[packages/percona-server/v5.0.x: 107/202] - revision 1 from lp:~percona-dev/percona-xtrabackup/xtrabackup-prototype

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Wed Oct 21 16:18:01 CEST 2015

commit 347e7259d0edbac23a5738023e28101c911be358
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 3 00:24:03 2009 +0000

    - revision 1 from lp:~percona-dev/percona-xtrabackup/xtrabackup-prototype
    Changed files:
        mysql-xtrabackup.patch ->

 mysql-xtrabackup.patch | 2060 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 2060 insertions(+)
diff --git a/mysql-xtrabackup.patch b/mysql-xtrabackup.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1be917
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mysql-xtrabackup.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,2060 @@
+--- mysql-5.0.75/innobase/log/log0recv.c        2008-12-19 02:19:36.000000000 +0900
++++ mysql-5.0.75_1/innobase/log/log0recv.c      2009-02-27 19:41:07.000000000 +0900
+@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
+ /************************************************************
+ Looks for the maximum consistent checkpoint from the log groups. */
+ ulint
+ recv_find_max_checkpoint(
+ /*=====================*/
+@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
+ Checks the 4-byte checksum to the trailer checksum field of a log block.
+ We also accept a log block in the old format < InnoDB-3.23.52 where the
+ checksum field contains the log block number. */
+ ibool
+ log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format(
+ /*===================================*/
+--- mysql-5.0.75/innobase/os/os0file.c  2008-12-19 02:19:36.000000000 +0900
++++ mysql-5.0.75_1/innobase/os/os0file.c        2009-02-26 11:54:47.000000000 +0900
+@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
+ }
+ #undef USE_FILE_LOCK
+-#define USE_FILE_LOCK
++//#define USE_FILE_LOCK
+ #if defined(UNIV_HOTBACKUP) || defined(__WIN__) || defined(__NETWARE__)
+ /* InnoDB Hot Backup does not lock the data files.
+  * On Windows, mandatory locking is used.
+--- mysql-5.0.75/innobase/srv/srv0start.c       2008-12-19 02:19:37.000000000 +0900
++++ mysql-5.0.75_1/innobase/srv/srv0start.c     2009-02-26 11:48:30.000000000 +0900
+@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
+ /*************************************************************************
+ Creates or opens the log files and closes them. */
+ ulint
+ open_or_create_log_file(
+ /*====================*/
+@@ -693,7 +693,7 @@
+ /*************************************************************************
+ Creates or opens database data files and closes them. */
+ ulint
+ open_or_create_data_files(
+ /*======================*/
+--- /dev/null	2006-03-28 14:00:37.000000000 +0300
++++ mysql-5.0.75/innobase/xtrabackup/Makefile	2009-03-02 17:54:29.089780153 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
++LIBS=	-lpthread -lrt
++CFLAGS=	-O2 -g -fmessage-length=0 -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2
++INC=	-I. -I.. -I./../include -I./../../include
++INNODBOBJS=	../usr/libusr.a ../srv/libsrv.a ../dict/libdict.a ../que/libque.a\
++		../srv/libsrv.a ../ibuf/libibuf.a ../row/librow.a ../pars/libpars.a\
++		../btr/libbtr.a ../trx/libtrx.a ../read/libread.a ../usr/libusr.a\
++		../buf/libbuf.a ../ibuf/libibuf.a ../eval/libeval.a ../log/liblog.a\
++		../fsp/libfsp.a ../fut/libfut.a ../fil/libfil.a ../lock/liblock.a\
++		../mtr/libmtr.a ../page/libpage.a ../rem/librem.a ../thr/libthr.a\
++		../sync/libsync.a ../data/libdata.a ../mach/libmach.a ../ha/libha.a\
++		../dyn/libdyn.a ../mem/libmem.a ../sync/libsync.a ../ut/libut.a\
++		../os/libos.a ../ut/libut.a
++MYSQLOBJS=	../../mysys/libmysys.a ../../strings/libmystrings.a
++.SUFFIXES: .o .c
++	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INC) $(DEFS) -c $*.c
++all: xtrabackup
++xtrabackup : xtrabackup.o $(INNODBOBJS) $(MYSQLOBJS)
++	$(CC) xtrabackup.o $(INNODBOBJS) $(MYSQLOBJS) $(LIBS) -o xtrabackup
++	rm -f *.o xtrabackup
+--- /dev/null	2006-03-28 14:00:37.000000000 +0300
++++ mysql-5.0.75/innobase/xtrabackup/xtrabackup.c	2009-03-02 17:54:29.086446549 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,1969 @@
++#define XTRABACKUP_VERSION "prototype-0.0"
++#include <my_base.h>
++#include <my_getopt.h>
++#include <mysql_version.h>
++#include <univ.i>
++#include <os0file.h>
++#include <os0thread.h>
++#include <srv0start.h>
++#include <srv0srv.h>
++#include <trx0roll.h>
++#include <trx0trx.h>
++#include <trx0sys.h>
++#include <mtr0mtr.h>
++#include <row0ins.h>
++#include <row0mysql.h>
++#include <row0sel.h>
++#include <row0upd.h>
++#include <log0log.h>
++#include <lock0lock.h>
++#include <dict0crea.h>
++#include <btr0cur.h>
++#include <btr0btr.h>
++#include <fsp0fsp.h>
++#include <sync0sync.h>
++#include <fil0fil.h>
++#include <trx0xa.h>
++/* ==start === definition at fil0fil.c === */
++/* File node of a tablespace or the log data space */
++struct fil_node_struct {
++        fil_space_t*    space;  /* backpointer to the space where this node
++                                belongs */
++        char*           name;   /* path to the file */
++        ibool           open;   /* TRUE if file open */
++        os_file_t       handle; /* OS handle to the file, if file open */
++        ibool           is_raw_disk;/* TRUE if the 'file' is actually a raw
++                                device or a raw disk partition */
++        ulint           size;   /* size of the file in database pages, 0 if
++                                not known yet; the possible last incomplete
++                                megabyte may be ignored if space == 0 */
++        ulint           n_pending;
++                                /* count of pending i/o's on this file;
++                                closing of the file is not allowed if
++                                this is > 0 */
++        ulint           n_pending_flushes;
++                                /* count of pending flushes on this file;
++                                closing of the file is not allowed if
++                                this is > 0 */
++        ib_longlong     modification_counter;/* when we write to the file we
++                                increment this by one */
++        ib_longlong     flush_counter;/* up to what modification_counter value
++                                we have flushed the modifications to disk */
++        UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain;
++                                /* link field for the file chain */
++        UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU;
++                                /* link field for the LRU list */
++        ulint           magic_n;
++struct fil_space_struct {
++        char*           name;   /* space name = the path to the first file in
++                                it */
++        ulint           id;     /* space id */
++        ib_longlong     tablespace_version;
++                                /* in DISCARD/IMPORT this timestamp is used to
++                                check if we should ignore an insert buffer
++                                merge request for a page because it actually
++                                was for the previous incarnation of the
++                                space */
++        ibool           mark;   /* this is set to TRUE at database startup if
++                                the space corresponds to a table in the InnoDB
++                                data dictionary; so we can print a warning of
++                                orphaned tablespaces */
++        ibool           stop_ios;/* TRUE if we want to rename the .ibd file of
++                                tablespace and want to stop temporarily
++                                posting of new i/o requests on the file */
++        ibool           stop_ibuf_merges;
++                                /* we set this TRUE when we start deleting a
++                                single-table tablespace */
++        ibool           is_being_deleted;
++                                /* this is set to TRUE when we start
++                                deleting a single-table tablespace and its
++                                file; when this flag is set no further i/o
++                                or flush requests can be placed on this space,
++                                though there may be such requests still being
++                                processed on this space */
++        ulint           purpose;/* FIL_TABLESPACE, FIL_LOG, or FIL_ARCH_LOG */
++        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) chain;
++                                /* base node for the file chain */
++        ulint           size;   /* space size in pages; 0 if a single-table
++                                tablespace whose size we do not know yet;
++                                last incomplete megabytes in data files may be
++                                ignored if space == 0 */
++        ulint           n_reserved_extents;
++                                /* number of reserved free extents for
++                                ongoing operations like B-tree page split */
++        ulint           n_pending_flushes; /* this is > 0 when flushing
++                                the tablespace to disk; dropping of the
++                                tablespace is forbidden if this is > 0 */
++        ulint           n_pending_ibuf_merges;/* this is > 0 when merging
++                                insert buffer entries to a page so that we
++                                may need to access the ibuf bitmap page in the
++                                tablespade: dropping of the tablespace is
++                                forbidden if this is > 0 */
++        hash_node_t     hash;   /* hash chain node */
++        hash_node_t     name_hash;/* hash chain the name_hash table */
++        rw_lock_t       latch;  /* latch protecting the file space storage
++                                allocation */
++        UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces;
++                                /* list of spaces with at least one unflushed
++                                file we have written to */
++        ibool           is_in_unflushed_spaces; /* TRUE if this space is
++                                currently in the list above */
++        UT_LIST_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list;
++                                /* list of all spaces */
++        ibuf_data_t*    ibuf_data;
++                                /* insert buffer data */
++        ulint           magic_n;
++typedef struct fil_system_struct        fil_system_t;
++struct fil_system_struct {
++        mutex_t         mutex;          /* The mutex protecting the cache */
++        hash_table_t*   spaces;         /* The hash table of spaces in the
++                                        system; they are hashed on the space
++                                        id */
++        hash_table_t*   name_hash;      /* hash table based on the space
++                                        name */
++        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_node_t) LRU;
++                                        /* base node for the LRU list of the
++                                        most recently used open files with no
++                                        pending i/o's; if we start an i/o on
++                                        the file, we first remove it from this
++                                        list, and return it to the start of
++                                        the list when the i/o ends;
++                                        log files and the system tablespace are
++                                        not put to this list: they are opened
++                                        after the startup, and kept open until
++                                        shutdown */
++        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) unflushed_spaces;
++                                        /* base node for the list of those
++                                        tablespaces whose files contain
++                                        unflushed writes; those spaces have
++                                        at least one file node where
++                                        modification_counter > flush_counter */
++        ulint           n_open;         /* number of files currently open */
++        ulint           max_n_open;     /* n_open is not allowed to exceed
++                                        this */
++        ib_longlong     modification_counter;/* when we write to a file we
++                                        increment this by one */
++        ulint           max_assigned_id;/* maximum space id in the existing
++                                        tables, or assigned during the time
++                                        mysqld has been up; at an InnoDB
++                                        startup we scan the data dictionary
++                                        and set here the maximum of the
++                                        space id's of the tables there */
++        ib_longlong     tablespace_version;
++                                        /* a counter which is incremented for
++                                        every space object memory creation;
++                                        every space mem object gets a
++                                        'timestamp' from this; in DISCARD/
++                                        IMPORT this is used to check if we
++                                        should ignore an insert buffer merge
++                                        request */
++        UT_LIST_BASE_NODE_T(fil_space_t) space_list;
++                                        /* list of all file spaces */
++extern fil_system_t*   fil_system;
++/* ==end=== definition  at fil0fil.c === */
++bool innodb_inited= 0;
++/* === xtrabackup specific options === */
++char xtrabackup_real_target_dir[FN_REFLEN] = "./xtrabackup_backupfiles/";
++char *xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir;
++my_bool xtrabackup_backup = FALSE;
++my_bool xtrabackup_prepare = FALSE;
++my_bool xtrabackup_suspend_at_end = FALSE;
++longlong xtrabackup_use_memory = 8*1024*1024L;
++long xtrabackup_throttle = 0; /* 0:unlimited */
++my_bool xtrabackup_stream = FALSE;
++static ulint		n[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 5];
++static os_thread_id_t	thread_ids[SRV_MAX_N_IO_THREADS + 5];
++dulint checkpoint_lsn_start;
++dulint checkpoint_no_start;
++dulint log_copy_scanned_lsn;
++ib_longlong log_copy_offset = 0;
++ibool log_copying = TRUE;
++ibool log_copying_running = FALSE;
++ibool log_copying_succeed = FALSE;
++/* === sharing with thread === */
++os_file_t       dst_log = -1;
++char            dst_log_path[FN_REFLEN];
++/* === some variables from mysqld === */
++char mysql_real_data_home[FN_REFLEN] = "./";
++char *mysql_data_home= mysql_real_data_home;
++static char mysql_data_home_buff[2];
++char *opt_mysql_tmpdir = NULL;
++MY_TMPDIR mysql_tmpdir_list;
++/* === static parameters in ha_innodb.cc */
++#define HA_INNOBASE_ROWS_IN_TABLE 10000 /* to get optimization right */
++ulong 	innobase_large_page_size = 0;
++/* The default values for the following, type long or longlong, start-up
++parameters are declared in mysqld.cc: */
++long innobase_additional_mem_pool_size = 1*1024*1024L;
++long innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb = 0;
++long innobase_file_io_threads = 4;
++long innobase_force_recovery = 0;
++long innobase_lock_wait_timeout = 50;
++long innobase_log_buffer_size = 1024*1024L;
++long innobase_log_files_in_group = 2;
++long innobase_mirrored_log_groups = 1;
++long innobase_open_files = 300L;
++longlong innobase_buffer_pool_size = 8*1024*1024L;
++longlong innobase_log_file_size = 5*1024*1024L;
++/* The default values for the following char* start-up parameters
++are determined in innobase_init below: */
++char*	innobase_data_home_dir			= NULL;
++char*	innobase_data_file_path 		= NULL;
++char*	innobase_log_group_home_dir		= NULL;
++char*	innobase_log_arch_dir			= NULL;/* unused */
++/* The following has a misleading name: starting from 4.0.5, this also
++affects Windows: */
++char*	innobase_unix_file_flush_method		= NULL;
++/* Below we have boolean-valued start-up parameters, and their default
++values */
++ulong	innobase_fast_shutdown			= 0;
++my_bool innobase_log_archive			= FALSE;/* unused */
++my_bool innobase_use_doublewrite    = TRUE;
++my_bool innobase_use_checksums      = TRUE;
++my_bool innobase_use_large_pages    = FALSE;
++my_bool	innobase_use_native_aio			= FALSE;
++my_bool	innobase_file_per_table			= FALSE;
++my_bool innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog        = FALSE;
++my_bool innobase_rollback_on_timeout		= FALSE;
++my_bool innobase_create_status_file		= FALSE;
++my_bool innobase_adaptive_hash_index		= TRUE;
++static char *internal_innobase_data_file_path	= NULL;
++/* The following counter is used to convey information to InnoDB
++about server activity: in selects it is not sensible to call
++srv_active_wake_master_thread after each fetch or search, we only do
++it every INNOBASE_WAKE_INTERVAL'th step. */
++ulong	innobase_active_counter	= 0;
++/* ======== for option and variables ======== */
++enum options_xtrabackup
++static struct my_option my_long_options[] =
++  {"target-dir", OPT_XTRA_TARGET_DIR, "destination directory", (gptr*) &xtrabackup_target_dir,
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_target_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"backup", OPT_XTRA_BACKUP, "take backup to target-dir",
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_backup, (gptr*) &xtrabackup_backup,
++   0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"prepare", OPT_XTRA_PREPARE, "prepare a backup for starting mysql server on the backup.",
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_prepare, (gptr*) &xtrabackup_prepare,
++   0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"use-memory", OPT_XTRA_USE_MEMORY, "** nothing for now (planned to use instead of buffer_pool_size) **",
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_use_memory, (gptr*) &xtrabackup_use_memory,
++   0, GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 8*1024*1024L, 1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0,
++   1024*1024L, 0},
++  {"suspend-at-end", OPT_XTRA_SUSPEND_AT_END, "creates a file 'xtrabackup_suspended' and waits until the user deletes that file at the end of '--backup'",
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_suspend_at_end, (gptr*) &xtrabackup_suspend_at_end,
++   0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"throttle", OPT_XTRA_THROTTLE, "limit count of IO operations per second to IOS values",
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_throttle, (gptr*) &xtrabackup_throttle,
++   0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, LONG_MAX, 0, 1, 0},
++  {"stream", OPT_XTRA_STREAM, "** nothing for now **",
++   (gptr*) &xtrabackup_stream, (gptr*) &xtrabackup_stream,
++   0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"datadir", 'h', "Path to the database root.", (gptr*) &mysql_data_home,
++   (gptr*) &mysql_data_home, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"tmpdir", 't',
++   "Path for temporary files. Several paths may be specified, separated by a "
++#if defined(__WIN__) || defined(OS2) || defined(__NETWARE__)
++   "semicolon (;)"
++   "colon (:)"
++   ", in this case they are used in a round-robin fashion.",
++   (gptr*) &opt_mysql_tmpdir,
++   (gptr*) &opt_mysql_tmpdir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_adaptive_hash_index", OPT_INNODB_ADAPTIVE_HASH_INDEX,
++   "Enable InnoDB adaptive hash index (enabled by default).  "
++   "Disable with --skip-innodb-adaptive-hash-index.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_adaptive_hash_index,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_adaptive_hash_index,
++   0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_additional_mem_pool_size", OPT_INNODB_ADDITIONAL_MEM_POOL_SIZE,
++   "Size of a memory pool InnoDB uses to store data dictionary information and other internal data structures.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_additional_mem_pool_size,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_additional_mem_pool_size, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG,
++   1*1024*1024L, 512*1024L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1024, 0},
++  {"innodb_autoextend_increment", OPT_INNODB_AUTOEXTEND_INCREMENT,
++   "Data file autoextend increment in megabytes",
++   (gptr*) &srv_auto_extend_increment,
++   (gptr*) &srv_auto_extend_increment,
++   0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 8L, 1L, 1000L, 0, 1L, 0},
++  {"innodb_buffer_pool_size", OPT_INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_SIZE,
++   "The size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to cache data and indexes of its tables.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, (gptr*) &innobase_buffer_pool_size, 0,
++   GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 8*1024*1024L, 1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0,
++   1024*1024L, 0},
++  {"innodb_checksums", OPT_INNODB_CHECKSUMS, "Enable InnoDB checksums validation (enabled by default). \
++Disable with --skip-innodb-checksums.", (gptr*) &innobase_use_checksums,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_use_checksums, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_commit_concurrency", OPT_INNODB_COMMIT_CONCURRENCY,
++   "Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environments.",
++   (gptr*) &srv_commit_concurrency, (gptr*) &srv_commit_concurrency,
++   0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 0},
++  {"innodb_concurrency_tickets", OPT_INNODB_CONCURRENCY_TICKETS,
++   "Number of times a thread is allowed to enter InnoDB within the same \
++    SQL query after it has once got the ticket",
++   (gptr*) &srv_n_free_tickets_to_enter,
++   (gptr*) &srv_n_free_tickets_to_enter,
++   0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 500L, 1L, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0},
++  {"innodb_data_file_path", OPT_INNODB_DATA_FILE_PATH,
++   "Path to individual files and their sizes.", (gptr*) &innobase_data_file_path,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_data_file_path, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_data_home_dir", OPT_INNODB_DATA_HOME_DIR,
++   "The common part for InnoDB table spaces.", (gptr*) &innobase_data_home_dir,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_data_home_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++   0},
++  {"innodb_doublewrite", OPT_INNODB_DOUBLEWRITE, "Enable InnoDB doublewrite buffer (enabled by default). \
++Disable with --skip-innodb-doublewrite.", (gptr*) &innobase_use_doublewrite,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_use_doublewrite, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_fast_shutdown", OPT_INNODB_FAST_SHUTDOWN,
++   "Speeds up the shutdown process of the InnoDB storage engine. Possible "
++   "values are 0, 1 (faster)"
++   " or 2 (fastest - crash-like)"
++   ".",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_fast_shutdown,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_fast_shutdown, 0, GET_ULONG, OPT_ARG, 1, 0,
++   2, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_file_io_threads", OPT_INNODB_FILE_IO_THREADS,
++   "Number of file I/O threads in InnoDB.", (gptr*) &innobase_file_io_threads,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_file_io_threads, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 4, 4, 64, 0,
++   1, 0},
++  {"innodb_file_per_table", OPT_INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE,
++   "Stores each InnoDB table to an .ibd file in the database dir.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_file_per_table,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_file_per_table, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_LOG_AT_TRX_COMMIT,
++   "Set to 0 (write and flush once per second), 1 (write and flush at each commit) or 2 (write at commit, flush once per second).",
++   (gptr*) &srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit,
++   (gptr*) &srv_flush_log_at_trx_commit,
++   0, GET_ULONG, OPT_ARG,  1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_flush_method", OPT_INNODB_FLUSH_METHOD,
++   "With which method to flush data.", (gptr*) &innobase_unix_file_flush_method,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_unix_file_flush_method, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0,
++   0, 0, 0},
++/* ####### Should we use this option? ####### */
++  {"innodb_force_recovery", OPT_INNODB_FORCE_RECOVERY,
++   "Helps to save your data in case the disk image of the database becomes corrupt.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_force_recovery, (gptr*) &innobase_force_recovery, 0,
++   GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0},
++  {"innodb_lock_wait_timeout", OPT_INNODB_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT,
++   "Timeout in seconds an InnoDB transaction may wait for a lock before being rolled back.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_lock_wait_timeout, (gptr*) &innobase_lock_wait_timeout,
++   0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 50, 1, 1024 * 1024 * 1024, 0, 1, 0},
++  {"innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog", OPT_INNODB_LOCKS_UNSAFE_FOR_BINLOG,
++   "Force InnoDB not to use next-key locking. Instead use only row-level locking",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_log_arch_dir", OPT_INNODB_LOG_ARCH_DIR,
++   "Where full logs should be archived.", (gptr*) &innobase_log_arch_dir,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_log_arch_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_log_buffer_size", OPT_INNODB_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE,
++   "The size of the buffer which InnoDB uses to write log to the log files on disk.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_log_buffer_size, (gptr*) &innobase_log_buffer_size, 0,
++   GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1024*1024L, 256*1024L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1024, 0},
++  {"innodb_log_file_size", OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILE_SIZE,
++   "Size of each log file in a log group.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_log_file_size, (gptr*) &innobase_log_file_size, 0,
++   GET_LL, REQUIRED_ARG, 5*1024*1024L, 1*1024*1024L, LONGLONG_MAX, 0,
++   1024*1024L, 0},
++  {"innodb_log_files_in_group", OPT_INNODB_LOG_FILES_IN_GROUP,
++   "Number of log files in the log group. InnoDB writes to the files in a circular fashion. Value 3 is recommended here.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_log_files_in_group, (gptr*) &innobase_log_files_in_group,
++   0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 2, 2, 100, 0, 1, 0},
++  {"innodb_log_group_home_dir", OPT_INNODB_LOG_GROUP_HOME_DIR,
++   "Path to InnoDB log files.", (gptr*) &innobase_log_group_home_dir,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_log_group_home_dir, 0, GET_STR, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0,
++   0, 0},
++  {"innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct", OPT_INNODB_MAX_DIRTY_PAGES_PCT,
++   "Percentage of dirty pages allowed in bufferpool.", (gptr*) &srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct,
++   (gptr*) &srv_max_buf_pool_modified_pct, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 90, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_max_purge_lag", OPT_INNODB_MAX_PURGE_LAG,
++   "Desired maximum length of the purge queue (0 = no limit)",
++   (gptr*) &srv_max_purge_lag,
++   (gptr*) &srv_max_purge_lag, 0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 0, 0, ULONG_MAX,
++   0, 1L, 0},
++  {"innodb_mirrored_log_groups", OPT_INNODB_MIRRORED_LOG_GROUPS,
++   "Number of identical copies of log groups we keep for the database. Currently this should be set to 1.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_mirrored_log_groups,
++   (gptr*) &innobase_mirrored_log_groups, 0, GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 1, 1, 10,
++   0, 1, 0},
++  {"innodb_open_files", OPT_INNODB_OPEN_FILES,
++   "How many files at the maximum InnoDB keeps open at the same time.",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_open_files, (gptr*) &innobase_open_files, 0,
++   GET_LONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 300L, 10L, LONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0},
++  {"innodb_rollback_on_timeout", OPT_INNODB_ROLLBACK_ON_TIMEOUT,
++   "Roll back the complete transaction on lock wait timeout, for 4.x compatibility (disabled by default)",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_rollback_on_timeout, (gptr*) &innobase_rollback_on_timeout,
++   0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_status_file", OPT_INNODB_STATUS_FILE,
++   "Enable SHOW INNODB STATUS output in the innodb_status.<pid> file",
++   (gptr*) &innobase_create_status_file, (gptr*) &innobase_create_status_file,
++   0, GET_BOOL, OPT_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
++  {"innodb_sync_spin_loops", OPT_INNODB_SYNC_SPIN_LOOPS,
++   "Count of spin-loop rounds in InnoDB mutexes",
++   (gptr*) &srv_n_spin_wait_rounds,
++   (gptr*) &srv_n_spin_wait_rounds,
++   0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 20L, 0L, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0},
++  {"innodb_thread_concurrency", OPT_INNODB_THREAD_CONCURRENCY,
++   "Helps in performance tuning in heavily concurrent environments. "
++   "Sets the maximum number of threads allowed inside InnoDB. Value 0"
++   " will disable the thread throttling.",
++   (gptr*) &srv_thread_concurrency, (gptr*) &srv_thread_concurrency,
++   0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 8, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 0},
++  {"innodb_thread_sleep_delay", OPT_INNODB_THREAD_SLEEP_DELAY,
++   "Time of innodb thread sleeping before joining InnoDB queue (usec). Value 0"
++    " disable a sleep",
++   (gptr*) &srv_thread_sleep_delay,
++   (gptr*) &srv_thread_sleep_delay,
++   0, GET_ULONG, REQUIRED_ARG, 10000L, 0L, ULONG_MAX, 0, 1L, 0},
++  { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
++static const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysqld","xtrabackup",0 };
++static void print_version(void)
++  printf("%s  Ver %s for %s %s (%s)\n" ,my_progname,
++static void usage(void)
++  print_version();
++  puts("This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,\nand you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license\n");
++  printf("Usage: [%s --backup | %s --prepare] [OPTIONS]\n",my_progname,my_progname);
++  print_defaults("my",load_default_groups);
++  my_print_help(my_long_options);
++  my_print_variables(my_long_options);
++static my_bool
++get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)),
++	       char *argument)
++  switch(optid) {
++  case 'h':
++    strmake(mysql_real_data_home,argument, sizeof(mysql_real_data_home)-1);
++    mysql_data_home= mysql_real_data_home;
++    break;
++    strmake(xtrabackup_real_target_dir,argument, sizeof(xtrabackup_real_target_dir)-1);
++    xtrabackup_target_dir= xtrabackup_real_target_dir;
++    break;
++  case '?':
++    usage();
++    exit(0);
++    break;
++  default:
++    break;
++  }
++  return 0;
++/* ================ Dummys =================== */
++//fprintf(stderr, "innobase_mysql_prepare_print_arbitrary_thd() is called\n");
++//fprintf(stderr, "innobase_mysql_end_print_arbitrary_thd() is called\n");
++	FILE*   f,		
++	void*   input_thd,
++	uint	max_query_len)
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_mysql_print_thd() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	ulint	cset,
++	ulint*	mbminlen,
++	ulint*	mbmaxlen)
++	ut_ad(cset < 256);
++	ut_ad(mbminlen);
++	ut_ad(mbmaxlen);
++	cs = all_charsets[cset];
++	if (cs) {
++		*mbminlen = cs->mbminlen;
++		*mbmaxlen = cs->mbmaxlen;
++	} else {
++		ut_a(cset == 0);
++		*mbminlen = *mbmaxlen = 0;
++	}
++	const char*	a,
++	const char*	b)
++	return(my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_utf8_general_ci, a, b));
++	char*	a)
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_casedn_str() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	char	filename[FN_REFLEN];
++	int	fd2 = -1;
++	File	fd = create_temp_file(filename, my_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list), "ib",
++#ifdef __WIN__
++#endif /* __WIN__ */
++				O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_RDWR,
++				MYF(MY_WME));
++	if (fd >= 0) {
++#ifndef __WIN__
++		/* On Windows, open files cannot be removed, but files can be
++		created with the O_TEMPORARY flag to the same effect
++		("delete on close"). */
++		unlink(filename);
++#endif /* !__WIN__ */
++		/* Copy the file descriptor, so that the additional resources
++		allocated by create_temp_file() can be freed by invoking
++		my_close().
++		Because the file descriptor returned by this function
++		will be passed to fdopen(), it will be closed by invoking
++		fclose(), which in turn will invoke close() instead of
++		my_close(). */
++		fd2 = dup(fd);
++		if (fd2 < 0) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "Got error %d on dup",fd2);
++                }
++		my_close(fd, MYF(MY_WME));
++	}
++	return(fd2);
++	trx_t*	trx,
++	char*	full_name,
++	ulint	full_name_len)
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_invalidate_query_cache() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	trx_t*		trx,
++	const char*	name,
++	ulint		namelen)
++	fprintf(stderr, "mysql_get_identifier_quote_char() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	trx_t*	trx)
++	fprintf(stderr, "trx_is_interrupted() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_current_thd() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	int		mysql_type,
++	uint		charset_number,
++	unsigned char*	a,
++	unsigned int	a_length,
++	unsigned char*	b,
++	unsigned int	b_length)
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_mysql_cmp() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	ulint charset_id,
++	ulint prefix_len,
++	ulint data_len,
++	const char* str)
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_get_at_most_n_mbchars() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++	fprintf(stderr, "innobase_query_is_update() is called\n");
++	exit(1);
++/* control innodb */
++	/* === some variables from mysqld === */
++	bzero((gptr) &mysql_tmpdir_list, sizeof(mysql_tmpdir_list));
++	if (init_tmpdir(&mysql_tmpdir_list, opt_mysql_tmpdir))
++		exit(1);
++	/* dummy for initialize all_charsets[] */
++	get_charset_name(0);
++	/* innobase_init */
++	static char	current_dir[3];		/* Set if using current lib */
++	int		err;
++	bool		ret;
++	char 	        *default_path;
++	/* Check that values don't overflow on 32-bit systems. */
++	if (sizeof(ulint) == 4) {
++		if (innobase_buffer_pool_size > UINT_MAX32) {
++			fprintf(stderr,
++				"innobase_buffer_pool_size can't be over 4GB"
++				" on 32-bit systems");
++			goto error;
++		}
++		if (innobase_log_file_size > UINT_MAX32) {
++			fprintf(stderr,
++				"innobase_log_file_size can't be over 4GB"
++				" on 32-bit systems");
++			goto error;
++		}
++	}
++  	os_innodb_umask = (ulint)0664;
++	/* First calculate the default path for innodb_data_home_dir etc.,
++	in case the user has not given any value.
++	Note that when using the embedded server, the datadirectory is not
++	necessarily the current directory of this program. */
++	  	/* It's better to use current lib, to keep paths short */
++	  	current_dir[0] = FN_CURLIB;
++	  	current_dir[1] = FN_LIBCHAR;
++	  	current_dir[2] = 0;
++	  	default_path = current_dir;
++	ut_a(default_path);
++//	if (specialflag & SPECIAL_NO_PRIOR) {
++	        srv_set_thread_priorities = FALSE;
++//	} else {
++//	        srv_set_thread_priorities = TRUE;
++//	        srv_query_thread_priority = QUERY_PRIOR;
++//	}
++	/* Set InnoDB initialization parameters according to the values
++	read from MySQL .cnf file */
++	/*--------------- Data files -------------------------*/
++	/* The default dir for data files is the datadir of MySQL */
++	srv_data_home = (innobase_data_home_dir ? innobase_data_home_dir :
++			 default_path);
++	/* Set default InnoDB data file size to 10 MB and let it be
++  	auto-extending. Thus users can use InnoDB in >= 4.0 without having
++	to specify any startup options. */
++	if (!innobase_data_file_path) {
++  		innobase_data_file_path = (char*) "ibdata1:10M:autoextend";
++	}
++	/* Since InnoDB edits the argument in the next call, we make another
++	copy of it: */
++	internal_innobase_data_file_path = strdup(innobase_data_file_path);
++	ret = (bool) srv_parse_data_file_paths_and_sizes(
++				internal_innobase_data_file_path,
++				&srv_data_file_names,
++				&srv_data_file_sizes,
++				&srv_data_file_is_raw_partition,
++				&srv_n_data_files,
++				&srv_auto_extend_last_data_file,
++				&srv_last_file_size_max);
++	if (ret == FALSE) {
++	  	fprintf(stderr,
++			"InnoDB: syntax error in innodb_data_file_path");
++	  	free(internal_innobase_data_file_path);
++                goto error;
++	}
++	/* -------------- Log files ---------------------------*/
++	/* The default dir for log files is the datadir of MySQL */
++	if (!innobase_log_group_home_dir) {
++	  	innobase_log_group_home_dir = default_path;
++	}
++	/* Since innodb_log_arch_dir has no relevance under MySQL,
++	starting from 4.0.6 we always set it the same as
++	innodb_log_group_home_dir: */
++	innobase_log_arch_dir = innobase_log_group_home_dir;
++	srv_arch_dir = innobase_log_arch_dir;
++#endif /* UNIG_LOG_ARCHIVE */
++	ret = (bool)
++		srv_parse_log_group_home_dirs(innobase_log_group_home_dir,
++						&srv_log_group_home_dirs);
++	if (ret == FALSE || innobase_mirrored_log_groups != 1) {
++	  fprintf(stderr, "syntax error in innodb_log_group_home_dir, or a "
++			  "wrong number of mirrored log groups");
++	  	free(internal_innobase_data_file_path);
++                goto error;
++	}
++	/* --------------------------------------------------*/
++	srv_file_flush_method_str = innobase_unix_file_flush_method;
++	srv_n_log_groups = (ulint) innobase_mirrored_log_groups;
++	srv_n_log_files = (ulint) innobase_log_files_in_group;
++	srv_log_file_size = (ulint) innobase_log_file_size;
++	srv_log_archive_on = (ulint) innobase_log_archive;
++#endif /* UNIV_LOG_ARCHIVE */
++	srv_log_buffer_size = (ulint) innobase_log_buffer_size;
++        /* We set srv_pool_size here in units of 1 kB. InnoDB internally
++        changes the value so that it becomes the number of database pages. */
++        if (innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb == 0) {
++                /* Careful here: we first convert the signed long int to ulint
++                and only after that divide */
++                srv_pool_size = ((ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size) / 1024;
++        } else {
++                srv_use_awe = TRUE;
++                srv_pool_size = (ulint)
++                                (1024 * innobase_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb);
++                srv_awe_window_size = (ulint) innobase_buffer_pool_size;
++                /* Note that what the user specified as
++                innodb_buffer_pool_size is actually the AWE memory window
++                size in this case, and the real buffer pool size is
++                determined by .._awe_mem_mb. */
++        }
++	srv_mem_pool_size = (ulint) innobase_additional_mem_pool_size;
++	srv_n_file_io_threads = (ulint) innobase_file_io_threads;
++	srv_lock_wait_timeout = (ulint) innobase_lock_wait_timeout;
++	srv_force_recovery = (ulint) innobase_force_recovery;
++	srv_use_doublewrite_buf = (ibool) innobase_use_doublewrite;
++	srv_use_checksums = (ibool) innobase_use_checksums;
++	srv_use_adaptive_hash_indexes = (ibool) innobase_adaptive_hash_index;
++	os_use_large_pages = (ibool) innobase_use_large_pages;
++	os_large_page_size = (ulint) innobase_large_page_size;
++	row_rollback_on_timeout = (ibool) innobase_rollback_on_timeout;
++	srv_file_per_table = (ibool) innobase_file_per_table;
++        srv_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = (ibool) innobase_locks_unsafe_for_binlog;
++	srv_max_n_open_files = (ulint) innobase_open_files;
++	srv_innodb_status = (ibool) innobase_create_status_file;
++	srv_print_verbose_log = 1;
++	/* Store the default charset-collation number of this MySQL
++	installation */
++	/* We cannot treat characterset here for now!! */
++	data_mysql_default_charset_coll = (ulint)default_charset_info->number;
++					my_charset_latin1.number);
++	ut_a(DATA_MYSQL_BINARY_CHARSET_COLL == my_charset_bin.number);
++	/* Store the latin1_swedish_ci character ordering table to InnoDB. For
++	non-latin1_swedish_ci charsets we use the MySQL comparison functions,
++	and consequently we do not need to know the ordering internally in
++	InnoDB. */
++	ut_a(0 == strcmp((char*)my_charset_latin1.name,
++						(char*)"latin1_swedish_ci"));
++	memcpy(srv_latin1_ordering, my_charset_latin1.sort_order, 256);
++	/* Since we in this module access directly the fields of a trx
++        struct, and due to different headers and flags it might happen that
++	mutex_t has a different size in this module and in InnoDB
++	modules, we check at run time that the size is the same in
++	these compilation modules. */
++	srv_sizeof_trx_t_in_ha_innodb_cc = sizeof(trx_t);
++	return(FALSE);
++	fprintf(stderr, "innodb_init_param(): Error occured.\n");
++	return(TRUE);
++	int	err;
++	err = innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql();
++	if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
++	  	free(internal_innobase_data_file_path);
++                goto error;
++	}
++	/* They may not be needed for now */
++//	(void) hash_init(&innobase_open_tables,system_charset_info, 32, 0, 0,
++//			 		(hash_get_key) innobase_get_key, 0, 0);
++//        pthread_mutex_init(&innobase_share_mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
++//        pthread_mutex_init(&prepare_commit_mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
++//        pthread_mutex_init(&commit_threads_m, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
++//        pthread_mutex_init(&commit_cond_m, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST);
++//        pthread_cond_init(&commit_cond, NULL);
++	innodb_inited= 1;
++	return(FALSE);
++	fprintf(stderr, "innodb_init(): Error occured.\n");
++	return(TRUE);
++	srv_fast_shutdown = (ulint) innobase_fast_shutdown;
++	innodb_inited = 0;
++	if (innobase_shutdown_for_mysql() != DB_SUCCESS) {
++		goto error;
++	}
++	free(internal_innobase_data_file_path);
++	/* They may not be needed for now */
++//	hash_free(&innobase_open_tables);
++//	pthread_mutex_destroy(&innobase_share_mutex);
++//	pthread_mutex_destroy(&prepare_commit_mutex);
++//	pthread_mutex_destroy(&commit_threads_m);
++//	pthread_mutex_destroy(&commit_cond_m);
++//	pthread_cond_destroy(&commit_cond);
++	return(FALSE);
++	fprintf(stderr, "innodb_end(): Error occured.\n");
++	return(TRUE);
++/* ================= backup ================= */
++/* TODO: We may tune the behavior (e.g. by fil_aio)*/
++#define COPY_CHUNK 64
++xtrabackup_copy_datafile(fil_node_t* node)
++	os_file_t	src_file = -1;
++	os_file_t	dst_file = -1;
++	char    dst_path[FN_REFLEN];
++	ibool		success;
++	byte*		page;
++	byte*		buf2 = NULL;
++	dulint		flush_lsn;
++	ulint		space_id;
++	ib_longlong	file_size;
++	ib_longlong	offset;
++	sprintf(dst_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, strstr(node->name, "/"));
++	/* open src_file*/
++	if (!node->open) {
++		src_file = os_file_create_simple_no_error_handling(
++						node->name, OS_FILE_OPEN,
++						OS_FILE_READ_ONLY, &success);
++		if (!success) {
++			/* The following call prints an error message */
++			os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
++			ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
++			fprintf(stderr,
++"  InnoDB: Fatal error: cannot open %s\n."
++"InnoDB: Have you deleted .ibd files under a running mysqld server?\n",
++				node->name);
++			exit(1);
++		}
++	} else {
++		src_file = node->handle;
++	}
++	/* open dst_file */
++	dst_file = os_file_create(dst_path, OS_FILE_OVERWRITE,
++					OS_FILE_AIO, OS_DATA_FILE, &success);
++                if (!success) {
++                        /* The following call prints an error message */
++                        os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
++                        ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
++                        fprintf(stderr,
++"  InnoDB: error: cannot open %s\n.",
++                                dst_path);
++                        exit(1);
++                }
++	/* copy : TODO: tune later */
++	printf("Copying %s \n     to %s\n", node->name, dst_path);
++	buf2 = ut_malloc((COPY_CHUNK + 1) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
++	page = ut_align(buf2, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
++	success = os_file_read(src_file, page, 0, 0, UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
++	if (!success) {
++		goto error;
++	}
++	flush_lsn = mach_read_from_8(page + FIL_PAGE_FILE_FLUSH_LSN);
++		/* check current flush lsn newer than checkpoint at start */
++//	if (ut_dulint_cmp(backup_start_checkpoint, flush_lsn) >= 0) {
++//		goto error;
++//	}
++	space_id = fsp_header_get_space_id(page);
++	file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file);
++	for (offset = 0; offset < file_size; offset += COPY_CHUNK * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
++		ulint chunk;
++		if (file_size - offset > COPY_CHUNK * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE) {
++		} else {
++			chunk = (ulint)(file_size - offset);
++		}
++		success = os_file_read(src_file, page,
++				(ulint)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL),
++				(ulint)(offset >> 32), chunk);
++		if (!success) {
++			goto error;
++		}
++		success = os_file_write(dst_path, dst_file, page,
++			(ulint)(offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL),
++			(ulint)(offset >> 32), chunk);
++		if (!success) {
++			goto error;
++		}
++	}
++	success = os_file_flush(dst_file);
++	if (!success) {
++		goto error;
++	}
++	/* check size again */
++	/* TODO: but is it needed ?? */
++	if (file_size < os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file)) {
++		offset -= COPY_CHUNK * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
++		file_size = os_file_get_size_as_iblonglong(src_file);
++		goto copy_loop;
++	}
++	/* TODO: How should we treat double_write_buffer here? */
++	/* (currently, don't care about...) */
++	/* close */
++	printf("        ...done\n");
++	os_file_close(src_file);
++	os_file_close(dst_file);
++	ut_free(buf2);
++	return(FALSE);
++	if (!src_file == -1)
++		os_file_close(src_file);
++	if (!dst_file == -1)
++		os_file_close(dst_file);
++	if (buf2)
++		ut_free(buf2);
++	fprintf(stderr, "Error: xtrabackup_copy_datafile() failed.");
++	return(TRUE); /*ERROR*/
++/* TODO: make this function background thread */
++xtrabackup_copy_logfile(dulint from_lsn)
++	char	path[FN_REFLEN];
++	char	*ptr1, *ptr2;
++        fil_system_t*   system = fil_system;
++        fil_space_t*    space;
++	fil_space_t*	last_src;
++        fil_node_t*     node;
++	/* definition from recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start() */
++	log_group_t*	group;
++	log_group_t*	max_cp_group;
++	log_group_t*	up_to_date_group;
++	ulint		max_cp_field;
++	dulint		checkpoint_lsn;
++	dulint		checkpoint_no;
++	dulint		old_scanned_lsn;
++	dulint		group_scanned_lsn;
++	dulint		contiguous_lsn;
++	dulint		archived_lsn;
++	ulint		capacity;
++	byte*		buf;
++	byte		log_hdr_buf[LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE];
++	ulint		err;
++	ibool		success;
++	ut_a(dst_log != -1);
++	/* read from checkpoint_lsn_start to current */
++	contiguous_lsn = ut_dulint_align_down(from_lsn,
++	/* TODO: We must check the contiguous_lsn still exists in log file.. */
++	group = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(log_sys->log_groups);
++	while (group) {
++		ibool	finished;
++		dulint	start_lsn;
++		dulint	end_lsn;
++		old_scanned_lsn = from_lsn;
++/*		recv_group_scan_log_recs(group, &contiguous_lsn,
++							&group_scanned_lsn);
++	finished = FALSE;
++	start_lsn = contiguous_lsn;
++	while (!finished) {			
++		end_lsn = ut_dulint_add(start_lsn, RECV_SCAN_SIZE);
++		log_group_read_log_seg(LOG_RECOVER, log_sys->buf,
++						group, start_lsn, end_lsn);
++		printf("log read from (%lu %lu) to (%lu %lu)\n",
++			start_lsn.high, start_lsn.low, end_lsn.high, end_lsn.low);
++//		finished = recv_scan_log_recs(TRUE,
++//                                (buf_pool->n_frames
++//                                - recv_n_pool_free_frames) * UNIV_PAGE_SIZE,
++//				TRUE, log_sys->buf,
++//				RECV_SCAN_SIZE, start_lsn,
++//				&contiguous_lsn, &group_scanned_lsn);
++		{
++	byte*	log_block;
++	ulint	no;
++	dulint	scanned_lsn;
++	ulint	data_len;
++	ibool	more_data;
++	ulint	scanned_checkpoint_no = 0;
++	finished = FALSE;
++	log_block = log_sys->buf;
++	scanned_lsn = start_lsn;
++	more_data = FALSE;
++	while (log_block < log_sys->buf + RECV_SCAN_SIZE && !finished) {
++		no = log_block_get_hdr_no(log_block);
++		if (no != log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn)
++		    || !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format(log_block)) {
++			if (no == log_block_convert_lsn_to_no(scanned_lsn)
++			    && !log_block_checksum_is_ok_or_old_format(
++								log_block)) {
++				fprintf(stderr,
++"InnoDB: Log block no %lu at lsn %lu %lu has\n"
++"InnoDB: ok header, but checksum field contains %lu, should be %lu\n",
++				(ulong) no,
++				(ulong) ut_dulint_get_high(scanned_lsn),
++				(ulong) ut_dulint_get_low(scanned_lsn),
++				(ulong) log_block_get_checksum(log_block),
++				(ulong) log_block_calc_checksum(log_block));
++			}
++			/* Garbage or an incompletely written log block */
++			finished = TRUE;
++			break;
++		}
++		if (log_block_get_flush_bit(log_block)) {
++			/* This block was a start of a log flush operation:
++			we know that the previous flush operation must have
++			been completed for all log groups before this block
++			can have been flushed to any of the groups. Therefore,
++			we know that log data is contiguous up to scanned_lsn
++			in all non-corrupt log groups. */
++			if (ut_dulint_cmp(scanned_lsn, contiguous_lsn) > 0) {
++				contiguous_lsn = scanned_lsn;
++			}
++		}
++		data_len = log_block_get_data_len(log_block);
++		if (
++		    (scanned_checkpoint_no > 0)
++		    && (log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block)
++		       < scanned_checkpoint_no)
++		    && (scanned_checkpoint_no
++			- log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block)
++			> 0x80000000UL)) {
++			/* Garbage from a log buffer flush which was made
++			before the most recent database recovery */
++			finished = TRUE;
++			break;
++		}		    
++		scanned_lsn = ut_dulint_add(scanned_lsn, data_len);
++		scanned_checkpoint_no = log_block_get_checkpoint_no(log_block);
++		if (data_len < OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) {
++			/* Log data for this group ends here */
++			finished = TRUE;
++		} else {
++			log_block += OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE;
++		}
++	} /* while (log_block < log_sys->buf + RECV_SCAN_SIZE && !finished) */
++	group_scanned_lsn = scanned_lsn;
++		}
++		/* ===== write log to 'xtrabackup_logfile' ====== */
++		{
++		ulint write_size;
++		if (!finished) {
++			write_size = RECV_SCAN_SIZE;
++		} else {
++			write_size = ut_dulint_minus(
++					ut_dulint_align_up(group_scanned_lsn, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE),
++					start_lsn);
++		}
++		printf("Wrinting offset= %lld, size= %lu\n", log_copy_offset, write_size);
++		success = os_file_write(dst_log_path, dst_log, log_sys->buf,
++				(ulint)(log_copy_offset & 0xFFFFFFFFUL),
++				(ulint)(log_copy_offset >> 32), write_size);
++		log_copy_offset += write_size;
++		if (finished) {
++			/* if continue, it will start from align_down(group_scanned_lsn) */
++			log_copy_offset -= OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE;
++		}
++		if(!success) {
++			fprintf(stderr, "Error: os_file_write to %s\n", dst_log_path);
++			goto error;
++		}
++		}
++		start_lsn = end_lsn;
++	}
++		group->scanned_lsn = group_scanned_lsn;
++		if (ut_dulint_cmp(old_scanned_lsn, group_scanned_lsn) < 0) {
++			/* We found a more up-to-date group */
++			up_to_date_group = group;
++		}
++		printf("scanned_lsn (%lu %lu)\n",group->scanned_lsn.high,group->scanned_lsn.low);
++		group = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(log_groups, group);
++		/* update global variable*/
++		log_copy_scanned_lsn = group_scanned_lsn;
++		/* innodb_mirrored_log_groups must be 1, no other groups */
++		ut_a(group == NULL);
++	}
++	success = os_file_flush(dst_log);
++	if(!success) {
++		goto error;
++	}
++	/* close it later (end of the thread) */
++	//os_file_close(dst_log);
++	return(FALSE);
++	os_file_close(dst_log);
++	return(TRUE);
++/* copying logfile in background */
++#ifndef __WIN__
++	void*	arg)
++	log_copying_running = TRUE;
++	while(log_copying) {
++		if(xtrabackup_copy_logfile(log_copy_scanned_lsn))
++			goto end;
++	}
++	log_copying_succeed = TRUE;
++	log_copying_running = FALSE;
++	os_thread_exit(NULL);
++I/o-handler thread function. */
++#ifndef __WIN__
++	void*	arg)
++	ulint	segment;
++	ulint	i;
++	segment = *((ulint*)arg);
++	fprintf(stderr, "Io handler thread %lu starts, id %lu\n", segment,
++			os_thread_pf(os_thread_get_curr_id()));
++	for (i = 0;; i++) {
++		fil_aio_wait(segment);
++	}
++	/* We count the number of threads in os_thread_exit(). A created
++	thread should always use that to exit and not use return() to exit.
++	The thread actually never comes here because it is exited in an
++	os_event_wait(). */
++	os_thread_exit(NULL);
++#ifndef __WIN__
++	return(NULL);				/* Not reached */
++	return(0);
++/* CAUTION: Don't rename file_per_table during backup */
++	MY_STAT stat_info;
++	/* cd to datadir */
++	if (my_setwd(mysql_real_data_home,MYF(MY_WME)))
++	{
++		fprintf(stderr, "cannot my_setwd %s\n", mysql_real_data_home);
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	mysql_data_home= mysql_data_home_buff;
++	mysql_data_home[0]=FN_CURLIB;		// all paths are relative from here
++	mysql_data_home[1]=0;
++	/* initialize components */
++        if(innodb_init_param())
++                exit(1);
++        if (srv_pool_size >= 1000 * 1024) {
++                                  /* Here we still have srv_pool_size counted
++                                  in kilobytes (in 4.0 this was in bytes)
++				  srv_boot() converts the value to
++                                  pages; if buffer pool is less than 1000 MB,
++                                  assume fewer threads. */
++                srv_max_n_threads = 50000;
++        } else if (srv_pool_size >= 8 * 1024) {
++                srv_max_n_threads = 10000;
++        } else {
++		srv_max_n_threads = 1000;       /* saves several MB of memory,
++                                                especially in 64-bit
++                                                computers */
++        }
++	{
++	ulint	n;
++	ulint	i;
++	n = srv_n_data_files;
++	for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
++		srv_data_file_sizes[i] = srv_data_file_sizes[i]
++					* ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
++	}		
++	srv_last_file_size_max = srv_last_file_size_max
++					* ((1024 * 1024) / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
++	srv_log_file_size = srv_log_file_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
++	srv_log_buffer_size = srv_log_buffer_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
++	srv_pool_size = srv_pool_size / (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE / 1024);
++	srv_awe_window_size = srv_awe_window_size / UNIV_PAGE_SIZE;
++	if (srv_use_awe) {
++	        /* If we are using AWE we must save memory in the 32-bit
++		address space of the process, and cannot bind the lock
++		table size to the real buffer pool size. */
++	        srv_lock_table_size = 20 * srv_awe_window_size;
++	} else {
++	        srv_lock_table_size = 5 * srv_pool_size;
++	}
++	}
++	srv_general_init();
++	{
++	buf_pool_t*	ret;
++	ibool	create_new_db;
++	ibool	log_file_created;
++	ibool	log_created	= FALSE;
++	ibool	log_opened	= FALSE;
++	dulint	min_flushed_lsn;
++	dulint	max_flushed_lsn;
++	ulint   sum_of_new_sizes;
++	ulint	sum_of_data_file_sizes;
++	ulint	tablespace_size_in_header;
++	ulint	err;
++	ulint	i;
++	ibool	srv_file_per_table_original_value  = srv_file_per_table;
++	mtr_t   mtr;
++                os_aio_init(8 * SRV_N_PENDING_IOS_PER_THREAD
++                            * srv_n_file_io_threads,
++                            srv_n_file_io_threads,
++                            SRV_MAX_N_PENDING_SYNC_IOS);
++	fil_init(srv_max_n_open_files);
++	fsp_init();
++	log_init();
++	lock_sys_create(srv_lock_table_size);
++	for (i = 0; i < srv_n_file_io_threads; i++) {
++		n[i] = i;
++		os_thread_create(io_handler_thread, n + i, thread_ids + i);
++    	}
++	err = open_or_create_data_files(&create_new_db,
++					&min_flushed_lsn, &max_flushed_lsn,
++					&sum_of_new_sizes);
++	if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
++	        fprintf(stderr,
++"InnoDB: Could not open or create data files.\n"
++"InnoDB: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here,\n"
++"InnoDB: you should now edit innodb_data_file_path in my.cnf back\n"
++"InnoDB: to what it was, and remove the new ibdata files InnoDB created\n"
++"InnoDB: in this failed attempt. InnoDB only wrote those files full of\n"
++"InnoDB: zeros, but did not yet use them in any way. But be careful: do not\n"
++"InnoDB: remove old data files which contain your precious data!\n");
++		//return((int) err);
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	/* create_new_db must not be TRUE.. */
++	if (create_new_db) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Something wrong with source files...\n");
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	for (i = 0; i < srv_n_log_files; i++) {
++		err = open_or_create_log_file(create_new_db, &log_file_created,
++							     log_opened, 0, i);
++		if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
++			//return((int) err);
++			exit(1);
++		}
++		if (log_file_created) {
++			log_created = TRUE;
++		} else {
++			log_opened = TRUE;
++		}
++		if ((log_opened && create_new_db)
++			    		|| (log_opened && log_created)) {
++			fprintf(stderr, 
++	"InnoDB: Error: all log files must be created at the same time.\n"
++	"InnoDB: All log files must be created also in database creation.\n"
++	"InnoDB: If you want bigger or smaller log files, shut down the\n"
++	"InnoDB: database and make sure there were no errors in shutdown.\n"
++	"InnoDB: Then delete the existing log files. Edit the .cnf file\n"
++	"InnoDB: and start the database again.\n");
++			//return(DB_ERROR);
++			exit(1);
++		}
++	}
++	/* log_file_created must not be TRUE, if online */
++	if (log_file_created) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Something wrong with source files...\n");
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	fil_load_single_table_tablespaces();
++	}
++	/* create target dir if not exist */
++	if (!my_stat(xtrabackup_target_dir,&stat_info,MYF(0))
++		&& (my_mkdir(xtrabackup_target_dir,0777,MYF(0)) < 0)){
++		fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot mkdir %d: %s\n",my_errno,xtrabackup_target_dir);
++		exit(1);
++	}
++        {
++	char	path[FN_REFLEN];
++	char	*ptr1, *ptr2;
++        fil_system_t*   system = fil_system;
++        fil_space_t*    space;
++	fil_space_t*	last_src;
++        fil_node_t*     node;
++	/* definition from recv_recovery_from_checkpoint_start() */
++	log_group_t*	group;
++	log_group_t*	max_cp_group;
++	log_group_t*	up_to_date_group;
++	ulint		max_cp_field;
++	dulint		checkpoint_lsn;
++	dulint		checkpoint_no;
++	dulint		old_scanned_lsn;
++	dulint		group_scanned_lsn;
++	dulint		contiguous_lsn;
++	dulint		archived_lsn;
++	ulint		capacity;
++	byte*		buf;
++	byte		log_hdr_buf_[LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE + OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE];
++	byte*		log_hdr_buf;
++	ulint		err;
++	ibool		success;
++	log_hdr_buf = ut_align(log_hdr_buf_, OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE);
++	/* log space */
++	space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list));
++	printf("space: name=%s, id=%d, purpose=%d, size=%d\n",
++		space->name, space->id, space->purpose, space->size);
++	/* get current checkpoint_lsn */
++	/* Look for the latest checkpoint from any of the log groups */
++	err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_group, &max_cp_field);
++	if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	log_group_read_checkpoint_info(max_cp_group, max_cp_field);
++	buf = log_sys->checkpoint_buf;
++	checkpoint_lsn_start = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN);
++	checkpoint_no_start = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO);
++	fil_io(OS_FILE_READ | OS_FILE_LOG, TRUE, max_cp_group->space_id,
++				0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE,
++				log_hdr_buf, max_cp_group);
++	/* check consistency of log file header to copy */
++        err = recv_find_max_checkpoint(&max_cp_group, &max_cp_field);
++        if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
++                exit(1);
++        }
++        log_group_read_checkpoint_info(max_cp_group, max_cp_field);
++        buf = log_sys->checkpoint_buf;
++	if(ut_dulint_cmp(checkpoint_no_start,
++			mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO)) != 0) {
++		checkpoint_lsn_start = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_LSN);
++		checkpoint_no_start = mach_read_from_8(buf + LOG_CHECKPOINT_NO);
++		goto reread_log_header;
++	}
++	/* open 'xtrabackup_logfile' */
++	sprintf(dst_log_path, "%s%s", xtrabackup_target_dir, "/xtrabackup_logfile");
++	dst_log = os_file_create(dst_log_path, OS_FILE_OVERWRITE,
++					OS_FILE_AIO, OS_LOG_FILE, &success);
++                if (!success) {
++                        /* The following call prints an error message */
++                        os_file_get_last_error(TRUE);
++                        ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
++                        fprintf(stderr,
++"  InnoDB: error: cannot open %s\n.",
++                                dst_log_path);
++                        exit(1);
++                }
++	success = os_file_write(dst_log_path, dst_log, log_hdr_buf,
++			0, 0, LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE);
++	log_copy_offset += LOG_FILE_HDR_SIZE;
++	if (!success) {
++		if (!dst_log == -1)
++			os_file_close(dst_log);
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	/* copy log file by current position */
++	if(xtrabackup_copy_logfile(checkpoint_lsn_start))
++		exit(1);
++	/* start back ground thread to copy newer log */
++	os_thread_id_t log_copying_thread_id;
++	log_copying = TRUE;
++	os_thread_create(log_copying_thread, NULL, &log_copying_thread_id);
++        //mutex_enter(&(system->mutex)); /* NOTE: It may not needed at "--backup" for now */
++        space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
++	last_src = UT_LIST_GET_LAST(system->space_list);
++        while (space != NULL) {
++		if (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) { /* datafile only */
++                //printf("space: name=%s, id=%d, purpose=%d, size=%d\n",
++                //        space->name, space->id, space->purpose, space->size);
++		/* mkdir if not exist */
++		ptr1 = strstr(space->name, "/");
++		ptr2 = strstr(ptr1 + 1, "/");
++		if(ptr2) {
++			/* single table space */
++			*ptr2 = 0; /* temporary (it's my lazy..)*/
++			sprintf(path, "%s%s",xtrabackup_target_dir,ptr1);
++			*ptr2 = '/';
++			if (!my_stat(path,&stat_info,MYF(0))
++				&& (my_mkdir(path,0777,MYF(0)) < 0)){
++				fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot mkdir %d: %s\n",my_errno,path);
++				exit(1);
++			}
++		}
++		node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
++                while (node != NULL) {
++                        //printf("  node: name=%s, open=%d, size=%d\n",
++                        //       node->name, node->open, node->size);
++			/* copy the datafile */
++			if(xtrabackup_copy_datafile(node))
++				exit(1);
++                        node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
++                }
++		}
++		if (space == last_src)
++			break;
++                space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
++        }
++        //mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
++        }
++	/* stop log_copying_thread */
++	log_copying = FALSE;
++	printf("Stopping log copying thread");
++	while (log_copying_running) {
++		printf(".");
++		sleep(1);
++	}
++	printf("\n");
++	if (!log_copying_succeed) {
++		fprintf(stderr, "Error: log_copying_thread failed.");
++		exit(1);
++	}
++        os_file_close(dst_log);
++        printf("Transaction log of lsn (%lu %lu) to (%lu %lu) was copied.\n",
++                checkpoint_lsn_start.high, checkpoint_lsn_start.low,
++                log_copy_scanned_lsn.high, log_copy_scanned_lsn.low);
++/* ================= prepare ================= */
++	/* cd to target-dir */
++	if (my_setwd(xtrabackup_real_target_dir,MYF(MY_WME)))
++	{
++		fprintf(stderr, "cannot my_setwd %s\n", xtrabackup_real_target_dir);
++		exit(1);
++	}
++	xtrabackup_target_dir= mysql_data_home_buff;
++	xtrabackup_target_dir[0]=FN_CURLIB;		// all paths are relative from here
++	xtrabackup_target_dir[1]=0;
++	/* TODO: Create logfiles for recovery from 'xtrabackup_logfile', before start InnoDB */
++	/* check the accessibility of target-dir */
++	/* ############# TODO ##################### */
++	if(innodb_init_param())
++		exit(1);
++	if(innodb_init())
++		exit(1);
++	printf("Hello InnoDB world!\n");
++	/* TEST: innodb status*/
++	ulint	trx_list_start = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
++	ulint	trx_list_end = ULINT_UNDEFINED;
++	srv_printf_innodb_monitor(stdout, &trx_list_start, &trx_list_end);
++	/* TEST: list of datafiles and transaction log files and LSN*/
++	/* ############# TODO ##################### */
++	{
++	fil_system_t*   system = fil_system;
++	fil_space_t*	space;
++	fil_node_t*	node;
++        mutex_enter(&(system->mutex));
++        space = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(system->space_list);
++        while (space != NULL) {
++		/* print info about space */
++		printf("space: name=%s, id=%d, purpose=%d, size=%d\n",
++			space->name, space->id, space->purpose, space->size);
++                node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
++                while (node != NULL) {
++			/* print info about nodes */
++			printf("node: name=%s, open=%d, size=%d\n",
++				node->name, node->open, node->size);
++                        node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
++                }
++                space = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(space_list, space);
++        }
++        mutex_exit(&(system->mutex));
++	}
++	if(innodb_end())
++		exit(1);
++	printf("################################################\n");
++	printf("Attention: --prepare is not implemented yet!!!!!\n");
++	printf("################################################\n");
++/* ================= main =================== */
++int main(int argc, char **argv)
++	int ho_error;
++	MY_INIT(argv[0]);
++	load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,&argc,&argv);
++	/* ignore unsupported options */
++	{
++	int i,j,argc_new,find;
++	char *optend, *prev_found;
++	argc_new = argc;
++	j=1;
++	for (i=1 ; i < argc ; i++) {
++		optend= strcend((argv)[i], '=');
++		uint count;
++		struct my_option *opt= (struct my_option *) my_long_options;
++		for (count= 0; opt->name; opt++) {
++			if (!getopt_compare_strings(opt->name, (argv)[i] + 2,
++				(uint)(optend - (argv)[i] - 2))) /* match found */
++			{
++				if (!opt->name[(uint)(optend - (argv)[i] - 2)]) {
++					find = 1;
++					goto next_opt;
++				}
++				if (!count) {
++					count= 1;
++					prev_found= (char *) opt->name;
++				}
++				else if (strcmp(prev_found, opt->name)) {
++					count++;
++				}
++			}
++		}
++		find = count;
++		if(!find){
++			argc_new--;
++		} else {
++			(argv)[j]=(argv)[i];
++			j++;
++		}
++	}
++	argc = argc_new;
++	}
++	if ((ho_error=handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, get_one_option)))
++		exit(ho_error);
++	/* cannot execute both for now */
++	if (xtrabackup_backup == xtrabackup_prepare) { /* !XOR (for now) */
++		usage();
++		exit(-1);
++	}
++	/* --backup */
++	if (xtrabackup_backup)
++		xtrabackup_backup_func();
++	/* --prepare */
++	if (xtrabackup_prepare)
++		xtrabackup_prepare_func();
++	exit(0);

---- gitweb:


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