[packages/glib2] - updated to 2.42.0 - patch glib2-vlc-segfault applied upstream

kiesiu kiesiu at pld-linux.org
Wed Sep 24 21:38:50 CEST 2014

commit 79aa1439482025671a5df572d648b8af97fab27f
Author: Łukasz Kieś <kiesiu at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Sep 24 21:38:10 2014 +0200

    - updated to 2.42.0
    - patch glib2-vlc-segfault applied upstream

 glib2-vlc-segfault.patch | 71 ------------------------------------------------
 glib2.spec               | 10 +++----
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-)
diff --git a/glib2.spec b/glib2.spec
index 84d687d..cc258b5 100644
--- a/glib2.spec
+++ b/glib2.spec
@@ -19,15 +19,14 @@ Summary(pt_BR.UTF-8):	Conjunto de funções gráficas utilitárias
 Summary(tr.UTF-8):	Yararlı ufak yordamlar kitaplığı
 Summary(zh_CN.UTF-8):	实用工具函数库
 Name:		glib2
-Version:	2.40.0
-Release:	2
+Version:	2.42.0
+Release:	1
 Epoch:		1
 License:	LGPL v2+
 Group:		Libraries
-Source0:	http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/glib/2.40/glib-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5:	05fb7cb17eacbc718e90366a1eae60d9
+Source0:	http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/glib/2.42/glib-%{version}.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5:	71af99768063ac24033ac738e2832740
 Patch0:		%{name}-makefile.patch
-Patch1:		%{name}-vlc-segfault.patch
 URL:		http://www.gtk.org/
 BuildRequires:	autoconf >= 2.62
 BuildRequires:	automake >= 1:1.11
@@ -228,7 +227,6 @@ Sondy systemtap/dtrace dla GLib 2.
 %setup -q -n glib-%{version}
 %patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
 %if %{without apidocs}
 %{__sed} -e '/SUBDIRS/s/docs//' -i Makefile.am
diff --git a/glib2-vlc-segfault.patch b/glib2-vlc-segfault.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a394fc7..0000000
--- a/glib2-vlc-segfault.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From 3662eb9759fe225d1c214db6927c667a1b733e8a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Alexandre Rostovtsev <tetromino at gentoo.org>
-Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2013 13:59:18 -0400
-Subject: gobject: try to link with -Wl,-z,nodelete
-Since the type system does not support reloading its data and assumes
-that libgobject remains loaded for the lifetime of the process, we
-should link libgobject with a flag indicating that it can't be unloaded.
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index a01e58d..bdf34b0 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -3465,6 +3465,40 @@ fi
- dnl
-+dnl Check for -z,nodelete linker flag: the type system assumes that
-+dnl libgobject stays loaded for the lifetime of the process.
-+dnl Since ld.bfd does not treat wrong -z options as fatal by default,
-+dnl we also try to check for the --fatal-warnings linker flag if
-+dnl auto-detecting.
-+              [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-znodelete],
-+                              [avoid linking with -z,nodelete])],,
-+              [SAVED_LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}"
-+               AC_MSG_CHECKING([for --fatal-warnings linker flag])
-+               LDFLAGS=-Wl,--fatal-warnings
-+               AC_TRY_LINK([], [int main (void) { return 0; }],
-+                           AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
-+                           [ldflags_fatal=-Wl,--fatal-warnings],
-+                           AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-+                           ldflags_fatal=)
-+               AC_MSG_CHECKING([for -z,nodelete linker flag])
-+               LDFLAGS="$ldflags_fatal -Wl,-z,nodelete"
-+               AC_TRY_LINK([], [int main (void) { return 0; }],
-+                           AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)
-+                           enable_znodelete=yes,
-+                           AC_MSG_RESULT(no)
-+                           enable_znodelete=no)
-+               LDFLAGS="${SAVED_LDFLAGS}"])
-+if test "x${enable_znodelete}" = "xyes"; then
-+  GOBJECT_LINK_FLAGS=-Wl,-z,nodelete
- dnl Check for -fvisibility=hidden to determine if we can do GNU-style
- dnl visibility attributes for symbol export control
- dnl
-diff --git a/gobject/Makefile.am b/gobject/Makefile.am
-index c683e84..02e9c25 100644
---- a/gobject/Makefile.am
-+++ b/gobject/Makefile.am
-@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ endif
- libgobjectincludedir = $(includedir)/glib-2.0/gobject
- libgobject_2_0_la_LDFLAGS = $(GLIB_LINK_FLAGS) \
-   $(gobject_win32_res_ldflag) \
-   -version-info $(LT_CURRENT):$(LT_REVISION):$(LT_AGE) \
-   -export-dynamic $(no_undefined)
-cgit v0.10.1

---- gitweb:


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