[packages/lxsession] - remove dpkg code (patch from Debian), disable notify, segfaults when built with libayatana-appin

hawk hawk at pld-linux.org
Sat Apr 27 18:26:26 CEST 2024

commit 5ca9e8081734434ace8e9934b2f830d20f04b144
Author: Marcin Krol <hawk at tld-linux.org>
Date:   Sat Apr 27 17:57:13 2024 +0200

    - remove dpkg code (patch from Debian), disable notify, segfaults when
      built with libayatana-appindicator 0.5.5

 lxsession.spec |   6 +-
 no-dpkg.patch  | 738 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 742 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lxsession.spec b/lxsession.spec
index 23237c4..7208ed8 100644
--- a/lxsession.spec
+++ b/lxsession.spec
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
 # Conditional build:
 %bcond_without	gtk3	# use GTK+3 instead of GTK+2
-%bcond_without	notify	# libnotify/indicators based notification
+%bcond_with	notify	# libnotify/indicators based notification
 Summary:	Default session manager for LXDE
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Domyślny zarząda sesji dla LXDE
 Name:		lxsession
 Version:	0.5.5
-Release:	3
+Release:	4
 License:	GPL v2+
 Group:		X11/Applications
 Source0:	https://downloads.sourceforge.net/lxde/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
 # Source0-md5:	e8380acef215ee7c99c067a2241c2c7b
 Patch0:		libayatana.patch
 Patch1:		no-keyring.patch
+Patch2:		no-dpkg.patch
 URL:		http://www.lxde.org/
 BuildRequires:	dbus-devel
 BuildRequires:	dbus-glib-devel
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ uruchomić je ponownie przy kolejnym zalogowaniu tego użytkownika.
 %setup -q
 %patch0 -p1
 %patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
diff --git a/no-dpkg.patch b/no-dpkg.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4946b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/no-dpkg.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+Author: Andriy Grytsenko <andrej at rep.kiev.ua>
+Description: Remove all dpkg related code from lxsession, it's forbidden by the Debian policy.
+diff -urNp -x '*.orig' lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/app.vala lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/app.vala
+--- lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/app.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.230210370 +0200
++++ lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/app.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.306211412 +0200
+@@ -1125,534 +1125,6 @@ public class ScreenshotManagerApp: Simpl
+     }
+ }
+-public class UpdatesManagerApp: SimpleAppObject
+-    string updatesmanager_command;
+-    IconObject updates_icon;
+-    MenuObject icon_menu;
+-    IconObject language_icon;
+-    IconObject reboot_icon;
+-    string apt_update_path = "/var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp";
+-    GLib.File apt_update_file ;
+-    GLib.FileMonitor apt_update_monitor ;
+-    string dpkg_update_path = "/var/lib/dpkg/status";
+-    GLib.File dpkg_update_file ;
+-    GLib.FileMonitor dpkg_update_monitor ;
+-    string dpkg_run_path = "/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp";
+-    GLib.File dpkg_run_file ;
+-    GLib.FileMonitor dpkg_run_monitor ;
+-    string apt_lists_update_path = "/var/lib/apt/lists";
+-    GLib.File apt_lists_update_file ;
+-    GLib.FileMonitor apt_lists_update_monitor ;
+-    string reboot_path = "/var/run/reboot-required";
+-    GLib.File reboot_file ;
+-    GLib.FileMonitor reboot_monitor ;
+-    string dpkg_lock_file = "/var/lib/dpkg/lock";
+-    int lock_check = 0;
+-    public UpdatesManagerApp ()
+-    {
+-        init();
+-    }
+-    public override void read_settings()
+-    {
+-        updatesmanager_command = global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "command");
+-        switch (updatesmanager_command)
+-        {
+-            case null:
+-                break;
+-            case "":
+-                break;
+-            case " ":
+-                break;
+-            case "update-notifier-clone":
+-                setup_apt_config();
+-                setup_reboot_config();
+-                run_check();
+-                break;
+-            default:
+-                string[] create_command = updatesmanager_command.split_set(" ",0);
+-                this.name = create_command[0];
+-                this.command = create_command;
+-                break;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public void test_inactivate()
+-    {
+-        updates_icon.inactivate();
+-    }
+-    public void test_activate()
+-    {
+-        updates_icon.activate();
+-    }
+-    public void run_check()
+-    {
+-        if (this.lock_check == 0)
+-        {
+-            if (check_lock_file(dpkg_lock_file) == true)
+-            {
+-                this.lock_check = 1;
+-                int timeout = 60;
+-                if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "timeout") != null)
+-                {
+-                    timeout = int.parse(global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "timeout"));
+-                }
+-                GLib.Timeout.add_seconds(timeout, on_apt_update_file_change);
+-            }
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public void reboot_launch()
+-    {
+-        var session = new SessionObject();
+-        session.lxsession_restart();
+-    }
+-    public void run_check_reboot()
+-    {
+-        string notification_text ="";
+-        if (this.reboot_file.query_exists ())
+-        {
+-            if (this.reboot_icon == null)
+-            {
+-                var reboot_icon_menu = new MenuObject() ;
+-                string line = _("Reboot required");
+-                try
+-                {
+-                    var dis = new DataInputStream (this.reboot_file.read ());
+-                    line = dis.read_line ();
+-                }
+-                catch (GLib.Error e)
+-                {
+-                    message ("Error: %s\n", e.message);
+-                }
+-                if (line != null)
+-                {
+-                    notification_text = line;
+-                }
+-                var menu_item = new MenuItemObject();
+-                menu_item.set_label(notification_text);
+-                menu_item.activate.connect(() => {
+-                    reboot_launch();
+-                });
+-                menu_item.show();
+-                reboot_icon_menu.add(menu_item);
+-                this.reboot_icon = new IconObject("RebootIcon", "system-reboot", notification_text, reboot_icon_menu);
+-                this.reboot_icon.init();
+-                this.reboot_icon.clear_actions ();
+-                this.reboot_icon.add_action ("launch_reboot", _("Reboot"), () =>
+-                {
+-                    reboot_launch();
+-                });
+-                this.reboot_icon.activate();
+-            }
+-        }
+-        else
+-        {
+-            if (this.reboot_icon != null)
+-            {
+-                this.reboot_icon.inactivate();
+-            }
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public void language_launch()
+-    {
+-        if (this.language_icon != null)
+-        {
+-            try
+-            {
+-                Process.spawn_command_line_async("gnome-language-selector");
+-                this.language_icon.inactivate();
+-            }
+-            catch (SpawnError err)
+-            {
+-                warning (err.message);
+-            }
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public void check_language_support()
+-    {
+-        string command = "check-language-support";
+-        string standard_output;
+-        string standard_error;
+-        int exit_status;
+-        string launch_string = _("Launch language support");
+-        try
+-        {
+-            Process.spawn_command_line_sync (command, out standard_output, out standard_error, out exit_status);
+-            message ("Launching %s", command);
+-            message ("Language state: %s", standard_error);
+-            message ("Language exit status: %i", exit_status);
+-            message ("Language output: %s", standard_output);
+-        }
+-        catch (SpawnError err)
+-        {
+-            warning (err.message);
+-        }
+-        if (standard_output != null)
+-        {
+-            if (standard_output.length >= 3)
+-            {
+-                if (this.language_icon == null)
+-                {
+-                    var language_icon_menu = new MenuObject() ;
+-                    var menu_item = new MenuItemObject();
+-                    menu_item.set_label(launch_string);
+-                    menu_item.activate.connect(() => {
+-                        language_launch();
+-                    });
+-                    menu_item.show();
+-                    language_icon_menu.add(menu_item);
+-                    this.language_icon = new IconObject("LanguageIcon", "preferences-desktop-locale", _("Language support missing"), language_icon_menu);
+-                    this.language_icon.init();
+-                    this.language_icon.clear_actions ();
+-                    this.language_icon.add_action ("launch_language_support", launch_string, () =>
+-                    {
+-                        language_launch();
+-                    });
+-                    this.language_icon.activate();
+-                }
+-            }
+-            else if (this.language_icon != null)
+-                {
+-                    this.language_icon.inactivate();
+-                }
+-        }
+-        else if (this.language_icon != null)
+-            {
+-                this.language_icon.inactivate();
+-            }
+-    }
+-    public void upgrade_launch (string upgrade_manager_command)
+-    {
+-        try
+-        {
+-            Process.spawn_command_line_async(upgrade_manager_command);
+-        }
+-        catch (SpawnError err)
+-        {
+-            warning (err.message);
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public bool on_apt_update_file_change()
+-    {
+-        /* Launch something that check if updates are available */
+-        /* For now, use lxsession-apt-check, which is apt-check from update-notifier */
+-        string standard_output;
+-        string standard_error;
+-        int exit_status;
+-        string notification_text = _("Updates available");
+-        string launch_string = _("Launch Update Manager");
+-        string upgrade_manager_command = "";
+-        string[] updates_num;
+-        int updates_urgent = 0;
+-        int updates_normal = 0;
+-        int updates_state = 0;
+-        int number_updates = 0;
+-        /* Lock the check process, to avoid launching the check many times when one is already running */
+-        this.lock_check = 1;
+-        if (this.icon_menu == null)
+-        {
+-            this.icon_menu = new MenuObject();
+-            if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "upgrade_manager", "command") != null)
+-            {
+-                upgrade_manager_command = global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "upgrade_manager", "command");
+-                var menu_item = new MenuItemObject();
+-                menu_item.set_label(launch_string);
+-                menu_item.activate.connect(() => {
+-                    upgrade_launch (upgrade_manager_command);
+-                });
+-                menu_item.show();
+-                icon_menu.add(menu_item);
+-            }
+-        }
+-        string command = "/usr/bin/nice" + " " + "/usr/bin/ionice" + " " + "-c3" + " " + "/usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check";
+-        string error_string = "";
+-        try
+-        {
+-            Process.spawn_command_line_sync (command, out standard_output, out standard_error, out exit_status);
+-            message ("Launching %s", command);
+-            message ("Update state: %s", standard_error);
+-            message ("Update exit status: %i", exit_status);
+-        }
+-        catch (SpawnError err)
+-        {
+-            warning (err.message);
+-        }
+-        if (this.updates_icon == null)
+-        {
+-            this.updates_icon = new IconObject("UpdatesIcon", "software-update-available", notification_text, this.icon_menu);
+-            this.updates_icon.init();
+-            if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "upgrade_manager", "command") != null)
+-            {
+-                upgrade_manager_command = global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "upgrade_manager", "command");
+-                this.updates_icon.clear_actions ();
+-                this.updates_icon.add_action ("launch_upgrade_manager", launch_string, () =>
+-                {
+-                    upgrade_launch (upgrade_manager_command);
+-                });
+-            }
+-            this.updates_icon.inactivate();
+-        }
+-        else
+-        {
+-            this.updates_icon.inactivate();
+-        }
+-        if (standard_error != "")
+-        {
+-            if (standard_error[0:1] == "E")
+-            {
+-                updates_urgent = 0;
+-                updates_normal = 0;
+-                updates_state = 1;
+-                error_string =   _("An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the left-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong.");
+-                if (standard_error.length > 3)
+-                {
+-                    notification_text = error_string + "\n" + _("The error message was: ") + standard_error;
+-                }
+-                else
+-                {
+-                    notification_text = error_string;
+-                }
+-            }
+-            else
+-                {
+-                    updates_num = standard_error.split_set(";",2);
+-                    message ("Number of upgrades: %s", updates_num[0]);
+-                    message ("Number of security upgrades: %s", updates_num[1]);
+-                    updates_num[2] = "0";
+-                    updates_urgent = int.parse(updates_num[1]);
+-                    updates_normal = int.parse(updates_num[0]);
+-                    number_updates = updates_normal + updates_urgent;
+-                    if (number_updates == 1)
+-                    {
+-                        notification_text = number_updates.to_string() + _(" Update available");
+-                    }
+-                    else if (number_updates > 1)
+-                        {
+-                            notification_text = number_updates.to_string() + (" ") + _("Updates available");
+-                        }
+-                }
+-        }
+-        else
+-        {
+-            updates_state = 1;
+-        }
+-        if (number_updates > 0)
+-        {
+-            message("Activate icon because of updates available");
+-            this.updates_icon.set_notification_body(notification_text);
+-            this.updates_icon.activate();
+-        }
+-        if (updates_urgent > 0)
+-        {
+-            message("Set urgent icon");
+-            this.updates_icon.set_icon("software-update-urgent");
+-            this.updates_icon.set_notification_body(notification_text);
+-        }
+-        if (updates_state > 0)
+-        {
+-            message("Problem in package state");
+-            this.updates_icon.set_icon("software-update-urgent");
+-            this.updates_icon.set_notification_body(notification_text);
+-            this.updates_icon.clear_actions ();
+-            this.updates_icon.add_action ("launch_upgrade_manager", launch_string, () =>
+-            {
+-                upgrade_launch ("synaptic-pkexec");
+-            });
+-            var new_menu = new MenuObject();
+-            var new_menu_item = new MenuItemObject();
+-            new_menu_item.set_label(launch_string);
+-            new_menu_item.activate.connect(() => {
+-                upgrade_launch ("synaptic-pkexec");
+-            });
+-            new_menu_item.show();
+-            new_menu.add(new_menu_item);
+-            this.updates_icon.set_menu(new_menu);
+-            this.updates_icon.activate();
+-        }
+-        /* Check if language support is complete */
+-        check_language_support();
+-        /* Check if a reboot is requiered */
+-        run_check_reboot();
+-        /* Unlock the check */
+-        this.lock_check = 0;
+-        return false;
+-    }
+-    public void setup_apt_config ()
+-    {
+-        /* Note directories monitored by update-notifier :
+-                "/var/lib/apt/lists/" ==> files of meta data of the repositories
+-                "/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/"
+-                "/var/cache/apt/archives/" ==> .deb in cache
+-                "/var/cache/apt/archives/partial/"
+-            Files monitored by update-notifier :
+-              "/var/lib/dpkg/status" => big file of dpkg status
+-              "/var/lib/update-notifier/dpkg-run-stamp" update-notifier stamp for dpkg ?
+-              "/var/lib/apt/periodic/update-success-stamp" 
+-        */
+-        try
+-        {
+-            this.apt_update_file = File.new_for_path(this.apt_update_path);
+-            this.apt_update_monitor = apt_update_file.monitor_file(GLib.FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
+-            this.apt_update_monitor.changed.connect(run_check);
+-            message ("Monitoring apt changes");
+-        }
+-        catch (GLib.Error err)
+-        {
+-            message (err.message);
+-        }
+-        try
+-        {
+-            this.dpkg_update_file = File.new_for_path(this.dpkg_update_path);
+-            this.dpkg_update_monitor = dpkg_update_file.monitor_file(GLib.FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
+-            this.dpkg_update_monitor.changed.connect(run_check);
+-            message ("Monitoring dpkg changes");
+-        }
+-        catch (GLib.Error err)
+-        {
+-            message (err.message);
+-        }
+-        try
+-        {
+-            this.dpkg_run_file = File.new_for_path(this.dpkg_run_path);
+-            this.dpkg_run_monitor = dpkg_run_file.monitor_file(GLib.FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
+-            this.dpkg_run_monitor.changed.connect(run_check);
+-            message ("Monitoring dpkg run changes");
+-        }
+-        catch (GLib.Error err)
+-        {
+-            message (err.message);
+-        }
+-        try
+-        {
+-            this.apt_lists_update_file = File.new_for_path(this.apt_lists_update_path);
+-            this.apt_lists_update_monitor = apt_lists_update_file.monitor_directory(GLib.FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
+-            this.apt_lists_update_monitor.changed.connect(run_check);
+-            message ("Monitoring apt_lists changes");
+-        }
+-        catch (GLib.Error err)
+-        {
+-            message (err.message);
+-        }
+-    }
+-    public void setup_reboot_config ()
+-    {
+-        try
+-        {
+-            this.reboot_file = File.new_for_path(this.reboot_path);
+-            this.reboot_monitor = reboot_file.monitor_file(GLib.FileMonitorFlags.NONE);
+-            this.reboot_monitor.changed.connect(run_check_reboot);
+-            message ("Monitoring reboot changes");
+-        }
+-        catch (GLib.Error err)
+-        {
+-            message (err.message);
+-        }
+-    }
+-    /* From https://mail.gnome.org/archives/vala-list/2010-October/msg00036.html */
+-    public bool check_lock_file(string check_file)
+-    {
+-            string lock_file_name = check_file;
+-            int fd = Posix.open (lock_file_name, Posix.O_RDWR); 
+-            if (fd == -1)
+-            {
+-              print ("There was an error opening the file '"  
+-                + lock_file_name + " (Error number "  
+-                + Posix.errno.to_string() + ")\n");
+-              return true;
+-            }
+-            // Try to get a lock
+-            Posix.Flock fl = Posix.Flock();
+-            fl.l_type = Posix.F_WRLCK;
+-            fl.l_whence = Posix.SEEK_SET;
+-            fl.l_start = 100;
+-            fl.l_len = 0;
+-            int fcntl_return = Posix.fcntl (fd, Posix.F_SETLK, fl);
+-            if (fcntl_return == -1) 
+-                    return true;
+-            // Release the lock again
+-            fl.l_type = Posix.F_UNLCK;
+-            fl.l_whence = Posix.SEEK_SET;
+-            fl.l_start = 100;
+-            fl.l_len = 0;
+-            fcntl_return = Posix.fcntl (fd, Posix.F_SETLK, fl);
+-            return false;
+-    }
+ public class CrashManagerApp: SimpleAppObject
+ {
+     string crash_manager_command;
+diff -urNp -x '*.orig' lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/dbus-lxde-session.vala lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/dbus-lxde-session.vala
+--- lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/dbus-lxde-session.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.230210370 +0200
++++ lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/dbus-lxde-session.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.306211412 +0200
+@@ -421,21 +421,6 @@ namespace Lxsession
+                         XrandrActivate();
+                         break;
+-                    case "updates_manager":
+-                        if (option == "check")
+-                        {
+-                            UpdatesCheck();
+-                        }
+-                        else if (option == "activate")
+-                            {
+-                                UpdatesAct();
+-                            }
+-                            else if (option == "inactivate")
+-                                {
+-                                    UpdatesInactivate();
+-                                }
+-                        break;
+                     case "crash_manager":
+                         if (option == "activate")
+                         {
+@@ -455,91 +440,6 @@ namespace Lxsession
+             }
+         }
+-        private void UpdatesActivate()
+-        {
+-            message("Reload updates_manager");
+-            if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "command") == null)
+-            {
+-                warning("Updates_manager not set");
+-            }
+-            else if (global_updates == null)
+-            {
+-                message("Updates_manager doesn't exist, creating it");
+-                var updates = new UpdatesManagerApp();
+-                global_updates = updates;
+-                global_updates.launch();
+-            }
+-            else
+-            {
+-                message("Reload existing Updates_manager");
+-                global_updates.reload();
+-            }
+-        }
+-        private void UpdatesCheck()
+-        {
+-            message("Reload updates_manager");
+-            if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "command") == null)
+-            {
+-                warning("Updates_manager not set");
+-            }
+-            else if (global_updates == null)
+-            {
+-                message("Updates_manager doesn't exist, creating it");
+-                var updates = new UpdatesManagerApp();
+-                global_updates = updates;
+-                global_updates.launch();
+-                global_updates.run_check();
+-            }
+-            else
+-            {
+-                message("Check Updates");
+-                global_updates.run_check();
+-            }
+-        }
+-        private void UpdatesAct()
+-        {
+-            message("Reload updates_manager");
+-            if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "command") == null)
+-            {
+-                warning("Updates_manager not set");
+-            }
+-            else if (global_updates == null)
+-            {
+-                message("Updates_manager doesn't exist, creating it");
+-                var updates = new UpdatesManagerApp();
+-                global_updates = updates;
+-                global_updates.test_activate();
+-            }
+-            else
+-            {
+-                message("Check Updates");
+-                global_updates.test_activate();
+-            }
+-        }
+-        private void UpdatesInactivate()
+-        {
+-            message("Reload updates_manager");
+-            if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "command") == null)
+-            {
+-                warning("Updates_manager not set");
+-            }
+-            else if (global_updates == null)
+-            {
+-                message("Updates_manager doesn't exist, creating it");
+-                var updates = new UpdatesManagerApp();
+-                global_updates = updates;
+-                global_updates.test_inactivate();
+-            }
+-            else
+-            {
+-                message("Check Updates");
+-                global_updates.test_inactivate();
+-            }
+-        }
+         public void CrashManagerLaunch()
+         {
+             message("Launch crash manager");
+@@ -1102,13 +1002,6 @@ namespace Lxsession
+             }
+         }
+-        /* Package manager running */
+-        public async void PackageManagerRunning (out bool is_running)
+-        {
+-            message ("Check if package manager is running");
+-            is_running = check_package_manager_running();
+-        }
+         /* Test interface */
+         public void TestIconNotification()
+         {
+diff -urNp -x '*.orig' lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/main.vala lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/main.vala
+--- lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/main.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.230210370 +0200
++++ lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/main.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.306211412 +0200
+@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ namespace Lxsession {
+     GenericSimpleApp global_im_manager;
+     XrandrApp global_xrandr;
+     A11yApp global_a11y;
+-    UpdatesManagerApp global_updates;
+     CrashManagerApp global_crash;
+     GenericSimpleApp global_im1;
+     GenericSimpleApp global_im2;
+@@ -469,13 +468,6 @@ namespace Lxsession {
+             global_proxy.launch();
+         }
+-        if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "updates_manager", "command") != null)
+-        {
+-            var updates = new UpdatesManagerApp();
+-            global_updates = updates;
+-            //global_updates.launch();
+-        }
+         if (global_settings.get_item_string("Session", "crash_manager", "command") != null)
+         {
+             var crash = new CrashManagerApp();
+diff -urNp -x '*.orig' lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/utils.vala lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/utils.vala
+--- lxsession-0.5.5.org/lxsession/utils.vala	2019-02-27 23:02:03.000000000 +0100
++++ lxsession-0.5.5/lxsession/utils.vala	2024-04-27 17:55:56.306211412 +0200
+@@ -139,37 +139,4 @@ public bool detect_laptop()
+     }
+ }
+-public bool check_package_manager_running ()
+-    GLib.File dpkg, apt_archives, apt_lists, unattended_upgrades;
+-    bool return_value = false;
+-    dpkg = File.new_for_path("/var/lib/dpkg/lock");
+-    apt_archives = File.new_for_path("/var/cache/apt/archives/lock");
+-    apt_lists = File.new_for_path("/var/lib/apt/lists/lock");
+-    unattended_upgrades = File.new_for_path("/var/run/unattended-upgrades.lock");
+-    if (dpkg.query_exists ())
+-    {
+-        return_value = true;
+-    }
+-    if (apt_archives.query_exists ())
+-    {
+-        return_value = true;
+-    }
+-    if (apt_lists.query_exists ())
+-    {
+-        return_value = true;
+-    }
+-    if (unattended_upgrades.query_exists ())
+-    {
+-        return_value = true;
+-    }
+-    return return_value;
+ }

---- gitweb:


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