[packages/ntp] updated some fc patches, delaycalib.patch is applied upstream

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Fri Jan 2 10:27:39 CET 2015

commit eb371d2a023afbce5928b20e051aa644b486c40c
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date:   Fri Jan 2 11:17:46 2015 +0200

    updated some fc patches, delaycalib.patch is applied upstream

 ntp-4.2.6p1-droproot.patch     | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 ntp-4.2.6p1-linkfastmath.patch | 23 +++++++++++----------
 ntp-4.2.6p1-retcode.patch      | 13 ++++++------
 ntp-4.2.6p3-delaycalib.patch   | 12 -----------
 ntp.spec                       | 18 ++++++++---------
 5 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ntp.spec b/ntp.spec
index 81e0084..7b7ee0e 100644
--- a/ntp.spec
+++ b/ntp.spec
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ Patch109:	%{name}-4.2.4p7-getprecision.patch
 Patch110:	%{name}-4.2.6p1-logdefault.patch
 Patch111:	%{name}-4.2.6p1-mlock.patch
 Patch112:	%{name}-4.2.6p3-broadcastdelay.patch
-Patch113:	%{name}-4.2.6p3-delaycalib.patch
 URL:		http://www.ntp.org/
 BuildRequires:	autoconf
 BuildRequires:	autogen-devel
@@ -255,18 +254,17 @@ Este pacote contém documentação adicional sobre o NTP versão 4.
 ## FC patches
 #%patch101 -p1
-#%patch102 -p1
+%patch102 -p1
 #%patch103 -p1
-#%patch104 -p1
-#%patch105 -p1
-#%patch106 -p1
-#%patch107 -p1
-#%patch108 -p1
-#%patch109 -p1
+%patch104 -p1
+%patch105 -p1
+#%patch106 -p1 looks like obsolete
+%patch107 -p1
+%patch108 -p1
+#%patch109 -p1 upstream already decreased to 20e-9, not needed then?
 #%patch110 -p1
 #%patch111 -p1
 #%patch112 -p1
-#%patch113 -p1
 echo 'AM_CONDITIONAL([NEED_LIBOPTS], false)' >> configure.ac
 echo 'AM_CONDITIONAL([NEED_LIBOPTS], false)' >> sntp/configure.ac
@@ -346,7 +344,7 @@ EOF
 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mibdir}
 cp -p ntpsnmpd/ntpv4-mib.mib $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{mibdir}
-rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/ntp4
+rm -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/ntp4
diff --git a/ntp-4.2.6p1-droproot.patch b/ntp-4.2.6p1-droproot.patch
index 12de7ac..7c09bfc 100644
--- a/ntp-4.2.6p1-droproot.patch
+++ b/ntp-4.2.6p1-droproot.patch
@@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
-diff -up ntp-4.2.6p1/html/ntpdate.html.droproot ntp-4.2.6p1/html/ntpdate.html
---- ntp-4.2.6p1/html/ntpdate.html.droproot	2006-12-28 13:02:58.000000000 +0100
-+++ ntp-4.2.6p1/html/ntpdate.html	2010-03-03 15:32:08.000000000 +0100
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- 		<hr>
- 		<p>Disclaimer: The functionality of this program is now available in the <tt>ntpd</tt> program. See the <tt>-q</tt> command line option in the <a href="ntpd.html"><tt>ntpd</tt> - Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon</a> page. After a suitable period of mourning, the <tt>ntpdate</tt> program is to be retired from this distribution</p>
- 		<h4>Synopsis</h4>
--		<tt>ntpdate [ -46bBdqsuv ] [ -a <i>key</i> ] [ -e <i>authdelay</i> ] [ -k <i>keyfile</i> ] [ -o <i>version</i> ] [ -p <i>samples</i> ] [ -t <i>timeout</i> ] <i>server</i> [ ... ]</tt>
-+		<tt>ntpdate [ -46bBdqsuv ] [ -a <i>key</i> ] [ -e <i>authdelay</i> ] [ -k <i>keyfile</i> ] [ -o <i>version</i> ] [ -p <i>samples</i> ] [ -t <i>timeout</i> ] [ -U <i>user_name</i> ] <i>server</i> [ ... ]</tt>
- 		<h4>Description</h4>
- 		<p><tt>ntpdate</tt> sets the local date and time by polling the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server(s) given as the <i>server</i> arguments to determine the correct time. It must be run as root on the local host. A number of samples are obtained from each of the servers specified and a subset of the NTP clock filter and selection algorithms are applied to select the best of these. Note that the accuracy and reliability of <tt>ntpdate</tt> depends on the number of servers, the number of polls each time it is run and the interval between runs.</p>
- 		<p><tt>ntpdate</tt> can be run manually as necessary to set the host clock, or it can be run from the host startup script to set the clock at boot time. This is useful in some cases to set the clock initially before starting the NTP daemon <tt>ntpd</tt>. It is also possible to run <tt>ntpdate</tt> from a <tt>cron</tt> script. However, it is important to note that <tt>ntpdate</tt> with contrived <tt>cron</tt> scripts is no substitute for the NTP daemon, which uses sophisticated algorithms to maximize accuracy and reliability while minimizing resource use. Finally, since <tt>ntpdate</tt> does not discipline the host clock frequency as does <tt>ntpd</tt>, the accuracy using <tt>ntpdate</tt> is limited.</p>
-@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@
- 			<dd>Direct <tt>ntpdate</tt> to use an unprivileged port or outgoing packets. This is most useful when behind a firewall that blocks incoming traffic to privileged ports, and you want to synchronise with hosts beyond the firewall. Note that the <tt>-d</tt> option always uses unprivileged ports.
- 			<dt><tt>-<i>v</i></tt>
- 			<dd>Be verbose. This option will cause <tt>ntpdate</tt>'s version identification string to be logged.
+--- ntp-4.2.8/html/ntpdate.html~	2014-12-19 13:56:51.000000000 +0200
++++ ntp-4.2.8/html/ntpdate.html	2015-01-02 10:27:05.538902307 +0200
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ page and/or the <a href="sntp.html"><tt>sntp</tt> - Simple Network Time
+ Protocol (SNTP) Client</a> page.  After a suitable period of mourning, the <tt>ntpdate</tt> program will be retired from this distribution.</p>
+ <h4>Synopsis</h4>
+-<tt>ntpdate [ -46bBdqsuv ] [ -a <i>key</i> ] [ -e <i>authdelay</i> ] [ -k <i>keyfile</i> ] [ -o <i>version</i> ] [ -p <i>samples</i> ] [ -t <i>timeout</i> ] <i>server</i> [ ... ]</tt>
++<tt>ntpdate [ -46bBdqsuv ] [ -a <i>key</i> ] [ -e <i>authdelay</i> ] [ -k <i>keyfile</i> ] [ -o <i>version</i> ] [ -p <i>samples</i> ] [ -t <i>timeout</i> ] [ -U <i>user_name</i> ] <i>server</i> [ ... ]</tt>
+ <h4>Description</h4>
+ <p><tt>ntpdate</tt> sets the local date and time by polling the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server(s) given as the <i>server</i> arguments to determine the correct time. It must be run as root on the local host. A number of samples are obtained from each of the servers specified and a subset of the NTP clock filter and selection algorithms are applied to select the best of these. Note that the accuracy and reliability of <tt>ntpdate</tt> depends on the number of servers, the number of polls each time it is run and the interval between runs.</p>
+ <p><tt>ntpdate</tt> can be run manually as necessary to set the host clock, or it can be run from the host startup script to set the clock at boot time. This is useful in some cases to set the clock initially before starting the NTP daemon <tt>ntpd</tt>. It is also possible to run <tt>ntpdate</tt> from a <tt>cron</tt> script. However, it is important to note that <tt>ntpdate</tt> with contrived <tt>cron</tt> scripts is no substitute for the NTP daemon, which uses sophisticated algorithms to maximize accuracy and reliability while minimizing resource use. Finally, since <tt>ntpdate</tt> does not discipline the host clock frequency as does <tt>ntpd</tt>, the accuracy using <tt>ntpdate</tt> is limited.</p>
+@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
+   <dd>Direct <tt>ntpdate</tt> to use an unprivileged port for outgoing packets. This is most useful when behind a firewall that blocks incoming traffic to privileged ports, and you want to synchronize with hosts beyond the firewall. Note that the <tt>-d</tt> option always uses unprivileged ports.
+   <dt><tt>-<i>v</i></tt></dt>
+   <dd>Be verbose. This option will cause <tt>ntpdate</tt>'s version identification string to be logged.</dd>
-+			<dt><tt>-U <i>user_name</i></tt></dt>
-+			<dd>ntpdate process drops root privileges and changes user ID to
-+			<i>user_name</i> and group ID to the primary group of 
-+			<i>server_user</i>.
- 		</dl>
- 		<h4>Diagnostics</h4>
- 		<tt>ntpdate</tt>'s exit status is zero if it finds a server and updates the clock, and nonzero otherwise.
++  <dt><tt>-U <i>user_name</i></tt></dt>
++  <dd>ntpdate process drops root privileges and changes user ID to
++  <i>user_name</i> and group ID to the primary group of
++  <i>server_user</i>.
+ </dl>
+ <h4>Diagnostics</h4>
+ <tt>ntpdate</tt>'s exit status is zero if it finds a server and updates the clock, and nonzero otherwise.
 diff -up ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpdate/ntpdate.c.droproot ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpdate/ntpdate.c
 --- ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpdate/ntpdate.c.droproot	2009-12-09 08:36:35.000000000 +0100
 +++ ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpdate/ntpdate.c	2010-03-03 15:33:06.000000000 +0100
diff --git a/ntp-4.2.6p1-linkfastmath.patch b/ntp-4.2.6p1-linkfastmath.patch
index 5a859d3..8882619 100644
--- a/ntp-4.2.6p1-linkfastmath.patch
+++ b/ntp-4.2.6p1-linkfastmath.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-diff -up ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/Makefile.in.linkfastmath ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/Makefile.in
---- ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/Makefile.in.linkfastmath	2010-02-09 11:19:25.000000000 +0100
-+++ ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/Makefile.in	2010-03-03 16:57:40.000000000 +0100
-@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ man_MANS = $(srcdir)/ntpd.1
- # sqrt                                ntp_control.o
- # floor                               refclock_wwv.o
- # which are (usually) provided by -lm.
--ntpd_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(LIBOPTS_LDADD) ../libntp/libntp.a -lm @LCRYPTO@ @LSCF@
-+ntpd_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(LIBOPTS_LDADD) ../libntp/libntp.a -lm -ffast-math @LCRYPTO@ @LSCF@
- ntpdsim_LDADD = $(LDADD) $(LIBOPTS_LDADD) ../libntp/libntpsim.a -lm @LCRYPTO@ @LSCF@
- ntpdsim_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -DSIM
- check_y2k_LDADD = $(LDADD) ../libntp/libntp.a
+--- ntp-4.2.8/ntpd/Makefile.in~	2014-12-19 14:42:16.000000000 +0200
++++ ntp-4.2.8/ntpd/Makefile.in	2015-01-02 10:29:27.339577618 +0200
+@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
+ # longer a reason to have ntpdbase-opts.def split off of ntpd-opts.def.
+-ntpd_LDADD = $(LDADD) ../libntp/libntp.a $(LDADD_LIBNTP) $(LIBM) $(LDADD_NTPD_COMMON)
++ntpd_LDADD = $(LDADD) ../libntp/libntp.a $(LDADD_LIBNTP) $(LIBM) -ffast-math $(LDADD_NTPD_COMMON)
+ ntpdsim_LDADD = $(LDADD) ../libntp/libntpsim.a $(LDADD_NTPD_COMMON)
+ check_y2k_LDADD = $(LDADD) ../libntp/libntp.a $(LDADD_LIBNTP) $(LIBM) $(LDADD_LIBNTP) $(PTHREAD_LIBS)
diff --git a/ntp-4.2.6p1-retcode.patch b/ntp-4.2.6p1-retcode.patch
index 6d676d2..147aadc 100644
--- a/ntp-4.2.6p1-retcode.patch
+++ b/ntp-4.2.6p1-retcode.patch
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-diff -up ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/ntp_proto.c.retcode ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/ntp_proto.c
---- ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/ntp_proto.c.retcode	2009-12-09 08:36:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ ntp-4.2.6p1/ntpd/ntp_proto.c	2010-03-03 16:06:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ transmit(
- 					    "ntpd: no servers found");
- 					printf(
- 					    "ntpd: no servers found\n");
+--- ntp-4.2.8/ntpd/ntp_proto.c~	2014-12-19 13:56:54.000000000 +0200
++++ ntp-4.2.8/ntpd/ntp_proto.c	2015-01-02 10:43:42.190506414 +0200
+@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
+ 					if (!msyslog_term)
+ 						printf(
+ 						    "ntpd: no servers found\n");
 -					exit (0);
 +					exit (1);
diff --git a/ntp-4.2.6p3-delaycalib.patch b/ntp-4.2.6p3-delaycalib.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 778497a..0000000
--- a/ntp-4.2.6p3-delaycalib.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -up ntp-4.2.6p3/ntpd/ntp_proto.c.delaycalib ntp-4.2.6p3/ntpd/ntp_proto.c
---- ntp-4.2.6p3/ntpd/ntp_proto.c.delaycalib	2010-11-25 15:21:52.578492466 +0100
-+++ ntp-4.2.6p3/ntpd/ntp_proto.c	2010-11-25 15:21:55.987625500 +0100
-@@ -1498,7 +1498,7 @@ process_packet(
- 		 */
- 		if (FLAG_BC_VOL & peer->flags) {
- 			peer->flags &= ~FLAG_BC_VOL;
--			peer->delay = (peer->offset - p_offset) * 2;
-+			peer->delay = fabs(peer->offset - p_offset) * 2;
- 		}
- 		p_del = peer->delay;
- 		p_offset += p_del / 2;

---- gitweb:


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