[packages/rpmlint] - up to 2.2.0

baggins baggins at pld-linux.org
Mon Apr 4 22:02:10 CEST 2022

commit 70e187bbb4c1797d827f30d3d7ea82abda7d90ed
Author: Jan Rękorajski <baggins at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Mon Apr 4 22:01:55 2022 +0200

    - up to 2.2.0

 bash-completion.patch  |  29 ---
 fix-tests.patch        |  16 --
 libc-warnings.patch    |  17 --
 licenses.toml          | 682 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 pld.toml               | 358 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 postshell.patch        |  10 -
 python3.patch          |  11 -
 pythonpath.patch       |  15 --
 revert-9f71923e.patch  |  33 ---
 rpm4.15.patch          |  34 ---
 rpm5.patch             |  11 -
 rpmlint-etc.config     |   2 -
 rpmlint-groups.patch   |  24 --
 rpmlint-licenses.patch |  11 -
 rpmlint.config         |  43 ----
 rpmlint.spec           | 193 +++-----------
 scoring.toml           |   3 +
 users-groups.toml      | 675 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 18 files changed, 1748 insertions(+), 419 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rpmlint.spec b/rpmlint.spec
index 726c85b..e305646 100644
--- a/rpmlint.spec
+++ b/rpmlint.spec
@@ -1,47 +1,28 @@
 # Conditional build:
-%bcond_without	tests		# build without tests
-%bcond_without	rpm4		# build for rpm4
+%bcond_with	tests		# build without tests
 Summary:	Tool for checking common errors in RPM packages
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Narzędzie do sprawdzania pakietów RPM pod kątem częstych błędów
 Name:		rpmlint
-Version:	1.11
-Release:	4
+Version:	2.2.0
+Release:	1
 License:	GPL v2
 Group:		Development/Building
-Source0:	https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpmlint/archive/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-# Source0-md5:	2642bb6f08f6e2a2f2c0fe9f07634d49
-Source1:	%{name}.config
-Source3:	%{name}-etc.config
-Patch0:		%{name}-groups.patch
-Patch1:		pythonpath.patch
-Patch2:		%{name}-licenses.patch
-Patch3:		postshell.patch
-Patch4:		rpm5.patch
-Patch5:		bash-completion.patch
-Patch6:		revert-9f71923e.patch
-Patch7:		rpm4.15.patch
-Patch8:		python3.patch
-Patch9:		libc-warnings.patch
-Patch10:	fix-tests.patch
+Source0:	https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpmlint/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	66a1c5650724bb2e5ef73cc758607e04
+Source1:	licenses.toml
+Source2:	pld.toml
+Source3:	scoring.toml
+Source4:	users-groups.toml
 URL:		https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpmlint
-%if %{with rpm4}
 BuildRequires:	python3
 BuildRequires:	python3-modules
 %if %{with tests}
-BuildRequires:	python3-pytest
 BuildRequires:	python3-flake8
+BuildRequires:	python3-pytest
 BuildRequires:	python3-rpm >= 1:4.16
-BuildRequires:	python >= 1:2.6
-BuildRequires:	python-modules
-%if %{with tests}
-BuildRequires:	python-flake8
-BuildRequires:	python-pytest
-BuildRequires:	python-rpm >= 5.4.10-12}
+BuildRequires:	python3-zstd
 BuildRequires:	rpm-pythonprov
 BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.673
@@ -55,17 +36,10 @@ Requires:	file
 Requires:	findutils
 Requires:	grep
 Requires:	gzip
-%if %{with rpm4}
 Requires:	python3
 Requires:	python3-magic
 Requires:	python3-pyenchant
 Requires:	python3-rpm >= 1:4.16
-Requires:	python >= 1.5.2
-Requires:	python-magic
-Requires:	python-pyenchant
-Requires:	python-rpm >= 5.4.10-12
 Requires:	xz
 BuildArch:	noarch
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -78,145 +52,38 @@ source packages can be checked.
 rpmlint to narzędzie do sprawdzania pakietów RPM pod kątem często
 występujących błędów. Można sprawdzać pakiety źródłowe i binarne.
-%package -n bash-completion-%{name}
-Summary:	bash-completion for rpmlint
-Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Bashowe uzupełnianie parametrów dla polecenia rpmlint
-Group:		Applications/Shells
-Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
-Requires:	bash-completion >= 2.0
-%description -n bash-completion-%{name}
-bash-completion for rpmlint.
-%description -n bash-completion-%{name} -l pl.UTF-8
-Bashowe uzupełnianie parametrów dla polecenia rpmlint.
-%setup -q -n %{name}-rpmlint-%{version}
-%{!?with_rpm4:%patch0 -p1}
-%patch1 -p1
-%patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch5 -p1
-%if %{with rpm4}
-%patch7 -p1
-%patch8 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
-%patch6 -p1
-%patch9 -p1
-%patch10 -p1
-cp -p config config.example
-cp -p %{SOURCE3} config
-touch __init__.py
-%if %{with rpm4}
-%{__sed} -i -e '1s,/usr/bin/python,%{__python3},' rpmdiff rpmlint
-# this test fails on builders
-%{__rm} test/test_sources.py
-%{__sed} -i -e '1s,/usr/bin/python,%{__python},' rpmdiff rpmlint
-# this syntax is not supported by rpm5?
-%{__rm} test/test.CheckInclude.py test/test_tags.py test/test_sources.py
+%setup -q
-%if %{without rpm4}
-# Create GROUPS for -groups.patch
-rpmnv=$(rpm -q rpm --qf '%{N}-%{V}')
-gzip -dc "%{_docdir}/$rpmnv/groups.gz" | awk '/^[A-Z].*/ { print }' > GROUPS
-test -s GROUPS
-%{__make} \
-	bash_compdir=%{bash_compdir} \
-%if %{with rpm4}
-	PYTHON=%{__python3} \
-	PYTHON=%{__python} \
-%if %{with tests}
-%{__make} check \
-%if %{with rpm4}
-	PYTHON=%{__python3} \
-	PYTEST=py.test-3 \
-	FLAKE8=flake8-3 \
-	PYTHON=%{__python} \
-	PYTEST=py.test \
-	FLAKE8=flake8-2 \
+%py3_build %{?with_tests:test}
-%{__make} install \
-	bash_compdir=%{bash_compdir} \
-%if %{with rpm4}
-	PYTHON=%{__python3} \
-	LIBDIR=%{py3_sitescriptdir}/%{name} \
-	PYTHON=%{__python} \
-	LIBDIR=%{py_sitescriptdir}/%{name} \
-	ETCDIR=%{_sysconfdir} \
-	MANDIR=%{_mandir} \
-	BINDIR=%{_bindir} \
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/rpmlint
-%if %{with rpm4}
-%{__mv} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/rpmlint $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py3_sitescriptdir}/%{name}/rpmlint.py
-cat <<'EOF' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/rpmlint
-exec %{__python3} -tt -u -O %{py3_sitescriptdir}/%{name}/rpmlint.py "$@"
-%{__mv} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/rpmlint $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitescriptdir}/%{name}/rpmlint.py
-cat <<'EOF' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/rpmlint
-exec %{__python} -tt -u -O %{py_sitescriptdir}/%{name}/rpmlint.pyc "$@"
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
-cp -p %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/config
-%{!?with_rpm4:cp -p GROUPS $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}}
-%if %{without rpm4}
-%py_ocomp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitescriptdir}
-%py_comp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{py_sitescriptdir}
+cp -p %{SOURCE1} %{SOURCE2} %{SOURCE3} %{SOURCE4} \
+	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/rpmlint
-%doc README* config.example
-%dir %{_sysconfdir}/rpmlint
-%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/rpmlint/config
+%doc README*
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/rpmlint
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/xdg/rpmlint/*.toml
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rpmdiff
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/rpmlint
-%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
-%if %{with rpm4}
-%dir %{py3_sitescriptdir}/%{name}
-%dir %{py_sitescriptdir}/%{name}
-%files -n bash-completion-%{name}
+%dir %{py3_sitescriptdir}/rpmlint
+%dir %{py3_sitescriptdir}/rpmlint/checks
+%dir %{py3_sitescriptdir}/rpmlint/descriptions
diff --git a/bash-completion.patch b/bash-completion.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a671d4..0000000
--- a/bash-completion.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-1.7/Makefile~	2015-07-15 15:10:27.000000000 +0300
-+++ rpmlint-1.7/Makefile	2015-07-15 15:12:32.665044829 +0300
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- LIBDIR=/usr/share/rpmlint
- ETCDIR=/etc
- MANDIR=/usr/share/man
-+bash_compdir=$(shell pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion 2>/dev/null)
- FILES = rpmlint *.py INSTALL README.md README.devel COPYING tools/*.py \
- 	Makefile config rpmdiff rpmdiff.1 rpmlint.bash-completion rpmlint.1 \
-@@ -48,14 +48,13 @@
- 		chmod +x $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/$$file ; \
- 	done
- 	cp -p config $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/$(PACKAGE)
--	compdir=`pkg-config --variable=completionsdir bash-completion 2>/dev/null` ; \
--	if [ "x$$compdir" = "x" ] ; then \
-+	if [ "x$(bash_compdir)" = "x" ] ; then \
- 		mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/bash_completion.d ; \
- 		cp -p rpmlint.bash-completion $(DESTDIR)$(ETCDIR)/bash_completion.d/rpmlint ; \
- 	else \
--		mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$$compdir ; \
--		cp -p rpmlint.bash-completion $(DESTDIR)$$compdir/rpmlint ; \
--		ln -sf rpmlint $(DESTDIR)$$compdir/rpmdiff ; \
-+		mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(bash_compdir) ; \
-+		cp -p rpmlint.bash-completion $(DESTDIR)$(bash_compdir)/rpmlint ; \
-+		ln -sf rpmlint $(DESTDIR)$(bash_compdir)/rpmdiff ; \
- 	fi
- 	cp -p rpmdiff.1 rpmlint.1 $(DESTDIR)$(MANDIR)/man1
diff --git a/fix-tests.patch b/fix-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 339b00f..0000000
--- a/fix-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/LSBCheck.py~	2019-01-09 19:09:10.000000000 +0100
-+++ rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/LSBCheck.py	2021-01-17 19:02:52.834763484 +0100
-@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
-         version = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION]
-         if version and not version_regex.search(version):
--                printError(pkg, 'non-lsb-compliant-version', version)
-+            printError(pkg, 'non-lsb-compliant-version', version)
-         release = pkg[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]
-         if release and not version_regex.search(release):
--                printError(pkg, 'non-lsb-compliant-release', release)
-+            printError(pkg, 'non-lsb-compliant-release', release)
- # Create an object to enable the auto registration of the test
diff --git a/libc-warnings.patch b/libc-warnings.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bb3fc8..0000000
--- a/libc-warnings.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-diff -up rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/BinariesCheck.py.libcwarn rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/BinariesCheck.py
---- rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/BinariesCheck.py.libcwarn	2020-06-16 10:51:01.531299081 -0400
-+++ rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/BinariesCheck.py	2020-06-16 10:51:18.978910827 -0400
-@@ -557,11 +557,9 @@ class BinariesCheck(AbstractCheck.Abstra
-                     if not found_libc:
-                         if is_shobj:
--                            printError(pkg, 'library-not-linked-against-libc',
--                                       fname)
-+                            printWarning(pkg, 'library-not-linked-against-libc', fname)
-                         else:
--                            printError(pkg, 'program-not-linked-against-libc',
--                                       fname)
-+                            printWarning(pkg, 'program-not-linked-against-libc', fname)
-             if bin_info.stack:
-                 if bin_info.exec_stack:
diff --git a/licenses.toml b/licenses.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c6fe1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/licenses.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+# See PLD License list at
+# http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/PLD-doc/license-tags.txt
+ValidLicenses = [
+    'Academic Free License v2.0',
+    'Activision/Raven, see Documentation',
+    'AFL v2.0 or GPL v2',
+    'AFL v2.1 or GPL v2',
+    'AFPL',
+    'Aladdin FPL and partially LGPL',
+    'Aladdin Free Public Licence (see LICENCE)',
+    'Aladdin Free Public License',
+    'Alladin Free Public License (see Public.htm)',
+    'almost free, distributable',
+    'AMS (BSD like; look at COPYRIGHT)',
+    'Apache',
+    'Apache 1.1',
+    'Apache/BSD-like',
+    'Apache/BSD Style',
+    'Apache Group',
+    'Apache Group License',
+    'Apache license',
+    'Apache License',
+    'Apache License 2.0',
+    'Apache License style',
+    'Apache-like',
+    'Apache Software License',
+    'Apache Software License 1.1',
+    'Apache Software License 2.0',
+    'Apache Software License v1.1',
+    'Apache Software License v2',
+    'Apache Software License, Version 2.0',
+    'Apache-style License',
+    'Apache v1.1',
+    'Apache v2.0',
+    'Apache/W3C',
+    'Apache/W3C/Public Domain',
+    'Apple Free Copyright',
+    'APSL',
+    'APSL / Other (see COPYING)',
+    'Artistic',
+    'Artistic 2.0',
+    'Artistic and GPL',
+    'Artistic for code, GPL v2 for icons',
+    'Artistic (generally free)',
+    'Artistic, GPL or BSD',
+    'Artistic (see LICENSE.html)',
+    'as-is',
+    'ASIS',
+    'ASL',
+    'ASL v2.0',
+    'ATI',
+    'ATI Binary (parts are GPL)',
+    'AT&T Open Source',
+    'avas is public domain, ace is on Statlib',
+    'Beer-ware, distributable',
+    'BeOpen Python Open Source License',
+    'BitKeeper',
+    'BitTorrent Open Source License',
+    'Boost Software License and others',
+    'Borland, some modifications are BSD-like licensed (generally free)',
+    'BSD',
+    'BSD almost without source',
+    'BSD, Artistic or GPL',
+    'BSD/GPL',
+    'BSD, LGPL',
+    'BSD (library), GPL (Linux kernel module)',
+    'BSD License',
+    'BSD-like',
+    'BSD-like/Apache',
+    'BSD-like (Apple Computer, Inc.)',
+    'BSD-like/Apple Public Source License v2.0 (see COPYING)',
+    'BSD-like (Bell Communications Research)',
+    'BSD-like (except for festival.el, which is on GPL)',
+    'BSD-like, GPL',
+    'BSD-like or GPL',
+    'BSD-like (or GPLv2 for core - see LICENSE)',
+    'BSD-like/Public Domain (see source)',
+    'BSD-like + restricted vendor\'s name usage (see copyright file)',
+    'BSD-like (see COPYING)',
+    'BSD-like (see COPYRIGHT)',
+    'BSD-like (see docs)',
+    'BSD-like (see included license.txt)',
+    'BSD-like (see LEGAL_NOTICE)',
+    'BSD-like (see LICENSE)',
+    'BSD-like (see LICENSE.txt)',
+    'BSD-like (see README.txt)',
+    'BSD-like with partial source only',
+    'BSD-like, with restrictions',
+    'BSD-like w/o adv. clause',
+    'BSD & NRL',
+    'BSD or Artistic or GPL',
+    'BSD (see LICENCE)',
+    'BSD (see LICENSE_BINARY)',
+    'BSD style',
+    'BSD-style',
+    'BSD w/o adv. clause',
+    '(C) 1997, 1998 Norman Walsh (Free)',
+    '(c) 1999 APC, inc.',
+    'Cambridge University Technical Services Limited',
+    'Caucho Developer Source License',
+    'CCA v2.0',
+    'CDDL v1.0',
+    'Charityware',
+    'chntpw',
+    'CNRI',
+    'commercial',
+    'Commercial',
+    'commercial (Copyright (C) RealNetworks, Inc.)',
+    'commercial (Copyright (C) RealNetworks, Inc.)',
+    'Commercial (Full 5 user licence for free - registration may be required)',
+    'Commercial, redistributable (see LICENSE)',
+    'Commercial (see EULA)',
+    'commercial with 30-day trial period (see LICENSE)',
+    'Common Public License v0.5',
+    'Copyright 1995-2002 (MIT) (INRIA), (L)GPL compatible',
+    'Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001 Sebastian Rahtz <s.rahtz at elsevier.co.uk>',
+    'Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998 Sebastian Rahtz <s.rahtz at elsevier.co.uk>',
+    'Copyright (c) 2000-2001, eGenix.com Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved (partly only for non-comercial use)',
+    'Copyright (C) by Bellcore, non-profit use and redistribution permitted (see COPYING for details)',
+    'Copyright (C) OMRON Corporation, OMRON Software Co., Ltd. (see README)',
+    'Copyright (C) OMRON Corporation, OMRON Software Co., Ltd. (see README)',
+    'Copyright (distributable)',
+    'Copyrighted by Murat Balaban (distributable, see COPYING)',
+    'Copyrighted, freely distributable if unmodified',
+    'CPL',
+    'CPL 1.0',
+    'CPL/GPL',
+    'CPL/LGPL',
+    'CPL or GPL or LGPL',
+    'CPL v0.5',
+    'CPL v1.0',
+    'CPL (yiterm), GPL (the rest)',
+    'Crawl GPL',
+    'Creative Commons and/or Public Domain',
+    'Creative Commons License (see COPYING)',
+    'Creative Commons License (see legalcode.html)',
+    'custom',
+    'Custom',
+    'custom, distributable',
+    'Custom (do, what you want)',
+    'custom (EULA), non-distributable',
+    'custom (free)',
+    'custom (free, Artistic-like)',
+    'Custom Licence by (c) 2003-2004 Linuxant inc. All rights reserved.',
+    'custom, non-distributable',
+    'custom OPL (see License),FDL',
+    'custom (see LICENSE* files)',
+    '(C) Windmill Software 1983',
+    'Dell',
+    'Demo of commercial application',
+    'Design Science',
+    'Design Science License (DSL)',
+    'Different per subpackage',
+    'Digital\'s paranoid but open-source license',
+    'distributable',
+    'Distributable',
+    'distributable (BSD, GPL, LGPL, Artistic; see COPYING)',
+    'distributable - Copyright 1989,1990 by Paul Sutcliffe Jr.',
+    'distributable (Copyright (C) 2000 Kevin Sullivan)',
+    'Distributable for PLD',
+    'Distributable for PLD until 31 Dec 2006 - http://distribute.opera.com/ (otherwise restricted, see file LICENSE)',
+    'Distributable, free for demo-, evaluation- and personal use',
+    'distributable if unchanged and without charge',
+    'distributable if unchanged (see LICENSE)',
+    'distributable if unmodified',
+    'distributable (mostly GPL)',
+    'distributable - most of it GPL',
+    'distributable not for profit, free use',
+    'distributable provided copyright and permission notices are included',
+    'distributable (see COPYING)',
+    'distributable (see COPYING for details)',
+    'distributable (see COPYING.txt)',
+    'distributable, see included LICENSE',
+    'distributable (see LICENSE)',
+    'distributable (see LICENSE for details)',
+    'distributable (see README)',
+    'distributable (see README.gz)',
+    'distributable (see readme.txt)',
+    'Distributable with author\'s permission',
+    'distributable with free-unices distros, free for non-profit non-commercial purposes',
+    'distributable without modifications',
+    'distribution restricted (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/distribute.html)',
+    'DivX Open License',
+    'DJB (free to use, see http://cr.yp.to/distributors.html)',
+    'DJB (http://cr.yp.to/distributors.html)',
+    'DJB http://cr.yp.to/distributors.html',
+    'DJB (http://cr.yp.to/qmail/dist.html)',
+    'DOOM3',
+    'dual licensed using BSD-Style and LGPL',
+    'dunno',
+    'Eclipse Public License',
+    'EPL v1.0',
+    'Eric Bischoff, Mark Galassi, Jochem Huhmann, Steve Cheng, and Frederik Fouvry; GPL 2.0',
+    'extended GPL v2',
+    'FDL',
+    'for use with KSocrat only',
+    'free',
+    'Free',
+    'free/commercial (Gentleware AG)',
+    'Free copying + BSD license',
+    'Free (Copyright (C) 1999 The OpenJade group)',
+    'Free (Copyright (C) Technische Universitaet Berlin)',
+    'Free for educational use, non-distributable',
+    'Free for non comercial use',
+    'Free for non-comercial use, non-distributable',
+    'free for non-commercial',
+    'Free for non-commercial distribution',
+    'free for non-commercial purposes',
+    'Free for non-commercial purposes (see README and data sets help pages for details)',
+    'free for non-commercial, scientific use only in HDF software',
+    'Free for non-commercial use',
+    'Free for noncommercial use',
+    'Free for non-commerical use',
+    'free for non-profit (non-distributable)',
+    'Free for personal or research use, distributable',
+    'Free for personal use',
+    'free for use in HDF software',
+    'Free + GPL (for some parts of code)',
+    'Free (libs), (c) Microsoft Corporation (headers)',
+    'freely distributable',
+    'Freely distributable',
+    'Freely Distributable',
+    'freely distributable for non-commercial use, GPL (mpglib)',
+    'freely distributable (SGI)',
+    'freely distributable & usable (JServ), LGPL (JSDK)',
+    'Freely redistributable and some GPL',
+    'free, not-distributable',
+    'free of charge for non-profit or internal use',
+    'Free, only Copyright must be preserved',
+    'free (see cd.html)',
+    'free (see LICENSE)',
+    'free (see manuals)',
+    'free (see README)',
+    'Free (see README)',
+    'Free Software',
+    'free to use',
+    'Free to use',
+    'Free to use but restricted',
+    'Free to use, but see http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/',
+    'Free to use, non-distributable',
+    'free to use, no restrictions',
+    'Free to use (see COPYING)',
+    'free use, but modifications must be notified to the author',
+    'free use, distributable',
+    'Free use, no source',
+    'free use on Linux (see LICENSE)',
+    'freeware',
+    'Freeware',
+    'Freeware (academic non commercial use)',
+    'Freeware for non-commercial use, not distributable without source',
+    'Freeware (non-commercial use and distribution only)',
+    'Freeware with exceptions - see docs',
+    'GFDL',
+    'Giftware',
+    'GNU',
+    'GNU v2',
+    'GPL',
+    'GPL 2',
+    'GPL and Artistic',
+    'GPL and FIPL (see the license-fi.txt)',
+    'GPL and LGPL',
+    'GPL (application), BSD-like (libnetbrake)',
+    'GPL/Artistic',
+    'GPL (Atari800), distributable if unmodified (xf25 with ROMs)',
+    'GPL/BSD',
+    'GPL/BSD (partial source)',
+    'GPL (but see description)',
+    'GPL, but see description for restrictions',
+    'GPL, but SIFT algorithm may require license in some countries',
+    'GPL, but source URL and version must be specified',
+    'GPL, but uses commercial xaudio library',
+    'GPL/Creative Common ShareAlike License',
+    'GPL (except for images - see COPYING)',
+    'GPL except music',
+    'GPL except .pak file',
+    'GPL (except ROMs)',
+    'GPL (except TOS image)',
+    'GPL (eyes), BSD (tips)',
+    'GPL (forced only by gzip code, basically BSD-like)',
+    'GPL for code, artwork and sounds can be redistributed only with Maelstrom',
+    'GPL (for code only)',
+    'GPL (for personal and educational use; non-distributable in binary form)',
+    'GPL, free or free for non-commercial use',
+    'GPL/Freeware',
+    'GPL / GPL v2',
+    'GPL (interface) / closed source (actual driver)',
+    'GPL (Lemmings), unknown (the rest)',
+    'GPL, LGPL',
+    'GPL/LGPL',
+    'GPL/LGPL/MIT',
+    'GPL-like',
+    'GPL-like/"reserved" (see documentation for details)',
+    'GPL/MIT',
+    'GPL + MySQL FLOSS Exception',
+    'GPL (not Firmware)',
+    'GPL or Artistic',
+    'GPL or Artistic or BSD',
+    'GPL or Blitz artistic license',
+    'GPL or BSD',
+    'GPL or commercial',
+    'GPL or custom (see COPYING)',
+    'GPL or FTL',
+    'GPL or MIT or Free',
+    'GPL or Netscape Public License 1.1',
+    'GPL or QPL',
+    'GPL, partially free (see COPYRIGHT.vmo2wav)',
+    'GPL, partially LGPL',
+    'GPL, partialy LGPL',
+    'GPL, perhaps except for doom3.wad',
+    'GPL (perl code also Artistic)',
+    'GPL/PHP',
+    'GPL plus linking exception',
+    'GPL (program only)',
+    'GPL/QPL',
+    'GPL QPL BSD Eiffel Artistic Aladdin',
+    'GPL script with binaries under unknown license',
+    'GPL (see COPYING)',
+    'GPL (unknown)',
+    'GPL (unofficially)',
+    'GPL (utilities), BSD (library)',
+    'GPL v1',
+    'GPL v1+',
+    'GPL v1+ Artistic',
+    'GPL v1+ (except Carp.pm) or Artistic',
+    'GPL v1+ (except C-Cookbook) or Artistic',
+    'GPL v1+ oe Artistic',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artisric',
+    'GPL v1 or Artistic',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic (C library also LGPL)',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic / distributable (pTK library)',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic except commercial distribution on CD-ROM etc.',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic or Apache Software License 1.1',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic or (C library only) LGPL',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic, parts BSD-like',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic (parts on ICU License)',
+    'GPL v1+ or Artistic (with one restriction, see LICENSE)',
+    'GPL v1+ or or Artistic',
+    'GPL v2',
+    'GPLv2',
+    'GPL v2',
+    'GPL v 2',
+    'GPL v.2',
+    'GPL v2+',
+    'GPL v2.1',
+    'GPL v2 and LGPL',
+    'GPL v2/Artistic',
+    'GPL v.2/BSD/LGPL',
+    'GPL v2 (except for images - see COPYING)',
+    'GPL v2, FDL',
+    'GPL v2 for main code, BSD-like for fec.c',
+    'GPL v2, GFDL (docs)',
+    'GPL v.2/LGPL',
+    'GPL v2 / LGPL',
+    'GPL v2+ / LGPL',
+    'GPL v2+/LGPL v2+',
+    'GPL v2 / LGPL v2.1',
+    'GPL v2, LGPL v2.1',
+    'GPL v2+/LGPL v2.1+',
+    'GPL v2/LGPL v2.1 (see COPYING)',
+    'GPL v2+ + MySQL FLOSS Exception',
+    'GPL v2 or Artistic',
+    'GPL v2+ or Artistic',
+    'GPL v2 or later',
+    'GPL v2+ or MPL v1.1',
+    'GPL v2 or see LICENCE',
+    'GPL v2 + others - see README for details',
+    'GPL v2+, portions on Intel\'s BSD-like license (see README.*)',
+    'GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT.svm.cpp for the copyright of the svm C++ code.',
+    'GPL v2+ (see LICENSE)',
+    'GPL v2+, with explicit permission to link against Qt',
+    'GPL v2+ with free software exception',
+    'GPL v2+ with linking exception',
+    'GPLv2 with OpenSSL exception',
+    'GPL v2 with OpenSSL linking exception',
+    'GPL v2+ with unlimited link permission',
+    'GPL v2+ (yp6) / MIME++ Software License Agreement',
+    'GPL with BSD-licensed, closed-source plugins',
+    'GPL with clause allowing linking to AFPL Ghostscript',
+    'GPL (with exception clauses) and EAPL',
+    'GPL with limited linking exception',
+    'GPL with non-commercial additions',
+    'GPL with unlimited link permission',
+    'GPL (w/o sources - sic! - so non-distributable, possibly illegal)',
+    'GPL/XFree86',
+    'GP v1+ or Artistic',
+    'gSOAP public license',
+    'HCA',
+    'hp',
+    'HPL 1.0',
+    'http://cr.yp.to/distributors.html (free to use)',
+    'http://www.demarc.org/license/ (Free for non-commercial use)',
+    'IBM Binary Code License',
+    'IBM Common Public License v1.0',
+    'IBM or GPL',
+    'IBM or GPL (code), Artistic or GPL (examples and docs)',
+    'IBM proprietary, distributable (see license.txt)',
+    'IBM Public License',
+    'IBM Public License v1.0',
+    'IBM Public License Version 1.0',
+    'IBM Public License Version 1.0 - Jikes Compiler, http://ibm.com/research/jikes/license/license3.htm',
+    'IBPP License (based on Mozilla Public License)',
+    'improve-ware',
+    'Industrial Light & Magic',
+    'Interbase Public License 1.0',
+    'IPL',
+    'It\'s free, but requires ads of mks.com.pl on your WWW (see licencja.txt)',
+    'Kohnian',
+    'Kupu',
+    'LaTeX Project Public License',
+    'LaTeX Project Public License (http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt)',
+    'LGPL',
+    'LGPL 2.1',
+    'LGPL 2.1+',
+    'LGPL 2.1+ (except sm library <free to use> and sm_idle <PSF>)',
+    'LGPL but see LICENSE',
+    'LGPL (communication libraries), CPL (yiterm), GPL (the rest)',
+    'LGPL / Free (dtree)',
+    'LGPL/GPL',
+    'LGPL/GPL/Proprietary',
+    'LGPL (KarmaLib), GPL (modules)',
+    'LGPL (library), GPL (application)',
+    'LGPL (library), GPL (gmdb2)',
+    'LGPL (library), GPL (ipmicmd)',
+    'LGPL (library), GPL (programs)',
+    'LGPL (library), GPL (utilities)',
+    'LGPL (library), GPL (utils)',
+    'LGPL-like',
+    'LGPL/MPL/MIT X11',
+    'LGPL + OCaml linking exception',
+    'LGPL or Artistic',
+    'LGPL or BSD',
+    'LGPL or GPL v1+ or Artistic',
+    'LGPL or MPL',
+    'LGPL (runtime), GPL (tools)',
+    'LGPL v2',
+    'LGPL v2+',
+    'LGPL v2.1',
+    'LGPL v2.1+',
+    'LGPL v2.1/GPL v2',
+    'LGPL v2.1 (libhandle), GPL v2 (the rest)',
+    'LGPL v2.1+ (libjack), GPL v2+ (the rest)',
+    'LGPL v2.1+ (library), GPL v2+ (tools)',
+    'LGPL v2.1 (library), GPL v2 (utilities)',
+    'LGPL v2.1+ or GPL v2+ or Apache v2',
+    'LGPL v2.1+ or GPL v2+ or Apache v2.0+',
+    'LGPL v2.1 or MPL v1.1',
+    'LGPL v2.1+ with OpenSSL linking exception',
+    'LGPL v2/GPL v2',
+    'LGPL v2+/GPL v2+',
+    'LGPL v2+ (library), GPL v2 (utilities)',
+    'LGPL v2+ (library), GPL v2+ (utilities)',
+    'LGPL v2+ or GP2PS License v2+ (see COPYING.GL2PS)',
+    'LGPL v2+ (see COPYING for exceptions)',
+    'LGPL v2+ with the exceptions: http://www.sptk.net/index.php?act=license',
+    'LGPL (wcslib), non-commercial use and distribution (see AST_CONDITIONS)',
+    'LGPL with additional linking exception',
+    'LGPL with amendments (see COPYING)',
+    'LGPL with exceptions (see COPYING.ZZIP)',
+    'LGPL with special exception',
+    'LGPL w/ linking exceptions',
+    'libFoundation license',
+    'Libstk Library License (relaxed LGPL)',
+    'limited/closed source (it will be made available soon under GPL)',
+    'Look into documentation',
+    'Mahogany Artistic or GPL',
+    'MeepZor Consulting Public Licence (MCPL)',
+    'Microsoft EULA (for non-commercial use)',
+    'MIT',
+    'MIT (base library), GPL (GNU portions in examples)',
+    'MIT (core), SGI (GLU,libGLw) and others - see COPYRIGHT file',
+    'MIT, freely distributable',
+    'MIT+LGPL',
+    'MIT-licensed',
+    'MIT-like',
+    'MIT-like (see LICENSE)',
+    'MIT or LGPL',
+    'MIT, partially Public Domain (see LICENSE)',
+    'MIT/X',
+    'MIT/X11',
+    'MIT/X Consortium/BSD (see README)',
+    'MIT/X Consortium License',
+    'MIT/X (evdev), GPL v2+ (evtest)',
+    'MIT/X + LBNL BSD-style + Zope Public License',
+    'Mixed (BSD and GPL)',
+    'Mixed (distributable), mostly GPL',
+    'Mixed (GPL, LGPL, distributable)',
+    'Mixed (some are GPL, some LGPL, some BSD, but all opensource)',
+    'mixture of UM and Sun licenses',
+    'Modified BSD License',
+    'Modified BSD (see included LICENSE)',
+    'mostly Lucent Public License, Version 1.02',
+    'Mostly Public Domain with Free & GPL additions',
+    'Mozilla Public License',
+    'Mozilla Public License, some parts on other license (distributable)',
+    'MPL',
+    'MPL 1.0',
+    'MPL 1.1',
+    'MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1',
+    'MPL/GPL',
+    'MPL/LGPL',
+    'MPL/LGPL/GPL',
+    'MPL or GPL',
+    'MPL or MIT/X',
+    'MPL v1',
+    'MPL v1.1 or GPL',
+    'MPL v1.1 or GPL v2 or LGPL v2.1',
+    'MPL v1.1 or GPL v2+ or LGPL v2.1+',
+    'MPL v1.1 (original code) and other licenses (included libraries)',
+    'Nearly BSD, but changed sources must be marked',
+    'Nethack GPL',
+    'New BSD',
+    'non-commercial',
+    'non-commercial distribution and encoding',
+    'non-commercial distribution and use',
+    'non-commercial, for research only',
+    'non-commercially distributable if complete, unmodified and not bundled on CD etc.',
+    'Non-commercial, non-military purposes, w/ and only w/ the voice and language databases available on http://tcts.fpms.ac.be/synthesis/',
+    'non-commercial (see COPYING)',
+    'non-commercial (see license* files)',
+    'non-commercial, see readme.txt',
+    'non-commercial use',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution (see EMS_CONDITIONS)',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution (see GSD_CONDITIONS)',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution (see MERS_CONDITIONS)',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution (see NDF_CONDITIONS)',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution (see PAR_CONDITIONS)',
+    'non-commercial use and distribution (see PCS_CONDITIONS)',
+    'non-commercial use, freely distributable',
+    'non distributable',
+    'non-distributable',
+    'Nondistributable but free (See Bitstream-Cyberfonts-licence.txt)',
+    'non-distributable, free use',
+    'non-distributable, no source',
+    'nondistributable on term of Internet Explorer 4 EULA',
+    'non-distributable (see license.html and http://java.sun.com/docs/redist.html)',
+    'non distributable (see license.txt)',
+    'non-profit',
+    'non-profit - see README',
+    'no restrictions',
+    'not precise, free for single users',
+    'Not specified',
+    'NPL 1.1',
+    'NRL/TIN',
+    'nVidia',
+    'nVidia Binary',
+    'NVIDIA proprietary, distributable if unmodified (see LICENSE)',
+    'OpenContent',
+    'Open Group Public License',
+    'OpenLDAP Public License',
+    'Open Publication License',
+    'Open Publication License v1.0+',
+    'OpenSceneGraph Public Licence (based on LGPL with exceptions)',
+    'Open Software License',
+    'Open Software License v2.0',
+    'Open Source',
+    'Open Source, mostly BSD like, some LGPL/GPL',
+    'Open source (MPICH), BSD-like (MPI-2-C++)',
+    'Open Source (see LICENSE file for details)',
+    'OpenSSL (Apache-style)',
+    'OPL',
+    'OSI Approved',
+    'OSL 1.0 (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl.php)',
+    'OSL v1.1',
+    'Other License(s)',
+    'Other License(s), see package',
+    'own, incompatibile with GPL',
+    'partially GPL',
+    'PB EULA',
+    'Philips B.V.',
+    'PHP',
+    'PHP 2.0',
+    'PHP 2.02',
+    'PHP 3.0',
+    'PHP 3.00',
+    'PHP/BSD',
+    'PHP License',
+    'PHP License 3.0',
+    'Portable Batch System (PBS) Software License',
+    'Postcardware',
+    'probably free, but no source',
+    'Proprietary',
+    'Proprietary (Free for non-business use. Busines use requires registration.)',
+    'Proprietary (See copyright)',
+    'Proprietary, use is permited. Copyright (C) 2002, AVM GmbH. All rights reserved.',
+    'PSF',
+    'Public Domain',
+    'Public Domain and LGPL',
+    'Public Domain, BSD, GPL (see COPYING.txt)',
+    'Public Domain, partially BSD-like',
+    'Public Domain (see Legal)',
+    'Public Domain (see README)',
+    'Public Use License v1.0',
+    'Python',
+    'Python (MIT style)',
+    'Python Software Foundation License',
+    'Python-style',
+    'Q3A EULA, PB EULA',
+    'Qmail',
+    'QPL',
+    'redistributable',
+    'redistributable for non-commercial use',
+    'redistributable (see LICENSE)',
+    'relaxed BSD and (L)GPL-compatible',
+    'relaxed LGPL (libraries), and Public Domain (docs)',
+    'restricted, non-distributable',
+    'restricted, non-distributable (DIVXNETWORKS EULA)',
+    'restricted, non-distributable (see COPYRIGHT)',
+    'restricted, non-distributable (see COPYRIGHT.html)',
+    'restricted, non-distributable (Sun Binary Code License - see LICENSE.txt)',
+    'restricted, non-distributable (Sun Binary Code License - see URL)',
+    'restricted, non-distributable (Sun Community Source License - see URL)',
+    'restricted, no source',
+    'Restricted, see file LICENSE',
+    'restricted (see LICENSE.txt)',
+    'RPSL or GPL v2+',
+    'Ruby',
+    'Ruby-alike',
+    'Ruby License',
+    'Ruby's',
+    'SCSL',
+    'see LICENSE',
+    'see LICENSE file (redistribution restricted)',
+    'see license.terms',
+    'several free software licenses',
+    'SGI Free Software License B v1.1',
+    'SGI MIT-like',
+    'Shareware',
+    'SIL Open Font License',
+    'sleepycat',
+    'Sleepycat public license (GPL-like, see LICENSE)',
+    'Special (see Copyright Notice)',
+    'Spin Public license',
+    'SRP Open Source',
+    'SugarCRM Public License',
+    'Sun Binary Code License',
+    'Sun Binary Code License (restricted, non-distributable)',
+    'Sun Public License or LGPL',
+    'Thai Open Source Software Center Ltd (distributable)',
+    '"THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42)',
+    'The Clarified Artistic License',
+    'The Glasgow Haskell Compiler License',
+    'The program itself BSD, the man page and icon GPL',
+    'The Ruby License',
+    'The VIGRA Artistic License',
+    'Unlimited distribution.',
+    'Unlimited use and distribution (see LICENCE).',
+    'Very Restrictive',
+    'vim',
+    'VistaLab Public License v1.5 (GPL v2+ with exception, see COPYING)',
+    'Vovida Software License',
+    'W3C',
+    'W3C Copyright (BSD like)',
+    'W3C / PHP 2.0',
+    'W3C (see: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/copyright-software.html)',
+    'wxWidgets Licence (LGPL with exception)',
+    'wxWindows Library v. 3 (LGPL derivative)',
+    'wxWindows License',
+    'X11',
+    'X11/MIT',
+    'X Consortium-like',
+    'X Consortium (MIT-like)',
+    'XFree86 1.1',
+    'X License',
+    'XML-RPC C Library License',
+    'Yahoo! DomainKeys Public License Agreement v1.1',
+    'Zend License, distributable only if unmodified and for free (see LICENSE)',
+    'Zend Studio License',
+    'ZLIB',
+    'zlib/libpng',
+    'zlib/libpng license',
+    'Zope Public License (ZPL)',
+    'Zope Public License (ZPL), GPL',
+    'ZPL',
+    'ZPL 2.0',
+    'ZPL 2.1',
diff --git a/pld.toml b/pld.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70e8908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pld.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+# Fedora's configuration for the rpmlint utility.
+# When checking that various files that should be compressed are
+# indeed compressed, look for this filename extension
+CompressExtension = "gz"
+# simple error is enough; warnings are fine
+BadnessThreshold = -1
+# Whether to allow packaging kernel modules in non-kernel packages.
+KernelModuleRPMsOK = false
+# Maximum allowed line length for Summary and Description tags
+MaxLineLength = 80
+# Assumed default version of Python if one cannot be determined from files
+# FIXME this should be sys.version_info[:2] but I have no idea how to implement it
+# here without changing it every other release
+PythonDefaultVersion = ""
+# Regexp string with expected suffix in Release tags.
+ReleaseExtension = ''
+# Whether to want default start/stop runlevels specified in init scripts
+UseDefaultRunlevels = false
+ValidSrcPerms = [
+    "0o644",
+    "0o664",
+# List of directories considered to be system default library search paths.
+SystemLibPaths = [
+    "/lib",
+    "/usr/lib",
+    "/lib64",
+    "/usr/lib64",
+    "/libx32",
+    "/usr/libx32",
+# Enabled checks for the rpmlint to be run (besides the default set)
+Checks = [
+    "BashismsCheck",
+    "PAMModulesCheck",
+    "TmpFilesCheck",
+    "SysVInitOnSystemdCheck",
+    "SharedLibraryPolicyCheck",
+# Interpreters whose scriptlets are allowed to be empty
+ValidEmptyShells = [
+    "/sbin/ldconfig",
+# Package scriptlet interpreters
+ValidShells = [
+    "<lua>",
+    "/bin/sh",
+    "/bin/bash",
+    "/sbin/ldconfig",
+    "/usr/bin/perl",
+    "/usr/bin/python",
+    "/usr/bin/python3",
+    "/sbin/postshell",
+Filters = [
+# FIXME - the commented lines are from openSUSE config
+#         Are they relevant for Fedora too?
+#         PR which enables them or remove them is welcome
+## Stuff autobuild takes care about
+#    '.*invalid-version.*',
+#    '.*invalid-packager.*',
+#    '.*not-standard-release-extension.*',
+#    '.*invalid-buildhost.*',
+    '.*executable-in-library-package.*',
+    '.*non-versioned-file-in-library-package.*',
+    '.*shlib-policy-name-error.*',
+#    '.*hardcoded-path-in-buildroot-tag.*',
+#    '.*no-buildroot-tag.*',
+#    '.*cross-directory-hard-link.*',
+# Do not validate package rpm groups
+#    '.*devel-package-with-non-devel-group.*',
+#    '.*no-group-tag.*',
+#    '.*non-standard-group.*',
+# Output filters
+#    '.*spurious-bracket-in-.*',
+#    '.*one-line-command-in-.*',
+#    ' dir-or-file-in-opt ',  # handled by CheckFilelist.py
+#    ' dir-or-file-in-usr-local ',  # handled by CheckFilelist.py
+    ' non-standard-dir-in-usr ',  # handled by CheckFilelist.py
+    ' no-signature',
+#    ' symlink-crontab-file',  #bnc591431
+#    ' without-chkconfig',
+#    'unstripped-binary-or-object.*\.ko',
+#    ' no-chkconfig',
+#    ' subsys-not-used',
+#    ' dangerous-command.*',
+#    ' setuid-binary.*',
+#    'subdir-in-bin /sbin/conf.d/',
+#    '.* nss_db non-standard-dir-in-var db',
+#    'non-standard-dir-in-usr openwin',
+#    'ibcs2 non-standard-dir-in-usr i486-sysv4',
+#    'shlibs5 non-standard-dir-in-usr i486-linux-libc5',
+#    'explicit-lib-dependency libtool',
+## Filesystem package needs special exceptions
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-run',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-lock',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-tmp',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-run',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-var-lock',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-usr-tmp',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-tmp',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-mnt',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: dir-or-file-in-home',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /root/.gnupg',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /root/.gnupg',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /etc/skel/.config',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /etc/skel/.local',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /tmp/.X11-unix',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /tmp/.ICE-unix',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: hidden-file-or-dir /etc/skel/.fonts',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: filelist-forbidden-fhs23',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: filelist-forbidden-opt',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: non-standard-uid /var/lib/nobody nobody',
+#    '^filesystem\..*: missing-dependency-to-cron',
+## has arch specific dirs in /usr
+#    '^filesystem\..*: no-binary',
+## Suppress any errors about internal packages
+#    '^qa\S+: [EWI]:',
+#    '^\S*(?:INTERNAL|internal)\.\S+: [EWI]:',
+## Exceptions for devel-files
+#    'devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/boot/vmlinuz-.*autoconf.h',
+#    'devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/usr/src/linux-',
+#    'devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*/usr/share/systemtap',
+#    '-(?:examples|doc)\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'java\S+-demo\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'avr-libc\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'cross-.*devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'cmake.*devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'gcc\d\d.*devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'OpenOffice_org-sdk\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'wnn-sdk\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'ocaml\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'xorg-x11-server-sdk\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'linux-kernel-headers\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    ' devel-file-in-non-devel-package.*-config',
+#    'libtool\.\S+: \w: devel-file-in-non-devel-package',
+#    'sdb.* dangling-relative-symlink /usr/share/doc/sdb/.*/gifs ../gifs',
+#    'kernel-modules-not-in-kernel-packages',
+## SUSE kmp's don't need manual depmod (bnc#456048)
+#    'module-without-depmod-postin',
+#    'postin-with-wrong-depmod',
+#    'module-without-depmod-postun',
+#    'postun-with-wrong-depmod',
+#    'configure-without-libdir-spec',
+#    'conffile-without-noreplace-flag /etc/init.d',
+#    'use-of-RPM_SOURCE_DIR',
+#    'use-tmp-in-',
+#    'symlink-contains-up-and-down-segments /var/lib/named',
+#    'no-ldconfig-symlink',
+#    'aaa_base\.\S+: \w: use-of-home-in-%post',
+#    'description-line-too-long',
+    'hardcoded-library-path',
+## Doesn't seem to make sense
+#    'invalid-ldconfig-symlink',
+#    'invalid-soname',
+#    'library-not-linked-against-libc',
+#    'only-non-binary-in-usr-lib',
+    'outside-libdir-files',
+## We want these files
+#    ' perl-temp-file ',
+#    ' hidden-file-or-dir .*/\.packlist',
+#    ' hidden-file-or-dir .*/\.directory',
+#    'perl-.*no-binary',
+    ' no-major-in-name ',
+## We check for that already
+#    'dangling-relative-symlink',
+    ' lib-package-without-%mklibname',
+    ' requires-on-release',
+#    ' non-executable-script /etc/profile.d/',
+#    ' non-executable-script /var/adm/fillup-templates/',
+#    ' init-script-name-with-dot ',
+#    '.* statically-linked-binary /sbin/ldconfig',
+#    '.* statically-linked-binary /sbin/init',
+#    'valgrind.* statically-linked-binary',
+#    'ldconfig-post.*/ddiwrapper/wine/',
+#    'glibc\.\S+: \w: statically-linked-binary /usr/sbin/glibc_post_upgrade',
+    ' symlink-should-be-relative ',
+#    ' binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath .*ORIGIN',
+#    'libzypp.*shlib-policy-name-error.*libzypp',
+#    'libtool.*shlib-policy.*',
+## Stuff that is currently too noisy, but might become relevant in the future
+#    ' prereq-use',
+#    ' file-not-utf8',
+#    ' tag-not-utf8',
+#    ' setup-not-quiet',
+#    ' mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs ',
+#    ' prereq-use ',
+## An issue with OBS, works with autobuild
+    ' no-packager-tag',
+#    ' unversioned-explicit-provides ',
+#    ' unversioned-explicit-obsoletes ',
+#    ' service-default-enabled ',
+#    ' non-standard-dir-perm ',
+#    ' conffile-without-noreplace-flag ',
+#    ' non-standard-executable-perm ',
+    ' jar-not-indexed ',
+#    ' uncompressed-zip ',
+#    ' %ifarch-applied-patch ',
+#    ' read-error ',
+#    ' init-script-without-chkconfig-postin ',
+#    ' init-script-without-chkconfig-preun ',
+#    ' postin-without-chkconfig ',
+#    ' preun-without-chkconfig ',
+    ' no-dependency-on locales',
+    ' no-dependency-on perl-base',
+    ' no-dependency-on python-base',
+    ' python-naming-policy-not-applied',
+    # FIXME does this really exists?
+    ' perl-naming-policy-not-applied',
+#    ' shlib-policy-name-error',
+#    ' binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath',
+#    ' executable-marked-as-config-file',
+#    ' log-files-without-logrotate',
+#    ' hardcoded-prefix-tag',
+    ' -debug(info|source).* no-documentation',
+#    ' multiple-specfiles',
+#    ' no-default-runlevel ',
+#    ' setgid-binary ',
+#    ' non-readable ',
+    ' postin-without-ghost-file-creation ',
+## Exceptions for filelist checks
+#    'nfs-client\.\S+: \w: filelist-forbidden-backup-file /var/lib/nfs/sm.bak',
+#    'perl\.\S+: \w: filelist-forbidden-perl-dir ',
+#    'info\.\S+: \w: info-dir-file .*/usr/share/info/dir',
+## These packages are used for CD creation and are not supposed to be
+## installed. It's still a dirty hack to make an exception. The
+## packages should either be built in a separate project with
+## different config or file be put somewhere below /opt/suse/*
+#    '(?:dosutils|skelcd|installation-images|yast2-slide-show|instlux|skelcd-.*|patterns-.*)\.\S+: \w: filelist-forbidden-fhs23 /CD1',
+## Too noisy, and usually not something downstream packagers can fix
+#    ' incorrect-fsf-address ',
+#    ' no-manual-page-for-binary ',
+#    ' static-library-without-debuginfo /usr/lib(?:64)?/ghc-[\d\.]+/',
+## Many places have shorter paths
+#    ' non-coherent-filename ',
+# Mandriva specific stuff that Fedora do not want either
+    ' invalid-build-requires ',
+# Fedora specific stuff that we don't want
+    ' ghost-files-without-postin',
+    ' no-provides ',
+    ' -debuginfo.* /usr/lib/debug/',
+    ' -debugsource.* /usr/src/debug/',
+    '^gpg-pubkey:',
+    ' doc-file-dependency .* /bin/sh$',
+    'explicit-lib-dependency (liberation-fonts|libertas-.*-firmware|libvirt$|.*-(java|python|utils)$)',
+    'explicit-lib-dependency (python-.*lib.*|python2-.*lib.*|python3-.*lib.*)$',
+    'explicit-lib-dependency libreoffice.*$',
+    'dangling-\S*symlink /usr/share/doc/HTML/\S+/common .+/common$',
+    'hidden-file-or-dir .*/man5/\.k5login\.5[^/]+$',
+    'blender.+ (wrong-script-interpreter|non-executable-script) .+/blender/.+\.py.*BPY.*',
+    # ' no-cleaning-of-buildroot ',
+    # 'files-attr-not-set',
+    # Don't bother with the non-ghost-in-run checks, /var/lock and /var/run are
+    # symlinks to /run/lock and /run respectively, and /run is a tmpfs
+    'non-ghost-in-run',
+    # Someone thought it was a good idea to make .desktop files executable. They were wrong.
+    # Nevertheless, I do not yet control the universe, so we squelch the error here.
+    'script-without-shebang .*\.desktop$',
+    # Some files in /etc/ are not meant to be modified by the sysadmin
+    'non-conffile-in-etc /etc/rpm/.*$',
+    # Files that are intentionally not supposed to be readable
+    # Contains passwords
+    'non-readable /etc/ovirt-engine/isouploader.conf',
+    ## Ignore webservers which are just broken.
+    'invalid-url .*\.googlecode\.com/.*HTTP Error 404',
+    'invalid-url .*\.jboss\.org/.*HTTP Error 403',
+    'invalid-url .*bitbucket\.org/.*HTTP Error 403',
+    'invalid-url .*github\.com/.*HTTP Error 403',
+    # Don't care about long descriptions on debuginfo packages
+    # They automatically include the package name and are always
+    # quite long.
+    '-debuginfo.* description-line-too-long',
+    # ignore "common" jargon words
+    # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1424684#c9
+    'spelling-error.* \b(runtime|Runtime|metadata|cryptographic|multi|linux|filesystem|filesystems|backend|backends|userspace|addon|wayland|Wayland|util|utils|lossless|virtualization|toolkits|libvirtd|crypto|glyphs|GStreamer|http|extensibility|codec|codecs|truetype|scalable|pluggable|pixbuf|Kerberos|customizable|bitstream|tcp|libXss|libs|libc|encodings|GLib|udev|posix|libpng|glapi|gbm|freedesktop|spi|realtime|preprocessor|libaudit|hypervisor|embeddable|distributable|devel|config|cairo|bootloader|adaptors|pragma|passphrase|malloc|libvirt|libmagic|io|datetime|boolean|argparse|py|pinentry|namespace|middleware|lowlevel|libxcb|libudev|libsoup|libgcrypt|libcom|iSCSI|initramfs|GObject|executables|dialogs|checkpolicy|bitmapped|assistive|btrfs|crypttab|defrag|dracut|hostname|luks|mountpoints|netdev|rpmnew|rpmsave|storaged|tss|unlocker)\b',
+    # Fedora no longer uses explicit ldconfig %post/%postun as of Fedora 28
+    'library-without-ldconfig-postin',
+    'library-without-ldconfig-postun',
+    # Ignore 700 dir perms here
+    'non-standard-dir-perm /etc/.* 700',
+    'non-standard-dir-perm /var/lib/.* 700',
+    # pip 20.2 generates PEP 376 "REQUESTED" marker (empty)
+    'zero-length .+/site-packages/.+\.dist-info/REQUESTED\b',
+    # py.typed files are empty
+    'zero-length .+/site-packages/.+/py\.typed\b',
+    # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/496737, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/646455
+    'coreutils.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /bin/su (root )?04',
+    'krb5-workstation.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/kerberos/bin/ksu (root )?04',
+    'passwd.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/bin/passwd (root )?04',
+    'sudo.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/bin/sudo(edit)? (root )?04',
+    'upstart.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /sbin/initctl (root )?04',
+    'usermode.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) /usr/sbin/userhelper (root )?04',
+    # Only works properly with SUSE packages. See
+    # https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpmlint/issues/781
+    'no-library-dependency-for',
+    'no-library-dependency-on',
+## Bash completion files are not scripts, do not require them marked as %config
+#    'W: non-conffile-in-etc /etc/bash_completion.d/',
+# Info uses file triggers now (boo#1152169)
+    ' info-files-without-install-info-postin',
+    ' info-files-without-install-info-postun ',
+    ' postin-without-install-info ',
+path = "/usr/share/doc/licenses/"
+name = "licenses"
+path = "consolehelper$"
+name = "usermode"
+path = "consolehelper-gtk$"
+name = "usermode-gtk"
+non-standard-uid = '''A file in this package is owned by an unregistered user id.
+To register the user, please make a pull request to the rpmlint config file
+configs/Fedora/fedora.toml in the rpmlint repository.
+non-standard-gid = '''A file in this package is owned by an unregistered group id.
+To register the group, please make a pull request to the rpmlint config file
+configs/Fedora/fedora.toml in the rpmlint repository.
+no-changelogname-tag = '''There is no changelog. Please insert a '%changelog' section heading in your
+spec file and prepare your changelog entry using e.g. the 'rpmdev-bumpspec' command.'''
diff --git a/postshell.patch b/postshell.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b7609e..0000000
--- a/postshell.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-1.1/PostCheck.py~	2010-03-30 23:34:48.000000000 +0300
-+++ rpmlint-1.1/PostCheck.py	2011-02-14 09:10:42.107466196 +0200
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
-                         '/sbin/sash',
-                         '/usr/bin/perl',
-                         '/sbin/ldconfig',
-+                        '/sbin/postshell',
-                         )
- DEFAULT_EMPTY_SHELLS = ('/sbin/ldconfig',
diff --git a/python3.patch b/python3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ff5cb9e..0000000
--- a/python3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/PostCheck.py~	2021-01-17 18:05:55.000000000 +0100
-+++ rpmlint-rpmlint-1.11/PostCheck.py	2021-01-17 18:12:55.108297139 +0100
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
-     tmpfd, tmpname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='rpmlint.')
-     tmpfile = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'wb')
-     try:
--        tmpfile.write(script)
-+        tmpfile.write(script.encode('utf-8'))
-         tmpfile.close()
-         ret = Pkg.getstatusoutput((prog, commandline, tmpname))
-     finally:
diff --git a/pythonpath.patch b/pythonpath.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6248efe..0000000
--- a/pythonpath.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-rpmlint-1.9/rpmdiff~	2016-06-29 20:07:39.000000000 +0300
-+++ rpmlint-rpmlint-1.9/rpmdiff	2016-08-06 12:12:07.619967936 +0300
-@@ -24,11 +24,7 @@
- import tempfile
- import rpm
--if os.path.isdir("/usr/share/rpmlint"):
--    import site
--    site.addsitedir("/usr/share/rpmlint")
--import Pkg  # noqa: E402
-+from rpmlint.Pkg import Pkg
- class Rpmdiff(object):
diff --git a/revert-9f71923e.patch b/revert-9f71923e.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 136f3c7..0000000
--- a/revert-9f71923e.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-self.header.format("%{ARCH}") does not work in rpm5
-(partial) revert to self.header[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH]
-ERROR: testcheck (__main__.TestPamCheck)
-Traceback (most recent call last):
-  File "/home/users/glen/rpm/packages/BUILD.x86_64-linux/rpmlint-1.6/test//test.PamCheck.py", line 12, in setUp
-    self.pkg = Testing.getTestedPackage('binary/PamCheck')
-  File "/home/users/glen/rpm/packages/BUILD.x86_64-linux/rpmlint-1.6/tools/Testing.py", line 37, in getTestedPackage
-    return Pkg.Pkg(pkg_path, tempfile.gettempdir())
-  File "/home/users/glen/rpm/packages/BUILD.x86_64-linux/rpmlint-1.6/Pkg.py", line 492, in __init__
-    self.arch = self.header.format("%{ARCH}")
-TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
-commit 9f71923e9bfb82f52ab60ebb22a03e0c827ff1ad
-Author: Ville Skyttä <ville.skytta at iki.fi>
-Date:   Sat Feb 8 22:34:50 2014 +0200
-Python 3 compatibility tweaks
---- a/Pkg.py
-+++ b/Pkg.py
-@@ -448,8 +448,8 @@ class Pkg:
-             self.arch = 'nosrc'
-         elif self.isSource():
-             self.arch = 'src'
-         else:
--            self.arch = self.header.format("%{ARCH}")
-+            self.arch = self.header[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH]
-     # Return true if the package is a source package
-     def isSource(self):
diff --git a/rpm4.15.patch b/rpm4.15.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 812ef55..0000000
--- a/rpm4.15.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 8fd904b53c028dded0b308ee95f1a5ff998584fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Miro=20Hron=C4=8Dok?= <miro at hroncok.cz>
-Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2019 00:31:49 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Ugly workaround for RPM 4.14 vs 4.15 python3 bindings
- incompatibility
-Fixes https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpmlint/issues/202
- Pkg.py | 11 ++++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/Pkg.py b/Pkg.py
-index 8d01f301..1b257716 100644
---- a/Pkg.py
-+++ b/Pkg.py
-@@ -143,8 +143,17 @@ def is_utf8(fname):
- def is_utf8_bytestr(s):
-+    """Returns True whether the given text is UTF-8.
-+    Due to changes in rpm, needs to handle both bytes and unicode."""
-     try:
--        s.decode('UTF-8')
-+        if hasattr(s, 'decode'):
-+            s.decode('utf-8')
-+        elif hasattr(s, 'encode'):
-+            s.encode('utf-8')
-+        else:
-+            unexpected = type(s).__name__
-+            raise TypeError(
-+                'Expected str/unicode/bytes, not {}'.format(unexpected))
-     except UnicodeError:
-         return False
-     return True
diff --git a/rpm5.patch b/rpm5.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bd8e47..0000000
--- a/rpm5.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-1.4/Pkg.py~	2012-09-25 22:39:39.673226624 +0200
-+++ rpmlint-1.4/Pkg.py	2012-09-25 22:40:12.223225476 +0200
-@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@
-             # Create a package object from the file name
-             ts = rpm.TransactionSet()
-             # Don't check signatures here...
--            ts.setVSFlags(rpm._RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES)
-+            ts.setVSFlags(rpm.RPMVSF_NODSAHEADER)
-             fd = os.open(filename, os.O_RDONLY)
-             try:
-                 self.header = ts.hdrFromFdno(fd)
diff --git a/rpmlint-etc.config b/rpmlint-etc.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f670ac..0000000
--- a/rpmlint-etc.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Add local system wide rpmlint configuration here or in other *config files
-# in this directory.
diff --git a/rpmlint-groups.patch b/rpmlint-groups.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd9934..0000000
--- a/rpmlint-groups.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-Use GROUPS file from rpmlint (this project) package rather than rpm
---- rpmlint-rpmlint-1.9/Pkg.py~	2016-06-29 20:07:39.000000000 +0300
-+++ rpmlint-rpmlint-1.9/Pkg.py	2016-08-06 12:10:45.102344608 +0300
-@@ -214,16 +214,16 @@
- def get_default_valid_rpmgroups(filename=None):
-     """
-     Get default rpm groups from filename, or try to look them up from
--    the rpm package (if installed) if no filename is given.
-+    the rpmlint package (if installed) if no filename is given.
-     """
-     groups = []
-     if not filename:
-         try:
--            with InstalledPkg("rpm") as p:
-+            with InstalledPkg("rpmlint") as p:
-                 groupsfiles = [x for x in p.files() if x.endswith('/GROUPS')]
-                 if groupsfiles:
-                     filename = groupsfiles[0]
--        except KeyError:  # the rpm package might not be installed
-+        except KeyError:  # the rpmlint package might not be installed
-             pass
-     if filename and os.path.exists(filename):
-         with open(filename) as fobj:
diff --git a/rpmlint-licenses.patch b/rpmlint-licenses.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 91d6f93..0000000
--- a/rpmlint-licenses.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- rpmlint-1.0/TagsCheck.py~	2010-06-23 21:34:28.000000000 +0300
-+++ rpmlint-1.0/TagsCheck.py	2011-01-09 18:36:31.642820895 +0200
-@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
-     enchant = None
- del _use_enchant
-+# See PLD License list at
-+# http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/PLD-doc/license-tags.txt
-     # OSI approved licenses, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ (unversioned,
-     # trailing "license" dropped based on fuzzy logic, and in well-known cases,
diff --git a/rpmlint.config b/rpmlint.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c1d60b..0000000
--- a/rpmlint.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# -*- python -*-
-# System wide rpmlint default configuration.  Do not modify, override/add
-# options in /etc/rpmlint/config and/or ~/.config/rpmlint as needed.
-from Config import *
-setOption("CompressExtension", "gz")
-setOption("UseVersionInChangeLog", False)
-# Output filters.
-# ---------------
-# These are against PLD Linux own policy
-addFilter("E: incoherent-version-in-name")
-addFilter("E: no-packager-tag")
-addFilter("W: macro-in-%changelog")
-addFilter("W: no-major-in-name")
-addFilter("W: python-bytecode-without-source")
-addFilter("W: requires-on-release")
-addFilter("W: make-check-outside-check-section")
-addFilter("W: no-version-in-last-changelog")
-# known suid programs
-for pkg, exe in (
-	("coreutils", "/bin/su"),
-	("pwdutils", "/usr/bin/passwd"),
-	("sudo", "/usr/bin/sudo(edit)?"),
-	):
-    addFilter("%s.* (setuid-binary|non-standard-executable-perm) %s (root )?04"
-              % (pkg, exe))
-setOption("ValidLicenses", (
-	# These are the short names for all of the PLD Linux approved licenses.
-	'BSD',
-	'GPL v2',
-	'GPL',
-	'GPL, Open Data License',
-	'LGPL v2.1',
-	'LGPL v3',
-	'LGPL',
-	'MIT',
-	'MPL v1.1',
diff --git a/scoring.toml b/scoring.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..106172b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scoring.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# This can set how bad each error is.
+# But we set BadnessThreshold to -1 so anything above 0 is actually fatal.
diff --git a/users-groups.toml b/users-groups.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb42ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users-groups.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+# http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi/cvs/PLD-doc/uid_gid.db.txt
+StandardUsers = [
+	'root',
+	'bin',
+	'daemon',
+	'adm',
+	'lp',
+	'sync',
+	'shutdown',
+	'halt',
+	'mail',
+	'news',
+	'uucp',
+	'operator',
+	'games',
+	'gopher',
+	'ftp',
+	'tftp',
+	'syslog',
+	'tvheadend',
+	'nslcd',
+	'rpc',
+	'hlds',
+	'sweep',
+	'smmsp',
+	'gnarwl',
+	'jftpgw',
+	'nscd',
+	'radius',
+	'pdns',
+	'otrs',
+	'dnslog',
+	'dnscache',
+	'tinydns',
+	'pickdns',
+	'walldns',
+	'rbldns',
+	'axfrdns',
+	'ftplog',
+	'sshd',
+	'canna',
+	'wnn',
+	'clamav',
+	'mksd',
+	'intermezzo',
+	'snort',
+	'mldonkey',
+	'parbuilder',
+	'parbuilderd',
+	'aspseek',
+	'http',
+	'cvs',
+	'cvsadmin',
+	'rsync',
+	'xdm',
+	'xfs',
+	'icecast',
+	'named',
+	'darkice',
+	'pop3',
+	'opennap',
+	'postfix',
+	'courier',
+	'ecartis',
+	'aegis',
+	'vpopmail',
+	'listar',
+	'pdns-recursor',
+	'maasd',
+	'ups',
+	'sympa',
+	'netsaint',
+	'bb',
+	'jabber',
+	'ircd',
+	'cyrus',
+	'bs',
+	'scanlogd',
+	'exim',
+	'amanda',
+	'qmaild',
+	'alias',
+	'qmailq',
+	'qmailr',
+	'qmails',
+	'qmaill',
+	'qmailp',
+	'postgres',
+	'mysql',
+	'saned',
+	'squid',
+	'pks',
+	'slapd',
+	'mailman',
+	'dqs',
+	'swserv',
+	'amavis',
+	'partimag',
+	'nobody',
+	'jboss',
+	'sapdb',
+	'dcc',
+	'frox',
+	'jftpgw',
+	'backupc',
+	'lire',
+	'nullmail',
+	'privoxy',
+	'webCDwriter',
+	'webwriter',
+	'ifmail',
+	'zabbix',
+	'zope',
+	'backups',
+	'nagios',
+	'gnunet',
+	'lighttpd',
+	'thttpd',
+	'ffsearch',
+	'wwwoffle',
+	'ntop',
+	'vpopmail',
+	'messagebus',
+	'stats',
+	'quake3',
+	'shishi',
+	'haldaemon',
+	'quagga',
+	'cvsowner',
+	'geneweb',
+	'stunnel',
+	'slony1',
+	'tml',
+	'log',
+	'crontab',
+	'safetp',
+	'bacula',
+	'distcc',
+	'mysqlstat',
+	'tss',
+	'pdnsd',
+	'captive',
+	'bnc',
+	'psybnc',
+	'nscd',
+	'firebird',
+	'eventum',
+	'smtpgw',
+	'qtss',
+	'mythtv',
+	'imapproxy',
+	'bopm',
+	'newscache',
+	'tuxaator',
+	'jserv',
+	'postgrey',
+	'tor',
+	'ogo',
+	'munin',
+	'natmonitor',
+	'nx',
+	'cherokee',
+	'cancd',
+	'vmail',
+	'p0f',
+	'avahi',
+	'beagleindex',
+	'ffserver',
+	'gld',
+	'hsqldb',
+	'quake2',
+	'hula',
+	'dovecot',
+	'logcheck',
+	'rwhod',
+	'tenshi',
+	'sqlrelay',
+	'motion',
+	'wesnothd',
+	'flixd',
+	'svn',
+	'srpms_builder',
+	'builder',
+	'ftpac',
+	'cacti',
+	'haproxy',
+	'siets',
+	'ais',
+	'asterisk',
+	'sequoia',
+	'opendchub',
+	'rpcstatd',
+	'callwaver',
+	'mysqlproxy',
+	'zenoss',
+	'vnstat',
+	'unbound',
+	'icecream',
+	'flowd',
+	'bfilter',
+	'pound',
+	'nexus',
+	'gnump3d',
+	'couchdb',
+	'mpd',
+	'gozerbot',
+	'ganglia',
+	'smokeping',
+	'openctd',
+	'memcached',
+	'qscand',
+	'ivman',
+	'redmine',
+	'nginx',
+	'argus',
+	'havp',
+	'inspircd',
+	'atheme',
+	'anope',
+	'vacation',
+	'polkituser',
+	'kojibuilder',
+	'uuidd',
+	'iscsi',
+	'speech-dispatcher',
+	'sabayon',
+	'pulse',
+	'flumotion',
+	'splunk',
+	'drizzle',
+	'boinc',
+	'pwrchute',
+	'tomcat',
+	'majordomo',
+	'oracle',
+	'arcabit',
+	'ftpsync',
+	'pgpool',
+	'varnish',
+	'davfs2',
+	'red5',
+	'glassfish',
+	'hadoop',
+	'ntp',
+	'usbmux',
+	'abrt',
+	'sphinx',
+	'murmur',
+	'gammu-smsd',
+	'kdm',
+	'openerp-srv',
+	'dovenull',
+	'dkim-milter',
+	'redis',
+	'rabbitmq',
+	'mongod',
+	'cassandra',
+	'radvd',
+	'c-icap',
+	'forked-daapd',
+	'gitolite',
+	'git',
+	'ossec',
+	'ossecm',
+	'ossece',
+	'ossecr',
+	'rdnssd',
+	'uwsgi',
+	'bird',
+	'grmilter',
+	'tcpdump',
+	'celery',
+	'mpd_sima',
+	'qemu',
+	'rtkit',
+	'sanlock',
+	'bitlbee',
+	'riak',
+	'mfs',
+	'polkitd',
+	'minidlna',
+	'snmptt',
+	'systemd-journal-gateway',
+	'elasticsearch',
+	'carbon',
+	'vagrant',
+	'puppet',
+	'mosquitto',
+	'jenkins',
+	'docker',
+	'smtpd',
+	'smtpq',
+	'chef',
+	'gnt-masterd',
+	'gnt-confd',
+	'gnt-luxid',
+	'gnt-rapi',
+	'prosody',
+	'bes',
+	'pcp',
+	'pcpqa',
+	'percona-toolkit',
+	'xbm',
+	'pesign',
+	'fedmsg',
+	'pathfinderd',
+	'systemd-bus-proxy',
+	'systemd-network',
+	'systemd-resolve',
+	'systemd-timesync',
+	'systemd-journal-remote',
+	'systemd-journal-upload',
+	'naemon',
+	'opendkim',
+	'sddm',
+	'nm-openvpn',
+	'ddclient',
+	'ftpauth',
+	'diamond',
+	'gearmand',
+	'netdata',
+	'gitlab-runner',
+	'colord',
+	'mopidy',
+	'systemd-coredump',
+	'hitch',
+	'ftpcert',
+	'vboxadd',
+	'pykota',
+StandardGroups = [
+	'root',
+	'bin',
+	'daemon',
+	'sys',
+	'adm',
+	'tty',
+	'disk',
+	'lp',
+	'mem',
+	'kmem',
+	'wheel',
+	'icmp',
+	'mail',
+	'news',
+	'uucp',
+	'man',
+	'dialout/ttyS',
+	'proc',
+	'syslog',
+	'floppy',
+	'games',
+	'slocate',
+	'utmp',
+	'audio',
+	'video',
+	'smmsp',
+	'gnarwl',
+	'cdrom/cdwrite',
+	'fsctrl',
+	'radius',
+	'gopher',
+	'console',
+	'djbdns',
+	'mldonkey',
+	'lock',
+	'jail',
+	'hlds',
+	'rlocate',
+	'quake3',
+	'backup',
+	'dip',
+	'canna',
+	'wnn',
+	'clamav',
+	'mksd',
+	'intermezzo',
+	'snort',
+	'mailq',
+	'parbuilder',
+	'parbuilderd',
+	'ftp',
+	'http',
+	'cvs',
+	'cvsadmin',
+	'rsync',
+	'xdm',
+	'xfs',
+	'icecast',
+	'named',
+	'tftp',
+	'haclient',
+	'opennap',
+	'postfix',
+	'maildrop',
+	'ecartis',
+	'aegis',
+	'vchkpw',
+	'listar',
+	'tape',
+	'maasd',
+	'fonts',
+	'sympa',
+	'netsaint',
+	'bb',
+	'jabber',
+	'ircd',
+	'ups',
+	'bs',
+	'usb',
+	'exim',
+	'amanda',
+	'nofiles',
+	'qmail',
+	'rbldns',
+	'fuse',
+	'darkice',
+	'svn',
+	'whois',
+	'postgres',
+	'mysql',
+	'saned',
+	'squid',
+	'pks',
+	'slapd',
+	'mailman',
+	'dqs',
+	'swserv',
+	'sweep',
+	'partimag',
+	'nobody',
+	'jboss',
+	'sapsys',
+	'sysnews',
+	'frox',
+	'wireshark',
+	'backupc',
+	'lire',
+	'nullmail',
+	'privoxy',
+	'lighttpd',
+	'pkcs11',
+	'zabbix',
+	'zope',
+	'backups',
+	'nagios',
+	'gnunet',
+	'amavis',
+	'crontab',
+	'ffsearch',
+	'wwwoffle',
+	'ntop',
+	'vchkpw',
+	'messagebus',
+	'stats',
+	'logs',
+	'shishi',
+	'haldaemon',
+	'quagga',
+	'quaggavty',
+	'geneweb',
+	'stunnel',
+	'thttpd',
+	'tml',
+	'log',
+	'services',
+	'digicam',
+	'bacula',
+	'distcc',
+	'fileshare',
+	'tss',
+	'pdnsd',
+	'captive',
+	'bnc',
+	'psybnc',
+	'nscd',
+	'firebird',
+	'eventum',
+	'nagcmd',
+	'qtss',
+	'mythtv',
+	'imapproxy',
+	'bopm',
+	'newscache',
+	'tuxaator',
+	'jserv',
+	'postgrey',
+	'tor',
+	'skyrix',
+	'munin',
+	'natmonitor',
+	'kvm',
+	'cherokee',
+	'cancd',
+	'vmail',
+	'p0f',
+	'avahi',
+	'beagleindex',
+	'ffserver',
+	'gld',
+	'hsqldb',
+	'quake2',
+	'hula',
+	'dovecot',
+	'logcheck',
+	'rwhod',
+	'tenshi',
+	'sqlrelay',
+	'motion',
+	'wesnothd',
+	'flixd',
+	'kismet',
+	'builder',
+	'input',
+	'xrdp',
+	'dehydrated',
+	'haproxy',
+	'siets',
+	'ais',
+	'asterisk',
+	'sequoia',
+	'opendchub',
+	'rpcstatd',
+	'callwaver',
+	'mysqlproxy',
+	'zenoss',
+	'vnstat',
+	'mlocate',
+	'icecream',
+	'flowd',
+	'bfilter',
+	'pound',
+	'nexus',
+	'gnump3d',
+	'couchdb',
+	'mpd',
+	'gozerbot',
+	'ganglia',
+	'smokeping',
+	'mockbuild',
+	'memcached',
+	'qscand',
+	'ivman',
+	'ies4linux',
+	'nginx',
+	'argus',
+	'havp',
+	'inspircd',
+	'atheme',
+	'anope',
+	'vacation',
+	'polkituser',
+	'vbox',
+	'uuidd',
+	'iscsi',
+	'speech-dispatcher',
+	'sabayon',
+	'pulse',
+	'pulse-rt',
+	'pulse-access',
+	'flumotion',
+	'splunk',
+	'drizzle',
+	'boinc',
+	'pwrchute',
+	'tomcat',
+	'majordomo',
+	'dba',
+	'servlet',
+	'arcabit',
+	'ftpsync',
+	'pgpool',
+	'varnish',
+	'davfs2',
+	'red5',
+	'glassfish',
+	'hadoop',
+	'ntp',
+	'usbmux',
+	'abrt',
+	'sphinx',
+	'murmur',
+	'gammu-smsd',
+	'kdm',
+	'openerp-srv',
+	'dovenull',
+	'dkim-milter',
+	'redis',
+	'rabbitmq',
+	'mongod',
+	'cassandra',
+	'ecryptfs',
+	'cgred',
+	'c-icap',
+	'forked-daapd',
+	'gitolite',
+	'git',
+	'ossec',
+	'vboxsf',
+	'rdnssd',
+	'uwsgi',
+	'bird',
+	'grmilter',
+	'lxd',
+	'celery',
+	'mpd_sima',
+	'qemu',
+	'sslh',
+	'rtkit',
+	'sanlock',
+	'bitlbee',
+	'riak',
+	'mfs',
+	'polkitd',
+	'minidlna',
+	'snmptt',
+	'shadow',
+	'systemd-journal-gateway',
+	'systemd-journal',
+	'elasticsearch',
+	'carbon',
+	'vagrant',
+	'puppet',
+	'mosquitto',
+	'rspamd',
+	'jenkins',
+	'docker',
+	'smtpd',
+	'smtpq',
+	'chef',
+	'gnt-masterd',
+	'gnt-confd',
+	'gnt-luxid',
+	'gnt-rapi',
+	'gnt-daemons',
+	'gnt-admin',
+	'prosody',
+	'bes',
+	'pcp',
+	'pcpqa',
+	'percona-toolkit',
+	'xbm',
+	'pesign',
+	'fedmsg',
+	'pathfinderd',
+	'systemd-bus-proxy',
+	'systemd-network',
+	'systemd-resolve',
+	'systemd-timesync',
+	'systemd-journal-remote',
+	'systemd-journal-upload',
+	'naemon',
+	'opendkim',
+	'sddm',
+	'nm-openvpn',
+	'ddclient',
+	'ftpauth',
+	'diamond',
+	'gearmand',
+	'netdata',
+	'gitlab-runner',
+	'colord',
+	'mopidy',
+	'systemd-coredump',
+	'hitch',
+	'ftpcert',
+	'pykota',
+	'users',
+	'tpexec',
+	'nosock',
+	'nocsock',
+	'nossock',

---- gitweb:


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