[packages/mariadb] Up to 10.11.2

arekm arekm at pld-linux.org
Tue May 9 07:41:24 CEST 2023

commit da45fcaee270903bffee65edc204eeb0acb5bab2
Author: Arkadiusz Miśkiewicz <arekm at maven.pl>
Date:   Tue May 9 07:41:12 2023 +0200

    Up to 10.11.2

 mariadb-openssl3.patch | 390 -------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 390 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mariadb-openssl3.patch b/mariadb-openssl3.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 2186116..0000000
--- a/mariadb-openssl3.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
-From c80991c79f701dac42c630af4bd39593b0c7efb4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Vladislav Vaintroub <wlad at mariadb.com>
-Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2021 18:48:19 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] MDEV-25785 Add support for OpenSSL 3.0
-Summary of changes
-- MD_CTX_SIZE is increased
-- EVP_CIPHER_CTX_buf_noconst(ctx) does not work anymore, points
-  to nobody knows where. The assumption made previously was that
-  (since the function does not seem to be documented)
-  was that it points to the last partial source block.
-  Add own partial block buffer for NOPAD encryption instead
-- SECLEVEL in CipherString in openssl.cnf
-  had been downgraded to 0, from 1, to make TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1 possible
-- Workaround Ssl_cipher_list issue, it now returns TLSv1.3 ciphers,
-  in addition to what was set in --ssl-cipher
-- ctx_buf buffer now must be aligned to 16 bytes with openssl(
-  previously with WolfSSL only), ot crashes will happen
-- updated aes-t , to be better debuggable
-  using function, rather than a huge multiline macro
-  added test that does "nopad" encryption piece-wise, to test
-  replacement of EVP_CIPHER_CTX_buf_noconst
- cmake/ssl.cmake                   |  19 ++++-
- include/ssl_compat.h              |   3 +-
- mysql-test/lib/openssl.cnf        |   2 +-
- mysql-test/main/ssl_cipher.result |   6 +-
- mysql-test/main/ssl_cipher.test   |   2 +-
- mysys_ssl/my_crypt.cc             |  46 +++++++-----
- unittest/mysys/aes-t.c            | 121 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------
- 7 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
-diff -up mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/cmake/ssl.cmake.patch16 mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/cmake/ssl.cmake
---- mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/cmake/ssl.cmake.patch16	2021-08-03 10:29:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/cmake/ssl.cmake	2021-11-18 16:58:41.552440737 +0100
-@@ -139,9 +139,20 @@ MACRO (MYSQL_CHECK_SSL)
-+      ENDFOREACH()
-+      # Silence "deprecated in OpenSSL 3.0"
-+      IF((NOT OPENSSL_VERSION) # 3.0 not determined by older cmake
-+      ENDIF()
-       CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(ERR_remove_thread_state "openssl/err.h"
-                           HAVE_ERR_remove_thread_state)
-       CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(EVP_aes_128_ctr "openssl/evp.h"
-@@ -150,8 +161,10 @@ MACRO (MYSQL_CHECK_SSL)
-                           HAVE_EncryptAes128Gcm)
-       CHECK_SYMBOL_EXISTS(X509_check_host "openssl/x509v3.h"
-                           HAVE_X509_check_host)
-+      ENDFOREACH()
-     ELSE()
-       IF(WITH_SSL STREQUAL "system")
-         MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find appropriate system libraries for SSL. Use WITH_SSL=bundled to enable SSL support")
-diff -up mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/include/ssl_compat.h.patch16 mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/include/ssl_compat.h
---- mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/include/ssl_compat.h.patch16	2021-08-03 10:29:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/include/ssl_compat.h	2021-11-18 16:58:41.552440737 +0100
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- #define ERR_remove_state(X) ERR_clear_error()
- #define EVP_CIPHER_CTX_SIZE 176
--#define EVP_MD_CTX_SIZE 48
-+#define EVP_MD_CTX_SIZE 72
- #undef EVP_MD_CTX_init
- #define EVP_MD_CTX_init(X) do { memset((X), 0, EVP_MD_CTX_SIZE); EVP_MD_CTX_reset(X); } while(0)
- #undef EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init
-@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@
- #define DH_set0_pqg(D,P,Q,G)            ((D)->p= (P), (D)->g= (G))
- #endif
--#define EVP_CIPHER_CTX_buf_noconst(ctx) ((ctx)->buf)
- #define EVP_CIPHER_CTX_encrypting(ctx)  ((ctx)->encrypt)
- #define EVP_CIPHER_CTX_SIZE             sizeof(EVP_CIPHER_CTX)
-diff -up mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/lib/openssl.cnf.patch16 mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/lib/openssl.cnf
---- mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/lib/openssl.cnf.patch16	2021-08-03 10:29:07.000000000 +0200
-+++ mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/lib/openssl.cnf	2021-11-18 16:58:41.552440737 +0100
-@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ ssl_conf = ssl_section
- system_default = system_default_section
- [system_default_section]
--CipherString = ALL:@SECLEVEL=1
-+CipherString = ALL:@SECLEVEL=0
-diff -up mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/main/ssl_cipher.result.patch16 mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/main/ssl_cipher.result
---- mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/main/ssl_cipher.result.patch16	2021-08-03 10:29:08.000000000 +0200
-+++ mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysql-test/main/ssl_cipher.result	2021-11-18 16:58:41.552440737 +0100
-@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ connect  ssl_con,localhost,root,,,,,SSL;
- SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher';
- Variable_name	Value
- Ssl_cipher	AES128-SHA
--SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher_list';
--Variable_name	Value
--Ssl_cipher_list	AES128-SHA
- disconnect ssl_con;
- connection default;
-diff -up mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysys_ssl/my_crypt.cc.patch16 mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysys_ssl/my_crypt.cc
---- mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysys_ssl/my_crypt.cc.patch16	2021-08-03 10:29:08.000000000 +0200
-+++ mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/mysys_ssl/my_crypt.cc	2021-11-18 16:58:41.552440737 +0100
-@@ -29,11 +29,7 @@
- #include <ssl_compat.h>
- #include <cstdint>
- #define CTX_ALIGN 16
--#define CTX_ALIGN 0
- class MyCTX
- {
-@@ -100,8 +96,9 @@ class MyCTX_nopad : public MyCTX
- {
- public:
-   const uchar *key;
--  uint klen, buf_len;
-+  uint klen, source_tail_len;
-   uchar oiv[MY_AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-+  uchar source_tail[MY_AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-   MyCTX_nopad() : MyCTX() { }
-   ~MyCTX_nopad() { }
-@@ -112,7 +109,7 @@ public:
-     compile_time_assert(MY_AES_CTX_SIZE >= sizeof(MyCTX_nopad));
-     this->key= key;
-     this->klen= klen;
--    this->buf_len= 0;
-+    this->source_tail_len= 0;
-     if (ivlen)
-       memcpy(oiv, iv, ivlen);
-     DBUG_ASSERT(ivlen == 0 || ivlen == sizeof(oiv));
-@@ -123,26 +120,41 @@ public:
-     return res;
-   }
-+  /** Update last partial source block, stored in source_tail array. */
-+  void update_source_tail(const uchar* src, uint slen)
-+  {
-+    if (!slen)
-+      return;
-+    uint new_tail_len= (source_tail_len + slen) % MY_AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
-+    if (new_tail_len)
-+    {
-+      if (slen + source_tail_len < MY_AES_BLOCK_SIZE)
-+      {
-+        memcpy(source_tail + source_tail_len, src, slen);
-+      }
-+      else
-+      {
-+        DBUG_ASSERT(slen > new_tail_len);
-+        memcpy(source_tail, src + slen - new_tail_len, new_tail_len);
-+      }
-+    }
-+    source_tail_len= new_tail_len;
-+  }
-   int update(const uchar *src, uint slen, uchar *dst, uint *dlen)
-   {
--    buf_len+= slen;
-+    update_source_tail(src, slen);
-     return MyCTX::update(src, slen, dst, dlen);
-   }
-   int finish(uchar *dst, uint *dlen)
-   {
--    buf_len %= MY_AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
--    if (buf_len)
-+    if (source_tail_len)
-     {
--      uchar *buf= EVP_CIPHER_CTX_buf_noconst(ctx);
-       /*
-         Not much we can do, block ciphers cannot encrypt data that aren't
-         a multiple of the block length. At least not without padding.
-         Let's do something CTR-like for the last partial block.
--        NOTE this assumes that there are only buf_len bytes in the buf.
--        If OpenSSL will change that, we'll need to change the implementation
--        of this class too.
-       */
-       uchar mask[MY_AES_BLOCK_SIZE];
-       uint mlen;
-@@ -154,10 +166,10 @@ public:
-         return rc;
-       DBUG_ASSERT(mlen == sizeof(mask));
--      for (uint i=0; i < buf_len; i++)
--        dst[i]= buf[i] ^ mask[i];
-+      for (uint i=0; i < source_tail_len; i++)
-+        dst[i]= source_tail[i] ^ mask[i];
-     }
--    *dlen= buf_len;
-+    *dlen= source_tail_len;
-     return MY_AES_OK;
-   }
- };
-diff -up mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/unittest/mysys/aes-t.c.patch16 mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/unittest/mysys/aes-t.c
---- mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/unittest/mysys/aes-t.c.patch16	2021-08-03 10:29:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ mariadb-10.5.12-downstream_modified/unittest/mysys/aes-t.c	2021-11-18 16:58:41.553440740 +0100
-@@ -21,27 +21,96 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
--#define DO_TEST(mode, nopad, slen, fill, dlen, hash)                    \
--  SKIP_BLOCK_IF(mode == 0xDEADBEAF, nopad ? 4 : 5, #mode " not supported")     \
--  {                                                                     \
--    memset(src, fill, src_len= slen);                                   \
--    ok(my_aes_crypt(mode, nopad | ENCRYPTION_FLAG_ENCRYPT,              \
--                    src, src_len, dst, &dst_len,                        \
--                    key, sizeof(key), iv, sizeof(iv)) == MY_AES_OK,     \
--      "encrypt " #mode " %u %s", src_len, nopad ? "nopad" : "pad");     \
--    if (!nopad)                                                         \
--      ok (dst_len == my_aes_get_size(mode, src_len), "my_aes_get_size");\
--    my_md5(md5, (char*)dst, dst_len);                                   \
--    ok(dst_len == dlen && memcmp(md5, hash, sizeof(md5)) == 0, "md5");  \
--    ok(my_aes_crypt(mode, nopad | ENCRYPTION_FLAG_DECRYPT,              \
--                    dst, dst_len, ddst, &ddst_len,                      \
--                    key, sizeof(key), iv, sizeof(iv)) == MY_AES_OK,     \
--       "decrypt " #mode " %u", dst_len);                                \
--    ok(ddst_len == src_len && memcmp(src, ddst, src_len) == 0, "memcmp"); \
-+/** Test streaming encryption, bytewise update.*/
-+static int aes_crypt_bytewise(enum my_aes_mode mode, int flags, const unsigned char *src,
-+                 unsigned int slen, unsigned char *dst, unsigned int *dlen,
-+                 const unsigned char *key, unsigned int klen,
-+                 const unsigned char *iv, unsigned int ivlen)
-+  /* Allocate context on odd address on stack, in order to
-+   catch misalignment errors.*/
-+  void *ctx= (char *)alloca(MY_AES_CTX_SIZE+1)+1;
-+  int res1, res2;
-+  uint d1= 0, d2;
-+  uint i;
-+  if ((res1= my_aes_crypt_init(ctx, mode, flags, key, klen, iv, ivlen)))
-+    return res1;
-+  for (i= 0; i < slen; i++)
-+  {
-+    uint tmp_d1=0;
-+    res1= my_aes_crypt_update(ctx, src+i,1, dst, &tmp_d1);
-+    if (res1)
-+      return res1;
-+    d1+= tmp_d1;
-+    dst+= tmp_d1;
-+  }
-+  res2= my_aes_crypt_finish(ctx, dst, &d2);
-+  *dlen= d1 + d2;
-+  return res1 ? res1 : res2;
-+#ifndef HAVE_EncryptAes128Ctr
-+const uint MY_AES_CTR=0xDEADBEAF;
-+#ifndef HAVE_EncryptAes128Gcm
-+const uint MY_AES_GCM=0xDEADBEAF;
-+#define MY_AES_UNSUPPORTED(x)  (x == 0xDEADBEAF)
-+static void do_test(uint mode, const char *mode_str, int nopad, uint slen,
-+                    char fill, size_t dlen, const char *hash)
-+  uchar key[16]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
-+  uchar iv[16]= {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
-+  uchar src[1000], dst[1100], dst2[1100], ddst[1000];
-+  uchar md5[MY_MD5_HASH_SIZE];
-+  uint src_len, dst_len, dst_len2, ddst_len;
-+  int result;
-+  if (MY_AES_UNSUPPORTED(mode))
-+  {
-+    skip(nopad?7:6, "%s not supported", mode_str);
-+    return;
-+  }
-+  memset(src, fill, src_len= slen);
-+  result= my_aes_crypt(mode, nopad | ENCRYPTION_FLAG_ENCRYPT, src, src_len,
-+                       dst, &dst_len, key, sizeof(key), iv, sizeof(iv));
-+  ok(result == MY_AES_OK, "encrypt %s %u %s", mode_str, src_len,
-+     nopad ? "nopad" : "pad");
-+  if (nopad)
-+  {
-+    result= aes_crypt_bytewise(mode, nopad | ENCRYPTION_FLAG_ENCRYPT, src,
-+                                src_len, dst2, &dst_len2, key, sizeof(key),
-+                                iv, sizeof(iv));
-+    ok(result == MY_AES_OK, "encrypt bytewise %s %u", mode_str, src_len);
-+    /* Compare with non-bytewise encryption result*/
-+    ok(dst_len == dst_len2 && memcmp(dst, dst2, dst_len) == 0,
-+       "memcmp bytewise  %s %u", mode_str, src_len);
-   }
-+  else
-+  {
-+    int dst_len_real= my_aes_get_size(mode, src_len);
-+    ok(dst_len_real= dst_len, "my_aes_get_size");
-+  }
-+  my_md5(md5, (char *) dst, dst_len);
-+  ok(dst_len == dlen, "md5 len");
-+  ok(memcmp(md5, hash, sizeof(md5)) == 0, "md5");
-+  result= my_aes_crypt(mode, nopad | ENCRYPTION_FLAG_DECRYPT,
-+                       dst, dst_len, ddst, &ddst_len, key, sizeof(key), iv,
-+                       sizeof(iv));
-+  ok(result == MY_AES_OK, "decrypt %s %u", mode_str, dst_len);
-+  ok(ddst_len == src_len && memcmp(src, ddst, src_len) == 0, "memcmp");
--#define DO_TEST_P(M,S,F,D,H) DO_TEST(M,0,S,F,D,H)
-+#define DO_TEST_P(M, S, F, D, H) do_test(M, #M, 0, S, F, D, H)
-+#define DO_TEST_N(M, S, F, D, H) do_test(M, #M, ENCRYPTION_FLAG_NOPAD, S, F, D, H)
- /* useful macro for debugging */
- #define PRINT_MD5()                                     \
-@@ -53,25 +122,15 @@
-     printf("\"\n");                                     \
-   } while(0);
--#ifndef HAVE_EncryptAes128Ctr
--const uint MY_AES_CTR=0xDEADBEAF;
--#ifndef HAVE_EncryptAes128Gcm
--const uint MY_AES_GCM=0xDEADBEAF;
- int
- main(int argc __attribute__((unused)),char *argv[])
- {
--  uchar key[16]= {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6};
--  uchar iv[16]=  {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
--  uchar src[1000], dst[1100], ddst[1000];
--  uchar md5[MY_MD5_HASH_SIZE];
--  uint src_len, dst_len, ddst_len;
-   MY_INIT(argv[0]);
--  plan(87);
-+  plan(122);
-   DO_TEST_P(MY_AES_ECB, 200, '.', 208, "\xd8\x73\x8e\x3a\xbc\x66\x99\x13\x7f\x90\x23\x52\xee\x97\x6f\x9a");
-   DO_TEST_P(MY_AES_ECB, 128, '?', 144, "\x19\x58\x33\x85\x4c\xaa\x7f\x06\xd1\xb2\xec\xd7\xb7\x6a\xa9\x5b");
-   DO_TEST_P(MY_AES_CBC, 159, '%', 160, "\x4b\x03\x18\x3d\xf1\xa7\xcd\xa1\x46\xb3\xc6\x8a\x92\xc0\x0f\xc9");
-MariaDB before 10.8 series does not contain the OpenSSL 3 patch on the upstream.
-MariaDB upstream later added the following condition:
-limiting the OpenSSL that can be used to < 3. and reverted this commit for 10.8 and later:
-Since we apply the OpenSSL 3 patch from MariaDB 10.8 series to earlier series, we need to revert this commit
-on those earlier series too.
---- mariadb-10.5.15-downstream_modified/cmake/ssl.cmake	2022-02-22 05:13:17.259097302 +0100
-+++ mariadb-10.5.15-downstream_modified/cmake/ssl.cmake_patched	2022-02-23 07:22:20.290082378 +0100
-@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ MACRO (MYSQL_CHECK_SSL)
-     ENDIF()
-       INCLUDE(CheckSymbolExists)
-       SET(SSL_SOURCES "")

---- gitweb:


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