[packages/libxml2] up to 2.13.0

atler atler at pld-linux.org
Fri Jun 14 20:27:58 CEST 2024

commit a0b7bb82cf45112e2f31b532aac6e2a30c2b12ce
Author: Jan Palus <atler at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Fri Jun 14 20:11:32 2024 +0200

    up to 2.13.0

 libxml2-open.gz.patch | 56 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
 libxml2.spec          | 18 +++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
diff --git a/libxml2.spec b/libxml2.spec
index 6aaedf6..377a73e 100644
--- a/libxml2.spec
+++ b/libxml2.spec
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 %bcond_without	python3		# CPython 3.x module
 %bcond_without	static_libs	# static library
 %bcond_without	zlib		# zlib support
-%bcond_with	mem_debug	# libxml2 memory debuging
 %bcond_without	tests		# "make check" call
 Summary:	libXML library version 2
@@ -17,14 +16,14 @@ Summary(es.UTF-8):	Biblioteca libXML version 2
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	Biblioteka libXML wersja 2
 Summary(pt_BR.UTF-8):	Biblioteca libXML versão 2
 Name:		libxml2
-Version:	2.12.8
+Version:	2.13.0
 Release:	1
 Epoch:		1
 License:	MIT
 Group:		Libraries
 #Source0:	ftp://xmlsoft.org/libxml2/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-Source0:	https://download.gnome.org/sources/libxml2/2.12/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
-# Source0-md5:	121a262ac4e4b4110a1104ac33676903
+Source0:	https://download.gnome.org/sources/libxml2/2.13/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5:	22a4b108240c3f2aeb1354346055b436
 Patch0:		%{name}-open.gz.patch
 Patch1:		%{name}-largefile.patch
 Patch2:		%{name}-libx32.patch
@@ -196,11 +195,12 @@ do biblioteki libxml2.
 	--disable-silent-rules \
 	%{?with_static_libs:--enable-static} \
 	%{?with_ftp:--with-ftp} \
+	--with-http \
 	%{?with_legacy:--with-legacy} \
 	--with-lzma \
-	--with-mem-debug%{!?with_mem_debug:=no} \
 	--without-python \
-	%{!?with_zlib:--without-zlib}
+	--with-tls \
+	%{?with_zlib:--with-zlib}
@@ -241,8 +241,10 @@ cd python
 cd ..
-install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}
-%{__mv} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/libxml2/examples $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}
+%if %{with apidocs}
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}
+cp -p example/*.{c,xml} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_examplesdir}/%{name}-%{version}
 # install catalog file
 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xml
diff --git a/libxml2-open.gz.patch b/libxml2-open.gz.patch
index 644204b..61ec90a 100644
--- a/libxml2-open.gz.patch
+++ b/libxml2-open.gz.patch
@@ -1,38 +1,30 @@
---- libxml2-2.10.0/xmlIO.c.orig	2022-08-18 16:29:32.843322082 +0200
-+++ libxml2-2.10.0/xmlIO.c	2022-08-18 16:32:12.985787850 +0200
-@@ -1115,8 +1115,33 @@ xmlGzfileOpen_real (const char *filename
+--- libxml2-2.13.0/xmlIO.c.orig	2024-06-14 12:32:12.257784372 +0200
++++ libxml2-2.13.0/xmlIO.c	2024-06-14 19:23:06.355299914 +0200
+@@ -547,6 +547,27 @@
+     fd = open(filename, flags, 0777);
+ #endif /* WIN32 */
-     if (path == NULL)
- 	return(NULL);
--    if (!xmlCheckFilename(path))
--        return(NULL);
-+    if (!xmlCheckFilename(path)) {
-+	/* If we cannot open `foo.xml', we try `foo.xml.gz'. However we i
-+	 * append .gz only if filename doesn't alreay end with .gz. */
-+	if (strlen(path) < 3 || strcmp(path + strlen(path) - 3, ".gz") != 0) {
-+	    char *gz_filename = xmlMalloc(strlen(path) + 4);
++    if (fd < 0 && errno == ENOENT) {
++        /* If we cannot open `foo.xml', we try `foo.xml.gz'. However we i
++         * append .gz only if filename doesn't alreay end with .gz. */
++        if (strlen(filename) < 3 || strcmp(filename + strlen(filename) - 3, ".gz") != 0) {
++            char *gz_filename = xmlMalloc(strlen(filename) + 4);
++            int gz_fd;
-+	    if (gz_filename == NULL) {
-+	        xmlGenericError(xmlGenericErrorContext,
-+			        "xmlGzfileOpen:  %s\n",
-+			        "Failure allocating buffer for filename.");
-+	        return NULL;
-+	    }
++            if (gz_filename != NULL) {
++                strcpy(gz_filename, filename);
++                strcat(gz_filename, ".gz");
++            }
-+	    strcpy(gz_filename, path);
-+	    strcat(gz_filename, ".gz");
++            gz_fd = open(gz_filename, flags, 0777);
-+	    fd = NULL;
++            if (gz_fd >= 0)
++                fd = gz_fd;
-+	    if (xmlCheckFilename(gz_filename))
-+		fd = gzopen(gz_filename, "rb");
-+	    xmlFree(gz_filename);
-+	    return((void *) fd);
-+	} else
-+	    return NULL;
++            xmlFree(gz_filename);
++        }
 +    }
- #if defined(_WIN32)
-     fd = xmlWrapGzOpenUtf8(path, "rb");
+     if (fd < 0) {
+         /*
+          * Windows and possibly other platforms return EINVAL

---- gitweb:


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