cdg: proponowane-glosowania/again_ban_shadzik - full english translation

mmazur mmazur at
Tue Jun 19 23:18:40 CEST 2012

Author: mmazur                       Date: Tue Jun 19 21:18:40 2012 GMT
Module: cdg                           Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- full english translation

---- Files affected:
   again_ban_shadzik (1.4 -> 1.5) 

---- Diffs:

Index: cdg/proponowane-glosowania/again_ban_shadzik
diff -u cdg/proponowane-glosowania/again_ban_shadzik:1.4 cdg/proponowane-glosowania/again_ban_shadzik:1.5
--- cdg/proponowane-glosowania/again_ban_shadzik:1.4	Tue Jun 19 20:33:01 2012
+++ cdg/proponowane-glosowania/again_ban_shadzik	Tue Jun 19 23:18:35 2012
@@ -35,10 +35,30 @@
 *** lang=en
-Reasoning: no point translating, the gist is that the moderation flag proposal
-seems dead and we don't have the man power to let Release Managers get
-"worn down" by constant verbal abuse. It's CDG's job to keep RMs in check,
-we shouldn't tolerate mobs trying to do the job.
+(The reference version is the polish one, since that's the native tongue of
+the author. If there are any differences, the polish version takes precedence.)
+Reasoning: it's been half a year since the last vote on this topic. In that
+time the RM of Th quit, claiming it's due to harrasement and unpleasant
+working conditions. The way I see it, we have two options:
+- either we don't care about working conditions of other developers and we're
+  fine with verbal abuse, hoping that anyone fed up with it will be promptly
+  replaced by another developer, sufficiently thick-skined to last at least
+  a few years
+- or we recognize the fact that we don't have the man-power for such policies
+  and the people who do controversial work and are bound to make unpopular
+  decisions (and being RM means there are always developers unhappy with
+  something you did) are entitled to some kind of protection from the
+  project. (And the designated body for conflict resolution in PLD is CDG, not
+  ad-hoc mobs. The primary impulse for CDG's existence was the unchecked
+  power of a former RM slash project leader.)
+The (lighter in scope) proposal of adding a moderation flag to shadzik's emails
+doesn't seem to arouse much interest and has been laying dormant for two weeks
+now, so I'd guess it's time for an alternative route. Should the proposal
+submitted herein not pass the vote, I believe we can safely say that constant
+and prolonged verbal abuse is a legitimate tactic of enforcing one's prefered
+"staff policy" as far as the project is concerened.
 Proposed motion: to oblige the admin of to revoke

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