SVN: geninitrd/trunk/functions

glen glen at
Wed Mar 28 10:44:51 CEST 2012

Author: glen
Date: Wed Mar 28 10:44:51 2012
New Revision: 12521

no need for subshells, formatting

Modified: geninitrd/trunk/functions
--- geninitrd/trunk/functions	(original)
+++ geninitrd/trunk/functions	Wed Mar 28 10:44:51 2012
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 # @param	string	$fstab location of /etc/fstab
 # @return	false on failure
 # Sets global variables:
 # - $rootdev
 # - $rootdev_add
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
 # find_modules_by_class 0106 - finds modules for SATA devices in the system
 # find_modules_by_class 0c03 - finds modules for USB controllers
 find_modules_by_class() {
-	if (modprobe --version | grep -q "^kmod"); then
+	if modprobe --version | grep -q "^kmod"; then
 		find_modules_by_class_kmod $@
 		find_modules_by_class_mit $@
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 	# no pcimap, nothing to lookup from
 	if [ ! -f "$pcimap" ]; then
-			warn "No $pcimap file. Cannot find modules for desired class!"
+		warn "No $pcimap file. Cannot find modules for desired class!"
@@ -242,31 +242,31 @@
 	LC_ALL=C lspci -p "$pcimap" -kvmmn | awk -vreq_class="${req_class}" '
-					BEGIN      { skip_modules[notexisting_module]=""; modules[1]=""; xhci=""; ehci=""; ohci=""; uhci="" }
-					/^Slot:/   { found=0 }
-					/^Class:/  { if (req_class == $2) { found=1 } }
-					/^Driver:/ { if (found) {
-								module=$2;
-								if (module == "xhci_hcd") {
-									xhci="xhci_hcd"
-								} else if (module == "ehci_hcd") {
-									ehci="ehci_hcd"
-								} else if (module == "ohci_hcd") {
-									ohci="ohci_hcd"
-								} else if (module == "uhci_hcd") {
-									uhci="uhci_hcd"
-								} else if (!(module in skip_modules)) {
-									modules[cnt]=module
-								}
-								skip_modules[module]=1;
-						   };
-						   found=0
-					}
-					END { 
-						   # xhci/ehci/ohci/uhci hack to preserve such order
-						   printf "%s %s %s %s ", xhci, ehci, ohci, uhci;
-						   for (i in modules) { printf "%s ", modules[i]; };
-					}
+		BEGIN      { skip_modules[notexisting_module]=""; modules[1]=""; xhci=""; ehci=""; ohci=""; uhci="" }
+		/^Slot:/   { found=0 }
+		/^Class:/  { if (req_class == $2) { found = 1 } }
+		/^Driver:/ { if (found) {
+				module = $2;
+				if (module == "xhci_hcd") {
+					xhci = "xhci_hcd"
+				} else if (module == "ehci_hcd") {
+					ehci = "ehci_hcd"
+				} else if (module == "ohci_hcd") {
+					ohci = "ohci_hcd"
+				} else if (module == "uhci_hcd") {
+					uhci = "uhci_hcd"
+				} else if (!(module in skip_modules)) {
+					modules[cnt] = module
+				}
+				skip_modules[module] = 1;
+		   }
+		   found=0
+		}
+		END {
+		   # xhci/ehci/ohci/uhci hack to preserve such order
+		   printf "%s %s %s %s ", xhci, ehci, ohci, uhci;
+		   for (i in modules) { printf "%s ", modules[i]; }
+		}

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