[packages/python-setuptools] - updated to 34.3.3 - removed obsolete missing patch

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Sat Apr 8 22:42:46 CEST 2017

commit 6502ae9a4d451f5bf9435d0c7370ca1188152d46
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 8 22:42:49 2017 +0200

    - updated to 34.3.3
    - removed obsolete missing patch

 python-setuptools-missing.patch | 2545 ---------------------------------------
 python-setuptools.spec          |   61 +-
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 2574 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python-setuptools.spec b/python-setuptools.spec
index 4ec5929..c42f18a 100644
--- a/python-setuptools.spec
+++ b/python-setuptools.spec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Conditional build:
 %bcond_without	apidocs		# Sphinx based documentation
-%bcond_with	tests		# "test" action (fails, pytest-runner doesn't support build-base)
+%bcond_with	tests		# py.test tests (few failures)
 %bcond_without	python2		# CPython 2.x module
 %bcond_without	python3		# CPython 3.x module
 %bcond_without	python3_default	# Use Python 3.x for easy_install executable
@@ -14,45 +14,47 @@
 Summary:	A collection of enhancements to the Python distutils
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Zestaw rozszerzeń dla pythonowych distutils
 Name:		python-setuptools
-Version:	21.0.0
-Release:	3
+Version:	34.3.3
+Release:	1
 Epoch:		1
 License:	PSF or ZPL
 Group:		Development/Languages/Python
 #Source0Download: https://pypi.python.org/simple/setuptools/
-Source0:	https://pypi.python.org/packages/ff/d4/209f4939c49e31f5524fa0027bf1c8ec3107abaf7c61fdaad704a648c281/setuptools-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	81964fdb89534118707742e6d1a1ddb4
-Patch0:		%{name}-missing.patch
+Source0:	https://pypi.python.org/packages/d5/b7/e52b7dccd3f91eec858309dcd931c1387bf70b6d458c86a9bfcb50134fbd/setuptools-%{version}.zip
+# Source0-md5:	696941b10b15f0717be957a4d6cfc12e
 URL:		https://github.com/pypa/setuptools
-%if %(locale -a | grep -q '^en_US.UTF-8$'; echo $?)
+%if %(locale -a | grep -q '^C.UTF-8$'; echo $?)
 BuildRequires:	glibc-localedb-all
 %if %{with python2}
 BuildRequires:	python-modules >= 1:2.6
 BuildConflicts:	python-distribute < 0.7
 %if %{with tests}
-BuildRequires:	python-mock
-BuildRequires:	python-pytest >= 2.8
-BuildRequires:	python-pytest-runner
+BuildRequires:	python-appdirs >= 1.4.0
+BuildRequires:	python-backports.unittest_mock >= 1.2
+BuildRequires:	python-packaging >= 16.8
+BuildRequires:	python-pytest >= 3.0.2
+BuildRequires:	python-pytest-flake8
+BuildRequires:	python-six >= 1.6.0
 %if %{with python3}
-BuildRequires:	python3-modules >= 1:3.2
+BuildRequires:	python3-modules >= 1:3.3
 BuildConflicts:	python3-distribute < 0.7
 %if %{with tests}
-%if "%{py3_ver}" < "3.3"
-BuildRequires:	python3-mock
-BuildRequires:	python3-pytest >= 2.8
-BuildRequires:	python3-pytest-runner
+BuildRequires:	python3-appdirs >= 1.4.0
+BuildRequires:	python3-packaging >= 16.8
+BuildRequires:	python3-pytest >= 3.0.2
+BuildRequires:	python3-pytest-flake8
+BuildRequires:	python3-six >= 1.6.0
 %if %{with apidocs}
-BuildRequires:	python3-rst.linker >= 1.4
-BuildRequires:	sphinx-pdg-3
+BuildRequires:	python3-rst.linker >= 1.6.1
+BuildRequires:	sphinx-pdg-3 >= 1.4
 BuildRequires:	rpm-pythonprov
-BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.710
+BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.714
 Requires:	python-modules >= 1:2.6
 Obsoletes:	python-distribute < 0.7
 Obsoletes:	python-setuptools-devel
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@ Pythona 2.x.
 Summary:	A collection of enhancements to the Python distutils
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Zestaw rozszerzeń dla pythonowych distutils
 Group:		Libraries/Python
-Requires:	python3-modules >= 1:3.2
+Requires:	python3-modules >= 1:3.3
 Obsoletes:	python3-distribute < 0.7
 %description -n python3-%{module}
@@ -120,23 +122,24 @@ Dokumentacja API %{module}.
 %setup -q -n %{module}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
 %if %{with python2}
-LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \
-%py_build %{?with_tests:test}
+%{?with_tests:%{__python} -m pytest pkg_resources/tests setuptools/tests tests}
 %if %{with python3}
-LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 \
-%py3_build %{?with_tests:test}
+%{?with_tests:%{__python3} -m pytest pkg_resources/tests setuptools/tests tests}
 %if %{with apidocs}
-#%{__make} -C docs html SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build-3
-# rst.linker needs sphinx-build to be run from directory containing "CHANGES.txt"
-sphinx-build-3 -b html -d build/doctrees -D latex_paper_size=a4 docs build/html
+%{__make} -C docs html SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build-3
@@ -192,5 +195,5 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %if %{with apidocs}
 %files apidocs
-%doc build/html/*
+%doc docs/build/html/{_static,*.html,*.js}
diff --git a/python-setuptools-missing.patch b/python-setuptools-missing.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7352e45..0000000
--- a/python-setuptools-missing.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2545 +0,0 @@
---- setuptools-21.0.0/CHANGES.rst.orig	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ setuptools-21.0.0/CHANGES.rst	2016-05-13 18:09:14.880109515 +0200
-@@ -0,0 +1,2542 @@
-+* Removed ez_setup.py from Setuptools sdist. The
-+  bootstrap script will be maintained in its own
-+  branch and should be generally be retrieved from
-+  its canonical location at
-+  https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py.
-+* #553: egg_info section is now generated in a
-+  deterministic order, matching the order generated
-+  by earlier versions of Python. Except on Python 2.6,
-+  order is preserved when existing settings are present.
-+* #556: Update to Packaging 16.7, restoring support
-+  for deprecated ``python_implmentation`` marker.
-+* #555: Upload command now prompts for a password
-+  when uploading to PyPI (or other repository) if no
-+  password is present in .pypirc or in the keyring.
-+* #548: Update certify version to 2016.2.28
-+* #545: Safely handle deletion of non-zip eggs in rotate
-+  command.
-+* Issue #544: Fix issue with extra environment marker
-+  processing in WorkingSet due to refactor in v20.7.0.
-+* Issue #543: Re-release so that latest release doesn't
-+  cause déjà vu with distribute and setuptools 0.7 in
-+  older environments.
-+* Refactored extra enviroment marker processing
-+  in WorkingSet.
-+* Issue #533: Fixed intermittent test failures.
-+* Issue #536: In msvc9_support, trap additional exceptions
-+  that might occur when importing
-+  ``distutils.msvc9compiler`` in mingw environments.
-+* Issue #537: Provide better context when package
-+  metadata fails to decode in UTF-8.
-+* Issue #523: Restored support for environment markers,
-+  now honoring 'extra' environment markers.
-+* Issue #523: Disabled support for environment markers
-+  introduced in v20.5.
-+* Issue #503: Restore support for PEP 345 environment
-+  markers by updating to Packaging 16.6.
-+* New release process that relies on
-+  `bumpversion <https://github.com/peritus/bumpversion>`_
-+  and Travis CI for continuous deployment.
-+* Project versioning semantics now follow
-+  `semver <https://semver.org>`_ precisely.
-+  The 'v' prefix on version numbers now also allows
-+  version numbers to be referenced in the changelog,
-+  e.g. https://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/history.html#v20-6-0.
-+* BB Pull Request #185: Add support for environment markers
-+  in requirements in install_requires, setup_requires,
-+  tests_require as well as adding a test for the existing
-+  extra_requires machinery.
-+* Issue #422: Moved hosting to
-+  `Github <https://github.com/pypa/setuptools>`_
-+  from `Bitbucket <https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools>`_.
-+  Issues have been migrated, though all issues and comments
-+  are attributed to bb-migration. So if you have a particular
-+  issue or issues to which you've been subscribed, you will
-+  want to "watch" the equivalent issue in Github.
-+  The Bitbucket project will be retained for the indefinite
-+  future, but Github now hosts the canonical project repository.
-+* Issue #519: Remove import hook when reloading the
-+  ``pkg_resources`` module.
-+* BB Pull Request #184: Update documentation in ``pkg_resources``
-+  around new ``Requirement`` implementation.
-+* BB Pull Request #179: ``pkg_resources.Requirement`` objects are
-+  now a subclass of ``packaging.requirements.Requirement``,
-+  allowing any environment markers and url (if any) to be
-+  affiliated with the requirement
-+* BB Pull Request #179: Restore use of RequirementParseError
-+  exception unintentionally dropped in 20.2.
-+* Issue #502: Correct regression in parsing of multiple
-+  version specifiers separated by commas and spaces.
-+* Issue #499: Restore compatiblity for legacy versions
-+  by bumping to packaging 16.4.
-+* Changelog now includes release dates and links to PEPs.
-+* BB Pull Request #173: Replace dual PEP 345 _markerlib implementation
-+  and PEP 426 implementation of environment marker support from
-+  packaging 16.1 and PEP 508. Fixes Issue #122.
-+  See also BB Pull Request #175, BB Pull Request #168, and
-+  BB Pull Request #164. Additionally:
-+   - ``Requirement.parse`` no longer retains the order of extras.
-+   - ``parse_requirements`` now requires that all versions be
-+     PEP-440 compliant, as revealed in #499. Packages released
-+     with invalid local versions should be re-released using
-+     the proper local version syntax, e.g. ``mypkg-1.0+myorg.1``.
-+* Update ``upload_docs`` command to also honor keyring
-+  for password resolution.
-+* Added support for using passwords from keyring in the upload
-+  command. See `the upload docs
-+  <http://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/setuptools.html#upload-upload-source-and-or-egg-distributions-to-pypi>`_
-+  for details.
-+* Issue #118: Once again omit the package metadata (egg-info)
-+  from the list of outputs in ``--record``. This version of setuptools
-+  can no longer be used to upgrade pip earlier than 6.0.
-+* `Off-project PR <https://github.com/jaraco/setuptools/pull/32>`_:
-+  For FreeBSD, also honor root certificates from ca_root_nss.
-+* Issue #491: Correct regression incurred in 19.4 where
-+  a double-namespace package installed using pip would
-+  cause a TypeError.
-+* Restore compatibility for PyPy 3 compatibility lost in
-+  19.4.1 addressing Issue #487.
-+* ``setuptools.launch`` shim now loads scripts in a new
-+  namespace, avoiding getting relative imports from
-+  the setuptools package on Python 2.
-+* Added a new entry script ``setuptools.launch``,
-+  implementing the shim found in
-+  ``pip.util.setuptools_build``. Use this command to launch
-+  distutils-only packages under setuptools in the same way that
-+  pip does, causing the setuptools monkeypatching of distutils
-+  to be invoked prior to invoking a script. Useful for debugging
-+  or otherwise installing a distutils-only package under
-+  setuptools when pip isn't available or otherwise does not
-+  expose the desired functionality. For example::
-+    $ python -m setuptools.launch setup.py develop
-+* Issue #488: Fix dual manifestation of Extension class in
-+  extension packages installed as dependencies when Cython
-+  is present.
-+* Issue #486: Correct TypeError when getfilesystemencoding
-+  returns None.
-+* Issue #139: Clarified the license as MIT.
-+* BB Pull Request #169: Removed special handling of command
-+  spec in scripts for Jython.
-+* Issue #487: Use direct invocation of ``importlib.machinery``
-+  in ``pkg_resources`` to avoid missing detection on relevant
-+  platforms.
-+* Issue #341: Correct error in path handling of package data
-+  files in ``build_py`` command when package is empty.
-+* Distribute #323, Issue #141, Issue #207, and
-+  BB Pull Request #167: Another implementation of
-+  ``pkg_resources.WorkingSet`` and ``pkg_resources.Distribution``
-+  that supports replacing an extant package with a new one,
-+  allowing for setup_requires dependencies to supersede installed
-+  packages for the session.
-+* Issue #229: Implement new technique for readily incorporating
-+  dependencies conditionally from vendored copies or primary
-+  locations. Adds a new dependency on six.
-+* BB Pull Request #163: Add get_command_list method to Distribution.
-+* BB Pull Request #162: Add missing whitespace to multiline string
-+  literals.
-+* Issue #476: Cast version to string (using default encoding)
-+  to avoid creating Unicode types on Python 2 clients.
-+* Issue #477: In Powershell downloader, use explicit rendering
-+  of strings, rather than rely on ``repr``, which can be
-+  incorrect (especially on Python 2).
-+* Issue #215: The bootstrap script ``ez_setup.py`` now
-+  automatically detects
-+  the latest version of setuptools (using PyPI JSON API) rather
-+  than hard-coding a particular value.
-+* Issue #475: Fix incorrect usage in _translate_metadata2.
-+* Issue #442: Use RawConfigParser for parsing .pypirc file.
-+  Interpolated values are no longer honored in .pypirc files.
-+* Issue #440: Prevent infinite recursion when a SandboxViolation
-+  or other UnpickleableException occurs in a sandbox context
-+  with setuptools hidden. Fixes regression introduced in Setuptools
-+  12.0.
-+* Deprecated ``egg_info.get_pkg_info_revision``.
-+* Issue #471: Don't rely on repr for an HTML attribute value in
-+  package_index.
-+* Issue #419: Avoid errors in FileMetadata when the metadata directory
-+  is broken.
-+* Issue #472: Remove deprecated use of 'U' in mode parameter
-+  when opening files.
-+* Issue #469: Refactored logic for Issue #419 fix to re-use metadata
-+  loading from Provider.
-+* Update dependency on certify.
-+* BB Pull Request #160: Improve detection of gui script in
-+  ``easy_install._adjust_header``.
-+* Made ``test.test_args`` a non-data property; alternate fix
-+  for the issue reported in BB Pull Request #155.
-+* Issue #453: In ``ez_setup`` bootstrap module, unload all
-+  ``pkg_resources`` modules following download.
-+* BB Pull Request #158: Honor PEP-488 when excluding
-+  files for namespace packages.
-+* Issue #419 and BB Pull Request #144: Add experimental support for
-+  reading the version info from distutils-installed metadata rather
-+  than using the version in the filename.
-+* Issue #464: Correct regression in invocation of superclass on old-style
-+  class on Python 2.
-+* Issue #439: When installing entry_point scripts under development,
-+  omit the version number of the package, allowing any version of the
-+  package to be used.
-+* In preparation for dropping support for Python 3.2, a warning is
-+  now logged when pkg_resources is imported on Python 3.2 or earlier
-+  Python 3 versions.
-+* `Add support for python_platform_implementation environment marker
-+  <https://github.com/jaraco/setuptools/pull/28>`_.
-+* `Fix dictionary mutation during iteration
-+  <https://github.com/jaraco/setuptools/pull/29>`_.
-+* Issue #446: Test command now always invokes unittest, even
-+  if no test suite is supplied.
-+* Correct another regression in setuptools.findall
-+  where the fix for Python #12885 was lost.
-+* Issue #425: Correct regression in setuptools.findall.
-+* Setuptools now allows disabling of the manipulation of the sys.path
-+  during the processing of the easy-install.pth file. To do so, set
-+  the environment variable ``SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE`` to
-+  anything but "rewrite" (consider "raw"). During any install operation
-+  with manipulation disabled, setuptools packages will be appended to
-+  sys.path naturally.
-+  Future versions may change the default behavior to disable
-+  manipulation. If so, the default behavior can be retained by setting
-+  the variable to "rewrite".
-+* Issue #257: ``easy_install --version`` now shows more detail
-+  about the installation location and Python version.
-+* Refactor setuptools.findall in preparation for re-submission
-+  back to distutils.
-+* Issue #412: More efficient directory search in ``find_packages``.
-+* Upgrade to vendored packaging 15.3.
-+* Issue #401: Fix failure in test suite.
-+* Dropped support for builds with Pyrex. Only Cython is supported.
-+* Issue #288: Detect Cython later in the build process, after
-+  ``setup_requires`` dependencies are resolved.
-+  Projects backed by Cython can now be readily built
-+  with a ``setup_requires`` dependency. For example::
-+    ext = setuptools.Extension('mylib', ['src/CythonStuff.pyx', 'src/CStuff.c'])
-+    setuptools.setup(
-+        ...
-+        ext_modules=[ext],
-+        setup_requires=['cython'],
-+    )
-+  For compatibility with older versions of setuptools, packagers should
-+  still include ``src/CythonMod.c`` in the source distributions or
-+  require that Cython be present before building source distributions.
-+  However, for systems with this build of setuptools, Cython will be
-+  downloaded on demand.
-+* Issue #396: Fixed test failure on OS X.
-+* BB Pull Request #136: Remove excessive quoting from shebang headers
-+  for Jython.
-+* Backed out unintended changes to pkg_resources, restoring removal of
-+  deprecated imp module (`ref
-+  <https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/commits/f572ec9563d647fa8d4ffc534f2af8070ea07a8b#comment-1881283>`_).
-+* Issue #380: Add support for range operators on environment
-+  marker evaluation.
-+* Issue #378: Do not use internal importlib._bootstrap module.
-+* Issue #390: Disallow console scripts with path separators in
-+  the name. Removes unintended functionality and brings behavior
-+  into parity with pip.
-+* BB Pull Request #130: Better error messages for errors in
-+  parsed requirements.
-+* BB Pull Request #133: Removed ``setuptools.tests`` from the
-+  installed packages.
-+* BB Pull Request #129: Address deprecation warning due to usage
-+  of imp module.
-+* Issue #373: Provisionally expose
-+  ``pkg_resources._initialize_master_working_set``, allowing for
-+  imperative re-initialization of the master working set.
-+* Updated to Packaging 15.1 to address Packaging #28.
-+* Fix ``setuptools.sandbox._execfile()`` with Python 3.1.
-+* BB Pull Request #126: DistributionNotFound message now lists the package or
-+  packages that required it. E.g.::
-+      pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'colorama>=0.3.1' distribution was not found and is required by smlib.log.
-+  Note that zc.buildout once dependended on the string rendering of this
-+  message to determine the package that was not found. This expectation
-+  has since been changed, but older versions of buildout may experience
-+  problems. See Buildout #242 for details.
-+* Issue #307: Removed PEP-440 warning during parsing of versions
-+  in ``pkg_resources.Distribution``.
-+* Issue #364: Replace deprecated usage with recommended usage of
-+  ``EntryPoint.load``.
-+* Issue #254: When creating temporary egg cache on Unix, use mode 755
-+  for creating the directory to avoid the subsequent warning if
-+  the directory is group writable.
-+* Issue #137: Update ``Distribution.hashcmp`` so that Distributions with
-+  None for pyversion or platform can be compared against Distributions
-+  defining those attributes.
-+* Issue #360: Removed undesirable behavior from test runs, preventing
-+  write tests and installation to system site packages.
-+* BB Pull Request #125: Add ``__ne__`` to Requirement class.
-+* Various refactoring of easy_install.
-+* Bootstrap script now accepts ``--to-dir`` to customize save directory or
-+  allow for re-use of existing repository of setuptools versions. See
-+  BB Pull Request #112 for background.
-+* Issue #285: ``easy_install`` no longer will default to installing
-+  packages to the "user site packages" directory if it is itself installed
-+  there. Instead, the user must pass ``--user`` in all cases to install
-+  packages to the user site packages.
-+  This behavior now matches that of "pip install". To configure
-+  an environment to always install to the user site packages, consider
-+  using the "install-dir" and "scripts-dir" parameters to easy_install
-+  through an appropriate distutils config file.
-+* Issue #359: Include pytest.ini in the sdist so invocation of py.test on the
-+  sdist honors the pytest configuration.
-+Re-release of 13.0. Intermittent connectivity issues caused the release
-+process to fail and PyPI uploads no longer accept files for 13.0.
-+* Issue #356: Back out BB Pull Request #119 as it requires Setuptools 10 or later
-+  as the source during an upgrade.
-+* Removed build_py class from setup.py. According to 892f439d216e, this
-+  functionality was added to support upgrades from old Distribute versions,
-+  0.6.5 and 0.6.6.
-+* BB Pull Request #119: Restore writing of ``setup_requires`` to metadata
-+  (previously added in 8.4 and removed in 9.0).
-+* Documentation is now linked using the rst.linker package.
-+* Fix ``setuptools.command.easy_install.extract_wininst_cfg()``
-+  with Python 2.6 and 2.7.
-+* Issue #354. Added documentation on building setuptools
-+  documentation.
-+* Issue #345: Unload all modules under pkg_resources during
-+  ``ez_setup.use_setuptools()``.
-+* Issue #336: Removed deprecation from ``ez_setup.use_setuptools``,
-+  as it is clearly still used by buildout's bootstrap. ``ez_setup``
-+  remains deprecated for use by individual packages.
-+* Simplified implementation of ``ez_setup.use_setuptools``.
-+* BB Pull Request #118: Soften warning for non-normalized versions in
-+  Distribution.
-+* Issue #339: Correct Attribute reference in ``cant_write_to_target``.
-+* Issue #336: Deprecated ``ez_setup.use_setuptools``.
-+* Issue #335: Fix script header generation on Windows.
-+* Fixed incorrect class attribute in ``install_scripts``. Tests would be nice.
-+* Issue #331: Fixed ``install_scripts`` command on Windows systems corrupting
-+  the header.
-+* Restore ``setuptools.command.easy_install.sys_executable`` for pbr
-+  compatibility. For the future, tools should construct a CommandSpec
-+  explicitly.
-+* Issue #188: Setuptools now support multiple entities in the value for
-+  ``build.executable``, such that an executable of "/usr/bin/env my-python" may
-+  be specified. This means that systems with a specified executable whose name
-+  has spaces in the path must be updated to escape or quote that value.
-+* Deprecated ``easy_install.ScriptWriter.get_writer``, replaced by ``.best()``
-+  with slightly different semantics (no force_windows flag).
-+* Issue #327: Formalize and restore support for any printable character in an
-+  entry point name.
-+* Expose ``EntryPoint.resolve`` in place of EntryPoint._load, implementing the
-+  simple, non-requiring load. Deprecated all uses of ``EntryPoint._load``
-+  except for calling with no parameters, which is just a shortcut for
-+  ``ep.require(); ep.resolve();``.
-+  Apps currently invoking ``ep.load(require=False)`` should instead do the
-+  following if wanting to avoid the deprecating warning::
-+    getattr(ep, "resolve", lambda: ep.load(require=False))()
-+* Pip #2326: Report deprecation warning at stacklevel 2 for easier diagnosis.
-+* Issue #281: Since Setuptools 6.1 (Issue #268), a ValueError would be raised
-+  in certain cases where VersionConflict was raised with two arguments, which
-+  occurred in ``pkg_resources.WorkingSet.find``. This release adds support
-+  for indicating the dependent packages while maintaining support for
-+  a VersionConflict when no dependent package context is known. New unit tests
-+  now capture the expected interface.
-+* Interop #3: Upgrade to Packaging 15.0; updates to PEP 440 so that >1.7 does
-+  not exclude 1.7.1 but does exclude 1.7.0 and 1.7.0.post1.
-+* Issue #323: Fix regression in entry point name parsing.
-+* Deprecated use of EntryPoint.load(require=False). Passing a boolean to a
-+  function to select behavior is an anti-pattern. Instead use
-+  ``Entrypoint._load()``.
-+* Substantial refactoring of all unit tests. Tests are now much leaner and
-+  re-use a lot of fixtures and contexts for better clarity of purpose.
-+* Issue #320: Added a compatibility implementation of
-+  ``sdist._default_revctrl``
-+  so that systems relying on that interface do not fail (namely, Ubuntu 12.04
-+  and similar Debian releases).
-+* Issue #319: Fixed issue installing pure distutils packages.
-+* Issue #313: Removed built-in support for subversion. Projects wishing to
-+  retain support for subversion will need to use a third party library. The
-+  extant implementation is being ported to `setuptools_svn
-+  <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools_svn>`_.
-+* Issue #315: Updated setuptools to hide its own loaded modules during
-+  installation of another package. This change will enable setuptools to
-+  upgrade (or downgrade) itself even when its own metadata and implementation
-+  change.
-+* Prefer vendored packaging library `as recommended
-+  <https://github.com/jaraco/setuptools/commit/170657b68f4b92e7e1bf82f5e19a831f5744af67#commitcomment-9109448>`_.
-+* Issue #312: Restored presence of pkg_resources API tests (doctest) to sdist.
-+* Issue #314: Disabled support for ``setup_requires`` metadata to avoid issue
-+  where Setuptools was unable to upgrade over earlier versions.
-+* BB Pull Request #106: Now write ``setup_requires`` metadata.
-+* Issue #311: Decoupled pkg_resources from setuptools once again.
-+  ``pkg_resources`` is now a package instead of a module.
-+* Issue #306: Suppress warnings about Version format except in select scenarios
-+  (such as installation).
-+* BB Pull Request #85: Search egg-base when adding egg-info to manifest.
-+* Upgrade ``packaging`` to 14.5, giving preference to "rc" as designator for
-+  release candidates over "c".
-+* PEP-440 warnings are now raised as their own class,
-+  ``pkg_resources.PEP440Warning``, instead of RuntimeWarning.
-+* Disabled warnings on empty versions.
-+* Upgrade ``packaging`` to 14.4, fixing an error where there is a
-+  different result for if 2.0.5 is contained within >2.0dev and >2.0.dev even
-+  though normalization rules should have made them equal.
-+* Issue #296: Add warning when a version is parsed as legacy. This warning will
-+  make it easier for developers to recognize deprecated version numbers.
-+* Issue #296: Restored support for ``__hash__`` on parse_version results.
-+* Issue #296: Restored support for ``__getitem__`` and sort operations on
-+  parse_version result.
-+* Issue #296: Restore support for iteration over parse_version result, but
-+  deprecated that usage with a warning. Fixes failure with buildout.
-+* Implement PEP 440 within
-+  pkg_resources and setuptools. This change
-+  deprecates some version numbers such that they will no longer be installable
-+  without using the ``===`` escape hatch. See `the changes to test_resources
-+  <https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/commits/dcd552da643c4448056de84c73d56da6d70769d5#chg-setuptools/tests/test_resources.py>`_
-+  for specific examples of version numbers and specifiers that are no longer
-+  supported. Setuptools now "vendors" the `packaging
-+  <https://github.com/pypa/packaging>`_ library.
-+* Issue #80, Issue #209: Eggs that are downloaded for ``setup_requires``,
-+  ``test_requires``, etc. are now placed in a ``./.eggs`` directory instead of
-+  directly in the current directory. This choice of location means the files
-+  can be readily managed (removed, ignored). Additionally,
-+  later phases or invocations of setuptools will not detect the package as
-+  already installed and ignore it for permanent install (See #209).
-+  This change is indicated as backward-incompatible as installations that
-+  depend on the installation in the current directory will need to account for
-+  the new location. Systems that ignore ``*.egg`` will probably need to be
-+  adapted to ignore ``.eggs``. The files will need to be manually moved or
-+  will be retrieved again. Most use cases will require no attention.
-+* Issue #268: When resolving package versions, a VersionConflict now reports
-+  which package previously required the conflicting version.
-+* Issue #262: Fixed regression in pip install due to egg-info directories
-+  being omitted. Re-opens Issue #118.
-+* Issue #259: Fixed regression with namespace package handling on ``single
-+  version, externally managed`` installs.
-+* Issue #100: When building a distribution, Setuptools will no longer match
-+  default files using platform-dependent case sensitivity, but rather will
-+  only match the files if their case matches exactly. As a result, on Windows
-+  and other case-insensitive file systems, files with names such as
-+  'readme.txt' or 'README.TXT' will be omitted from the distribution and a
-+  warning will be issued indicating that 'README.txt' was not found. Other
-+  filenames affected are:
-+    - README.rst
-+    - README
-+    - setup.cfg
-+    - setup.py (or the script name)
-+    - test/test*.py
-+  Any users producing distributions with filenames that match those above
-+  case-insensitively, but not case-sensitively, should rename those files in
-+  their repository for better portability.
-+* BB Pull Request #72: When using ``single_version_externally_managed``, the
-+  exclusion list now includes Python 3.2 ``__pycache__`` entries.
-+* BB Pull Request #76 and BB Pull Request #78: lines in top_level.txt are now
-+  ordered deterministically.
-+* Issue #118: The egg-info directory is now no longer included in the list
-+  of outputs.
-+* Issue #258: Setuptools now patches distutils msvc9compiler to
-+  recognize the specially-packaged compiler package for easy extension module
-+  support on Python 2.6, 2.7, and 3.2.
-+* Issue #237: ``pkg_resources`` now uses explicit detection of Python 2 vs.
-+  Python 3, supporting environments where builtins have been patched to make
-+  Python 3 look more like Python 2.
-+* Issue #240: Based on real-world performance measures against 5.4, zip
-+  manifests are now cached in all circumstances. The
-+  ``PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS`` environment variable is no longer
-+  relevant. The observed "memory increase" referenced in the 5.4 release
-+  notes and detailed in Issue #154 was likely not an increase over the status
-+  quo, but rather only an increase over not storing the zip info at all.
-+* Issue #242: Use absolute imports in svn_utils to avoid issues if the
-+  installing package adds an xml module to the path.
-+* Issue #239: Fix typo in 5.5 such that fix did not take.
-+* Issue #239: Setuptools now includes the setup_requires directive on
-+  Distribution objects and validates the syntax just like install_requires
-+  and tests_require directives.
-+* Issue #236: Corrected regression in execfile implementation for Python 2.6.
-+* Python #7776: (ssl_support) Correct usage of host for validation when
-+  tunneling for HTTPS.
-+* Issue #154: ``pkg_resources`` will now cache the zip manifests rather than
-+  re-processing the same file from disk multiple times, but only if the
-+  environment variable ``PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS`` is set. Clients
-+  that package many modules in the same zip file will see some improvement
-+  in startup time by enabling this feature. This feature is not enabled by
-+  default because it causes a substantial increase in memory usage.
-+* Issue #185: Make svn tagging work on the new style SVN metadata.
-+  Thanks cazabon!
-+* Prune revision control directories (e.g .svn) from base path
-+  as well as sub-directories.
-+* Added a `Developer Guide
-+  <https://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/developer-guide.html>`_ to the official
-+  documentation.
-+* Some code refactoring and cleanup was done with no intended behavioral
-+  changes.
-+* During install_egg_info, the generated lines for namespace package .pth
-+  files are now processed even during a dry run.
-+* Issue #202: Implemented more robust cache invalidation for the ZipImporter,
-+  building on the work in Issue #168. Special thanks to Jurko Gospodnetic and
-+  PJE.
-+* Issue #220: Restored script templates.
-+* Renamed script templates to end with .tmpl now that they no longer need
-+  to be processed by 2to3. Fixes spurious syntax errors during build/install.
-+* Issue #218: Re-release of 3.8.1 to signal that it supersedes 4.x.
-+* Incidentally, script templates were updated not to include the triple-quote
-+  escaping.
-+3.7.1 and 3.8.1 and 4.0.1
-+* Issue #213: Use legacy StringIO behavior for compatibility under pbr.
-+* Issue #218: Setuptools 3.8.1 superseded 4.0.1, and 4.x was removed
-+  from the available versions to install.
-+* Issue #210: ``setup.py develop`` now copies scripts in binary mode rather
-+  than text mode, matching the behavior of the ``install`` command.
-+* Extend Issue #197 workaround to include all Python 3 versions prior to
-+  3.2.2.
-+* Issue #193: Improved handling of Unicode filenames when building manifests.
-+* Issue #203: Honor proxy settings for Powershell downloader in the bootstrap
-+  routine.
-+* Issue #168: More robust handling of replaced zip files and stale caches.
-+  Fixes ZipImportError complaining about a 'bad local header'.
-+* Issue #199: Restored ``install._install`` for compatibility with earlier
-+  NumPy versions.
-+* Issue #195: Follow symbolic links in find_packages (restoring behavior
-+  broken in 3.4).
-+* Issue #197: On Python 3.1, PKG-INFO is now saved in a UTF-8 encoding instead
-+  of ``sys.getpreferredencoding`` to match the behavior on Python 2.6-3.4.
-+* Issue #192: Preferred bootstrap location is now
-+  https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py (mirrored from former location).
-+* Issue #184: Correct failure where find_package over-matched packages
-+  when directory traversal isn't short-circuited.
-+* Issue #183: Really fix test command with Python 3.1.
-+* Issue #183: Fix additional regression in test command on Python 3.1.
-+* Issue #180: Fix regression in test command not caught by py.test-run tests.
-+* Issue #176: Add parameter to the test command to support a custom test
-+  runner: --test-runner or -r.
-+* Issue #177: Now assume most common invocation to install command on
-+  platforms/environments without stack support (issuing a warning). Setuptools
-+  now installs naturally on IronPython. Behavior on CPython should be
-+  unchanged.
-+* Add ``include`` parameter to ``setuptools.find_packages()``.
-+* BB Pull Request #39: Add support for C++ targets from Cython ``.pyx`` files.
-+* Issue #162: Update dependency on certifi to 1.0.1.
-+* Issue #164: Update dependency on wincertstore to 0.2.
-+* Issue #161: Restore Features functionality to allow backward compatibility
-+  (for Features) until the uses of that functionality is sufficiently removed.
-+* Correct typo in previous bugfix.
-+* Issue #157: Restore support for Python 2.6 in bootstrap script where
-+  ``zipfile.ZipFile`` does not yet have support for context managers.
-+* Issue #125: Prevent Subversion support from creating a ~/.subversion
-+  directory just for checking the presence of a Subversion repository.
-+* Issue #12: Namespace packages are now imported lazily.  That is, the mere
-+  declaration of a namespace package in an egg on ``sys.path`` no longer
-+  causes it to be imported when ``pkg_resources`` is imported.  Note that this
-+  change means that all of a namespace package's ``__init__.py`` files must
-+  include a ``declare_namespace()`` call in order to ensure that they will be
-+  handled properly at runtime.  In 2.x it was possible to get away without
-+  including the declaration, but only at the cost of forcing namespace
-+  packages to be imported early, which 3.0 no longer does.
-+* Issue #148: When building (bdist_egg), setuptools no longer adds
-+  ``__init__.py`` files to namespace packages. Any packages that rely on this
-+  behavior will need to create ``__init__.py`` files and include the
-+  ``declare_namespace()``.
-+* Issue #7: Setuptools itself is now distributed as a zip archive in addition to
-+  tar archive. ez_setup.py now uses zip archive. This approach avoids the potential
-+  security vulnerabilities presented by use of tar archives in ez_setup.py.
-+  It also leverages the security features added to ZipFile.extract in Python 2.7.4.
-+* Issue #65: Removed deprecated Features functionality.
-+* BB Pull Request #28: Remove backport of ``_bytecode_filenames`` which is
-+  available in Python 2.6 and later, but also has better compatibility with
-+  Python 3 environments.
-+* Issue #156: Fix spelling of __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ variable.
-+* Issue #141: Restored fix for allowing setup_requires dependencies to
-+  override installed dependencies during setup.
-+* Issue #128: Fixed issue where only the first dependency link was honored
-+  in a distribution where multiple dependency links were supplied.
-+* Issue #144: Read long_description using codecs module to avoid errors
-+  installing on systems where LANG=C.
-+* Issue #139: Fix regression in re_finder for CVS repos (and maybe Git repos
-+  as well).
-+* Issue #129: Suppress inspection of ``*.whl`` files when searching for files
-+  in a zip-imported file.
-+* Issue #131: Fix RuntimeError when constructing an egg fetcher.
-+* Fix NameError during installation with Python implementations (e.g. Jython)
-+  not containing parser module.
-+* Fix NameError in ``sdist:re_finder``.
-+* Issue #124: Fixed error in list detection in upload_docs.
-+* Issue #121: Exempt lib2to3 pickled grammars from DirectorySandbox.
-+* Issue #41: Dropped support for Python 2.4 and Python 2.5. Clients requiring
-+  setuptools for those versions of Python should use setuptools 1.x.
-+* Removed ``setuptools.command.easy_install.HAS_USER_SITE``. Clients
-+  expecting this boolean variable should use ``site.ENABLE_USER_SITE``
-+  instead.
-+* Removed ``pkg_resources.ImpWrapper``. Clients that expected this class
-+  should use ``pkgutil.ImpImporter`` instead.
-+* Issue #116: Correct TypeError when reading a local package index on Python
-+  3.
-+* Issue #114: Use ``sys.getfilesystemencoding`` for decoding config in
-+  ``bdist_wininst`` distributions.
-+* Issue #105 and Issue #113: Establish a more robust technique for
-+  determining the terminal encoding::
-+    1. Try ``getpreferredencoding``
-+    2. If that returns US_ASCII or None, try the encoding from
-+       ``getdefaultlocale``. If that encoding was a "fallback" because Python
-+       could not figure it out from the environment or OS, encoding remains
-+       unresolved.
-+    3. If the encoding is resolved, then make sure Python actually implements
-+       the encoding.
-+    4. On the event of an error or unknown codec, revert to fallbacks
-+       (UTF-8 on Darwin, ASCII on everything else).
-+    5. On the encoding is 'mac-roman' on Darwin, use UTF-8 as 'mac-roman' was
-+       a bug on older Python releases.
-+    On a side note, it would seem that the encoding only matters for when SVN
-+    does not yet support ``--xml`` and when getting repository and svn version
-+    numbers. The ``--xml`` technique should yield UTF-8 according to some
-+    messages on the SVN mailing lists. So if the version numbers are always
-+    7-bit ASCII clean, it may be best to only support the file parsing methods
-+    for legacy SVN releases and support for SVN without the subprocess command
-+    would simple go away as support for the older SVNs does.
-+* Issue #27: ``easy_install`` will now use credentials from .pypirc if
-+  present for connecting to the package index.
-+* BB Pull Request #21: Omit unwanted newlines in ``package_index._encode_auth``
-+  when the username/password pair length indicates wrapping.
-+* Issue #99: Fix filename encoding issues in SVN support.
-+* Remove exuberant warning in SVN support when SVN is not used.
-+* Address security vulnerability in SSL match_hostname check as reported in
-+  Python #17997.
-+* Prefer `backports.ssl_match_hostname
-+  <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/backports.ssl_match_hostname>`_ for backport
-+  implementation if present.
-+* Correct NameError in ``ssl_support`` module (``socket.error``).
-+* Issue #26: Add support for SVN 1.7. Special thanks to Philip Thiem for the
-+  contribution.
-+* Issue #93: Wheels are now distributed with every release. Note that as
-+  reported in Issue #108, as of Pip 1.4, scripts aren't installed properly
-+  from wheels. Therefore, if using Pip to install setuptools from a wheel,
-+  the ``easy_install`` command will not be available.
-+* Setuptools "natural" launcher support, introduced in 1.0, is now officially
-+  supported.
-+* Fixed behavior of NameError handling in 'script template (dev).py' (script
-+  launcher for 'develop' installs).
-+* ``ez_setup.py`` now ensures partial downloads are cleaned up following
-+  a failed download.
-+* Distribute #363 and Issue #55: Skip an sdist test that fails on locales
-+  other than UTF-8.
-+* Distribute #349: ``sandbox.execfile`` now opens the target file in binary
-+  mode, thus honoring a BOM in the file when compiled.
-+* Issue #69: Second attempt at fix (logic was reversed).
-+* Issue #77: Fix error in upload command (Python 2.4).
-+* Fix NameError in previous patch.
-+* Issue #69: Correct issue where 404 errors are returned for URLs with
-+  fragments in them (such as #egg=).
-+* Issue #75: Add ``--insecure`` option to ez_setup.py to accommodate
-+  environments where a trusted SSL connection cannot be validated.
-+* Issue #76: Fix AttributeError in upload command with Python 2.4.
-+* Issue #71 (Distribute #333): EasyInstall now puts less emphasis on the
-+  condition when a host is blocked via ``--allow-hosts``.
-+* Issue #72: Restored Python 2.4 compatibility in ``ez_setup.py``.
-+* Issue #60: On Windows, Setuptools supports deferring to another launcher,
-+  such as Vinay Sajip's `pylauncher <https://bitbucket.org/pypa/pylauncher>`_
-+  (included with Python 3.3) to launch console and GUI scripts and not install
-+  its own launcher executables. This experimental functionality is currently
-+  only enabled if  the ``SETUPTOOLS_LAUNCHER`` environment variable is set to
-+  "natural". In the future, this behavior may become default, but only after
-+  it has matured and seen substantial adoption. The ``SETUPTOOLS_LAUNCHER``
-+  also accepts "executable" to force the default behavior of creating launcher
-+  executables.
-+* Issue #63: Bootstrap script (ez_setup.py) now prefers Powershell, curl, or
-+  wget for retrieving the Setuptools tarball for improved security of the
-+  install. The script will still fall back to a simple ``urlopen`` on
-+  platforms that do not have these tools.
-+* Issue #65: Deprecated the ``Features`` functionality.
-+* Issue #52: In ``VerifyingHTTPSConn``, handle a tunnelled (proxied)
-+  connection.
-+Backward-Incompatible Changes
-+This release includes a couple of backward-incompatible changes, but most if
-+not all users will find 1.0 a drop-in replacement for 0.9.
-+* Issue #50: Normalized API of environment marker support. Specifically,
-+  removed line number and filename from SyntaxErrors when returned from
-+  `pkg_resources.invalid_marker`. Any clients depending on the specific
-+  string representation of exceptions returned by that function may need to
-+  be updated to account for this change.
-+* Issue #50: SyntaxErrors generated by `pkg_resources.invalid_marker` are
-+  normalized for cross-implementation consistency.
-+* Removed ``--ignore-conflicts-at-my-risk`` and ``--delete-conflicting``
-+  options to easy_install. These options have been deprecated since 0.6a11.
-+* Issue #53: Fix NameErrors in `_vcs_split_rev_from_url`.
-+* Issue #49: Correct AttributeError on PyPy where a hashlib.HASH object does
-+  not have a `.name` attribute.
-+* Issue #34: Documentation now refers to bootstrap script in code repository
-+  referenced by bookmark.
-+* Add underscore-separated keys to environment markers (markerlib).
-+* Issue #44: Test failure on Python 2.4 when MD5 hash doesn't have a `.name`
-+  attribute.
-+* Python #17980: Fix security vulnerability in SSL certificate validation.
-+* Issue #43: Fix issue (introduced in 0.9.1) with version resolution when
-+  upgrading over other releases of Setuptools.
-+* Issue #42: Fix new ``AttributeError`` introduced in last fix.
-+* Issue #42: Fix regression where blank checksums would trigger an
-+  ``AttributeError``.
-+* Distribute #386: Allow other positional and keyword arguments to os.open.
-+* Corrected dependency on certifi mis-referenced in 0.9.
-+* `package_index` now validates hashes other than MD5 in download links.
-+* Code base now runs on Python 2.4 - Python 3.3 without Python 2to3
-+  conversion.
-+* Distribute #375: Yet another fix for yet another regression.
-+* Distribute #375: Repair AttributeError created in last release (redo).
-+* Issue #30: Added test for get_cache_path.
-+* Distribute #375: Repair AttributeError created in last release.
-+* Issue #21: Restore Python 2.4 compatibility in ``test_easy_install``.
-+* Distribute #375: Merged additional warning from Distribute 0.6.46.
-+* Now honor the environment variable
-+* Issue #20: Fix comparison of parsed SVN version on Python 3.
-+* Issue #1: Disable installation of Windows-specific files on non-Windows systems.
-+* Use new sysconfig module with Python 2.7 or >=3.2.
-+* Issue #14: Use markerlib when the `parser` module is not available.
-+* Issue #10: ``ez_setup.py`` now uses HTTPS to download setuptools from PyPI.
-+* Fix NameError (Issue #3) again - broken in bad merge.
-+* Merged Setuptools and Distribute. See docs/merge.txt for details.
-+Added several features that were slated for setuptools 0.6c12:
-+* Index URL now defaults to HTTPS.
-+* Added experimental environment marker support. Now clients may designate a
-+  PEP-426 environment marker for "extra" dependencies. Setuptools uses this
-+  feature in ``setup.py`` for optional SSL and certificate validation support
-+  on older platforms. Based on Distutils-SIG discussions, the syntax is
-+  somewhat tentative. There should probably be a PEP with a firmer spec before
-+  the feature should be considered suitable for use.
-+* Added support for SSL certificate validation when installing packages from
-+  an HTTPS service.
-+* Issue #3: Fixed NameError in SSL support.
-+* Move warning check in ``get_cache_path`` to follow the directory creation
-+  to avoid errors when the cache path does not yet exist. Fixes the error
-+  reported in Distribute #375.
-+* Correct AttributeError in ``ResourceManager.get_cache_path`` introduced in
-+  0.6.46 (redo).
-+* Correct AttributeError in ``ResourceManager.get_cache_path`` introduced in
-+  0.6.46.
-+* Distribute #375: Issue a warning if the PYTHON_EGG_CACHE or otherwise
-+  customized egg cache location specifies a directory that's group- or
-+  world-writable.
-+* Distribute #379: ``distribute_setup.py`` now traps VersionConflict as well,
-+  restoring ability to upgrade from an older setuptools version.
-+* ``distribute_setup.py`` has been updated to allow Setuptools 0.7 to
-+  satisfy use_setuptools.
-+* Distribute #378: Restore support for Python 2.4 Syntax (regression in 0.6.42).
-+* External links finder no longer yields duplicate links.
-+* Distribute #337: Moved site.py to setuptools/site-patch.py (graft of very old
-+  patch from setuptools trunk which inspired PR #31).
-+* Distribute #27: Use public api for loading resources from zip files rather than
-+  the private method `_zip_directory_cache`.
-+* Added a new function ``easy_install.get_win_launcher`` which may be used by
-+  third-party libraries such as buildout to get a suitable script launcher.
-+* Distribute #376: brought back cli.exe and gui.exe that were deleted in the
-+  previous release.
-+* Add support for console launchers on ARM platforms.
-+* Fix possible issue in GUI launchers where the subsystem was not supplied to
-+  the linker.
-+* Launcher build script now refactored for robustness.
-+* Distribute #375: Resources extracted from a zip egg to the file system now also
-+  check the contents of the file against the zip contents during each
-+  invocation of get_resource_filename.
-+* Distribute #371: The launcher manifest file is now installed properly.
-+* Distribute #143: Launcher scripts, including easy_install itself, are now
-+  accompanied by a manifest on 32-bit Windows environments to avoid the
-+  Installer Detection Technology and thus undesirable UAC elevation described
-+  in `this Microsoft article
-+  <http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc709628%28WS.10%29.aspx>`_.
-+* BB Pull Request #35: In Buildout #64, it was reported that
-+  under Python 3, installation of distutils scripts could attempt to copy
-+  the ``__pycache__`` directory as a file, causing an error, apparently only
-+  under Windows. Easy_install now skips all directories when processing
-+  metadata scripts.
-+Note this release is backward-incompatible with distribute 0.6.23-0.6.34 in
-+how it parses version numbers.
-+* Distribute #278: Restored compatibility with distribute 0.6.22 and setuptools
-+  0.6. Updated the documentation to match more closely with the version
-+  parsing as intended in setuptools 0.6.
-+* Distribute #341: 0.6.33 fails to build under Python 2.4.
-+* Fix 2 errors with Jython 2.5.
-+* Fix 1 failure with Jython 2.5 and 2.7.
-+* Disable workaround for Jython scripts on Linux systems.
-+* Distribute #336: `setup.py` no longer masks failure exit code when tests fail.
-+* Fix issue in pkg_resources where try/except around a platform-dependent
-+  import would trigger hook load failures on Mercurial. See pull request 32
-+  for details.
-+* Distribute #341: Fix a ResourceWarning.
-+* Fix test suite with Python 2.6.
-+* Fix some DeprecationWarnings and ResourceWarnings.
-+* Distribute #335: Backed out `setup_requires` superceding installed requirements
-+  until regression can be addressed.
-+* Distribute #303: Make sure the manifest only ever contains UTF-8 in Python 3.
-+* Distribute #329: Properly close files created by tests for compatibility with
-+  Jython.
-+* Work around Jython #1980 and Jython #1981.
-+* Distribute #334: Provide workaround for packages that reference `sys.__stdout__`
-+  such as numpy does. This change should address
-+  `virtualenv #359 <https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/359>`_ as long
-+  as the system encoding is UTF-8 or the IO encoding is specified in the
-+  environment, i.e.::
-+     PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8 pip install numpy
-+* Fix for encoding issue when installing from Windows executable on Python 3.
-+* Distribute #323: Allow `setup_requires` requirements to supercede installed
-+  requirements. Added some new keyword arguments to existing pkg_resources
-+  methods. Also had to updated how __path__ is handled for namespace packages
-+  to ensure that when a new egg distribution containing a namespace package is
-+  placed on sys.path, the entries in __path__ are found in the same order they
-+  would have been in had that egg been on the path when pkg_resources was
-+  first imported.
-+* Distribute #328: Clean up temporary directories in distribute_setup.py.
-+* Fix fatal bug in distribute_setup.py.
-+* BB Pull Request #14: Honor file permissions in zip files.
-+* Distribute #327: Merged pull request #24 to fix a dependency problem with pip.
-+* Merged pull request #23 to fix https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/301.
-+* If Sphinx is installed, the `upload_docs` command now runs `build_sphinx`
-+  to produce uploadable documentation.
-+* Distribute #326: `upload_docs` provided mangled auth credentials under Python 3.
-+* Distribute #320: Fix check for "createable" in distribute_setup.py.
-+* Distribute #305: Remove a warning that was triggered during normal operations.
-+* Distribute #311: Print metadata in UTF-8 independent of platform.
-+* Distribute #303: Read manifest file with UTF-8 encoding under Python 3.
-+* Distribute #301: Allow to run tests of namespace packages when using 2to3.
-+* Distribute #304: Prevent import loop in site.py under Python 3.3.
-+* Distribute #283: Reenable scanning of `*.pyc` / `*.pyo` files on Python 3.3.
-+* Distribute #299: The develop command didn't work on Python 3, when using 2to3,
-+  as the egg link would go to the Python 2 source. Linking to the 2to3'd code
-+  in build/lib makes it work, although you will have to rebuild the module
-+  before testing it.
-+* Distribute #306: Even if 2to3 is used, we build in-place under Python 2.
-+* Distribute #307: Prints the full path when .svn/entries is broken.
-+* Distribute #313: Support for sdist subcommands (Python 2.7)
-+* Distribute #314: test_local_index() would fail an OS X.
-+* Distribute #310: Non-ascii characters in a namespace __init__.py causes errors.
-+* Distribute #218: Improved documentation on behavior of `package_data` and
-+  `include_package_data`. Files indicated by `package_data` are now included
-+  in the manifest.
-+* `distribute_setup.py` now allows a `--download-base` argument for retrieving
-+  distribute from a specified location.
-+* Distribute #294: setup.py can now be invoked from any directory.
-+* Scripts are now installed honoring the umask.
-+* Added support for .dist-info directories.
-+* Distribute #283: Fix and disable scanning of `*.pyc` / `*.pyo` files on
-+  Python 3.3.
-+* Support current snapshots of CPython 3.3.
-+* Distribute now recognizes README.rst as a standard, default readme file.
-+* Exclude 'encodings' modules when removing modules from sys.modules.
-+  Workaround for #285.
-+* Distribute #231: Don't fiddle with system python when used with buildout
-+  (bootstrap.py)
-+* Distribute #183: Symlinked files are now extracted from source distributions.
-+* Distribute #227: Easy_install fetch parameters are now passed during the
-+  installation of a source distribution; now fulfillment of setup_requires
-+  dependencies will honor the parameters passed to easy_install.
-+* Distribute #258: Workaround a cache issue
-+* Distribute #260: distribute_setup.py now accepts the --user parameter for
-+  Python 2.6 and later.
-+* Distribute #262: package_index.open_with_auth no longer throws LookupError
-+  on Python 3.
-+* Distribute #269: AttributeError when an exception occurs reading Manifest.in
-+  on late releases of Python.
-+* Distribute #272: Prevent TypeError when namespace package names are unicode
-+  and single-install-externally-managed is used. Also fixes PIP issue
-+  449.
-+* Distribute #273: Legacy script launchers now install with Python2/3 support.
-+* Distribute #249: Added options to exclude 2to3 fixers
-+* Distribute #244: Fixed a test
-+* Distribute #243: Fixed a test
-+* Distribute #239: Fixed a test
-+* Distribute #240: Fixed a test
-+* Distribute #241: Fixed a test
-+* Distribute #237: Fixed a test
-+* Distribute #238: easy_install now uses 64bit executable wrappers on 64bit Python
-+* Distribute #208: Fixed parsed_versions, it now honors post-releases as noted in the documentation
-+* Distribute #207: Windows cli and gui wrappers pass CTRL-C to child python process
-+* Distribute #227: easy_install now passes its arguments to setup.py bdist_egg
-+* Distribute #225: Fixed a NameError on Python 2.5, 2.4
-+* Distribute #225: FIxed a regression on py2.4
-+* Distribute #135: Include url in warning when processing URLs in package_index.
-+* Distribute #212: Fix issue where easy_instal fails on Python 3 on windows installer.
-+* Distribute #213: Fix typo in documentation.
-+* Distribute #206: AttributeError: 'HTTPMessage' object has no attribute 'getheaders'
-+* Distribute #210: Fixed a regression introduced by Distribute #204 fix.
-+  variable to allow to disable installation of easy_install-${version} script.
-+* Support Python >=3.1.4 and >=3.2.1.
-+* Distribute #204: Don't try to import the parent of a namespace package in
-+  declare_namespace
-+* Distribute #196: Tolerate responses with multiple Content-Length headers
-+* Distribute #205: Sandboxing doesn't preserve working_set. Leads to setup_requires
-+  problems.
-+* Builds sdist gztar even on Windows (avoiding Distribute #193).
-+* Distribute #192: Fixed metadata omitted on Windows when package_dir
-+  specified with forward-slash.
-+* Distribute #195: Cython build support.
-+* Distribute #200: Issues with recognizing 64-bit packages on Windows.
-+* Fixed typo in bdist_egg
-+* Several issues under Python 3 has been solved.
-+* Distribute #146: Fixed missing DLL files after easy_install of windows exe package.
-+* Distribute #170: Fixed unittest failure. Thanks to Toshio.
-+* Distribute #171: Fixed race condition in unittests cause deadlocks in test suite.
-+* Distribute #143: Fixed a lookup issue with easy_install.
-+  Thanks to David and Zooko.
-+* Distribute #174: Fixed the edit mode when its used with setuptools itself
-+* Distribute #160: 2.7 gives ValueError("Invalid IPv6 URL")
-+* Distribute #150: Fixed using ~/.local even in a --no-site-packages virtualenv
-+* Distribute #163: scan index links before external links, and don't use the md5 when
-+  comparing two distributions
-+* Distribute #149: Fixed various failures on 2.3/2.4
-+* Found another case of SandboxViolation - fixed
-+* Distribute #15 and Distribute #48: Introduced a socket timeout of 15 seconds on url openings
-+* Added indexsidebar.html into MANIFEST.in
-+* Distribute #108: Fixed TypeError with Python3.1
-+* Distribute #121: Fixed --help install command trying to actually install.
-+* Distribute #112: Added an os.makedirs so that Tarek's solution will work.
-+* Distribute #133: Added --no-find-links to easy_install
-+* Added easy_install --user
-+* Distribute #100: Fixed develop --user not taking '.' in PYTHONPATH into account
-+* Distribute #134: removed spurious UserWarnings. Patch by VanLindberg
-+* Distribute #138: cant_write_to_target error when setup_requires is used.
-+* Distribute #147: respect the sys.dont_write_bytecode flag
-+* Reverted change made for the DistributionNotFound exception because
-+  zc.buildout uses the exception message to get the name of the
-+  distribution.
-+* Distribute #90: unknown setuptools version can be added in the working set
-+* Distribute #87: setupt.py doesn't try to convert distribute_setup.py anymore
-+  Initial Patch by arfrever.
-+* Distribute #89: added a side bar with a download link to the doc.
-+* Distribute #86: fixed missing sentence in pkg_resources doc.
-+* Added a nicer error message when a DistributionNotFound is raised.
-+* Distribute #80: test_develop now works with Python 3.1
-+* Distribute #93: upload_docs now works if there is an empty sub-directory.
-+* Distribute #70: exec bit on non-exec files
-+* Distribute #99: now the standalone easy_install command doesn't uses a
-+  "setup.cfg" if any exists in the working directory. It will use it
-+  only if triggered by ``install_requires`` from a setup.py call
-+  (install, develop, etc).
-+* Distribute #101: Allowing ``os.devnull`` in Sandbox
-+* Distribute #92: Fixed the "no eggs" found error with MacPort
-+  (platform.mac_ver() fails)
-+* Distribute #103: test_get_script_header_jython_workaround not run
-+  anymore under py3 with C or POSIX local. Contributed by Arfrever.
-+* Distribute #104: remvoved the assertion when the installation fails,
-+  with a nicer message for the end user.
-+* Distribute #100: making sure there's no SandboxViolation when
-+  the setup script patches setuptools.
-+* Added "check_packages" in dist. (added in Setuptools 0.6c11)
-+* Fixed the DONT_PATCH_SETUPTOOLS state.
-+* Distribute #58: Added --user support to the develop command
-+* Distribute #11: Generated scripts now wrap their call to the script entry point
-+  in the standard "if name == 'main'"
-+* Added the 'DONT_PATCH_SETUPTOOLS' environment variable, so virtualenv
-+  can drive an installation that doesn't patch a global setuptools.
-+* Reviewed unladen-swallow specific change from
-+  http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?spec=svn875&r=719
-+  and determined that it no longer applies. Distribute should work fine with
-+  Unladen Swallow 2009Q3.
-+* Distribute #21: Allow PackageIndex.open_url to gracefully handle all cases of a
-+  httplib.HTTPException instead of just InvalidURL and BadStatusLine.
-+* Removed virtual-python.py from this distribution and updated documentation
-+  to point to the actively maintained virtualenv instead.
-+* Distribute #64: use_setuptools no longer rebuilds the distribute egg every
-+  time it is run
-+* use_setuptools now properly respects the requested version
-+* use_setuptools will no longer try to import a distribute egg for the
-+  wrong Python version
-+* Distribute #74: no_fake should be True by default.
-+* Distribute #72: avoid a bootstrapping issue with easy_install -U
-+* Unified the bootstrap file so it works on both py2.x and py3k without 2to3
-+  (patch by Holger Krekel)
-+* Distribute #65: cli.exe and gui.exe are now generated at build time,
-+  depending on the platform in use.
-+* Distribute #67: Fixed doc typo (PEP 381/PEP 382).
-+* Distribute no longer shadows setuptools if we require a 0.7-series
-+  setuptools.  And an error is raised when installing a 0.7 setuptools with
-+  distribute.
-+* When run from within buildout, no attempt is made to modify an existing
-+  setuptools egg, whether in a shared egg directory or a system setuptools.
-+* Fixed a hole in sandboxing allowing builtin file to write outside of
-+  the sandbox.
-+* Added the generation of `distribute_setup_3k.py` during the release.
-+  This closes Distribute #52.
-+* Added an upload_docs command to easily upload project documentation to
-+  PyPI's https://pythonhosted.org. This close issue Distribute #56.
-+* Fixed a bootstrap bug on the use_setuptools() API.
-+* Fixed a bunch of calls to file() that caused crashes on Python 3.
-+* Fixed a bug in sorting that caused bootstrap to fail on Python 3.
-+* Added Python 3 support; see docs/python3.txt.
-+  This closes Old Setuptools #39.
-+* Added option to run 2to3 automatically when installing on Python 3.
-+  This closes issue Distribute #31.
-+* Fixed invalid usage of requirement.parse, that broke develop -d.
-+  This closes Old Setuptools #44.
-+* Fixed script launcher for 64-bit Windows.
-+  This closes Old Setuptools #2.
-+* KeyError when compiling extensions.
-+  This closes Old Setuptools #41.
-+* Fixed bootstrap not working on Windows. This closes issue Distribute #49.
-+* Fixed 2.6 dependencies. This closes issue Distribute #50.
-+* Make sure setuptools is patched when running through easy_install
-+  This closes Old Setuptools #40.
-+* package_index.urlopen now catches BadStatusLine and malformed url errors.
-+  This closes Distribute #16 and Distribute #18.
-+* zip_ok is now False by default. This closes Old Setuptools #33.
-+* Fixed invalid URL error catching. Old Setuptools #20.
-+* Fixed invalid bootstraping with easy_install installation (Distribute #40).
-+  Thanks to Florian Schulze for the help.
-+* Removed buildout/bootstrap.py. A new repository will create a specific
-+  bootstrap.py script.
-+* The boostrap process leave setuptools alone if detected in the system
-+  and --root or --prefix is provided, but is not in the same location.
-+  This closes Distribute #10.
-+* Packages required at build time where not fully present at install time.
-+  This closes Distribute #12.
-+* Protected against failures in tarfile extraction. This closes Distribute #10.
-+* Made Jython api_tests.txt doctest compatible. This closes Distribute #7.
-+* sandbox.py replaced builtin type file with builtin function open. This
-+  closes Distribute #6.
-+* Immediately close all file handles. This closes Distribute #3.
-+* Added compatibility with Subversion 1.6. This references Distribute #1.
-+* Avoid a call to /usr/bin/sw_vers on OSX and use the official platform API
-+  instead. Based on a patch from ronaldoussoren. This closes issue #5.
-+* Fixed a SandboxViolation for mkdir that could occur in certain cases.
-+  This closes Distribute #13.
-+* Allow to find_on_path on systems with tight permissions to fail gracefully.
-+  This closes Distribute #9.
-+* Corrected inconsistency between documentation and code of add_entry.
-+  This closes Distribute #8.
-+* Immediately close all file handles. This closes Distribute #3.
-+* Immediately close all file handles. This closes Distribute #3.
-+ * Fixed a missing files problem when using Windows source distributions on
-+   non-Windows platforms, due to distutils not handling manifest file line
-+   endings correctly.
-+ * Updated Pyrex support to work with Pyrex 0.9.6 and higher.
-+ * Minor changes for Jython compatibility, including skipping tests that can't
-+   work on Jython.
-+ * Fixed not installing eggs in ``install_requires`` if they were also used for
-+   ``setup_requires`` or ``tests_require``.
-+ * Fixed not fetching eggs in ``install_requires`` when running tests.
-+ * Allow ``ez_setup.use_setuptools()`` to upgrade existing setuptools
-+   installations when called from a standalone ``setup.py``.
-+ * Added a warning if a namespace package is declared, but its parent package
-+   is not also declared as a namespace.
-+ * Support Subversion 1.5
-+ * Removed use of deprecated ``md5`` module if ``hashlib`` is available
-+ * Fixed ``bdist_wininst upload`` trying to upload the ``.exe`` twice
-+ * Fixed ``bdist_egg`` putting a ``native_libs.txt`` in the source package's
-+   ``.egg-info``, when it should only be in the built egg's ``EGG-INFO``.
-+ * Ensure that _full_name is set on all shared libs before extensions are
-+   checked for shared lib usage.  (Fixes a bug in the experimental shared
-+   library build support.)
-+ * Fix to allow unpacked eggs containing native libraries to fail more
-+   gracefully under Google App Engine (with an ``ImportError`` loading the
-+   C-based module, instead of getting a ``NameError``).
-+ * Fixed ``distutils.filelist.findall()`` crashing on broken symlinks, and
-+   ``egg_info`` command failing on new, uncommitted SVN directories.
-+ * Fix import problems with nested namespace packages installed via
-+   ``--root`` or ``--single-version-externally-managed``, due to the
-+   parent package not having the child package as an attribute.
-+ * Added ``--egg-path`` option to ``develop`` command, allowing you to force
-+   ``.egg-link`` files to use relative paths (allowing them to be shared across
-+   platforms on a networked drive).
-+ * Fix not building binary RPMs correctly.
-+ * Fix "eggsecutables" (such as setuptools' own egg) only being runnable with
-+   bash-compatible shells.
-+ * Fix ``#!`` parsing problems in Windows ``.exe`` script wrappers, when there
-+   was whitespace inside a quoted argument or at the end of the ``#!`` line
-+   (a regression introduced in 0.6c4).
-+ * Fix ``test`` command possibly failing if an older version of the project
-+   being tested was installed on ``sys.path`` ahead of the test source
-+   directory.
-+ * Fix ``find_packages()`` treating ``ez_setup`` and directories with ``.`` in
-+   their names as packages.
-+ * Fix uploaded ``bdist_rpm`` packages being described as ``bdist_egg``
-+   packages under Python versions less than 2.5.
-+ * Fix uploaded ``bdist_wininst`` packages being described as suitable for
-+   "any" version by Python 2.5, even if a ``--target-version`` was specified.
-+ * Overhauled Windows script wrapping to support ``bdist_wininst`` better.
-+   Scripts installed with ``bdist_wininst`` will always use ``#!python.exe`` or
-+   ``#!pythonw.exe`` as the executable name (even when built on non-Windows
-+   platforms!), and the wrappers will look for the executable in the script's
-+   parent directory (which should find the right version of Python).
-+ * Fix ``upload`` command not uploading files built by ``bdist_rpm`` or
-+   ``bdist_wininst`` under Python 2.3 and 2.4.
-+ * Add support for "eggsecutable" headers: a ``#!/bin/sh`` script that is
-+   prepended to an ``.egg`` file to allow it to be run as a script on Unix-ish
-+   platforms.  (This is mainly so that setuptools itself can have a single-file
-+   installer on Unix, without doing multiple downloads, dealing with firewalls,
-+   etc.)
-+ * Fix problem with empty revision numbers in Subversion 1.4 ``entries`` files
-+ * Use cross-platform relative paths in ``easy-install.pth`` when doing
-+   ``develop`` and the source directory is a subdirectory of the installation
-+   target directory.
-+ * Fix a problem installing eggs with a system packaging tool if the project
-+   contained an implicit namespace package; for example if the ``setup()``
-+   listed a namespace package ``foo.bar`` without explicitly listing ``foo``
-+   as a namespace package.
-+ * Fixed breakages caused by Subversion 1.4's new "working copy" format
-+ * The ``ez_setup`` module displays the conflicting version of setuptools (and
-+   its installation location) when a script requests a version that's not
-+   available.
-+ * Running ``setup.py develop`` on a setuptools-using project will now install
-+   setuptools if needed, instead of only downloading the egg.
-+ * Fixed ``AttributeError`` when trying to download a ``setup_requires``
-+   dependency when a distribution lacks a ``dependency_links`` setting.
-+ * Made ``zip-safe`` and ``not-zip-safe`` flag files contain a single byte, so
-+   as to play better with packaging tools that complain about zero-length
-+   files.
-+ * Made ``setup.py develop`` respect the ``--no-deps`` option, which it
-+   previously was ignoring.
-+ * Support ``extra_path`` option to ``setup()`` when ``install`` is run in
-+   backward-compatibility mode.
-+ * Source distributions now always include a ``setup.cfg`` file that explicitly
-+   sets ``egg_info`` options such that they produce an identical version number
-+   to the source distribution's version number.  (Previously, the default
-+   version number could be different due to the use of ``--tag-date``, or if
-+   the version was overridden on the command line that built the source
-+   distribution.)
-+ * Fix ``register`` not obeying name/version set by ``egg_info`` command, if
-+   ``egg_info`` wasn't explicitly run first on the same command line.
-+ * Added ``--no-date`` and ``--no-svn-revision`` options to ``egg_info``
-+   command, to allow suppressing tags configured in ``setup.cfg``.
-+ * Fixed redundant warnings about missing ``README`` file(s); it should now
-+   appear only if you are actually a source distribution.
-+ * Fix ``bdist_egg`` not including files in subdirectories of ``.egg-info``.
-+ * Allow ``.py`` files found by the ``include_package_data`` option to be
-+   automatically included.  Remove duplicate data file matches if both
-+   ``include_package_data`` and ``package_data`` are used to refer to the same
-+   files.
-+ * Strip ``module`` from the end of compiled extension modules when computing
-+   the name of a ``.py`` loader/wrapper.  (Python's import machinery ignores
-+   this suffix when searching for an extension module.)
-+ * Added ``test_loader`` keyword to support custom test loaders
-+ * Added ``setuptools.file_finders`` entry point group to allow implementing
-+   revision control plugins.
-+ * Added ``--identity`` option to ``upload`` command.
-+ * Added ``dependency_links`` to allow specifying URLs for ``--find-links``.
-+ * Enhanced test loader to scan packages as well as modules, and call
-+   ``additional_tests()`` if present to get non-unittest tests.
-+ * Support namespace packages in conjunction with system packagers, by omitting
-+   the installation of any ``__init__.py`` files for namespace packages, and
-+   adding a special ``.pth`` file to create a working package in
-+   ``sys.modules``.
-+ * Made ``--single-version-externally-managed`` automatic when ``--root`` is
-+   used, so that most system packagers won't require special support for
-+   setuptools.
-+ * Fixed ``setup_requires``, ``tests_require``, etc. not using ``setup.cfg`` or
-+   other configuration files for their option defaults when installing, and
-+   also made the install use ``--multi-version`` mode so that the project
-+   directory doesn't need to support .pth files.
-+ * ``MANIFEST.in`` is now forcibly closed when any errors occur while reading
-+   it.  Previously, the file could be left open and the actual error would be
-+   masked by problems trying to remove the open file on Windows systems.
-+ * Fixed the ``develop`` command ignoring ``--find-links``.
-+ * The ``sdist`` command no longer uses the traditional ``MANIFEST`` file to
-+   create source distributions.  ``MANIFEST.in`` is still read and processed,
-+   as are the standard defaults and pruning.  But the manifest is built inside
-+   the project's ``.egg-info`` directory as ``SOURCES.txt``, and it is rebuilt
-+   every time the ``egg_info`` command is run.
-+ * Added the ``include_package_data`` keyword to ``setup()``, allowing you to
-+   automatically include any package data listed in revision control or
-+   ``MANIFEST.in``
-+ * Added the ``exclude_package_data`` keyword to ``setup()``, allowing you to
-+   trim back files included via the ``package_data`` and
-+   ``include_package_data`` options.
-+ * Fixed ``--tag-svn-revision`` not working when run from a source
-+   distribution.
-+ * Added warning for namespace packages with missing ``declare_namespace()``
-+ * Added ``tests_require`` keyword to ``setup()``, so that e.g. packages
-+   requiring ``nose`` to run unit tests can make this dependency optional
-+   unless the ``test`` command is run.
-+ * Made all commands that use ``easy_install`` respect its configuration
-+   options, as this was causing some problems with ``setup.py install``.
-+ * Added an ``unpack_directory()`` driver to ``setuptools.archive_util``, so
-+   that you can process a directory tree through a processing filter as if it
-+   were a zipfile or tarfile.
-+ * Added an internal ``install_egg_info`` command to use as part of old-style
-+   ``install`` operations, that installs an ``.egg-info`` directory with the
-+   package.
-+ * Added a ``--single-version-externally-managed`` option to the ``install``
-+   command so that you can more easily wrap a "flat" egg in a system package.
-+ * Enhanced ``bdist_rpm`` so that it installs single-version eggs that
-+   don't rely on a ``.pth`` file.  The ``--no-egg`` option has been removed,
-+   since all RPMs are now built in a more backwards-compatible format.
-+ * Support full roundtrip translation of eggs to and from ``bdist_wininst``
-+   format.  Running ``bdist_wininst`` on a setuptools-based package wraps the
-+   egg in an .exe that will safely install it as an egg (i.e., with metadata
-+   and entry-point wrapper scripts), and ``easy_install`` can turn the .exe
-+   back into an ``.egg`` file or directory and install it as such.
-+ * Fixed some problems building extensions when Pyrex was installed, especially
-+   with Python 2.4 and/or packages using SWIG.
-+ * Made ``develop`` command accept all the same options as ``easy_install``,
-+   and use the ``easy_install`` command's configuration settings as defaults.
-+ * Made ``egg_info --tag-svn-revision`` fall back to extracting the revision
-+   number from ``PKG-INFO`` in case it is being run on a source distribution of
-+   a snapshot taken from a Subversion-based project.
-+ * Automatically detect ``.dll``, ``.so`` and ``.dylib`` files that are being
-+   installed as data, adding them to ``native_libs.txt`` automatically.
-+ * Fixed some problems with fresh checkouts of projects that don't include
-+   ``.egg-info/PKG-INFO`` under revision control and put the project's source
-+   code directly in the project directory.  If such a package had any
-+   requirements that get processed before the ``egg_info`` command can be run,
-+   the setup scripts would fail with a "Missing 'Version:' header and/or
-+   PKG-INFO file" error, because the egg runtime interpreted the unbuilt
-+   metadata in a directory on ``sys.path`` (i.e. the current directory) as
-+   being a corrupted egg.  Setuptools now monkeypatches the distribution
-+   metadata cache to pretend that the egg has valid version information, until
-+   it has a chance to make it actually be so (via the ``egg_info`` command).
-+ * Fixed missing gui/cli .exe files in distribution.  Fixed bugs in tests.
-+ * Added ``gui_scripts`` entry point group to allow installing GUI scripts
-+   on Windows and other platforms.  (The special handling is only for Windows;
-+   other platforms are treated the same as for ``console_scripts``.)
-+ * Added ``console_scripts`` entry point group to allow installing scripts
-+   without the need to create separate script files.  On Windows, console
-+   scripts get an ``.exe`` wrapper so you can just type their name.  On other
-+   platforms, the scripts are written without a file extension.
-+ * Added support for building "old-style" RPMs that don't install an egg for
-+   the target package, using a ``--no-egg`` option.
-+ * The ``build_ext`` command now works better when using the ``--inplace``
-+   option and multiple Python versions.  It now makes sure that all extensions
-+   match the current Python version, even if newer copies were built for a
-+   different Python version.
-+ * The ``upload`` command no longer attaches an extra ``.zip`` when uploading
-+   eggs, as PyPI now supports egg uploads without trickery.
-+ * The ``ez_setup`` script/module now displays a warning before downloading
-+   the setuptools egg, and attempts to check the downloaded egg against an
-+   internal MD5 checksum table.
-+ * Fixed the ``--tag-svn-revision`` option of ``egg_info`` not finding the
-+   latest revision number; it was using the revision number of the directory
-+   containing ``setup.py``, not the highest revision number in the project.
-+ * Added ``eager_resources`` setup argument
-+ * The ``sdist`` command now recognizes Subversion "deleted file" entries and
-+   does not include them in source distributions.
-+ * ``setuptools`` now embeds itself more thoroughly into the distutils, so that
-+   other distutils extensions (e.g. py2exe, py2app) will subclass setuptools'
-+   versions of things, rather than the native distutils ones.
-+ * Added ``entry_points`` and ``setup_requires`` arguments to ``setup()``;
-+   ``setup_requires`` allows you to automatically find and download packages
-+   that are needed in order to *build* your project (as opposed to running it).
-+ * ``setuptools`` now finds its commands, ``setup()`` argument validators, and
-+   metadata writers using entry points, so that they can be extended by
-+   third-party packages.  See `Creating distutils Extensions
-+   <http://pythonhosted.org/setuptools/setuptools.html#creating-distutils-extensions>`_
-+   for more details.
-+ * The vestigial ``depends`` command has been removed.  It was never finished
-+   or documented, and never would have worked without EasyInstall - which it
-+   pre-dated and was never compatible with.
-+ * The zip-safety scanner now checks for modules that might be used with
-+   ``python -m``, and marks them as unsafe for zipping, since Python 2.4 can't
-+   handle ``-m`` on zipped modules.
-+ * Fix breakage of the "develop" command that was caused by the addition of
-+   ``--always-unzip`` to the ``easy_install`` command.
-+ * Include ``svn:externals`` directories in source distributions as well as
-+   normal subversion-controlled files and directories.
-+ * Added ``exclude=patternlist`` option to ``setuptools.find_packages()``
-+ * Changed --tag-svn-revision to include an "r" in front of the revision number
-+   for better readability.
-+ * Added ability to build eggs without including source files (except for any
-+   scripts, of course), using the ``--exclude-source-files`` option to
-+   ``bdist_egg``.
-+ * ``setup.py install`` now automatically detects when an "unmanaged" package
-+   or module is going to be on ``sys.path`` ahead of a package being installed,
-+   thereby preventing the newer version from being imported.  If this occurs,
-+   a warning message is output to ``sys.stderr``, but installation proceeds
-+   anyway.  The warning message informs the user what files or directories
-+   need deleting, and advises them they can also use EasyInstall (with the
-+   ``--delete-conflicting`` option) to do it automatically.
-+ * The ``egg_info`` command now adds a ``top_level.txt`` file to the metadata
-+   directory that lists all top-level modules and packages in the distribution.
-+   This is used by the ``easy_install`` command to find possibly-conflicting
-+   "unmanaged" packages when installing the distribution.
-+ * Added ``zip_safe`` and ``namespace_packages`` arguments to ``setup()``.
-+   Added package analysis to determine zip-safety if the ``zip_safe`` flag
-+   is not given, and advise the author regarding what code might need changing.
-+ * Fixed the swapped ``-d`` and ``-b`` options of ``bdist_egg``.
-+ * The "egg_info" command now always sets the distribution metadata to "safe"
-+   forms of the distribution name and version, so that distribution files will
-+   be generated with parseable names (i.e., ones that don't include '-' in the
-+   name or version).  Also, this means that if you use the various ``--tag``
-+   options of "egg_info", any distributions generated will use the tags in the
-+   version, not just egg distributions.
-+ * Added support for defining command aliases in distutils configuration files,
-+   under the "[aliases]" section.  To prevent recursion and to allow aliases to
-+   call the command of the same name, a given alias can be expanded only once
-+   per command-line invocation.  You can define new aliases with the "alias"
-+   command, either for the local, global, or per-user configuration.
-+ * Added "rotate" command to delete old distribution files, given a set of
-+   patterns to match and the number of files to keep.  (Keeps the most
-+   recently-modified distribution files matching each pattern.)
-+ * Added "saveopts" command that saves all command-line options for the current
-+   invocation to the local, global, or per-user configuration file.  Useful for
-+   setting defaults without having to hand-edit a configuration file.
-+ * Added a "setopt" command that sets a single option in a specified distutils
-+   configuration file.
-+ * Added "upload" support for egg and source distributions, including a bug
-+   fix for "upload" and a temporary workaround for lack of .egg support in
-+   PyPI.
-+ * Beefed up the "sdist" command so that if you don't have a MANIFEST.in, it
-+   will include all files under revision control (CVS or Subversion) in the
-+   current directory, and it will regenerate the list every time you create a
-+   source distribution, not just when you tell it to.  This should make the
-+   default "do what you mean" more often than the distutils' default behavior
-+   did, while still retaining the old behavior in the presence of MANIFEST.in.
-+ * Fixed the "develop" command always updating .pth files, even if you
-+   specified ``-n`` or ``--dry-run``.
-+ * Slightly changed the format of the generated version when you use
-+   ``--tag-build`` on the "egg_info" command, so that you can make tagged
-+   revisions compare *lower* than the version specified in setup.py (e.g. by
-+   using ``--tag-build=dev``).
-+ * Added ``develop`` command to ``setuptools``-based packages.  This command
-+   installs an ``.egg-link`` pointing to the package's source directory, and
-+   script wrappers that ``execfile()`` the source versions of the package's
-+   scripts.  This lets you put your development checkout(s) on sys.path without
-+   having to actually install them.  (To uninstall the link, use
-+   use ``setup.py develop --uninstall``.)
-+ * Added ``egg_info`` command to ``setuptools``-based packages.  This command
-+   just creates or updates the "projectname.egg-info" directory, without
-+   building an egg.  (It's used by the ``bdist_egg``, ``test``, and ``develop``
-+   commands.)
-+ * Enhanced the ``test`` command so that it doesn't install the package, but
-+   instead builds any C extensions in-place, updates the ``.egg-info``
-+   metadata, adds the source directory to ``sys.path``, and runs the tests
-+   directly on the source.  This avoids an "unmanaged" installation of the
-+   package to ``site-packages`` or elsewhere.
-+ * Made ``easy_install`` a standard ``setuptools`` command, moving it from
-+   the ``easy_install`` module to ``setuptools.command.easy_install``.  Note
-+   that if you were importing or extending it, you must now change your imports
-+   accordingly.  ``easy_install.py`` is still installed as a script, but not as
-+   a module.
-+ * Setup scripts using setuptools can now list their dependencies directly in
-+   the setup.py file, without having to manually create a ``depends.txt`` file.
-+   The ``install_requires`` and ``extras_require`` arguments to ``setup()``
-+   are used to create a dependencies file automatically.  If you are manually
-+   creating ``depends.txt`` right now, please switch to using these setup
-+   arguments as soon as practical, because ``depends.txt`` support will be
-+   removed in the 0.6 release cycle.  For documentation on the new arguments,
-+   see the ``setuptools.dist.Distribution`` class.
-+ * Setup scripts using setuptools now always install using ``easy_install``
-+   internally, for ease of uninstallation and upgrading.
-+ * Added support for "self-installation" bootstrapping.  Packages can now
-+   include ``ez_setup.py`` in their source distribution, and add the following
-+   to their ``setup.py``, in order to automatically bootstrap installation of
-+   setuptools as part of their setup process::
-+    from ez_setup import use_setuptools
-+    use_setuptools()
-+    from setuptools import setup
-+    # etc...
-+ * Added ``ez_setup.py`` installer/bootstrap script to make initial setuptools
-+   installation easier, and to allow distributions using setuptools to avoid
-+   having to include setuptools in their source distribution.
-+ * All downloads are now managed by the ``PackageIndex`` class (which is now
-+   subclassable and replaceable), so that embedders can more easily override
-+   download logic, give download progress reports, etc.  The class has also
-+   been moved to the new ``setuptools.package_index`` module.
-+ * The ``Installer`` class no longer handles downloading, manages a temporary
-+   directory, or tracks the ``zip_ok`` option.  Downloading is now handled
-+   by ``PackageIndex``, and ``Installer`` has become an ``easy_install``
-+   command class based on ``setuptools.Command``.
-+ * There is a new ``setuptools.sandbox.run_setup()`` API to invoke a setup
-+   script in a directory sandbox, and a new ``setuptools.archive_util`` module
-+   with an ``unpack_archive()`` API.  These were split out of EasyInstall to
-+   allow reuse by other tools and applications.
-+ * ``setuptools.Command`` now supports reinitializing commands using keyword
-+   arguments to set/reset options.  Also, ``Command`` subclasses can now set
-+   their ``command_consumes_arguments`` attribute to ``True`` in order to
-+   receive an ``args`` option containing the rest of the command line.
-+ * Added new options to ``bdist_egg`` to allow tagging the egg's version number
-+   with a subversion revision number, the current date, or an explicit tag
-+   value.  Run ``setup.py bdist_egg --help`` to get more information.
-+ * Misc. bug fixes
-+ * Initial release.

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