packages: kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase-branch.diff, kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase....

arekm arekm at
Thu Aug 19 19:29:46 CEST 2010

Author: arekm                        Date: Thu Aug 19 17:29:46 2010 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- rel 4; branch diff is back

---- Files affected:
   kde4-kdebase-branch.diff (1.17 -> 1.18) , kde4-kdebase.spec (1.131 -> 1.132) 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase-branch.diff
diff -u packages/kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase-branch.diff:1.17 packages/kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase-branch.diff:1.18
--- packages/kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase-branch.diff:1.17	Tue Mar 16 21:05:58 2010
+++ packages/kde4-kdebase/kde4-kdebase-branch.diff	Thu Aug 19 19:29:41 2010
@@ -1,2921 +1,1445 @@
-Index: apps/nsplugins/sdk/prcpucfg.h
+Index: apps/konqueror/src/konqtabs.h
---- apps/nsplugins/sdk/prcpucfg.h	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/nsplugins/sdk/prcpucfg.h	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -600,8 +600,49 @@
- #define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2   2
- #define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD_LOG2  3
-+#elif defined(__sh__)
-+#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
-+#define IS_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
-+#undef  IS_BIG_ENDIAN
- #else
-+#define IS_BIG_ENDIAN 1
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_BYTE	1
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_SHORT	2
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT	4
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_INT64	8
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_LONG	4
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_FLOAT	4
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD	4
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_DWORD	8
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_BYTE	8
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_SHORT	16
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_INT		32
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_INT64	64
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_LONG	32
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_FLOAT	32
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_DOUBLE	64
-+#define PR_BITS_PER_WORD	32
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_SHORT	2
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT		4
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_LONG	4
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_INT64	8
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_FLOAT	4
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_DOUBLE	8
-+#define PR_ALIGN_OF_WORD	4
-+#define PR_BYTES_PER_WORD_LOG2	2
- #error "Unknown CPU architecture"
+--- apps/konqueror/src/konqtabs.h	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/src/konqtabs.h	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@
+   NewTabToolButton* m_leftWidget;
+   bool m_permanentCloseButtons;
+   bool m_alwaysTabBar;
+-  bool m_MouseMiddleClickClosesTab;
+   QMap<QString,QAction*> m_popupActions;
+ };
- #endif
-Index: apps/konqueror/CMakeLists.txt
+Index: apps/konqueror/src/konqcombo.cpp
---- apps/konqueror/CMakeLists.txt	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/CMakeLists.txt	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
- add_definitions(-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE )
+--- apps/konqueror/src/konqcombo.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/src/konqcombo.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -869,6 +869,8 @@
+                 const bool blocked = completionbox->blockSignals(true);
+                 completionbox->setCurrentItem(matchedItem);
+                 completionbox->blockSignals(blocked);
++            } else {
++                completionbox->setCurrentRow(-1);
+             }
+         }
+         else { // completion box not visible yet -> show it
+Index: apps/konqueror/src/konqtabs.cpp
+--- apps/konqueror/src/konqtabs.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/src/konqtabs.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -74,8 +74,6 @@
+   m_pActiveChild = 0L;
+   m_pViewManager = viewManager;
--add_definitions (-DQT3_SUPPORT -DQT3_SUPPORT_WARNINGS)
+-  m_MouseMiddleClickClosesTab = KonqSettings::mouseMiddleClickClosesTab();
- add_subdirectory( src )
- add_subdirectory( client )
+   m_permanentCloseButtons = KonqSettings::permanentCloseButton();
+   if (m_permanentCloseButtons) {
+     setTabsClosable( true );
+@@ -379,7 +377,7 @@
-Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/web_module/web_module.cpp
+ void KonqFrameTabs::slotMouseMiddleClick(QWidget *w)
+ {
+-    if (m_MouseMiddleClickClosesTab) {
++    if (KonqSettings::mouseMiddleClickClosesTab()) {
+         slotCloseRequest(w);
+     } else {
+         KUrl filteredURL(KonqMisc::konqFilteredURL(this, QApplication::clipboard()->text(QClipboard::Selection)));
+Index: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/kcookiespolicies.cpp
---- apps/konqueror/sidebar/web_module/web_module.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/web_module/web_module.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- */
+--- apps/konqueror/settings/kio/kcookiespolicies.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/settings/kio/kcookiespolicies.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
+     if ( !handleDuplicate(domain, advice) )
+     {
+       const char* strAdvice = KCookieAdvice::adviceToStr(advice);
+-      QTreeWidgetItem* index = new QTreeWidgetItem (dlg->lvDomainPolicy,
+-                                                QStringList()<< domain << i18n(strAdvice));
+-      m_pDomainPolicy.insert (index, strAdvice);
++      QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem (dlg->lvDomainPolicy,
++                                                   QStringList()<< domain << i18n(strAdvice));
++      m_pDomainPolicy.insert (item, strAdvice);
+       configChanged();
+     }
+   }
+@@ -395,12 +395,14 @@
+   group.writeEntry("CookieGlobalAdvice", advice);
- #include "web_module.h"
-+#include <kaction.h>
- #include "favicon_interface.h"
+   QStringList domainConfig;
+-  QTreeWidgetItem *at = dlg->lvDomainPolicy->topLevelItem(0);
+-  while( at )
+-  {
+-    domainConfig.append(QString::fromLatin1("%1:%2").arg(QString(tolerantToAce(at->text(0)))).arg(m_pDomainPolicy[at]));
+-    at = dlg->lvDomainPolicy->itemBelow(at);
++  QMapIterator<QTreeWidgetItem*, const char*> it (m_pDomainPolicy);
++  while (it.hasNext()) {
++      QTreeWidgetItem *item = it.key();
++      QString policy = tolerantToAce(item->text(0));
++      policy += QLatin1Char(':');
++      policy += QLatin1String(it.value());
++      domainConfig << policy;
+   }
- #include <QtCore/QFileInfo>
-@@ -35,6 +36,52 @@
- #include <khbox.h>
+   group.writeEntry("CookieDomainAdvice", domainConfig);
+Index: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/safari40.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 on MacOS X)
+ Name[es]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 en MacOS X)
+ Name[et]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 MacOS X platvormil)
++Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Safari 4.0 MacOS X-en)
+ Name[fr]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 sous MacOS X)
+ Name[fy]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 op MacOS X)
+ Name[ga]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 ar MacOS X)
+@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
+ Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Safari 4.0 på MacOS X)
+ Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Safari 4.0 op MacOS X)
+ Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Safari 4.0 op MacOS X)
++Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Safari 4.0 på MacOS X)
+ Name[pa]=UADescription (MacOS X ਉੱਤੇ ਸਫ਼ਾਰੀ ੪.੦)
+ Name[pl]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 w MacOS X)
+ Name[pt]=UADescription (Safari 4.0 no MacOS X)
+Index: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox36oncurrent.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 on current)
+ Name[es]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 en actual)
+ Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 3.6)
++Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Firefox 3.6 unekoan)
+ Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 sous le système actuel)
+ Name[fy]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 op aktive)
+ Name[ga]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 ar an gcóras reatha)
+@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
+ Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Firefox 3.6 herifra)
+ Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Firefox 3.6 op dit Systeem)
+ Name[nl]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 op huidige)
++Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Firefox 3.6 herifrå)
+ Name[pa]=UADescription (ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਉੱਤੇ ਫਾਇਰਫਾਕਸ ੩.੬)
+ Name[pl]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6, bieżący)
+ Name[pt]=UADescription (Firefox 3.6 no sistema actual)
+Index: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/chrome50oncurrent.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/chrome50oncurrent.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/chrome50oncurrent.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ Name[en_GB]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[es]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[et]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
++Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[fr]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[fy]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[ga]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
+ Name[nb]=Brukeragent (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[nds]=UA-Beschrieven (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[nl]=GA-beschrijving (Google Chrome 5.0)
++Name[nn]=Brukaragent (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[pa]=UADescription (ਗੂਗਲ ਕਰੋਮ ੫.੦)
+ Name[pl]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+ Name[pt]=UADescription (Google Chrome 5.0)
+Index: apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/settings/kio/uasproviders/firefox30oncurrent.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
+ Name[eo]=UA-Priskribo (Fajrovulpo 3.0 sub nuna)
+ Name[es]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 en actual)
+ Name[et]=UADescription (Selles masinas töötav Firefox 3.0)
+-Name[eu]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 unekoan)
++Name[eu]=UA azalpena (Firefox 3.0 unekoan)
+ Name[fi]=Käyttäjäagenttikuvaus (Firefox 3.0 nykyisellä)
+ Name[fr]=UADescription (Firefox 3.0 sous le système actuel)
+ Name[fy]=UA-beskriuwing (Firefox 3.0 op aktive)
+Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/places_module/konqsidebar_places.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/sidebar/places_module/konqsidebar_places.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/places_module/konqsidebar_places.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
+ Name[en_GB]=Places SideBar Module
+ Name[es]=Módulo de la barra lateral de lugares
+ Name[et]=Asukohtade külgriba moodul
++Name[eu]=Lekuen alboko barraren modulua
+ Name[fi]=Sijainnit sivupalkki-moduuli
+ Name[fr]=Placer le module de barre de navigation 
+ Name[fy]=Places sydbalke module
+ Name[ga]=Modúl Barra Taoibh Áiteanna
+ Name[he]=מודול סרגל צד מקומות
+ Name[hi]= बाज़ूपट्टी मॉड्यू लगाता हैल
++Name[hr]=Postavlja modul bočne trake
+ Name[ia]=Modulo de Barra Lateral de Placias
+ Name[id]=Tempat Modul Batang Sisi
+ Name[is]=Staðahliðarsláreining
+@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@
+ Name[nb]=Modul for steder-sidestolpe
+ Name[nds]=Steden-Sietpaneelmoduul
+ Name[nl]=Plaatst module voor zijbalk
++Name[nn]=Modul for stad-sidestolpe
+ Name[pa]=ਥਾਵਾਂ ਬਾਹਰੀ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ
+ Name[pl]=Moduł paska bocznego miejsc
+ Name[pt]=Módulo da Barra Lateral dos Locais
+Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/default_entries/places.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/sidebar/default_entries/places.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/default_entries/places.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@
+ Comment[en_GB]=This is the list of places.
+ Comment[es]=Esta es la lista de lugares.
+ Comment[et]=Asukohtade loend.
++Comment[eu]=Hau da lekuen zerrenda.
+ Comment[fi]=Tämä on sijaintien luettelo.
+ Comment[fr]=Ceci est la liste des emplacements.
+ Comment[fy]=Dit is de opsomming fan places.
+@@ -105,6 +106,7 @@
+ Comment[nb]=Dette er lista over steder.
+ Comment[nds]=Dit is de List mit Steden.
+ Comment[nl]=Dit is de lijst met plaatsen.
++Comment[nn]=Dette er lista over stader.
+ Comment[pa]=ਇਹ ਥਾਵਾਂ ਦੀ ਲਿਸਟ ਹੈ।
+ Comment[pl]=To jest lista miejsc.
+ Comment[pt]=Esta é a lista de locais.
+Index: apps/konqueror/preloader/konqy_preloader.desktop
+--- apps/konqueror/preloader/konqy_preloader.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/konqueror/preloader/konqy_preloader.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
+ Name[en_GB]=Konqueror Browser Preloader
+ Name[es]=Módulo de precarga del navegador Konqueror
+ Name[et]=Konquerori brauseri eellaadimise moodul
++Name[eu]=Konqueror arakatzailearen aurrezamatzailea
+ Name[fi]=Konqueror-selaimen esilataaja
+ Name[fr]=Module de préchargement du navigateur Konqueror
+ Name[fy]=Konqueror Blêder foarlader
+@@ -35,6 +36,7 @@
+ Name[nb]=Forhåndslaster for Konqueror nettleser
+ Name[nds]=Konqueror vörladen
+ Name[nl]=Konqueror browser preloader-module
++Name[nn]=Førehandslastar for nettlesaren Konqueror
+ Name[pa]=ਕੋਨਕਿਉਰੋਰ ਬਰਾਊਜ਼ਰ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਲੋਡ ਮੋਡੀਊਲ
+ Name[pl]=Wstępne wczytywanie dla Konquerora
+ Name[pt]=Pré-Carregamento do Navegador Konqueror
+Index: apps/dolphin/src/viewextensionsfactory.cpp
+--- apps/dolphin/src/viewextensionsfactory.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/dolphin/src/viewextensionsfactory.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+         m_toolTipManager = new ToolTipManager(view, proxyModel);
+         connect(dolphinViewController, SIGNAL(hideToolTip()),
+-                m_toolTipManager, SLOT(hideTip()));
++                m_toolTipManager, SLOT(hideToolTip()));
+     }
+     // initialize preview generator
+Index: apps/dolphin/src/dolphinview.cpp
+--- apps/dolphin/src/dolphinview.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.5.0/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
++++ apps/dolphin/src/dolphinview.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.5/kdebase)	(wersja 1165575)
+@@ -93,7 +93,6 @@
+     m_dolphinViewController(0),
+     m_viewModeController(0),
+     m_viewAccessor(proxyModel),
+-    m_selectionModel(0),
+     m_selectionChangedTimer(0),
+     m_rootUrl(),
+     m_activeItemUrl(),
+@@ -540,30 +539,33 @@
-+    : KHTMLPart()
-+    setStatusMessagesEnabled(false);
-+    setMetaRefreshEnabled(true);
-+    setJavaEnabled(false);
-+    setPluginsEnabled(false);
-+    setFormNotification(KHTMLPart::Only);
-+    connect(this,
-+            SIGNAL(formSubmitNotification(const char*,QString,QByteArray,QString,QString,QString)),
-+            this,
-+            SLOT(formProxy(const char*,QString,QByteArray,QString,QString,QString))
-+        );
-+    _linkMenu = new KMenu(widget());
-+    KAction* openLinkAction = new KAction(i18n("&Open Link"), this);
-+    _linkMenu->addAction(openLinkAction);
-+    connect(openLinkAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadPage()));
-+    KAction* openWindowAction = new KAction(i18n("Open in New &Window"), this);
-+    _linkMenu->addAction(openWindowAction);
-+    connect(openWindowAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadNewWindow()));
-+    _menu = new KMenu(widget());
-+    KAction* reloadAction = new KAction(i18n("&Reload"), this);
-+    reloadAction->setIcon(KIcon("view-refresh"));
-+    _menu->addAction(reloadAction);
-+    connect(reloadAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(reload()));
-+    KAction* autoReloadAction = new KAction(i18n("Set &Automatic Reload"), this);
-+    autoReloadAction->setIcon(KIcon("view-refresh"));
-+    _menu->addAction(autoReloadAction);
-+    connect(autoReloadAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SIGNAL(setAutoReload()));
-+    connect(this, SIGNAL(popupMenu(QString,QPoint)),
-+            this, SLOT(showMenu(QString,QPoint)));
- KonqSideBarWebModule::KonqSideBarWebModule(const KComponentData &componentData, QWidget *parent, const KConfigGroup& configGroup)
- 	: KonqSidebarModule(componentData, parent, configGroup)
+ void DolphinView::setUrl(const KUrl& url)
-@@ -43,9 +90,9 @@
- 	connect(_htmlPart, SIGNAL(reload()), this, SLOT(reload()));
- 	connect(_htmlPart, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(pageLoaded()));
- 	connect(_htmlPart,
--		SIGNAL(setWindowCaption(const QString&)),
-+		SIGNAL(setWindowCaption(QString)),
- 		this,
--		SLOT(setTitle(const QString&)));
-+		SLOT(setTitle(QString)));
- 	connect(_htmlPart,
- 		SIGNAL(openUrlRequest(QString, KParts::OpenUrlArguments, KParts::BrowserArguments)),
- 		this,
-@@ -61,9 +108,9 @@
- 		this,
- 		SLOT(urlNewWindow(QString,KParts::OpenUrlArguments,KParts::BrowserArguments,KParts::WindowArgs)));
- 	connect(_htmlPart,
--		SIGNAL(submitFormRequest(const char*,const QString&,const QByteArray&,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&)),
-+		SIGNAL(submitFormRequest(const char*,QString,const QByteArray&,QString,QString,QString)),
- 		this,
--		SIGNAL(submitFormRequest(const char*,const QString&,const QByteArray&,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&)));
-+		SIGNAL(submitFormRequest(const char*,QString,const QByteArray&,QString,QString,QString)));
-         reloadTimeout = configGroup.readEntry("Reload", 0);
- 	_url = configGroup.readPathEntry("URL", QString());
-@@ -83,7 +130,8 @@
- 	return _htmlPart->widget();
+-    if (m_viewModeController->url() != url) {
+-        m_newFileNames.clear();
++    if (m_viewModeController->url() == url) {
++        return;
++    }
+-        m_viewModeController->setUrl(url); // emits urlChanged, which we forward
+-        m_viewAccessor.prepareUrlChange(url);
+-        applyViewProperties();
+-        loadDirectory(url);
++    // The selection model might change in the case of the column view. Disconnect
++    // from the current selection model and reconnect later after the URL switch.
++    QAbstractItemView* view = m_viewAccessor.itemView();
++    disconnect(view->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
++               this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
+-        // When changing the URL there is no need to keep the version
+-        // data of the previous URL.
+-        m_viewAccessor.dirModel()->clearVersionData();
++    m_newFileNames.clear();
+-        emit startedPathLoading(url);
+-    }
++    m_viewModeController->setUrl(url); // emits urlChanged, which we forward
++    m_viewAccessor.prepareUrlChange(url);
++    applyViewProperties();
++    loadDirectory(url);
+-    // the selection model might have changed in the case of a column view
+-    QItemSelectionModel* selectionModel = m_viewAccessor.itemView()->selectionModel();
+-    if (m_selectionModel != selectionModel) {
+-        disconnect(m_selectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
+-                   this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
+-        m_selectionModel = selectionModel;
+-        connect(m_selectionModel, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
+-                this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
+-    }
++    // When changing the URL there is no need to keep the version
++    // data of the previous URL.
++    m_viewAccessor.dirModel()->clearVersionData();
++    emit startedPathLoading(url);
++    // Reconnect to the (probably) new selection model
++    view = m_viewAccessor.itemView();
++    connect(view->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)),
++            this, SLOT(slotSelectionChanged(QItemSelection, QItemSelection)));
--void KonqSideBarWebModule::setAutoReload(){
-+void KonqSideBarWebModule::setAutoReload()
- 	KDialog dlg( 0 );
-   dlg.setModal( true );
-   dlg.setCaption( i18n("Set Refresh Timeout (0 disables)" ) );
-@@ -92,10 +140,11 @@
- 	KHBox *hbox = new KHBox( &dlg );
-   dlg.setMainWidget( hbox );
--	QSpinBox *mins = new QSpinBox( hbox );
-+	QSpinBox *mins = new QSpinBox(hbox);
- 	mins->setRange(0, 120);
- 	mins->setSuffix( i18n(" min") );
--	QSpinBox *secs = new QSpinBox( 0, 59, 1, hbox );
-+	QSpinBox *secs = new QSpinBox(hbox);
-+        secs->setRange(0, 59);
- 	secs->setSuffix( i18n(" sec") );
- 	if( reloadTimeout > 0 )	{
-Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/web_module/web_module.h
---- apps/konqueror/sidebar/web_module/web_module.h	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/web_module/web_module.h	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -31,41 +31,11 @@
- // A wrapper for KHTMLPart to make it behave the way we want it to.
- class KHTMLSideBar : public KHTMLPart
- {
--	public:
--		KHTMLSideBar() : KHTMLPart() {
--			setStatusMessagesEnabled(false);
--			setMetaRefreshEnabled(true);
--			setJavaEnabled(false);
--			setPluginsEnabled(false);
-+    Q_OBJECT
-+    KHTMLSideBar();
-+    virtual ~KHTMLSideBar() {}
--			setFormNotification(KHTMLPart::Only);
--			connect(this,
--				SIGNAL(formSubmitNotification(const char*,const QString&,const QByteArray&,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&)),
--				this,
--				SLOT(formProxy(const char*,const QString&,const QByteArray&,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&))
--				);
--			_linkMenu = new KMenu(widget());
--                        _linkMenu->insertItem(i18n("&Open Link"),
--                                              this, SLOT(loadPage()));
--                        _linkMenu->insertItem(i18n("Open in New &Window"),
--                                              this, SLOT(loadNewWindow()));
--			_menu = new KMenu(widget());
--			_menu->insertItem(SmallIcon("view-refresh"), i18n("&Reload"),
--					this, SIGNAL(reload()));
--			_menu->insertItem(SmallIcon("view-refresh"), i18n("Set &Automatic Reload"),                                                  this, SIGNAL(setAutoReload()));
--			connect(this,
--				SIGNAL(popupMenu(const QString&,const QPoint&)),
--				this,
--				SLOT(showMenu(const QString&, const QPoint&)));
--		}
--		virtual ~KHTMLSideBar() {}
- 		void submitFormRequest(const char*,const QString&,const QByteArray&,const QString&,const QString&,const QString&);
- 		void openUrlRequest(const QString& url,
-Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/trees/CMakeLists.txt
---- apps/konqueror/sidebar/trees/CMakeLists.txt	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/trees/CMakeLists.txt	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
- kde4_add_library(sidebar_tree STATIC ${libkonq_sidebar_tree_SRCS})
- endif(WIN32)
-+add_definitions (-DQT3_SUPPORT -DQT3_SUPPORT_WARNINGS)
- add_subdirectory( init )
- add_subdirectory( dirtree_module )
- add_subdirectory( bookmark_module )
-Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/konq_sidebartng.desktop
---- apps/konqueror/sidebar/konq_sidebartng.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/konq_sidebartng.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- Name[ca at valencia]=Barra lateral
- Name[csb]=Bòcznô listew
- Name[da]=Sidepanel
- Name[el]=Πλευρική μπάρα
- Name[en_GB]=Sidebar
- Name[eo]=Flanka breto
-@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
- Name[km]=របារ​ចំហៀង
- Name[kn]=ಬದಿಯ ಪಟ್ಟಿ
- Name[ko]=사이드바
-+Name[lt]=Šoninė juosta
- Name[lv]=Sānjosla
- Name[mai]=स्लाइडबार
- Name[mk]=Странична лента
-Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/history_module/konqsidebar_history.desktop
---- apps/konqueror/sidebar/history_module/konqsidebar_history.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/history_module/konqsidebar_history.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
- Name[km]=ម៉ូឌុល​របារ​ចំហៀង​ប្រវត្តិ
- Name[kn]=ಚರಿತ್ರೆ ಬದಿಪಟ್ಟಿ ಘಟಕ
- Name[ko]=과거 기록 사이드바 모듈
-+Name[lt]=Istorijos šoninės juostos modulis
- Name[lv]=Vēstures sānjoslas modulis
- Name[mk]=Модул „Лента за историја“
- Name[ml]=നാള്‍വഴികള്‍ വശത്തു് കാണിയ്ക്കുന്ന ഭാഗം
-Index: apps/konqueror/sidebar/CMakeLists.txt
---- apps/konqueror/sidebar/CMakeLists.txt	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/konqueror/sidebar/CMakeLists.txt	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
- include_directories (${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
-+# TODO: rewrite to KDirModel
- add_subdirectory( trees )
- add_subdirectory( web_module )
- add_subdirectory( history_module )
- add_subdirectory( default_entries )
-Index: apps/kfind/kquery.cpp
---- apps/kfind/kquery.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/4.4.1/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-+++ apps/kfind/kquery.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/4.4/kdebase)	(wersja 1104128)
-@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
-       QString str = stream->readLine();
-       matchingLineNumber++;
--      if (str.isEmpty()) break;
-+      if (str.isNull()) break;
-       if(isZippedOfficeDocument)
-         str.remove(xmlTags);
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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