process ($PID) already running in $CHNAME"
+	fi
+for D in installed buildlogs $CACHEDIR; do
+	if [ ! -d "$D" ]; then
+		echo "mkdir $D"
+		su $USER -c "mkdir -p $D" || die 13 "Cannot create work directories"
+	fi
+if $FETCH; then
+	info "Fetching $build_pkg"
+	title "fetch"
+	su $USER -c "$HOME/rpm/packages/builder -g $build_pkg $builder_options" \
+		|| die 11 "Fetch failed"
+poldek_options="-O keep_downloads=yes -O suggests=no -O ignore=vserver-packages -O unique_package_names=yes -O particle_install=no"
+ignore() { IGNORE="$IGNORE $*"; }
+ignore \
+	vserver-packages \
+	upstart\* \
+	xorg-driver-video-fglrx\* xorg-driver-video-nvidia\* xorg-xserver-xgl-libGL \
+	xorg-data-xbitmaps \
+	compat-gcc\* \
+	libpng1\* \
+	anacron fcron hc-cron \
+	masqmail msmtp-sendmail omta postfix sendmail ssmtp nail-mail nullmailer \
+	ghostscript-esp \
+	\*-multilib-\* \
+	stfl-python \
+	perl-PathTools perl-MIME-Base64 \
+	gnome-speech-driver-festival gnome-speech-driver-speech-dispatcher \
+	phonon-backend-xine \
+	xemacs-extras \
+	freetype1-devel \
+	kde-icons-actions kipi-plugins \
+	gnome-menus \
+	java-sun-jre
+rebuilddb() {
+	rpm --root=$CHDIR --rebuilddb
+poldek() {
+	rebuilddb
+	/usr/bin/poldek $SRC -s "$RPMS_FROM" -r "$CHDIR" "--cachedir=$CACHEDIR" $poldek_options "$@"
+#set -x
+build_umount() {
+	for DIR in $CHHOME/rpm $CHHOME dev proc sys; do
+		[ -d $CHDIR/$DIR ] && umount $CHDIR/$DIR
+	done
+build_remove_root() {
+	umount $CHDIR
+	rmdir $CHDIR
+clean() {
+	info "Cleaning $CHNAME"
+	build_umount
+	build_remove_root
+	title "clean"
+$CLEAN && clean
+build_prepare_root() {
+	set -e
+	mkdir $CHDIR
+	mount -t tmpfs -o size=8G /dev/null $CHDIR
+	echo $$ > $CHDIR/.pid
+	rpm --root=$CHDIR --initdb 
+	poldek --up || :
+	poldek --noask -u FHS
+	poldek --noask -u libstdc++
+	poldek --noask -u rpm-build
+	poldek --upgrade-dist
+	for DIR in dev proc sys; do
+		mount -o bind /$DIR $CHDIR/$DIR
+	done
+	chroot $CHDIR useradd -m $USER
+	cp -a $CHDIR/$CHHOME/{tmp,rpm}
+	cp -a $CHDIR/$CHHOME/{.bashrc,.rpmmacros}
+	cat <<-'EOM' > $CHDIR/$CHHOME/.rpmmacros
+	%_builddir		/BUILD
+	%buildroot		%{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+	%_rpmdir		%{_topdir}/cleanRPMS
+	%distribution	CleanPLD
+	%_binary_payload	w1.gzdio
+	cat <<-'EORC' > $CHDIR/$CHHOME/.builderrc
+	set +e
+build_mount_home() {
+	mount -o bind $HOME/rpm $CHDIR/$CHHOME/rpm
+if ! $BUILD && ! $INSTALL; then
+	exit
+if $CLEAN; then
+	su $USER -c "poldek -s $RPMS_FROM --mkidx"
+	# rm -f installed/$build_pkg
+	info "Preparing $CHNAME"
+	build_prepare_root
+	build_mount_home
+echo $$ > $CHDIR/.pid
+print_installed() {
+	echo=$1
+	if [ -r installed/$build_pkg ]; then
+		$echo "$(cat installed/$build_pkg | awk '{print $1}' | sort -u \
+			| awk '{br=br ", " $1} END{gsub(/^, /, "- BR: ", br ); print br}')"
+		cat installed/$build_pkg
+	fi
+addlist() {
+	LIST="$1"
+	print_installed info
+	echo "*** $build_pkg $(date --rfc-3339=seconds) ***" >> $LIST
+	print_installed echo >> $LIST
+builddie() {
+	LIST="$1"; shift
+	CODE="$1"; shift
+	MSG="$*"
+	$CLEANAFTER && clean
+	title "failed !"
+	addlist "ERROR_$LIST"
+	die $CODE "$MSG"
+poldek_install() {
+	I="$1";
+	# Nothing to install
+	[ -n "$I" ] || return 1
+	# Installing same packets second time
+	[ "$LAST_INSTALL" != "$I" ] || return 1
+	info "Installing" $I
+	poldek -O "ignore=$IGNORE" -u $I | tee $$.poldek_install
+	ret=
+	if grep -q "Preparing...                ##################################################" $$.poldek_install \
+			&& ! grep -q "file .* from install of .* conflicts with file from package" $$.poldek_install
+		then
+		info "Poldek:" $I "installed"
+		ret=0
+	elif grep -q "Nothing to do" $$.poldek_install; then
+		warn "Poldek:" $I "installed already"
+		ret=1
+	fi
+	rm $$.poldek_install
+	[ -n "$ret" ] && return $ret
+	# try harder
+	poldek -u $I && return 0
+	poldek -u $I && return 0
+	warn "Poldek:" "Could not install" $I
+	return 1
+if $INSTALL; then
+	poldek_install "$*"
+	exit
+while true; do
+	info "Building $build_pkg in $CHNAME"
+	rebuilddb
+	buildlog="buildlogs/$build_pkg"
+	if [ -r $buildlog ]; then
+		i=1
+		while [ -r $buildlog.$i ]; do
+			i=$((i+1))
+		done
+		info "moving $buildlog to $buildlog.$i"
+		mv $buildlog $buildlog.$i
+	fi
+	title "building"
+	{ chroot $CHDIR su $USER -c "$CHHOME/rpm/packages/builder -nn -bb $build_pkg $builder_options" 2>&1; echo $? > ecode; } | tee $buildlog
+	ECODE=$(< ecode)
+	rm -f ecode
+	if grep -q "error: Failed build dependencies:" $buildlog; then
+		SEARCH=$(cat $buildlog | awk '/^Error:/ { p = 0 }; { if ( p ) { f="p"; if ( $1 ~ /^\// ) f="f"; printf "search -%c %s; ", f, $1; } }; /error: Failed build dependencies:/ { p = 1 }')
+		INSTALL=$(poldek -O "ignore=$IGNORE" --shcmd="$SEARCH" | awk '{ if ( p ) { print; p = 0; } } / package\(s\) found:$/ { p = 1 }' | sed 's/^\(.*\)-.*-.*$/\1/' | sort -u)
+		if poldek_install "$INSTALL"; then
+			info "Deps installed"
+			continue
+		else
+			die 4 "Cannot install BRs"
+		fi
+	fi
+	./findbr $CHDIR/BUILD $buildlog > $$.installed
+	installed_something=false
+	while read pkg msg; do
+		if poldek_install $pkg; then
+			info "findbr:" $pkg "installed"
+			echo "$pkg $msg" >> installed/$build_pkg
+			./addbr $build_pkg "$pkg" "$msg"
+			installed_something=true
+		else
+			warn "findbr:" $pkg "not installed"
+		fi
+	done < $$.installed
+	rm -f $$.installed
+	$installed_something && continue
+	if [ $ECODE -eq 0 ]; then
+		$CLEANAFTER && clean
+		addlist BUILT_OK
+		info "$build_pkg built OK !"
+		title "OK !"
+		exit 0
+	else
+		builddie UNKNOWN 1 "Got error but dunno what to do !"
+	fi
+# vim: ts=4 sw=4 filetype=sh

Added: toys/tools/cleanbuild/cleaninstall
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/tools/cleanbuild/cleaninstall	Sun Dec  6 15:32:28 2009
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link cleanbuild
\ No newline at end of file

Added: toys/tools/cleanbuild/install
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/tools/cleanbuild/install	Sun Dec  6 15:32:28 2009
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+link cleanbuild
\ No newline at end of file

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