packages: php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR-template.spec, php-...

glen glen at
Sat Aug 21 01:58:45 CEST 2010

Author: glen                         Date: Fri Aug 20 23:58:45 2010 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- up to 0.2.0

---- Files affected:
   php-pear-PEAR-template.spec (1.20 -> 1.21) , php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.patch (1.6 -> 1.7) , php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.spec (1.14 -> 1.15) 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR-template.spec
diff -u packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR-template.spec:1.20 packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR-template.spec:1.21
--- packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR-template.spec:1.20	Fri Aug 20 23:53:25 2010
+++ packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR-template.spec	Sat Aug 21 01:58:39 2010
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.571
 Requires:	php-pear
-BuildArch:	@arch@
+ at arch_statement@
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-%if @have_optional_deps@
+%if "@_noautoreq@" != ""
 # exclude optional dependencies
-%define		_noautoreq	@optional@
+%define		_noautoreq	@_noautoreq@
@@ -45,23 +45,31 @@
-%if @have_optional_deps@
-if [ -f %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/optional-packages.txt ]; then
-	cat %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}/optional-packages.txt
+%if "@_noautoreq@" != ""
+%post -p <lua>
 %doc ChangeLog install.log
-%if @have_optional_deps@
+%if "@_noautoreq@" != ""
 %doc optional-packages.txt
- at files@
- at data_files@
+ at cfg_files_statement@
+ at script_files_statement@
+ at php_files_statement@
+ at data_files_statement@
+%if 0
+# www:
+ at www_files_statement@
+# test:
+ at test_files_statement@
+# custom:
+ at customrole_files_statement@
 %define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
@@ -69,6 +77,9 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.21  2010/08/20 23:58:39  glen
+- up to 0.2.0
 Revision 1.20  2010/08/20 21:53:25  glen
 - build changelog

Index: packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.patch
diff -u packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.patch:1.6 packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.patch:1.7
--- packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.patch:1.6	Mon Sep  3 02:39:00 2007
+++ packages/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging/php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging.patch	Sat Aug 21 01:58:39 2010
@@ -1,329 +1,351 @@
---- ./usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Packaging.php	2006-11-08 21:05:54.294127778 +0200
-+++ ./usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Packaging.php	2006-11-08 21:12:50.723466165 +0200
-@@ -54,6 +54,11 @@
-                     'arg' => 'FILE',
-                     'doc' => 'Use FILE as RPM spec file template'
-                     ),
-+                'output' => array(
-+                    'shortopt' => 'o',
-+                    'arg' => 'FILE',
-+                    'doc' => 'Use FILE as output filename'
-+                    ),
-                 'rpm-release' => array(
-                     'shortopt' => 'r',
-                     'arg' => 'RELEASE',
-@@ -98,7 +103,7 @@
-     var $output;
+--- PEAR_Command_Packaging-0.2.0/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Packaging.php	2010-08-21 02:49:57.027662427 +0300
++++ PEAR_Command_Packaging-0.2.0/usr/share/pear/PEAR/Command/Packaging.php	2010-08-21 02:49:27.971832168 +0300
+@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
+      * $commands array above and in Packaging.xml so that it is consistent.
+      */
+     var $_rpm_pkgname_format = array(
+-        'pkg'  => '%C::%s',
++        'pkg'  => 'php-pear-%s',
+         'chan' => 'php-channel-%c',
+     );
-     // The default format of the RPM package name
--    var $_rpm_pkgname_format = '%C::%s';
-+    var $_rpm_pkgname_format = 'php-pear-%s';
+@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@
+     var $_rpm_depname_format = array(
+         'pkg'  => '%P',
+         'ext'  => 'php-%l',
+-        'php'  => 'php',
++        'pecl-ext'  => 'php-pecl-%l',
++        'php'  => 'php-common',
+         'chan' => 'php-channel(%n)',
+     );
-     // The default format of various dependencies that might be generated in the
-     // spec file.
-@@ -113,7 +118,7 @@
-     // the rpm-pkgname format string, with the addition of:
-     // %v = package version
-     // %P = use the same as whatever rpm_pkgname_format is set to be
--    var $_rpm_specname_format = '%P-%v.spec';
-+    var $_rpm_specname_format = '%P.spec';
-     /**
-      * PEAR_Command_Packaging constructor.
-@@ -172,7 +177,8 @@
-         }
-         $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry();
-         $pkg = &$this->getPackageFile($this->config, $this->_debug);
--        $pf = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($params[0], PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
-+		$tarball = $params[0];
-+        $pf = &$pkg->fromAnyFile($tarball, PEAR_VALIDATE_NORMAL);
-         if (PEAR::isError($pf)) {
-             $u = $pf->getUserinfo();
-             if (is_array($u)) {
-@@ -219,6 +225,10 @@
-         } else {
-             $info['release'] = '1';
+@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@
+      * chan - used when generating a spec file for a channel
+      */
+     var $_rpm_specname_format = array(
+-        'pkg'  => '%P-%v.spec',
++        'pkg'  => '%P.spec',
+         'chan' => 'php-channel-%c.spec'
+     );
+@@ -182,11 +183,11 @@
+      * need to be listed here
+      */
+     var $_file_prefixes = array(
+-        'php' => '%{_libdir}/php/pear',
++        'php' => '%{php_pear_dir}',
+         'doc' => '',
+-        'ext' => '%{_libdir}/php',
+-        'test' => '%{_libdir}/php/tests/%s',
+-        'data' => '%{_libdir}/php/data/%s',
++        'ext' => '%{%php_extensiondir}',
++        'test' => '%{php_pear_dir}/tests/%s',
++        'data' => '%{php_pear_dir}/data/%s',
+         'script' => '%{_bindir}',
+         'cfg' => '%{_sysconfdir}/pear',
+         'www' => '%{_datadir}/pear/www'
+@@ -197,7 +198,7 @@
+      * printf format. The first '%s' is the RPM header name followed by a colon,
+      * the second is the header value.
+      */
+-    var $_spec_line_format = '%s %s';
++    var $_spec_line_format = "%s\t%s";
+     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -247,6 +248,7 @@
+         'test_dir' => '',
+         'test_files_statement' => '',// empty string, or list of test files
+         'www_files_statement' => '', // empty string, or newline-separated list of files with "www" role
++        '_noautoreq' => '', // no autoreqdep. PLD Linux specific
+     );
+     // The name of the template spec file to use
+@@ -335,10 +338,14 @@
+         if (isset($options['rpm-release'])) {
+             $this->_output['release'] = $options['rpm-release'];
-+		// pld specific, need source md5
-+		$info['tarball'] = $tarball;
-+		$info['tarball_md5'] = md5(file_get_contents($tarball));
++        // PLD Linux specific. need source md5
++        $this->_output['tarball'] = $source_file;
++        $this->_output['tarball_md5'] = md5(file_get_contents($source_file));
-         // Work out the alias for the channel that this package is in
-         $info['possible_channel'] = '';
-@@ -234,17 +244,19 @@
-         $info['doc_files'] = array();
-         $info['doc_files_relocation_script'] = '';
-         $info['doc_files_statement'] = '';
--        $info['files'] = '';
-+        $info['files'] = array();
-+		$info['test_files'] = array();
-+		$info['data_files'] = array();
-         $info['package2xml'] = '';
-         $info['rpm_package'] = $this->_getRPMName($pf->getPackage(), $pf->getChannel());
-         $info['pear_rpm_name'] = $this->_getRPMName('PEAR', '', 'pkgdep');
--        $info['description'] = wordwrap($info['description']);
-+        $info['description'] = wordwrap($info['description'], 70);
+         // Set the PEAR RPM name for the PEAR core package
+         $this->_output['pear_rpm_name'] = $this->_getRPMName('PEAR', '', null, 'pkgdep');
+         // If source file ends in ".xml" we assume we are creating an RPM spec
+         // for a channel rather than an actual package
+         if (substr(strtolower($source_file), -4) == '.xml') {
+@@ -378,13 +385,40 @@
+     /**
+      * Format an RPM header line to be added to the spec file
+      * @param  string $header The name of the RPM header to be added 
+-     * @param  string $value  The contents of the RPM header
++     * @param  mixed $value  The contents of the RPM header
+      * @return string
+      */
+-    function _formatRpmHeader($header, $value)
++    function _formatRpmHeader($header, $values)
++    {
++        // PLD Linux: we want values sorted and each on their line
++        $values = (array )$values;
++        sort($values);
++        $ret = '';
++        foreach ($values as $value) {
++            $ret .= sprintf($this->_spec_line_format, $header . ':', $value) . "\n";
++        }
++        return $ret;
++    }
++    /*
++     * Get an version for RPM package.
++     *
++     * @param  string $version         Package version (e.g. '1.2.3RC1')
++     * @return string Normalized version
++     */
++    function _formatRpmVersion($version)
+     {
+-        return sprintf($this->_spec_line_format, $header . ':', $value);
++        // In PLD Linux alpha, beta, rc versions are noted in Release: not Version: tag.
++        preg_match('/^(?P<version>[0-9.]+)(?P<extraversion>.*)$/', $version, $m);
++        if ($m['extraversion']) {
++            $version = "{$m['version']}-0.{$m['extraversion']}";
++        }
++        return $version;
+     }
+     /**
+      * Replace a macro in the output spec file
+@@ -457,7 +491,7 @@
-         // Hook to support virtual provides, where the dependency name differs
-         // from the package name
-         $rpmdep = $this->_getRPMName($pf->getPackage(), $pf->getChannel(), 'pkgdep');
-         if (!empty($rpmdep) && $rpmdep != $info['rpm_package']) {
--            $info['extra_headers'] .= "Provides: $rpmdep = " . $pf->getVersion(). "\n";
-+            $info['extra_headers'] .= "Provides:\t$rpmdep = " . $pf->getVersion(). "\n";
+         $rpmdep = $this->_getRPMName(null, $cf->getName(), $cf->getAlias(), 'chandep');
+         if (!empty($rpmdep) && $rpmdep != $this->_output['rpm_package']) {
+-            $this->_output['extra_headers'] = $this->_formatRpmHeader('Provides', "$rpmdep") . "\n";
++            $this->_output['extra_headers'] = $this->_formatRpmHeader('Provides', $rpmdep) . "\n";
+         // Channels don't really have version numbers; this will need to be
+@@ -564,7 +598,7 @@
-         $srcfiles = 0;
-@@ -253,44 +265,49 @@
-                 continue;
+         // Set up some of the basic macros
+         $this->_output['rpm_package'] = $this->_getRPMName($pf->getPackage(), $pf->getChannel(), null, 'pkg');
+-        $this->_output['description'] = wordwrap($package_info['description']);
++        $this->_output['description'] = wordwrap($package_info['description'], 70);
+         $this->_output['summary'] = trim($package_info['summary']);
+         $this->_output['possible_channel'] = $pf->getChannel();
+         $this->_output['channel_alias'] = $this->_getChannelAlias($pf->getPackage(), $pf->getChannel());
+@@ -646,11 +680,13 @@
+             if (substr($this->_file_prefixes[$role], -2) == '%s') {
+                 $this->_output[$macro_name] = str_replace('%s', $pf->getPackage(), $this->_file_prefixes[$role]);
+             } else {
++                $attr = '';
+                 if ($role == 'cfg') {
+-                    $this->_output[$macro_name] = '%config(noreplace) ' . implode("\n%config(noreplace) ", $files);
+-                } else {
+-                    $this->_output[$macro_name] = implode("\n", $files);
++                    $attr = '%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) ';
++                } elseif ($role == 'script') {
++                    $attr = '%attr(755,root,root) ';
+                 }
++                $this->_output[$macro_name] = $attr . implode("\n$attr", $files);
-             $name = preg_replace('![/:\\\\]!', '/', $name);
--            if ($attr['role'] == 'doc') {
--                $info['doc_files'][] .= $name;
-+			$name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name); ## XXX is this really neccessary?
-             // Map role to the rpm vars
--            } else {
--                $c_prefix = '%{_libdir}/php/pear';
--                switch ($attr['role']) {
--                    case 'php':
--                        $prefix = $c_prefix;
--                    break;
--                    case 'ext':
--                        $prefix = '%{_libdir}/php';
--                    break; // XXX good place?
--                    case 'src':
--                        $srcfiles++;
--                        $prefix = '%{_includedir}/php';
--                    break; // XXX good place?
--                    case 'test':
--                        $prefix = "$c_prefix/tests/" . $pf->getPackage();
--                    break;
--                    case 'data':
--                        $prefix = "$c_prefix/data/" . $pf->getPackage();
--                    break;
--                    case 'script':
--                        $prefix = '%{_bindir}';
--                    break;
--                    default: // non-standard roles
--                        $prefix = "$c_prefix/$attr[role]/" . $pf->getPackage();
--                        $info['extra_config'] .=
--                        "\n        -d {$attr[role]}_dir=$c_prefix/{$attr[role]} \\";
--                        $this->ui->outputData('WARNING: role "' . $attr['role'] . '" used, ' .
--                            'and will be installed in "' . $c_prefix . '/' . $attr['role'] .
--                            '/' . $pf->getPackage() .
--                            ' - hand-edit the final .spec if this is wrong', $command);
--                    break;
--                }
--                $name = str_replace('\\', '/', $name);
--                $info['files'] .= "$prefix/$name\n";
--            }
-+			$c_prefix = '%{php_pear_dir}';
-+			switch ($attr['role']) {
-+				case 'doc':
-+					$info['doc_files'][] = $name;
-+				break;
-+				case 'php':
-+					$info['files'][] = "$c_prefix/$name";
-+				break;
-+				case 'ext':
-+					$prefix = '%{extensionsdir}';
-+					$info['files'][] = "$prefix/$name";
-+				break; // XXX good place?
-+				case 'src':
-+					$srcfiles++;
-+					$prefix = '%{_includedir}/php';
-+					$info['files'][] = "$prefix/$name";
-+				break; // XXX good place?
-+				case 'test':
-+					$prefix = "$c_prefix/tests/" . $pf->getPackage();
-+					$info['test_files'][] = "$prefix/$name";
-+				break;
-+				case 'data':
-+					$prefix = "$c_prefix/data/" . $pf->getPackage();
-+					$info['data_files'][] = "$prefix/$name";
-+				break;
-+				case 'script':
-+					$prefix = '%{_bindir}';
-+					$info['files'][] = "$prefix/$name";
-+				break;
-+				default: // non-standard roles
-+					$prefix = "$c_prefix/$attr[role]/" . $pf->getPackage();
-+					$info['extra_config'] .=
-+					"\n        -d {$attr[role]}_dir=$c_prefix/{$attr[role]} \\";
-+					$this->ui->outputData('WARNING: role "' . $attr['role'] . '" used, ' .
-+						'and will be installed in "' . $c_prefix . '/' . $attr['role'] .
-+						'/' . $pf->getPackage() .
-+						' - hand-edit the final .spec if this is wrong', $command);
-+					$info['files'][] = "$prefix/$name";
-+				break;
-+			}
-         }
-         $ndocs = count($info['doc_files']);
-@@ -305,6 +322,12 @@
-             $info['doc_files_statement'] = '%doc ' . $info['doc_files'];
-             $info['doc_files_relocation_script'] = "mv %{buildroot}/docs .\n";
-+		$info['have_tests'] = count($info['test_files']);
-+        $info['files'] = count($info['files']) > 0 ? join("\n", $info['files']) : '';
-+        $info['test_files'] = count($info['test_files']) > 0 ? join("\n", $info['test_files']) : '';
-+        $info['data_files'] = count($info['data_files']) > 0 ? join("\n", $info['data_files']) : '';
-         if ($srcfiles > 0) {
-             require_once 'OS/Guess.php';
-@@ -332,11 +355,27 @@
-         $info['version'] = $pf->getVersion();
-         $info['release_license'] = $pf->getLicense();
-         $info['release_state'] = $pf->getState();
-+		@list($info['class'], $info['subclass']) = explode('_', $info['package'], 2);
-+		if (empty($info['subclass'])) {
-+			$info['subclass'] = '%{nil}';
-+		}
-         if ($pf->getDeps()) {
-             if ($pf->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') {
-                 $requires = $conflicts = array();
-                 foreach ($pf->getDeps() as $dep) {
-                     if (isset($dep['optional']) && $dep['optional'] == 'yes') {
-+                        if ($dep['type'] == 'ext') {
-+                            $info['optional-ext'][] = 'php-' . $dep['name'];
-+                        } else {
-+                            if ($dep['type'] == 'php') {
-+                                # this doesn't make much sense, so ignore
-+                                #$info['optional-php'][] = 'php-common';
-+                            } else {
-+                                $info['optional'][] = "'pear(". str_replace('_', '/', $dep['name']) . ".*)'";
-+                                $info['optional-pkg'][] = 'php-pear-'. $dep['name'];
-+                            }
-+                        }
-                         continue;
-                     }
-@@ -368,6 +407,13 @@
-                         'le' => '<=',
-                         'eq' => '=',
-                     );
-+                    // known rpm epoches
-+                    $epoches = array(
-+                        'php-common' => 3,
-+                        'php-pear-PEAR' => 1,
-+                    );
-                     if ($dep['rel'] == 'has') {
-                         // We use $package as the index to the $requires array to de-duplicate deps.
-                         // Note that in the case of duplicate deps, versioned deps will "win" - see several lines down.
-@@ -375,16 +421,22 @@
-                     } elseif ($dep['rel'] == 'not') {
-                         $conflicts[] = $package;
-                     } elseif ($dep['rel'] == 'ne') {
--                        $conflicts[] = $package . ' = ' . $dep['version'];
-+                        $epoch = isset($epoches[$package]) ? ($epoches[$package] . ':') : '';
-+                        $conflicts[] = $package . ' = ' . $epoch . $dep['version'];
-                     } elseif (isset($trans[$dep['rel']])) {
--                        $requires[$package] = $package . ' ' . $trans[$dep['rel']] . ' ' . $dep['version'];
-+                        $epoch = isset($epoches[$package]) ? ($epoches[$package] . ':') : '';
-+                        $requires[$package] = $package . ' ' . $trans[$dep['rel']] . ' ' . $epoch . $dep['version'];
-                     }
-                 }
-                 if (count($requires)) {
--                    $info['extra_headers'] .= 'Requires: ' . implode(', ', $requires) . "\n";
-+					foreach ($requires as $dep) {
-+						$info['extra_headers'] .= "Requires:\t" . $dep . "\n";
-+					}
+         $this->_output['files'] = trim($this->_output['files']);
+@@ -685,12 +721,10 @@
+     function _generatePackageDeps($pf)
+     {
+-        $requires = $conflicts = array();
++        $buildrequires = $requires = $conflicts = $suggests = array();
+         if ($pf->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') {
+             foreach ($pf->getDeps() as $dep) {
+-                if (isset($dep['optional']) && $dep['optional'] == 'yes') {
+-                    continue;
+-                }
++                $optional = isset($dep['optional']) && $dep['optional'] == 'yes';
+                 if (!isset($dep['type']) || $dep['type'] == 'pkg') {
+                     $type = 'pkgdep';
+@@ -725,21 +759,25 @@
+                 if ($dep['rel'] == 'has') {
+                     // We use $package as the index to the $requires array to de-duplicate deps.
+                     // Note that in the case of duplicate deps, versioned deps will "win" - see several lines down.
+-                    $requires[$package] = $package;
++                    if ($optional) {
++                        $suggests[$package] = $package;
++                    } else {
++                        $requires[$package] = $package;
++                    }
+                 } elseif ($dep['rel'] == 'not') {
+                     $conflicts[] = $package;
+                 } elseif ($dep['rel'] == 'ne') {
+-                    $conflicts[] = $package . ' = ' . $dep['version'];
++                    $version = $this->_formatRpmVersion($dep['version']);
++                    $conflicts[] = $package . ' = ' . $version;
+                 } elseif (isset($trans[$dep['rel']])) {
+-                    $requires[$package] = $package . ' ' . $trans[$dep['rel']] . ' ' . $dep['version'];
++                    $version = $this->_formatRpmVersion($dep['version']);
++                    if ($optional) {
++                        $suggests[$package] = $package . ' ' . $trans[$dep['rel']] . ' ' . $version;
++                    } else {
++                        $requires[$package] = $package . ' ' . $trans[$dep['rel']] . ' ' . $version;
++                    }
-                 if (count($conflicts)) {
--                    $info['extra_headers'] .= 'Conflicts: ' . implode(', ', $conflicts) . "\n";
-+					foreach ($conflicts as $dep) {
-+						$info['extra_headers'] .= "Conflicts:\t" . $dep . "\n";
-+					}
+             }
+-            if (count($requires)) {
+-                $this->_output['extra_headers'] .= $this->_formatRpmHeader('Requires', implode(', ', $requires)) . "\n";
+-            }
+-            if (count($conflicts)) {
+-                $this->_output['extra_headers'] .= $this->_formatRpmHeader('Conflicts', implode(', ', $conflicts)) . "\n";
+-            }
+         } else {
+             $this->_output['package2xml'] = '2'; // tell the spec to use package2.xml
+             $deps = $pf->getDeps(true);
+@@ -842,10 +880,10 @@
+                         }
+                     } else {
+                         if (isset($dep['min'])) {
+-                            $requires[$package] = $package . ' >= ' . $dep['min'];
++                            $requires[$package] = $package . ' >= ' . $this->_formatRpmVersion($dep['min']);
+                         }
+                         if (isset($dep['max'])) {
+-                            $requires[$package] = $package . ' <= ' . $dep['max'];
++                            $requires[$package] = $package . ' <= ' . $this->_formatRpmVersion($dep['max']);
+                         }
+                         if (isset($dep['exclude'])) {
+                             $ex = $dep['exclude'];
+@@ -864,18 +902,109 @@
+                 $a = $tar->extractInString('package2.xml');
+                 $tar->popErrorHandling();
+                 if ($a === null || PEAR::isError($a)) {
+-                    $this->_output['package2xml'] = '';
+                     // this doesn't have a package.xml version 1.0
+-                    $requires[$this->_output['pear_rpm_name']] = $this->_output['pear_rpm_name'] . ' >= ' .
+-                        $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'];
++                    $this->_output['package2xml'] = '';
++                    $version = $this->_formatRpmVersion($deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min']);
++                    // PLD linux hack: include epoch for PEAR package
++                    $version = "1:{$version}";
++                    $buildrequires[$this->_output['pear_rpm_name']] = $this->_output['pear_rpm_name'] . ' >= ' . $version;
-             } else {
-                 $info['package2xml'] = '2'; // tell the spec to use package2.xml
-@@ -515,18 +567,60 @@
-                         $requires[$info['pear_rpm_name']] = $info['pear_rpm_name'] . ' >= ' .
-                             $deps['required']['pearinstaller']['min'];
-                     }
--                    if (count($requires)) {
--                        $info['extra_headers'] .= 'Requires: ' . implode(', ', $requires) . "\n";
--                    }
--                    if (count($conflicts)) {
--                        $info['extra_headers'] .= 'Conflicts: ' . implode(', ', $conflicts) . "\n";
--                    }
-+					if (count($requires)) {
-+						foreach ($requires as $dep) {
-+							$info['extra_headers'] .= "Requires:\t" . $dep . "\n";
-+						}
-+					}
-+					if (count($conflicts)) {
-+						foreach ($conflicts as $dep) {
-+							$info['extra_headers'] .= "Conflicts:\t" . $dep . "\n";
-+						}
-+					}
+-                if (count($requires)) {
+-                    $this->_output['extra_headers'] .= $this->_formatRpmHeader('Requires', implode(', ', $requires)) . "\n";
++            }
++            if (isset($deps['required']['extension'])) {
++                if (!isset($deps['required']['extension'][0])) {
++                    $deps['required']['extension'] = array($deps['required']['extension']);
--            }
--        }
+-                if (count($conflicts)) {
+-                    $this->_output['extra_headers'] .= $this->_formatRpmHeader('Conflicts', implode(', ', $conflicts)) . "\n";
++                foreach ((array )$deps['required']['extension'] as $dep) {
++                    if (!isset($dep['channel'])) $dep['channel'] = null;
++                    // $package contains the *dependency name* here, which may or may
++                    // not be the same as the package name
++                    $package = $this->_getRPMName($dep['name'], $dep['channel'], null, 'ext');
++                    if (empty($package)) {
++                        continue;
++                    }
-+               if (isset($deps['optional']['package'])) {
-+                   $a = $deps['optional']['package'];
-+                   foreach ((isset($a[0]) ? $a : array($a)) as $dep) {
-+                       $info['optional'][] = "'pear(". str_replace('_', '/', $dep['name']) . ".*)' ";
-+                       $info['optional-pkg'][] = 'php-pear-'. $dep['name'];
-+                   }
-+               }
-+               if (isset($deps['optional']['extension'])) {
-+                   $a = $deps['optional']['extension'];
-+                   foreach (isset($a[0]) ? $a : array($a) as $dep) {
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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