[packages/eventum] (14 commits) ...up to 3.0.3

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Tue Oct 13 19:13:44 CEST 2015

Summary of changes:

  f56655e... up to 3.0.2-28-g0d12f69 (*)
  b59a718... smarty3-plugin-gettext hack (*)
  f3f4d4a... rediff init.php patching (*)
  3ca19d8... up to eventum-3.0.2-98-g018285e, use composer autoloader as (*)
  3c566b6... add autoload.patch (*)
  1468f29... smarty: use phpDir var (*)
  94d659f... execute bits (*)
  2c1b4fd... autoload XML pear ns, sphinxclient and text_diff (*)
  8f48fa6... skip loading empty psr4 and include paths (*)
  8c25237... load Text_Diff via namespace (*)
  d4a553e... move docs and wiki to subpackage (*)
  5301be5... up to 3.0.2-105-g9c49ee5 (*)
  8585386... drop outdated lf.patch (*)
  bc09212... up to 3.0.3

(*) This commit already existed in another branch; no separate mail sent

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