[packages/vim] updated to 7.4.052

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Oct 7 18:38:00 CEST 2013

commit 3c5b1169981d4e30102f1018def4f40f9415136b
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date:   Mon Oct 7 14:52:38 2013 +0300

    updated to 7.4.052
    7.4.028  equivalence classes are not working for multi-byte characters
    7.4.029  an error in a pattern is reported twice
    7.4.030  the -mno-cygwin argument is no longer supported by Cygwin
    7.4.031  ":diffoff!" resets options even when 'diff' is not set
    7.4.032  NFA engine does not match the NUL character
    7.4.033  if terminal has 20 lines test 92 and 93 overwrite input file
    7.4.034  using "p" in Visual block mode only changes the first line
    7.4.035  MS-Windows: mouse pointer flickers when going to Normal mode
    7.4.036  NFA engine does not capture group correctly when using \@>
    7.4.037  "\ze" in a sub-pattern does set the end of the match
    7.4.038  Using "zw" and "zg" when 'spell' is off give confusing error
    7.4.039  MS-Windows: < MSCV10 can't handle symlinks to a directory
    7.4.040  error on exit when variable holds reference to a script scope
    7.4.041  Visual selection does not remain after being copied over
    7.4.042  after ":setlocal" 'spell'/'spellang' :spelldump doesn't work
    7.4.043  VMS can't handle long function names
    7.4.044  can't build with old MSVC
    7.4.045  substitute() has a problem with pattern starting with "\ze".
    7.4.046  can't use Tcl 8.6
    7.4.047  input() does not work in a function invoked by a mapping
    7.4.048  recent clang version complains about -fno-strength-reduce
    7.4.049  in Ex mode substitute prompt is wrong with line numbers
    7.4.050  "gn" may select too much when there are two matching lines
    7.4.051  syntax highlighting a Yaml file causes a crash
    7.4.052  cursor may end up in the wrong position when auto-formatting

 sources  | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vim.spec |  2 +-
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/vim.spec b/vim.spec
index 98a015f..d45f590 100644
--- a/vim.spec
+++ b/vim.spec
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 # VCS Commits: https://code.google.com/p/vim/source/browse/
 %define		ver		7.4
-%define		patchlevel	027
+%define		patchlevel	052
 %define		rel		1
 Summary:	Vi IMproved - a Vi clone
 Summary(de.UTF-8):	VIsual editor iMproved
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 6be28b7..a7e3fe7 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -25,3 +25,28 @@ cdd8466563a0fd4fb538dbc1606d4a42  7.4.023
 161173463dc95145c48f7691aee73f13  7.4.025
 8e0181a33d4cf99f3ff8f359c99af7b5  7.4.026
 97f5e46883edf23f873522db86e721a6  7.4.027
+163291f22218e69281f8b0a136252bd5  7.4.028
+93b6179890ea3f33da2916ef0ae3160e  7.4.029
+8c1d1829bfce977bbe91df885673b05a  7.4.030
+83673b79f3e04ea837aeb4f3acdf0350  7.4.031
+b98fc58c605dba8d14d566af3da42d15  7.4.032
+92a277e660a6968448d9d941df55a308  7.4.033
+3510a4181c7719b6c948cde1a9591a5a  7.4.034
+83476f1ca3fd83ca39681c6315a633bf  7.4.035
+c52b130beb86f26623fca7b5051ad3e3  7.4.036
+469ab2d656828dd1a2c1859ff4498ac7  7.4.037
+5d37bfced730ed51b2aa5e77759ddcce  7.4.038
+0e0d62af9d594237b518bd0795d49103  7.4.039
+84dd9c9058de4463c5326dde032f3860  7.4.040
+b1c570c620c30879b5bf0b2093696a52  7.4.041
+f71fd77d501107cc22d7129d6f7444a4  7.4.042
+d86c84c860cc47a1f7dd76f8ac1ecd83  7.4.043
+a206223e7ae7e95e948a628e59ad82ce  7.4.044
+72bf2ace92f8a11a535798e987f444d2  7.4.045
+4573290a76d7541bcfb0e051a4fc42f7  7.4.046
+7ff734a7afdee370c98e02b966844adb  7.4.047
+ea675c709cd6011adc30fcf0def31ee4  7.4.048
+9664c92bd4c17065a4df9dc24c63ac76  7.4.049
+b15ffb4672e82d67cf3ea5d3fdc77ed8  7.4.050
+6b2af52b734806187f9e7effc2e43d64  7.4.051
+d32a541d7f5224c9fdacb6a81a73d695  7.4.052

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