[packages/graphviz] - updated to 2.36.0 - updated ming,visio patches - removed outdated libgraph patch (libgraph library

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Wed Apr 9 16:18:41 CEST 2014

commit 5116ffbb8a4947b9736259995de82078bf1b55d0
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 9 16:20:24 2014 +0200

    - updated to 2.36.0
    - updated ming,visio patches
    - removed outdated libgraph patch (libgraph library removed upstream)
    - removed outdated go patch; go binding not available in this release

 graphviz-go.patch       | 22 ------------
 graphviz-libgraph.patch | 21 -----------
 graphviz-ming.patch     | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 graphviz-visio.patch    | 95 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 graphviz.spec           | 69 +++++++++++++++--------------------
 5 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)
diff --git a/graphviz.spec b/graphviz.spec
index 13f1ea7..ba92c65 100644
--- a/graphviz.spec
+++ b/graphviz.spec
@@ -4,21 +4,21 @@
 # - some plugin subpackages? (libgvplugin_*: gs=ghostscript, gtk, lasi, ming, poppler, visio, webp)
 # Conditional build:
-%bcond_without	dotnet		# don't build C# bindings
-%bcond_without	golang		# don't build Go bindings
-%bcond_without	java		# don't build Java bindings
-%bcond_without	ocaml		# don't build ocaml bindings
-%bcond_without	php		# don't build php bindings
-%bcond_without	perl		# don't build perl bindings
-%bcond_without	ruby		# don't build ruby bindings
-%bcond_without	tcl		# don't build tcl bindings
-%bcond_without	lua		# don't build lua bindings
-%bcond_without	r		# don't build R bindings
-%bcond_without	python		# don't build python bindings
-%bcond_with	io		# build io language bindings (needs swig support)
-%bcond_without	guile		# don't build guile bindings
-%bcond_without	ming		# don't build ming support
-%bcond_without	devil		# don't build devil plugin
+%bcond_without	dotnet		# C# bindings
+%bcond_with	golang		# Go bindings
+%bcond_without	java		# Java bindings
+%bcond_without	ocaml		# OCaml bindings
+%bcond_without	php		# PHP bindings
+%bcond_without	perl		# Perl bindings
+%bcond_without	ruby		# Ruby bindings
+%bcond_without	tcl		# Tcl bindings
+%bcond_without	lua		# Lua bindings
+%bcond_without	r		# R bindings
+%bcond_without	python		# Python bindings
+%bcond_with	io		# io language bindings (needs swig support)
+%bcond_without	guile		# guile bindings
+%bcond_without	ming		# ming support
+%bcond_without	devil		# DevIL plugin
 %bcond_without	qt		# Qt features (gvedit utility)
 %bcond_without	smyrna		# SMYRNA utility (large graph viewer)
 %bcond_without	ipsepcola	# IPSEPCOLA features in neato engine [C++ portability problems]
@@ -40,21 +40,19 @@
 Summary:	Graph Visualization Tools
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Narzędzie do wizualizacji w postaci grafów
 Name:		graphviz
-Version:	2.34.0
-Release:	2
+Version:	2.36.0
+Release:	1
 License:	CPL v1.0
 Group:		X11/Applications/Graphics
 Source0:	http://www.graphviz.org/pub/graphviz/ARCHIVE/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	a8a54f8abac5bcdafd9a568e85a086d6
+# Source0-md5:	1f41664dba0c93109ac8b71216bf2b57
 Patch0:		%{name}-fontpath.patch
 Patch1:		%{name}-tk.patch
 Patch2:		%{name}-bad-header.patch
 Patch3:		%{name}-php.patch
 Patch4:		%{name}-ltdl.patch
-Patch5:		%{name}-go.patch
 Patch6:		%{name}-php_modules_dir.patch
 Patch7:		%{name}-ruby.patch
-Patch9:		%{name}-libgraph.patch
 Patch10:	%{name}-ming.patch
 Patch11:	%{name}-visio.patch
 Patch12:	%{name}-webp.patch
@@ -92,7 +90,8 @@ BuildRequires:	librsvg-devel >= 2.0
 BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel
 BuildRequires:	libtool >= 2:2
 BuildRequires:	libwebp-devel
-BuildRequires:	libvisio-devel
+# currently external library is not used
+#BuildRequires:	libvisio-devel
 # for lua51 binary
 %if %{with lua}
 BuildRequires:	lua51
@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ BuildRequires:	php-program >= 4:5.0
 BuildRequires:	pkgconfig
 BuildRequires:	poppler-glib-devel
-%{?with_python:BuildRequires:	python-devel}
+%{?with_python:BuildRequires:	python-devel >= 2.3}
 %{?with_perl:BuildRequires:	rpm-perlprov}
 %{?with_python:BuildRequires:	rpm-pythonprov}
 BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.519
@@ -131,8 +130,8 @@ BuildRequires:	tk-devel >= 8.3.0
 BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libX11-devel
 BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXaw-devel
 BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXpm-devel
-# tested in configure, actually not used
-#BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXrender-devel
+# tested in configure to enable ghostscript plugin build, actually not used
+BuildRequires:	xorg-lib-libXrender-devel
 BuildRequires:	zlib-devel
 %if %{with smyrna}
 BuildRequires:	OpenGL-glut-devel
@@ -150,6 +149,7 @@ Requires(post,postun):	/sbin/ldconfig
 Requires:	fonts-Type1-urw
 Requires:	gd >= 2.0.33-5
 Requires:	pango >= 1:1.14.9
+%{!?with_golang:Obsoletes:	golang-graphviz < %{version}}
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -414,10 +414,10 @@ Wiązania graphviza dla języka R.
 %patch1 -p1
 %patch3 -p1
 %patch4 -p1
-%patch5 -p1
+#patch5 -p1
 %patch6 -p1
 %patch7 -p1
-%patch9 -p1
+#patch9 -p1
 %patch10 -p1
 %patch11 -p1
 %patch12 -p1
@@ -469,13 +469,7 @@ export CPPFLAGS
 	--with-visio \
-%{__make} \
-%ifarch %{ix86} %{arm}
-	SWIG_GO_OPT="-intgosize 32"
-%ifarch %{x8664}
-	SWIG_GO_OPT="-intgosize 64"
@@ -585,8 +579,6 @@ fi
 %attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/libcdt.so.5
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcgraph.so.*.*.*
 %attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/libcgraph.so.6
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libgraph.so.*.*.*
-%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/libgraph.so.5
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libgvc.so.*.*.*
 %attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/libgvc.so.6
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libgvpr.so.*.*.*
@@ -603,7 +595,7 @@ fi
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_dot_layout.so*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_gd.so*
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_gdk_pixbuf.so*
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_gdk.so*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_gs.so*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_gtk.so*
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/graphviz/libgvplugin_lasi.so*
@@ -668,21 +660,18 @@ fi
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcdt.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libcgraph.so
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libgraph.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libgvc.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libgvpr.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libpathplan.so
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libxdot.so
@@ -691,8 +680,8 @@ fi
diff --git a/graphviz-go.patch b/graphviz-go.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 100198a..0000000
--- a/graphviz-go.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- graphviz-2.34.0/configure.ac.orig	2013-11-10 15:05:37.073591970 +0100
-+++ graphviz-2.34.0/configure.ac	2013-11-10 15:07:22.393587281 +0100
-@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
-     if test `$SWIG -help 2>&1 | $EGREP -c '\-go* *- Generate'` = 0 ; then
-       use_go="No (swig does not support -go option)"
-     else
--      AC_CHECK_PROG(GO,6g,8g)
-+      AC_CHECK_PROGS(GO,[6g 8g 5g])
-       if test "x$GO" = "x"; then
-         use_go="No (GO compiler not available)"
-       else
---- graphviz-2.34.0/tclpkg/gv/Makefile.am.orig	2013-09-07 03:07:52.000000000 +0200
-+++ graphviz-2.34.0/tclpkg/gv/Makefile.am	2013-11-10 16:08:46.400099613 +0100
-@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
- # $(GO_data): gv_go.cpp
- gv_go.cpp: gv.i
--	$(SWIG) -c++ -go -o gv_go.cpp $(srcdir)/gv.i
-+	$(SWIG) -c++ -go -o gv_go.cpp $(SWIG_GO_OPT) $(srcdir)/gv.i
- pkgguiledir = $(pkglibdir)/guile
- GUILE_data = 
diff --git a/graphviz-libgraph.patch b/graphviz-libgraph.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bc60b97..0000000
--- a/graphviz-libgraph.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
---- graphviz-2.30.0/lib/graph/Makefile.am.orig	2013-01-20 09:19:48.263167841 +0100
-+++ graphviz-2.30.0/lib/graph/Makefile.am	2013-01-20 09:21:38.306498882 +0100
-@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@
- 	-I$(top_srcdir)/lib/cdt
- man_MANS = graph.3
- pkginclude_HEADERS = graph.h
- noinst_HEADERS = libgraph.h triefa.h parser.h agxbuf.h
- noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libgraph_C.la
- lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgraph.la
- pkgconfig_DATA = libgraph.pc
- pdf_DATA = graph.3.pdf
- libgraph_C_la_SOURCES = \
- 	attribs.c agxbuf.c edge.c graph.c graphio.c lexer.c \
diff --git a/graphviz-ming.patch b/graphviz-ming.patch
index 958c288..7f75dcb 100644
--- a/graphviz-ming.patch
+++ b/graphviz-ming.patch
@@ -9,3 +9,60 @@
  if WITH_WIN32
  libgvplugin_ming_la_LDFLAGS += -no-undefined
+--- graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/ming/gvrender_ming.c.orig	2014-01-11 23:59:44.000000000 +0100
++++ graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/ming/gvrender_ming.c	2014-04-06 21:17:07.658768000 +0200
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
+ extern char* gvconfig_libdir(void);
+ #define FONT "Bitstream_Vera_Serif.fdb"
+-static void ming_textpara(GVJ_t * job, pointf p, textpara_t * para)
++static void ming_textspan(GVJ_t * job, pointf p, textspan_t * span)
+ {
+     SWFMovie movie = (SWFMovie)(job->context);
+     SWFTextField textfield;
+@@ -116,29 +116,29 @@
+     textfield = newSWFTextField();
+     SWFTextField_setFont(textfield, (SWFBlock)font);
+-    SWFTextField_addChars(textfield, para->str);
+-    SWFTextField_addUTF8String(textfield, para->str);
++    SWFTextField_addChars(textfield, span->str);
++    SWFTextField_addUTF8String(textfield, span->str);
+     SWFTextField_setColor(textfield,
+ 	 pencolor.u.rgba[0],
+ 	 pencolor.u.rgba[1],
+ 	 pencolor.u.rgba[2],
+ 	 pencolor.u.rgba[3]);
+-    SWFTextField_setHeight(textfield, para->fontsize);
++    SWFTextField_setHeight(textfield, span->font->size);
+-    switch (para->just) {
++    switch (span->just) {
+     case 'r':
+ 	offset.x = 0.;
+ 	break;
+     case 'l':
+-	offset.x = -para->width;
++	offset.x = -span->size.x;
+ 	break;
+     case 'n':
+     default:
+-	offset.x = -para->width/2.;
++	offset.x = -span->size.x/2.;
+ 	break;
+     }
+     /* offset to baseline */
+-    offset.y = -para->height + para->fontsize*.4;  /* empirically determined */
++    offset.y = -span->size.y + span->font->size*.4;  /* empirically determined */
+     item = SWFMovie_add(movie, (SWFBlock)textfield);
+     SWFDisplayItem_moveTo(item, p.x + offset.x, p.y + offset.y);
+@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
+     0,				/* ming_end_anchor */
+     0,				/* ming_begin_label */
+     0,				/* ming_end_label */
+-    ming_textpara,
++    ming_textspan,
+     0,				/* ming_resolve_color */
+     ming_ellipse,
+     ming_polygon,
diff --git a/graphviz-visio.patch b/graphviz-visio.patch
index 6101cac..e66a5d4 100644
--- a/graphviz-visio.patch
+++ b/graphviz-visio.patch
@@ -1,20 +1,87 @@
---- graphviz-2.30.0/plugin/visio/VisioGraphic.cpp.orig	2013-01-14 04:11:21.000000000 +0100
-+++ graphviz-2.30.0/plugin/visio/VisioGraphic.cpp	2013-01-20 17:31:30.895886250 +0100
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
- #endif
+--- graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/visio/gvrender_visio_vdx.cpp.orig	2014-01-11 23:59:44.000000000 +0100
++++ graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/visio/gvrender_visio_vdx.cpp	2014-04-07 02:59:19.161673397 +0200
+@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ static void vdxgen_begin_anchor(GVJ_t *j
+ 		context->AddAnchor(job, url, tooltip, target, id);
+ }
- #include <algorithm>
-+#include <cstring>
+-static void vdxgen_textpara(GVJ_t * job, pointf p, textpara_t * para)
++static void vdxgen_textspan(GVJ_t * job, pointf p, textspan_t * span)
+ {
+ 	Visio::Render* context = (Visio::Render*)job->context;
+ 	if (context)
+-		context->AddText(job, p, para);	
++		context->AddText(job, p, span);	
+ }
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #include <cfloat>
---- graphviz-2.30.0/plugin/visio/VisioText.cpp.orig	2013-01-14 04:11:21.000000000 +0100
-+++ graphviz-2.30.0/plugin/visio/VisioText.cpp	2013-01-20 17:33:01.815884352 +0100
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
+ static void vdxgen_ellipse(GVJ_t * job, pointf * A, int filled)
+@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ gvrender_engine_t vdxgen_engine = {
+     0,				/* vdxgen_end_anchor */
+     0,				/* vdxgen_begin_label */
+ 	0,				/* vdxgen_end_label */
+-    vdxgen_textpara,
++    vdxgen_textspan,
+     0,				/* vdxgen_resolve_color */
+     vdxgen_ellipse,
+     vdxgen_polygon,
+--- graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/visio/VisioRender.cpp.orig	2014-01-11 23:59:44.000000000 +0100
++++ graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/visio/VisioRender.cpp	2014-04-06 22:18:58.508690656 +0200
+@@ -233,9 +233,9 @@ namespace Visio
+ 		AddGraphic(job, Graphic::CreatePolyline(job, A, n));
+ 	}
+-	void Render::AddText(GVJ_t* job, pointf p, textpara_t *para)
++	void Render::AddText(GVJ_t* job, pointf p, textspan_t *span)
+ 	{
+-		AddText(job, Text::CreateText(job, p, para));
++		AddText(job, Text::CreateText(job, p, span));
+ 	}
+ 	void Render::AddAnchor(GVJ_t *job, char *url, char *tooltip, char *target, char *id)
+--- graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/visio/VisioText.cpp.orig	2014-01-11 23:59:44.000000000 +0100
++++ graphviz-2.36.0/plugin/visio/VisioText.cpp	2014-04-06 22:19:55.288689473 +0200
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ #include "gvcjob.h"
  #include "gvio.h"
- #ifdef WITH_CGRAPH
++#include <stdlib.h>
  #include <string.h>
-+#include <cstdlib>
- #endif
  extern "C" char *xml_string(char* str);
+@@ -77,16 +78,16 @@ namespace Visio
+ 		gvprintf(job, "<pp IX='%d'/><cp IX='%d'/>%s\n", index, index, _text ? xml_string(_text) : "");	/* para mark + char mark + actual text */
+ 	}
+-	Text* Text::CreateText(GVJ_t* job, pointf p, textpara_t* para)
++	Text* Text::CreateText(GVJ_t* job, pointf p, textspan_t* span)
+ 	{
+ 		Para::HorzAlign horzAlign;
+ 		/* compute text bounding box and VDX horizontal align */
+ 		boxf bounds;
+-		bounds.LL.y = p.y + para->yoffset_centerline;
+-		bounds.UR.y = p.y + para->yoffset_centerline + para->height;
+-		double width = para->width;
+-		switch (para->just)
++		bounds.LL.y = p.y + span->yoffset_centerline;
++		bounds.UR.y = p.y + span->yoffset_centerline + span->size.y;
++		double width = span->size.x;
++		switch (span->just)
+ 		{
+ 			case 'r':
+ 				horzAlign = Para::horzRight;
+@@ -110,13 +111,13 @@ namespace Visio
+ 			new Para(
+ 				horzAlign),
+ 			new Char(
+-				para->fontsize,
++				span->font->size,
+ 				job->obj->pencolor.u.rgba[0],
+ 				job->obj->pencolor.u.rgba[1],
+ 				job->obj->pencolor.u.rgba[2]),
+ 			new Run(
+ 				bounds,
+-				para->str));
++				span->str));
+ 	}
+ 	Text::Text(Para* para, Char* chars, Run* run):

---- gitweb:


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