[packages/vim] updated to 7.4.461

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Sun Sep 28 09:28:30 CEST 2014

commit 71536d553bb81d157e95835cc0cd4dd4af3e641a
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Sun Sep 28 09:19:42 2014 +0200

    updated to 7.4.461
    7.4.437  new and old regexp engine are not consistent
    7.4.438  cached values for 'cino' not reset for ":set all&"
    7.4.439  duplicate message in message history
    7.4.440  omni complete popup drawn incorrectly
    7.4.441  endless loop and other problems when 'cedit' is set to CTRL-C
    7.4.442  (after 7.4.434) using unitinialized variable
    7.4.443  error reported by ubsan when running test 72
    7.4.444  reversed question mark not recognized as punctuation
    7.4.445  clipboard may be cleared on startup
    7.4.446  environment for executing autocommand may not be restored.
    7.4.447  spell files from Hunspell may generate a lot of errors
    7.4.448  MS-Windows: Using ETO_IGNORELANGUAGE causes problems
    7.4.449  can't easily close the help window
    7.4.450  some commands that edit another buffer don't support +cmd
    7.4.451  calling system() with empty input gives an error
    7.4.452  can't build with tiny features
    7.4.453  still can't build with tiny features
    7.4.454  CTRL-W-] does not work when using a Visual selection
    7.4.455  completion for :buf does not use 'wildignorecase'
    7.4.456  'backupcopy' is global, can't set a local value
    7.4.457  cannot recognize getchar() returning K_CURSORHOLD
    7.4.458  issue 252: Cursor moves in a zero-height window
    7.4.460  (after 7.4.454) can't build without the quickfix feature
    7.4.461  MS-Windows: When collate is on the number of copies is too high

 sources  | 25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vim.spec |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/vim.spec b/vim.spec
index 19da248..3371033 100644
--- a/vim.spec
+++ b/vim.spec
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 # VCS Commits: https://code.google.com/p/vim/source/browse/
 %define		ver		7.4
-%define		patchlevel	436
-%define		rel		2
+%define		patchlevel	461
+%define		rel		1
 Summary:	Vi IMproved - a Vi clone
 Summary(de.UTF-8):	VIsual editor iMproved
 Summary(es.UTF-8):	Editor visual incrementado
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 5a7ad65..27d9647 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -434,3 +434,28 @@ ee1d39e3604a9212fd6e0ede288cb4a5  7.4.426
 8d05462187fd93a350d88e9bfaa65c26  7.4.434
 ca42274c0b7c8095018aa33d79ebb492  7.4.435
 c57d0c7845160a3b57b7b619bfbadb3c  7.4.436
+c97f335b29b28b435a101c22c0b74e78  7.4.437
+1807743700000a818e6eee1ebe4764b8  7.4.438
+7399f47096531ec9353c04ee36b04e37  7.4.439
+9cc78a051da02fde3ef488aebdf8f307  7.4.440
+a3dfc81ee81259f0acbba5982adc0bd6  7.4.441
+78181a415e29e0a7685bc8f5207f9131  7.4.442
+3dadc7044bc3a5603f82406e850f2d5e  7.4.443
+1cb7b7aa7a1859e703b2110980d11f9f  7.4.444
+5c3ab448911c9363ab200ce92e3d35a5  7.4.445
+e8cdc48202a550298a7525b6823057a4  7.4.446
+01f30e82150185778b1c290fd599c38a  7.4.447
+00f2e53895fef2084d608712aafceaf5  7.4.448
+35d9f8aae6fc9c8b6b3e2a0933ccb734  7.4.449
+1f1405f037cf6b2d95d115444a4ba8b9  7.4.450
+167005e12ff531637fbc19b5c8beea81  7.4.451
+76596c3657ac05ab6cf1f04bad757a0f  7.4.452
+32f1a419dd29d7cec173c22685080488  7.4.453
+957e246a0581691d4f6c02830bd6767c  7.4.454
+a1f9bd109bb42f77f607dd3cd51f0a96  7.4.455
+0dc5e8ca20062e5dffa28dd65daa03f9  7.4.456
+ac951b3f2073e38c88bc26c1bebc97da  7.4.457
+aa11ef9102b10a90125a55e4ec40e9e3  7.4.458
+19210b5e0e4845a8308227ec2753d101  7.4.459
+ca46f134d5456c37bb3a42433dc2d92e  7.4.460
+17dc9a683c61aaa55e4a82e9fe8f563b  7.4.461

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