[packages/rpm/dev-5.4.17] - ruby macros and rubyprov moved to rpm-build-macros
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Wed Feb 5 17:22:00 CET 2020
commit 07403805ae9faed98f7354d48c9fde16aea188eb
Author: Jan Rękorajski <baggins at pld-linux.org>
Date: Thu Jan 2 22:21:43 2020 +0900
- ruby macros and rubyprov moved to rpm-build-macros
gem_helper.rb | 197 ----------------------------------------------------------
rpm.spec | 31 +--------
rubygems.rb | 128 --------------------------------------
3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rpm.spec b/rpm.spec
index 9dab25b..742cc55 100644
--- a/rpm.spec
+++ b/rpm.spec
@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@ Source26: %{name}db_checkversion.c
Source27: macros.lang
Source28: %{name}db_reset.c
Source29: dbupgrade.sh
-Source30: rubygems.rb
-Source31: gem_helper.rb
Patch0: %{name}-branch.patch
Patch1: %{name}-man_pl.patch
Patch2: %{name}-popt-aliases.patch
@@ -676,7 +674,7 @@ Summary(uk.UTF-8): Скрипти та утиліти, необхідні для
Group: Applications/File
Requires(pretrans): coreutils
Requires(pretrans): findutils
-Requires: %{name}-build-macros >= 1.712
+Requires: %{name}-build-macros >= 1.744-3
Requires: %{name}-utils = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: /bin/id
Requires: awk
@@ -804,23 +802,6 @@ packages.
Dodatkowe narzędzia do sprawdzenia zależności skryptów PHP PEAR w
pakietach RPM.
-%package rubyprov
-Summary: Ruby tools, which simplify creation of RPM packages with Ruby software
-Summary(pl.UTF-8): Makra ułatwiające tworzenie pakietów RPM z programami napisanymi w Ruby
-Group: Applications/File
-Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires: ruby
-Requires: ruby-modules
-Requires: ruby-rubygems
-%description rubyprov
-Ruby tools, which simplifies creation of RPM packages with Ruby
-%description rubyprov -l pl.UTF-8
-Makra ułatwiające tworzenie pakietów RPM z programami napisanymi w
%package -n python-rpm
Summary: Python interface to RPM library
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pythonowy interfejs do biblioteki RPM-a
@@ -1027,8 +1008,6 @@ install %{SOURCE2} macros/pld.in
install %{SOURCE8} scripts/php.prov.in
install %{SOURCE9} scripts/php.req.in
install %{SOURCE11} scripts/perl.prov.in
-cp -p %{SOURCE30} scripts/rubygems.rb
-cp -p %{SOURCE31} scripts/gem_helper.rb
%{__rm} scripts/find-php*
@@ -1331,6 +1310,8 @@ done
# moved to rpm-build-macros 1.699
%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_rpmlibdir}/macros.d/kernel
+# moved to rpm-build-macros 1.744
+%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_rpmlibdir}/macros.d/ruby
# for rpm -e|-U --repackage
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/{spool/repackage,lock/rpm}
@@ -1614,7 +1595,6 @@ find %{_rpmlibdir} -name '*-linux' -type l | xargs rm -f
@@ -1647,11 +1627,6 @@ find %{_rpmlibdir} -name '*-linux' -type l | xargs rm -f
# needs jar (any jdk), jcf-dump (gcc-java) to work
%attr(755,root,root) %{_rpmlibdir}/javadeps.sh
-%files rubyprov
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_rpmlibdir}/gem_helper.rb
-%attr(755,root,root) %{_rpmlibdir}/rubygems.rb
%files perlprov
%attr(755,root,root) %{_rpmlibdir}/perl.*
diff --git a/gem_helper.rb b/gem_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index 11de3be..0000000
--- a/gem_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Copyright 2010 Per Øyvind Karlsen <peroyvind at mandriva.org>
-# This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under
-# the terms of the LGPL version 2.1 (or later).
-require 'optparse'
-require 'rubygems'
-# Write the .gemspec specification (in Ruby)
-def writespec(spec)
- file_name = spec.full_name.untaint + '.gemspec'
- File.open(file_name, "w") do |file|
- file.puts spec.to_ruby_for_cache
- end
- print "Wrote: %s\n" % file_name
-# make gemspec self-contained
-if ARGV[0] == "spec-dump"
- spec = eval(File.read(ARGV[1]))
- writespec(spec)
- exit(0)
-if ARGV[0] == "build" or ARGV[0] == "install" or ARGV[0] == "spec"
- require 'yaml'
- require 'zlib'
- filter = nil
- opts = nil
- keepcache = false
- fixperms = false
- gemdir = nil
- dry_run = false
- files = []
- argv = ARGV[1..-1]
- # Push this into some environment variables as the modified classes doesn't
- # seem to be able to access our global variables.. </lameworkaround>
- if ARGV[0] == "build"
- opts = OptionParser.new("#{$0} <--filter PATTERN>")
- opts.on("-f", "--filter PATTERN", "Filter pattern to use for gem files") do |val|
- filter = val
- end
- opts.on("-j", "--jobs JOBS", "Number of jobs to run simultaneously.") do |val|
- ENV['jobs'] = "-j"+val
- end
- opts.on("--dry-run", "Only show the files the gem will include") do
- ARGV.delete("--dry-run")
- dry_run = true
- end
- elsif ARGV[0] == "install"
- opts = OptionParser.new("#{$0} <--keep-cache>")
- opts.on("--keep-cache", "Don't delete gem copy from cache") do
- ARGV.delete("--keep-cache")
- keepcache = true
- end
- opts.on("--fix-permissions", "Force standard permissions for files installed") do
- ARGV.delete("--fix-permissions")
- fixperms = true
- end
- opts.on("-i", "--install-dir GEMDIR", "Gem repository directory") do |val|
- gemdir = val
- end
- end
- while argv.length > 0
- begin
- opts.parse!(argv)
- rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e
- e.recover(argv)
- end
- argv.delete_at(0)
- end
- file_data = Zlib::GzipReader.open("metadata.gz") {|io| io.read}
- header = YAML::load(file_data)
- body = {}
- # I don't know any better.. :/
- header.instance_variables.each do |iv|
- body[iv.to_s.sub(/^@/,'')] = header.instance_variable_get(iv)
- end
- spec = Gem::Specification.from_yaml(YAML.dump(header))
- if ARGV[0] == "spec"
- writespec(spec)
- exit(0)
- end
- if ARGV[0] == "install"
- system("gem %s %s.gem" % [ARGV.join(' '), spec.full_name])
- if !keepcache
- require 'fileutils'
- FileUtils.rm_rf("%s/cache" % gemdir)
- end
- if fixperms
- chmod = "chmod u+r,u+w,g-w,g+r,o+r -R %s" % gemdir
- print "\nFixing permissions:\n\n%s\n" % chmod
- system("%s" % chmod)
- print "\n"
- end
- end
- if body['extensions'].size > 0
- require 'rubygems/ext'
- module Gem::Ext
- class Builder
- def self.make(dest_path, results)
- make_program = ENV['make']
- unless make_program then
- make_program = (/mswin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM) ? 'nmake' : 'make'
- end
- cmd = make_program
- if ENV['GEM_MODE'] == "build"
- cmd += " %s" % ENV['jobs']
- elsif ENV['GEM_MODE'] == "install"
- cmd += " DESTDIR='%s' install" % ENV['DESTDIR']
- end
- results << cmd
- results << `#{cmd} #{redirector}`
- raise Gem::ExtensionBuildError, "make failed:\n\n#{results}" unless
- $?.success?
- end
- end
- end
- require 'rubygems/installer'
- module Gem
- class Installer
- def initialize(spec, options={})
- @gem_dir = Dir.pwd
- @spec = spec
- end
- end
- class ConfigFile
- def really_verbose
- true
- end
- end
- end
- unless dry_run
- Gem::Installer.new(spec).build_extensions
- else
- for ext in body['extensions']
- files.push(ext[0..ext.rindex("/")-1]+".so")
- end
- end
- body['extensions'].clear()
- end
- if ARGV[0] == "build"
- body['test_files'].clear()
- # We don't want ext/ in require_paths, it will only contain content for
- # building extensions which needs to be installed in sitearchdir anyways..
- idx = 0
- for i in 0..body['require_paths'].size()-1
- if body['require_paths'][idx].match("^ext(/|$)")
- body['require_paths'].delete_at(idx)
- else
- idx += 1
- end
- end
- # We'll get rid of all the files we don't really need to install
- idx = 0
- for i in 0..body['files'].size()-1
- if filter and body['files'][idx].match(filter)
- match = true
- else
- match = false
- for path in body['require_paths']
- if body['files'][idx].match("^%s/" % path)
- match = true
- end
- end
- end
- if !match
- body['files'].delete_at(idx)
- else
- idx += 1
- end
- end
- spec = Gem::Specification.from_yaml(YAML.dump(header))
- unless dry_run
- Gem::Builder.new(spec).build
- else
- files.concat(spec.files)
- print "%s\n" % files.join("\n")
- end
- end
diff --git a/rubygems.rb b/rubygems.rb
deleted file mode 100755
index a3f63aa..0000000
--- a/rubygems.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# Copyright 2010 Per Øyvind Karlsen <peroyvind at mandriva.org>
-# This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under
-# the terms of the LGPL version 2.1 (or later).
-# FIXME: Someone with actual ruby skills should really clean up and sanitize
-# this! fugliness obvious...
-require 'optparse'
-require 'rbconfig'
-provides = false
-requires = false
-opts = OptionParser.new("#{$0} <--provides|--requires>")
-opts.on("-P", "--provides", "Print provides") do |val|
- provides = true
-opts.on("-R", "--requires", "Print requires") do |val|
- requires= true
-rest = opts.permute(ARGV)
-if rest.size != 0 or (!provides and !requires) or (provides and requires)
- $stderr.puts "Use either --provides OR --requires"
- $stderr.puts opts
- exit(1)
-require 'rubygems'
-gem_dir = Gem.respond_to?(:default_dirs) ? Gem.default_dirs[:system][:gem_dir] : Gem.path.first
-specpatt = "#{gem_dir}/specifications/.*\.gemspec$"
-gems = []
-ruby_versioned = false
-abi_provide = false
-# as ruby_version may be empty, take version from basename of archdir
-ruby_version = RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty? ? File.basename(RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"]) : RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"]
-for path in $stdin.readlines
- # way fugly, but we make the assumption that if the package has
- # this file, the package is the current ruby version, and should
- # therefore provide ruby(abi) = version
- if provides and path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"] + "/rbconfig.rb")
- abi_provide = true
- ruby_versioned = true
- elsif path.match(specpatt)
- gems.push(path.chomp)
- # this is quite ugly and lame, but the assumption made is that if any files
- # found in any of these directories specific to this ruby version, the
- # package is dependent on this specific version.
- # FIXME: only supports current ruby version
- elsif not ruby_versioned
- if path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["rubylibdir"])
- ruby_versioned = true
- elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["archdir"])
- ruby_versioned = true
- elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["sitelibdir"])
- ruby_versioned = !RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty?
- elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["sitearchdir"])
- ruby_versioned = true
- elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["vendorlibdir"])
- ruby_versioned = !RbConfig::CONFIG["ruby_version"].empty?
- elsif path.match(RbConfig::CONFIG["vendorarchdir"])
- ruby_versioned = true
- end
- end
-if requires or abi_provide
- abidep = "ruby(abi)"
- if ruby_versioned
- abidep += " = %s" % ruby_version
- end
- print abidep + "\n"
-if gems.length > 0
- require 'rubygems'
- if requires
- module Gem
- class Requirement
- def rpm_dependency_transform(name, version)
- pessimistic = ""
- if version == "> 0.0.0" or version == ">= 0"
- version = ""
- else
- if version[0..1] == "~>"
- pessimistic = "rubygem(%s) < %s\n" % [name, Gem::Version.create(version[3..-1]).bump]
- version = version.gsub(/\~>/, '=>')
- end
- if version[0..1] == "!="
- version = version.gsub(/\!=/, '>')
- end
- version = version.sub(/^/, ' ')
- end
- version = "rubygem(%s)%s\n%s" % [name, version, pessimistic]
- end
- def to_rpm(name)
- result = as_list
- return result.map { |version| rpm_dependency_transform(name, version) }
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for gem in gems
- data = File.read(gem)
- spec = eval(data)
- if provides
- print "rubygem(%s) = %s\n" % [spec.name, spec.version]
- end
- if requires
- for d in spec.dependencies
- print d.requirement.to_rpm(d.name)[0] unless d.type != :runtime
- end
- for d in spec.required_rubygems_version.to_rpm("rubygems")
- print d.gsub(/(rubygem\()|(\))/, "")
- end
- end
- end
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