SVN: livecd/mklive/templates-liveth/initrd/init

qwiat qwiat at
Sat Jul 23 08:30:12 CEST 2011

Author: qwiat
Date: Sat Jul 23 08:30:12 2011
New Revision: 12267

- added support for pendrive

Modified: livecd/mklive/templates-liveth/initrd/init
--- livecd/mklive/templates-liveth/initrd/init	(original)
+++ livecd/mklive/templates-liveth/initrd/init	Sat Jul 23 08:30:12 2011
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 kernel_rel=$(uname -r)
 echo "Kernel: $kernel_rel"
 echo "Loading basic modules..."
-load_module crc16 crc-t10dif loop isofs squashfs aufs
+load_module crc16 crc-t10dif loop isofs squashfs aufs vfat nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437
 echo "Loading hardware modules..."
-load_module cdrom scsi_mod sg sr_mod scsi_wait_scan usbhid hid usbcore usb-storage ehci-hcd ohci-hcd uhci-hcd xhci-hcd
+load_module cdrom scsi_mod sg sr_mod sd_mod scsi_wait_scan usbhid hid usbcore usb-storage ehci-hcd ohci-hcd uhci-hcd xhci-hcd usb-libusual
 rmmod scsi_wait_scan
 is_module_loaded aufs && echo "AUFS enabled" || load_module unionfs
@@ -90,19 +90,21 @@
-mount tmpfs $tmpfs_dir -t tmpfs -o noatime
+mount tmpfs $tmpfs_dir -t tmpfs -o noatime,nodiratime
-# Mounting CD-ROM
-cdrom_devices=$(echo /dev/sr*)
-[ -z "$cdrom_devices" ] && echo "Error: Not found any usable CD-ROM block device" && run_debug_shell
-echo "Detected CD-ROM devices: $cdrom_devices"
-mount -t iso9660 LABEL="PLD-LiveCD" $cdrom_mnt
+# Mounting device
+sleep 1
+echo "Available block devices:"
+read MNTLABEL < /DEV_LABEL || echo "Did you used most recent verions of mklive script?"
+echo "Mounting device with label: $MNTLABEL"
+mount LABEL="$MNTLABEL" $cdrom_mnt && debug "Device with label $MNTLABEL mounted to $cdrom_mnt"
 mount | grep -q "\ $cdrom_mnt\ "
 [ $? -ne 0 ] && echo "Fatal: CD-ROM device not mounted" && run_debug_shell
 # Mounting squashfs
 echo "Mounting rootfs"
-mount $cdrom_mnt/live_rootfs.sqsh $live_root -o loop \
+mount $cdrom_mnt/live_rootfs.sqsh $live_root -o loop,noatime,nodiratime \
 	|| ( echo "Mounting live rootfs to $live_root failed" && run_debug_shell )
 # Mounting Union FileSystem

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