[packages/crafty] - updated to 25.2 - updated paths,security patches - removed outdated Makefile patch - added portabl

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Sun Nov 17 13:10:36 CET 2019

commit f86d9ab97bcdd8f192274f1a76f8f46b6d7da9b0
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 17 12:54:48 2019 +0100

    - updated to 25.2
    - updated paths,security patches
    - removed outdated Makefile patch
    - added portable patch (allow building not only on x86_64)
    - added spelling patch (typo fix from Debian)

 crafty-Makefile.patch |   49 --
 crafty-paths.patch    |  154 +++-
 crafty-portable.patch |   15 +
 crafty-security.patch |   33 +-
 crafty-spelling.patch |   11 +
 crafty.doc.ascii      | 2112 -------------------------------------------------
 crafty.spec           |   98 ++-
 7 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 2253 deletions(-)
diff --git a/crafty.spec b/crafty.spec
index 5e5520d..f1d05a8 100644
--- a/crafty.spec
+++ b/crafty.spec
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
 # TODO:
-# - update to 21.6
 # - executable should be sgid games?
 Summary:	Superior chess program by Bob Hyatt for Unix systems
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Jeden z lepszych programów szachowych dla uniksów autorstwa Boba Hyatta
 Name:		crafty
-Version:	23.4
+Version:	25.2
 Release:	1
-License:	GPL
+License:	Personal use only (see COPYRIGHT)
 Group:		Applications/Games
-Source0:	ftp://ftp.cis.uab.edu/pub/hyatt/source/%{name}-%{version}.zip
-# Source0-md5:	7e0811dd2d801428d8da48a4e487885a
-Source1:	ftp://ftp.cis.uab.edu/pub/hyatt/documentation/%{name}.doc.ascii
-# NoSource1-md5:	5fd73027a1de1674763562e1987197ba
-Source2:	ftp://ftp.cis.uab.edu/pub/hyatt/documentation/%{name}.doc.ps
-# Source2-md5:	6cef69aa2f9ea1ceb74b6c14edc8291f
-Source3:	%{name}.desktop
-Source4:	xchess.png
+Source0:	http://www.craftychess.com/downloads/source/%{name}-%{version}.zip
+# Source0-md5:	d8ad87d9b0fc39a437595203d7b302fc
+Source1:	http://www.craftychess.com/documentation/craftydoc.html
+# Source1-md5:	584ef65843016328d67a7c9df4007e87
+Source2:	http://www.craftychess.com/downloads/book/book.pgn.gz
+# Source2-md5:	05efad71289b2d328da5110df4a19f85
+Source3:	http://www.craftychess.com/downloads/book/start.pgn.gz
+# Source3-md5:	880279c223dc34164837a351faafe2f0
+Source4:	http://www.craftychess.com/downloads/book/startc.pgn.gz
+# Source4-md5:	7a53d5f09d2baa5e7f0df4ee81961cfb
 Source5:	%{name}-misc.tar.bz2
 # Source5-md5:	28072241d4978a532ac3ef536b02557c
 Source6:	%{name}-bitmaps.tar.gz
 # Source6-md5:	e3e94a914f02dfe8b237b1de7376749e
-Source7:	ftp://ftp.cis.uab.edu/pub/hyatt/book/book.bin
-# Source7-md5:	6d527840579904bf0e0b0a456a580a9b
+Source7:	%{name}.desktop
+Source8:	xchess.png
 Patch0:		%{name}-paths.patch
-Patch1:		%{name}-Makefile.patch
-Patch2:		%{name}-security.patch
-URL:		http://www.limunltd.com/crafty/
+Patch1:		%{name}-security.patch
+Patch2:		%{name}-portable.patch
+Patch3:		%{name}-spelling.patch
+URL:		http://www.craftychess.com/
 BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel
 BuildRequires:	sed >= 4.0
 BuildRequires:	unzip
@@ -47,41 +49,33 @@ Crafty to uniksowy program szachowy rozpowszechniany w postaci
 często wygrywa z GNU Chess na tym samym sprzęcie.
-%setup -q -a5 -a6
+%setup -q -c -a5 -a6
 %patch0 -p0
 %patch1 -p0
 %patch2 -p0
-mv doc/read.me README
-mv doc/* .
-mv bitmaps/README.bitmaps .
-rm -f bitmaps/gifs.tar
-cp %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} .
-cp %{SOURCE7} .
-sed 's at .*machine/builtins.*@@' -i chess.h
+%patch3 -p0
+%{__mv} doc/read.me README
+%{__mv} doc/* .
+%{__mv} bitmaps/README.bitmaps .
+%{__rm} bitmaps/gifs.tar
+cp -p %{SOURCE1} .
+zcat %{SOURCE2} > book.pgn
+zcat %{SOURCE3} > start.pgn
+zcat %{SOURCE4} > startc.pgn
+%{__sed} -ne '/Crafty, copyright/,/ as stated previously/ p' main.c > COPYRIGHT
+%{__sed} -ne '/version  description/,/^\*\*\*/ p; /^ \*\// q' main.c > ChangeLog
-%ifarch %{ix86}
-%ifarch alpha
 %{__make} crafty-make \
-	target="$target" \
 	CC="%{__cc}" \
 	CXX="%{__cxx}" \
 	CFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} -Wall -pipe -D_REENTRANT" \
-	LDFLAGS="%{rpmldflags} -lpthread" \
-	asm="$asmobj"
+	LDFLAGS="%{rpmldflags} -pthread" \
+	opt="-DCPUS=4 -DSYZYGY" \
+	target=UNIX
 sh make_books
-#mv large_book.bin book.bin
@@ -92,15 +86,15 @@ install crafty $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
 install xcrafty $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
 install speak $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/crafty-speak
-install book.bin books.bin crafty.hlp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
-install bitmaps/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/bitmaps
-install tb/*.emd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tb
+cp -p book.bin bookc.bin books.bin crafty.hlp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
+cp -p bitmaps/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/bitmaps
+cp -p tb/*.emd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/tb
-install crafty.6 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man6
+cp -p crafty.6 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man6
 echo ".so crafty.6" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man6/xcrafty.6
-install %{SOURCE3} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir}
-install %{SOURCE4} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}
+cp -p %{SOURCE7} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_desktopdir}
+cp -p %{SOURCE8} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_pixmapsdir}
 touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/%{name}/book.lrn \
@@ -114,8 +108,9 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-%doc crafty.doc* crafty.faq README* small.txt start.pgn tournament.howto
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/crafty*
+%doc COPYRIGHT ChangeLog README* crafty.doc crafty.faq craftydoc.html tournament.howto
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/crafty
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/crafty-speak
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/xcrafty
 %dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
@@ -130,6 +125,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
 %attr(660,root,games) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) /var/lib/%{name}/book.lrn
 %attr(660,root,games) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) /var/lib/%{name}/position.bin
 %attr(660,root,games) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) /var/lib/%{name}/position.lrn
diff --git a/crafty-Makefile.patch b/crafty-Makefile.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a9744e9..0000000
--- a/crafty-Makefile.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
---- Makefile.orig	2010-03-06 22:16:20.000000000 +0100
-+++ Makefile	2010-03-06 22:38:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -108,19 +108,19 @@
- linux-amd64-profile:
- 	$(MAKE) target=LINUX \
- 		CC=gcc CXX=g++ \
--                CFLAGS='-Wall -pipe -fprofile-arcs -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -march=k8' \
-+                CFLAGS='-Wall -pipe -fprofile-arcs -fomit-frame-pointer -O3' \
- 		CXFLAGS='' \
--		LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -lpthread -lnuma -fprofile-arcs -lstdc++' \
--		opt='$(opt) -DINLINE64 -DCPUS=8 -DNUMA -DLIBNUMA' \
-+		LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -lpthread -pthreads -fprofile-arcs -lstdc++' \
-+		opt='$(opt) -DINLINE64 -DCPUS=8' \
- 		crafty-make
- linux-amd64:
- 	$(MAKE) target=LINUX \
- 		CC=gcc CXX=g++ \
--                CFLAGS='-Wall -pipe -fbranch-probabilities -fomit-frame-pointer -O3 -march=k8' \
-+                CFLAGS='-Wall -pipe -fbranch-probabilities -fomit-frame-pointer -O3' \
- 		CXFLAGS='' \
--		LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -lpthread -lnuma -lstdc++' \
--		opt='$(opt) -DINLINE64 -DCPUS=8 -DNUMA -DLIBNUMA' \
-+		LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -lpthread -pthread -lstdc++' \
-+		opt='$(opt) -DINLINE64 -DCPUS=8' \
- 		crafty-make
- linux:
-@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
- 		CC=gcc CXX=g++ \
- 		CFLAGS='-pg -Wall -pipe' \
- 		CXFLAGS='' \
--		LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -pg -lstdc++ -lpthread' \
--		opt='$(opt) -DTRACE -DINLINE64 -DCPUS=2' \
-+		LDFLAGS='$(LDFLAGS) -pg -lstdc++ -pthread -lpthread' \
-+		opt='$(opt) -DTRACE -DINLINE32 -DCPUS=2' \
- 		crafty-make
- linux-profile:
-@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
- crafty.o: *.c *.h
- crafty:	$(objects) egtb.o
--	$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o crafty $(objects) egtb.o -lm  $(LIBS)
-+	$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o crafty $(objects) egtb.o -lm  $(LIBS)
- egtb.o: egtb.cpp
- 	$(CXX) -c $(CXFLAGS) $(opts) egtb.cpp
diff --git a/crafty-paths.patch b/crafty-paths.patch
index 097867f..d4a79f0 100644
--- a/crafty-paths.patch
+++ b/crafty-paths.patch
@@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
---- chess.h.org	2010-11-08 19:07:43.000000000 +0100
-+++ chess.h	2012-05-07 20:13:11.000000000 +0200
-@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@
- #    define UNIX        /* system is unix-based                       */
+--- chess.h.orig	2019-11-14 18:45:24.015435698 +0100
++++ chess.h	2019-11-14 18:52:10.289901387 +0100
+@@ -62,17 +62,20 @@
+ #    endif
  #  endif
  #  if !defined(BOOKDIR)
--#    define     BOOKDIR        "."
-+#    define     BOOKDIR        "/usr/share/crafty"
+-#    define   BOOKDIR      "."
++#    define   BOOKDIR      "/usr/share/crafty"
  #  endif
  #  if !defined(LOGDIR)
- #    define      LOGDIR        "."
+ #    define   LOGDIR       "."
  #  endif
  #  if !defined(TBDIR)
--#    define       TBDIR     "./TB"
-+#    define       TBDIR     "/usr/share/crafty/TB"
+-#    define   TBDIR        "./syzygy"
++#    define   TBDIR        "/usr/share/crafty/syzygy"
  #  endif
  #  if !defined(RCDIR)
- #    define       RCDIR        "."
-@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@
- #    include "inline32.h"
- #  endif
- #  if defined(UNIX)
--#    define SPEAK "./speak "
-+#    define SPEAK "/usr/bin/crafty-speak "
- #  else
- #    define SPEAK ".\\Speak.exe "
+ #    define   RCDIR        "."
  #  endif
++#  if !defined(SPEAK_CMD)
++#    define SPEAK_CMD        "/usr/bin/crafty-speak"
++#  endif
+ #  include "lock.h"
+ #  define MAXPLY                                 129
+ #  define MAX_TC_NODES                       3000000
 --- option.c.orig	2010-03-04 03:11:14.000000000 +0100
 +++ option.c	2010-03-06 22:15:00.000000000 +0100
 @@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
@@ -36,3 +34,123 @@
      if (!helpfile) {
        printf("ERROR.  Unable to open \"crafty.hlp\" -- help unavailable\n");
        return (1);
+--- analyze.c.orig	2019-11-14 18:56:09.495272167 +0100
++++ analyze.c	2019-11-14 18:56:11.901925796 +0100
+@@ -146,10 +146,7 @@
+         Print(32, "%s\n", outmove);
+         if (speech) {
+           char announce[64];
+-          strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-          strcat(announce, outmove);
+-          strcat(announce, " &");
++	  snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s %s &", SPEAK_CMD, outmove);
+           v = system(announce);
+           if (v != 0)
+             perror("Analyze() system() error: ");
+--- main.c.orig	2016-10-27 22:11:42.000000000 +0200
++++ main.c	2019-11-14 19:06:40.188522076 +0100
+@@ -4698,8 +4698,7 @@
+           if (audible_alarm)
+             printf("%c", audible_alarm);
+           if (speech) {
+-            strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-            strcat(announce, "Drawaccept");
++            snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s Drawaccept", SPEAK_CMD);
+             v = system(announce);
+             if (v != 0)
+               perror("main() system() error: ");
+@@ -4711,8 +4710,7 @@
+         if (!xboard) {
+           Print(1, "Draw declined.\n");
+           if (speech) {
+-            strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-            strcat(announce, "Drawdecline");
++            snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s Drawdecline", SPEAK_CMD);
+             v = system(announce);
+             if (v != 0)
+               perror("main() system() error: ");
+@@ -4748,8 +4746,7 @@
+           strcpy(pgn_result, "1-0");
+         }
+         if (speech) {
+-          strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-          strcat(announce, "Checkmate");
++          snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s Checkmate", SPEAK_CMD);
+           v = system(announce);
+           if (v != 0)
+             perror("main() system() error: ");
+@@ -4759,8 +4756,7 @@
+         if (!xboard) {
+           Print(1, "stalemate\n");
+           if (speech) {
+-            strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-            strcat(announce, "Stalemate");
++            snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s Stalemate", SPEAK_CMD);
+             v = system(announce);
+             if (v != 0)
+               perror("main() system() error: ");
+@@ -4802,9 +4798,7 @@
+       if (speech) {
+         char *moveptr = OutputMove(tree, 0, game_wtm, last_pv.path[1]);
+-        strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-        strcat(announce, moveptr);
+-        strcat(announce, " &");
++        snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s %s &", SPEAK_CMD, moveptr);
+         v = system(announce);
+         if (v != 0)
+           perror("main() system() error: ");
+--- resign.c.orig	2016-10-27 22:11:42.000000000 +0200
++++ resign.c	2019-11-14 19:08:06.374721832 +0100
+@@ -109,8 +109,7 @@
+     if (speech) {
+       char announce[128];
+-      strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-      strcat(announce, "Resign");
++      snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s Resign", SPEAK_CMD);
+       v = system(announce);
+       if (v <= 0)
+         perror("ResignOrDraw() system() error: ");
+@@ -132,8 +131,7 @@
+       if (speech) {
+         char announce[128];
+-        strcpy(announce, "./speak ");
+-        strcat(announce, "Drawoffer");
++        snprintf(announce, sizeof(announce), "%s Drawoffer", SPEAK_CMD);
+         v = system(announce);
+         if (v <= 0)
+           perror("ResignOrDraw() system() error: ");
+--- annotate.c.orig	2016-10-27 22:11:42.000000000 +0200
++++ annotate.c	2019-11-15 21:38:33.684414406 +0100
+@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
+   fprintf(annotate_out, "</HTML>\n");
+ }
+ void AnnotatePositionHTML(TREE * RESTRICT tree, int wtm, FILE * annotate_out) {
+-  char filename[32], html_piece;
++  char filename[64], html_piece;
+   char alt[32];
+   int rank, file;
+@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
+   for (rank = RANK8; rank >= RANK1; rank--) {
+     fprintf(annotate_out, "<TR>\n");
+     for (file = FILEA; file <= FILEH; file++) {
+-      strcpy(filename, "bitmaps/");
++      strcpy(filename, "/usr/share/crafty/bitmaps/");
+       if ((rank + file) % 2)
+         strcat(filename, "w");
+       else
+--- make_books.orig	2003-02-15 13:10:34.000000000 +0100
++++ make_books	2019-11-15 19:08:06.169987317 +0100
+@@ -7,4 +7,7 @@
+ echo "books create start.pgn 60" | ./crafty 
+ # create book.bin (opening book)
+-echo "book create small.txt 60 3" | ./crafty
++echo "book create book.pgn 60 3" | ./crafty
++# create bookc.bin (computer opening book)
++echo "bookc create startc.pgn 60 3" | ./crafty
diff --git a/crafty-portable.patch b/crafty-portable.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad10b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crafty-portable.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+--- tbprobe.c.orig	2016-10-27 22:11:42.000000000 +0200
++++ tbprobe.c	2019-11-14 21:37:58.862672013 +0100
+@@ -108,8 +108,12 @@
+ #define board(s)                ((uint64_t)1 << (s))
+ static inline unsigned _lsb(uint64_t b) {
++#ifdef __x86_64__
+   size_t idx;
+ __asm__("bsfq %1, %0": "=r"(idx):"rm"(b));
+   return idx;
++  return ffsll(b) - 1;
+ }
+ #define square(r, f)            (8 * (r) + (f))
diff --git a/crafty-security.patch b/crafty-security.patch
index d21a281..c6b0ea3 100644
--- a/crafty-security.patch
+++ b/crafty-security.patch
@@ -1,30 +1,18 @@
---- main.c.orig	2010-03-04 03:12:14.000000000 +0100
-+++ main.c	2010-03-06 22:34:46.000000000 +0100
-@@ -3888,7 +3888,10 @@
-   if (argc > 1) {
+--- main.c.orig	2019-11-15 20:01:15.292710356 +0100
++++ main.c	2019-11-15 20:08:22.987060003 +0100
+@@ -4308,7 +4308,10 @@
      for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
-       if (strstr(argv[i], "path") || strstr(argv[i], "log")) {
+       if (strstr(argv[i], "path") || strstr(argv[i], "log") ||
+           strstr(argv[1], "affinity")) {
 -        strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
-+       //This is a security flaw (see http://bugs.debian.org/203541
-+       //strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
-+       memset(buffer,'\0',sizeof(buffer));
++        //This is a security flaw (see http://bugs.debian.org/203541
++        //strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
++        memset(buffer,'\0',sizeof(buffer));
 +        strncpy(buffer,argv[i],sizeof(buffer)-1);
          result = Option(tree);
          if (result == 0)
-           printf("ERROR \"%s\" is unknown command-line option\n", buffer);
-@@ -3967,7 +3970,10 @@
-     for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-       if (strcmp(argv[i], "c"))
-         if (!strstr(argv[i], "path")) {
--          strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
-+         //This is a security flaw (see http://bugs.debian.org/203541
-+         //strcpy(buffer, argv[i]);
-+         memset(buffer,'\0',sizeof(buffer));
-+          strncpy(buffer,argv[i],sizeof(buffer)-1);
-           result = Option(tree);
-           if (result == 0)
-             printf("ERROR \"%s\" is unknown command-line option\n", buffer);
-@@ -3996,11 +4002,16 @@
+           Print(2048, "ERROR \"%s\" is unknown command-line option\n",
+@@ -4328,11 +4331,16 @@
  #if defined(UNIX)
    input_stream = fopen(".craftyrc", "r");
@@ -42,4 +30,3 @@
    if (input_stream)
    sprintf(crafty_rc_file_spec, "%s/crafty.rc", rc_path);
diff --git a/crafty-spelling.patch b/crafty-spelling.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b50b450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crafty-spelling.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- option.c.orig	2019-11-15 20:09:00.500190110 +0100
++++ option.c	2019-11-15 21:39:46.887351164 +0100
+@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@
+           nargs--;
+           targs++;
+         } else
+-          printf("error, name must be preceeded by +/- flag.\n");
++          printf("error, name must be preceded by +/- flag.\n");
+         nargs--;
+         targs++;
+       }
diff --git a/crafty.doc.ascii b/crafty.doc.ascii
deleted file mode 100644
index dda0725..0000000
--- a/crafty.doc.ascii
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2112 +0,0 @@
-         Crafty Command Documentation (version 18)
-      -----------------------------------------------
-Crafty  is nothing more than a long-time hobby of mine, dat-
-ing back to Blitz and later Cray Blitz.  People ask me how I
-keep doing this, and that is the one question that generally
-leaves me at a loss for words.
-Perhaps the most common question I'm asked is "is this  ver-
-sion  of Crafty some dumbed-down version of what you play on
-ICC or what you use at a computer chess event?"  The  answer
-is a resounding *NO*.  The current version is *exactly* what
-is running on ICC under this version number.   Note  that  a
-new  version  can, on occasion, introduce weaknesses or out-
-right bugs that were not present  in  previous  "gold"  ver-
-sions.   As  a result, you should be careful to back up your
-"favorite" before trying the latest and  greatest.   If  you
-aren't  satisfied with the new version, you can then go back
-to what you believe is a better version.
-If you are looking for the strongest playing computer  chess
-program  available,  you should likely look to Fritz, Rebel,
-Tiger, and the other commercial  entries.   There  you  will
-find  strong  opponents  with  polished interfaces that have
-been tested in a systematic and careful  way.   If  you  are
-looking  for  a program that plays good chess, has a reason-
-able set of features for you to use, is available in  source
-form,  and  one  where the author welcomes feedback, code or
-suggestions, then you are at the  right  place.   I  welcome
-comments  and  suggestions, and also feedback from ideas you
-try yourself that seem to work.
-Crafty is a state-of-the-art  computer  chess  program,  and
-uses  all  of  the  search algorithms you have probably read
-about, negascout search, killer/history move  ordering,  SEE
-(Static  Exchange  Evaluation)  quiescence move ordering and
-pruning, hash (transposition/refutation) tables as  well  as
-evaluation caches, selective extensions, recursive null-move
-search, and a host of other features that have been used and
-are  still  being  used in most computer chess programs.  If
-it's not in Crafty, either it is on the "to do" list, or  it
-has been tried, found wanting, and discarded.
-Chess Knowledge is growing, and suggestions (or even better,
-real code) are welcome.  This is  the  best  place  to  con-
-tribute  your  ideas,  because knowledge can be used to sup-
-plant search and make it play  better.   The  evaluation  is
-probably  the easiest place to start studying Crafty because
-of the comments and simplicity of using bitmaps, *once*  you
-get "into" them.
-My  purpose  for doing this is an exercise in computer chess
-efficiency.  I can't begin to count the number of  people  I
-know  that  started  from  scratch to write a chess program.
-Even larger is the group that started from scratch, and gave
-up  before  finishing, because of the basic size of the pro-
-Crafty offers everyone a very clean starting point,  if  you
-are  fascinated by the bitmap chess board implementation (as
-I  am).   The  search  and  quiescence  code  is  reasonably
-straightforward, as is the evaluation,
-It  offers a great starting point, so that if you are inter-
-ested in trying a new search extension, you can  be  testing
-tomorrow,  rather  than  next year, because you start with a
-fully functional chess engine that is not a  "toy"  applica-
-tion,  but is a functional and "dangerous" chess player.  It
-offers a rapid start, although you can certainly replace  it
-piece  by  piece  until  it is "yours" if you want.  It also
-offers a fairly complete set of commands  and  an  interface
-for  a GUI as well as support for chess server play, so that
-testing and debugging your new ideas is greatly  simplified.
-If you'd like more information, please check out the read.me
-document  and  the  crafty.FAQ  that  are  distributed  with
-Crafty.  These contain recent news and specific instructions
-for commonly asked  questions,  like  "where  can  I  obtain
-tablebase files and how do I use them?"
-                    How to play a game.
-                    -------------------
-When  you execute Crafty, you will immediately be greeted by
-the prompt string "white(1): " and Crafty will wait for com-
-mands.  This prompt means it is white on move, and we are at
-move #1 for white.  You can first use any  of  the  commands
-from the alphabetic command listing below to tailor the game
-to your liking (time control, hash table size, book  random-
-ness,  etc.)  and then you have two choices.  If you want to
-play white, just enter your move, and Crafty  will  take  it
-from  there  and  make a move in response.  You will then be
-prompted by "white(2):" and it is your move again.   If  you
-would prefer to play black, just enter either "move" or "go"
-at the prompt and crafty will move for that side rather than
-accepting  a  move  from  you.   After it makes its move for
-white, you will then see the prompt "black(1): "  indicating
-it is now time for blacks first move.  You can enter a move,
-or you can once again enter "move" or "go" and  Crafty  will
-again  move  for  the current side, change sides, and prompt
-you for what to do next.
-If you find yourself continually using a set of commands  to
-configure crafty to play as you want, you can put these com-
-mands in a startup file called .craftyrc (Unix) or crafty.rc
-(DOS/Windows).   The  format  for this file is just like you
-would type the commands at the keyboard, with  the  require-
-ment that the last line of the file must be "exit" on a line
-by itself.  Using this, each time you start Crafty, it  will
-first  execute the commands from this file before it prompts
-you for input.
-While Crafty is running, you can control what  it  displays,
-but  here's a couple of samples to explain what it is saying
-and why:
-           depth   time   score    variation (1)
-            book moves {d4, c3, Nc3, d3, b3, c4, g3, b4, Be2, Bb5}
-            book   0.0s     70%    d4
-White(3): d4
-            time used:   0.01
-This is the normal output for those cases where Crafty is in
-book.   The book moves line gives the set of book moves that
-made the first selection cut (see the book selection  expla-
-nation  given  later), followed by the move actually played,
-in this case d4.
-If Crafty is out of book, then  the  output  looks  somewhat
-different as given below:
-   depth   time   score    variation (1)
-     4->   0.81    2.09    6. dxe4 Bxe4 7. Rad8 Qf2 8. Qb5
-     5      1.37    2.41    6. dxe4 Bxe4 7. Ne5 Qf4 8. Bxe4+
-Qxe4 9. f5
-     5->   1.88    2.41    6. dxe4 Bxe4 7. Ne5 Qf4 8.  Bxe4+
-Qxe4 9. f5
-     6     7.38      --    6. dxe4
-     6     11.90     1.97    6. dxe4 Bxe4 7. Rab8 Qf2 8. Qc7
-Nc5 9. Qe5
-     6    12.92      ++    6. Ne5
-     6    13.71    2.23    6. Ne5 Qg2 7. Ng6 h5 8. Nh4 Qg4
-     6->  15.59    2.23    6. Ne5 Qg2 7. Ng6 h5 8. Nh4 Qg4
-   time: 15.60  cpu:99%  mat:1  n:246565  nps:15927
-   ext-> checks:4706 recaps:1336 pawns:0 1rep:301
-   nodes  full:45951  quiescence:200614  evals:104657
-   endgame tablebase-> probes done: 0  successful: 0
-Let's take this stuff one line at a time.  Lines  that  have
-something like 4-> in the depth column are printed when that
-iteration (depth) is  completely  finished.   The  time  and
-score  columns  should  be obvious as to their meaning as is
-the PV, the sequence of moves that led to this  score.   One
-note  about  the  "score"  column.  As of version 18, Crafty
-displays the score with + values good for  white,  -  values
-good  for  black,  no matter which side it is playing in the
-game.  All output now follows this convention, from playing,
-to  analysis  mode,  to  annotating  your games, to whisper-
-ing/kibitzing on the chess servers, and so forth.   This  is
-unlike  other  engines,  but  once you get used to it, it is
-much less confusing when you remember that  negative  scores
-are good for black and bad for white, and vice-versa.
-the  line that has -- in the score column means that when we
-started depth 6, dxe4 turned out to be worse than we thought
-(notice  score  dropped  from 2.411 last search to 1.972 for
-this move this search.)  To resolve this, Crafty lowers  the
-lower  search bound (alpha) and re-searches the move to find
-the score.  The line with ++ means that this move  (Ne5)  is
-better than the best move so far, so Crafty raises the upper
-search bound (beta) and re-searches this move  to  find  the
-new score.
-the  first line of statistics gives the total time taken for
-this search, the cpu percentage which should stay at 98-100%
-unless your machine is heavily loaded or unless Crafty is in
-an endgame that is  having  lots  of  contact  with  endgame
-databases.  If this drops below 98%, it means that Crafty is
-not getting full CPU usage and will be playing  weaker  than
-normal.   The mat:1 is simply the true material score, since
-Crafty's positional scores are often larger than a pawn.
-               Alphabetic Listing of Commands
-               ------------------------------
-1.  alarm on|off  This command is used to  control  Crafty's
-"beep"  after  it  makes a move.  Turning this off will make
-Crafty "quiet" when it plays, but also makes it easy to miss
-a  move  if  you  are  using crafty to play in a tournament.
-This is primarily designed to make Crafty  tolerable  during
-late night matches.
-2.  analyze  This command puts crafty into analyze mode.  In
-this mode, Crafty starts computing for whichever side is  on
-move,  and  it  continues computing and showing its analysis
-until a move is entered.  This move is made, Crafty  changes
-sides,  and  starts thinking and printing analysis all over,
-but for the other side now.
-This command is useful to play through a game,  because  you
-get  instant  feedback  when you try a move.  If you want to
-try a different move from the one you just entered, use  the
-"back"  command  to  back  up one move, or use "back <n>" to
-back up <n> moves.  Note that one move is a single move  for
-the  last  player, not a move for both sides.  To unmake the
-most recent 2 moves (one for black, one for white) use "back
-3.    annotate|annotateh  <filename>  <colors|name>  <moves>
-<margin> <time> This command is used to annotate (make  com-
-ments in) a game that has already been played.
-The annotate command produces a file with the .can extension
-added to the original name.  This  file  will  contain  pure
-ascii  information  from  the  annotation pass.  "annotateh"
-produces an HTML file instead (with  the  .html  extension).
-This  includes  the  normal  output,  plus  a nice bitmapped
-graphical board display for every position where crafty  had
-'something to say'.
-<filename>  is  the name of the file that has the game moves
-stored  in  it.   This  should  be  a  PGN-compatible  file,
-although  Crafty  can  read nearly any file with chess moves
-and convert it to pgn using the "read" and  "savegame"  com-
-mands to perform the conversion.
-<colors|name>  indicates  which  side  Crafty will annotate.
-The valid choices are w, b, and wb/bw for white only,  black
-only,  and  both, respectively.  Crafty will search and pro-
-duce results for the indicated color only, making moves  for
-the other side silently as they are read in.
-Alternatively,  you can specify the player's name (useful if
-you want to annotate several of your own games in one  large
-pgn file, for example, and you alternated colors so that you
-can't pick the right one easily).  Crafty will  then  figure
-out  which side to annotate for in each game.  Note that the
-name is case-sensitive, but that you only have  to  enter  a
-string  that is unique in the name field.  IE if one name is
-"Anatoly Karpov" and the other is "unknown" then  specifying
-Karpov  as  the  name  would  be  sufficient.   If  the same
-'string' appears in both names, Crafty will complain.
-<moves> indicates the moves that should  be  annotated.   If
-this  is  a  single  integer, annotation starts at this move
-number (for the color given above) and proceeds for the rest
-of  the  game.   If  a range is given, as (20-33), then only
-moves 20-33 inclusive are annotated.  To annotate  the  com-
-plete game, you can use 1-999.
-<margin> gives a score "window" that controls whether Crafty
-will produce comments (see below).  The larger  this  number
-this  number,  the fewer annotations Crafty will produce.  A
-negative number will result in an annotation for every  move
-<time> indicates the time limit for each search.  Since each
-move selected requires two searches, you can take the number
-of  moves,  double  this  number  and  multiply by <time> to
-determine how long the annotation process will  take.   This
-time is in seconds.
-How it works.  Suppose you use the command "annotate game1 w
-1-999 1.000 30" This asks Crafty to read the  file  "game1",
-and  annotate the white moves for the entire game.  The mar-
-gin is 1 pawn and the search time limit is 30 seconds.   The
-output  for the annotate command is found in <filename>.can,
-in this case this is game1.can.
-Crafty first searches the move actually played in  the  game
-to  determine  the  score  for it.  Crafty then searches the
-same position, but tries all legal moves.  If the score  for
-the best move found in this search is greater than the score
-for the move actually played plus the margin, then a comment
-is  added  to  the  output  file.  This output file is quite
-short, with all the game moves (plus any  PGN  tags  in  the
-original,  for  identification purposes) plus the brief com-
-ments.  An annotation looks like this:
-{real_value (depth:best_value PV moves)}
-real_value is the score for the move actually played.  depth
-is  the  depth Crafty searched to produce the best_value and
-PV for what it thinks is the best sequence of moves for both
-sides.   If you set <margin> to 1.000, you are asking Crafty
-to only annotate moves that either lost a pawn or  more,  or
-moves  that  failed to win a pawn or more.  If you set <mar-
-gin> to .300, you are asking for annotations  for  any  move
-that  makes  the  score  drop  about 1/3 of a pawn below the
-value for the best move Crafty found.
-If you have other moves you would like to see analyzed  dur-
-ing  this  annotate process, at the point where the move can
-be played, insert it into the PGN file as an  analysis  com-
-ment,  surrounded  by () or {} characters.  Crafty will pro-
-duce analysis for this move as well.  If more than one  move
-appears  inside  a  single set of delimiters, only the first
-will be analyzed.  To force Crafty to analyze more than  one
-move,  enter them like this:  (move1) (move2) as though they
-were two separate comments.
-4.  ANSI on|off  This command is used to control whether  or
-not  Crafty attempts to display its move in reverse video or
-not.  For PC's, Linux, and most Unix boxes, this works fine.
-Should you find yourself playing crafty via a dumb terminal,
-this might hose the terminal and interfere with your ability
-to  see  or  input  moves.   If  moves  are not displayed in
-reverse video, it's probably wise to turn this off to  avoid
-hanging the terminal you are using.
-5.   black|white   This  command  simply toggles the side on
-move.  if it is white to move, and you enter white,  nothing
-happens.   If  it is white to move and you enter black, then
-it becomes blacks turn to move  immediately  from  the  same
-position.  Used only infrequently.
-6.  book (see the book explanation near the end of this doc-
-ument for a full explanation of this command  and  its  many
-options.)   Note  that  there are special commands available
-(*only*   on   the    command    line,    *not*    in    the
-crafty.rc/.craftyrc  files)  to  direct  crafty  to specific
-directories for the book files (bookpath=/a/b/c), the table-
-base   files   (tbpath=/i/j/k)   and  the  log  files  (log-
-path=/x/y/z).  Note that these commands can *only*  be  used
-on  the  command  line, because they must be executed before
-the  engine   is   initialized.    Putting   them   in   the
-crafty.rc/.craftyrc file will produce error messages without
-affecting how the files are opened.
-If you need to specify multiple  directories  (tbpath  only)
-you  may  do  so  by using "tbpath=path1:path2:path3:etc" or
-else       use       the       more        Unix-        like
-"tbpath=(path1:path2:path3:etc)"  instead.   The  paths  are
-separated by ":" (colon) characters and everything is  case-
-sensitive  as  usual.   For dos/windows users, the separator
-can be a semi-color (;) or a comma(,)  to  avoid  the  drive
-designation ambiguity.
-7.   cache=N   This  command is used to alter the cache size
-used for endgame database probes.  N can be a  simple  inte-
-ger,  representing  the  number of bytes to use or it can be
-specified as nK or nM representing n * 1024  bytes  or  n  *
-1024  *  1024  bytes.   This  should  be in multiples of the
-database "chunk" size, which might vary.  Using the nM  form
-guarantees that you will have a reasonable number.
-8.    clock  <ctime>  <otime>   This  command  is  primarily
-intended for use when Crafty is  playing  in  a  tournament,
-such  as the WMCCC or WCCC events.  If the operator is some-
-what slow in entering moves, or forgets to  stop  the  clock
-after making a move for Crafty, the chess clock for the game
-will drift from the values that Crafty maintains internally.
-<ctime>  is the time (in minutes or hh:mm format) crafty has
-left until the next time control, and <otime> is  the  oppo-
-nent's  remaining  clock  time.  This command can be used at
-any time, but will only affect the  time  per  move  *after*
-crafty makes the current move and starts to think about what
-the opponent might do next.
-9.  computer  This command usually  comes  from  xboard/win-
-board,  but  can  be  used  at any time to tell Crafty it is
-playing a computer.  This will prevent some things from hap-
-pening, such as a draw score that varies, as well as adjust-
-ing the book selection code to be more selective in what  it
-10.   display   this  command  is  used  to display the game
-board.  This board is displayed using the ICS style #1  type
-of  ASCII  display,  with  white always at the bottom of the
-screen, black at the top.  Very  unusable  to  play  a  game
-with,  but  good  to verify a position after it has been set
-This  command  is  also  used   to   display   the   various
-piece/square  tables,  by  typing  "display  <piece>"  where
-<piece> is replaced by pawn, knight, bishop, rook, queen  or
-king.   The board is oriented in the same way as the display
-board with a one-to-one correspondence between the  squares.
-Perhaps  useful  for  curiosity,  but not for anything else.
-These values can not be modified by the user.
-The final version of this command is used  to  control  what
-kind of output you will see when crafty runs.  Currently the
-following options are available.
-       display time:  this  will  make  Crafty  display  the
-     amount of time each side takes after making a move.
-       display  changes:   this will make Crafty display the
-     PV each time it changes during  the  search,  including
-     when a move fails high or becomes a new best move.
-     display  variation:   this will make Crafty display the
-     PV at the end of each iteration, but it will only  show
-     the  best  PV  for the entire iteration, not all of the
-     changes.
-     display stats:  this enables  basic  search  statistics
-     output including time, nodes and so forth.
-     display  extstats:   this enables extended search stats
-     including  the  hashing  statistics,  search  extension
-     statistics and so forth.
-     display movenum: causes all PV output to have move num-
-     bers embedded in them to make the PV possibly easier to
-     read.   This  causes the PV to look like this:  12. ...
-     Nxe4 13. Bxe4 h6 rather than simply Nxe4 Bxe4 h6.  This
-     is very helpful when playing on a server and whispering
-     or kibitzing analysis.  It will  also  be  useful  when
-     crafty  is  run  from  within a database program as the
-     move numbers will sync up with the actual game.
-     display moves:  will display each root move  as  it  is
-     searched,  along  with  updating the search time at the
-     bottom of the screen, so you can see what move is  cur-
-     rently being analyzed.
-     display general:  will display general information mes-
-     sages whenever Crafty wants to tell you  something  (ie
-     "clearing  hash tables" or other such things like "Mate
-     in n moves."
-If you put a "no" in front of any  of  these  options,  that
-will disable that particular type of output.
-11.   draw  offers Crafty a draw.  It generally will look at
-the value returned by the last search, and compare  it  with
-the  value returned by an internal function DrawScore().  If
-the search value is not above this result, then Crafty  will
-accept the draw.  If the search value is above the theoreti-
-cal value for a draw, Crafty will decline  the  draw.   Note
-that  crafty  will  offer  draws based on internal analysis.
-When it offers a draw, you can respond with "draw"  although
-the game does not really end until you exit Crafty.
-12.  drawscore N sets the draw score (or contempt factor) to
-N.  If you want crafty to avoid draws, set  this  number  to
-something  that  is negative.  IE -50 says that a repetition
-(draw) is the same as being 1/2 pawn down.   Setting  it  to
-+100  will  make it try very hard to draw because that looks
-like it is winning a pawn when it does so.  Note  that  this
-is dangerous (either way) as a -50 in a king and pawn ending
-is very likely dead lost...  and a repetition is better.
-13.  echo <text>  This command is  normally  used  inside  a
-command file that you are going to use to "feed" crafty some
-positions for analysis or whatever.  Since crafty depends on
-the  operating  system  to  echo commands as they are typed,
-commands read in from a file are  "invisible."   This  gives
-you  the ability to insert commands into such a file so that
-crafty displays a message on the screen to give you an  idea
-of where it is in processing the file.
-14.   edit   This command has been "cloned" from GnuChess to
-provide an interface with Xboard.  After entering the "edit"
-command,   you   are   in   "edit.white"   mode,  where  any
-piece/square combination you enter will  add  the  indicated
-white  piece on the given square.  Piece/squares are entered
-as "qa3", or "bc4" for example.  This puts a white queen  on
-a3  and  a  white  bishop  on c4.  Once all white pieces are
-entered, typing a "c" changes  to  "edit.black"  mode  where
-piece/square  combinations now place black pieces.  Typing a
-"." character exits edit mode.   To  clear  the  board  ini-
-tially, you use the "#" character.
-Here's  a  sample  to set up the original starting position,
-after white has played 1. e4, but no other moves  have  been
-  edit
-  #
-  ra1 nb1 bc1 qd1 ke1 bf1 ng1 rh1
-  pa2 pb2 pc2 pd2 pe4 pf2 pg2 ph2
-  c
-  ra8 nb8 bc8 qd8 ke8 bf8 ng8 rh8
-  pa7 pb7 pc7 pd7 pe7 pf7 pg7 ph7
-  .
-Note  that  input  is  free  form,  so  piece/squares can be
-entered one per line or all on one line.  Ditto for  the  #,
-c, and . special characters.  Note also that there is no way
-to enter castling status here.  It is far better to use  the
-"setboard"  command  which uses a FEN-like syntax and allows
-you to set both castling and enpassant status.
-15.  egtb   This  command  enables  the  endgame  databases.
-Crafty  will  use  the  "tbpath"  directory (if provided) to
-locate and register all of  the  databases  you  have  down-
-loaded.  It will report the largest class it found, as in "5
-piece tablebase files found" if you downloaded at least  one
-5-piece  file.  If you use this command to enable databases,
-you should also consider using the "cache" command to  spec-
-ify the egtb cache size.
-16.   end|quit  These commands are used to terminate crafty.
-Note that you can resume a  game  later  without  having  to
-replay  the  moves,  by starting Crafty using the "crafty c"
-command.  It will immediately read in the moves for the last
-game,  although  you  will have to set the time controls and
-clock time remaining yourself.
-17.  evaluation option <value>  This command is used to mod-
-ify the evaluation scores.
-The  option "asymmetry" is used to make crafty evaluate king
-safety differently for each side.  "evaluation asymmetry 25"
-will  increase the king safety scores for the opponent only,
-meaning it will pay less attention to its  own  king  safety
-than  to  that of its opponent.  This will make it play more
-aggressively.  "evaluation asymmetry -25"  will  reduce  the
-king  safety  scores  for for the opponent by 25%, making it
-care more about its own king safety than that of  its  oppo-
-nent.  This will make it play more defensively.
-The  "bscale"  option  will  adjust  the  scores for blocked
-pawns.  The default value is 100.  Increasing this will tend
-to  make  Crafty  dislike blocked pawn positions more, which
-will lead to more  open  positions.   Note  that  this  only
-affects  moves  _after_  the opening book has been followed,
-which means that the position might be  blocked  before  the
-evaluation term has a chance to affect the game.
-The "kscale" option will adjust all king safety scores based
-on the 'value' entered.  For example, "evaluation kscale 50"
-will  reduce  all  king safety scores to 50% of their normal
-value.  "evaluation  kscale  133"  will  increase  all  king
-safety scores to 133% of their normal values.
-The  option  "tropism" is used to scale king tropism scores.
-This will attract pieces toward kings.  A value of 100 means
-no  change.   other values are treated as a percentage (like
-scale) to increase (>  100)  or  decrease  (<100)  the  king
-tropism scores.
-When you use this command, you will see something like this:
-modified king-safety values:
-white:   0   4  16  26  39  45  58  77  87  90  93  96 100 103 106 109
-       112 116 119 122 125 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
-black:   0   5  20  32  48  56  72  96 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136
-       140 144 148 152 156 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
-Those values represent the  king-safety  evaluation  as  the
-king  gets  more  and more exposed.  This is always based on
-the fast that "crafty" will be the side  on  move  when  the
-search  starts.  In the above, it was white's move when this
-was typed, meaning that it appears that crafty will be play-
-ing  black.   Notice  that  white's  king safety numbers are
-scaled by 20% to make it slightly more  cautious  about  its
-own king.  If you type "go" in this position, the scores get
-reversed as Crafty's scores are always left alone (with  the
-asymmetry  option) and the opponent's scores are scaled down
-as indicated.
-You will see similar numbers (but not black and white  sets)
-that  represent the actual scores produced for king tropism.
-Note that pieces interact to choose which  element  of  this
-vector is used, but in general, the more pieces are close to
-the king, the larger the element from this array.
-The "pscale" option is used to scale normal  pawn  structure
-scoring  in  the same way as the other scaling options.  100
-is the default.  Values less than 100 reduce this term, val-
-ues over 100 inflate it.
-The "ppscale" option is used to scale some passed pawn scor-
-ing in the same way as the other scaling  options.   100  is
-the  default.  Values less than 100 reduce this term, values
-over 100 inflate it.  This  mainly  effects  outside  passed
-pawns/protected  passed pawns.  The normal pawn scoring com-
-putes the value of a passed pawn.  This term is then used to
-scale  those  terms  that modify this value further, such as
-two connected passed pawns on the 6th, or a passed pawn with
-the king supporting it in an endgame.
-18.  extensions type value
-This  command is used to control the extension depth for the
-various extensions done in Crafty's search.  The  extensions
-are  set  as  decimel numbers that represent plies (or frac-
-tions of plies) to extend for each particular reason.   Most
-default  to  1.0  and  .75, but any value can be used.  Note
-that value > 1.0 are _very_ dangerous as they can cause  the
-search  to  become non-terminating (crafty will stop when it
-runs out of time for the move, but it might not be  able  to
-get anything useful from such a search).
-These  extensions  are presently limited to a maximum of one
-ply of extensions at any point in the tree.   IE  no  matter
-what you set these values to, they can not exceed one ply at
-incheck  This is the amount to extend when the side on  move
-makes  a  move that leaves the opponent in check.  Note that
-Crafty extends on the ply where the check is played, not  on
-the next ply where the opposite side is in check.
-onerep   This  is  the one-reply-to-check extensions, and is
-done at the point where one side is in check and has exactly
-one legal move to escape from the check.
-pushpp   This  is the extension used for certain passed pawn
-pushes in the endgame.
-recapture  This is the recapture extension, and  is  applied
-when  the current move recaptures an equal-valued piece that
-made a capture at the previous ply.  IE BxN, PxB.  Note that
-this  can  only  be applied once for every two plies so that
-BxN, BxB, NxB, NxN won't look like three recaptures.
-mate  This is the mate threat extensions and is applied when
-a  null  move  search returns -MATED, which means that doing
-nothing gets the side on move mated.  The opponent must have
-some sort of serious mate threat in such a position.
-19.   flag  on|off   This command is used to force crafty to
-end a game where the opponent runs out  of  time  with  win-
-board/xboard (on) or to ignore this (off) if desired.
-20.   force  [move]  This command is used to force Crafty to
-play a move that is different from the one chosen and played
-by  the  tree search.  If [move] is given, and it is a legal
-move, Crafty will retract its last move and make  this  move
-instead.   It  does  not  change  the side on move, but does
-change the position of course.   If  [move]  is  not  given,
-Crafty will prompt you for a move to make.
-21.   help  This command displays multiple pages of one-line
-help, one command per line.  If a  line  ends  with  [help],
-then  you  can  use help followed by the specific command to
-get detailed help.
-22.  history  This command displays the history in a  verti-
-cal  column  with  one  move for white and one per black per
-line.  There are other ways  to  display  the  current  game
-moves  and  also  to  save  them in files that are explained
-23.  hash=x and hashp=x  These commands are used  to  adjust
-the  size  of  the hash tables in Crafty.  hash modifies the
-size of the transposition/refutation table, while hashp mod-
-ifies the size of the pawn structure/king safety hash table.
-The sizes may be entered as one of the following  two  types
-of  values: nnnK where nnn is an integer indicating how many
-Kbytes Crafty should use for this hash table; nnnM where nnn
-is  an integer indicating how many Mbytes Crafty should use.
-The transposition/Refutation table is the most  critical  of
-the two, because it directly affects search efficiency, par-
-ticularly in the endgame.  For this reason  this  should  be
-maximized.   The  most effective size for this hash table is
-3/4 of your available memory.  If you don't know how to fig-
-ure  this  out,  but know that you have 16 megs for example,
-they you can say hash=16M and crafty will round that down to
-12M,  which is 3/4 of a power of two size.  If you study the
-sizes that are possible, you will find  3M,  6M,  12M,  24M,
-48M,  and  so forth.  Anything up to, but not including, the
-next size will be rounded  down  to  the  next  lower  size.
-hashp  should  be  set to approximately 1/2 of what is left.
-For example, the P6 Crafty runs on when playing on ICC often
-uses  hash=48M and hashp=8M.  The only thing to watch for is
-that if you make this too large, particularly under windows,
-performance  will  suffer  badly because of paging I/O over-
-head.  When Crafty is searching in a normal (non-book,  non-
-endgame  database)  position, the disk light should *not* be
-on, indicating lots of I/O.
-There is no danger in making this table too large,  although
-you  have to watch out because if Crafty barely fits in mem-
-ory, doing something else on the machine can cause Crafty to
-be  swapped  out  completely  or partially, depending on the
-operating system you are using.  If you are going to use the
-machine  for  anything  else  while Crafty is running, it is
-better to "pretend" that the machine only  has  1/2  of  the
-memory  it actually does when computing the size of the hash
-tables you want to use.
-24.  import <filename> [clear]   This  command  is  used  to
-import any sort of learning data that Crafty supports, which
-currently includes book learning data and position  learning
-data.   This  command  reads  the appropriate <filename> and
-imports that learned data, just as though Crafty had learned
-it  by playing the games.  The [clear] option, if specified,
-caused all old learned results  to  be  cleared  before  the
-import  operation,  otherwise  the  imported  data is simply
-added to what is already present.
-25.  input <filename>  This command is used to redirect  the
-console  input  I/O  stream  from  the  keyboard  to a file.
-Crafty will then read commands from this file,  rather  than
-from the keyboard, and execute them just as though they were
-typed in.  Such a command file *must* be  terminated  by  an
-"exit"  command (no quotes) as the last command in the file.
-This reverts the input stream  back  to  the  keyboard,  and
-prompts you for another command or move.
-This  command  might  be used to configure crafty for a spe-
-cific time control, by putting the appropriate time  control
-commands  in  the file, or to customize the hash table sizes
-as needed.
-26.  info  This command is used to display information about
-Crafty  and  the current game.  Such things as the time con-
-trol, the time left on the clocks and other  information  is
-27.   learn  n  controls  the learning facilities in crafty.
-Currently this is a 3-bit boolean switch,  bit 1 (001)  con-
-trols book learning, bit 2 (010) controls position learning,
-and bit 3 (100) controls result learning.  learn=0  disables
-all  learning,  learn=1  enables book learning only, learn=2
-enables position learning only, and learn=4  enables  result
-learning.   Add the values together to turn on more than one
-type of learning (default=7 to enable everything).
-28.  level <m> <t> <inc>  This command  was  taken  directly
-from  GnuChess  so  that the Xboard/WinBoard interface would
-interface with Crafty.  There are other better ways  to  set
-the  time, but this one is well-known.  The three parameters
-are <m> (number of moves in the game)  <t> initial  time  on
-the clock.  After <m> moves are made, this amount of time is
-added to the clock again.  <inc> is the Fischer-Clock incre-
-ment  that is added back to each clock after a move is made.
-It may be zero for a non-increment game.
-level 0 5 0            (ICS 5 0 game)
-level 0 5 3            (ICS 5 3 game)
-level 0 15 30          (ICS 15 30 game)
-29.  list GM|IM|C|AK|S  +name [+name ...] -name [-name  ...]
-This command is used to maintain the internal "lists" Crafty
-uses to auto-tune itself when playing  on  a  chess  server.
-There  are  three lists, GM, IM and C.  If Crafty's opponent
-is in any of these lists, Crafty adjusts  internal  controls
-that  affect  how/when  it  resigns or offers draws, and how
-randomly it will choose moves from the  opening  book.   For
-example, Crafty resigns much sooner against a GM, because it
-assumes he knows how to win a rook-up ending, regardless  of
-how  much  time  is  left.   By the same token, when playing
-against computers, Crafty will always assume that a draw  is
-0.000, so that it doesn't wreck its position trying to avoid
-repeating a position.
-The AK list will automatically  kibitz  scores/PV's  if  the
-opponent  is  in this list.  The S list will turn on special
-scoring for opponents in this list.  The only current member
-is "mercilous".
-The  syntax  +name1  +name2 simply adds these players to the
-specified list.  To remove a name, use -name1  -name2.   You
-can  use  one  command per name to remove or add, or you can
-use one command to add and remove multiple names.  Note that
-all names must be entered in lowercase characters, using any
-uppercase characters will break the matching algorithm.
-30.  log off|on|<n>  This command is used  to  disable  log-
-ging.  The default is log on, which causes crafty to produce
-a new log.nnn file for each game played.  If you are running
-Crafty  on  a  server, you might use log off, which disables
-creating these files as well as the game.nnn files  used  to
-restart  a  game  after you exit crafty and come back later.
-If you use the form "log n" crafty will simply  display  the
-last  n  lines  of the log on the screen.  If you use "log n
-file" crafty will copy the last n lines of the log to "file"
-which could be your hard drive, or a floppy.
-Note  that  if  you  run with log off, you will be unable to
-find out what Crafty was thinking about since  there  is  no
-other  record  of  the game.  You will always see a game.001
-because as crafty plays a game, this contains all  the  real
-moves  played so far so that you can back up if needed.  you
-will also see a log.001 file, but it will be empty.
-31.  ls <filename> will list all the files  that  match  the
-filename  wildcard  (the  wildcards depend on the system you
-are using, but generally *, ? will work fine.  you can  also
-supply  path information in the filename if you want to list
-the contents of a different directory.  Just  use  the  same
-syntax  you would if you were using "ls" under unix or "dir"
-under windows.
-32.  mode tournament|normal  This command is primarily  used
-to  put Crafty into "tournament" mode, which is intended for
-use when Crafty is playing in  computer  chess  events.   It
-accomplishes two things:  (1) makes all draws return a score
-of 0.000, and (2) makes crafty issue a  message  after  each
-move  showing  the internal chess clock time, and requesting
-that that operator check and  adjust  as  needed  using  the
-"clock"  command.   This  primarily makes Crafty comply with
-computer chess rules that say the operator can't do anything
-not specifically requested by the program.
-33.   name  <name>   This  command  is  an ICS-play specific
-command.  Xboard/WinBoard uses this to inform Crafty of  the
-opponent's  name.   Crafty uses the name, and looks it up in
-its GM/IM/C lists, and if found, adjusts itself accordingly.
-This is not used by the PGN code and this will not cause the
-players <name> to show up in the PGN tag section.
-34.  new  This command wipes everything  out  and  starts  a
-brand  new  game.  It closes the old log-file and game-file,
-and opens the next sequential numbered file.  It also resets
-the  game to the beginning and prepares to start a brand new
-game.  This was added for Xboard,  but  it  turns  out  that
-Xboard  does not use this, rather it starts Crafty fresh for
-each new game by first terminating the old copy then  start-
-ing  a  new one.  Not nearly as efficient as using "new" but
-likely safer it a program can't be sure of resetting  every-
-thing back to the initial state.
-35.   noise  <n>   This  command  sets  the "noise" level in
-Crafty.  Basically, until  <n>  nodes  have  been  searched,
-crafty will be silent and not display analysis.
-This  is  useful  in two ways.  First, in end-games, 20+ ply
-searches are not uncommon, and the search analysis  for  the
-first  few  plies arrives so quickly that it is distracting.
-Second, when observing games (new  interface  only)  on  ICS
-servers,  this  can  be used to avoid having Crafty generate
-too many analysis kibitzes.  A value of  100000  will  basi-
-cally  shut  off any output for the first second or so (on a
-P6/200).  Similarly, 1000000 will eliminate any  output  for
-about  the  first  10  seconds.  When watching and kibitzing
-games like the World Championship games on ICC, I  generally
-use  5000000,  which is almost one minute of silence so that
-the first PV it kibitzes is a pretty deep search.
-noise 0 will cause *all* analysis to be displayed, which  on
-a  fast machine causes no problems.  On a slower machine, or
-over a slow phone connection, this might cause a big  commu-
-nication  backlog.   The  default is roughly one second on a
-P6/200 (100000) but can be modified by this command.
-36.  operator <n>  Another command  intended  for  use  when
-Crafty  is  playing  in  a  tournament, operated by a human.
-This tells crafty to "hide" <n> minutes of time and not  use
-them.   This  time is basically allocated to the operator to
-make up for the time it takes to type in moves  and/or  cor-
-rect mistakes.  At the WMCCC events, the normal value we use
-is 5.  Playing on a server, this is not needed, as it is not
-needed if you are playing Crafty yourself.
-37.   perf   This  command  is  primarily used in optimizing
-Crafty, or to test the speed of the move generator and Make-
-Move()/UnMakeMove() on different platforms.  It produces two
-results, the moves it can generate per second, and the moves
-is  can  generate and make/unmake per second.  While this is
-not  a  perfect  performance  indicator,  it  does  give  an
-"approximation"  for how fast Crafty might run.  In general,
-the higher the numbers, the better the  program  will  play,
-although  machines are certainly different.  It's not uncom-
-mon to find a machine that searches slower than another, but
-has a higher "perf" value.
-38.   perft  <depth>  This command is generally used to con-
-firm that the move generator and bitmap operators are  work-
-ing  properly.   It  simply  takes the current position, and
-generates/makes/unmakes moves and counts  them.   Many  pro-
-grams  use this from a "standard" position to make sure that
-their move generator does not miss generating odd moves like
-enpassant/promotions   and   also   to   confirm   that  the
-make/unmake code correctly updates the  board  so  that  the
-totals  remain  constant  across different machines and pro-
-grams, since there is no  alpha/beta  or  evaluation  things
-done.   if  <depth>  is  greater than 5 or 6, it will take a
-*long* time, since this is basically a minimax tree  traver-
-sal  that  will visit *every* node within the <depth> search
-39.  pgn <tag> <value>  This command  is  used  to  set  the
-usual  PGN  tags  to meaningful values.  The recognized tags
-are Event, Site, Round, Date, White, WhiteElo, Black, Black-
-Elo,  and  Result,  and  the tags *are* case sensitive.  The
-<value> can be any valid input and blanks and special  char-
-acters are allowed.  Note that the date is clearly specified
-in the PGN standard and must be yyyy.mm.dd with no variance.
-Valid  results are 1-0 (white won), 0-1 (black won), 1/2-1/2
-(drawn) and * (unknown).  Some examples:
-pgn Event 14th World MicroComputer Chess Championship
-pgn Date  1996.10.8
-pgn Site  Jakarta, Indonesia
-pgn Round 1
-pgn White Crafty
-pgn WhiteElo 2400
-pgn Black assassin
-pgn BlackElo 2400
-pgn Result 1-0
-Setting these values will result in a proper PGN  file  when
-using the savegame command.  Note that if you use the "read"
-command to input a PGN game, these values will be  extracted
-from that game if they are given.
-40.  ponder off|on|<move>  This command serves two purposes.
-First, it can be used to disable (off) or enable (on) think-
-ing  on the opponent's time (or pondering as it is called in
-many programs including Crafty.)  Turning it off will weaken
-Crafty  since it will not use any machine time while waiting
-on the opponent to move.  It is sometimes  useful,  however,
-when   playing  Crafty  against  another  computer  and  the
-machines are not equal.  If crafty is on a  faster  machine,
-and  you  attempt  to adjust for this by giving the opponent
-more time than Crafty, it doesn't work  quite  as  expected,
-because  while the opponent is thinking, so is Crafty, which
-lets it use the extra opponent time in  an  unexpected  way.
-In  such  a  case,  it's best to stop pondering in both pro-
-If <move> is given, it directs Crafty to use that <move>  to
-ponder,  rather than the one from the previous search.  Most
-commonly this is used to set the right move to ponder  after
-Crafty has been stopped and then restarted, assuming that it
-is the opponent's turn to move when  this  happens.   Other-
-wise,  it is probably better to not try to influence things,
-although if you are watching and suddenly wonder "what would
-Crafty  do  if the opponent plays move 'X'?", you can answer
-this by simply typing "ponder X" and then watching the anal-
-ysis.  You should reset the correct ponder move after you do
-this of course.
-41.  reset <n>  This command lets you back up in the current
-game  to  any  move  of your choice.  reset <n> backs up the
-game to move <n> with the same side on move.  If you want to
-first  change the side to move, use the white/black command,
-then use the reset command to back up  to  the  right  move.
-Note that you can also go forward as well, just so there are
-moves in the current game history.
-42.  resign <n>  This command  sets  the  resign  threshold.
-When  running  on  ICC I typically use "resign 9" which will
-make crafty resign roughly five moves after the score  drops
-below  -9.000.   For IM's I change this to 6, and for GM's I
-often use 3, so that it will resign quicker and not  drag  a
-lost game out unnecessarily.
-43.   read/reada [<filename>]  This command will read input,
-and extract the chess moves and make  them  to  set  up  the
-position  at the end of the game.  It first resets the chess
-board to the initial position (read command only)  and  then
-extracts  the  PGN  tags  (if present) from the front of the
-input.  The rest of the input  is  parsed  for  chess  moves
-(comments  and  similar things are culled automatically) and
-the moves are made and added to the game history.  Once this
-is done, you can back up, go forward, or play from any point
-in the game.  If you specify a <filename> everything is read
-from  the  file,  otherwise it is read from the console key-
-The reada command reads moves, but appends them to the  cur-
-rent  game  history/  position  rather than resetting to the
-initial chess position.  This lets you read in a game,  then
-use reada to manually add some more moves to see the result-
-ing position.
-44.  savegame <filename>  This command is used to  save  the
-current  game  in  a  PGN-compliant  file  with the PGN tags
-included.  Note that the default TAG  values  might  not  be
-what  you  want  if you do not either use the pgn command to
-set them or else input  a  valid  PGN  file  with  the  tags
-already filled in.
-Be  aware  that  this command doesn't check the filename for
-legality since anything goes in UNIX.   In  DOS,  you  might
-produce  a bad filename with either too many characters, too
-many periods, or whatever, so be careful with the  name  you
-choose.   Note also that this file will be overwritten if it
-already exists, so be sure to choose a name that is not  the
-name  of a file that has something you consider important in
-45.  savepos <filename>  This command writes a  single  line
-into  <filename> in FEN-like notation.  This lets you save a
-position, and then come back later to  re-examine  it.   You
-would use the "in <filename>" command to input this file and
-set the position up.
-46.  search <move>  This command allows you to  specify  one
-particular move for the side on move, and then when you tell
-Crafty to search this position, this is the only  move  that
-will  be  searched.  This is used internally by the annotate
-command, but can be used to investigate one  specific  move.
-If the move is not the best move, a normal search won't show
-you why it is bad, but this will.  It is also  quite  a  bit
-faster  since  the  other  moves  in  the  position  are not
-searched at all.
-47.  settc <moves> <ctime> <otime>  This command is  primar-
-ily  used  in tournaments, and is an error-recovery command.
-If the machine crashes and corrupts the game  history  file,
-frequently the operator will have to simply set the position
-using the setboard command, and then use the  settc  command
-to  restore the time control values.  <moves> is moves until
-the next time control (from Crafty's perspective, be careful
-and  don't  look  at the opponent's moves to time control by
-accident.)  <ctime>  is  minutes  left  on  Crafty's  clock,
-<otime> is minutes left on the opponent's clock.
-48.   setboard  <FEN  input>   This command is used to set a
-chess position up for analysis and is the preferred  way  to
-do  this, rather than using the gnu EDIT interface.  It uses
-a classic Forsythe-like notation to encode the position  and
-also  has  provisions for castling status and enpassant cap-
-ture status.
-the standard piece codes p,n,b,r,q,k are used to denote  the
-type  of  piece  on  a  square, upper/lower case are used to
-indicate the color of  the  piece  (uppercase=white  pieces,
-lowercase=black pieces).
-the pieces are entered from the classic chess diagram's ori-
-entation of a8  being  the  upper-left-hand  corner  of  the
-board,  and  this  square  is entered first, followed by the
-remainder of the 8th rank left to right.  To indicate  empty
-squares,  use  a number between 1 and 8 to indicate how many
-adjacent squares are empty.  use a / to terminate each  rank
-after  all  of  the  pieces for that rank have been entered.
-Note that you do not have to account for all 8 squares on  a
-given rank, although many test suites do this for clarity.
-the following input will setup the board position that given
-      k2r/ppp////Q/5PPP/7K/ B
-this assumes that k represents a white king  and  -q  repre-
-sents a black queen.
-                      -k  *  * -r  *  *  *  *
-                      -p -p -p  *  *  *  *  *
-                       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
-                       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
-                       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
-                       q  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
-                       *  *  *  *  *  p  p  p
-                       *  *  *  *  *  *  *  k
-                                                                           *
-the field after the final "/" should be either  b  or  w  to
-indicate  which  side is "on move."  after this side-to-move
-field any of the following characters can appear to indicate
-the   following:   KQ:  white  can  castle  king-side/queen-
-side/both;  kq: same for black;  a1-h8: indicates the square
-occupied by a pawn that can be captured enpassant.
-49.   score   This command simply gives the positional score
-for the current position.  This score is  from  whites  per-
-spective,  so a + score is good for white, a - score is good
-for black.  Crafty also breaks the  score  down  into  major
-categories  (from  Evaluate())  to indicate things like pawn
-structure, piece evaluation, passed pawns, development,  and
-so forth.  Note that some of Crafty's evaluation is asymmet-
-ric, so that if you simply change sides with the white/black
-command  and then enter "score" again, you may get a differ-
-ent value.  This is *not* a bug.  :)
-50.  sd <n>  This command lets you specify a specific search
-depth  limit  that  Crafty  can  not  exceed.  It still pays
-attention to the clock, however, so often you will  use  the
-st  <n>  command  (below)  in  conjunction  with this if the
-search is going to take an extended amount of time.  <n>  is
-the  depth  (in  plies  or  1/2  moves) that the search must
-reach.  Note that if Crafty is pondering,  it  still  honors
-this  limit  and  will stop a ponder search after this depth
-has been completed as well.  This is *not* the way  to  make
-Crafty play weaker, although this will be covered in a later
-section of this document.
-51.  show <category>  This command forces Crafty to  display
-additional information about certain actions it takes.  Cur-
-rently the only <category> is "book" which will make  crafty
-display information about all the book moves it found in the
-database.  More is given about this information in the  BOOK
-section later in this file.
-52.   smpmt=n   This  command  is  used to set the number of
-threads to use on a machine with more  than  one  processor.
-For  optimal performance, "n" should be set to the number of
-processors you have, although using fewer  will  reduce  the
-load on your machine.  For this command to work, Crafty must
-have been compiled with SMP defined.  When compiled with SMP
-enabled,  mt=0 effectively disables the SMP code completely.
-This command also has two that are closely related.   smpmin
-and smpmax.  Both accept single numerical arguments.  smpmin
-is used to control the minimum tree depth required at a node
-for  it  to be eligible for parallel searching.  IE smpmin 2
-says don't split unless at least two more plies are left  to
-search  below  this  node.   smpmax sets the maximum for the
-same idea, is smpmax 10 says don't split  if  more  than  10
-plies are remaining below this node.
-53.   sn <n>  This command is similar to the sd command, but
-instead of setting a specific search depth, it sets a number
-of  nodes to search.  Once the search has searched this num-
-ber of nodes (+ maybe one more second of searching to  check
-the time) the search will exit.
-54.  st <n>  This command lets you specify a specific search
-time limit for Crafty.  Again, this is not the preferred way
-to  set  a time per move, because this limit is absolute and
-Crafty will never go over this limit, even if it  sees  that
-it  is  losing  or  getting mated.  Setting the time control
-with the usual "time" or "level" command is  *much*  better.
-<time>  is given in seconds, although it may also be entered
-as mm:ss if preferred.
-55.  swindle on|off  This command  gives  you  control  over
-"swindle  mode."   When  on, and playing a game, Crafty will
-try to win drawn endings (according to the tablebases) if it
-has winning chances (like KR vs KB, for example).  This will
-put up very stiff "resistance" to accepting the draw,  while
-with  this  mode off, it may be very easy to draw a position
-once the tablebases say "drawn."  This mode is automatically
-turned  "off" during analysis or when annotating a game, and
-is only used when actually playing a game against  an  oppo-
-nent.  If there are no tablebases then this has no effect on
-the game at all.
-56.  tags  This command will simply display the current  PGN
-tags (you can edit them with the various PGN commands).
-57.   test  <filename>  [n] This command will run a suite of
-positions (the file must be in "Crafty" format as  explained
-below)  and  produce  a  summary  of  how many it got right,
-wrong, etc.  It uses the time per  move  you  set  with  the
-(typically)  st  <n> command.  The optional parameter [n] is
-the "early exit" counter.  If Crafty finds,  and  holds  the
-solution  move  for  n  iterations,  it  will  terminate the
-search.  I use this to make a win at chess  run  take  <  15
-minutes,  even  though  the  time  per  position is set to 1
-minute, by setting n to 2.  After  two  correct  iterations,
-Crafty  goes on to the next problem.  For absolutely correct
-results, this is not advisable as it could obviously  change
-its  mind later on, but for performance analysis, this saves
-a lot of time.
-The test suite contains the following  lines:   (this  is  a
-sample from my test suite for Win At Chess.)
-title wac299
-setboard 1n2rr2/1pk3pp/pNn2p2/2N1p3/8/6P1/PP2PPKP/2RR4 w
-solution Nca4
-title wac300
-setboard b2b1r1k/3R1ppp/4qP2/4p1PQ/4P3/5B2/4N1K1/8 w
-solution g6
-The  title  command  simply displays this message in the log
-file so you can look at the  output  and  figure  out  which
-position it goes with.  This is optional, but useful.
-The  setboard command sets the position as explained before.
-The solution command gives the set of solution moves (one or
-more  moves  that  are  separated by blanks) and/or a set of
-"anti-solution" moves (moves that  must  not  be  played  to
-count  the  position as correct.)  "anti-solution" moves are
-simply followed by a "?" character, for example:
-solution Bxa7?
-The solution command supplies a set of key moves,  and  then
-starts  the search.  If, after the search terminates, one of
-the key solution moves was chosen (or none of the anti-solu-
-tion  moves were chosen) the position is counted as correct.
-The final line should be "end" although end-of-file  or  EOF
-will also be detected in this case.
-57.    time   CPU|elapsed|<values>   This  command  controls
-whether the program uses CPU time  or  wall-clock  time  for
-timing.   for tournament play, it is safer to use wall-clock
-timing, for testing it may be more  consistent  to  use  CPU
-timing  if the machine is used for other things concurrently
-with the tests being run.
-time is also used to set the basic search  timing  controls.
-the general form of the command is as follows:
-      time nmoves/ntime/[nmoves/ntime]/[increment]
-nmoves/ntime  represents  a  traditional  first time control
-when nmoves is an integer representing the number  of  moves
-and  ntime  is  the total time allowed for these moves.  the
-[optional] nmoves/ntime is a traditional secondary time con-
-trol.   increment  is a feature related to ICS play and emu-
-lates the Fischer clock where <increment> is  added  to  the
-time left after each move is made.
-as  an  alternative,  nmoves  can be "sd" which represents a
-sudden death time control  of  the  remainder  of  the  game
-played in ntime.  the optional secondary time control can be
-a sudden-death time control, as in the following example:
-        time 60/30/sd/30
-this sets 60 moves in 30 minutes, then game in 30 additional
-minutes.  an increment can be added if desired.
-One final example is the following:
-        time sd/15
-which is a simple game/15 setting.  This command can also be
-used to perform the same function as  the  "level"  command.
-For  example, to set up a classic ICS 2 12 game, the follow-
-ing would would work:
-        time sd/2/12
-59.  trace <n>  This command is used to make crafty  display
-the  tree  as it searches a position.  Due to the incredible
-speed at which this program can  search,  however,  this  is
-less than useful since it can swamp any known display driver
-and make things scroll impossibly fast.
-Also note that this command  usually  is  disabled,  because
-Crafty  is  generally  compiled  with the -DFAST flag, which
-removes the trace output code from the search to make things
-slightly  faster.   You  will have to recompile, without the
--DFAST, if you want to use this.  It's utility  is  limited,
-except for debugging, anyway.
-60.  usage <n> is simply a way to modify Crafty's time usage
-to fit your tastes.  You can "suggest" a time limit with any
-of the options discussed previously, but if you use anything
-other than the "st" command, Crafty will do its best to  use
-time  as  you  suggest, but it also anticipates that it will
-save some time by pondering, etc.,  and  will  therefore  be
-more aggressive at trying to use time.  if <n> is a positive
-integer, it is taken as a percentage and crafty will compute
-the  time  limit  it  thinks  is appropriate for the current
-clock settings, then increase this limit by this  percentage
-(50  would  make it take 1.5 times longer than normal.)  -50
-would make it take 1/2 the time it would normally take.
-Crafty adjusts the usage  internally  based  on  time  left,
-opponent's  time left, how quickly or slowly the opponent is
-moving, etc.  Further modifying things with this is  danger-
-ous, but possible.
-61.   whisper/kibitz <n>  These commands are used to control
-what Crafty will whisper or kibitz on a chess  server.   The
-options  are  (1)  only  whispers or kibitzes mate announce-
-ments; (2) adds time, score, depth to the  previous  option,
-but  no  PV  or moves.  (3) adds the PV.  (4) adds book move
-information to the output.  The remaining two options gener-
-ate  a  lot  of output and should be used with caution.  (5)
-displays the PV after each iteration completes.  I use  this
-when using my custom interface to let Crafty observe/comment
-on games in progress on ICC.  Noise can be used  to  prevent
-shallow  searches from generating output and keeping "noise"
-down on the games being watched.  (6) basically  will  whis-
-per/kibitz  nearly  everything you see on the console from a
-search, each PV when it changes, fail highs and  fail  lows,
-etc.   A  significant  amount of output that should be care-
-fully weighed before turning it "loose."
-62.  xboard  This command turns on Xboard/WinBoard  compati-
-bility mode, and makes Crafty behave somewhat like GnuChess.
-This is designed to be used *only* when Crafty is  interfac-
-ing  with  Xboard/WinBoard.  Crafty will not work with these
-two GUIs without this option, and  really  won't  work  very
-well with this option if it is not connected to one of them.
-63.  There are other commands that are not documented.  They
-are  part  of  the  xboard protocol and really should not be
-used by the normal user.  You can find all the  commands  in
-option.c should you be interested.
-                Opening Book Setup and Usage
-                ----------------------------
-Crafty   uses   two   pre-compiled   opening  books,  called
-"book.bin" and "books.bin".
-The file book.bin is usually build from a  large  text  file
-containing  PGN  games,  often  taken from collections of GM
-games.  Building book.bin is a simple exercise and  requires
-nothing  other than the raw input file you are going to use.
-Generally this will be either medium.zip or the set of  four
-files  large[1-4].zip,  all  of  which are stored on the ftp
-machine ftp.cis.uab.edu/pub/hyatt/.
-To create the file book.bin, you need a PGN game  collection
-that is a *real* PGN-compliant file.  Supposing this file is
-called "large.pgn" you would use the following command:
-book create large.pgn <m> [n] [wpct]
-The only thing you have to supply is <m>, a number  indicat-
-ing  how  many  moves from each game are to be stored in the
-book.bin database.  I typically use  60,  which  stores  the
-first  60  moves  from  each  game.   Increasing this number
-slightly increases the probability that Crafty will stay  in
-book  longer,  but it also increases the probability that it
-will follow a game too far, so that it begins to reach posi-
-tions  where  the move actually played might not be the best
-move, letting it fall into a bad hole.  Increasing this also
-increases the size of the database as well.
-You  can  decrease the size of the book, and also reduce the
-number of ugly moves by  specifying  <n>,  which  says  that
-unless  a  move  is  played in at least N games, the move is
-discarded.  This will substantially decrease the size of the
-book.bin  file,  and  also  eliminate single game moves that
-often have significant errors or blunders.
-You can increase the quality of  book  lines  by  specifying
-<wpct> which is the "winning percentage".  This is specified
-as a percentage of lost games, and is used to discard  moves
-that  led  to mostly losses.  A safe value is 50, which says
-that if a particular opening move didn't win at least 50% as
-many  games  as it lost, the move is culled.  A value of 100
-would mean that moves  are  culled  if  they  produced  more
-losses than wins, and is really a strict criterion.
-After creating book.bin, you need to create books.bin.  This
-is a small version of book.bin, which is  intended  to  give
-you  more  control over the moves/openings Crafty will play.
-This is usually built from the file  start.pgn  on  the  ftp
-machine,  but  you  can  modify this file to suit your taste
-easily.  To build books.bin, you use the following command:
-books create start.pgn 60
-Again, 60 is what I use, but none of my start.pgn  lines  go
-anywhere  near that many moves.  The main point here is that
-in start.pgn, you can append a "!" to any move you want, and
-when  it  is  Crafty's  turn to move for that color, it will
-play from the set of moves with "!" if there are any, ignor-
-ing the rest of the book moves.  If you only want it to play
-1. e4 as white, you would just enter the short game:
-[Crafty only plays 1. e4] 1. e4!
-and you are finished!.  You can enter as many as  you  want.
-If  on  the other hand there is a move you don't want Crafty
-to play, then follow that move with a "?" and it will  never
-play  it.  Moves in books.bin that are not flagged with ! or
-? don't have any influence on Crafty's choice at all.
-Here's how the files are used.  When searching  a  position,
-Crafty  first enumerates the set of moves it can find in the
-opening database.  It then does the same for  the  books.bin
-database,  and performs a "merge" operation to combine the ?
-and ! flags...  The purpose of the books.bin file is to give
-you  a  small  database that you can easily modify, rebuild,
-and repeat this process over and over.   Since  it  takes  a
-fraction  of a second to completely rebuild this file, it is
-very easy to modify this to control what Crafty  will  play,
-without having to rebuild the large database.
-One  important characteristic of the PGN input is the Result
-tag must be specified in most of the lines,  because  Crafty
-counts  wins,  losses  and draws for each book move and uses
-these counts with some of the book selection  options  given
-How the flags are used.
-The  ! and ? flags should only appear in the small books.bin
-file, although there is no reason why they can not appear in
-the  large  file  as  well.  For this discussion, it doesn't
-matter since Crafty takes the  moves  from  both  files  and
-"merges" the flags/etc into one entry for each move.
-Quite simply, if any book legal book move has a ! flag, then
-Crafty will only play moves from the set of moves which  all
-have  the ! flag.  If a move has a ? flag, then that move is
-immediately removed from the set of possible book moves.  If
-the only legal book move has a ? flag, it will not be played
-as a book move and Crafty will simply pretend that it  found
-no book moves and will execute a normal tree search.  Pretty
-How to control the frequency of opening move selection.
-A new feature in version 15.15  and  beyond  allows  you  to
-append a PGN comment to any move in a text file used to cre-
-ate books.bin, of the form {play nn%}.  This will force  the
-move  it  follows  to be played that percentage of the time,
-regardless of the normal book-ordering values based on  fre-
-quency and so forth.
-Note  that  {play  0%}  will  not  prevent a move from being
-played at all, as this will look just like a  move  with  no
-percent specified.  To avoid playing a move, use the ? flag.
-How does Crafty choose book moves?
-Crafty's book  selection  algorithm  depends  on  two  user-
-defined values that can be set at any time during a game:
-book random <n>
-book width <w>
-The  selection  algorithm  first finds the set of legal book
-moves as above.  This set will either be  all  !  moves,  or
-will  have  no ! moves in it.  This set is then sorted based
-on the setting of book random.  Here's the options:
-book random 0.  This is a special case for  book  selection.
-Crafty simply takes the set of book moves, and searches only
-these moves using a normal alpha/beta  search,  but  with  a
-shorter  than usual time limit.  It then plays the move that
-produces the best search value.  This has one serious disad-
-vantage  in  that there is no randomness to this at all.  It
-will always play the same move in the same position,  unless
-the  evaluation is modified, or the time per move is differ-
-ent enough to let the search find a different move from  the
-book move set.
-book  random  1.   This  enables  a random form of book move
-selection, but you have a lot of control over how moves  are
-randomly  chosen.  The moves are ordered, based on 4 parame-
-ters:  frequency of play, win/lose ratio, static  evaluation
-and  learned  results.  Normally these are factored into the
-value used to sort the moves, based on default settings that
-you  can  modify  by  using  the  command  "bookw  option N"
-"option" should be "freq", "ratio", "eval" and  "learn".   N
-should be a number between 0 and 1.
-Crafty finds the min and max values for each of the 4 param-
-eters, and then maps this into the  range  0-1000  for  each
-parameter.   Each parameter is multiplied by the correspond-
-ing "weight" you have assigned, and this is used as a  value
-to  sort  the  moves  from low to high.  Note that the first
-sort value is always the "play percent" to move them to  the
-top  of  the  list.   For  moves  with  equal "play percent"
-values, the normal sort-value is used  as  the  second-level
-sort  variable  (if  no moves have a play-percent, then this
-second-level variable is the only one used, of course.)
-Once Crafty has sorted the moves as  given  above,  it  next
-excludes  any  book moves which have 0 wins.  This culls the
-odd lines where a player chose a bad line and lost  quickly.
-With  zero  wins,  it  will never be chosen, although Crafty
-will happily follow it from the other side.  :)  This is not
-anywhere  near  perfect,  however,  because an opening could
-have 1 win and 19 losses and that still would  stay  in  the
-If  a  move  has a learned value of > 100, this move is ele-
-vated in priority to that of a ! move, since it  appears  to
-win material instantly.  If a value is < -100, it is given a
-? since it appears to be a lemon.
-After this, the setting for "book width <w>" is used to keep
-the first <w> moves in the list, after the above culling has
-been completed.  The smaller you make <w> the  less  random-
-ness  you get, but the chance of Crafty popping out a really
-bizarre book move gets smaller as well.
-After sorting, the final step is to fold  in  any  mandatory
-"play percent" values.  What this step does is that it finds
-all the moves in the  "playable  move  set"  just  computed,
-which  have no percent-to-play value set.  It sums the sort-
-values for these moves, then adjusts the sort-values for the
-other moves so that their percentages will be honored.
-Once this has been done, crafty simply uses the "sort value"
-for each move to compute a total for  all  moves.   It  then
-generates  a  random  number  between  1 and this limit, and
-chooses the move that this probability distribution matches.
-This will certainly evolve over time as new ideas are devel-
-For my play on ICC, I use book random 1, and  book  width  5
-normally,  although  for  titled  players this is reduced to
-book width 3.  For computers, I reduce this further to 2, to
-try  to  play  reasonable  openings and cull the gambits and
-things that don't work out.
-How does book learning work and  how  can  I  share  learned
-1.  *all* of crafty's "learned knowledge" is in the book.bin
-file.  It keeps the learned value and learned count right in
-the  book  file  for  speed.   You can't modify it, although
-"show book" will make crafty  display  all  the  book  stuff
-before it makes a move.
-2.   the  book.lrn file has two purposes:  (a) to serve as a
-log for your prying eyes, so you can see what it's  learned,
-against  whom, and what the score was that got its attention
-in the first place.  The values on  the  end  of  each  book
-line, inside the {} characters are as follows:
-    {value,  depth, rating_difference} value is the value of
-the "key" search that comes from the first 10 moves  out  of
-book.  it's in centipawns, and + is good - is bad.  depth is
-the depth the search reached at  this  "key"  position,  the
-deeper  the  search,  the more the value is "trusted."  rat-
-ing_difference is crafty's rating - opponent's rating a neg-
-ative  value means pay more attention to the score since the
-opponent is better than crafty, a positive  value  means  to
-take  the  score  with a grain of salt, because the opponent
-was weaker than Crafty.
-You can delete this file at any time, and it has  no  effect
-on  learning.   As  I mentioned, the learning takes place in
-book.bin... this is mainly for you to peek  at  if  you  are
-interested.   However,  this  is the "portable learning data
-file" also, and can be given to others to import into  their
-crafty,  where  it  will  affect  the opening book just like
-their crafty had  played  the  openings  and  got  the  same
-scores.  There are two ways to use such "lrn" files:
-1.   "import <filename>" will read <filename> and import the
-knowledge therein into your book.bin.  Since I use the  same
-learning  code  as is used when playing games, this informa-
-tion also gets appended to *your* book.lrn file as well,  so
-that your book.lrn always reflects *everything* your program
-has learned, so long as you don't ever remove this file.  It
-would  be a mistake to use this command on your own book.lrn
-file, because the things  would  get  counted  twice,  which
-might or might not be a good thing.
-2.   "import  <filename>  clear"  will  read  <filename) and
-import the  knowledge  as  above,  but  first  clears  *all*
-learned  results from book.bin.  you will want to do this if
-you import my book.lrn, *and*, you have  contributed  to  my
-book.lrn data by sending me yours.  I'll take care of elimi-
-nating duplicates if you screw up in what you send  me,  but
-once  you  send me something, you run the risk of getting it
-"back again" later.  This is going to  be  a  problem  until
-everyone  gets  used  to  sharing  something  that is rather
-"vapid" like this "learned info" is...
-Other than that, we are now "open for business"...  when the
-urge strikes you, email me your .lrn file, I'll keep a large
-master here and update it on occasion.   Probably  the  best
-thing  to  do  is  to  send  me  your  .lrn  and at the same
-*instant* delete yours.  This will capture anything  learned
-*after*  you  send  me the file, but you'll get it all right
-back with the next version of book.lrn  that  I  distribute.
-after getting this new book.lrn back, here's what you should
-1.  rename your old book.lrn to something else.   I'll  call
-it "book.lrn.old" here.
-2.   copy my blearn.dat to your machine, but *do not* put it
-in the directory  with  your  book.bin  and  books.bin  file
-because  it  will get confusing very quickly if you do.  put
-it somewhere else,  because  you  are  going  to  remove  it
-quickly anyway.  I'll call it new.lrn for this example.
-3.  import new.lrn clear
-    import book.lrn.old
-and you are ready to rumble again.  The first command clears
-the learned values, sucks in my new learn file  and  updates
-everything.   the second command re-learns everything you've
-learned since you sent me the  last  book.lrn  file.   After
-doing  this your book.lrn will have my .lrn stuff, plus your
-old.lrn stuff, just waiting to be sent to me again...
-If this is confusing, I can probably add an  automatic  com-
-mand to do all of this by renaming book.lrn, etc.  Hopefully
-this is not too error-prone for the time being anyway...
-What is this new Position Learning I've heard about?
-Crafty now has a "permanent" hash table that  is  kept  from
-game  to  game.   A position gets into this "hash file" when
-Crafty executes a search and the search  value  is  signifi-
-cantly lower than the last search value.
-When this happens, Crafty stores the current information for
-this position in the permanent hash file, which can hold  up
-to  65536  positions.   Once  it fills up, the positions are
-replaced on a FIFO basic always keeping the most recent  64K
-Each  time crafty starts a search, the positions/scores from
-this file are stuffed into the normal  transposition  table,
-and  used during the search just like any other table entry.
-Here's how it helps:  In a game that was played, the follow-
-ing moves and scores were found by crafty (playing white):
-1.   Ng5  (+.277)   h6  2.  Nh7 (+.321)  Kg8 3.  Qh5 (+.133)
-Qg7 4.  Ng5 (-2.122) hxg5
-So, the knight got trapped at h7, and at move 4 crafty  dis-
-covered  that  this  is gross and "learns" this result/posi-
-We play the exact same game again:  except that  two  things
-can  happen here.  It might be that Ng7 is the *only* square
-the knight can move to here, which means this whole thing is
-forced.  the first search would find:
-1.  Ng5 (-2.122) if the search can reach 8 plies deep, which
-happens even in 5 second games.  It's learned  that  Ng5  is
-bad.   It  stores *this* position in the permanent hash file
-also, and the next time you try this same trap, it will dis-
-cover  4-5 moves earlier that if the knight gets to g5 it is
-in trouble.  Each game will diverge from the first game  3-4
-moves earlier.  Simple and effective.
-2.   Ng5 might not be forced, and if not, it knows Ng5 loses
-a piece for a pawn, so it will promptly play something else,
-which is exactly what is desired.
-This  is  implemented  with two (count 'em, two) files.  One
-file "position.bin" is a binary file that contains the  hash
-table  entries, and it right at one megabyte in size, *max*.
-(16 bytes per hash entry X 65536 entries = exactly one  meg,
-but  I  have 8 extra bytes for the FIFO queue implementation
-and to see how many entries are currently in the file if  it
-is not full.
-The  second file is "position.lrn" and is, you guessed it, a
-file that can be shared with others, just like book.lrn.  It
-contains all information needed to reconstruct the position,
-the score, the depth, etc.  and also included the  pgn  tags
-for who was what color and when the game was played...
-This data can be imported with the new "import" command (the
-old book learn <filename> is no longer  around)  which  will
-import  either  book.lrn type data or position.lrn type data
-and can tell them apart without your having to do  anything.
-The  <clear>  option  is still there, should you want to use
-it, and simply removes  the  position.lrn  and  position.bin
-files before starting the import process for position learn-
-This can be turned off, if you like,  by  checking  out  the
-"learn"  command,  which  gives  you the ability to turn off
-book learning (as it presently  works),  position  learning,
-and  the next book learning stage which will add to the book
-in addition to learning which book lines are good and bad.
-What is this new "result" learning?
-Result learning works just like normal book learning, except
-that  if  Crafty is checkmated or resigns, it will step back
-through the book line to find the last point  where  it  had
-more than one move to choose from.  It will flag the move it
-chose as "never play again".
-This handles the case where the  first  ten  non-book  moves
-produce  reasonable  scores,  but  the  position is one that
-Crafty simply can't handle very well.  If it  loses  such  a
-game,  it  will  still  vary  the  next time this opening is
-played, as otherwise it would possibly repeat the same open-
-ing, and would certainly repeat the remainder of the game.
-All  three learning modes are turned on by default, although
-any of them can be disabled  with  the  appropriate  command
-option to "learn".

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