[packages/performous] Fix sound output when using new ffmpeg

jajcus jajcus at pld-linux.org
Tue May 21 19:48:53 CEST 2013

commit f69e77a394d5901344fb3c5d11392d90f8b4b2cb
Author: Jacek Konieczny <jajcus at jajcus.net>
Date:   Tue May 21 19:48:02 2013 +0200

    Fix sound output when using new ffmpeg
    Patch from:
    Release: 4

 performous-ffmpeg.patch | 355 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 performous.spec         |   4 +-
 2 files changed, 358 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/performous.spec b/performous.spec
index acf511a..9bfed67 100644
--- a/performous.spec
+++ b/performous.spec
@@ -6,13 +6,14 @@ Summary:	Performous - The All-in-One Music Game
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Performous - wiele gier muzycznych w jednej
 Name:		performous
 Version:	0.7.0
-Release:	3
+Release:	4
 License:	GPL v2+
 Group:		Applications
 Source0:	http://downloads.sourceforge.net/performous/performous-%{version}.tar.bz2
 # Source0-md5:	60f3f72b51a630a4aa996484aedb9526
 Patch1:		%{name}-libpng15.patch
 Patch2:		cmake.patch
+Patch3:		%{name}-ffmpeg.patch
 URL:		http://performous.org/
 BuildRequires:	ImageMagick-c++-devel
 BuildRequires:	SDL-devel
@@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ Zestaw narzędzi do konwersji danych dla programu Performous.
 %setup -q
 %patch1 -p1
 %patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
 mkdir build
diff --git a/performous-ffmpeg.patch b/performous-ffmpeg.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4955ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/performous-ffmpeg.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+diff -dur performous-0.7.0.orig/game/audio.cc performous-0.7.0/game/audio.cc
+--- performous-0.7.0.orig/game/audio.cc	2012-11-12 23:14:08.000000000 +0100
++++ performous-0.7.0/game/audio.cc	2013-05-20 21:06:19.000000000 +0200
+@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
+ 		FFmpeg mpeg;
+ 		float fadeLevel;
+ 		float pitchFactor;
+-		Track(std::string const& filename, unsigned int sr): mpeg(false, true, filename, sr), fadeLevel(1.0f), pitchFactor(0.0f) {}
++		Track(std::string const& filename, unsigned int sr): mpeg(filename, sr), fadeLevel(1.0f), pitchFactor(0.0f) {}
+ 	};
+ 	typedef boost::ptr_map<std::string, Track> Tracks;
+ 	Tracks tracks; ///< Audio decoders
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
+ 	FFmpeg mpeg;
+ 	bool eof;
+   public:
+-	Sample(std::string const& filename, unsigned sr) : srate(sr), m_pos(), mpeg(false, true, filename, sr), eof(true) { }
++	Sample(std::string const& filename, unsigned sr) : srate(sr), m_pos(), mpeg(filename, sr), eof(true) { }
+ 	void operator()(float* begin, float* end) {
+ 		if(eof) {
+ 			// No more data to play in this sample
+diff -dur performous-0.7.0.orig/game/ffmpeg.cc performous-0.7.0/game/ffmpeg.cc
+--- performous-0.7.0.orig/game/ffmpeg.cc	2012-11-12 23:14:08.000000000 +0100
++++ performous-0.7.0/game/ffmpeg.cc	2013-05-20 21:10:23.331289370 +0200
+@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ #include "config.hh"
+ #include "util.hh"
+ #include "xtime.hh"
++#include <boost/smart_ptr/shared_ptr.hpp>
+ #include <iostream>
+ #include <stdexcept>
+@@ -20,36 +21,19 @@
+ /*static*/ boost::mutex FFmpeg::s_avcodec_mutex;
+-FFmpeg::FFmpeg(bool decodeVideo, bool decodeAudio, std::string const& _filename, unsigned int rate):
+-  width(), height(), m_filename(_filename), m_rate(rate), m_quit(), m_running(), m_eof(),
+-  m_seekTarget(getNaN()), m_position(), m_streamId(-1), m_mediaType(),
+-  m_formatContext(), m_codecContext(), m_codec(), m_resampleContext(), m_swsContext(),
++FFmpeg::FFmpeg(std::string const& _filename, unsigned int rate):
++  width(), height(), m_filename(_filename), m_rate(rate), m_quit(),
++  m_seekTarget(getNaN()), m_position(), m_duration(), m_streamId(-1),
++  m_formatContext(), m_codecContext(), m_resampleContext(), m_swsContext(),
+   m_thread(new boost::thread(boost::ref(*this)))
+-	if (decodeVideo) m_mediaType = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
+-	else if (decodeAudio) m_mediaType = AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO;
+-	else throw std::logic_error("Can only decode one track");
+ FFmpeg::~FFmpeg() {
+ 	m_quit = true;
+ 	videoQueue.reset();
+ 	audioQueue.quit();
+ 	m_thread->join();
+-	// TODO: use RAII for freeing resources (to prevent memory leaks)
+-	boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(s_avcodec_mutex); // avcodec_close is not thread-safe
+-	if (m_resampleContext) audio_resample_close(m_resampleContext);
+-	if (m_codecContext) avcodec_close(m_codecContext);
+-	if (m_formatContext) avformat_close_input(&m_formatContext);
+-	if (m_formatContext) av_close_input_file(m_formatContext);
+-double FFmpeg::duration() const {
+-	double d = m_running ? m_formatContext->duration / double(AV_TIME_BASE) : getNaN();
+-	return d >= 0.0 ? d : getInf();
+ }
+ void FFmpeg::open() {
+@@ -60,11 +44,12 @@
+ 	if (avformat_find_stream_info(m_formatContext, NULL) < 0) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot find stream information");
+ 	m_formatContext->flags |= AVFMT_FLAG_GENPTS;
+ 	// Find a track and open the codec
+-	m_streamId = av_find_best_stream(m_formatContext, (AVMediaType)m_mediaType, -1, -1, &m_codec, 0);
++	AVCodec* codec = NULL;
++	m_streamId = av_find_best_stream(m_formatContext, (AVMediaType)m_mediaType, -1, -1, &codec, 0);
+ 	if (m_streamId < 0) throw std::runtime_error("No suitable track found");
+ 	AVCodecContext* cc = m_formatContext->streams[m_streamId]->codec;
+-	if (avcodec_open2(cc, m_codec, NULL) < 0) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open audio codec");
++	if (avcodec_open2(cc, codec, NULL) < 0) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open codec");
+ 	cc->workaround_bugs = FF_BUG_AUTODETECT;
+ 	m_codecContext = cc;
+@@ -90,18 +75,16 @@
+ void FFmpeg::operator()() {
+ 	try { open(); } catch (std::exception const& e) { std::clog << "ffmpeg/error: Failed to open " << m_filename << ": " << e.what() << std::endl; m_quit = true; return; }
+-	m_running = true;
+-	audioQueue.setDuration(duration());
++	m_duration = m_formatContext->duration / double(AV_TIME_BASE);
++	audioQueue.setDuration(m_duration);
+ 	int errors = 0;
+ 	while (!m_quit) {
+ 		try {
+ 			if (audioQueue.wantSeek()) m_seekTarget = 0.0;
+ 			if (m_seekTarget == m_seekTarget) seek_internal();
+ 			decodePacket();
+-			m_eof = false;
+ 			errors = 0;
+ 		} catch (eof_error&) {
+-			m_eof = true;
+ 			videoQueue.push(new VideoFrame()); // EOF marker
+ 			boost::thread::sleep(now() + 0.1);
+ 		} catch (std::exception& e) {
+@@ -109,10 +92,17 @@
+ 			if (++errors > 2) { std::clog << "ffmpeg/error: FFMPEG terminating due to multiple errors" << std::endl; m_quit = true; }
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	m_running = false;
+-	m_eof = true;
+ 	audioQueue.setEof();
+ 	videoQueue.push(new VideoFrame()); // EOF marker
++	// TODO: use RAII for freeing resources (to prevent memory leaks)
++	boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(s_avcodec_mutex); // avcodec_close is not thread-safe
++	if (m_resampleContext) audio_resample_close(m_resampleContext);
++	if (m_codecContext) avcodec_close(m_codecContext);
++	if (m_formatContext) avformat_close_input(&m_formatContext);
++	if (m_formatContext) av_close_input_file(m_formatContext);
+ }
+ void FFmpeg::seek(double time, bool wait) {
+@@ -125,7 +115,7 @@
+ 	videoQueue.reset();
+ 	audioQueue.reset();
+ 	int flags = 0;
+-	if (m_seekTarget < position()) flags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
++	if (m_seekTarget < m_position) flags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
+ 	av_seek_frame(m_formatContext, -1, m_seekTarget * AV_TIME_BASE, flags);
+ 	m_seekTarget = getNaN(); // Signal that seeking is done
+ }
+@@ -139,16 +129,6 @@
+ 		~ReadFramePacket() { av_free_packet(this); }
+ 	};
+-	struct AVFrameWrapper {
+-		AVFrame* m_frame;
+-		AVFrameWrapper(): m_frame(avcodec_alloc_frame()) {
+-			if (!m_frame) throw std::runtime_error("Unable to allocate AVFrame");
+-		}
+-		~AVFrameWrapper() { av_free(m_frame); }
+-		operator AVFrame*() { return m_frame; }
+-		AVFrame* operator->() { return m_frame; }
+-	};
+ 	// Read an AVPacket and decode it into AVFrames
+ 	ReadFramePacket packet(m_formatContext);
+ 	int packetSize = packet.size;
+@@ -157,18 +137,19 @@
+ 		if (m_quit || m_seekTarget == m_seekTarget) return;
+ 		if (packet.stream_index != m_streamId) return;
+-		AVFrameWrapper frame;
++		boost::shared_ptr<AVFrame> frame(avcodec_alloc_frame(), &av_free);
+ 		int frameFinished = 0;
+ 		int decodeSize = (m_mediaType == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO ?
+-		  avcodec_decode_video2(m_codecContext, frame, &frameFinished, &packet) :
+-		  avcodec_decode_audio4(m_codecContext, frame, &frameFinished, &packet));
+-		if (decodeSize < 0) throw std::runtime_error("cannot decode avframe");
++		  avcodec_decode_video2(m_codecContext, frame.get(), &frameFinished, &packet) :
++		  avcodec_decode_audio4(m_codecContext, frame.get(), &frameFinished, &packet));
++		if (decodeSize < 0) return; // Packet didn't produce any output (could be waiting for B frames or something)
+ 		packetSize -= decodeSize; // Move forward within the packet
+ 		if (!frameFinished) continue;
+ 		// Update current position if timecode is available
+ 		if (frame->pkt_pts != uint64_t(AV_NOPTS_VALUE)) {
+-			m_position = double(frame->pkt_pts) * av_q2d(m_formatContext->streams[m_streamId]->time_base);
++			m_position = double(frame->pkt_pts) * av_q2d(m_formatContext->streams[m_streamId]->time_base)
++			  - double(m_formatContext->start_time) / AV_TIME_BASE;
+ 		}
+-		if (m_mediaType == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) processVideo(frame); else processAudio(frame);
++		if (m_mediaType == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) processVideo(frame.get()); else processAudio(frame.get());
+ 	}
+ }
+@@ -189,9 +171,28 @@
+ }
+ void FFmpeg::processAudio(AVFrame* frame) {
++	void* data = frame->data[0];
++	// New FFmpeg versions use non-interleaved audio decoding and samples may be in float format.
++	// Do a conversion here, allowing us to use the old (deprecated) avcodec audio_resample().
++	std::vector<int16_t> input;
++	unsigned inFrames = frame->nb_samples;
++	if (frame->data[1]) {
++		unsigned channels = m_codecContext->channels;
++		input.reserve(channels * inFrames);
++		for (unsigned i = 0; i < inFrames; ++i) {
++			for (unsigned ch = 0; ch < channels; ++ch) {
++				data = frame->data[ch];
++				input.push_back(m_codecContext->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLTP ?
++				  da::conv_to_s16(reinterpret_cast<float*>(data)[i]) :
++				  reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(data)[i]
++				);
++			}
++		}
++		data = &input[0];
++	}
+ 	// Resample to output sample rate, then push to audio queue and increment timecode
+ 	std::vector<int16_t> resampled(AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE);
+-	int frames = audio_resample(m_resampleContext, &resampled[0], (short*)frame->data[0], frame->nb_samples);
++	int frames = audio_resample(m_resampleContext, &resampled[0], reinterpret_cast<short*>(data), inFrames);
+ 	resampled.resize(frames * AUDIO_CHANNELS);
+ 	audioQueue.push(resampled, m_position);  // May block
+ 	m_position += double(frames)/m_formatContext->streams[m_streamId]->codec->sample_rate;
+diff -dur performous-0.7.0.orig/game/ffmpeg.hh performous-0.7.0/game/ffmpeg.hh
+--- performous-0.7.0.orig/game/ffmpeg.hh	2012-11-12 23:14:08.000000000 +0100
++++ performous-0.7.0/game/ffmpeg.hh	2013-05-20 21:07:49.501722941 +0200
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ #include "util.hh"
+ #include "libda/sample.hpp"
+ #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
+-#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_set.hpp>
++#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_deque.hpp>
+ #include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+ #include <boost/thread/condition.hpp>
+ #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
+@@ -47,25 +47,19 @@
+ 	}
+ };
+-static bool operator<(VideoFrame const& a, VideoFrame const& b) {
+-	return a.timestamp < b.timestamp;
+ /// video queue: first in first out
+ class VideoFifo {
+   public:
+-	VideoFifo(): m_available(), m_timestamp(), m_eof() {}
++	VideoFifo(): m_timestamp(), m_eof() {}
+ 	/// trys to pop a VideoFrame from queue
+ 	bool tryPop(VideoFrame& f) {
+ 		boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex);
+-		if (!m_queue.empty() && m_queue.begin()->data.empty()) { m_eof = true; return false; }
+-		statsUpdate();
+-		if (m_available == 0) return false; // Nothing to deliver
++		if (m_queue.empty()) return false; // Nothing to deliver
++		if (m_queue.begin()->data.empty()) { m_eof = true; return false; }
+ 		f.swap(*m_queue.begin());
+-		m_queue.erase(m_queue.begin());
++		m_queue.pop_front();
+ 		m_cond.notify_all();
+ 		m_timestamp = f.timestamp;
+-		statsUpdate();
+ 		return true;
+ 	}
+ 	/// pushes VideoFrames to queue
+@@ -73,38 +67,27 @@
+ 		boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex);
+ 		while (m_queue.size() > m_max) m_cond.wait(l);
+ 		if (m_queue.empty()) m_timestamp = f->timestamp;
+-		m_queue.insert(f);
+-		statsUpdate();
+-	}
+-	/// updates stats
+-	void statsUpdate() {
+-		m_available = std::max(0, int(m_queue.size()) - int(m_min));
+-		if (m_available == 0 && !m_queue.empty() && m_queue.rbegin()->data.empty()) m_available = m_queue.size() - 1;
++		m_queue.push_back(f);
+ 	}
+ 	/// resets video queue
+ 	void reset() {
+ 		boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(m_mutex);
+ 		m_queue.clear();
+ 		m_cond.notify_all();
+-		statsUpdate();
+ 		m_eof = false;
+ 	}
+ 	/// returns current position
+ 	double position() const { return m_timestamp; }
+-	/// returns m_available / m_max
+-	double percentage() const { return double(m_available) / m_max; }
+ 	/// simple eof check
+ 	double eof() const { return m_eof; }
+   private:
+-	boost::ptr_set<VideoFrame> m_queue;
++	boost::ptr_deque<VideoFrame> m_queue;
+ 	mutable boost::mutex m_mutex;
+ 	boost::condition m_cond;
+-	volatile unsigned m_available;
+ 	double m_timestamp;
+ 	bool m_eof;
+-	static const unsigned m_min = 16; // H.264 may have 16 consecutive B frames
+-	static const unsigned m_max = 50;
++	static const unsigned m_max = 20;
+ };
+ class AudioBuffer {
+@@ -195,7 +178,6 @@
+ // ffmpeg forward declarations
+ extern "C" {
+-  struct AVCodec;
+   struct AVCodecContext;
+   struct AVFormatContext;
+   struct AVFrame;
+@@ -206,8 +188,8 @@
+ /// ffmpeg class
+ class FFmpeg {
+   public:
+-	/// constructor
+-	FFmpeg(bool decodeVideo, bool decodeAudio, std::string const& file, unsigned int rate = 48000);
++	/// Decode file; if no rate is specified, decode video, otherwise decode audio.
++	FFmpeg(std::string const& file, unsigned int rate = 0);
+ 	~FFmpeg();
+ 	void operator()(); ///< Thread runs here, don't call directly
+ 	unsigned width, ///< width of video
+@@ -220,8 +202,6 @@
+ 	void seek(double time, bool wait = true);
+ 	/// duration
+ 	double duration() const;
+-	/// return current position
+-	double position() { return videoQueue.position(); /* FIXME: remove */ }
+ 	bool terminating() const { return m_quit; }
+ 	class eof_error: public std::exception {};
+@@ -234,16 +214,14 @@
+ 	std::string m_filename;
+ 	unsigned int m_rate;
+ 	volatile bool m_quit;
+-	volatile bool m_running;
+-	volatile bool m_eof;
+ 	volatile double m_seekTarget;
+ 	double m_position;
++	double m_duration;
+ 	// libav-specific variables
+ 	int m_streamId;
+ 	int m_mediaType;  // enum AVMediaType
+ 	AVFormatContext* m_formatContext;
+ 	AVCodecContext* m_codecContext;
+-	AVCodec* m_codec;
+ 	ReSampleContext* m_resampleContext;
+ 	SwsContext* m_swsContext;
+ 	// Make sure the thread starts only after initializing everything else
+diff -dur performous-0.7.0.orig/game/video.cc performous-0.7.0/game/video.cc
+--- performous-0.7.0.orig/game/video.cc	2012-11-12 23:14:08.000000000 +0100
++++ performous-0.7.0/game/video.cc	2013-05-20 21:07:49.501722941 +0200
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+ #include "util.hh"
+ #include <cmath>
+-Video::Video(std::string const& _videoFile, double videoGap): m_mpeg(true, false, _videoFile), m_videoGap(videoGap), m_surfaceTime(), m_lastTime(), m_alpha(-0.5, 1.5) {}
++Video::Video(std::string const& _videoFile, double videoGap): m_mpeg(_videoFile), m_videoGap(videoGap), m_surfaceTime(), m_lastTime(), m_alpha(-0.5, 1.5) {}
+ void Video::prepare(double time) {
+ 	time += m_videoGap;

---- gitweb:


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