[packages/mono] - up to 3.0.7; alpha no longer supported

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Sun Mar 17 21:30:39 CET 2013

commit f5ec6d5e73cbcec5cb3fbaf6b87f8e80cf996014
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Sun Mar 17 21:30:32 2013 +0100

    - up to 3.0.7; alpha no longer supported

 mono-alpha-float.patch | 101 -------------------------------------------------
 mono.spec              |  10 ++---
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mono.spec b/mono.spec
index a683fc6..023c6bb 100644
--- a/mono.spec
+++ b/mono.spec
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 %bcond_with	mint		# build mint instead of mono VM (JIT) [broken]
 %bcond_with	llvm		# LLVM backend [unfinished, needs unreleased mono-llvm version]
-%ifnarch %{ix86} %{x8664} alpha arm ia64 ppc s390 s390x sparc sparcv9 sparc64
+%ifnarch %{ix86} %{x8664} arm ia64 ppc s390 s390x sparc sparcv9 sparc64
 # JIT not supported on hppa
 %define		with_mint	1
@@ -18,14 +18,13 @@
 Summary:	Common Language Infrastructure implementation
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Implementacja Common Language Infrastructure
 Name:		mono
-Version:	3.0.6
+Version:	3.0.7
 Release:	1
 License:	LGPL v2 (VM), MIT X11/GPL v2 (C# compilers), MIT X11 (classes, tools), GPL v2 (tools)
 Group:		Development/Languages
 # latest downloads summary at http://download.mono-project.com/sources-stable/
 Source0:	http://download.mono-project.com/sources/mono/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-# Source0-md5:	dda0a130b64eca4f972f01958850b576
-Patch0:		%{name}-alpha-float.patch
+# Source0-md5:	76ebec9c97347aac13d9f28fc58b347d
 Patch1:		%{name}-mint.patch
 Patch2:		%{name}-sonames.patch
 Patch3:		%{name}-awk.patch
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@ Suggests:	binfmt-detector
 # for System.Drawing
 Suggests:	libgdiplus >= 2.6
 Obsoletes:	mono-jscript
-ExclusiveArch:	%{ix86} %{x8664} alpha arm hppa ia64 mips ppc s390 s390x sparc sparcv9
+ExclusiveArch:	%{ix86} %{x8664} arm hppa ia64 mips ppc s390 s390x sparc sparcv9
 # plain i386 is not supported; mono uses cmpxchg/xadd which require i486
 ExcludeArch:	i386
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -222,7 +221,6 @@ oraz dotGNU.
 %setup -q
-%patch0 -p1
 %patch1 -p1
 %patch2 -p1
 %patch3 -p1
diff --git a/mono-alpha-float.patch b/mono-alpha-float.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index cbbd5ea..0000000
--- a/mono-alpha-float.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
---- mono-1.1.17/mono/arch/alpha/tramp.c.orig	2006-08-25 21:35:19.000000000 +0200
-+++ mono-1.1.17/mono/arch/alpha/tramp.c	2006-08-30 12:00:25.805971000 +0200
-@@ -162,16 +162,54 @@
- }
- static inline unsigned int *
--emit_store_return_default(unsigned int *pi, const gint SIZE )
-+emit_store_return_default(unsigned int *pi, const gint SIZE, MonoMethodSignature *sig )
- {
--	// 2 instructions.
-         unsigned int *p = (unsigned int *)pi;
-+	guint32 simpletype;
-+	// 2 instructions.
- 	/* TODO: This probably do different stuff based on the value.  
- 	   you know, like stq/l/w. and s/f.
- 	*/
- 	alpha_ldq( p, alpha_t0, alpha_fp, (SIZE-8) );  // load void * retval
--	alpha_stq( p, alpha_v0, alpha_t0, 0 );       // store the result to *retval.
-+	/* XXX: may need more variants */
-+	if (sig->ret->byref) {
-+		alpha_stq( p, alpha_v0, alpha_t0, 0 );       // store the result to *retval.
-+	} else {
-+		simpletype = sig->ret->type;
-+		if ((simpletype == MONO_TYPE_VALUETYPE) && sig->ret->data.klass->enumtype) {
-+			simpletype = sig->ret->data.klass->enum_basetype->type;
-+		}
-+		switch(simpletype) {
-+		case MONO_TYPE_I1:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_U1:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_CHAR:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_I2:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_U2:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_VOID:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_I4:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_U4:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_I:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_U:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_I8:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_U8:
-+			alpha_stq( p, alpha_v0, alpha_t0, 0 );       // store the result to *retval.
-+			break;
-+		case MONO_TYPE_R4:
-+		case MONO_TYPE_R8:
-+			alpha_stt( p, alpha_fv0, alpha_t0, 0 );       // store the result to *retval.
-+			break;
-+		default:
-+			g_error ("Can't handle as return value 0x%x", sig->ret->type);
-+		}
-+	}
- 	return p;
- }
-@@ -332,22 +370,22 @@
- 				break;
- 			case MONO_TYPE_R4:
- 			case MONO_TYPE_R8:
--				/*
--				// floating point... Maybe this does the correct thing.
--				if( i > alpharegs )
-+				// floating point; both types use double C type in mono
-+				if( i >= alpharegs )
- 				{
--					alpha_ldq( p, alpha_t1, alpha_t0, ARG_LOC( i ) );
--					alpha_cpys( p, alpha_ft1, alpha_ft1, alpha_ft2 );
--					alpha_stt( p, alpha_ft2, alpha_sp, pos );
-+					// load into temp register, then store on the stack
-+					alpha_ldt( p, alpha_ft1, alpha_t0, ARG_LOC( i ) );
-+					alpha_stt( p, alpha_ft1, alpha_sp, pos );
- 					pos -= 8;
- 				}
- 				else
- 				{
--					alpha_ldq( p, alpha_t1, alpha_t0, ARG_LOC(i) );
--					alpha_cpys( p, alpha_ft1, alpha_ft1, alpha_fa0 + i + hasthis );
-+					// load into register
-+					// (float regs are numbered in the same way as integer ones,
-+					// so we can abuse regbase)
-+					alpha_ldt( p, regbase + i, alpha_t0, ARG_LOC(i) );
- 				}
- 				break;
--				*/
- 				g_error ("Not implemented: ValueType as parameter to delegate." );
- 				break;
-@@ -360,7 +398,7 @@
- 	// Now call the function and store the return parameter.
- 	p = emit_call( p, STACK_SIZE );
--	p = emit_store_return_default( p, STACK_SIZE );
-+	p = emit_store_return_default( p, STACK_SIZE, sig );
- 	p = emit_epilog( p, STACK_SIZE );
- 	if( p > buffer + BUFFER_SIZE )

---- gitweb:


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