[packages/python-Paste] - updated to 2.0.3 (python 3 support) - added py3.7 patch (fix StopIteration issue detected by tests

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Sat Jul 21 17:07:28 CEST 2018

commit e091c80a71e1d836e091804946fa0c13bc37434c
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Sat Jul 21 17:09:23 2018 +0200

    - updated to 2.0.3 (python 3 support)
    - added py3.7 patch (fix StopIteration issue detected by tests)
    - added python3- and -apidocs packages

 python-Paste-py3.7.patch |  17 ++++++
 python-Paste.spec        | 155 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python-Paste.spec b/python-Paste.spec
index 2954388..65c55a4 100644
--- a/python-Paste.spec
+++ b/python-Paste.spec
@@ -1,52 +1,167 @@
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without	python2	# CPython 2.x module
+%bcond_without	python3	# CPython 3.x module
+%bcond_without	doc	# Sphinx documentation
+%bcond_without	tests	# unit tests
 Summary:	Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Narzędzia do używania stosu Web Server Gateway Interface
 Name:		python-Paste
-Release:	3
+Version:	2.0.3
+Release:	1
 Group:		Libraries/Python
-License:	X11/MIT
-Source0:	http://cheeseshop.python.org/packages/source/P/Paste/Paste-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	7ea5fabed7dca48eb46dc613c4b6c4ed
-URL:		http://pythonpaste.org/
-BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.710
-BuildRequires:	python-devel
-BuildRequires:	python-modules
+License:	MIT
+#Source0Download: https://pypi.org/simple/paste/
+Source0:	https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/P/Paste/Paste-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	1231e14eae62fa7ed76e9130b04bc61e
+Patch0:		%{name}-py3.7.patch
+# dead
+#URL:		http://pythonpaste.org/
+URL:		https://pypi.org/project/Paste/
+%if %{with python2}
+BuildRequires:	python-devel >= 1:2.6
 BuildRequires:	python-setuptools >= 0.6-0.a9.1
+%if %{with tests}
+BuildRequires:	python-nose >= 0.11
+BuildRequires:	python-six >= 1.4.0
+%if %{with python3}
+BuildRequires:	python3-devel >= 1:3.4
+BuildRequires:	python3-setuptools >= 0.6-0.a9.1
+%if %{with tests}
+BuildRequires:	python3-nose >= 0.11
+BuildRequires:	python3-six >= 1.4.0
+%if %{with doc}
+BuildRequires:	sphinx-pdg
 BuildRequires:	rpm-pythonprov
-%pyrequires_eq	python-modules
+BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.714
+Requires:	python-modules >= 1:2.6
 BuildArch:	noarch
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-These provide several pieces of "middleware" (or filters) that can be
+Paste provides several pieces of "middleware" (or filters) that can be
 nested to build web applications. Each piece of middleware uses the
 WSGI (PEP 333) interface, and should be compatible with other
 middleware based on those interfaces.
 %description -l pl.UTF-8
-Ten pakiet dostarcza kilka części "warstwy pośredniej" (lub filtrów),
+Pakiet Paste dostarcza kilka części warstwy pośredniej (lub filtrów),
+które można osadzać w celu zbudowania aplikacji WWW. Każda część
+warstwy pośredniej używa interfejsu WSGI (PEP 333) i powinna być
+kompatybilna z inną warstwą pośrednią opartą na tych interfejsach.
+%package -n python3-Paste
+Summary:	Tools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Narzędzia do używania stosu Web Server Gateway Interface
+Group:		Libraries/Python
+Requires:	python3-modules >= 1:3.4
+%description -n python3-Paste
+Paste provides several pieces of "middleware" (or filters) that can be
+nested to build web applications. Each piece of middleware uses the
+WSGI (PEP 333) interface, and should be compatible with other
+middleware based on those interfaces.
+%description -n python3-Paste -l pl.UTF-8
+Pakiet Paste dostarcza kilka części warstwy pośredniej (lub filtrów),
 które można osadzać w celu zbudowania aplikacji WWW. Każda część
 warstwy pośredniej używa interfejsu WSGI (PEP 333) i powinna być
 kompatybilna z inną warstwą pośrednią opartą na tych interfejsach.
+%package apidocs
+Summary:	API documentation for Python Paste module
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Dokumentacja API modułu Pythona Paste
+Group:		Documentation
+%description apidocs
+API documentation for Python Paste module.
+%description apidocs -l pl.UTF-8
+Dokumentacja API modułu Pythona Paste.
 %setup -q -n Paste-%{version}
+%patch0 -p1
+# junk in archive
+%{__rm} paste/*.py.orig paste/util/*.py.orig
+# online test + requires outdated pythonpaste.org website content
+%{__rm} tests/test_proxy.py
+%if %{with python2}
+%py_build %{?with_tests:test}
+%if %{with python3}
+%py3_build %{?with_tests:test}
+%if %{with doc}
+# no Makefile docs
+cd docs
+sphinx-build -b html . _build/html
-%py_install \
-	--single-version-externally-managed \
-	--optimize=2 \
-	--root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%if %{with python2}
+%if %{with python3}
+%if %{with python2}
-%doc docs/
+%doc README.rst docs/{license,news}.txt
+# paste is also top dir for other python-Paste* packages
+%dir %{py_sitescriptdir}/paste
+%if %{with python3}
+%files -n python3-Paste
+%doc README.rst docs/{license,news}.txt
+# paste is also top dir for other python3-Paste* packages
+%dir %{py3_sitescriptdir}/paste
+%if %{with doc}
+%files apidocs
+%doc docs/_build/html/{_static,community,download,include,modules,*.html,*.js}
diff --git a/python-Paste-py3.7.patch b/python-Paste-py3.7.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc04af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-Paste-py3.7.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+--- Paste-2.0.3/paste/auth/digest.py.orig	2015-04-23 22:48:37.000000000 +0200
++++ Paste-2.0.3/paste/auth/digest.py	2018-07-21 16:59:34.093889555 +0200
+@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
+                 prev = item
+                 continue
+             else:
+-                raise StopIteration
++                return
+         yield prev.strip()
+         prev = item
+     yield prev.strip()
+-    raise StopIteration
++    return
+ def _auth_to_kv_pairs(auth_string):
+     """ split a digest auth string into key, value pairs """

---- gitweb:


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