[packages/prename] - from fc

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Sat May 30 21:43:38 CEST 2020

commit 7835552e3cb4cab6111910f44b8e860d7b179a85
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Sat May 30 21:43:31 2020 +0200

    - from fc

 prename-1.9-namechange.patch | 957 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 957 insertions(+)
diff --git a/prename-1.9-namechange.patch b/prename-1.9-namechange.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..264895c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prename-1.9-namechange.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+diff -up rename-1.9/bin/prename.PL.namechange rename-1.9/bin/prename.PL
+--- rename-1.9/bin/prename.PL.namechange	2016-10-17 17:31:39.880383236 +0200
++++ rename-1.9/bin/prename.PL	2016-10-17 17:34:18.273317178 +0200
+@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
++use Config;
++use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
++($VERSION)=' $Id: prename.PL,v 1.9 Exp $ '=~/v\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/;
++($file = basename($0)) =~ s/\.PL$//;
++$file =~ s/\.pl$//
++        if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'VMS' or
++            $Config{'osname'} eq 'OS2');  # "case-forgiving"
++open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!";
++chmod(0755, $file);
++print "Extracting $file\n";
++print OUT <<"!DO!SUBST!";
++#line 18
++use strict;
++use Getopt::Long;
++use Text::Abbrev;
++use File::Basename;
++use File::Glob ':bsd_glob';
++my \$VERSION = '$VERSION';
++print OUT<<'!NO!SUBST!';
++$Getopt::Long::prefix = '--';
++my $ME = $0;
++($ME = $0) =~ s!.*/!!;
++$| = 1;
++my $opt_dryrun          = 0;
++my $opt_backup          = 0;
++my $opt_force           = 0;
++my $opt_interactive     = 0;
++my $opt_verbose         = 0;
++my $opt_help            = 0;
++my $opt_stdin           = 1;
++my $opt_version         = 0;
++my $opt_linkonly        = 0;
++my $opt_prefix          = '';
++my $opt_suffix          = '';
++my $opt_basename_prefix = '';
++my $opt_vcm             = $ENV{RENAME_VERSION_CONTROL}
++                        || $ENV{VERSION_CONTROL}
++                        || 'existing';
++sub VCM_SIMPLE   { 0 }
++sub VCM_TEST     { 1 }
++sub VCM_NUMBERED { 2 }
++my $vcm;
++sub error {
++    my($ERROR) = @_;
++    print "$ME: $ERROR\n";
++    print "Try `$ME --help' for more information.\n";
++    exit 1;
++    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
++	if ($_[0] =~ /^Unknown option: (\S+)/) {
++	    error("unrecognized option `--$1'");
++	}
++        else {
++	    print @_;
++	}
++    };
++    GetOptions(
++	       'b|backup'             => \$opt_backup,
++               'B|prefix=s'           => \$opt_prefix,
++	       'f|force'              => \$opt_force,
++	       'h|help'               => \$opt_help,
++	       'i|interactive'        => \$opt_interactive,
++               'l|link-only'          => \$opt_linkonly,
++	       'n|just-print|dry-run' => \$opt_dryrun,
++               's|stdin!'             => \$opt_stdin,
++	       'version'              => \$opt_version,
++	       'v|verbose'            => \$opt_verbose,
++	       'V|version-control=s'  => \$opt_vcm,
++               'Y|basename-prefix=s'  => \$opt_basename_prefix,
++	       'z|S|suffix=s'         => \$opt_suffix,
++	      );
++if ($opt_version) {
++    print "$ME $VERSION\n";
++    exit 0;
++if ($opt_help) {
++    print<<HELP;
++Rename FILE(s) using PERLEXPR on each filename.
++  -b, --backup                  make backup before removal
++  -B, --prefix=SUFFIX           set backup filename prefix
++  -f, --force                   remove existing destinations, never prompt
++  -i, --interactive             prompt before overwrite
++  -l, --link-only               link file instead of reame
++  -n, --just-print, --dry-run   don't rename, implies --verbose
++  -v, --verbose                 explain what is being done
++  -V, --version-control=METHOD  override the usual version control
++  -Y, --basename-prefix=PREFIX  set backup filename basename prefix
++  -z, -S, --suffix=SUFFIX       set backup filename suffix
++      --help                    display this help and exit
++      --version                 output version information and exit
++The backup suffix is ~, unless set with SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.  The
++version control may be set with VERSION_CONTROL, values are:
++  numbered, t     make numbered backups
++  existing, nil   numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise
++  simple, never   always make simple backups
++Report bugs to pederst\@cpan.org
++    exit 0; #'
++if ($opt_backup) {
++    if ($opt_prefix || $opt_basename_prefix || $opt_suffix) {
++        $vcm = VCM_SIMPLE;
++    }
++    else {
++        $vcm = ${abbrev qw(nil existing t numbered never simple)}{$opt_vcm};
++        error("invalid version contol type `$opt_vcm'") unless $vcm;
++        $vcm = ${{ nil      => VCM_TEST,
++	           existing => VCM_TEST,
++	           t        => VCM_NUMBERED,
++                   numbered => VCM_NUMBERED,
++	           never    => VCM_SIMPLE,
++	           simple   => VCM_SIMPLE,
++	        }}{$vcm};
++    }
++    $opt_suffix ||= $ENV{SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX} || '~';
++my $op = shift
++    or error('missing arguments');
++if (!@ARGV) {
++    if ($opt_stdin) {
++        @ARGV = <STDIN>;
++        chomp(@ARGV);
++    }
++    else {
++       exit;
++    }
++for (@ARGV) {
++    my $was = $_;
++    {
++        no strict;
++        eval $op;
++    }
++    die $@ if $@;
++    next if $was eq $_;
++    if (-e $_) {
++        unless ($opt_force) {
++	    if (! -w && -t) {
++		printf "%s: overwrite `%s', overriding mode 0%03o? ",
++                       $ME, $_, (stat _)[2]&0777;
++		next unless <STDIN> =~ /^y/i;
++	    }
++            elsif ($opt_interactive) {
++		print "$ME: replace `$_'? ";
++		next unless <STDIN> =~ /^y/i;
++	    }
++	}
++	if ($opt_backup) {
++            my $old;
++	    if ($vcm == VCM_SIMPLE) {
++                if (m,^(.*/)?(.*),) {
++		    $old = "$opt_prefix$1$opt_basename_prefix$2$opt_suffix";
++                }
++	    }
++            else {
++		($old) = sort {($b=~/~(\d+)~$/)[0] <=> ($a=~/~(\d+)~$/)[0]} bsd_glob "$_.~*~";
++		$old =~ s/~(\d+)~$/'~'.($1+1).'~'/e;
++		if ($vcm == VCM_TEST) {
++                    unless ($old) {
++                        if (m,^(.*/)?(.*),) {
++	  	            $old = "$opt_prefix$1$opt_basename_prefix$2$opt_suffix";
++                        }
++                    }
++		}
++                elsif ($vcm == VCM_NUMBERED) {
++		    $old ||= "$_.~1~";
++		}
++	    }
++            print "backup: $_ -> $old\n" if $opt_verbose && $opt_dryrun;
++            unless ($opt_dryrun) {
++                if ($old =~ m,/,) {
++                    my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($old);
++                    unless (-d $dir) {
++                        if ($opt_dryrun) {
++                            print "mkdir: $dir\n" if $opt_verbose;
++                        }
++                        else {
++                            mkpath($dir) || next;
++                        }
++                    }
++                }
++                unless (rename($_,$old)) {
++                    warn "$ME: cannot create `$old': $!\n";
++                    next;
++                }
++            }
++        }
++    }
++    print "$was ", $opt_linkonly ? "=" : '-', "> $_\n"
++       if $opt_verbose || $opt_dryrun;
++    if (m,/,) {
++        my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($_);
++        unless (-d $dir) {
++            if ($opt_dryrun) {
++                print "mkdir: $dir\n" if $opt_verbose;
++            }
++            else {
++                mkpath($dir) || next;
++            }
++         }
++    }
++    unless ($opt_dryrun) {
++        if ($opt_linkonly) {
++	    link($was,$_) || warn "$ME: cannot create `$_': $!\n";
++        }
++        else {
++            rename($was,$_) || warn "$ME: cannot create `$_': $!\n";
++	}
++    }
++sub mkpath {
++    my($path) = @_;
++    $path .= '/' if $^O eq 'os2' and $path =~ /^\w:\z/s; # feature of CRT 
++    # Logic wants Unix paths, so go with the flow.
++    if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
++        next if $path eq '/';
++        $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path);
++        if ($path =~ m:^(/[^/]+)/?\z:) {
++            $path = $1.'/000000';
++        }
++    }
++    return 1 if -d $path;
++    my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path);
++    unless (-d $parent or $path eq $parent) {
++        mkpath($parent) || return;
++    }
++    #print "mkdir: $path\n" if $opt_verbose;
++    unless (mkdir($path, 0777)) {
++        unless (-d $path) {
++            warn "$ME: cannot mkdir `$path': $!\n";
++            return;
++        }
++    }
++    return 1;
++=head1 NAME
++prename - renames multiple files
++=head1 SYNOPSIS
++[B<-B> I<prefix>]
++[B<-S> I<suffix>]
++[B<-V> I<method>]
++[B<-Y> I<prefix>]
++[B<-z> I<suffix>]
++I<prename> renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified
++as the first argument.  The argument is a Perl expression which is
++expected to modify the $_ string for at least some of the filenames
++specified.  If a given filename is not modified by the expression, it
++will not be renamed.  If no filenames are given on the command line,
++filenames will be read via standard input.
++If a destination file is unwritable, the standard input is a tty, and
++the B<-f> or B<--force> option is not given, mv prompts the user for
++whether to overwrite the file.  If the response does not begin with `y'
++or `Y', the file is skipped.
++=head1 OPTIONS
++=over 4
++=item B<-b>, B<--backup>
++Make backup files.  That is, when about to overwrite a file, rename the
++original instead of removing it.  See the B<-V> or B<--version-control>
++option fo details about how backup file names are determined.
++=item B<-B> I<prefix>, B<--prefix=>I<prefix>
++Use the B<simple> method to determine backup file names (see the B<-V>
++I<method> or B<--version-control=>I<method> option), and prepend
++I<prefix> to a file name when generating its backup file name.
++=item B<-f>, B<--force>
++Remove existing destination files and never prompt the user.
++=item B<-h>, B<--help>
++Print a summary of options and exit.
++=item B<-no-stdin>
++Disable reading of filenames from STDIN. Us it when your shell has nullglob
++enabled to make sure prename doesn't wait for input.
++=item B<-i>, B<--interactive>
++Prompt whether to overwrite each destination file that already exists.
++If the response does not begin with `y' or `Y', the file is skipped.
++=item B<-l>, B<--link-only>
++Link files to the new names instead of renaming them. This will keep the
++original files.
++=item B<-n>, B<--just-print>, B<--dry-run>
++Do everything but the actual renaming, insted just print the name of
++each file that would be renamed. When used together with B<--verbose>,
++also print names of backups (which may or may not be correct depending
++on previous renaming).
++=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
++Print the name of each file before renaming it.
++=item B<-V> I<method>, B<--version-control=>I<method>
++Use I<method> to determine backup file names.  The method can also be
++given by the B<RENAME_VERSION_CONTROL> (or if that's not set, the
++B<VERSION_CONTROL>) environment variable, which is overridden by this
++option.  This option does not affect wheter backup files are made; it
++affects only the name of any backup files that are made.
++The value of I<method> is like the GNU Emacs `version-control' variable;
++B<prename> also recognize synonyms that are more descriptive.  The valid
++values are (unique abbreviations are accepted):
++=item B<existing> or B<nil>
++Make numbered backups of files that already have them, otherwise simple
++backups. This is the default.
++=item B<numbered> or B<t>
++Make numbered backups.  The numbered backup file name for I<F> is
++B<I<F>.~I<N>~> where I<N> is the version number.
++=item B<simple> or B<never>
++Make simple backups.  The B<-B> or B<--prefix>, B<-Y> or
++B<--basename-prefix>, and B<-z> or B<--suffix> options specify the
++simple backup file name.  If none of these options are given, then a
++simple backup suffix is used, either the value of
++B<SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX> environment variable if set, or B<~> otherwise.
++=item B<--version>
++Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
++=item B<-Y> I<prefix>, B<--basename-prefix=>I<prefix>
++Use the B<simple> method to determine backup file names (see the B<-V>
++I<method> or B<--version-control=>I<method> option), and prefix
++I<prefix> to the basename of a file name when generating its backup file
++name. For example, with B<-Y .del/> the simple backup file name for
++B<a/b/foo> is B<a/b/.del/foo>.
++=item B<-z> I<suffix>, B<-S> I<suffix>, B<--suffix=>I<suffix>
++Use the B<simple> method to determine backup file names (see the B<-V>
++I<method> or B<--version-control=>I<method> option), and append
++I<suffix> to a file name when generating its backup file name.
++=head1 EXAMPLES
++To rename all files matching *.bak to strip the extension, you might
++    prename 's/\e.bak$//' *.bak
++To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use
++    prename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
++More examples:
++    prename 's/\.flip$/.flop/'       # rename *.flip to *.flop
++    prename s/flip/flop/             # rename *flip* to *flop*
++    prename 's/^s\.(.*)/$1.X/'       # switch sccs filenames around
++    prename 's/$/.orig/ */*.[ch]'    # add .orig to source files in */
++    prename 'y/A-Z/a-z/'             # lowercase all filenames in .
++    prename 'y/A-Z/a-z/ if -B'       # same, but just binaries!
++or even
++    prename chop *~                  # restore all ~ backup files
++Two environment variables are used, B<SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX> and
++=head1 SEE ALSO
++mv(1) and perl(1)
++If you give an invalid Perl expression you'll get a syntax error.
++=head1 AUTHOR
++Peder Stray <pederst at cpan.org>, original script from Larry Wall.
+diff -up rename-1.9/bin/rename.PL.namechange rename-1.9/bin/rename.PL
+--- rename-1.9/bin/rename.PL.namechange	2016-10-17 17:31:18.134255013 +0200
++++ rename-1.9/bin/rename.PL	2016-10-17 17:32:28.366669129 +0200
+@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
+-use Config;
+-use File::Basename qw(basename dirname);
+-($VERSION)=' $Id: rename.PL,v 1.9 Exp $ '=~/v\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/;
+-($file = basename($0)) =~ s/\.PL$//;
+-$file =~ s/\.pl$//
+-        if ($Config{'osname'} eq 'VMS' or
+-            $Config{'osname'} eq 'OS2');  # "case-forgiving"
+-open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!";
+-chmod(0755, $file);
+-print "Extracting $file\n";
+-print OUT <<"!DO!SUBST!";
+-#line 18
+-use strict;
+-use Getopt::Long;
+-use Text::Abbrev;
+-use File::Basename;
+-use File::Glob ':bsd_glob';
+-my \$VERSION = '$VERSION';
+-print OUT<<'!NO!SUBST!';
+-$Getopt::Long::prefix = '--';
+-my $ME = $0;
+-($ME = $0) =~ s!.*/!!;
+-$| = 1;
+-my $opt_dryrun          = 0;
+-my $opt_backup          = 0;
+-my $opt_force           = 0;
+-my $opt_interactive     = 0;
+-my $opt_verbose         = 0;
+-my $opt_help            = 0;
+-my $opt_stdin           = 1;
+-my $opt_version         = 0;
+-my $opt_linkonly        = 0;
+-my $opt_prefix          = '';
+-my $opt_suffix          = '';
+-my $opt_basename_prefix = '';
+-my $opt_vcm             = $ENV{RENAME_VERSION_CONTROL}
+-                        || $ENV{VERSION_CONTROL}
+-                        || 'existing';
+-sub VCM_SIMPLE   { 0 }
+-sub VCM_TEST     { 1 }
+-sub VCM_NUMBERED { 2 }
+-my $vcm;
+-sub error {
+-    my($ERROR) = @_;
+-    print "$ME: $ERROR\n";
+-    print "Try `$ME --help' for more information.\n";
+-    exit 1;
+-    local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
+-	if ($_[0] =~ /^Unknown option: (\S+)/) {
+-	    error("unrecognized option `--$1'");
+-	}
+-        else {
+-	    print @_;
+-	}
+-    };
+-    GetOptions(
+-	       'b|backup'             => \$opt_backup,
+-               'B|prefix=s'           => \$opt_prefix,
+-	       'f|force'              => \$opt_force,
+-	       'h|help'               => \$opt_help,
+-	       'i|interactive'        => \$opt_interactive,
+-               'l|link-only'          => \$opt_linkonly,
+-	       'n|just-print|dry-run' => \$opt_dryrun,
+-               's|stdin!'             => \$opt_stdin,
+-	       'version'              => \$opt_version,
+-	       'v|verbose'            => \$opt_verbose,
+-	       'V|version-control=s'  => \$opt_vcm,
+-               'Y|basename-prefix=s'  => \$opt_basename_prefix,
+-	       'z|S|suffix=s'         => \$opt_suffix,
+-	      );
+-if ($opt_version) {
+-    print "$ME $VERSION\n";
+-    exit 0;
+-if ($opt_help) {
+-    print<<HELP;
+-Rename FILE(s) using PERLEXPR on each filename.
+-  -b, --backup                  make backup before removal
+-  -B, --prefix=SUFFIX           set backup filename prefix
+-  -f, --force                   remove existing destinations, never prompt
+-  -i, --interactive             prompt before overwrite
+-  -l, --link-only               link file instead of reame
+-  -n, --just-print, --dry-run   don't rename, implies --verbose
+-  -v, --verbose                 explain what is being done
+-  -V, --version-control=METHOD  override the usual version control
+-  -Y, --basename-prefix=PREFIX  set backup filename basename prefix
+-  -z, -S, --suffix=SUFFIX       set backup filename suffix
+-      --help                    display this help and exit
+-      --version                 output version information and exit
+-The backup suffix is ~, unless set with SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX.  The
+-version control may be set with VERSION_CONTROL, values are:
+-  numbered, t     make numbered backups
+-  existing, nil   numbered if numbered backups exist, simple otherwise
+-  simple, never   always make simple backups
+-Report bugs to pederst\@cpan.org
+-    exit 0; #'
+-if ($opt_backup) {
+-    if ($opt_prefix || $opt_basename_prefix || $opt_suffix) {
+-        $vcm = VCM_SIMPLE;
+-    }
+-    else {
+-        $vcm = ${abbrev qw(nil existing t numbered never simple)}{$opt_vcm};
+-        error("invalid version contol type `$opt_vcm'") unless $vcm;
+-        $vcm = ${{ nil      => VCM_TEST,
+-	           existing => VCM_TEST,
+-	           t        => VCM_NUMBERED,
+-                   numbered => VCM_NUMBERED,
+-	           never    => VCM_SIMPLE,
+-	           simple   => VCM_SIMPLE,
+-	        }}{$vcm};
+-    }
+-    $opt_suffix ||= $ENV{SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX} || '~';
+-my $op = shift
+-    or error('missing arguments');
+-if (!@ARGV) {
+-    if ($opt_stdin) {
+-        @ARGV = <STDIN>;
+-        chomp(@ARGV);
+-    }
+-    else {
+-       exit;
+-    }
+-for (@ARGV) {
+-    my $was = $_;
+-    {
+-        no strict;
+-        eval $op;
+-    }
+-    die $@ if $@;
+-    next if $was eq $_;
+-    if (-e $_) {
+-        unless ($opt_force) {
+-	    if (! -w && -t) {
+-		printf "%s: overwrite `%s', overriding mode 0%03o? ",
+-                       $ME, $_, (stat _)[2]&0777;
+-		next unless <STDIN> =~ /^y/i;
+-	    }
+-            elsif ($opt_interactive) {
+-		print "$ME: replace `$_'? ";
+-		next unless <STDIN> =~ /^y/i;
+-	    }
+-	}
+-	if ($opt_backup) {
+-            my $old;
+-	    if ($vcm == VCM_SIMPLE) {
+-                if (m,^(.*/)?(.*),) {
+-		    $old = "$opt_prefix$1$opt_basename_prefix$2$opt_suffix";
+-                }
+-	    }
+-            else {
+-		($old) = sort {($b=~/~(\d+)~$/)[0] <=> ($a=~/~(\d+)~$/)[0]} bsd_glob "$_.~*~";
+-		$old =~ s/~(\d+)~$/'~'.($1+1).'~'/e;
+-		if ($vcm == VCM_TEST) {
+-                    unless ($old) {
+-                        if (m,^(.*/)?(.*),) {
+-	  	            $old = "$opt_prefix$1$opt_basename_prefix$2$opt_suffix";
+-                        }
+-                    }
+-		}
+-                elsif ($vcm == VCM_NUMBERED) {
+-		    $old ||= "$_.~1~";
+-		}
+-	    }
+-            print "backup: $_ -> $old\n" if $opt_verbose && $opt_dryrun;
+-            unless ($opt_dryrun) {
+-                if ($old =~ m,/,) {
+-                    my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($old);
+-                    unless (-d $dir) {
+-                        if ($opt_dryrun) {
+-                            print "mkdir: $dir\n" if $opt_verbose;
+-                        }
+-                        else {
+-                            mkpath($dir) || next;
+-                        }
+-                    }
+-                }
+-                unless (rename($_,$old)) {
+-                    warn "$ME: cannot create `$old': $!\n";
+-                    next;
+-                }
+-            }
+-        }
+-    }
+-    print "$was ", $opt_linkonly ? "=" : '-', "> $_\n"
+-       if $opt_verbose || $opt_dryrun;
+-    if (m,/,) {
+-        my $dir = File::Basename::dirname($_);
+-        unless (-d $dir) {
+-            if ($opt_dryrun) {
+-                print "mkdir: $dir\n" if $opt_verbose;
+-            }
+-            else {
+-                mkpath($dir) || next;
+-            }
+-         }
+-    }
+-    unless ($opt_dryrun) {
+-        if ($opt_linkonly) {
+-	    link($was,$_) || warn "$ME: cannot create `$_': $!\n";
+-        }
+-        else {
+-            rename($was,$_) || warn "$ME: cannot create `$_': $!\n";
+-	}
+-    }
+-sub mkpath {
+-    my($path) = @_;
+-    $path .= '/' if $^O eq 'os2' and $path =~ /^\w:\z/s; # feature of CRT 
+-    # Logic wants Unix paths, so go with the flow.
+-    if ($^O eq 'VMS') {
+-        next if $path eq '/';
+-        $path = VMS::Filespec::unixify($path);
+-        if ($path =~ m:^(/[^/]+)/?\z:) {
+-            $path = $1.'/000000';
+-        }
+-    }
+-    return 1 if -d $path;
+-    my $parent = File::Basename::dirname($path);
+-    unless (-d $parent or $path eq $parent) {
+-        mkpath($parent) || return;
+-    }
+-    #print "mkdir: $path\n" if $opt_verbose;
+-    unless (mkdir($path, 0777)) {
+-        unless (-d $path) {
+-            warn "$ME: cannot mkdir `$path': $!\n";
+-            return;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    return 1;
+-=head1 NAME
+-rename - renames multiple files
+-=head1 SYNOPSIS
+-[B<-B> I<prefix>]
+-[B<-S> I<suffix>]
+-[B<-V> I<method>]
+-[B<-Y> I<prefix>]
+-[B<-z> I<suffix>]
+-I<rename> renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified
+-as the first argument.  The argument is a Perl expression which is
+-expected to modify the $_ string for at least some of the filenames
+-specified.  If a given filename is not modified by the expression, it
+-will not be renamed.  If no filenames are given on the command line,
+-filenames will be read via standard input.
+-If a destination file is unwritable, the standard input is a tty, and
+-the B<-f> or B<--force> option is not given, mv prompts the user for
+-whether to overwrite the file.  If the response does not begin with `y'
+-or `Y', the file is skipped.
+-=head1 OPTIONS
+-=over 4
+-=item B<-b>, B<--backup>
+-Make backup files.  That is, when about to overwrite a file, rename the
+-original instead of removing it.  See the B<-V> or B<--version-control>
+-option fo details about how backup file names are determined.
+-=item B<-B> I<prefix>, B<--prefix=>I<prefix>
+-Use the B<simple> method to determine backup file names (see the B<-V>
+-I<method> or B<--version-control=>I<method> option), and prepend
+-I<prefix> to a file name when generating its backup file name.
+-=item B<-f>, B<--force>
+-Remove existing destination files and never prompt the user.
+-=item B<-h>, B<--help>
+-Print a summary of options and exit.
+-=item B<-no-stdin>
+-Disable reading of filenames from STDIN. Us it when your shell has nullglob
+-enabled to make sure rename doesn't wait for input.
+-=item B<-i>, B<--interactive>
+-Prompt whether to overwrite each destination file that already exists.
+-If the response does not begin with `y' or `Y', the file is skipped.
+-=item B<-l>, B<--link-only>
+-Link files to the new names instead of renaming them. This will keep the
+-original files.
+-=item B<-n>, B<--just-print>, B<--dry-run>
+-Do everything but the actual renaming, insted just print the name of
+-each file that would be renamed. When used together with B<--verbose>,
+-also print names of backups (which may or may not be correct depending
+-on previous renaming).
+-=item B<-v>, B<--verbose>
+-Print the name of each file before renaming it.
+-=item B<-V> I<method>, B<--version-control=>I<method>
+-Use I<method> to determine backup file names.  The method can also be
+-given by the B<RENAME_VERSION_CONTROL> (or if that's not set, the
+-B<VERSION_CONTROL>) environment variable, which is overridden by this
+-option.  This option does not affect wheter backup files are made; it
+-affects only the name of any backup files that are made.
+-The value of I<method> is like the GNU Emacs `version-control' variable;
+-B<rename> also recognize synonyms that are more descriptive.  The valid
+-values are (unique abbreviations are accepted):
+-=item B<existing> or B<nil>
+-Make numbered backups of files that already have them, otherwise simple
+-backups. This is the default.
+-=item B<numbered> or B<t>
+-Make numbered backups.  The numbered backup file name for I<F> is
+-B<I<F>.~I<N>~> where I<N> is the version number.
+-=item B<simple> or B<never>
+-Make simple backups.  The B<-B> or B<--prefix>, B<-Y> or
+-B<--basename-prefix>, and B<-z> or B<--suffix> options specify the
+-simple backup file name.  If none of these options are given, then a
+-simple backup suffix is used, either the value of
+-B<SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX> environment variable if set, or B<~> otherwise.
+-=item B<--version>
+-Print version information on standard output then exit successfully.
+-=item B<-Y> I<prefix>, B<--basename-prefix=>I<prefix>
+-Use the B<simple> method to determine backup file names (see the B<-V>
+-I<method> or B<--version-control=>I<method> option), and prefix
+-I<prefix> to the basename of a file name when generating its backup file
+-name. For example, with B<-Y .del/> the simple backup file name for
+-B<a/b/foo> is B<a/b/.del/foo>.
+-=item B<-z> I<suffix>, B<-S> I<suffix>, B<--suffix=>I<suffix>
+-Use the B<simple> method to determine backup file names (see the B<-V>
+-I<method> or B<--version-control=>I<method> option), and append
+-I<suffix> to a file name when generating its backup file name.
+-=head1 EXAMPLES
+-To rename all files matching *.bak to strip the extension, you might
+-    rename 's/\e.bak$//' *.bak
+-To translate uppercase names to lower, you'd use
+-    rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
+-More examples:
+-    rename 's/\.flip$/.flop/'       # rename *.flip to *.flop
+-    rename s/flip/flop/             # rename *flip* to *flop*
+-    rename 's/^s\.(.*)/$1.X/'       # switch sccs filenames around
+-    rename 's/$/.orig/ */*.[ch]'    # add .orig to source files in */
+-    rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/'             # lowercase all filenames in .
+-    rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/ if -B'       # same, but just binaries!
+-or even
+-    rename chop *~                  # restore all ~ backup files
+-Two environment variables are used, B<SIMPLE_BACKUP_SUFFIX> and
+-=head1 SEE ALSO
+-mv(1) and perl(1)
+-If you give an invalid Perl expression you'll get a syntax error.
+-=head1 AUTHOR
+-Peder Stray <pederst at cpan.org>, original script from Larry Wall.
+diff -up rename-1.9/Makefile.PL.namechange rename-1.9/Makefile.PL
+--- rename-1.9/Makefile.PL.namechange	2016-10-17 17:30:52.944106480 +0200
++++ rename-1.9/Makefile.PL	2016-10-17 17:32:09.803559674 +0200
+@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ WriteMakefile(
+-              'NAME' => 'rename',
+-              'VERSION_FROM' => 'bin/rename.PL',
+-              'PL_FILES' => { "bin/rename.PL" => "bin/rename" },
+-              'EXE_FILES' => [ "bin/rename" ],
++              'NAME' => 'prename',
++              'VERSION_FROM' => 'bin/prename.PL',
++              'PL_FILES' => { "bin/prename.PL" => "bin/prename" },
++              'EXE_FILES' => [ "bin/prename" ],
+               'dist' => { COMPRESS => 'gzip -9f', SUFFIX => 'gz', },
+ );

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