[packages/polonaise] - new

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Sat May 25 19:08:05 CEST 2024

commit 033b9bc29ecc75c2a4bc54385045b39c31ba4bc2
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Sat May 25 19:08:48 2024 +0200

    - new

 polonaise-cmake.patch        | 12 ++++++
 polonaise-thrift-c++11.patch | 23 +++++++++++
 polonaise.spec               | 93 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 128 insertions(+)
diff --git a/polonaise.spec b/polonaise.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98414eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polonaise.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# TODO: shared library?
+Summary:	Polonaise - file system protocol
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Polonaise - protokół systemów plików
+Name:		polonaise
+Version:	0.3.1
+Release:	1
+License:	Apache v2.0
+Group:		Libraries
+#Source0Download: https://github.com/polonaise/polonaise/tags
+Source0:	https://github.com/polonaise/polonaise/archive/v%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5:	4de289df625cdc6669b42d953466e7e3
+Patch0:		%{name}-thrift-c++11.patch
+Patch1:		%{name}-cmake.patch
+URL:		https://github.com/polonaise/polonaise
+BuildRequires:	boost-devel
+BuildRequires:	cmake >= 2.8
+BuildRequires:	libfuse-devel
+BuildRequires:	libstdc++-devel >= 6:4.7
+BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.605
+BuildRequires:	thrift >= 0.11
+BuildRequires:	thrift-devel >= 0.11
+BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+Polonaise is a file system protocol. It uses Thrift
+(<https://thrift.apache.org/>) in its transport layer.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+Polonaise to protokół systemów plików. W warstwie transportowej
+wykorzystuje bibliotekę Thrift (<https://thrift.apache.org/>).
+%package devel
+Summary:	Development files for Polonaise library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Pliki programistyczne biblioteki Polonaise
+Group:		Development/Libraries
+Requires:	libstdc++-devel >= 6:4.7
+Requires:	thrift-devel >= 0.11
+%description devel
+Development files for Polonaise library.
+Polonaise is a file system protocol. It uses Thrift
+(<https://thrift.apache.org/>) in its transport layer.
+%description devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki programistyczne biblioteki Polonaise.
+Polonaise to protokół systemów plików. W warstwie transportowej
+wykorzystuje bibliotekę Thrift (<https://thrift.apache.org/>).
+%package fuse
+Summary:	FUSE based Polonaise client
+Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Oparty na FUSE klient Polonaise
+Group:		Applications/System
+Requires:	libfuse-tools
+%description fuse
+FUSE based Polonaise client.
+%description fuse -l pl.UTF-8
+Oparty na FUSE klient Polonaise.
+%setup -q
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+install -d build
+cd build
+%cmake ..
+%{__make} -C build install \
+%files devel
+%doc README.md
+%files fuse
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/polonaise-fuse-client
diff --git a/polonaise-cmake.patch b/polonaise-cmake.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e470022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polonaise-cmake.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+--- polonaise-0.3.1/CMakeLists.txt.orig	2014-09-16 15:54:36.000000000 +0200
++++ polonaise-0.3.1/CMakeLists.txt	2024-05-25 18:56:25.076332287 +0200
+@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ install(FILES
+ 	"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/PolonaiseConfig.cmake"
+ 	"${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/PolonaiseConfigVersion.cmake"
+-	CONFIGURATIONS Debug Release)
+ install(EXPORT PolonaiseTargets
+-	CONFIGURATIONS Debug Release)
diff --git a/polonaise-thrift-c++11.patch b/polonaise-thrift-c++11.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794178e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polonaise-thrift-c++11.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+--- polonaise-0.3.1/src/examples/fuse/main.cc.orig	2014-09-16 15:54:36.000000000 +0200
++++ polonaise-0.3.1/src/examples/fuse/main.cc	2024-05-25 18:30:16.361497411 +0200
+@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
+ #include <memory>
+ #include <mutex>
+-#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
+ #include <fuse.h>
+ #include <fuse/fuse_lowlevel.h>
+ #include <fuse/fuse_opt.h>
+@@ -104,9 +103,9 @@ public:
+ 			lock.unlock();
+ 			// No clients in the pool; create a new connection
+ 			fprintf(stderr, "Opening a new connection to %s:%d\n", host_.c_str(), port_);
+-			auto socket = boost::make_shared<TSocket>(host_, port_);
+-			auto transport = boost::make_shared<TBufferedTransport>(socket, 512 * 1024, 4096);
+-			auto protocol  = boost::make_shared<TBinaryProtocol>(transport);
++			auto socket = std::make_shared<TSocket>(host_, port_);
++			auto transport = std::make_shared<TBufferedTransport>(socket, 512 * 1024, 4096);
++			auto protocol  = std::make_shared<TBinaryProtocol>(transport);
+ 			auto client = std::unique_ptr<Client>(new Client(protocol));
+ 			socket->setNoDelay(true);
+ 			transport->open();

---- gitweb:


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