[packages/lv2-ll-plugins] - updated to 0.2.33

qboosh qboosh at pld-linux.org
Wed Jul 24 21:02:28 CEST 2024

commit bef241ede38f783b6aec775993ef746d4dab37af
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date:   Wed Jul 24 20:52:13 2024 +0200

    - updated to 0.2.33

 lv2-ll-plugins-elven-lib.patch | 13 -------------
 lv2-ll-plugins-include.patch   | 10 ----------
 lv2-ll-plugins.spec            | 13 +++++--------
 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lv2-ll-plugins.spec b/lv2-ll-plugins.spec
index 61d3411..28aca63 100644
--- a/lv2-ll-plugins.spec
+++ b/lv2-ll-plugins.spec
@@ -3,14 +3,12 @@
 Summary:	LL - a set of LV2 audio plugins
 Summary(pl.UTF-8):	LL - zestaw wtyczek dźwiękowych LV2
 Name:		lv2-%{_name}
-Version:	0.2.8
+Version:	0.2.33
 Release:	1
 License:	GPL v3+
 Group:		Applications/Sound
 Source0:	http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/ll-plugins/%{_name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
-# Source0-md5:	56e7f4a62fce6b22b4acdb02ba06669c
-Patch0:		%{name}-include.patch
-Patch1:		%{name}-elven-lib.patch
+# Source0-md5:	a09a658c665176049bee9dc694f01cd2
 URL:		http://ll-plugins.nongnu.org/
 BuildRequires:	alsa-lib-devel
 BuildRequires:	bash >= 3.0
@@ -23,6 +21,7 @@ BuildRequires:	libsamplerate-devel >= 0.1.2
 BuildRequires:	libsndfile-devel >= 1.0.18
 BuildRequires:	lv2-c++-tools-devel >= 1.0.0
 BuildRequires:	pkgconfig
+BuildRequires:	sed >= 4.0
 Requires:	cairomm >= 1.2.4
 Requires:	gtkmm >= 2.8.8
 Requires:	libsamplerate >= 0.1.2
@@ -56,10 +55,8 @@ Elven jest eksperymentalnym środowiskiem uruchomieniowym LV2
 %setup -q -n %{_name}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p0
-%ifarch %{x8664}
-%patch1 -p0
+%{__sed} -i -e 's,/lib/,/%{_lib}/,' programs/elven/lv2host.cpp
 ./configure \
diff --git a/lv2-ll-plugins-elven-lib.patch b/lv2-ll-plugins-elven-lib.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e8fa5f..0000000
--- a/lv2-ll-plugins-elven-lib.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- programs/elven/lv2host.cpp.orig	2010-01-20 15:37:41.417318302 +0100
-+++ programs/elven/lv2host.cpp	2010-01-20 15:38:15.428147938 +0100
-@@ -508,8 +508,8 @@
-   if (!lv2p_c) {
-     DBG1("LV2_PATH is not defined, will search default directories");
-     search_dirs.push_back(string(getenv("HOME")) + "/.lv2");
--    search_dirs.push_back("/usr/lib/lv2");
--    search_dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib/lv2");
-+    search_dirs.push_back("/usr/lib64/lv2");
-+    search_dirs.push_back("/usr/local/lib64/lv2");
-   }
-   else {
-     string lv2_path = lv2p_c;
diff --git a/lv2-ll-plugins-include.patch b/lv2-ll-plugins-include.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 058bd6a..0000000
--- a/lv2-ll-plugins-include.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---- plugins/sineshaper/sineshaperwidget.hpp.orig	2010-01-20 13:49:46.907966501 +0100
-+++ plugins/sineshaper/sineshaperwidget.hpp	2010-01-20 13:49:56.371298145 +0100
-@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
- #include <vector>
- #include <gtkmm.h>
-+#include <stdint.h>
- #include "skindial_gtkmm.hpp"

---- gitweb:


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