packages: coreutils/coreutils-advcopy.patch - fix this patch a bit, add -g, ...

shadzik shadzik at
Tue Jan 26 12:47:58 CET 2010

Author: shadzik                      Date: Tue Jan 26 11:47:58 2010 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- fix this patch a bit, add -g,--progress-bar options which are per default disabled

---- Files affected:
   coreutils-advcopy.patch (1.2 -> 1.3) 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/coreutils/coreutils-advcopy.patch
diff -u packages/coreutils/coreutils-advcopy.patch:1.2 packages/coreutils/coreutils-advcopy.patch:1.3
--- packages/coreutils/coreutils-advcopy.patch:1.2	Tue Jan 26 09:48:07 2010
+++ packages/coreutils/coreutils-advcopy.patch	Tue Jan 26 12:47:53 2010
@@ -1,357 +1,397 @@
-diff -crB coreutils-8.4/src/copy.c coreutils-8.4-dst/src/copy.c
-*** coreutils-8.4/src/copy.c	2010-01-03 18:06:20.000000000 +0100
---- coreutils-8.4-dst/src/copy.c	2010-01-25 22:37:04.000000000 +0100
-*** 457,462 ****
---- 457,512 ----
-    return lchmod (name, mode);
-  }
-+ /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+ static void file_progress_bar ( char * _cDest, int _iBarLength, int _iProgress, int _iTotal )
-+ {
-+   // write number to progress bar
-+   float fPercent = ( float ) _iProgress / ( float ) _iTotal * 100.f;
-+   sprintf ( _cDest + ( _iBarLength - 6 ), "%4.1f", fPercent );
-+   // remove zero
-+   _cDest[_iBarLength - 2] = ' ';
-+   // fill rest with '-'
-+   int i;
-+   for ( i = 1; i <= _iBarLength - 9; i++ )
-+   {
-+     if ( fPercent > ( float ) ( i - 1 ) / ( _iBarLength - 10 ) * 100.f )
-+       _cDest[i] = '|';
-+     else
-+       _cDest[i] = '-';
-+   }
-+ }
-+ int file_size_format ( char * _cDst, int _iSize, int _iCounter )
-+ {
-+   int iCounter = _iCounter;
-+   double dSize = ( double ) _iSize;
-+   while ( dSize >= 1000. )
-+   {
-+     dSize /= 1024.;
-+     iCounter++;
-+   }
-+   /* get unit */
-+   char * sUnit;
-+   if ( iCounter == 0 )
-+     sUnit = "B";
-+   else if ( iCounter == 1 )
-+     sUnit = "KiB";
-+   else if ( iCounter == 2 )
-+     sUnit = "MiB";
-+   else if ( iCounter == 3 )
-+     sUnit = "GiB";
-+   else if ( iCounter == 4 )
-+     sUnit = "TiB";
-+   else
-+     sUnit = "N/A";
-+   /* write number */
-+   return sprintf ( _cDst, "%5.1f %s", dSize, sUnit );
-+ }
-+ /* END progress mod */
-  /* Copy a regular file from SRC_NAME to DST_NAME.
-     If the source file contains holes, copies holes and blocks of zeros
-     in the source file as holes in the destination file.
-*** 706,713 ****
---- 756,899 ----
-        buf_alloc = xmalloc (buf_size + buf_alignment_slop);
-        buf = ptr_align (buf_alloc, buf_alignment);
-+       /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+       /* create a field of 6 lines */
-+       char ** cProgressField = ( char ** ) calloc ( 6, sizeof ( char * ) );
-+       /* get console width */
-+       int iBarLength = 80;
-+       struct winsize win;
-+       if ( ioctl (STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *) &win) == 0 && win.ws_col > 0 )
-+          iBarLength = win.ws_col;
-+       /* create rows */
-+       int it;
-+       for ( it = 0; it < 6; it++ )
-+       {
-+         cProgressField[it] = ( char * ) malloc ( iBarLength + 1 );
-+         /* init with spaces */
-+         int j;
-+         for ( j = 0; j < iBarLength; j++ )
-+           cProgressField[it][j] = ' ';
-+         cProgressField[it][iBarLength] = '\0';
-+       }
-+       /* global progress bar? */
-+       if ( g_iTotalSize )
-+       {
-+         /* init global progress bar */
-+         cProgressField[2][0] = '[';
-+         cProgressField[2][iBarLength - 8] = ']';
-+         cProgressField[2][iBarLength - 7] = ' ';
-+         cProgressField[2][iBarLength - 1] = '%';
-+         /* total size */
-+         cProgressField[1][iBarLength - 11] = '/';
-+         file_size_format ( cProgressField[1] + iBarLength - 9, g_iTotalSize, 1 );
-+         /* show how many files were written */
-+         int sum_length = sprintf ( cProgressField[1], "%d files copied so far...", g_iFilesCopied );
-+         cProgressField[1][sum_length] = ' ';
-+       }
-+       /* truncate filename? */
-+       int fn_length;
-+       if ( strlen ( src_name ) > iBarLength - 22 )
-+         fn_length =
-+           sprintf ( cProgressField[4], "...%s", src_name + ( strlen ( src_name ) - iBarLength + 25 ) );
-+       else
-+         fn_length = sprintf ( cProgressField[4], "%s", src_name );
-+       cProgressField[4][fn_length] = ' ';
-+       /* filesize */
-+       cProgressField[4][iBarLength - 11] = '/';
-+       file_size_format ( cProgressField[4] + iBarLength - 9, src_open_sb.st_size, 0 );
-+       int iCountDown = 1;
-+       char * sProgressBar = cProgressField[5];
-+       sProgressBar[0] = '[';
-+       sProgressBar[iBarLength - 8] = ']';
-+       sProgressBar[iBarLength - 7] = ' ';
-+       sProgressBar[iBarLength - 1] = '%';
-+       /* this will always save the time in between */
-+       struct timeval last_time;
-+       gettimeofday ( & last_time, NULL );
-+       int last_size = g_iTotalWritten;
-+       /* END progress mod */
-        for (;;)
-          {
-+           /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+           /* update countdown */
-+           iCountDown--;
-+           if ( iCountDown < 0 )
-+             iCountDown = 100;
-+           /* just print one line with the percentage, but not always */
-+           if ( iCountDown == 0 )
-+           {
-+             /* calculate current speed */
-+             struct timeval cur_time;
-+             gettimeofday ( & cur_time, NULL );
-+             int cur_size = g_iTotalWritten + n_read_total / 1024;
-+             int usec_elapsed = cur_time.tv_usec - last_time.tv_usec;
-+             double sec_elapsed = ( double ) usec_elapsed / 1000000.f;
-+             sec_elapsed += ( double ) ( cur_time.tv_sec - last_time.tv_sec );
-+             int copy_speed = ( int ) ( ( double ) ( cur_size - last_size )
-+               / sec_elapsed );
-+             char s_copy_speed[20];
-+             file_size_format ( s_copy_speed, copy_speed, 1 );
-+             /* update vars */
-+             last_time = cur_time;
-+             last_size = cur_size;
-+             /* how many time has passed since the start? */
-+             int isec_elapsed = cur_time.tv_sec - g_oStartTime.tv_sec;
-+             int sec_remaining = ( int ) ( ( double ) isec_elapsed / cur_size
-+               * g_iTotalSize ) - isec_elapsed;
-+             int min_remaining = sec_remaining / 60;
-+             sec_remaining -= min_remaining * 60;
-+             int hours_remaining = min_remaining / 60;
-+             min_remaining -= hours_remaining * 60;
-+             /* print out */
-+             sprintf ( cProgressField[3],
-+               "Copying at %s/s (about %dh %dm %ds remaining)", s_copy_speed,
-+               hours_remaining, min_remaining, sec_remaining );
-+             int fs_len;
-+             if ( g_iTotalSize )
-+             {
-+               /* global progress bar */
-+               file_progress_bar ( cProgressField[2], iBarLength,
-+                                   g_iTotalWritten + n_read_total / 1024, g_iTotalSize );
-+               /* print the global status */
-+               fs_len = file_size_format ( cProgressField[1] + iBarLength - 21,
-+                                               g_iTotalWritten + n_read_total / 1024, 1 );
-+               cProgressField[1][iBarLength - 21 + fs_len] = ' ';
-+             }
-+             /* current progress bar */
-+             file_progress_bar ( sProgressBar, iBarLength, n_read_total, src_open_sb.st_size );
-+             /* print the status */
-+             fs_len = file_size_format ( cProgressField[4] + iBarLength - 21, n_read_total, 0 );
-+             cProgressField[4][iBarLength - 21 + fs_len] = ' ';
-+             /* print the field */
-+             for ( it = g_iTotalSize ? 0 : 3; it < 6; it++ )
-+             {
-+               printf ( "\033[K%s\n", cProgressField[it] );
-+               if ( strlen ( cProgressField[it] ) < iBarLength )
-+                 printf ( "" );
-+             }
-+             if ( g_iTotalSize )
-+               printf ( "\r\033[6A" );
-+             else
-+               printf ( "\r\033[3A" );
-+             fflush ( stdout );
-+           }
-+           /* END progress mod */
-            word *wp = NULL;
-            ssize_t n_read = read (source_desc, buf, buf_size);
-*** 788,793 ****
---- 974,990 ----
-                   /proc with linux kernels from at least 2.6.9 .. 2.6.29.  */
-              }
-          }
-+       /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+       /* update total size */
-+       g_iTotalWritten += n_read_total / 1024;
-+       g_iFilesCopied++;
-+       int i;
-+       for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
-+         free ( cProgressField[i] );
-+       free ( cProgressField );
-+       /* END progress mod */
-        /* If the file ends with a `hole', we need to do something to record
-           the length of the file.  On modern systems, calling ftruncate does
-diff -crB coreutils-8.4/src/copy.h coreutils-8.4-dst/src/copy.h
-*** coreutils-8.4/src/copy.h	2010-01-03 18:06:20.000000000 +0100
---- coreutils-8.4-dst/src/copy.h	2010-01-25 22:37:06.000000000 +0100
-*** 280,283 ****
---- 280,293 ----
-  bool chown_failure_ok (struct cp_options const *);
-  mode_t cached_umask (void);
-+ /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+ int file_size_format ( char * _cDst, int _iSize, int _iCounter );
-+ long g_iTotalSize;
-+ long g_iTotalWritten;
-+ int g_iFilesCopied;
-+ struct timeval g_oStartTime;
-+ int g_iTotalFiles;
-+ /* END progress mod */
-  #endif
-diff -crB coreutils-8.4/src/cp.c coreutils-8.4-dst/src/cp.c
-*** coreutils-8.4/src/cp.c	2010-01-04 16:46:06.000000000 +0100
---- coreutils-8.4-dst/src/cp.c	2010-01-25 22:36:58.000000000 +0100
-*** 612,617 ****
---- 612,666 ----
-                 quote (file[n_files - 1]));
-      }
-+     /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+     g_iTotalSize = 0;
-+     g_iFilesCopied = 0;
-+     g_iTotalWritten = 0;
-+     /* save time */
-+     struct timeval start_time;
-+     gettimeofday ( & start_time, NULL );
-+     g_oStartTime = start_time;
-+     printf ( "Calculating total size... \r" );
-+     fflush ( stdout );
-+     long iTotalSize = 0;
-+     int iFiles = n_files;
-+     if ( ! target_directory )
-+       iFiles = n_files - 1;
-+     int j;
-+     for (j = 0; j < iFiles; j++)
-+     {
-+       /* call du -s for each file */
-+       /* create command */
-+       char command[1024];
-+       sprintf ( command, "du -s \"%s\"", file[j] );
-+       /* TODO: replace all quote signs in file[i] */
-+       FILE *fp;
-+       char output[1024];
-+       /* run command */
-+       fp = popen(command, "r");
-+       if (fp == NULL || fgets(output, sizeof(output)-1, fp) == NULL) {
-+         printf("failed to run du.\n" );
-+       }
-+       else
-+       {
-+         /* isolate size */
-+         strchr ( output, '\t' )[0] = '\0';
-+         iTotalSize += atol ( output );
-+         printf ( "Calculating total size... %d\r", iTotalSize );
-+         fflush ( stdout );
-+       }
-+       /* close */
-+       pclose(fp);
-+     }
-+     g_iTotalSize = iTotalSize;
-+     /* END progress mod */
-    if (target_directory)
-      {
-        /* cp file1...filen edir
-*** 754,759 ****
---- 803,846 ----
-        ok = copy (source, new_dest, 0, x, &unused, NULL);
-      }
-+     /* BEGIN progress mod */
-+     /* remove everything */
-+     int i;
-+     if ( g_iTotalSize )
-+     {
-+       for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
-+         printf ( "\033[K\n" );
-+       printf ( "\r\033[6A" );
-+     }
-+     else
-+     {
-+       for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
-+         printf ( "\033[K\n" );
-+       printf ( "\r\033[3A" );
-+     }
-+     /* save time */
-+     struct timeval end_time;
-+     gettimeofday ( & end_time, NULL );
-+     int usec_elapsed = end_time.tv_usec - start_time.tv_usec;
-+     double sec_elapsed = ( double ) usec_elapsed / 1000000.f;
-+     sec_elapsed += ( double ) ( end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec );
-+     /* get total size */
-+     char sTotalWritten[20];
-+     file_size_format ( sTotalWritten, g_iTotalSize, 1 );
-+     /* TODO: using g_iTotalWritten would be more correct, but is less accurate */
-+     /* calculate speed */
-+     int copy_speed = ( int ) ( ( double ) g_iTotalWritten / sec_elapsed );
-+     char s_copy_speed[20];
-+     file_size_format ( s_copy_speed, copy_speed, 1 );
-+     /* good-bye message */
-+     printf ( "%d files (%s) copied in %.1f seconds (%s/s).\n", g_iFilesCopied, sTotalWritten,
-+              sec_elapsed, s_copy_speed );
-+     /* END progress mod */
-    return ok;
-  }
+diff -ru coreutils-8.4.orig/src/copy.c coreutils-8.4/src/copy.c
+--- coreutils-8.4.orig/src/copy.c	2010-01-25 16:03:29.606930239 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/src/copy.c	2010-01-26 12:35:40.565408965 +0100
+@@ -457,6 +457,56 @@
+   return lchmod (name, mode);
+ }
++/* BEGIN progress mod */
++static void file_progress_bar ( char * _cDest, int _iBarLength, int _iProgress, int _iTotal )
++  // write number to progress bar
++  float fPercent = ( float ) _iProgress / ( float ) _iTotal * 100.f;
++  sprintf ( _cDest + ( _iBarLength - 6 ), "%4.1f", fPercent );
++  // remove zero
++  _cDest[_iBarLength - 2] = ' ';
++  // fill rest with '-'
++  int i;
++  for ( i = 1; i <= _iBarLength - 9; i++ )
++  {
++    if ( fPercent > ( float ) ( i - 1 ) / ( _iBarLength - 10 ) * 100.f )
++      _cDest[i] = '|';
++    else
++      _cDest[i] = '-';
++  }
++int file_size_format ( char * _cDst, int _iSize, int _iCounter )
++  int iCounter = _iCounter;
++  double dSize = ( double ) _iSize;
++  while ( dSize >= 1000. )
++  {
++    dSize /= 1024.;
++    iCounter++;
++  }
++  /* get unit */
++  char * sUnit;
++  if ( iCounter == 0 )
++    sUnit = "B";
++  else if ( iCounter == 1 )
++    sUnit = "KiB";
++  else if ( iCounter == 2 )
++    sUnit = "MiB";
++  else if ( iCounter == 3 )
++    sUnit = "GiB";
++  else if ( iCounter == 4 )
++    sUnit = "TiB";
++  else
++    sUnit = "N/A";
++  /* write number */
++  return sprintf ( _cDst, "%5.1f %s", dSize, sUnit );
++/* END progress mod */
+ /* Copy a regular file from SRC_NAME to DST_NAME.
+    If the source file contains holes, copies holes and blocks of zeros
+    in the source file as holes in the destination file.
+@@ -630,7 +680,7 @@
+       return_val = false;
+       goto close_src_and_dst_desc;
+     }
+   if (x->reflink_mode)
+     {
+       bool clone_ok = clone_file (dest_desc, source_desc) == 0;
+@@ -706,8 +756,112 @@
+       buf_alloc = xmalloc (buf_size + buf_alignment_slop);
+       buf = ptr_align (buf_alloc, buf_alignment);
++      int it;
++      char ** cProgressField = ( char ** ) calloc ( 6, sizeof ( char * ) );
++      int iBarLength = 80;
++      /* BEGIN progress mod */
++      /* create a field of 6 lines */
++      /* get console width */
++      struct winsize win;
++      if ( ioctl (STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, (char *) &win) == 0 && win.ws_col > 0 )
++         iBarLength = win.ws_col;
++      /* create rows */
++      for ( it = 0; it < 6; it++ )
++      {
++        cProgressField[it] = ( char * ) malloc ( iBarLength + 1 );
++        /* init with spaces */
++        int j;
++        for ( j = 0; j < iBarLength; j++ )
++          cProgressField[it][j] = ' ';
++        cProgressField[it][iBarLength] = '\0';
++      }
++      /* global progress bar? */
++      if ( g_iTotalSize )
++      {
++        /* init global progress bar */
++        cProgressField[2][0] = '[';
++        cProgressField[2][iBarLength - 8] = ']';
++        cProgressField[2][iBarLength - 7] = ' ';
++        cProgressField[2][iBarLength - 1] = '%';
++        /* total size */
++        cProgressField[1][iBarLength - 11] = '/';
++        file_size_format ( cProgressField[1] + iBarLength - 9, g_iTotalSize, 1 );
++        /* show how many files were written */
++        int sum_length = sprintf ( cProgressField[1], "%d files copied so far...", g_iFilesCopied );
++        cProgressField[1][sum_length] = ' ';
++      }
++      /* truncate filename? */
++      int fn_length;
++      if ( strlen ( src_name ) > iBarLength - 22 )
++        fn_length =
++          sprintf ( cProgressField[4], "...%s", src_name + ( strlen ( src_name ) - iBarLength + 25 ) );
++      else
++        fn_length = sprintf ( cProgressField[4], "%s", src_name );
++      cProgressField[4][fn_length] = ' ';
++      /* filesize */
++      cProgressField[4][iBarLength - 11] = '/';
++      file_size_format ( cProgressField[4] + iBarLength - 9, src_open_sb.st_size, 0 );
++      char * sProgressBar = cProgressField[5];
++      sProgressBar[0] = '[';
++      sProgressBar[iBarLength - 8] = ']';
++      sProgressBar[iBarLength - 7] = ' ';
++      sProgressBar[iBarLength - 1] = '%';
++      /* END progress mod */
++      int iCountDown = 1;
+       for (;;)
+         {
++          if (progress) {
++          /* BEGIN progress mod */
++          /* update countdown */
++          iCountDown--;
++          if ( iCountDown < 0 )
++            iCountDown = 100;
++          /* just print one line with the percentage, but not always */
++          if ( iCountDown == 0 )
++          {
++            int fs_len;
++            if ( g_iTotalSize )
++            {
++              /* global progress bar */
++              file_progress_bar ( cProgressField[2], iBarLength,
++                                  g_iTotalWritten + n_read_total / 1024, g_iTotalSize );
++              /* print the global status */
++              fs_len = file_size_format ( cProgressField[1] + iBarLength - 21,
++                                              g_iTotalWritten + n_read_total / 1024, 1 );
++              cProgressField[1][iBarLength - 21 + fs_len] = ' ';
++            }
++            /* current progress bar */
++            file_progress_bar ( sProgressBar, iBarLength, n_read_total, src_open_sb.st_size );
++            /* print the status */
++            fs_len = file_size_format ( cProgressField[4] + iBarLength - 21, n_read_total, 0 );
++            cProgressField[4][iBarLength - 21 + fs_len] = ' ';
++            /* print the field */
++            for ( it = g_iTotalSize ? 0 : 3; it < 6; it++ )
++            {
++              printf ( "%s\n", cProgressField[it] );
++              if ( strlen ( cProgressField[it] ) < iBarLength )
++                printf ( "" );
++            }
++            if ( g_iTotalSize )
++              printf ( "\r\033[6A" );
++            else
++              printf ( "\r\033[3A" );
++            fflush ( stdout );
++          }
++          /* END progress mod */
++          }
+           word *wp = NULL;
+           ssize_t n_read = read (source_desc, buf, buf_size);
+@@ -788,6 +942,19 @@
+                  /proc with linux kernels from at least 2.6.9 .. 2.6.29.  */
+             }
+         }
++if (progress) {
++      /* BEGIN progress mod */
++      /* update total size */
++      g_iTotalWritten += n_read_total / 1024;
++      g_iFilesCopied++;
++      int i;
++      for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
++        free ( cProgressField[i] );
++      free ( cProgressField );
++      /* END progress mod */
+       /* If the file ends with a `hole', we need to do something to record
+          the length of the file.  On modern systems, calling ftruncate does
+diff -ru coreutils-8.4.orig/src/copy.h coreutils-8.4/src/copy.h
+--- coreutils-8.4.orig/src/copy.h	2010-01-25 16:03:29.606930239 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/src/copy.h	2010-01-25 16:57:54.755683087 +0100
+@@ -222,6 +222,9 @@
+      Create destination directories as usual. */
+   bool symbolic_link;
++  /* if true, draw a nice progress bar on screen */
++  bool progress_bar;
+   /* If true, do not copy a nondirectory that has an existing destination
+      with the same or newer modification time. */
+   bool update;
+@@ -280,4 +283,13 @@
+ bool chown_failure_ok (struct cp_options const *);
+ mode_t cached_umask (void);
++/* BEGIN progress mod */
++int file_size_format ( char * _cDst, int _iSize, int _iCounter );
++long g_iTotalSize;
++long g_iTotalWritten;
++int g_iFilesCopied;
++bool progress;
++/* END progress mod */
+ #endif
+diff -ru coreutils-8.4.orig/src/cp.c coreutils-8.4/src/cp.c
+--- coreutils-8.4.orig/src/cp.c	2010-01-25 16:03:29.596930015 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/src/cp.c	2010-01-26 11:30:10.014160692 +0100
+@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@
+   {"target-directory", required_argument, NULL, 't'},
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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