[packages/adapter: 66/631] - rewritten group translation - now it works in all packages separately, adds all translations fro

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Sep 12 19:39:59 CEST 2016

commit 8e5358f861542d8f643a155b3743e893ea97e0b7
Author: Sebastian Zagrodzki <sebek at zagrodzki.net>
Date:   Sun Jul 30 13:39:35 2000 +0000

    - rewritten group translation - now it works in all packages separately,
      adds all translations from groups file and checks if group name is valid
    Changed files:
        adapter.awk -> 1.66

 adapter.awk | 86 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/adapter.awk b/adapter.awk
index 2aec935..41c7afd 100644
--- a/adapter.awk
+++ b/adapter.awk
@@ -256,24 +256,61 @@ preamble == 1 {
 	sub(/[ \t]*:/, ":")
 	field = tolower($1)
+	if (Byla_grupa == 1 && field !~ /group(\(..\))?:/) {
+		Byla_grupa = 0
+		print "Group:\t\t" Grupa["en"]
+		if (Grupa["en"] ~ /^X11/ && x11 == 0)	# Is it X11 application?
+		       x11 = 1
+		byl_plik_z_grupami = 0
+		byl_opis_grupy = 0
+		while ((getline linia_grup < groups_file) > 0) {
+			byl_plik_z_grupami = 1
+			if (linia_grup == Grupa["en"]) {
+				byl_opis_grupy = 1
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if (!byl_plik_z_grupami)
+			print "######\t\t" groups_file ": no such file"
+		else if (!byl_opis_grupy)
+			print "######\t\t" "Unknown group!"
+		else
+			while (getline linia_grup < groups_file) {
+				if (linia_grup == "")
+					break
+				split(linia_grup, g, /[\[\]:]/)
+				sub(/^[ \t]*/,"",g[4])
+				Grupa[g[2]]=g[4]
+			}
+		close(groups_file)
+		delete Grupa["en"]
+		for (jezyk in Grupa) {
+			print "Group(" jezyk "):\t" Grupa[jezyk]
+			delete Grupa[jezyk]
+		}
+	}
 	if (field ~ /packager:|distribution:|docdir:|prefix:/)
 	if (field ~ /buildroot:/)
 		$0 = $1 "%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)"
-	if (field ~ /group:/) {
+	if (field ~ /group(\(..\))?:/) {
-		print $0
-		sub($1 "[ \t]*","")
-		translate_group($0)
-		close(groups_file)
+		if (!match(field,/\(..\):/))
+			glang="en"
+		else
+			glang=substr(field,RSTART+1,2)
+		Grupa[glang] = $2
+		Byla_grupa = 1
-		if ($0 ~ /^X11/ && x11 == 0)	# Is it X11 application?
-		       x11 = 1
 		next	# Line is already formatted and printed
@@ -388,39 +425,6 @@ function is_there_line(line, l)
 		return 0
-# This function prints translated names of groups.
-function translate_group(group)
-	for(;;) {
-		result = getline line < groups_file
-		if (result == -1) {
-			print "######\t\t" groups_file ": no such file"
-			return
-		}
-		if (result == 0) {
-			print "######\t\t" "Unknown group!"
-			return
-		}
-		if (line == group) {
-			found = 1
-			continue
-		}
-		if (found == 1)
-			if (line ~ /\[[a-z][a-z]\]:/) {
-				split(line, g, /\[|\]|\:/)
-				if (!is_there_line("^Group(" g[2] "):"))
-						printf("Group(%s):%s\n", g[2], g[4])
-			} else {
-				found = 0
-				return
-			}
-	}
 # There should be one or two tabs after the colon.
 function format_preamble()

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