[packages/cacti-plugin-npc] - up to 2.0.4

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Nov 22 21:19:01 CET 2012

commit 9e291d54dcb118678bf065ff6c9a0e5c6f378e58
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date:   Thu Nov 22 22:18:36 2012 +0200

    - up to 2.0.4
    major version change, depends on nagios ndoutils now

 cacti-plugin-npc-extinfo.patch      | 2949 -----------------------------------
 cacti-plugin-npc-path_headers.patch |   28 -
 cacti-plugin-npc.spec               |   88 +-
 3 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 3022 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cacti-plugin-npc.spec b/cacti-plugin-npc.spec
index a78d203..68ee8a4 100644
--- a/cacti-plugin-npc.spec
+++ b/cacti-plugin-npc.spec
@@ -1,74 +1,72 @@
-# - Edit the MySQL options on line 143 of /cacti/plugins/npc/neb/inserter.c
+# - system Doctrine: phpdoctrine.spec
+# - forum thread: http://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=26540
 %define		plugin	npc
-%include	/usr/lib/rpm/macros.perl
-Summary:	Plugin for Cacti - NPC
+%define		php_min_version 5.2.1
+%include	/usr/lib/rpm/macros.php
+Summary:	Nagios Plugin for Cacti (NPC)
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wtyczka do Cacti - NPC
 Name:		cacti-plugin-npc
-Version:	0.1.1a
+Version:	2.0.4
 Release:	0.2
-License:	GPL v2
+License:	GPL v3
 Group:		Applications/WWW
-Source0:	http://forums.cacti.net/files/%{plugin}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	325f2e49070420346b55b7b4e2994d34
-Patch0:		%{name}-path_headers.patch
-# inserter.c patch for nagios 3.0b6 from http://forums.cacti.net/about10327-0-asc-150.html
-#Patch1: http://forums.cacti.net/files/neb_159.patch
-# from http://forums.cacti.net/about10327-0-asc-135.html
-Patch1:		%{name}-extinfo.patch
-URL:		http://forums.cacti.net/about10327.html
-BuildRequires:	glib2-devel
-BuildRequires:	mysql-devel >= 4.1.0
-BuildRequires:	nagios-devel >= 2.1
-BuildRequires:	pkgconfig
-BuildRequires:	rpm-perlprov
-Requires:	cacti >= 0.8.6h
-Requires:	nagios >= 2.1
+#Source0:	http://downloads.sourceforge.net/gibtmirdas/npc-%{version}.tar.gz
+Source0:	npc-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	7b30302c544f10ed73cff406fda14499
+URL:		https://trac.assembla.com/npc/
+BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.553
+Requires:	cacti >= 0.8.7b
+Requires:	cacti(pia) >= 2.0
+Requires:	nagios >= 3.0
+Requires:	php-common >= 4:%{php_min_version}
+Requires:	php-ctype
+Requires:	nagios-ndoutils >= 1.4b7
+Requires:	php-date
+Requires:	php-iconv
+Requires:	php-json
+Requires:	php-mbstring
+Requires:	php-mysql
+Requires:	php-mysqli
+Requires:	php-pcre
+Requires:	php-session
+Requires:	php-simplexml
+Requires:	php-spl
+BuildArch:	noarch
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
 %define		cactidir		/usr/share/cacti
 %define		plugindir		%{cactidir}/plugins/%{plugin}
 %define		moduledir		%{_libdir}/nagios/modules
+%define		_noautoreq pear
-Plugin for Cacti - A UI replacement for Nagios integrated into Cacti.
+The purpose of NPC is to be a complete web based UI replacement to
+Nagios while fully integrating into Cacti using the Cacti Plugin
+Architecture. This integration will provide a single point of access
+for trending and alert monitoring.
 %description -l pl.UTF-8
 Wtyczka do Cacti - zamiennik interfejsu użytkownika dla Nagiosa
 zintegrowany z Cacti.
-%setup -q -n %{plugin}
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
-cd neb
-%{__cc} %{rpmcflags} -Wall -o inserter.o inserter.c -shared -I../include $(pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags) $(mysql_config --cflags --libs) -fPIC
+%setup -qc
+mv %{plugin}/*.debug .
+mv %{plugin}/build.xml .
+mv %{plugin}/{README,LICENSE} .
+%undos -f php README
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{plugindir},%{moduledir}}
-install neb/inserter.o $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{moduledir}
-cp -a . $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{plugindir}
-rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{plugindir}/neb
-# Edit nagios.cfg and set:
-#        retain_state_information=0
-#        event_broker_options=-1
-#        broker_module=%{moduledir}/inserter.o
-# Setting retain_state_information=0 causes all hosts and services to
-# go to a pending state until rechecked by Nagios. Without this setting
-# the inserter module will never update any data in NPC. Its a minor
-# inconvenience that I will try to fix in the inserter module.
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{plugindir}
+cp -a %{plugin}/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{plugindir}
+%doc README
-%attr(755,root,root) %{moduledir}/inserter.o
diff --git a/cacti-plugin-npc-extinfo.patch b/cacti-plugin-npc-extinfo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f59a67..0000000
--- a/cacti-plugin-npc-extinfo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2949 +0,0 @@
---- npc/extinfo.php.orig	2005-10-10 14:17:15.000000000 +0000
-+++ npc/extinfo.php	2006-12-26 16:32:52.000000000 +0000
-@@ -1,1473 +1,1473 @@
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Nagios Plugin 0.1a for cacti 0.8.6f                                     |
-- | Copyright (C) 2005 Billy Gunn (billy at gunn.org)                          |
-- |                                                                         |
-- | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or           |
-- | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License             |
-- | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2          |
-- | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                  |
-- |                                                                         |
-- | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         |
-- | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          |
-- | GNU General Public License for more details.                            |
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-- | Cacti and Nagios are the copyright of their respective owners.          |
-- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
--// Refresh the page at a user supplied interval
--header("Refresh: " . read_config_option("npc_refresh") . "; URL=" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
--/* set default action */
--if (!isset($_REQUEST["type"])) { $_REQUEST["type"] = ""; }
--switch ($_REQUEST["type"]) {
--        case '1':
--                hostInfo();
--                include_once("./include/bottom_footer.php");
--                break;
--        case '2':
--                serviceInfo();
--                include_once("./include/bottom_footer.php");
--                break;
--        default:
--                hostInfo();
--                include_once("./include/bottom_footer.php");
--                break;
--function formatTime($time) {
--        $days = floor($time/60/60/24);
--        $time -= $days*60*60*24;
--        $hours = floor($time/60/60);
--        $time -= $hours*60*60;
--        $minutes = floor($time/60);
--        $time -= $minutes*60;
--        $seconds = $time;
--        return ($days . "d " . $hours . "h " . $minutes . "m " . $seconds . "s");
--function serviceInfo() {
--	$hostid = $_REQUEST["hostid"];
--	$serviceid = $_REQUEST["serviceid"];
--	$hostname = $_REQUEST["hostname"];
--	$serviceName = ereg_replace("\+", " ", $_REQUEST["service"]);
--	if (isset($_POST["local_graph_id"])) {
--		db_execute("update npc_service set cacti_graph_id = " . $_POST["local_graph_id"] . " where id = " . $serviceid);
--		header("Location: extinfo.php?type=2&hostid=" . $hostid . "&hostname=" . $hostname . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"]);
--	}
--	include_once("top_npc_header.php");
--        $background1 = "#F5F5F5";
--        $background2 = "#E7E9F2";
--        $rowColor = $background1;
--        $service_detail = db_fetch_row("
--select distinct
--        service_soft_state as 'Current Status',
--        duration as 'State Duration',
--        check_command as 'Check Command',
--        plugin_output as 'Plugin Output',
--        performance_data as 'Performance Data',
--        current_attempt as 'Current Attempt',
--        from_unixtime(last_check) as 'Last Check',
--        from_unixtime(next_check) as 'Next Check',
--        check_latency as 'Check Latency',
--        check_execute_time as 'Check Duration',
--        hostid,
--        name,
--        host_soft_state as 'Host Soft State',
--        host_notifications as 'Host Notifications',
--        service as 'Service',
--        cacti_graph_id,
--        serviceid,
--	service_hard_state,
--        service_notifications as 'Service Notifications',
--        max_attempts as 'Max Attempts'
--        (
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
--                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
--                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
--                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_host_history,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check,
--                        npc_service_history
--                where
--                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
--                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        0 as hostgroup,
--                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
--                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
--                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_host_history,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check,
--                        npc_service_history
--                where
--                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
--                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
--                        -1 as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
--                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
--                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check,
--                        npc_service_history
--                where
--                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
--                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        0 as hostgroup,
--                        -1 as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
--                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
--                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check,
--                        npc_service_history
--                where
--                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
--                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
--                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        -1 as service_soft_state,
--                        -1 as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        0 as duration,
--                        0 as current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        null as plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_host_history,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check
--                where
--                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        0 as hostgroup,
--                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        -1 as service_soft_state,
--                        -1 as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        0 as duration,
--                        0 as current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        null as plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_host_history,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check
--                where
--                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
--                        -1 as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        -1 as service_soft_state,
--                        -1 as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        0 as duration,
--                        0 as current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        null as plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check
--                where
--                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
--                union
--                select
--                        npc_host.id as hostid,
--                        npc_host.name,
--                        0 as hostgroup,
--                        -1 as host_soft_state,
--                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
--                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
--                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
--                        npc_service.service_description as service,
--                        -1 as service_soft_state,
--                        -1 as service_hard_state,
--                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
--                        npc_service_check.last_check,
--                        npc_service_check.next_check,
--                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
--                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
--                        npc_service_check.check_command,
--                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
--                        0 as duration,
--                        0 as current_attempt,
--                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
--                        null as plugin_output
--                from
--                        npc_host,
--                        npc_service,
--                        npc_service_check
--                where
--                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
--                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
--                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
--                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
--                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
--                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
--                order by
--                        name
--        ) as host_details where hostid = $hostid and service = '$serviceName'");
--	$service_detail["flapping"] = db_fetch_cell("select id from npc_flapping_service where id = $serviceid");
--	$service_config = db_fetch_row("select active_checks_enabled, passive_checks_enabled, event_handler_enabled, flap_detection_enabled, notifications_enabled, failure_prediction_enabled, process_performance_data, obsess_over_service, event_handler from npc_service where hostid = $hostid and service_description = '$serviceName'");
--	$comments = db_fetch_assoc("select id,serviceid,timestamp,author,comment,persist,type from npc_comment where serviceid = '$serviceid'");
--	$row_count = count($comments);
--   <table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
--   <tr class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--	<td>
--		<h2> [ <?php echo $serviceName; ?> ] on 
--		<a href="extinfo.php?type=1&hostid=<?php echo $hostid; ?>&hostname=<?php echo $hostname; ?>"><?php echo $hostname; ?></a></h2>
--	</td>
--	<td align='right' nowrap>
--		<FORM NAME="cl" ACTION="command.php" method="POST">Command: 
--			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='host' VALUE='<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>
--			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='hostid' VALUE='<?php echo $service_detail["hostid"]; ?>'>
--			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='service' VALUE='<?php echo $serviceName; ?>'>
--			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='serviceid' VALUE='<?php echo $service_detail["serviceid"]; ?>'>
--			<select name="command" size="1">
--			if (read_config_option("nagios_commands")) {
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>Execute a command</option>";
--				if ($service_config["active_checks_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<strong><OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_CHECK'>Disable active checks</option></strong>";
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK'>Re-schedule the next check</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_CHECK'>Enable Active Checks</option>";
--				}
--				if ($service_config["passive_checks_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='PROCESS_SVC_CHECK_RESULT'>Submit passive check result</option>";
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS'>Stop accepting passive checks</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS'>Start accepting passive checks</option>";
--				}
--				if ($service_config["obsess_over_service"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC'>Stop obsessing</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='START_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC'>Start obsessing</option>";
--				}
--				if ($service_detail["Current Status"] == 1 || $service_detail["Current Status"] == 2 || $service_detail["Current Status"] == 3 && $service_detail["Current Status"] == $service_detail["service_hard_state"]) {
--					if (!db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where serviceid = $serviceid and type = 4;")) {
--						echo "<OPTION VALUE='ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM'>Acknowledge This Service Problem</option>";
--					} elseif (db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where serviceid = $serviceid and type = 4;")) {
--						echo "<OPTION VALUE='REMOVE_SVC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'>Remove Problem Acknowledgement</option>";
--					}
--				}
--				if ($service_config["notifications_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS'>Disable Notifications</option>";
--					if ($service_detail["Current Status"] != 0) {
--						echo "<OPTION VALUE='DELAY_SVC_NOTIFICATION'>Delay Next Service Notification</option>";
--					}
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS'>Enable Notifications</option>";
--				}
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME'>Schedule Downtime</option>";
--				if ($service_config["event_handler_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER'>Disable Event Handler</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER'>Enable Event Handler</option>";
--				}
--				if ($service_config["flap_detection_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION'>Disable Flap Detection</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION'>Enable Flap Detection</option>";
--				}
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='ADD_SVC_COMMENT'>Add Service Comment</option>";
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS'>Delete All Service Comments</option>";
--			} else {
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE=''>Command execution disabled</option>";
--			}
--			</select>
--			<input type='image' src='../../images/button_go.gif' alt='Go' value='Execute' align='absmiddle'>
--		</form>
--	</td>
--   </tr>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr>
--   <td valign="top">
--      <table width="100%" border="0" align="left" valign="top">
--      <thead>
--      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--      <td align="center"><strong>Service State Information</strong></td>
--      </tr>
--      </thead>
--      <tbody>
--      <tr>
--      <td width="100%" valign="top">
--         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--         <thead>
--         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--         <td>Parameter</td>
--         <td>Value</td>
--         </tr>
--         </thead>
--         <tbody>
--	foreach ($service_detail as $key => $value) {
--		switch($key) 
--		{
--			case "Current Status":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--		                switch($value)
--                		{
--                        		case "-1":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusPENDING'><strong>PENDING</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "0":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusOK'><strong>OK</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "1":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusWARNING'><strong>WARNING</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "2":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusCRITICAL'><strong>CRITICAL</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "3":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusUNKNOWN'><strong>UNKNOWN</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "State Duration":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . formatTime($value) . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Check Command":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Plugin Output":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Performance Data":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Current Attempt":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "/" . $service_detail["Max Attempts"] . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Last Check":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				if (preg_match('/1969-12-31/', $value)) {
--					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Next Check":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Check Latency":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Check Duration":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "flapping":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>Flapping:</td>";
--				if ($service_detail["flapping"]) {
--					echo "<td>Yes</td>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<td>No</td>";
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--                }
--		if($rowColor == $background1) {
--                        $rowColor = $background2;
--                } else {
--                        $rowColor = $background1;
--                }
--		if ($key == "flapping") {
--			echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--			echo "<td>Event Handler:</td>";
--			if (!$service_config["event_handler"]) {
--                        	echo "<td>N/A</td>";
--                        } else {
--				echo "<td>" . $service_config["event_handler"] . "</td>";
--                        }
--			echo "</tr>";
--		}
--	}
--	</tbody>
--	</table>
--      </td>
--      </tr>
--      </tbody>
--      </table>
--   </td>
--   <td valign="top">
--      <table width="70%" border="0" align="right">
--      <thead>
--      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--      <td align="center"><strong>Service Monitoring Options</strong></td>
--      </tr>
--      </thead>
--      <tbody>
--      <tr>
--      <td width="70%" valign="top">
--         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--         <thead>
--         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--         <td>Parameter</td>
--         <td>Value</td>
--         </tr>
--         </thead>
--         <tbody>
--	 $rowColor = $background1;
--         echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--	foreach ($service_config as $key => $value) {
--		if ($key == "event_handler") { continue; }
--		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--                switch($key)
--                {
--                        case "active_checks_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Active Checks:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "passive_checks_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Passive Checks:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "event_handler_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Event Handler:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "flap_detection_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Flap Detection:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "notifications_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Notifications:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "failure_prediction_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Failure Prediction:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "process_performance_data":
--                                echo "<td>Process Performance Data:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "obsess_over_service":
--                                echo "<td>Obsess Over Service:</td>";
--                                break;
--                }
--		if ($value == 0) {
--			echo "<td class='optionDISABLED'>Disabled</td></tr>";
--		} else {
--			echo "<td class='optionENABLED'>Enabled</td></tr>";
--		}
--		if($rowColor == $background1) {
--                        $rowColor = $background2;
--                } else {
--                        $rowColor = $background1;
--                }
--	}
--	      </tbody>
--	      </table>
--	   </td>
--	   </tr>
--	   </table>
--   </td>
--   echo "</tr>";
--   echo "<tr>";
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
--      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
--         <thead>
--	    <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--               <td align="center"><strong>Service Comments</strong></td>
--            </tr>
--         </thead>
--         <tbody>
--            <tr>
--               <td width="60%" valign="top">
--                  <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--		     <thead>
--		        <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--			   <td>Entry Time</td>
--			   <td>Author</td>
--			   <td>Comment</td>
--			   <td>Persistent</td>
--			   <td>Type</td>
--			   <td>Delete</td>
--                     <tbody>
--	for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
--		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--		echo "<td nowrap>" . $comments[$i]["timestamp"] . "</td>";
--		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</td>";
--		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["comment"] . "</td>";
--		echo "<td>";
--		if ($comments[$i]["persist"]) {
--			echo "Yes";
--		} else {
--			echo "No"; 
--		}
--		echo "</td>";
--		echo "<td>";
--		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 2) {
--			echo "Comment";
--		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 4) {
--			echo "Acknowledgment";
--		}
--		echo "</td>";
--		echo "<td>";
--		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 2) {
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_SVC_COMMENT&id=" . $comments[$i]["id"] . "&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='delete' title='Delete comment' border=0></a>";
--		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 4) {
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=REMOVE_SVC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Remove' title='Remove problem acknowledgment' border=0></a>";
--		}
--		echo "</td>";
--		if($rowColor == $background1) {
--			$rowColor = $background2;
--		} else {
--			$rowColor = $background1;
--		}
--	}
--		     </tbody>
--		  </table>
--	       </td>
--	    </tr>
--   	    <tr>
--	       <td>
--	          <?php 
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=ADD_SVC_COMMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/comment.gif' alt='Add a comment' title='Add a comment' border=0></a>"; 
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Delete all comments' title='Delete all comments' border=0></a>"; 
--		  ?>
--               </td>
--            </tr>
--	</tbody>
--      </table>
--   </td>
--   <td></td>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr>
--   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
--      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
--      <thead>
--      <tr align="center" class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--      <td align="center"><strong>Graph Mapping</strong></td>
--      </tr>
--      </thead>
--      <tbody>
--      <tr>
--      <td width="60%" valign="top">
--         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--            <tbody>
--$cacti_graphs = db_fetch_assoc("
--                graph_templates_graph.id,
--                graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id,
--                graph_templates_graph.height,
--                graph_templates_graph.width,
--                graph_templates_graph.title_cache as title,
--                graph_templates.name,
--                graph_local.host_id
--                from graph_local,graph_templates_graph
--                left join graph_templates on graph_local.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
--                where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
--                and graph_templates_graph.title_cache like '%'
--                order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache,graph_local.host_id");
--		$row_count = count($cacti_graphs);
--/* http://logindev/cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=6&rra_id=0 */
--                   <FORM NAME="gm" ACTION="" method="post">
--                   <tr bgcolor='<?php echo $background1; ?>'>
--                        <td>Associated graph:</td>
--                        <td>
--			   <select name="local_graph_id" size="1">
--			      <?php
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>None</option>";
--				for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
--			      		echo "<OPTION VALUE='" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["local_graph_id"] . "'>" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["title"] . "</option>";
--				}
--			      ?> 
--			   </select>
--			</td>
--                        <td><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Map"></td>
--                   </tr>
--                   </FORM>
--            </tbody>
--         </table>
--		<?php 
--			if ($service_detail["cacti_graph_id"]) {
--				echo "<table align='center'>";
--				echo "<tr><td width='100%'>";
--				echo "<img src='../../graph_image.php?local_graph_id=" . $service_detail["cacti_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0'>";
--				echo "</td></tr>";
--			}
--		?>
--      </td>
--      </tr>
--   </tbody>
--   </table>
--   </td>
--   </tr>
--   </table>
--function hostInfo() {
--	$hostid = $_REQUEST["hostid"];
--	$hostname = $_REQUEST["hostname"];
--	if (isset($_POST["local_graph_id"])) {
--		db_execute("update npc_host set cacti_graph_id = " . $_POST["local_graph_id"] . " where id = " . $hostid);
--		header("Location: extinfo.php?type=1&hostid=" . $hostid . "&hostname=" . $hostname);
--	}
--	include_once("top_npc_header.php");
--        $background1 = "#F5F5F5";
--        $background2 = "#E7E9F2";
--        $rowColor = $background1;
--	$host_flapping["flapping"] = db_fetch_cell("select id from npc_flapping_host where id = $hostid");
--	$host_history = db_fetch_row("select started, soft_state, hard_state, current_attempt, plugin_output from npc_host_history where hostid = $hostid order by started desc;");
--	$host_check = db_fetch_row("select check_command, check_execute_time, check_latency, from_unixtime(last_check) as last_check, from_unixtime(next_check) as next_check, max_attempts, last_notification, next_notification, no_more_notifications, check_type, performance_data from npc_host_check where hostid = $hostid;");
--	$host_config = db_fetch_row("select active_checks_enabled, passive_checks_enabled, event_handler_enabled, flap_detection_enabled, notifications_enabled, failure_prediction_enabled, process_performance_data, obsess_over_host, event_handler, cacti_graph_id from npc_host where id = $hostid");
--	$comments = db_fetch_assoc("select id,serviceid,timestamp,author,comment,persist,type from npc_comment where hostid = $hostid");
--	$graphView = db_fetch_cell("select id from graph_tree_items where host_id = (select id from host where npc_host_id = $hostid)");
--	$row_count = count($comments);
--	$duration =  date("U") - $host_history["started"];
--   <table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
--   <tr class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--	<td>
--		<h2> <strong><?php echo $hostname; ?></strong></h2>
--	</td>
--	<td align='right' nowrap>
--		<FORM NAME="cl" ACTION="command.php" method="POST">Command: 
--			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='host' VALUE='<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>
--			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='hostid' VALUE='<?php echo $hostid; ?>'>
--			<select name="command" size="1">
--			if (read_config_option("nagios_commands")) {
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>Execute a command</option>";
--				if ($host_config["active_checks_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_CHECK'>Disable active checks</option>";
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_HOST_CHECK'>Re-schedule the next check</option>";
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS'>Schedule a check of all services</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_CHECK'>Enable Active Checks</option>";
--				}
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS'>Disable checks of all services</option>";
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS'>Enabble checks of all services</option>";
--				if ($host_config["passive_checks_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT'>Submit passive check result</option>";
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS'>Stop accepting passive checks</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS'>Start accepting passive checks</option>";
--				}
--				if ($host_config["obsess_over_service"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST'>Stop obsessing</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='START_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST'>Start obsessing</option>";
--				}
--				if ($host_history["soft_state"] == 1 || $host_history["soft_state"] == 2 && $host_history["soft_state"] == $host_history["hard_state"]) {
--					if (!db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where hostid = $hostid and type = 4;")) {
--						echo "<OPTION VALUE='ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM'>Acknowledge This Host Problem</option>";
--					} elseif (db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where hostid = $hostid and type = 4;")) {
--						echo "<OPTION VALUE='REMOVE_HOST_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'>Remove Problem Acknowledgement</option>";
--					}
--				}
--				if ($host_config["notifications_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS'>Disable Notifications</option>";
--					if ($host_history["soft_state"] != 0) {
--						echo "<OPTION VALUE='DELAY_HOST_NOTIFICATION'>Delay Next Service Notification</option>";
--					}
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS'>Enable Notifications</option>";
--				}
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME'>Schedule Downtime</option>";
--				if ($host_config["event_handler_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER'>Disable Event Handler</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER'>Enable Event Handler</option>";
--				}
--				if ($host_config["flap_detection_enabled"]) {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_FLAP_DETECTION'>Disable Flap Detection</option>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_FLAP_DETECTION'>Enable Flap Detection</option>";
--				}
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='ADD_HOST_COMMENT'>Add Host Comment</option>";
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS'>Delete All Host Comments</option>";
--			} else {
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>Command execution disabled</option>";
--			}
--			</select>
--			<input type='image' src='../../images/button_go.gif' alt='Go' value='Execute' align='absmiddle'>
--		</form>
--	</td>
--   </tr>
--   <tr><td></td><td></td></tr>
--   <tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'>
--      <td><a href='statusDetail.php?filter=showHost&name=<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>View Services</a> | <?php if ($graphView) { ?><a href='<?php echo $config['url_path']?>graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=1&leaf_id=<?php echo $graphView; ?>'>View Graphs</a> | <?php } ?><a href='hostConfig.php?name=<?php echo $hostname; ?>&hostid=<?php echo $hostid; ?>'>Configure</a></td>
--      <td> </td></tr>
--   </tr>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr>
--   <td valign="top">
--      <table width="100%" border="0" align="left" valign="top">
--      <thead>
--      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--      <td align="center"><strong>Host State Information</strong></td>
--      </tr>
--      </thead>
--      <tbody>
--      <tr>
--      <td width="100%" valign="top">
--         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--         <thead>
--         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--         <td>Parameter</td>
--         <td>Value</td>
--         </tr>
--         </thead>
--         <tbody>
--	$host_detail = array(
--		'Current Status'   => $host_history["soft_state"],
--		'State Duration'   => formatTime($duration),
--		'Check Command'    => $host_check["check_command"],
--		'Plugin Output'    => $host_history["plugin_output"],
--		'Performance Data' => $host_check["performance_data"],
--		'Current Attempt'  => $host_history["current_attempt"],
--		'Last Check'       => $host_check["last_check"],
--		'Next Check'       => $host_check["next_check"],
--		'Check Latency'    => $host_check["check_latency"],
--		'Check Duration'   => $host_check["check_execute_time"],
--		'flapping'         => $host_flapping["flapping"],
--		'Event Handler'    => $host_config["event_handler"],
--	);
--	foreach ($host_detail as $key => $value) {
--		switch($key) 
--		{
--			case "Current Status":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--		                switch($value)
--                		{
--                        		case "-1":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusPENDING'><strong>PENDING</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "0":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusHOSTUP'><strong>UP</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "1":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusHOSTDOWN'><strong>DOWN</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--                        		case "2":
--                                		echo "<td class='statusHOSTUNREACHABLE'><strong>UNREACHABLE</strong></td>";
--                                		break;
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "State Duration":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Check Command":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Plugin Output":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Performance Data":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Current Attempt":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "/" . $host_check["max_attempts"] . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Last Check":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				if (preg_match('/1969-12-31/', $value)) {
--					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Next Check":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				if (preg_match('/1969-12-31/', $value)) {
--					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Check Latency":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Check Duration":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "flapping":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>Flapping:</td>";
--				if ($host_detail["flapping"]) {
--					echo "<td>Yes</td>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<td>No</td>";
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--			case "Event Handler":
--				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
--				if (!$value) {
--					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
--				} else {
--					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
--				}
--				echo "</tr>";
--				break;
--                }
--		if($rowColor == $background1) {
--                        $rowColor = $background2;
--                } else {
--                        $rowColor = $background1;
--                }
--	}
--	</tbody>
--	</table>
--      </td>
--      </tr>
--      </tbody>
--      </table>
--   </td>
--   <td valign="top">
--      <table width="70%" border="0" align="right">
--      <thead>
--      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--      <td align="center"><strong>Host Monitoring Options</strong></td>
--      </tr>
--      </thead>
--      <tbody>
--      <tr>
--      <td width="70%" valign="top">
--         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--         <thead>
--         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--         <td>Parameter</td>
--         <td>Value</td>
--         </tr>
--         </thead>
--         <tbody>
--	 $rowColor = $background1;
--         echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--	foreach ($host_config as $key => $value) {
--		if ($key == "event_handler") { continue; }
--		if ($key == "cacti_graph_id") { continue; }
--		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--                switch($key)
--                {
--                        case "active_checks_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Active Checks:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "passive_checks_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Passive Checks:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "event_handler_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Event Handler:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "flap_detection_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Flap Detection:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "notifications_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Notifications:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "failure_prediction_enabled":
--                                echo "<td>Failure Prediction:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "process_performance_data":
--                                echo "<td>Process Performance Data:</td>";
--                                break;
--                        case "obsess_over_host":
--                                echo "<td>Obsess Over Host:</td>";
--                                break;
--                }
--		if ($value == 0) {
--			echo "<td class='optionDISABLED'>Disabled</td></tr>";
--		} else {
--			echo "<td class='optionENABLED'>Enabled</td></tr>";
--		}
--		if($rowColor == $background1) {
--                        $rowColor = $background2;
--                } else {
--                        $rowColor = $background1;
--                }
--	}
--	      </tbody>
--	      </table>
--	   </td>
--	   </tr>
--	   </table>
--   </td>
--   echo "</tr>";
--   echo "<tr>";
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
--      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
--         <thead>
--	    <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--               <td align="center"><strong>Host Comments</strong></td>
--            </tr>
--         </thead>
--         <tbody>
--            <tr>
--               <td width="60%" valign="top">
--                  <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--		     <thead>
--		        <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
--			   <td>Entry Time</td>
--			   <td>Author</td>
--			   <td>Comment</td>
--			   <td>Persistent</td>
--			   <td>Type</td>
--			   <td>Delete</td>
--                     <tbody>
--	for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
--		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
--		echo "<td nowrap>" . $comments[$i]["timestamp"] . "</td>";
--		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</td>";
--		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["comment"] . "</td>";
--		echo "<td>";
--		if ($comments[$i]["persist"]) {
--			echo "Yes";
--		} else {
--			echo "No"; 
--		}
--		echo "</td>";
--		echo "<td>";
--		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 1) {
--			echo "Comment";
--		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 3) {
--			echo "Acknowledgment";
--		}
--		echo "</td>";
--		echo "<td>";
--		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 1) {
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_HOST_COMMENT&id=" . $comments[$i]["id"] . "&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='delete' title='Delete comment' border=0></a>";
--		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 3) {
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=REMOVE_HOST_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Remove' title='Remove problem acknowledgment' border=0></a>";
--		}
--		echo "</td>";
--		if($rowColor == $background1) {
--			$rowColor = $background2;
--		} else {
--			$rowColor = $background1;
--		}
--	}
--		     </tbody>
--		  </table>
--	       </td>
--	    </tr>
--   	    <tr>
--	       <td>
--	          <?php 
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=ADD_HOST_COMMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/comment.gif' alt='Add a comment' title='Add a comment' border=0></a>"; 
--			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Delete all comments' title='Delete all comments' border=0></a>"; 
--		  ?>
--               </td>
--            </tr>
--	</tbody>
--      </table>
--   </td>
--   <td></td>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
--   <tr>
--   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
--      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
--      <thead>
--      <tr align="center" class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
--      <td align="center"><strong>Graph Mapping</strong></td>
--      </tr>
--      </thead>
--      <tbody>
--      <tr>
--      <td width="60%" valign="top">
--         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
--            <tbody>
--$cacti_graphs = db_fetch_assoc("
--                graph_templates_graph.id,
--                graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id,
--                graph_templates_graph.height,
--                graph_templates_graph.width,
--                graph_templates_graph.title_cache as title,
--                graph_templates.name,
--                graph_local.host_id
--                from graph_local,graph_templates_graph
--                left join graph_templates on graph_local.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
--                where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
--                and graph_templates_graph.title_cache like '%'
--                order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache,graph_local.host_id");
--		$row_count = count($cacti_graphs);
--/* http://logindev/cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=6&rra_id=0 */
--                   <FORM NAME="gm" ACTION="" method="post">
--                   <tr bgcolor='<?php echo $background1; ?>'>
--                        <td>Associated graph:</td>
--                        <td>
--			   <select name="local_graph_id" size="1">
--			      <?php
--				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>None</option>";
--				for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
--			      		echo "<OPTION VALUE='" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["local_graph_id"] . "'>" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["title"] . "</option>";
--				}
--			      ?> 
--			   </select>
--			</td>
--                        <td><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Map"></td>
--                   </tr>
--                   </FORM>
--            </tbody>
--         </table>
--		<?php 
--			if ($host_config["cacti_graph_id"]) {
--				echo "<table align='center'>";
--				echo "<tr><td width='100%'>";
--				echo "<img src='../../graph_image.php?local_graph_id=" . $host_config["cacti_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0'>";
--				echo "</td></tr>";
--			}
--		?>
--      </td>
--      </tr>
--   </tbody>
--   </table>
--   </td>
--   </tr>
--   </table>
-+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-+ | Nagios Plugin 0.1a for cacti 0.8.6f                                     |
-+ | Copyright (C) 2005 Billy Gunn (billy at gunn.org)                          |
-+ |                                                                         |
-+ | This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or           |
-+ | modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License             |
-+ | as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2          |
-+ | of the License, or (at your option) any later version.                  |
-+ |                                                                         |
-+ | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,         |
-+ | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of          |
-+ | GNU General Public License for more details.                            |
-+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-+ | Cacti and Nagios are the copyright of their respective owners.          |
-+ +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-+// Refresh the page at a user supplied interval
-+header("Refresh: " . read_config_option("npc_refresh") . "; URL=" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]);
-+/* set default action */
-+if (!isset($_REQUEST["type"])) { $_REQUEST["type"] = ""; }
-+switch ($_REQUEST["type"]) {
-+        case '1':
-+                hostInfo();
-+                include_once("./include/bottom_footer.php");
-+                break;
-+        case '2':
-+                serviceInfo();
-+                include_once("./include/bottom_footer.php");
-+                break;
-+        default:
-+                hostInfo();
-+                include_once("./include/bottom_footer.php");
-+                break;
-+function formatTime($time) {
-+        $days = floor($time/60/60/24);
-+        $time -= $days*60*60*24;
-+        $hours = floor($time/60/60);
-+        $time -= $hours*60*60;
-+        $minutes = floor($time/60);
-+        $time -= $minutes*60;
-+        $seconds = $time;
-+        return ($days . "d " . $hours . "h " . $minutes . "m " . $seconds . "s");
-+function serviceInfo() {
-+	$hostid = $_REQUEST["hostid"];
-+	$serviceid = $_REQUEST["serviceid"];
-+	$hostname = $_REQUEST["hostname"];
-+	$serviceName = ereg_replace("\+", " ", $_REQUEST["service"]);
-+	if (isset($_POST["local_graph_id"])) {
-+		db_execute("update npc_service set cacti_graph_id = " . $_POST["local_graph_id"] . " where id = " . $serviceid);
-+		header("Location: extinfo.php?type=2&hostid=" . $hostid . "&hostname=" . $hostname . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"]);
-+	}
-+	include_once("top_npc_header.php");
-+        $background1 = "#F5F5F5";
-+        $background2 = "#E7E9F2";
-+        $rowColor = $background1;
-+        $service_detail = db_fetch_row("
-+select distinct
-+        service_soft_state as 'Current Status',
-+        duration as 'State Duration',
-+        check_command as 'Check Command',
-+        plugin_output as 'Plugin Output',
-+        performance_data as 'Performance Data',
-+        current_attempt as 'Current Attempt',
-+        from_unixtime(last_check) as 'Last Check',
-+        from_unixtime(next_check) as 'Next Check',
-+        check_latency as 'Check Latency',
-+        check_execute_time as 'Check Duration',
-+        hostid,
-+        name,
-+        host_soft_state as 'Host Soft State',
-+        host_notifications as 'Host Notifications',
-+        service as 'Service',
-+        cacti_graph_id,
-+        serviceid,
-+	service_hard_state,
-+        service_notifications as 'Service Notifications',
-+        max_attempts as 'Max Attempts'
-+        (
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
-+                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
-+                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
-+                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_host_history,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check,
-+                        npc_service_history
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        0 as hostgroup,
-+                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
-+                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
-+                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_host_history,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check,
-+                        npc_service_history
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
-+                        -1 as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
-+                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
-+                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check,
-+                        npc_service_history
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        0 as hostgroup,
-+                        -1 as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        npc_service_history.soft_state as service_soft_state,
-+                        npc_service_history.hard_state as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        unix_timestamp() - npc_service_history.started as duration,
-+                        npc_service_history.current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        npc_service_history.plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check,
-+                        npc_service_history
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_history.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = TRUE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
-+                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        -1 as service_soft_state,
-+                        -1 as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        0 as duration,
-+                        0 as current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        null as plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_host_history,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        0 as hostgroup,
-+                        npc_host_history.soft_state as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        -1 as service_soft_state,
-+                        -1 as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        0 as duration,
-+                        0 as current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        null as plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_host_history,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_host_history.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_host_history.lasted is null and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = TRUE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership.groupid as hostgroup,
-+                        -1 as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        -1 as service_soft_state,
-+                        -1 as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        0 as duration,
-+                        0 as current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        null as plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_hostgroup_membership,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_hostgroup_membership.hostid and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
-+                union
-+                select
-+                        npc_host.id as hostid,
-+                        npc_host.name,
-+                        0 as hostgroup,
-+                        -1 as host_soft_state,
-+                        npc_host.notifications_enabled as host_notifications,
-+                        npc_service.id as serviceid,
-+                        npc_service.cacti_graph_id,
-+                        npc_service.service_description as service,
-+                        -1 as service_soft_state,
-+                        -1 as service_hard_state,
-+                        npc_service.notifications_enabled as service_notifications,
-+                        npc_service_check.last_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.next_check,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_execute_time,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_latency,
-+                        npc_service_check.check_command,
-+                        npc_service_check.performance_data,
-+                        0 as duration,
-+                        0 as current_attempt,
-+                        npc_service_check.max_attempts,
-+                        null as plugin_output
-+                from
-+                        npc_host,
-+                        npc_service,
-+                        npc_service_check
-+                where
-+                        npc_host.id not in (select hostid from npc_hostgroup_membership) and
-+                        npc_host.id = npc_service.hostid and
-+                        npc_service.id = npc_service_check.serviceid and
-+                        npc_service.configured = TRUE and
-+                        npc_service.has_been_checked = FALSE and
-+                        npc_host.has_been_checked = FALSE
-+                order by
-+                        name
-+        ) as host_details where hostid = $hostid and service = '$serviceName'");
-+	$service_detail["flapping"] = db_fetch_cell("select id from npc_flapping_service where id = $serviceid");
-+	$service_config = db_fetch_row("select active_checks_enabled, passive_checks_enabled, event_handler_enabled, flap_detection_enabled, notifications_enabled, failure_prediction_enabled, process_performance_data, obsess_over_service, event_handler from npc_service where hostid = $hostid and service_description = '$serviceName'");
-+	$comments = db_fetch_assoc("select id,serviceid,timestamp,author,comment,persist,type from npc_comment where serviceid = '$serviceid'");
-+	$row_count = count($comments);
-+   <table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
-+   <tr class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+	<td>
-+		<h2> [ <?php echo $serviceName; ?> ] on 
-+		<a href="extinfo.php?type=1&hostid=<?php echo $hostid; ?>&hostname=<?php echo $hostname; ?>"><?php echo $hostname; ?></a></h2>
-+	</td>
-+	<td align='right' nowrap>
-+		<FORM NAME="cl" ACTION="command.php" method="POST">Command: 
-+			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='host' VALUE='<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>
-+			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='hostid' VALUE='<?php echo $service_detail["hostid"]; ?>'>
-+			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='service' VALUE='<?php echo $serviceName; ?>'>
-+			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='serviceid' VALUE='<?php echo $service_detail["serviceid"]; ?>'>
-+			<select name="command" size="1">
-+			if (read_config_option("nagios_commands")) {
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>Execute a command</option>";
-+				if ($service_config["active_checks_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<strong><OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_CHECK'>Disable active checks</option></strong>";
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK'>Re-schedule the next check</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_CHECK'>Enable Active Checks</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($service_config["passive_checks_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='PROCESS_SVC_CHECK_RESULT'>Submit passive check result</option>";
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS'>Stop accepting passive checks</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS'>Start accepting passive checks</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($service_config["obsess_over_service"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC'>Stop obsessing</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='START_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC'>Start obsessing</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($service_detail["Current Status"] == 1 || $service_detail["Current Status"] == 2 || $service_detail["Current Status"] == 3 && $service_detail["Current Status"] == $service_detail["service_hard_state"]) {
-+					if (!db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where serviceid = $serviceid and type = 4;")) {
-+						echo "<OPTION VALUE='ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM'>Acknowledge This Service Problem</option>";
-+					} elseif (db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where serviceid = $serviceid and type = 4;")) {
-+						echo "<OPTION VALUE='REMOVE_SVC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'>Remove Problem Acknowledgement</option>";
-+					}
-+				}
-+				if ($service_config["notifications_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS'>Disable Notifications</option>";
-+					if ($service_detail["Current Status"] != 0) {
-+						echo "<OPTION VALUE='DELAY_SVC_NOTIFICATION'>Delay Next Service Notification</option>";
-+					}
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS'>Enable Notifications</option>";
-+				}
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME'>Schedule Downtime</option>";
-+				if ($service_config["event_handler_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER'>Disable Event Handler</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER'>Enable Event Handler</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($service_config["flap_detection_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION'>Disable Flap Detection</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION'>Enable Flap Detection</option>";
-+				}
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='ADD_SVC_COMMENT'>Add Service Comment</option>";
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS'>Delete All Service Comments</option>";
-+			} else {
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE=''>Command execution disabled</option>";
-+			}
-+			</select>
-+			<input type='image' src='../../images/button_go.gif' alt='Go' value='Execute' align='absmiddle'>
-+		</form>
-+	</td>
-+   </tr>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr>
-+   <td valign="top">
-+      <table width="100%" border="0" align="left" valign="top">
-+      <thead>
-+      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+      <td align="center"><strong>Service State Information</strong></td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </thead>
-+      <tbody>
-+      <tr>
-+      <td width="100%" valign="top">
-+         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+         <thead>
-+         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+         <td>Parameter</td>
-+         <td>Value</td>
-+         </tr>
-+         </thead>
-+         <tbody>
-+	foreach ($service_detail as $key => $value) {
-+		switch($key) 
-+		{
-+			case "Current Status":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+		                switch($value)
-+                		{
-+                        		case "-1":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusPENDING'><strong>PENDING</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "0":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusOK'><strong>OK</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "1":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusWARNING'><strong>WARNING</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "2":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusCRITICAL'><strong>CRITICAL</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "3":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusUNKNOWN'><strong>UNKNOWN</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "State Duration":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . formatTime($value) . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Check Command":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Plugin Output":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Performance Data":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Current Attempt":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "/" . $service_detail["Max Attempts"] . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Last Check":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				if (preg_match('/1969-12-31/', $value)) {
-+					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Next Check":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Check Latency":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Check Duration":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "flapping":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>Flapping:</td>";
-+				if ($service_detail["flapping"]) {
-+					echo "<td>Yes</td>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<td>No</td>";
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+                }
-+		if($rowColor == $background1) {
-+                        $rowColor = $background2;
-+                } else {
-+                        $rowColor = $background1;
-+                }
-+		if ($key == "flapping") {
-+			echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+			echo "<td>Event Handler:</td>";
-+			if (!$service_config["event_handler"]) {
-+                        	echo "<td>N/A</td>";
-+                        } else {
-+				echo "<td>" . $service_config["event_handler"] . "</td>";
-+                        }
-+			echo "</tr>";
-+		}
-+	}
-+	</tbody>
-+	</table>
-+      </td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </tbody>
-+      </table>
-+   </td>
-+   <td valign="top">
-+      <table width="70%" border="0" align="right">
-+      <thead>
-+      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+      <td align="center"><strong>Service Monitoring Options</strong></td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </thead>
-+      <tbody>
-+      <tr>
-+      <td width="70%" valign="top">
-+         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+         <thead>
-+         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+         <td>Parameter</td>
-+         <td>Value</td>
-+         </tr>
-+         </thead>
-+         <tbody>
-+	 $rowColor = $background1;
-+         echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+	foreach ($service_config as $key => $value) {
-+		if ($key == "event_handler") { continue; }
-+		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+                switch($key)
-+                {
-+                        case "active_checks_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Active Checks:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "passive_checks_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Passive Checks:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "event_handler_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Event Handler:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "flap_detection_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Flap Detection:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "notifications_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Notifications:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "failure_prediction_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Failure Prediction:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "process_performance_data":
-+                                echo "<td>Process Performance Data:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "obsess_over_service":
-+                                echo "<td>Obsess Over Service:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                }
-+		if ($value == 0) {
-+			echo "<td class='optionDISABLED'>Disabled</td></tr>";
-+		} else {
-+			echo "<td class='optionENABLED'>Enabled</td></tr>";
-+		}
-+		if($rowColor == $background1) {
-+                        $rowColor = $background2;
-+                } else {
-+                        $rowColor = $background1;
-+                }
-+	}
-+	      </tbody>
-+	      </table>
-+	   </td>
-+	   </tr>
-+	   </table>
-+   </td>
-+   echo "</tr>";
-+   echo "<tr>";
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
-+      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
-+         <thead>
-+	    <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+               <td align="center"><strong>Service Comments</strong></td>
-+            </tr>
-+         </thead>
-+         <tbody>
-+            <tr>
-+               <td width="60%" valign="top">
-+                  <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+		     <thead>
-+		        <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+			   <td>Entry Time</td>
-+			   <td>Author</td>
-+			   <td>Comment</td>
-+			   <td>Persistent</td>
-+			   <td>Type</td>
-+			   <td>Delete</td>
-+                     <tbody>
-+	for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
-+		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+		echo "<td nowrap>" . $comments[$i]["timestamp"] . "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["comment"] . "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>";
-+		if ($comments[$i]["persist"]) {
-+			echo "Yes";
-+		} else {
-+			echo "No"; 
-+		}
-+		echo "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>";
-+		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 2) {
-+			echo "Comment";
-+		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 4) {
-+			echo "Acknowledgment";
-+		}
-+		echo "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>";
-+		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 2) {
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_SVC_COMMENT&id=" . $comments[$i]["id"] . "&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='delete' title='Delete comment' border=0></a>";
-+		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 4) {
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=REMOVE_SVC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Remove' title='Remove problem acknowledgment' border=0></a>";
-+		}
-+		echo "</td>";
-+		if($rowColor == $background1) {
-+			$rowColor = $background2;
-+		} else {
-+			$rowColor = $background1;
-+		}
-+	}
-+		     </tbody>
-+		  </table>
-+	       </td>
-+	    </tr>
-+   	    <tr>
-+	       <td>
-+	          <?php 
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=ADD_SVC_COMMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/comment.gif' alt='Add a comment' title='Add a comment' border=0></a>"; 
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "&service=" . $_REQUEST["service"] . "&serviceid=" . $serviceid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Delete all comments' title='Delete all comments' border=0></a>"; 
-+		  ?>
-+               </td>
-+            </tr>
-+	</tbody>
-+      </table>
-+   </td>
-+   <td></td>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr>
-+   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
-+      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
-+      <thead>
-+      <tr align="center" class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+      <td align="center"><strong>Graph Mapping</strong></td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </thead>
-+      <tbody>
-+      <tr>
-+      <td width="60%" valign="top">
-+         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+            <tbody>
-+$cacti_graphs = db_fetch_assoc("
-+                graph_templates_graph.id,
-+                graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id,
-+                graph_templates_graph.height,
-+                graph_templates_graph.width,
-+                graph_templates_graph.title_cache as title,
-+                graph_templates.name,
-+                graph_local.host_id
-+                from graph_local,graph_templates_graph
-+                left join graph_templates on graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
-+                where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
-+                and graph_templates_graph.title_cache like '%'
-+                order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache,graph_local.host_id");
-+		$row_count = count($cacti_graphs);
-+/* http://logindev/cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=6&rra_id=0 */
-+                   <FORM NAME="gm" ACTION="" method="post">
-+                   <tr bgcolor='<?php echo $background1; ?>'>
-+                        <td>Associated graph:</td>
-+                        <td>
-+			   <select name="local_graph_id" size="1">
-+			      <?php
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>None</option>";
-+				for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
-+			      		echo "<OPTION VALUE='" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["local_graph_id"] . "'>" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["title"] . "</option>";
-+				}
-+			      ?> 
-+			   </select>
-+			</td>
-+                        <td><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Map"></td>
-+                   </tr>
-+                   </FORM>
-+            </tbody>
-+         </table>
-+		<?php 
-+			if ($service_detail["cacti_graph_id"]) {
-+				echo "<table align='center'>";
-+				echo "<tr><td width='100%'>";
-+				echo "<img src='../../graph_image.php?local_graph_id=" . $service_detail["cacti_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0'>";
-+				echo "</td></tr>";
-+			}
-+		?>
-+      </td>
-+      </tr>
-+   </tbody>
-+   </table>
-+   </td>
-+   </tr>
-+   </table>
-+function hostInfo() {
-+	$hostid = $_REQUEST["hostid"];
-+	$hostname = $_REQUEST["hostname"];
-+	if (isset($_POST["local_graph_id"])) {
-+		db_execute("update npc_host set cacti_graph_id = " . $_POST["local_graph_id"] . " where id = " . $hostid);
-+		header("Location: extinfo.php?type=1&hostid=" . $hostid . "&hostname=" . $hostname);
-+	}
-+	include_once("top_npc_header.php");
-+        $background1 = "#F5F5F5";
-+        $background2 = "#E7E9F2";
-+        $rowColor = $background1;
-+	$host_flapping["flapping"] = db_fetch_cell("select id from npc_flapping_host where id = $hostid");
-+	$host_history = db_fetch_row("select started, soft_state, hard_state, current_attempt, plugin_output from npc_host_history where hostid = $hostid order by started desc;");
-+	$host_check = db_fetch_row("select check_command, check_execute_time, check_latency, from_unixtime(last_check) as last_check, from_unixtime(next_check) as next_check, max_attempts, last_notification, next_notification, no_more_notifications, check_type, performance_data from npc_host_check where hostid = $hostid;");
-+	$host_config = db_fetch_row("select active_checks_enabled, passive_checks_enabled, event_handler_enabled, flap_detection_enabled, notifications_enabled, failure_prediction_enabled, process_performance_data, obsess_over_host, event_handler, cacti_graph_id from npc_host where id = $hostid");
-+	$comments = db_fetch_assoc("select id,serviceid,timestamp,author,comment,persist,type from npc_comment where hostid = $hostid");
-+	$graphView = db_fetch_cell("select id from graph_tree_items where host_id = (select id from host where npc_host_id = $hostid)");
-+	$row_count = count($comments);
-+	$duration =  date("U") - $host_history["started"];
-+   <table width="98%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">
-+   <tr class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+	<td>
-+		<h2> <strong><?php echo $hostname; ?></strong></h2>
-+	</td>
-+	<td align='right' nowrap>
-+		<FORM NAME="cl" ACTION="command.php" method="POST">Command: 
-+			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='host' VALUE='<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>
-+			<INPUT TYPE='hidden' NAME='hostid' VALUE='<?php echo $hostid; ?>'>
-+			<select name="command" size="1">
-+			if (read_config_option("nagios_commands")) {
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>Execute a command</option>";
-+				if ($host_config["active_checks_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_CHECK'>Disable active checks</option>";
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_HOST_CHECK'>Re-schedule the next check</option>";
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS'>Schedule a check of all services</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_CHECK'>Enable Active Checks</option>";
-+				}
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS'>Disable checks of all services</option>";
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS'>Enabble checks of all services</option>";
-+				if ($host_config["passive_checks_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT'>Submit passive check result</option>";
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS'>Stop accepting passive checks</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS'>Start accepting passive checks</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($host_config["obsess_over_service"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST'>Stop obsessing</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='START_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST'>Start obsessing</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($host_history["soft_state"] == 1 || $host_history["soft_state"] == 2 && $host_history["soft_state"] == $host_history["hard_state"]) {
-+					if (!db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where hostid = $hostid and type = 4;")) {
-+						echo "<OPTION VALUE='ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM'>Acknowledge This Host Problem</option>";
-+					} elseif (db_fetch_cell("select * from npc_comment where hostid = $hostid and type = 4;")) {
-+						echo "<OPTION VALUE='REMOVE_HOST_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'>Remove Problem Acknowledgement</option>";
-+					}
-+				}
-+				if ($host_config["notifications_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS'>Disable Notifications</option>";
-+					if ($host_history["soft_state"] != 0) {
-+						echo "<OPTION VALUE='DELAY_HOST_NOTIFICATION'>Delay Next Service Notification</option>";
-+					}
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS'>Enable Notifications</option>";
-+				}
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME'>Schedule Downtime</option>";
-+				if ($host_config["event_handler_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER'>Disable Event Handler</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER'>Enable Event Handler</option>";
-+				}
-+				if ($host_config["flap_detection_enabled"]) {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='DISABLE_HOST_FLAP_DETECTION'>Disable Flap Detection</option>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<OPTION VALUE='ENABLE_HOST_FLAP_DETECTION'>Enable Flap Detection</option>";
-+				}
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='ADD_HOST_COMMENT'>Add Host Comment</option>";
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS'>Delete All Host Comments</option>";
-+			} else {
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>Command execution disabled</option>";
-+			}
-+			</select>
-+			<input type='image' src='../../images/button_go.gif' alt='Go' value='Execute' align='absmiddle'>
-+		</form>
-+	</td>
-+   </tr>
-+   <tr><td></td><td></td></tr>
-+   <tr bgcolor='#a9b7cb'>
-+      <td><a href='statusDetail.php?filter=showHost&name=<?php echo $hostname; ?>'>View Services</a> | <?php if ($graphView) { ?><a href='<?php echo $config['url_path']?>graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=1&leaf_id=<?php echo $graphView; ?>'>View Graphs</a> | <?php } ?><a href='hostConfig.php?name=<?php echo $hostname; ?>&hostid=<?php echo $hostid; ?>'>Configure</a></td>
-+      <td> </td></tr>
-+   </tr>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr>
-+   <td valign="top">
-+      <table width="100%" border="0" align="left" valign="top">
-+      <thead>
-+      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+      <td align="center"><strong>Host State Information</strong></td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </thead>
-+      <tbody>
-+      <tr>
-+      <td width="100%" valign="top">
-+         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+         <thead>
-+         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+         <td>Parameter</td>
-+         <td>Value</td>
-+         </tr>
-+         </thead>
-+         <tbody>
-+	$host_detail = array(
-+		'Current Status'   => $host_history["soft_state"],
-+		'State Duration'   => formatTime($duration),
-+		'Check Command'    => $host_check["check_command"],
-+		'Plugin Output'    => $host_history["plugin_output"],
-+		'Performance Data' => $host_check["performance_data"],
-+		'Current Attempt'  => $host_history["current_attempt"],
-+		'Last Check'       => $host_check["last_check"],
-+		'Next Check'       => $host_check["next_check"],
-+		'Check Latency'    => $host_check["check_latency"],
-+		'Check Duration'   => $host_check["check_execute_time"],
-+		'flapping'         => $host_flapping["flapping"],
-+		'Event Handler'    => $host_config["event_handler"],
-+	);
-+	foreach ($host_detail as $key => $value) {
-+		switch($key) 
-+		{
-+			case "Current Status":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+		                switch($value)
-+                		{
-+                        		case "-1":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusPENDING'><strong>PENDING</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "0":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusHOSTUP'><strong>UP</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "1":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusHOSTDOWN'><strong>DOWN</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+                        		case "2":
-+                                		echo "<td class='statusHOSTUNREACHABLE'><strong>UNREACHABLE</strong></td>";
-+                                		break;
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "State Duration":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Check Command":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Plugin Output":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Performance Data":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Current Attempt":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "/" . $host_check["max_attempts"] . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Last Check":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				if (preg_match('/1969-12-31/', $value)) {
-+					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Next Check":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				if (preg_match('/1969-12-31/', $value)) {
-+					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Check Latency":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Check Duration":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "flapping":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>Flapping:</td>";
-+				if ($host_detail["flapping"]) {
-+					echo "<td>Yes</td>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<td>No</td>";
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+			case "Event Handler":
-+				echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+				echo "<td>" . $key . ":</td>";
-+				if (!$value) {
-+					echo "<td>N/A</td>";
-+				} else {
-+					echo "<td>" . $value . "</td>";
-+				}
-+				echo "</tr>";
-+				break;
-+                }
-+		if($rowColor == $background1) {
-+                        $rowColor = $background2;
-+                } else {
-+                        $rowColor = $background1;
-+                }
-+	}
-+	</tbody>
-+	</table>
-+      </td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </tbody>
-+      </table>
-+   </td>
-+   <td valign="top">
-+      <table width="70%" border="0" align="right">
-+      <thead>
-+      <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+      <td align="center"><strong>Host Monitoring Options</strong></td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </thead>
-+      <tbody>
-+      <tr>
-+      <td width="70%" valign="top">
-+         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+         <thead>
-+         <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+         <td>Parameter</td>
-+         <td>Value</td>
-+         </tr>
-+         </thead>
-+         <tbody>
-+	 $rowColor = $background1;
-+         echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+	foreach ($host_config as $key => $value) {
-+		if ($key == "event_handler") { continue; }
-+		if ($key == "cacti_graph_id") { continue; }
-+		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+                switch($key)
-+                {
-+                        case "active_checks_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Active Checks:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "passive_checks_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Passive Checks:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "event_handler_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Event Handler:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "flap_detection_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Flap Detection:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "notifications_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Notifications:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "failure_prediction_enabled":
-+                                echo "<td>Failure Prediction:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "process_performance_data":
-+                                echo "<td>Process Performance Data:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                        case "obsess_over_host":
-+                                echo "<td>Obsess Over Host:</td>";
-+                                break;
-+                }
-+		if ($value == 0) {
-+			echo "<td class='optionDISABLED'>Disabled</td></tr>";
-+		} else {
-+			echo "<td class='optionENABLED'>Enabled</td></tr>";
-+		}
-+		if($rowColor == $background1) {
-+                        $rowColor = $background2;
-+                } else {
-+                        $rowColor = $background1;
-+                }
-+	}
-+	      </tbody>
-+	      </table>
-+	   </td>
-+	   </tr>
-+	   </table>
-+   </td>
-+   echo "</tr>";
-+   echo "<tr>";
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
-+      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
-+         <thead>
-+	    <tr class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+               <td align="center"><strong>Host Comments</strong></td>
-+            </tr>
-+         </thead>
-+         <tbody>
-+            <tr>
-+               <td width="60%" valign="top">
-+                  <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+		     <thead>
-+		        <tr align="center" class="textSubHeaderDark" bgcolor='#6d88ad'>
-+			   <td>Entry Time</td>
-+			   <td>Author</td>
-+			   <td>Comment</td>
-+			   <td>Persistent</td>
-+			   <td>Type</td>
-+			   <td>Delete</td>
-+                     <tbody>
-+	for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
-+		echo "<tr bgcolor='" . $rowColor . "'>";
-+		echo "<td nowrap>" . $comments[$i]["timestamp"] . "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["author"] . "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>" . $comments[$i]["comment"] . "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>";
-+		if ($comments[$i]["persist"]) {
-+			echo "Yes";
-+		} else {
-+			echo "No"; 
-+		}
-+		echo "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>";
-+		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 1) {
-+			echo "Comment";
-+		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 3) {
-+			echo "Acknowledgment";
-+		}
-+		echo "</td>";
-+		echo "<td>";
-+		if ($comments[$i]["type"] == 1) {
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_HOST_COMMENT&id=" . $comments[$i]["id"] . "&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='delete' title='Delete comment' border=0></a>";
-+		} elseif ($comments[$i]["type"] == 3) {
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=REMOVE_HOST_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Remove' title='Remove problem acknowledgment' border=0></a>";
-+		}
-+		echo "</td>";
-+		if($rowColor == $background1) {
-+			$rowColor = $background2;
-+		} else {
-+			$rowColor = $background1;
-+		}
-+	}
-+		     </tbody>
-+		  </table>
-+	       </td>
-+	    </tr>
-+   	    <tr>
-+	       <td>
-+	          <?php 
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=ADD_HOST_COMMENT&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/comment.gif' alt='Add a comment' title='Add a comment' border=0></a>"; 
-+			echo "<a href='command.php?cmd=DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS&host=" . $hostname . "&hostid=" . $hostid . "'><img src='images/delete.gif' alt='Delete all comments' title='Delete all comments' border=0></a>"; 
-+		  ?>
-+               </td>
-+            </tr>
-+	</tbody>
-+      </table>
-+   </td>
-+   <td></td>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr><td> </td><td> </td></tr>
-+   <tr>
-+   <td valign="top" colspan='2'>
-+      <table width="60%" border="0" align="center">
-+      <thead>
-+      <tr align="center" class="textHeaderDark" bgcolor='#00438C'>
-+      <td align="center"><strong>Graph Mapping</strong></td>
-+      </tr>
-+      </thead>
-+      <tbody>
-+      <tr>
-+      <td width="60%" valign="top">
-+         <table width="100%" align="center" cellpadding="3">
-+            <tbody>
-+$cacti_graphs = db_fetch_assoc("
-+                graph_templates_graph.id,
-+                graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id,
-+                graph_templates_graph.height,
-+                graph_templates_graph.width,
-+                graph_templates_graph.title_cache as title,
-+                graph_templates.name,
-+                graph_local.host_id
-+                from graph_local,graph_templates_graph
-+                left join graph_templates on graph_template_id=graph_templates.id
-+                where graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id
-+                and graph_templates_graph.title_cache like '%'
-+                order by graph_templates_graph.title_cache,graph_local.host_id");
-+		$row_count = count($cacti_graphs);
-+/* http://logindev/cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id=6&rra_id=0 */
-+                   <FORM NAME="gm" ACTION="" method="post">
-+                   <tr bgcolor='<?php echo $background1; ?>'>
-+                        <td>Associated graph:</td>
-+                        <td>
-+			   <select name="local_graph_id" size="1">
-+			      <?php
-+				echo "<OPTION VALUE='NULL'>None</option>";
-+				for($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
-+			      		echo "<OPTION VALUE='" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["local_graph_id"] . "'>" . $cacti_graphs[$i]["title"] . "</option>";
-+				}
-+			      ?> 
-+			   </select>
-+			</td>
-+                        <td><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Map"></td>
-+                   </tr>
-+                   </FORM>
-+            </tbody>
-+         </table>
-+		<?php 
-+			if ($host_config["cacti_graph_id"]) {
-+				echo "<table align='center'>";
-+				echo "<tr><td width='100%'>";
-+				echo "<img src='../../graph_image.php?local_graph_id=" . $host_config["cacti_graph_id"] . "&rra_id=0'>";
-+				echo "</td></tr>";
-+			}
-+		?>
-+      </td>
-+      </tr>
-+   </tbody>
-+   </table>
-+   </td>
-+   </tr>
-+   </table>
diff --git a/cacti-plugin-npc-path_headers.patch b/cacti-plugin-npc-path_headers.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f44c9e..0000000
--- a/cacti-plugin-npc-path_headers.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-diff -uNr npc.orig/neb/inserter.c npc/neb/inserter.c
---- npc.orig/neb/inserter.c	2005-11-12 15:44:11.000000000 +0100
-+++ npc/neb/inserter.c	2006-03-28 09:09:33.000000000 +0200
-@@ -44,16 +44,16 @@
- #include <mysql/errmsg.h>
- /* include the needed event broker header files */
--#include "../include/nebmodules.h"
--#include "../include/nebcallbacks.h"
--#include "../include/nebstructs.h"
--#include "../include/broker.h"
-+#include "nagios/nebmodules.h"
-+#include "nagios/nebcallbacks.h"
-+#include "nagios/nebstructs.h"
-+#include "nagios/broker.h"
- /* include some Nagios stuff as well */
--#include "../include/config.h"
--#include "../include/common.h"
--#include "../include/nagios.h"
--#include "../include/objects.h"
-+#include "nagios/config.h"
-+#include "nagios/common.h"
-+#include "nagios/nagios.h"
-+#include "nagios/objects.h"
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <string.h>

---- gitweb:


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