[packages/xorg-proto-xorgproto] - initial, all-in-one spec now (WIP, builds without legacy for now)
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Tue Feb 20 05:51:01 CET 2018
commit fb4eb4745ea3a958cf424d9865f6002b0530256b
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date: Tue Feb 20 05:53:14 2018 +0100
- initial, all-in-one spec now (WIP, builds without legacy for now)
xorg-proto-xorgproto.spec | 970 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 970 insertions(+)
diff --git a/xorg-proto-xorgproto.spec b/xorg-proto-xorgproto.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e87068b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xorg-proto-xorgproto.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+# whole package version
+%define ver 2018.2
+# subpackage versions (see .pc files) # last standalone spec EVR as comment
+%define applewm_ver 1.4.2 # 1.2.0-1
+%define bigreqs_ver 1.1.2 # 1.1.2-2
+%define composite_ver 0.4.2 # 0.4.2-2
+%define damage_ver 1.2.1 # 1.2.1-2
+%define dmx_ver 2.3.1 # 2.3.1-2
+%define dri2_ver 2.8 # 2.8-2
+%define dri3_ver 1.0 # 1.0-2
+%define evie_ver 1.1.1 # evieext-1.1.1-2
+%define fixes_ver 5.0 # 5.0-2
+%define fontcache_ver 0.1.3 # 0.1.3-2
+%define fonts_ver 2.1.3 # 2.1.3-2
+%define gl_ver 1.4.17 # 1.4.17-2
+%define input_ver 2.3.2 # 2.3.2-1
+%define kb_ver 1.0.7 # 1.0.7-1
+%define lg3d_ver 5.0 # (none)
+%define present_ver 1.1 # 1.1-1
+%define print_ver 1.0.5 # 1.0.5-2
+%define randr_ver 1.5.0 # 1.5.0-1
+%define record_ver 1.14.2 # 1.14.2-2
+%define render_ver 0.11.1 # 0.11.1-2
+%define resource_ver 1.2.0 # 1.2.0-2
+%define scrnsaver_ver 1.2.2 # 1.2.2-2
+%define trap_ver 3.4.3 # 3.4.3-3
+%define video_ver 2.3.3 # 2.3.3-1
+%define windowswm_ver 1.0.4 # 1.0.4-2
+%define xcalibrate_ver 0.1.0 # (none)
+%define xcmisc_ver 1.2.2 # 1.2.2-2
+%define xext_ver 7.3.0 # 1:7.3.0-2
+%define xf86bigfont_ver 1.2.0 # 1.2.0-2
+%define xf86dga_ver 2.1 # 2.1-3
+%define xf86dri_ver 2.1.1 # 2.1.1-2
+%define xf86misc_ver 0.9.3 # 0.9.3-2
+%define xf86rush_ver 1.1.2 # 1.1.2-3
+%define xf86vidmode_ver 2.3.1 # 2.3.1-2
+%define xinerama_ver 1.2.1 # 1.2.1-2
+%define x_ver 7.0.32 # 7.0.31-1
+%define xproxymng_ver 1.0.3 # xproxymanagementprotocol-1.0.3-3
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_with foreign # foreign OS protocols (applewm, windowswm)
+%bcond_without legacy # legacy protocols (XCalibrate, evie, fontcache, lg3d, print, xf86rush)
+Summary: Header files of X Window System Unified Protocol
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe zunifikowanego protokołu systemu X Window
+Name: xorg-proto-xorgproto
+Version: 2018.2
+# bump release on updates unless all subpackage versions are increased!
+Release: 4
+License: MIT
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Source0: https://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/proto/xorgproto-%{ver}.tar.bz2
+# Source0-md5: 490677ddbc649b177eda7ddb8d3e2074
+URL: https://xorg.freedesktop.org/
+BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.60
+BuildRequires: automake
+BuildRequires: docbook-dtd43-xml
+BuildRequires: xmlto >= 0.0.22
+BuildRequires: xorg-sgml-doctools >= 1.8
+BuildRequires: xorg-util-util-macros >= 1.12
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+This package provides the headers and specification documents defining
+the core protocol and (many) extensions for the X Window System.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+Ten pakiet zawiera pliki nagłówkowe i dokumenty ze specyfikacją
+definiującą podstawowy protokół oraz wiele rozszerzeń systemu X
+%package -n xorg-proto-applewmproto-devel
+Summary: AppleWM extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia AppleWM
+Version: %{applewm_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-applewmproto-devel
+AppleWM extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-applewmproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia AppleWM.
+%package -n xorg-proto-bigreqsproto-devel
+Summary: Big Requests extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Big Requests
+Version: %{bigreqs_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+# just for dirs
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-bigreqsproto-devel
+Big Requests extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-bigreqsproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Big Requests.
+%package -n xorg-proto-compositeproto-devel
+Summary: Composite extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Composite
+Version: %{composite_ver}
+Requires: xorg-proto-fixesproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: compositeext
+%description -n xorg-proto-compositeproto-devel
+Composite extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-compositeproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Composite.
+%package -n xorg-proto-damageproto-devel
+Summary: Damage extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Damage
+Version: %{damage_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-fixesproto-devel = %{damage_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: damageext
+%description -n xorg-proto-damageproto-devel
+Damage extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-damageproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Damage.
+%package -n xorg-proto-dmxproto-devel
+Summary: DMX extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia DMX
+Version: %{dmx_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-dmxproto-devel
+DMX (Distributed Multihead X) extension defines a protocol for clients
+to access a front-end proxy X server that controls multiple back-end X
+servers making up a large display.
+%description -n xorg-proto-dmxproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Rozszerzenie DMX (Distributed Multihead X) definiuje protokół
+pozwalający klientom na dostęp do frontendowego serwera proxy X
+sterującego wieloma backendowymi serwerami X tworzącymi duży ekran.
+%package -n xorg-proto-dri2proto-devel
+Summary: DRI2 extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia DRI2
+Version: %{dri2_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-dri2proto-devel
+DRI2 (Direct Rendering Infrastructure 2) extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-dri2proto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia DRI2 (Direct Rendering Infrastructure
+%package -n xorg-proto-dri3proto-devel
+Summary: DRI3 extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia DRI3
+Version: %{dri3_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-dri3proto-devel
+DRI3 (Direct Rendering Infrastructure 3) extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-dri3proto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia DRI3 (Direct Rendering Infrastructure
+%package -n xorg-proto-evieproto-devel
+Summary: EvIE extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia EvIE
+Version: %{evie_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: xorg-proto-evieext-devel < 1.1.1-3
+%description -n xorg-proto-evieproto-devel
+Extended Visual Information Extension (XEVIE) defines a protocol for a
+client to determine information about core X visuals beyond what the
+core protocol provides.
+%description -n xorg-proto-evieproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Rozszerzenie XEVIE (Extended Visual Information Extension) definiuje
+protokół pozwalający klientowi poznać informacje o poszczególnych
+ekranach X ukrytych za protokołem.
+%package -n xorg-proto-fixesproto-devel
+Summary: X Fixes extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia X Fixes
+Version: %{fixes_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xextproto-devel = 1:%{xext_ver}-%{release}
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: fixesext
+%description -n xorg-proto-fixesproto-devel
+Header files and documentation for the XFIXES extension.
+%description -n xorg-proto-fixesproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe i dokumentacja do rozszerzenia XFIXES.
+%package -n xorg-proto-fontcacheproto-devel
+Summary: Fontcache extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Fontcache
+Version: %{fontcache_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-fontcacheproto-devel
+Fontcache extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-fontcacheproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Fontcache.
+%package -n xorg-proto-fontsproto-devel
+Summary: Fonts extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Fonts
+Version: %{fonts_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-fontsproto-devel
+Fonts extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-fontsproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Fonts.
+%package -n xorg-proto-glproto-devel
+Summary: GLX extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia GLX
+Version: %{gl_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+# <GL/glxint.h> needs <X11/X*.h> and <GL/gl.h>
+Requires: OpenGL-devel
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-glproto-devel
+GLX (OpenGL) extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-glproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia GLX (OpenGL).
+%package -n xorg-proto-inputproto-devel
+Summary: Input extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Input
+Version: %{input_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-inputproto-devel
+Input extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-inputproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Input.
+%package -n xorg-proto-kbproto-devel
+Summary: KB extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia KB
+Version: %{kb_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-kbproto-devel
+KB (XKEYBOARD) extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-kbproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia KB (XKEYBOARD).
+%package -n xorg-proto-lg3dproto-devel
+Summary: LGE extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia LGE
+Version: %{lg3d_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-lg3dproto-devel
+LGE extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-lg3dproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia LGE.
+%package -n xorg-proto-presentproto-devel
+Summary: Present extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Present
+Version: %{present_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-presentproto-devel
+Present extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-presentproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Present.
+%package -n xorg-proto-printproto-devel
+Summary: Xprint extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Xprint
+Version: %{print_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-printproto-devel
+Xprint extension to the X11 protocol is (now deprecated) portable,
+network-transparent printing system.
+%description -n xorg-proto-printproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Rozszerzenie Xprint protokołu X11 jest (teraz już przestarzałym)
+systemem drukowania przezroczystym względem sieci.
+%package -n xorg-proto-randrproto-devel
+Summary: RandR extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozrzerzenia RandR
+Version: %{randr_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: randrext
+%description -n xorg-proto-randrproto-devel
+RandR extension headers.
+The X Resize, Rotate and Reflect Extension, called RandR for short,
+brings the ability to resize, rotate and reflect the root window of a
+screen. It is based on the X Resize and Rotate Extension as specified
+in the Proceedings of the 2001 Usenix Technical Conference [RANDR].
+%description -n xorg-proto-randrproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia RandR.
+Rozszerzenie X Resize, Rotate and Reflect (w skrócie RandR) daje
+możliwość zmiany rozmiaru, obrotu i odbicia głównego okna ekranu. Jest
+oparte na rozszerzeniu X Resize and Rotate opisanym w protokołach
+konferencji 2001 Usenix Technical Conference [RANDR].
+%package -n xorg-proto-recordproto-devel
+Summary: Record extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Record
+Version: %{record_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: recordext
+%description -n xorg-proto-recordproto-devel
+Record extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-recordproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Record.
+%package -n xorg-proto-renderproto-devel
+Summary: RENDER extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia RENDER
+Version: %{render_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: render
+Obsoletes: renderext
+%description -n xorg-proto-renderproto-devel
+X Rendering (RENDER) extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-renderproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia X Rendering (RENDER).
+%package -n xorg-proto-resourceproto-devel
+Summary: Resource extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Resource
+Version: %{resource_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: resourceext
+%description -n xorg-proto-resourceproto-devel
+Resource extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-resourceproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Resource.
+%package -n xorg-proto-scrnsaverproto-devel
+Summary: ScrnSaver extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia ScrnSaver
+Version: %{scrnsaver_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-scrnsaverproto-devel
+ScrnSaver extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-scrnsaverproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia ScrnSaver.
+%package -n xorg-proto-trapproto-devel
+Summary: Trap extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Trap
+Version: %{trap_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Requires: xorg-lib-libXt-devel
+%description -n xorg-proto-trapproto-devel
+Trap extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-trapproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Trap.
+%package -n xorg-proto-videoproto-devel
+Summary: Video extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Video
+Version: %{video_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-videoproto-devel
+Video (XVideo) extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-videoproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Video (XVideo).
+%package -n xorg-proto-windowswmproto-devel
+Summary: WindowsWM extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia WindowsWM
+Version: %{windowswm_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-windowswmproto-devel
+WindowsWM extension headers provide the definition of the WindowsWM
+extension to the X11 protocol, used for coordination between an X11
+server and the Microsoft Windows native window manager.
+%description -n xorg-proto-windowswmproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia WindowsWM udostępniają definicję
+rozszerzenia WindowsWM do protokołu X11, służącego do współpracy
+między serwerem X11 a natywnym zarządcą okien Microsoft Windows.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xcmiscproto-devel
+Summary: XCMisc extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XCMisc
+Version: %{xcmisc_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+# just for dirs
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xcmiscproto-devel
+XCMisc extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xcmiscproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XCMisc.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xextproto-devel
+Summary: XExt extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzeń XExt
+Version: %{xext_ver}
+Epoch: 1
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Suggests: xorg-lib-libXext-devel >= 1:1.1
+Obsoletes: xextensions
+%description -n xorg-proto-xextproto-devel
+Header files for X protocol extensions, covering:
+- Extended-Visual-Information
+- Generic Event Extension
+- LBX
+- Multi-Buffering
+%description -n xorg-proto-xextproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzeń protokołu X, obejmujące:
+- Extended-Visual-Information
+- Generic Event Extension
+- LBX
+- Multi-Buffering
+%package -n xorg-proto-xf86bigfontproto-devel
+Summary: XF86BigFont extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86BigFont
+Version: %{xf86bigfont_ver}
+# reset epoch after xext
+Epoch: 0
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-fontsproto-devel = %{fonts_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86bigfontproto-devel
+XF86BigFont extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86bigfontproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86BigFont.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xf86dgaproto-devel
+Summary: XF86DGA extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86DGA
+Version: %{xf86dga_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86dgaproto-devel
+XF86DGA extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86dgaproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86DGA.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xf86driproto-devel
+Summary: XF86DRI extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86DRI
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: libdrm-devel
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86driproto-devel
+XF86DRI (XFree86 Direct Rendering Infrastructure) extension defines a
+protocol to allow user applications to access the video hardware
+without requiring data to be passed through the X server.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86driproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Rozszerzenie XF86DRI (XFree86 Direct Rendering Infrastructure)
+definiuje protokół pozwalający aplikacjom użytkownika na dostęp do
+sprzętu wyświetlającego obraz bez potrzeby przekazywania danych
+poprzez serwer X.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xf86miscproto-devel
+Summary: XFree86-Misc extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XFree86-Misc
+Version: %{xf86misc_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86miscproto-devel
+This package includes the protocol definitions of the "XFree86-Misc"
+extension to the X11 protocol. The "XFree86-Misc" extension is
+supported by the XFree86 X server and versions of the Xorg X server
+prior to Xorg 1.6.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86miscproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Ten pakiet zawiera definicje protokołu rozszerzenia "XFree86-Misc"
+do protokołu X11. Rozszerzenie to jest obsługiwane przez serwer X
+XFree86 oraz serwer X Xorg w wersji wcześniejszej niż Xorg 1.6.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xf86rushproto-devel
+Summary: XF86Rush extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86Rush
+Version: %{xf86rush_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-videoproto-devel = %{video_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86rushproto-devel
+XF86Rush extension headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86rushproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86Rush.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xf86vidmodeproto-devel
+Summary: XF86VidMode extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia XF86VidMode
+Version: %{xf86vidmode_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86vidmodeproto-devel
+XF86VidMode (XFree86 Video Mode) extension defines a protocol for
+dynamically configuring modelines and gamma.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xf86vidmodeproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Rozszerzenie XF86VidMode (XFree86 Video Mode) definiuje protokół do
+dynamicznej konfiguracji linii opisujących tryb (modeline) oraz
+korekcji gamma.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xineramaproto-devel
+Summary: Xinerama extension headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe rozszerzenia Xinerama
+Version: %{xinerama_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: panoramixext
+Obsoletes: xorg-proto-panoramixproto-devel
+%description -n xorg-proto-xineramaproto-devel
+Xinerama is an X extension that allows multiple physical screens
+controlled by a single X server to appear as a single screen.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xineramaproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Xinerama to rozszerzenie X pozwalające na sterowanie wieloma
+fizycznymi ekranami przez pojedynczy serwer X tak, że stają się
+jednym ekranem.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xproto-devel
+Summary: X protocol and ancillary headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe protokołu X i pomocnicze
+Version: %{x_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: filesystem >= 3.0-32
+Obsoletes: xproto
+%description -n xorg-proto-xproto-devel
+X protocol and ancillary headers.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe protokołu X i pomocnicze.
+%package -n xorg-proto-xproxymngproto-devel
+Summary: X Proxy Management Protocol headers
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe protokołu X Proxy Management
+Version: %{xproxymng_ver}
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: xorg-proto-xproto-devel = %{x_ver}-%{release}
+Obsoletes: xorg-proto-xproxymanagementprotocol-devel < 1.0.3-4
+%description -n xorg-proto-xproxymngproto-devel
+X Proxy Management Protocol headers.
+The Proxy Management Protocol is an ICE based protocol that provides a
+way for application servers to easily locate proxy services available
+to them.
+%description -n xorg-proto-xproxymngproto-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe protokołu X Proxy Management.
+Proxy Management Protocol to oparty na ICE protokół pozwalający
+serwerom aplikacji lokalizować w prosty sposób dostępne dla nich
+usługi proxy.
+%setup -q -n xorgproto-%{ver}
+%configure \
+%if "%{_gnu}" != "-gnux32"
+ --host=%{_host} \
+ --build=%{_host} \
+ %{?with_legacy:--enable-legacy} \
+ --disable-specs \
+ --without-fop
+%{__make} install \
+%if %{without foreign}
+%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/X11/extensions/{applewm,windowswm}*.h
+%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_npkgconfigdir}/{applewmproto,windowswmproto}.pc
+%if %{with foreign}
+%files -n xorg-proto-applewmproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-applewmproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-bigreqsproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-bigreqsproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-compositeproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-compositeproto compositeproto.txt
+%files -n xorg-proto-damageproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-damageproto damageproto.txt
+%files -n xorg-proto-dmxproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-dmxproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-dri2proto-devel
+%doc COPYING-dri2proto dri2proto.txt
+%files -n xorg-proto-dri3proto-devel
+%doc COPYING-dri3proto dri3proto.txt
+%if %{with legacy}
+%files -n xorg-proto-evieproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-evieproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-fixesproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-fixesproto fixesproto.txt
+%if %{with legacy}
+%files -n xorg-proto-fontcacheproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-fontcacheproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-fontsproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-fontsproto
+%dir %{_includedir}/X11/fonts
+%files -n xorg-proto-glproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-glproto
+%dir %{_includedir}/GL/internal
+%files -n xorg-proto-inputproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-inputproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-kbproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-kbproto
+%if %{with legacy}
+%files -n xorg-proto-lg3dproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-lg3dproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-presentproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-presentproto presentproto.txt
+%if %{with legacy}
+%files -n xorg-proto-printproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-printproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-randrproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-randrproto randrproto.txt
+%files -n xorg-proto-recordproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-recordproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-renderproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-renderproto renderproto.txt
+%files -n xorg-proto-resourceproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-resourceproto resproto.txt
+%files -n xorg-proto-scrnsaverproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-scrnsaverproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-trapproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-trapproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-videoproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-videoproto xv-protocol-v2.txt
+%if %{with foreign}
+%files -n xorg-proto-windowswmproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-windowswmproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xcmiscproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xcmiscproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xextproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xextproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xf86bigfontproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xf86bigfontproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xf86dgaproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xf86dgaproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xf86driproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xf86driproto
+%dir %{_includedir}/X11/dri
+%files -n xorg-proto-xf86miscproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xf86miscproto
+%if %{with legacy}
+%files -n xorg-proto-xf86rushproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xf86rushproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xf86vidmodeproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xf86vidmodeproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xineramaproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-xineramaproto
+%files -n xorg-proto-xproto-devel
+# specs/*.html specs/SIAddresses/{IPv6,hostname,localuser}.txt
+%dir %{_includedir}/X11/extensions
+%files -n xorg-proto-xproxymngproto-devel
+%doc COPYING-pmproto PM_spec
+%dir %{_includedir}/X11/PM
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