[packages/transmission] - updated to 2.92 - removed obsoleted patches - updated source URL

kiesiu kiesiu at pld-linux.org
Mon Mar 28 15:21:23 CEST 2016

commit 07b38397b771e2105887b61139d77ade116969a4
Author: Łukasz Kieś <kiesiu at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 28 15:20:17 2016 +0200

    - updated to 2.92
    - removed obsoleted patches
    - updated source URL

 transmission-preallocate_syscall.patch | 47 ----------------------------------
 transmission-qtr_details.patch         | 19 --------------
 transmission.spec                      | 24 ++++++++---------
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/transmission.spec b/transmission.spec
index 71ae8b7..ef0a143 100644
--- a/transmission.spec
+++ b/transmission.spec
@@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
 # Conditional build:
-%bcond_with verchange     # changes client version identifiaction to 2.42
+%bcond_with verchange     # changes client version identification to 2.42
 Summary:	A versatile and multi-platform BitTorrent client
 Summary(hu.UTF-8):	Egy sokoldalú és multiplatformos BitTorrent kliens
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Wszechstronny i wieloplatformowy klient BitTorrenta
 Name:		transmission
-Version:	2.84
+Version:	2.92
 Release:	1
 License:	MIT
 Group:		Applications/Communications
-Source0:	http://download.m0k.org/transmission/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5:	411aec1c418c14f6765710d89743ae42
+Source0:	https://download.transmissionbt.com/files/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5:	3fce404a436e3cd7fde80fb6ed61c264
 Source1:	%{name}.sysconfig
 Source2:	%{name}.init
 Patch0:		%{name}-ckb_po.patch
-Patch1:		%{name}-qtr_details.patch
-Patch2:		%{name}-cflags.patch
-Patch3:		%{name}-preallocate_syscall.patch
-Patch4:		%{name}-version.patch
+Patch1:		%{name}-cflags.patch
+Patch2:		%{name}-version.patch
 URL:		http://transmissionbt.com/
 BuildRequires:	Qt5Core-devel
 BuildRequires:	Qt5DBus-devel
@@ -38,7 +36,7 @@ BuildRequires:	libnotify-devel >= 0.4.4
 BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel
 BuildRequires:	libtool
 BuildRequires:	lsb-release
-BuildRequires:	openssl-devel >= 0.9.4
+BuildRequires:	openssl-devel >= 0.9.7
 BuildRequires:	pkgconfig
 BuildRequires:	qt5-build
 BuildRequires:	qt5-qmake
@@ -50,6 +48,7 @@ BuildRequires:	util-linux
 BuildRequires:	which
 BuildRequires:	xfsprogs-devel
 BuildRequires:	xz
+BuildRequires:	zlib-devel >= 1.2.3
 Obsoletes:	Transmission <= 1.05
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -130,10 +129,8 @@ A GUI to Transmission based on Qt5.
 mv %{name}-%{version}/* .
 %patch0 -p1
 %patch1 -p1
-%patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
 %if %{with verchange}
-%patch4 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
@@ -147,7 +144,8 @@ mv %{name}-%{version}/* .
 %configure \
 	--with-gtk \
-	--disable-silent-rules
+	--disable-silent-rules \
+	--enable-cli
 cd qt
diff --git a/transmission-preallocate_syscall.patch b/transmission-preallocate_syscall.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a5363..0000000
--- a/transmission-preallocate_syscall.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur transmission-2.30b1.orig/configure.ac transmission-2.30b1/configure.ac
---- transmission-2.30b1.orig/configure.ac	2011-04-01 03:28:41.000000000 +0200
-+++ transmission-2.30b1/configure.ac	2011-04-08 14:31:31.233502737 +0200
-@@ -108,6 +108,14 @@
-+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for SYS_fallocate])
-+AC_TRY_LINK([#include <sys/syscall.h>
-+#include <sys/types.h>],
-+       [return syscall(SYS_fallocate, 0, 0, (loff_t) 0, (loff_t) 0);],
-+       [AC_DEFINE([HAVE_SYS_FALLOCATE],[1],[Defined if you have the SYS_fallocate syscall number])
-+       AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])],
-+       [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])])
- AC_CHECK_HEADERS([stdbool.h])
- AC_CHECK_FUNCS([iconv_open pread pwrite lrintf strlcpy daemon dirname basename strcasecmp localtime_r fallocate64 posix_fallocate memmem strsep strtold syslog valloc getpagesize posix_memalign statvfs htonll ntohll])
-diff -ur transmission-2.30b1.orig/libtransmission/fdlimit.c transmission-2.30b1/libtransmission/fdlimit.c
---- transmission-2.30b1.orig/libtransmission/fdlimit.c	2011-04-01 03:28:34.000000000 +0200
-+++ transmission-2.30b1/libtransmission/fdlimit.c	2011-04-08 14:34:14.120502738 +0200
-@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
-  #include <fcntl.h>
- #endif
-+ #include <sys/syscall.h>
-   /* FIXME can't find the right #include voodoo to pick up the declaration.. */
-   extern int fallocate64( int fd, int mode, uint64_t offset, uint64_t len );
-@@ -150,6 +154,14 @@
-             success = !fcntl( fd, F_PREALLOCATE, &fst );
-         }
- # endif
-+       if( !success )
-+       {
-+           success = !syscall( SYS_fallocate, fd, 0, (loff_t) 0, (loff_t) length );
-+       }
-+# endif
-         if( !success )
-         {
diff --git a/transmission-qtr_details.patch b/transmission-qtr_details.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index e3703b5..0000000
--- a/transmission-qtr_details.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
---- a/qt/details.cc
-+++ b/qt/details.cc
-@@ -165,6 +165,7 @@
-   t->addTab (w = createOptionsTab (),   tr ("Options"));
-   myWidgets << w;
-   layout->addWidget (t);
-+  resize(640, height());
-   QDialogButtonBox * buttons = new QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::Close, Qt::Horizontal, this);
-   connect (buttons, SIGNAL (rejected ()), this, SLOT(close ()));
-@@ -1277,7 +1278,7 @@
-   v->addWidget (myPeerTree, 1);
-   const QFontMetrics m (font ());
--  QSize size = m.size (0, "1024 MiB/s");
-+  QSize size = m.size (0, " 1024,0 MiB/s");
-   myPeerTree->setColumnWidth (COL_UP, size.width ());
-   myPeerTree->setColumnWidth (COL_DOWN, size.width ());
-   size = m.size (0, " 100% ");

---- gitweb:


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