[packages/feh] - up to 3.10 - added zsh-completion - refreshed bash-completion
mrozowik at pld-linux.org
Mon Aug 14 12:13:03 CEST 2023
commit c8a11a2de6e19926eaff6d6c725fd6a3a55e2c0b
Author: Krzysztof Mrozowicz <mrozowik at pld-linux.org>
Date: Mon Aug 14 09:09:50 2023 +0000
- up to 3.10
- added zsh-completion
- refreshed bash-completion
feh-bash-completion | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
feh-zsh-completion | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
feh.spec | 74 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
3 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)
diff --git a/feh.spec b/feh.spec
index 1ecab4f..36632ef 100644
--- a/feh.spec
+++ b/feh.spec
@@ -2,22 +2,29 @@ Summary: Fast image viewer/indexer/montager
Summary(hu.UTF-8): Gyors képnézegető/indexelő/montázsoló
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Szybki program do przeglądania/indeksowania/montowania obrazów
Name: feh
-Version: 2.5
-Release: 3
+Version: 3.10
+Release: 1
License: BSD
Group: X11/Applications/Graphics
-Source0: https://derf.homelinux.org/~derf/projects/feh/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-# Source0-md5: d5f6048f79005c05b51060beafd1f08d
-URL: http://feh.finalrewind.org/
-# Patch0: %{name}-install.patch
+Source0: https://feh.finalrewind.org/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+# Source0-md5: 8adf6db9c5b18816df5ce539244d2329
+URL: https://feh.finalrewind.org/
+# Bash completion by https://github.com/scop/bash-completion/blob/master/completions/feh
Source1: %{name}-bash-completion
-BuildRequires: giblib-devel >= 1.2.4
+# zsh completion by https://git.finalrewind.org/zsh/plain/etc/completions/_feh
+Source2: %{name}-zsh-completion
+BuildRequires: curl-devel
BuildRequires: imlib2-devel >= 1.0.0
+BuildRequires: libexif-devel
BuildRequires: libjpeg-devel
+BuildRequires: libmagic-devel
BuildRequires: libpng-devel
BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
+BuildRequires: xorg-lib-libX11-devel
BuildRequires: xorg-lib-libXinerama-devel
BuildRequires: xorg-lib-libXt-devel
+Requires: ImageMagick
+Requires: imlib2_loaders
Provides: WallpaperChanger
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -50,51 +57,82 @@ rekursywne otwieranie plików (pokaz slajdów z hierarchii katalogów),
oraz sterowanie z klawiatury/myszki (też z kółkiem).
%package -n bash-completion-feh
-Summary: bash-completion to feh
-Summary(pl.UTF-8): bashowe dopełnianie linii poleceń programu feh
+Summary: Bash completion for feh
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Dopełnianie parametrów feh dla powłoki Bash
Group: Applications/Shells
-Requires: bash-completion
+Requires: bash-completion >= 1:2.0
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: feh-bash-completion
BuildArch: noarch
%description -n bash-completion-feh
-bash-completion to feh.
+Bash completion for feh.
%description -n bash-completion-feh -l pl.UTF-8
-bashowe dopełnianie linii poleceń programu feh.
+Dopełnianie parametrów feh dla powłoki Bash.
+%package -n zsh-completion-feh
+Summary: ZSH completion for feh
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Dopełnianie parametrów feh dla powłoki ZSH
+Group: Applications/Shells
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+BuildArch: noarch
+%description -n zsh-completion-feh
+ZSH completion for feh.
+%description -n zsh-completion-feh -l pl.UTF-8
+Dopełnianie parametrów feh dla powłoki ZSH.
%setup -q
-# %patch0 -p1
-%{__sed} -i "s|CFLAGS ?=.*|CFLAGS = %{rpmcflags}|" config.mk
%{__make} \
- CC="%{__cc}" \
- PREFIX=%{_prefix}
+ PREFIX=%{_prefix} \
+ help=1 \
+ inotify=1 \
+ exif=1
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{zsh_compdir}
%{__make} install \
-install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/%{name}
+cp -p %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/%{name}
+cp -p %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{zsh_compdir}/_%{name}
%{__rm} -r $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}
+%update_icon_cache hicolor
+%update_icon_cache hicolor
-%doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog examples README TODO
+%doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog examples README.md TODO
%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/*
%files -n bash-completion-feh
+%files -n zsh-completion-feh
diff --git a/feh-bash-completion b/feh-bash-completion
index 78c781c..5ba9751 100644
--- a/feh-bash-completion
+++ b/feh-bash-completion
@@ -1,35 +1,118 @@
-# feh bash_completition - made by uzsolt
-# TODO: add more file extensions
+# bash completion for feh(1) -*- shell-script -*-
- local cur
+ local cur prev words cword was_split comp_args
+ _comp_initialize -s -- "$@" || return
+ local noargopts='!(-*|*[foO|KCjeM at TSRHWEyJabgLD~^]*)'
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2254
+ case "$prev" in
+ --image-bg | -B)
+ _comp_compgen -- -W 'checks white black'
+ return
+ ;;
+ --filelist | --output | --output-only | --start-at | -${noargopts}[foO\|])
+ _comp_compgen_filedir
+ return
+ ;;
+ --caption-path | --fontpath | --output-dir | -${noargopts}[KCj])
+ _comp_compgen_filedir -d
+ return
+ ;;
+ --font | --menu-font | --title-font | -${noargopts}[eM@])
+ # expect string like "dejavu.ttf/12"
+ if [[ $cur == */* ]]; then # expect integer value
+ _comp_compgen -R -- -P "$cur" -W '{0..9}'
+ compopt -o nospace
+ return
+ fi
+ local font_path
+ # font_path="$(imlib2-config --prefix 2>/dev/null)/share/imlib2/data/fonts"
+ # _comp_compgen -C "$font_path" -- -f -X "!*.@([tT][tT][fF])" -S /
+ for ((i = ${#words[@]} - 1; i > 0; i--)); do
+ if [[ ${words[i]} == -@(C|-fontpath) ]]; then
+ font_path="${words[i + 1]}"
+ _comp_compgen -aC "$font_path" -- \
+ -f -X "!*.@([tT][tT][fF])" -S /
+ fi
+ done
+ compopt -o nospace
+ return
+ ;;
+ --theme | -${noargopts}T)
+ local conf_path=~/.config/feh/themes
+ local theme_name theme_opts
+ [[ -r $conf_path ]] || return
+ while read -r theme_name theme_opts; do
+ if [[ $theme_name == '#'* || $theme_name == "" ]]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ _comp_compgen -a -- -W "$theme_name"
+ done <"$conf_path"
+ return
+ ;;
+ --sort | -${noargopts}S)
+ _comp_compgen -- -W 'name filename mtime width height pixels size
+ format'
+ return
+ ;;
+ --reload | --limit-height | --limit-width | --thumb-height | --thumb-width | \
+ --thumb-redraw | --magick-timeout | -${noargopts}[RHWEyJ])
+ # expect integer value
+ _comp_compgen -aR -- -W '{0..9}'
+ compopt -o nospace
+ return
+ ;;
+ --zoom)
+ # expect integer value or "max", "fill"
+ _comp_compgen -- -W 'max fill'
+ if [[ ! $cur || ! ${COMPREPLY-} ]]; then
+ _comp_compgen -aR -- -W '{0..9}'
+ compopt -o nospace
+ fi
+ return
+ ;;
+ --alpha | -${noargopts}a)
+ _comp_compgen -- -W '{0..255}'
+ return
+ ;;
+ --bg | -${noargopts}b)
+ _comp_compgen_filedir
+ _comp_compgen -a -- -W 'trans'
+ return
+ ;;
+ --geometry | --max-dimension | --min-dimension | -${noargopts}g)
+ # expect string like 640x480
+ if [[ $cur && $cur != *x* ]]; then
+ fi
+ _comp_compgen -aR -- -W "{0..9}"
+ compopt -o nospace
+ return
+ ;;
+ --customlist | --index-info | --info | --slideshow-delay | --thumb-title | \
+ --title | -${noargopts}[LD~^])
+ # argument required but no completions available
+ return
+ ;;
+ esac
- case "$cur" in
- -*)
- COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W ' -1 -2 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9\
- -a -A --action1 --action2 --action3 --action4 --action5 --action6 --action7 --action8 --action9\
- --alpha --auto-zoom -b --bg --bg-center --bg-scale --bg-seamless --bg-tile --blur-button\
- --borderless --builtin -c --cache-thumbnails --caption-path --collage --customlist --cycle-once\
- -d -D --draw-filename -e -E -f -F --filelist --fontpath --fullindex --full-screen -g -G --geometry\
- -h -H --help --hide-pointer -i -I --ignore-aspect --index -j -k --keep-http -l -L --limit-height \
- --limit-width --list --loadable -m -M --menu-bg --menu-border --menu-button --menu-ctrl-mask \
- --menu-font --menu-style --montage --multiwindow -n -N --next-button --no-blur-ctrl-mask \
- --no-jump-on-resort --no-menus --no-rotate-ctrl-mask -o -O --output-dir -p --preload -q -Q \
- --quiet -r -R --randomize --rcfile --recursive --reload --reverse --rotate-button -s -S
- --scale-down --screen-clip --slideshow-delay --sort --stretch -t -T --theme --thumb-height \
- --thumbnails --thumb-width --title --title-font -u -U --unloadable -v -V --verbose --version \
- -w -W --wget-timestamp -x -X --xinerama -y -z -Z --zoom --zoom-button' -- $cur ) )
- ;;
- *)
- _filedir '@(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|bmp|ppm|xpm|JPG|JPEG|PNG|GIF|BMP|PPM)'
- ;;
- esac
- return 0
+ [[ $was_split ]] && return
-complete -F _feh -o filenames feh
+ if [[ $cur == -* ]]; then
+ # Some versions of feh just output "See 'man feh'" for --help :(
+ _comp_compgen_help
+ if [[ ${COMPREPLY-} ]]; then
+ [[ $COMPREPLY == *= ]] && compopt -o nospace
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ # FIXME: It is hard to determine correct supported extensions.
+ # feh can handle any format that imagemagick can plus some others
+ _comp_compgen_filedir 'xpm|tif?(f)|png|p[npgba]m|iff|?(i)lbm|jp?(e)g|jfi?(f)|gif|bmp|arg?(b)|tga|xcf|ani|ico|?(e)ps|pdf|dvi|txt|svg?(z)|cdr|[ot]tf|ff?(.gz|.bz2)|webp'
+} &&
+ complete -F _comp_cmd_feh feh
+# ex: filetype=sh
diff --git a/feh-zsh-completion b/feh-zsh-completion
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a65437e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/feh-zsh-completion
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#compdef feh
+## completion for feh 3.0, based on feh(1)
+function _feh_theme {
+ [[ -r ~/.config/feh/themes ]] || return
+ typeset -a themes
+ typeset -i cont=0
+ typeset cur_theme cur_desc
+ while read theme_name theme_options; do
+ if [[ ${theme_name} == '#'* ]] {
+ continue
+ }
+ if (( ! ${#theme_name} && ! ${#theme_options} )) {
+ continue
+ }
+ themes+="${theme_name}:${theme_options}"
+ done < ~/.config/feh/themes
+ _describe 'theme' themes
+function _feh_button {
+ typeset expl
+ _wanted button expl button \
+ compadd {0..5}
+function _feh_background {
+ _alternative \
+ 'file:file:_files' \
+ 'mode:mode:(trans)'
+function _feh {
+ _arguments -s -S \
+ '(--action -A)'{-A,--action}'[action to perform on images]:shell command:_cmdstring' \
+ --action{1..9}'[additional action]:shell command:_cmdstring' \
+ '--auto-rotate[automatically rotate images based on EXIF data]' \
+ '(--auto-zoom -Z)'{-Z,--auto-zoom}'[zoom pictures to screen]' \
+ '(--borderless -x)'{-x,--borderless}'[create borderless windows]' \
+ '--cache-size[Imlib2 in-memory cache size]:cache size in MiB' \
+ '(--cache-thumbnails -P)'{--cache-thumbnails,-P}'[cache thumbnails]' \
+ '(--caption-path -K)'{--caption-path,-K+}'[enable caption mode]:caption directory:_files -/' \
+ '--conversion-timeout[set ImageMagick conversion timeout for unlodable files]:timeout in seconds (-1 to disable)' \
+ '(--customlist -L)'{--customlist,-L}'[custom list mode]:feh format string' \
+ '(--draw-actions -G)'{--draw-actions,-G}'[show defined actions]' \
+ '--draw-exif[show EXIF data]' \
+ '(--draw-filename -d)'{--draw-filename,-d}'[show filename]' \
+ '--draw-tinted[show overlay texts on tinted background]' \
+ '--edit[change files in-place when using rotate and mirror keys]' \
+ '(--filelist -f)'{--filelist,-f}'[load from/save to filelist]:filelist:_files' \
+ '(--font -e)'{--font,-e+}'[set global font]:font' \
+ '(--fontpath -C)'{--fontpath,-C+}'[set font path]:font path:_files -/' \
+ '--force-aliasing[disable antialiasing]' \
+ '(--fullindex -I)'{--fullindex,-I}'[index mode with additional information]' \
+ '(--fullscreen -F)'{--fullscreen,-F}'[start in fullscreen mode]' \
+ '(--geometry -g)'{--geometry,-g+}'[set window geometry]:WxH[+X+Y]' \
+ '(--hide-pointer -Y)'{--hide-pointer,-Y}'[hide pointer]' \
+ '(--image-bg -B)'{--image-bg,-B+}'[set image background]:background style or X11 colour:(default checks)' \
+ '(--index -i)'{--index,-i}'[index mode]' \
+ '--index-info[image info for thumbnail/index mode]:format string' \
+ '--info[filo info command]:shell command:_cmdstring' \
+ '--insecure[disable HTTPS certificate checks]' \
+ '(--keep-http -k)'{--keep-http,-k}'[keep cached HTTP files]' \
+ '--keep-zoom-vp[keep zoom and viewport when switching images]' \
+ '(--list -l)'{--list,-l}'[list mode]' \
+ '(--loadable -U)'{--loadable,-U}'[list loadable images]' \
+ '--max-dimension[set maximum image dimensions]:WxH' \
+ '(--menu-font -M)'{--menu-font,-M+}'[set menu font]:menu font' \
+ '--min-dimension[set minimum image dimensions]:WxH' \
+ '(--montage -m)'{--montage,-m}'[montage mode]' \
+ '(--multiwindow -w)'{--multiwindow,-w}'[multiwindow mode]' \
+ '--no-jump-on-resort[do not jump to first image after resorting]' \
+ '(--no-menus -N)'{--no-menus,-N}'[disable menus]' \
+ '--no-screen-clip[disable window size limits]' \
+ '--no-xinerama[disable Xinerama support]' \
+ '--on-last-slide[set behaviour when advancing past the last slide]:behaviour:(hold quit resume)' \
+ '(--output-dir -j)'{--output-dir,-j+}'[set temporary file location]:directory:_files -/' \
+ '(--preload -p)'{--preload,-p}'[eliminate unloadable images before starting]' \
+ '(--quiet -q)'{--quiet,-q}'[do not report non-fatal errors]' \
+ '(--randomize -z)'{--randomize,-z}'[randomize filelist]' \
+ '(--recursive -r)'{--recursive,-r}'[recurse into subdirectories]' \
+ '--no-recursive[do not recurse into subdirectories]' \
+ '(--reload -R)'{--reload,-R+}'[regularly reload filelist and current image]:seconds' \
+ '(--reverse -n)'{--reverse,-n}'[reverse sort order]' \
+ '(--scale-down -.)'{--scale-down,-.}'[scale down too large images]' \
+ '--scroll-step[set scroll granularity]:pixels per scroll step' \
+ '(--slideshow-delay -D)'{--slideshow-delay,-D+}'[set slideshow delay]:seconds' \
+ '(--sort -S)'{--sort,-S}'[sort images]:sort key:(name filename dirname mtime width height pixels size format)' \
+ '(--start-at -|)'{--start-at,-'|'+}'[start slideshow at file]:start file:_files' \
+ '(--theme -T)'{--theme,-T+}'[set theme]: :_feh_theme' \
+ '(--thumbnails -t)'{--thumbnails,-t}'[thumbnail mode]' \
+ '(--thumb-title -~)'{--thumb-title,-'~'+}'[set thumbnail window title]:feh format string' \
+ '(--title -^)'{--title,-'^'}'[set window title]:feh format string' \
+ '(--unloadable -u)'{--unloadable,-u}'[list unloadable images]' \
+ '(--verbose -V)'{--verbose,-V}'[verbose mode]' \
+ '--version-sort[use natural sorting for --sort]' \
+ '--zoom[set default zoom level]:percent' \
+ \
+ '(--alpha -a)'{--alpha,-a}'[set thumbnail transparency]:alpha level' \
+ '(--bg -b)'{--bg,-b}'[set montage background]: :_feh_background' \
+ '(--ignore-aspect -X)'{--ignore-aspect,-X}'[ignore aspect in montage mode]' \
+ '(--limit-height -H)'{--limit-height,-H}'[limit montage height]:pixels' \
+ '(--limit-width -W)'{--limit-width,-W}'[limit montage width]:pixels' \
+ '(--output -o)'{--output,-o}'[save created montage]:output file:_files' \
+ '(--output-only -O)'{--output-only,-O}'[only save created montage]:output file:_files' \
+ '(--stretch -s)'{--stretch,-s}'[enlarge too small images in montage mode]' \
+ '(--thumb-height -E)'{--thumb-height,-E}'[set montage mode thumbnail height]:pixels' \
+ '(--thumb-width -y)'{--thumb-width,-y}'[set montage mode thumbnail width]:pixels' \
+ '(--thumb-redraw -J)'{--thumb-redraw,-J}'[set thumbnail mode redraw interval]:interval' \
+ \
+ '--bg-center[set centered background]' \
+ '--bg-fill[set filled background (zoom until filled)]' \
+ '--bg-max[set maxed background (zoom until image fits)]' \
+ '--bg-scale[set background without preserving aspect ratio]' \
+ '--bg-tile[set tiled background]' \
+ \
+ '(--title-font -@)'{--title-font,-'@'}'[set title font]:font' \
+ '*:image, directory or URL:_files'
+_feh "$@"
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