[packages/lighttpd] up to 1.4.43

glen glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Oct 31 20:26:15 CET 2016

commit b920761c113d3f6a69f93cc77ddbc8f4137adece
Author: Elan Ruusamäe <glen at delfi.ee>
Date:   Mon Oct 31 18:44:19 2016 +0200

    up to 1.4.43
    - [autobuild] remove mod_authn_gssapi dep on resolv
    - [mod_deflate] ignore '*' in deflate.mimetypes
    - [autobuild] omit module stubs when missing deps
    - [TLS] openssl 1.1.0 hides struct bignum_st
    - [autobuild] move http_cgi_ssl_env() for Mac OS X (fixes #2757)
    - [core] use paccept() on NetBSD (replace accept4())
    - [TLS] remote IP conditions are valid for TLS SNI (fixes #2272)
    - [doc] lighttpd-angel.8 (fixes #2254)
    - [cmake] build fcgi-auth, fcgi-responder for tests
    - [mod_accesslog] %{ratio}n logs compression ratio (fixes #2133)
    - [mod_deflate] skip deflate if loadavg too high (fixes #1505)
    - [mod_expire] expire by mimetype (fixes #423)
    - [mod_evhost] partial matching patterns (fixes #1194)
    - build: use CC_FOR_BUILD for lemon when cross-compiling
    - [mod_dirlisting] config header and readme files
    - [config] warn if mod_authn_ldap,mysql not listed
    - fix FastCGI, SCGI, proxy reconnect on failure
    - [core] network_open_file_chunk() temp file opt
    - [mod_rewrite] add more info in error log msg
    - [core] fix fd leak when using libev (fixes #2761)
    - [core] fix potential streaming tempfile corruption (fixes #2760)
    - [mod_scgi] fix prefix matching to always match url
    - [autobuild] adjust Makefile.am for FreeBSD

 lighttpd.spec | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lighttpd.spec b/lighttpd.spec
index 45ce128..b587eb4 100644
--- a/lighttpd.spec
+++ b/lighttpd.spec
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@
 Summary:	Fast and light HTTP server
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Szybki i lekki serwer HTTP
 Name:		lighttpd
-Version:	1.4.42
+Version:	1.4.43
 Release:	0.4
 License:	BSD
 Group:		Networking/Daemons/HTTP
 Source0:	http://download.lighttpd.net/lighttpd/releases-1.4.x/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5:	53c55d7e1dac7adec161cd5490491f6d
+# Source0-md5:	95eda531c27b161ef8fa2b9bf4948caf
 Source1:	%{name}.init
 Source2:	%{name}.conf
 Source3:	%{name}.user

---- gitweb:


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