packages: ghostscript/ghostscript.spec, ghostscript/ghostscript-Fontmap.loc...

arekm arekm at
Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 CET 2011

Author: arekm                        Date: Wed Nov 30 09:02:35 2011 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
rel 2; add bunch of fedora fixes

---- Files affected:
   ghostscript.spec (1.209 -> 1.210) , ghostscript-Fontmap.local.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-SEAC.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-cups-filters.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-cups-rgbw.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-gdevcups-debug-uninit.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-git.patch (1.3 -> 1.4) , ghostscript-glyph-crash.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-iccprofiles-initdir.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-jbig2dec-nullderef.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-pxl-landscape.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-runlibfileifexists.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), ghostscript-scripts.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript.spec
diff -u packages/ghostscript/ghostscript.spec:1.209 packages/ghostscript/ghostscript.spec:1.210
--- packages/ghostscript/ghostscript.spec:1.209	Tue Aug 16 19:28:25 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript.spec	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 Summary(tr.UTF-8):	PostScript & PDF yorumlayıcı ve gösterici
 Name:		ghostscript
 Version:	9.04
-Release:	1
+Release:	2
 License:	GPL v3+
 Group:		Applications/Graphics
@@ -32,6 +32,21 @@
 Patch6:		%{name}-gdevcd8-fixes.patch
 Patch7:		%{name}-fPIC.patch
 Patch8:		%{name}-zlib.patch
+Patch9:		%{name}-git.patch
+# fedora
+Patch20: ghostscript-scripts.patch
+Patch21: ghostscript-runlibfileifexists.patch
+Patch22: ghostscript-cups-rgbw.patch
+Patch23: ghostscript-glyph-crash.patch
+Patch24: ghostscript-jbig2dec-nullderef.patch
+Patch25: ghostscript-SEAC.patch
+Patch26: ghostscript-cups-filters.patch
+Patch27: ghostscript-Fontmap.local.patch
+Patch28: ghostscript-iccprofiles-initdir.patch
+Patch29: ghostscript-gdevcups-debug-uninit.patch
+Patch30: ghostscript-pxl-landscape.patch
 BuildRequires:	autoconf >= 2.57
 BuildRequires:	automake >= 1.6
@@ -190,6 +205,19 @@
 %patch6 -p1
 %patch7 -p1
 %patch8 -p1
+%patch9 -p2
+%patch20 -p1
+%patch21 -p1
+%patch22 -p1
+%patch23 -p1
+%patch24 -p1
+%patch25 -p1
+%patch26 -p1
+%patch27 -p1
+%patch28 -p1
+%patch29 -p1
+%patch30 -p1
 %if %{with system_jbig2dec}
@@ -210,6 +238,7 @@
 %configure \
 	CFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} -DA4" \
 	%{!?with_cairo:--disable-cairo} \
+	--disable-compile-inits \
 	--enable-dynamic \
 	--with-drivers=ALL%{?with_svga:,vgalib,lvga256} \
 	--with-fontpath="%{_datadir}/fonts:%{_datadir}/fonts/Type1" \
@@ -324,6 +353,8 @@
 %dir %{_libdir}/%{name}/%{version}
 %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
 %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/%{version}
 %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/%{version}/lib
@@ -365,13 +396,13 @@
 %files cups
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ulibdir}/cups/filter/gstoraster
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ulibdir}/cups/filter/pdftoraster
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ulibdir}/cups/filter/pstoraster
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_ulibdir}/cups/filter/pstopxl
 %if %{with gtk}
 %files gtk
@@ -407,6 +438,9 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.210  2011/11/30 09:02:29  arekm
+rel 2; add bunch of fedora fixes
 Revision 1.209  2011/08/16 17:28:25  qboosh
 - updated to 9.04
 - updated gdevcd8-fixes,fPIC patches

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-Fontmap.local.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-Fontmap.local.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-Fontmap.local.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-8.71/Resource/Init/Fontmap.Fontmap.local ghostscript-8.71/Resource/Init/Fontmap
+--- ghostscript-8.71/Resource/Init/Fontmap.Fontmap.local	2008-08-08 05:22:38.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-8.71/Resource/Init/Fontmap	2010-09-03 11:53:47.273865979 +0100
+@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@
+ % See Fontmap.GS for the syntax of real Fontmap files.
+ %% Replace 1 (Fontmap.GS)
+ (Fontmap.GS) .runlibfile
++% must be at the bottom of line to allow people overriding everything.
++(Fontmap.local) .runlibfileifexists

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-SEAC.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-SEAC.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-SEAC.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-9.04/base/gxtype1.c.SEAC ghostscript-9.04/base/gxtype1.c
+--- ghostscript-9.04/base/gxtype1.c.SEAC	2011-08-05 12:12:20.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.04/base/gxtype1.c	2011-11-08 09:30:19.000262809 +0000
+@@ -409,7 +409,12 @@ gs_type1_piece_codes(/*const*/ gs_font_t
+             cnext;
+             goto out;
+         case c2_shortint:
+-            cip += 2;
++            {
++                short sint = *cip++;
++                sint = (sint << 8) + *cip++;
++                CS_CHECK_PUSH(csp, cstack);
++                *++csp = int2fixed(sint);
++            }
+             break;
+         case c2_hstemhm:
+             hhints += ((csp - cstack) + 1) / 2;

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-cups-filters.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-cups-filters.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-cups-filters.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-9.02/cups/cups.mak.cups-filters ghostscript-9.02/cups/cups.mak
+--- ghostscript-9.02/cups/cups.mak.cups-filters	2011-02-28 22:31:28.000000000 +0000
++++ ghostscript-9.02/cups/cups.mak	2011-04-04 12:39:23.691844891 +0100
+@@ -56,10 +56,8 @@ install-cups: cups
+ 	fi
+ 	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cups/pstopxl $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSSERVERBIN)/filter
+-	if [ "$(CUPSPDFTORASTER)" = "1" ]; then \
+-	    $(INSTALL_DATA) cups/gstoraster.convs $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSSERVERROOT); \
+-	fi
++	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSDATA)/mime
++	$(INSTALL_DATA) cups/gstoraster.convs $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSDATA)/mime
+ 	-mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSDATA)/model
+ 	$(INSTALL_DATA) cups/pxlcolor.ppd $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSDATA)/model
+ 	$(INSTALL_DATA) cups/pxlmono.ppd $(DESTDIR)$(CUPSDATA)/model

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-cups-rgbw.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-cups-rgbw.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-cups-rgbw.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-9.04/cups/gdevcups.c.cups-rgbw ghostscript-9.04/cups/gdevcups.c
+--- ghostscript-9.04/cups/gdevcups.c.cups-rgbw	2011-08-05 12:12:21.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.04/cups/gdevcups.c	2011-08-22 10:54:24.614010581 +0100
+@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ typedef struct gx_device_cups_s
+   unsigned short	EncodeLUT[gx_max_color_value + 1];/* RGB value to output color LUT */
+   int			Density[CUPS_MAX_VALUE + 1];/* Density LUT */
+   int			Matrix[3][3][CUPS_MAX_VALUE + 1];/* Color transform matrix LUT */
++  int                   user_icc;
+   int                   cupsRasterVersion;
+   /* Used by cups_put_params(): */
+@@ -426,6 +427,7 @@ gx_device_cups	gs_cups_device =
+   {0x00},                                  /* EncodeLUT */
+   {0x00},                                  /* Density */
+   {0x00},                                  /* Matrix */
++  0,
+   3                                     /* cupsRasterVersion */
+ };
+@@ -1182,15 +1184,18 @@ cups_map_cmyk(gx_device *pdev,		/* I - D
+     case CUPS_CSPACE_RGB :
+     case CUPS_CSPACE_RGBW :
++        c0 = c + k;
++        c1 = m + k;
++        c2 = y + k;
+         if (cups->header.cupsColorSpace == CUPS_CSPACE_RGBW) {
+-	  c0 = c;
+-	  c1 = m;
+-	  c2 = y;
+-	  c3 = k;
+-	} else {
+-	  c0 = c + k;
+-	  c1 = m + k;
+-	  c2 = y + k;
++	  if ((k >= frac_1 - 1) ||
++	      ((c0 >= frac_1) && (c1 >= frac_1) && (c2 >= frac_1))) {
++	    c0 = frac_1;
++	    c1 = frac_1;
++	    c2 = frac_1;
++	    c3 = frac_1;
++	  } else
++	    c3 = 0;
+ 	}
+         if (c0 < 0)
+@@ -1212,11 +1217,12 @@ cups_map_cmyk(gx_device *pdev,		/* I - D
+ 	out[2] = frac_1 - (frac)cups->Density[c2];
+         if (cups->header.cupsColorSpace == CUPS_CSPACE_RGBW) {
+-	  if (c3 < 0)
+-	    c3 = 0;
+-	  else if (c3 > frac_1)
+-	    c3 = frac_1;
+-	  out[3] = frac_1 - (frac)cups->Density[c3];
++	  if (c3 == 0)
++	    out[3] = frac_1;
++	  else if (c3 == frac_1)
++	    out[3] = 0;
++	  else
++	    out[3] = frac_1;
+ 	}
+         break;
+@@ -2034,10 +2040,15 @@ cups_map_color_rgb(gx_device      *pdev,
+         * cups->DecodeLUT actually maps to RGBW, not CMYK...
+ 	*/
+-        k = cups->DecodeLUT[c3];
+-        c = cups->DecodeLUT[c0] + k - gx_max_color_value;
+-        m = cups->DecodeLUT[c1] + k - gx_max_color_value;
+-        y = cups->DecodeLUT[c2] + k - gx_max_color_value;
++        if (c3 == 0) {
++	  c = 0;
++	  m = 0;
++	  y = 0;
++	} else {
++	  c = cups->DecodeLUT[c0];
++	  m = cups->DecodeLUT[c1];
++	  y = cups->DecodeLUT[c2];
++	}
+         if (c > gx_max_color_value)
+ 	  prgb[0] = gx_max_color_value;
+@@ -2282,20 +2293,20 @@ cups_map_rgb_color(gx_device      *pdev,
+           switch (cups->header.cupsBitsPerColor)
+           {
+             default :
+-        	i = 0x0e;
++        	i = 0x00;
+         	break;
+             case 2 :
+-        	i = 0xfc;
++        	i = 0x00;
+         	break;
+             case 4 :
+-        	i = 0xfff0;
++        	i = 0x0000;
+         	break;
+             case 8 :
+-        	i = 0xffffff00;
++        	i = 0x00000000;
+         	break;
+ 	    case 16 :
+-		i = 0xffffffffffff0000;
++		i = 0x0000000000000000;
+ 		break;
+ #endif /* GX_COLOR_INDEX_TYPE */
+           }
+@@ -2929,7 +2940,10 @@ cups_put_params(gx_device     *pdev,	/* 
+   int                   xflip = 0,
+                         yflip = 0;
+   int                   found = 0;
++  gs_param_string icc_pro_dummy;
++  int old_cmps = cups->color_info.num_components;
++  int old_depth = cups->color_info.depth;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+   dprintf2("DEBUG2: cups_put_params(%p, %p)\n", pdev, plist);
+ #endif /* DEBUG */
+@@ -3024,6 +3038,11 @@ cups_put_params(gx_device     *pdev,	/* 
+   margins_set = param_read_float_array(plist, "Margins", &arrayval) == 0;
+   color_set   = param_read_int(plist, "cupsColorSpace", &intval) == 0 ||
+                 param_read_int(plist, "cupsBitsPerColor", &intval) == 0;
++  if (!cups->user_icc) {
++      cups->user_icc = param_read_string(plist, "OutputICCProfile", &icc_pro_dummy) == 0;
++  }
+   /* We set the old dimensions to 1 if we have a color depth change, so
+      that memory reallocation gets forced. This is perhaps not the correct
+      approach to prevent crashes like in bug 690435. We keep it for the
+@@ -3134,12 +3153,20 @@ cups_put_params(gx_device     *pdev,	/* 
+   if ((code = gdev_prn_put_params(pdev, plist)) < 0)
+     return (code);
++  /* If cups_set_color_info() changed the color model of the device we want to
++   * force the raster memory to be recreated/reinitialized
++   */
++  if (cups->color_info.num_components != old_cmps || cups->color_info.depth != old_depth) {
++      width_old = 0;
++      height_old = 0;
++  }
++  else {
+   /* pdev->width/height may have been changed by the call to
+    * gdev_prn_put_params()
+    */
+-  width_old = pdev->width;
+-  height_old = pdev->height;
++     width_old = pdev->width;
++     height_old = pdev->height;
++  }
+  /*
+   * Update margins/sizes as needed...
+   */
+@@ -4044,22 +4071,88 @@ cups_set_color_info(gx_device *pdev)	/* 
+     for (k = 0; k <= CUPS_MAX_VALUE; k ++)
+       cups->Density[k] = k;
+   }
+-  /* Set up the ICC profile for ghostscript to use based upon the color space.
+-     This is different than the PPD profile above which appears to be some sort
+-     of matrix based TRC profile */
+-  switch (cups->header.cupsColorSpace) {
+-      /* Use RGB profile for this */
+-    case CUPS_CSPACE_RGBW:
+-      if (pdev->icc_struct == NULL) {
+-        pdev->icc_struct = gsicc_new_device_profile_array(pdev->memory);
+-      }
+-      if (pdev->icc_struct->device_profile[gsDEFAULTPROFILE] == NULL) {
+-            code = gsicc_set_device_profile(pdev, pdev->memory, 
+-      }
+-      break;
+-    default:
+-      break;
++  if (!cups->user_icc) {
++    /* Set up the ICC profile for ghostscript to use based upon the color space.
++       This is different than the PPD profile above which appears to be some sort
++       of matrix based TRC profile */
++    switch (cups->header.cupsColorSpace)
++    {
++      default :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_RGBW :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_RGB :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_RGBA :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_CMY :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_YMC :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_CIELab :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC1 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC2 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC3 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC4 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC5 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC6 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC7 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC8 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICC9 :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICCA :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICCB :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICCC :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICCD :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICCE :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_ICCF :
++        if (!pdev->icc_struct || (pdev->icc_struct &&
++             pdev->icc_struct->device_profile[gsDEFAULTPROFILE]->data_cs != gsRGB)) {
++          if (pdev->icc_struct) {
++              rc_decrement(pdev->icc_struct, "cups_set_color_info");            
++          }
++          pdev->icc_struct = gsicc_new_device_profile_array(pdev->memory);
++          code = gsicc_set_device_profile(pdev, pdev->memory, 
++              (char *)DEFAULT_RGB_ICC, gsDEFAULTPROFILE);
++          }
++        break;
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_W :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_WHITE :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_K :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_GOLD :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_SILVER :
++        if (!pdev->icc_struct || (pdev->icc_struct &&
++             pdev->icc_struct->device_profile[gsDEFAULTPROFILE]->data_cs != gsGRAY)) {
++          if (pdev->icc_struct) {
++              rc_decrement(pdev->icc_struct, "cups_set_color_info");            
++          }
++          pdev->icc_struct = gsicc_new_device_profile_array(pdev->memory);
++          code = gsicc_set_device_profile(pdev, pdev->memory->non_gc_memory, 
++              (char *)DEFAULT_GRAY_ICC, gsDEFAULTPROFILE);
++        }
++        break;
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_KCMYcm :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_CIEXYZ :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_CMYK :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_YMCK :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_KCMY :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_GMCK :
++      case CUPS_CSPACE_GMCS :
++        if (!pdev->icc_struct || (pdev->icc_struct &&
++             pdev->icc_struct->device_profile[gsDEFAULTPROFILE]->data_cs != gsCMYK)) {
++          if (pdev->icc_struct) {
++              rc_decrement(pdev->icc_struct, "cups_set_color_info");            
++          }
++          pdev->icc_struct = gsicc_new_device_profile_array(pdev->memory);
++          code = gsicc_set_device_profile(pdev, pdev->memory, 
++              (char *)DEFAULT_CMYK_ICC, gsDEFAULTPROFILE);
++          }
++        break;
++    }
+   }
+ }

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-gdevcups-debug-uninit.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-gdevcups-debug-uninit.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-gdevcups-debug-uninit.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-9.02/cups/gdevcups.c.gdevcups-debug-uninit ghostscript-9.02/cups/gdevcups.c
+--- ghostscript-9.02/cups/gdevcups.c.gdevcups-debug-uninit	2011-03-07 15:40:13.000000000 +0000
++++ ghostscript-9.02/cups/gdevcups.c	2011-04-04 12:40:48.995443449 +0100
+@@ -815,6 +815,7 @@ cups_get_matrix(gx_device *pdev,	/* I - 
+   dprintf4("DEBUG2: PageSize = [ %d %d ], HWResolution = [ %d %d ]\n",
+ 	   cups->header.PageSize[0], cups->header.PageSize[1],
+ 	   cups->header.HWResolution[0], cups->header.HWResolution[1]);
++  if (size_set)
+     dprintf4("DEBUG2: HWMargins = [ %.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f ]\n",
+ 	     pdev->HWMargins[0], pdev->HWMargins[1], pdev->HWMargins[2],
+ 	     pdev->HWMargins[3]);

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-git.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-git.patch:1.4
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-git.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+commit d670fb3473fbb455881125086f649e416ea755fe
+Author: Chris Liddell <chris.liddell at>
+Date:   Wed Oct 12 13:36:22 2011 +0100
+    Bug 689450: deal with invalid font entry in res dict.
+    In the event that an entry in a resource dictionary for a font is or
+    references an invalid object type (i.e. not a dictionary), issue a
+    warning and use the same logic as we do for a missing font resource.
+    For this error, we'll also honor the PDFSTOPONERROR setting.
+    In addition, as I was touching the logic around the same place, this
+    commit changes the missing font resource case to also honor PDFSTOPONERROR.
+    No cluster differences expected.
+diff --git a/gs/Resource/Init/ b/gs/Resource/Init/
+index f70798e..04ba043 100644
+--- a/gs/Resource/Init/
++++ b/gs/Resource/Init/
+@@ -1937,13 +1937,39 @@ drawopdict begin
+   } bdef
+   /Tf {
+     1 index Page /Font rget {
+-      resourcefont exch Tf pop
++      dup type /dicttype eq {
++        resourcefont exch
++        Tf pop
++      }
++      {
++        {
++          /typecheck cvx signalerror
++        }
++        {
++          % Bug 689450
++          type
++          (   **** Warning: Tf refers to a resource key with an invalid value type: ) pdfformaterror
++          .namestring pdfformaterror
++          (. Assuming resource key: ) pdfformaterror
++          1 index .namestring pdfformaterror
++          ( is a font name.\n) pdfformaterror
++          Tf
++        } ifelse
++      }ifelse
+     }
+-    { % Bug 689037
+-      (   **** Warning: Tf refers to an unknown resource name: ) pdfformaterror
+-      1 index .namestring pdfformaterror
+-      ( Assuming it's a font name.\n) pdfformaterror
+-      Tf
++    {
++      {
++          pop /undefined cvx signalerror
++      }
++      {
++        % Bug 689037
++        (   **** Warning: Tf refers to an unknown resource name: ) pdfformaterror
++        1 index .namestring pdfformaterror
++        ( Assuming it's a font name.\n) pdfformaterror
++        Tf
++      } ifelse
+     } ifelse
+   } bdef
+ end

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-glyph-crash.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-glyph-crash.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-glyph-crash.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-9.04/psi/zfapi.c.glyph-crash ghostscript-9.04/psi/zfapi.c
+--- ghostscript-9.04/psi/zfapi.c.glyph-crash	2011-08-05 12:12:20.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.04/psi/zfapi.c	2011-11-01 13:24:54.334696191 +0000
+@@ -1885,34 +1885,35 @@ static int fapi_finish_render_aux(i_ctx_
+             /* The server provides an outline instead the raster. */
+             gs_imager_state *pis = (gs_imager_state *)pgs->show_gstate;
+             gs_point pt;
++            if (!I->skip_glyph) {
++                if ((code = gs_currentpoint(pgs, &pt)) < 0)
++                    return code;
++                if ((code = outline_char(i_ctx_p, I, import_shift_v, penum_s, pgs->path, !pbfont->PaintType)) < 0)
++                    return code;
++                if ((code = gs_imager_setflat((gs_imager_state *)pgs, gs_char_flatness(pis, 1.0))) < 0)
++                    return code;
++                if (pbfont->PaintType) {
++                    float lw = gs_currentlinewidth(pgs);
+-            if ((code = gs_currentpoint(pgs, &pt)) < 0)
+-                return code;
+-            if ((code = outline_char(i_ctx_p, I, import_shift_v, penum_s, pgs->path, !pbfont->PaintType)) < 0)
+-                return code;
+-            if ((code = gs_imager_setflat((gs_imager_state *)pgs, gs_char_flatness(pis, 1.0))) < 0)
+-                return code;
+-            if (pbfont->PaintType) {
+-                float lw = gs_currentlinewidth(pgs);
++                    gs_setlinewidth(pgs, pbfont->StrokeWidth);
++                    code = gs_stroke(pgs);
++                    gs_setlinewidth(pgs, lw);
++                    if (code < 0)
++                        return code;
++                } else {
++                    gs_in_cache_device_t in_cachedevice = pgs->in_cachedevice;
++                    pgs->in_cachedevice = CACHE_DEVICE_NOT_CACHING;
+-                gs_setlinewidth(pgs, pbfont->StrokeWidth);
+-                code = gs_stroke(pgs);
+-                gs_setlinewidth(pgs, lw);
+-                if (code < 0)
+-                    return code;
+-            } else {
+-                gs_in_cache_device_t in_cachedevice = pgs->in_cachedevice;
+-                pgs->in_cachedevice = CACHE_DEVICE_NOT_CACHING;
++                    pgs->fill_adjust.x = pgs->fill_adjust.y = 0;
+-                pgs->fill_adjust.x = pgs->fill_adjust.y = 0;
++                    if ((code = gs_fill(pgs)) < 0)
++                        return code;
+-                if ((code = gs_fill(pgs)) < 0)
++                    pgs->in_cachedevice = in_cachedevice;
++                }
++                if ((code = gs_moveto(pgs, pt.x, pt.y)) < 0)
+                     return code;
+-                pgs->in_cachedevice = in_cachedevice;
+             }
+-            if ((code = gs_moveto(pgs, pt.x, pt.y)) < 0)
+-                return code;
+         } else {
+             int rast_orig_x =   rast.orig_x;
+             int rast_orig_y = - rast.orig_y;

Index: packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-iccprofiles-initdir.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-iccprofiles-initdir.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Nov 30 10:02:35 2011
+++ packages/ghostscript/ghostscript-iccprofiles-initdir.patch	Wed Nov 30 10:02:29 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+diff -up ghostscript-9.04rc1/psi/zusparam.c.iccprofiles-initdir ghostscript-9.04rc1/psi/zusparam.c
+--- ghostscript-9.04rc1/psi/zusparam.c.iccprofiles-initdir	2011-07-29 10:42:52.000000000 +0100
++++ ghostscript-9.04rc1/psi/zusparam.c	2011-08-01 12:32:41.203228412 +0100
+@@ -605,6 +605,8 @@ set_default_gray_icc(i_ctx_t *i_ctx_p, g
+     return code;
+ }
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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