[packages/hdf-eos5] - updated to 5.2.0
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Mon Dec 16 20:53:26 CET 2024
commit 6c954e58e12bdb6760a19425df4b6f9579a620c1
Author: Jakub Bogusz <qboosh at pld-linux.org>
Date: Mon Dec 16 20:42:02 2024 +0100
- updated to 5.2.0
hdf-eos5-bufsize.patch | 25 +-
hdf-eos5-cc.patch | 36 -
hdf-eos5-fortran.patch | 14 +
hdf-eos5-link.patch | 16 +-
hdf-eos5-tests.patch | 22 -
hdf-eos5-types.patch | 2892 ++++++++----------------------------------------
hdf-eos5.spec | 47 +-
7 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 2539 deletions(-)
diff --git a/hdf-eos5.spec b/hdf-eos5.spec
index f484acd..8d861cb 100644
--- a/hdf-eos5.spec
+++ b/hdf-eos5.spec
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
# Conditional build:
%bcond_without szip # SZIP support (must match hdf build bcond)
-%bcond_without tests # don't perform "make check"
+%bcond_without tests # unit tests
Summary: HDF-EOS 5 library
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteka HDF-EOS 5
Name: hdf-eos5
-Version: 5.1.16
+Version: 5.2.0
Release: 1
License: MIT-like
Group: Libraries
-Source0: https://observer.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/edhs/hdfeos5/latest_release/HDF-EOS%{version}.tar.Z
-# Source0-md5: c4a3286f38a2faafc840017af4bd39d6
-# needed for auto* rebuild
-Source1: https://observer.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp/edhs/hdfeos5/latest_release/HDF-EOS%{version}_TESTDRIVERS.tar.Z
-# Source1-md5: 498ca8c6634c391d38e126450d8d218d
-Patch0: %{name}-cc.patch
+Source0: https://git.earthdata.nasa.gov/projects/DAS/repos/hdfeos5/raw/hdf-eos5-2.0-src.tar.gz?at=refs/heads/HDFEOS5_2.0#/hdf-eos5-2.0-src.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5: 151c04a8e7660f868da9fef0fa6c631a
Patch1: %{name}-link.patch
-Patch2: %{name}-tests.patch
+Patch2: %{name}-fortran.patch
Patch3: %{name}-types.patch
Patch4: %{name}-bufsize.patch
URL: http://hdfeos.org/software/library.php#HDF-EOS5
@@ -25,10 +21,10 @@ BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.59
BuildRequires: automake
BuildRequires: hdf5-devel >= 1.8.19
BuildRequires: libtool
-%{?with_szip:BuildRequires: szip-devel >= 2.1.1}
+%{?with_szip:BuildRequires: libaec-szip-devel >= 1.0}
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
Requires: hdf5 >= 1.8.19
-%{?with_szip:Requires: szip >= 2.1.1}
+%{?with_szip:Requires: libaec-szip >= 1.0}
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -57,7 +53,7 @@ Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki HDF-EOS 5
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: hdf5-devel >= 1.8.19
-%{?with_szip:Requires: szip-devel >= 2.1.1}
+%{?with_szip:Requires: libaec-szip-devel >= 1.0}
Requires: zlib-devel
%description devel
@@ -79,12 +75,11 @@ Static HDF-EOS 5 library.
Statyczna biblioteka HDF-EOS 5.
-%setup -q -n hdfeos5 -b1
-%patch0 -p1
-%patch1 -p1
-%patch2 -p1
-%patch3 -p1
-%patch4 -p1
+%setup -q -n hdf-eos5-2.0
+%patch -P1 -p1
+%patch -P2 -p1
+%patch -P3 -p1
+%patch -P4 -p1
@@ -92,12 +87,12 @@ Statyczna biblioteka HDF-EOS 5.
-CPPFLAGS="%{rpmcppflags} -DH5_USE_16_API"
+FFLAGS="%{rpmcflags} -fallow-argument-mismatch"
# hdf5 installs in plain /usr/include, but we want to isolate headers
# from system include dir (hdf-eos2 uses the same filenames)
%configure \
--includedir=%{_includedir}/he5 \
- --enable-install-include \
+ --enable-fortran \
--enable-shared \
@@ -120,7 +115,7 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%doc doc/README
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libhe5_Gctp.so.*.*.*
%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/libhe5_Gctp.so.0
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libhe5_hdfeos.so.*.*.*
@@ -135,16 +130,6 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
%dir %{_includedir}/he5
%files static
diff --git a/hdf-eos5-bufsize.patch b/hdf-eos5-bufsize.patch
index f445872..f4392bb 100644
--- a/hdf-eos5-bufsize.patch
+++ b/hdf-eos5-bufsize.patch
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
sizeof(char*) obviously doesn't work for C string...
---- hdfeos5/src/GDapi.c.orig 2017-11-13 17:02:42.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/src/GDapi.c 2019-12-10 16:29:45.406400082 +0100
-@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
- #include <ease.h>
- #include <math.h>
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/src/GDapi.c.orig 2024-12-15 09:28:35.178273464 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/src/GDapi.c 2024-12-15 09:37:32.792027627 +0100
+@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <HE5_GctpFunc.h>
+#define HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN 300
#define HE5_GRIDOFFSET 671088642 /* (2**26)*10 + 2 */
#define HE5_NGRID 400
#define HE5_NGRIDREGN 512
-@@ -14921,8 +14927,8 @@
+@@ -15025,8 +15027,8 @@ HE5_GDll2ij(int projcode, int zonecode,
if (projcode != HE5_GCTP_GEO)
@@ -19,21 +19,16 @@ sizeof(char*) obviously doesn't work for C string...
+ eastFile = (char *) malloc(HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN*sizeof(char));
+ northFile = (char *) malloc(HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN*sizeof(char));
- HE5_GDgetEastAndNorthFiles(eastFile,northFile);
+ HE5_GDgetEastAndNorthFiles(eastFile,northFile);
-@@ -29887,11 +29893,11 @@
+@@ -29957,8 +29959,8 @@ void HE5_GDgetEastAndNorthFiles(char *ea
+ lastables[(int)strlen(ptr)] = '\0';
/*strcpy(lastables, ptr);*/
- #if defined(CYGWIN) || defined(LINUX) || defined(LINUX32) || defined(LINUX64) || defined(MACINTEL) || defined(MACINTEL32) || defined(MACINTEL64) || defined(DECALPHA)
-- snprintf( eastFile, sizeof(eastFile),"%s/nad27sp_le", lastables ); /* use littlt endian binary files */
-- snprintf( northFile, sizeof(northFile),"%s/nad83sp_le", lastables );
-+ snprintf( eastFile, HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN,"%s/nad27sp_le", lastables ); /* use littlt endian binary files */
-+ snprintf( northFile, HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN,"%s/nad83sp_le", lastables );
- #else
- snprintf( eastFile, sizeof(eastFile), "%s/nad27sp_be", lastables ); /* use big endian binary files */
- snprintf( northFile,sizeof(northFile), "%s/nad83sp_be", lastables );
+ snprintf( eastFile, HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/nad27sp_be", lastables ); /* use big endian binary files */
+ snprintf( northFile,HE5_EN_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/nad83sp_be", lastables );
- #endif
+ }
diff --git a/hdf-eos5-cc.patch b/hdf-eos5-cc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e51b4d..0000000
--- a/hdf-eos5-cc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
---- hdfeos5/configure.ac.orig 2009-05-19 18:12:48.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/configure.ac 2012-12-23 15:06:02.131632173 +0100
-@@ -268,23 +268,6 @@
-- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for h5cc])
-- PURE_CC=""
-- if ($CC -show &> /dev/null); then
-- dnl Since CC can be "h5cc -Df2cFortran", arguments should be removed
-- PURE_CC=`echo "$CC" | $AWK '{ split($1, array, " ") ; printf array[[1]] }'`
-- else
-- AC_MSG_ERROR([CC is not h5cc])
-- fi
-- SZIP_CC=szip_cc
-- cat $PURE_CC | $AWK '{ if ( $0 ~ /^LDFLAGS=\"(.*)/ ) { print substr($0, 1, 9) " -L'$szlib_lib' " substr($0, 10) } else { print } } ' > $SZIP_CC
-- chmod 755 $SZIP_CC
-- saved_CC="$CC"
-- CC=./$SZIP_CC
- AC_MSG_CHECKING([for szlib encoder])
- AC_CACHE_VAL([he5_cv_szlib_functional],
-@@ -314,9 +297,6 @@
- }
- ], [he5_cv_szlib_can_encode=yes], [he5_cv_szlib_can_encode=no],)])
-- CC="$saved_CC"
-- rm -f $SZIP_CC
- if test ${he5_cv_szlib_functional} = "no"; then
- he5_cv_szlib_can_encode=broken
- else
diff --git a/hdf-eos5-fortran.patch b/hdf-eos5-fortran.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b81001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdf-eos5-fortran.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Obey line length limit
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_writedataF_32.f.orig 2021-04-22 01:06:56.000000000 +0200
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_writedataF_32.f 2024-12-15 14:52:44.212908999 +0100
+@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ c ------------------------------
+ attr4 = "ABCDEFGH"
+ count(1) = 8
+- status = he5_gdwrattr(gdid,"GLOBAL_CHAR_ATTR",HE5T_NATIVE_CHAR,
+- 1 count,attr4)
++ status = he5_gdwrattr(gdid,"GLOBAL_CHAR_ATTR",
++ 1 HE5T_NATIVE_CHAR,count,attr4)
+ write(*,*) 'Status returned by he5_gdwrattr(): ',status
+ attr4 = "111"
diff --git a/hdf-eos5-link.patch b/hdf-eos5-link.patch
index cdf7056..6ced374 100644
--- a/hdf-eos5-link.patch
+++ b/hdf-eos5-link.patch
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
---- hdfeos5/src/Makefile.am.orig 2007-03-29 18:59:47.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/src/Makefile.am 2012-12-23 16:17:19.668209682 +0100
-@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/src/Makefile.am.orig 2024-12-15 09:11:05.253961392 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/src/Makefile.am 2024-12-15 09:11:46.330405529 +0100
+@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ AM_CPPFLAGS=-I$(top_srcdir)/include/
# Set LDFLAGS to allow the HDF-EOS library to use extern variables from
# HDF5
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
+libhe5_hdfeos_la_LIBADD=$(top_builddir)/gctp/src/libhe5_Gctp.la -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5
# Source files for library
- libhe5_hdfeos_la_SOURCES=EHapi.c GDapi.c PTapi.c SWapi.c TSapi.c ZAapi.c
---- hdfeos5/gctp/src/Makefile.am.orig 2012-12-23 16:17:10.788209866 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/gctp/src/Makefile.am 2012-12-23 16:17:06.164876631 +0100
+ libhe5_hdfeos_la_SOURCES=EHapi.c GDapi.c PTapi.c SWapi.c TSapi.c ZAapi.c HE5common.c
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/gctp/src/Makefile.am.orig 2021-04-22 01:06:56.000000000 +0200
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/gctp/src/Makefile.am 2024-12-15 09:12:37.443461959 +0100
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
include $(top_srcdir)/config/include.am
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
## Normally DEFAULT_INCLUDES is supplied by Automake, but one of the
## directories included by default is $(top_builddir)/include, which
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- INCLUDES=-I$(srcdir)/../include/
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ DEFAULT_INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir)
+ AM_CPPFLAGS=-I$(srcdir)/../include/
# Library source files
-libGctp_la_SOURCES = gctp.c alberfor.c alberinv.c alconfor.c alconinv.c \
diff --git a/hdf-eos5-tests.patch b/hdf-eos5-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f9d74bc..0000000
--- a/hdf-eos5-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_writedata.c.orig 2007-03-29 18:58:21.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_writedata.c 2012-12-23 18:36:44.438035334 +0100
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- typedef struct
- {
-- char Label[8];
-+ char Label[9];
- double Lon;
- double Lat;
- int Date;
---- hdfeos5/testdrivers/point/TestPoint.c.orig 2007-03-29 18:58:28.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/testdrivers/point/TestPoint.c 2012-12-23 18:45:28.971357733 +0100
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
- typedef struct
- {
-- char label[8];
-+ char label[9];
- double lon;
- double lat;
- int date;
diff --git a/hdf-eos5-types.patch b/hdf-eos5-types.patch
index 754186a..b21bc12 100644
--- a/hdf-eos5-types.patch
+++ b/hdf-eos5-types.patch
@@ -1,79 +1,16 @@
---- hdfeos5/gctp/src/gctp.c.orig 2019-12-09 16:33:53.493125031 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/gctp/src/gctp.c 2019-12-09 16:33:57.559769667 +0100
-@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
- static long outdat[MAXPROJ + 1]; /* output dataum array */
- static long outzn[MAXPROJ + 1]; /* output zone array */
- static double pdout[MAXPROJ + 1][15]; /* output projection parm array */
--static long (*for_trans[MAXPROJ + 1])();/* forward function pointer array*/
--static long (*inv_trans[MAXPROJ + 1])();/* inverse function pointer array*/
-+static int (*for_trans[MAXPROJ + 1])();/* forward function pointer array*/
-+static int (*inv_trans[MAXPROJ + 1])();/* inverse function pointer array*/
- /* Table of unit codes as specified by state
- laws as of 2/1/92 for NAD 1983 State Plane
-@@ -56,6 +56,13 @@
- static long NADUT[134] = {1, 5, 1, 1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,
- 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5,
- 2, 2, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2};
-+int init(long ipr, long jpr, char *efile, char *pfile);
-+long untfz(long inunit, long outunit, double *factor);
-+void close_file(void);
-+int inv_init(int insys, int inzone, double *inparm, int indatum, char *fn27, char *fn83, int *iflg, int (*inv_trans[])(double, double, double*, double*));
-+int for_init(int outsys, int outzone, double *outparm, int outdatum, char *fn27, char *fn83, int *iflg, int (*for_trans[])(double, double, double *, double *));
- /*
- static long NAD83[134] = {101,102,5010,5300,201,202,203,301,302,401,402,403,
- 404,405,406,0000,501,502,503,600,700,901,902,903,1001,1002,
-@@ -69,7 +76,7 @@
- 4502,4601,4602,4701,4702,4801,4802,4803,4901,4902,4903,4904,
- 5001,5002,5003,5004,5005,5006,5007,5008,5009,5200,0000,5400};
- */
-+int gctp(incoor,insys,inzone,inparm,inunit,indatum,ipr,efile,jpr,pfile,outcoor,
- outsys,outzone,outparm,outunit,outdatum,fn27,fn83,iflg)
- double *incoor; /* input coordinates */
-@@ -258,10 +258,10 @@
- dummy[0] = inparm[0];
- dummy[1] = inparm[1];
- }
-- inv_init((int)*insys,(int)*inzone,dummy,(int)*indatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)inv_trans);
-+ inv_init((int)*insys,(int)*inzone,dummy,(int)*indatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,inv_trans);
- }
- else
-- inv_init((int)*insys,(int)*inzone,inparm,(int)*indatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)inv_trans);
-+ inv_init((int)*insys,(int)*inzone,inparm,(int)*indatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,inv_trans);
- *iflg=(long)iflgval;
- if ((int)*iflg != 0)
-@@ -320,10 +320,10 @@
- dummy[0] = outparm[0];
- dummy[1] = outparm[1];
- }
-- for_init((int)*outsys,(int)*outzone,dummy,(int)*outdatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)for_trans);
-+ for_init((int)*outsys,(int)*outzone,dummy,(int)*outdatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,for_trans);
- }
- else
-- for_init((int)*outsys,(int)*outzone,outparm,(int)*outdatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,(int *)for_trans);
-+ for_init((int)*outsys,(int)*outzone,outparm,(int)*outdatum,fn27,fn83,&iflgval,for_trans);
- *iflg=(long)iflgval;
---- hdfeos5/gctp/src/br_gctp.c.orig 2006-12-07 16:52:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/gctp/src/br_gctp.c 2019-12-09 16:37:52.638496136 +0100
-@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-+#include <stddef.h>
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/gctp/src/br_gctp.c.orig 2021-04-22 01:06:56.000000000 +0200
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/gctp/src/br_gctp.c 2024-12-15 10:23:00.797248754 +0100
+@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
#ifdef unix
/* Fortran bridge routine for the UNIX */
-+int gctp(double *incoor, long *insys, long *inzone, double *inparm, long *inunit, long *indatum, long *ipr, char *efile, long *jpr, char *pfile, double *outcoor, long *outsys, long *outzone, double *outparm, long *outunit, long *outdatum, char fn27[], char fn83[], long *iflg);
++int gctp(double *incoor,long *insys,long *inzone,double *inparm,long *inunit,long *indatum,long *ipr,char *efile,long *jpr,char *pfile,double *outcoor,
++ long *outsys,long *outzone,double *outparm,long *outunit,long *outdatum,char fn27[],char fn83[],long *iflg);
void gctp_(incoor,insys,inzone,inparm,inunit,indatum,ipr,efile,jpr,pfile,
outcoor, outsys,outzone,outparm,outunit,fn27,fn83,iflg)
-@@ -20,11 +22,13 @@
+@@ -20,11 +23,13 @@ long *outsys;
long *outzone;
double *outparm;
long *outunit;
@@ -84,292 +21,317 @@
- outsys,outzone,outparm,outunit,fn27,fn83,iflg);
-+ outsys,outzone,outparm,outunit,NULL /* FIXME */,fn27,fn83,iflg);
++ outsys,outzone,outparm,outunit,/*FIXME*/(void*)0,fn27,fn83,iflg);
---- hdfeos5/src/EHapi.c.orig 2017-11-13 17:02:41.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/src/EHapi.c 2019-12-10 05:33:39.956327678 +0100
-@@ -2222,7 +2222,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/src/EHapi.c.orig 2021-04-22 01:06:56.000000000 +0200
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/src/EHapi.c 2024-12-15 11:01:06.164867855 +0100
+@@ -326,6 +326,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2long(hid_t invalue)
+ outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ outvalue = invalue;
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2long(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -411,6 +413,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2int(hid_t invalue)
+ outvalue = invalue;
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ outvalue = HE5_EHlong2int(invalue);
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2int(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -448,6 +452,8 @@ HE5_EHint2hid(int invalue)
+ outvalue = invalue;
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHint2llong(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -486,6 +492,8 @@ HE5_EHlong2hid(long invalue)
+ outvalue = HE5_EHlong2int(invalue);
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
+ outvalue = invalue;
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHlong2llong(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -543,6 +551,79 @@ HE5_EHlong2int(long invalue)
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
++HE5_EHllong2int(long long invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ long outvalue = FAIL;
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 1, &invalue, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2int", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"int\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,&invalue,sizeof(int));
++ return(outvalue);
++HE5_EHllong2long(long long invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ long outvalue = FAIL;
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, 1, &invalue, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2long", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"long\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,&invalue,sizeof(long));
++ return(outvalue);
++long long
++HE5_EHint2llong(int invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ long long outvalue = FAIL;
++ long long buf = FAIL;
++ memmove(&buf,&invalue,sizeof(int));
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHint2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"int\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
++ return(outvalue);
++long long
++HE5_EHlong2llong(long invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ long long outvalue = FAIL;
++ long long buf = FAIL;
++ memmove(&buf,&invalue,sizeof(long));
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LONG, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHlong2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
++ return(outvalue);
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+@@ -577,6 +658,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2hsize(hid_t invalue)
+ outvalue = HE5_EHint2hsize(invalue);
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ outvalue = HE5_EHlong2hsize(invalue);
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2hsize(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -729,6 +812,10 @@ HE5_EHhsize2hid(hsize_t invalue)
+ outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2int(invalue);
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2long(invalue);
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2llong(invalue);
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2llong(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -844,6 +931,55 @@ HE5_EHhsize2int(hsize_t invalue)
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
++HE5_EHllong2hsize(long long invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ void *buf = NULL;
++ hsize_t outvalue = 0;
++ size_t maxsize = 0;
++ maxsize = MAX(H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
++ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
++ memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2hsize", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"hsize_t\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
++ free(buf);
++ return(outvalue);
++long long
++HE5_EHhsize2llong(hsize_t invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ void *buf = NULL;
++ long long outvalue = FAIL;
++ size_t maxsize = 0;
++ maxsize = MAX(H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
++ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
++ memmove(buf,&invalue,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHhsize2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"hsize_t\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG));
++ free(buf);
++ return(outvalue);
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | |
+@@ -878,6 +1014,8 @@ HE5_EHhid2hssize(hid_t invalue)
+ outvalue = HE5_EHint2hssize(invalue);
+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
+ outvalue = HE5_EHlong2hssize(invalue);
++ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
++ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2hssize(invalue);
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
+@@ -1143,6 +1281,55 @@ HE5_EHhssize2int(hssize_t invalue)
+ return(outvalue);
+ }
++HE5_EHllong2hssize(long long invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ void *buf = NULL;
++ hssize_t outvalue = FAIL;
++ size_t maxsize = 0;
++ maxsize = MAX(sizeof(long long),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
++ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
++ memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2hssize", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"hssize_t\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
++ free(buf);
++ return(outvalue);
++long long
++HE5_EHhssize2llong(hssize_t invalue)
++ herr_t status = FAIL;
++ void *buf = NULL;
++ long long outvalue = FAIL;
++ size_t maxsize = 0;
++ maxsize = MAX(H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
++ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
++ memmove(buf,&invalue,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
++ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
++ if (status == FAIL)
++ {
++ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHhssize2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"hssize_t\" to \"long long\" data type.");
++ return(status);
++ }
++ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG));
++ free(buf);
++ return(outvalue);
+ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
+ | |
+@@ -2224,7 +2411,7 @@ HE5_EHchkfid(hid_t fid, const char *name
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %d. ID should range from %d to %d .\n", fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
+ sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %"PRId64". ID should range from %d to %d .\n", fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHchkfid", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-@@ -2234,7 +2234,7 @@
- if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHchkfid", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ }
+@@ -2236,7 +2423,7 @@ HE5_EHchkfid(hid_t fid, const char *name
+ if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHchkid: File ID %d not active (%s).\n",fid, name);
+ sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHchkid: File ID %"PRId64" not active (%s).\n",fid, name);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHchkfid", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHchkfid", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -8615,7 +8615,7 @@
+@@ -8617,7 +8804,7 @@ HE5_EHclose(hid_t fid)
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %d . ID should range from %d to %d . \n", fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
+ sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid file ID: %"PRId64" . ID should range from %d to %d . \n", fid, HE5_EHIDOFFSET, HE5_NEOSHDF + HE5_EHIDOFFSET);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHclose", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_BADFILE, errbuf);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHclose", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_BADFILE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -12023,7 +12023,7 @@
- if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
+@@ -12297,7 +12484,7 @@ HE5_EHreadmeta(hid_t fid, const char *Me
+ if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
status = FAIL;
-- sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHwritemeta: File ID %d not active \n",fid);
-+ sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHwritemeta: File ID %"PRId64" not active \n",fid);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHwritemeta", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+- sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHreadmeta: File ID %d not active \n",fid);
++ sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHreadmeta: File ID %"PRId64" not active \n",fid);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHreadmeta", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -12295,7 +12295,7 @@
- if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
+@@ -12607,7 +12794,7 @@ HE5_EHinqmetadatas(hid_t fid, char *meta
+ if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHreadmeta: File ID %d not active \n",fid);
+ sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHreadmeta: File ID %"PRId64" not active \n",fid);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHreadmeta", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-@@ -12605,7 +12605,7 @@
- if( HE5_HeosTable[ fid0 ].active == 0)
- {
- status = FAIL;
-- sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHreadmeta: File ID %d not active \n",fid);
-+ sprintf(errbuf,"HE5_EHreadmeta: File ID %"PRId64" not active \n",fid);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHreadmeta", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
---- hdfeos5/src/GDapi.c.orig 2017-11-13 17:02:42.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/src/GDapi.c 2019-12-10 05:32:50.266596870 +0100
-@@ -7847,6 +7847,10 @@
-+HE5_GDsetdimscale2(hid_t gridID, char *fieldname, char *dimname,
-+ char *dimscalename, const hsize_t dimsize,
-+ hid_t numbertype_in, void * data);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -17274,7 +17278,7 @@
- if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NGRIDREGN)
- {
- status = FAIL;
-- sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
-+ sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %"PRId64".\n", regionID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- free(errbuf);
-@@ -17289,7 +17293,7 @@
- if (HE5_GDXRegion[regionID] == 0)
- {
- status = FAIL;
-- sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
-+ sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %"PRId64".\n", regionID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- free(errbuf);
-@@ -17792,7 +17796,7 @@
- if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NGRIDREGN)
- {
- status = FAIL;
-- sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region id: %d.\n", regionID);
-+ sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region id: %"PRId64".\n", regionID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- free(errbuf);
-@@ -17806,7 +17810,7 @@
- if (HE5_GDXRegion[regionID] == 0)
- {
- status = FAIL;
-- sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
-+ sprintf(errbuf, "Inactive Region ID: %"PRId64".\n", regionID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_GDextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHreadmeta", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- free(errbuf);
---- hdfeos5/src/PTapi.c.orig 2017-11-13 17:02:43.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/src/PTapi.c 2019-12-22 16:52:42.205447245 +0100
-@@ -101,103 +101,103 @@
- /* File/Point access routine */
- HE5_PTopenF(char *filename, uintn Flags);
--HE5_PTcreateF(int FileID, char *pointname);
--HE5_PTattachF(int FileID, char *pointname);
--HE5_PTdetachF(int pointID);
--HE5_PTcloseF(int FileID);
-+HE5_PTcreateF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname);
-+HE5_PTattachF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname);
-+HE5_PTdetachF(hid_t pointID);
-+HE5_PTcloseF(hid_t FileID);
- /* Definition routines */
--HE5_PTdeflevelF(int pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, int dtype[], int array[]);
--HE5_PTdeflinkageF(int pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield);
-+HE5_PTdeflevelF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, hid_t dtype[], int array[]);
-+HE5_PTdeflinkageF(hid_t pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield);
- /* I/O routines */
--HE5_PTreadlevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf);
--HE5_PTupdatelevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec, long recs[], int ntype, void *data);
--HE5_PTwritelevelF(int pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data);
--HE5_PTwriteattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf);
--HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf);
--HE5_PTwritelocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long count[],void * datbuf);
--HE5_PTreadattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
--HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
--HE5_PTreadlocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
--HE5_PTwrbckptrF(int pointID, int level);
--HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(int pointID, int level);
-+HE5_PTreadlevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf);
-+HE5_PTupdatelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec, long recs[], int ntype, void *data);
-+HE5_PTwritelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data);
-+HE5_PTwriteattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf);
-+HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf);
-+HE5_PTwritelocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long count[],void * datbuf);
-+HE5_PTreadattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
-+HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
-+HE5_PTreadlocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf);
-+HE5_PTwrbckptrF(hid_t pointID, int level);
-+HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(hid_t pointID, int level);
- /* Inquiry routines */
--HE5_PTnrecsF(int pointID, int level);
-+HE5_PTnrecsF(hid_t pointID, int level);
- int
- HE5_PTnlevelsF(hid_t pointID);
- int
--HE5_PTnfieldsF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize);
--HE5_PTlevelindxF(int pointID, const char *levelname);
--HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(int pointID, int level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize);
--HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
--HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
--HE5_PTlevelinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], int dtype[]);
--HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(int pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, int *Type, int *Class, int *Order, long *size);
-+HE5_PTnfieldsF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize);
- int
-+HE5_PTlevelindxF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname);
-+HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize);
-+HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
-+HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield);
-+HE5_PTlevelinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], hid_t dtype[]);
-+HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(hid_t pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, hid_t *Type, H5T_class_t *Class, H5T_order_t *Order, size_t *size);
- HE5_PTinqpointF(const char *filename, char *pointlist, long *strbufsize);
--HE5_PTattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
--HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
--HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount);
--HE5_PTattrinfoF2(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount, long *fortsize);
--HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF2(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount, long *fortsize);
--HE5_PTlocattrinfoF2(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount, long *fortsize);
-+HE5_PTattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount);
-+HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount);
-+HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount);
-+HE5_PTattrinfoF2(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount, hsize_t *fortsize);
-+HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF2(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount, hsize_t *fortsize);
-+HE5_PTlocattrinfoF2(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount, hsize_t *fortsize);
- long
--HE5_PTinqattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
-+HE5_PTinqattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
- long
--HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
-+HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
- long
--HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(int pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
--HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(int pointID, int level, int numtype[]);
-+HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize);
-+HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, hid_t numtype[]);
- /* Fortran Wrapper Utility Routines */
--static int
-+static herr_t
- HE5_PTfort2c(long dims[], int rank, int datatype, void *inputfortbuf, void *outputfortbuf);
--static int
-+static herr_t
- HE5_PTc2fort(long dims[], int rank, int datatype, void *inputfortbuf, void *outputfortbuf);
- /* Fortran Wrappers (internal routines) */
--static int
-+static herr_t
- HE5_PTgetfort_order(long *dims, int dim_index, long *c_index, int rank, long *P, long *coeffs, long *n);
- static herr_t
- HE5_PTreadlevel_f(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldname, hid_t dtype, void *datbuf);
-@@ -821,7 +821,7 @@
+ }
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/src/PTapi.c.orig 2021-04-22 01:06:56.000000000 +0200
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/src/PTapi.c 2024-12-15 12:57:32.150354856 +0100
+@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ HE5_PTattach(hid_t fid, const char *poin
status = HE5_PTgetlevelname_fromSM(pointID, i, LevelName);
if ( status == FAIL )
@@ -377,8 +339,8 @@
+ sprintf(errbuf, "Failed to get LevelName for the Level_%"PRId64".",i) ;
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTattach", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -1188,7 +1188,7 @@
+@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ HE5_PTnrecs(hid_t pointID, int level)
nlevels = HE5_PTnlevels(pointID);
if (nlevels == 0)
@@ -387,7 +349,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnrecs", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@
+@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ HE5_PTnrecs(hid_t pointID, int level)
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
@@ -396,7 +358,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnrecs", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@
+@@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@ HE5_PTnfields(hid_t pointID, int level,
if (nlevels == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -405,7 +367,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnfields", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -1665,7 +1665,7 @@
+@@ -1666,7 +1666,7 @@ HE5_PTnfields(hid_t pointID, int level,
/* Report error if level # too large */
/* --------------------------------- */
status = FAIL;
@@ -414,7 +376,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTnfields", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@
+@@ -1838,7 +1838,7 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelname(hid_t pointID, int l
if (nlevels == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -422,8 +384,8 @@
+ sprintf(errbuf, "No Levels Defined for point ID: %"PRId64"\n", pointID);
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTgetlevelname", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -1854,7 +1854,7 @@
+@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@ HE5_PTgetlevelname(hid_t pointID, int l
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
status = FAIL;
@@ -432,7 +394,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTgetlevelname", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -3049,7 +3049,7 @@
+@@ -3043,7 +3043,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel(hid_t pointID, int leve
if (nlevels == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -441,7 +403,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -3059,7 +3059,7 @@
+@@ -3053,7 +3053,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel(hid_t pointID, int leve
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
status = FAIL;
@@ -450,7 +412,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -3488,7 +3488,7 @@
+@@ -3482,7 +3482,7 @@ HE5_PTlevelinfo(hid_t pointID, int level
nlevels = HE5_PTnlevels(pointID);
if (nlevels == 0)
@@ -459,7 +421,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTlevelinfo", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -3497,7 +3497,7 @@
+@@ -3491,7 +3491,7 @@ HE5_PTlevelinfo(hid_t pointID, int level
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
@@ -468,7 +430,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTlevelinfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -3915,7 +3915,7 @@
+@@ -3909,7 +3909,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel(hid_t pointID, int level
if (nlevels == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -477,7 +439,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -3925,7 +3925,7 @@
+@@ -3919,7 +3919,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel(hid_t pointID, int level
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
status = FAIL;
@@ -486,311 +448,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_SEEKERROR, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -8310,13 +8310,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- HE5_PTopenF(char *filename, uintn Flags)
- {
- hid_t fid = FAIL;/* hdf5 type file ID */
-- int FileID = FAIL;/* Return file ID */
- uintn flags = 9999;/* HDF5 file access code */
- char *errbuf = NULL;/* Error message buffer */
-@@ -8358,11 +8356,9 @@
- }
-- FileID = (int)fid;
- free(errbuf);
-- return(FileID);
-+ return(fid);
- }
-@@ -8394,13 +8390,10 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTcreateF(int FileID, char *pointname)
-+HE5_PTcreateF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname)
- {
-- int PointID = FAIL;/* point ID (return value) */
- hid_t pointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
-- hid_t fid = FAIL;/* HDF5 type file ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL; /* Buffer for error message */
-@@ -8414,9 +8407,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- fid = (hid_t)FileID;
-- pointID = HE5_PTcreate(fid, pointname);
-+ pointID = HE5_PTcreate(FileID, pointname);
- if (pointID == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error calling HE5_PTcreate() from FORTRAN wrapper. \n");
-@@ -8428,8 +8419,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- PointID = (int)pointID;
-- return(PointID);
-+ return(pointID);
- }
-@@ -8462,13 +8452,10 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTattachF(int FileID, char *pointname)
-+HE5_PTattachF(hid_t FileID, char *pointname)
- {
-- int PointID = FAIL; /* Return value of the Point ID */
- hid_t pointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
-- hid_t fid = FAIL; /* HDF5 type file ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/* Buffer for error message */
-@@ -8484,9 +8471,7 @@
- }
-- fid = (hid_t)FileID;
-- pointID = HE5_PTattach(fid, pointname);
-+ pointID = HE5_PTattach(FileID, pointname);
- if(pointID == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error calling HE5_PTattach() from FORTRAN wrapper. \n");
-@@ -8498,8 +8483,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- PointID = (int)pointID;
-- return(PointID);
-+ return(pointID);
- }
-@@ -8534,15 +8518,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTdetachF(int PointID)
-+HE5_PTdetachF(hid_t PointID)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t pointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -8557,9 +8537,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- pointID = (hid_t)PointID;
-- status = HE5_PTdetach(pointID);
-+ status = HE5_PTdetach(PointID);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error calling HE5_PTdetach() from FORTRAN wrapper. \n");
-@@ -8571,8 +8549,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -8604,13 +8581,9 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTcloseF(int FileID)
-+HE5_PTcloseF(hid_t FileID)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable */
-- hid_t fid = FAIL;/* HDF5 type file ID */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -8626,11 +8599,9 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- fid = (hid_t)FileID;
- /* Call HE5_PTclose to perform file close */
- /* -------------------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTclose(fid);
-+ status = HE5_PTclose(FileID);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error calling HE5_PTclose() from FORTRAN wrapper. \n");
-@@ -8643,8 +8614,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /* Definition routines */
-@@ -8687,15 +8657,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTdeflevelF(int pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, int dtype[], int array[])
-+HE5_PTdeflevelF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, hid_t dtype[], int array[])
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- int i, j, k = 0;
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;
- HE5_CmpDTSinfo dtsinfo;
-@@ -8827,11 +8793,9 @@
- dtsinfo.datasize = (size_t)datasize;
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Call HE5_PTdeflevel() */
- /* --------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTdeflevel(PointID, levelname, &dtsinfo);
-+ status = HE5_PTdeflevel(pointID, levelname, &dtsinfo);
- if (status == FAIL )
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Call to HE5_PTdeflevel() failed. \n");
-@@ -8848,8 +8812,7 @@
- free(datatype_size);
- free(datasize_field);
- free(offset);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -8884,14 +8847,10 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTdeflinkageF(int pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield)
-+HE5_PTdeflinkageF(hid_t pointID, char *parent, char *child, char *linkfield)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* hdf5 type file ID */
- char *errbuf = NULL;/* Error message buffer */
-@@ -8906,11 +8865,9 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Call HE5_PTdeflinkage */
- /* -------------------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTdeflinkage(PointID, parent, child, linkfield);
-+ status = HE5_PTdeflinkage(pointID, parent, child, linkfield);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error calling HE5_PTdeflinkageF() from FORTRAN wrapper. \n");
-@@ -8918,11 +8875,9 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
- free(errbuf);
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -8961,14 +8916,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTreadlevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf)
-+HE5_PTreadlevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldname, int ntype, void *datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t ptID = FAIL;
- hid_t dtype = FAIL;/* HDF5 type data type ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -8994,11 +8946,9 @@
- dtype = ntype;
- }
-- ptID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Call HE5_PTreadlevel_f to read data */
- /* ----------------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTreadlevel_f(ptID, level, fieldname, dtype, datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTreadlevel_f(pointID, level, fieldname, dtype, datbuf);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Reading data failed.\n");
-@@ -9008,8 +8958,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -9099,7 +9048,7 @@
+@@ -9093,7 +9093,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel_f(hid_t pointID, int lev
if (nlevels == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -799,7 +457,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -9109,7 +9058,7 @@
+@@ -9103,7 +9103,7 @@ HE5_PTreadlevel_f(hid_t pointID, int lev
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
status = FAIL;
@@ -808,48 +466,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTreadlevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_SEEKERROR, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -9350,14 +9299,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTwritelevelF(int pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data)
-+HE5_PTwritelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, long count[], char *fieldname, int ntype, void *data)
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable */
-- hid_t ptID = FAIL;
- hid_t dtype = FAIL;/* HDF5 type data type ID */
- hsize_t count_t1[1] = {0};
-@@ -9385,12 +9331,11 @@
- dtype = ntype;
- }
-- ptID = (hid_t)pointID;
- count_t1[0] = (hsize_t)count[0];
- /* WRITE data */
- /* ---------- */
-- status = HE5_PTwritelevel_f(ptID, level, count_t1, fieldname, ntype, dtype, data);
-+ status = HE5_PTwritelevel_f(pointID, level, count_t1, fieldname, ntype, dtype, data);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot write updated data to the level. \n");
-@@ -9400,8 +9345,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -9513,7 +9457,7 @@
+@@ -9507,7 +9507,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel_f(hid_t pointID, int le
if (nlevels == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -858,1331 +475,18 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_BTREE, H5E_NOTFOUND, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -9523,7 +9467,7 @@
+@@ -9517,7 +9517,7 @@ HE5_PTwritelevel_f(hid_t pointID, int le
/* Report error if level # to large */
/* -------------------------------- */
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %d\n", nlevels, pointID);
-+ sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %"PRId64"\n", nlevels, pointID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- return(status);
-@@ -9821,14 +9765,10 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTwrbckptrF(int pointID, int level)
-+HE5_PTwrbckptrF(hid_t pointID, int level)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -9844,9 +9784,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTwrbckptr(PointID, level);
-+ status = HE5_PTwrbckptr(pointID, level);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot write back pointer records. \n");
-@@ -9857,8 +9795,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -9890,15 +9827,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(int pointID, int level)
-+HE5_PTwrfwdptrF(hid_t pointID, int level)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -9913,9 +9846,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTwrfwdptr(PointID, level - 1);
-+ status = HE5_PTwrfwdptr(pointID, level - 1);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot write back pointer records. \n");
-@@ -9926,8 +9857,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -9963,12 +9893,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTupdatelevelF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec, long recs[], int ntype, void *data)
-+HE5_PTupdatelevelF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long nrec, long recs[], int ntype, void *data)
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;
- hid_t dtype = FAIL; /* HDF5 type data type ID */
- hsize_t nrec_t = 0;
-@@ -9976,7 +9905,6 @@
- hssize_t *recs_t;
- int i;
-- int ret = FAIL;
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -9989,7 +9917,7 @@
- {
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTcloseF", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_NOSPACE, "Cannot allocate memory for error buffer.");
- HE5_EHprint("Error: Cannot allocate memory for error buffer, occured", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- dtype = HE5_EHconvdatatype(ntype);
-@@ -10002,7 +9930,6 @@
- dtype = ntype;
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- nrec_t = (hsize_t)nrec;
- recs_t = (hssize_t *)calloc(nrec, sizeof(hssize_t));
-@@ -10013,7 +9940,7 @@
- /* Call HE5_PTupdatelevel_f() */
- /* -------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTupdatelevel_f(PointID, level, fieldlist, nrec_t, recs_t, ntype, dtype, data);
-+ status = HE5_PTupdatelevel_f(pointID, level, fieldlist, nrec_t, recs_t, ntype, dtype, data);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Trouble calling HE5_PTupdatelevel_f(). \n");
-@@ -10025,8 +9952,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
- if (recs_t != NULL) free(recs_t);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -10701,16 +10627,14 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTwriteattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf)
-+HE5_PTwriteattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void *datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* int return status variable */
- int rank = 1; /* Note: It is assumed that fortcout has just */
- /* one element to agree with EHattr function */
- int i; /* Loop index */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF-EOS Swath ID */
- hid_t numbertype = FAIL;/* HDF5 data type ID */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-@@ -10755,8 +10679,6 @@
- for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
- count[i] = (hsize_t)fortcount[rank - 1 - i];
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- if ((numbertype == HE5T_CHARSTRING) || (numbertype == H5T_NATIVE_CHAR) || (numbertype == H5T_C_S1))
- {
- if (strlen((char *)datbuf) < count[0])
-@@ -10787,7 +10709,7 @@
- /* Call PTwriteattr() */
- /* ------------------ */
-- status = HE5_PTwriteattr(PointID, attrname, numbertype, count, tempbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTwriteattr(pointID, attrname, numbertype, count, tempbuf);
- if( status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot write data to the attribute \"%s\".\n", attrname);
-@@ -10806,7 +10728,7 @@
- {
- /* Call PTwriteattr() */
- /* ------------------ */
-- status = HE5_PTwriteattr(PointID, attrname, numbertype, count, datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTwriteattr(pointID, attrname, numbertype, count, datbuf);
- if( status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot write data to the attribute \"%s\".\n", attrname);
-@@ -10821,8 +10743,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -10859,16 +10780,14 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf)
-+HE5_PTwritegrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[], void * datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- int rank = 1; /* Rank variable */
- int i; /* Loop index */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Swath ID */
- hid_t numbertype = FAIL; /* HDF5 data type ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL;/* Pointer to count array (C order) */
-@@ -10915,8 +10834,6 @@
- for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
- count[i] = (hsize_t)fortcount[rank - 1 - i];
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- if ((numbertype == HE5T_CHARSTRING) || (numbertype == H5T_NATIVE_CHAR) || (numbertype == H5T_C_S1))
- {
- if (strlen((char *)datbuf) < count[0])
-@@ -10945,7 +10862,7 @@
- strncpy(tempbuf, (char *)datbuf, count[0]);
- tempbuf[count[0]] = '\0';
-- status = HE5_PTwritegrpattr(PointID, attrname, numbertype, count, tempbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTwritegrpattr(pointID, attrname, numbertype, count, tempbuf);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot write group attribute value.\n");
-@@ -10962,7 +10879,7 @@
- }
- else
- {
-- status = HE5_PTwritegrpattr(PointID, attrname, numbertype, count, datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTwritegrpattr(pointID, attrname, numbertype, count, datbuf);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot write group attribute value.\n");
-@@ -10976,8 +10893,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -11014,10 +10930,9 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTwritelocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[],void * datbuf)
-+HE5_PTwritelocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int ntype, long fortcount[],void * datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* routine return status variable */
- int rank = 1; /* Note: It is assumed that fortcout has just */
- /* one element to agree with EHattr function */
- int i = 0;
-@@ -11026,7 +10941,6 @@
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL;/* Pointer to count array (C order) */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* Swath HDF5 type ID */
- hid_t numbertype = FAIL; /* HDF5 dta type ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL; /* error message buffer */
-@@ -11069,8 +10983,6 @@
- for (i = 0; i < rank; i++)
- count[i] = (hsize_t)fortcount[rank - 1 - i];
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- if ((numbertype == HE5T_CHARSTRING) || (numbertype == H5T_NATIVE_CHAR) || (numbertype == H5T_C_S1))
- {
- if (strlen((char *)datbuf) < count[0])
-@@ -11101,7 +11013,7 @@
- /* Write local attribute buffer */
- /* ---------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTwritelocattr(PointID, levelname, attrname, numbertype, count, tempbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTwritelocattr(pointID, levelname, attrname, numbertype, count, tempbuf);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot write local attribute value.\n");
-@@ -11120,7 +11032,7 @@
- {
- /* Write local attribute buffer */
- /* ---------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTwritelocattr(PointID, levelname, attrname, numbertype, count, datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTwritelocattr(pointID, levelname, attrname, numbertype, count, datbuf);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot write local attribute value.\n");
-@@ -11134,8 +11046,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -11168,22 +11079,16 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTreadattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
-+HE5_PTreadattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF-EOS point ID */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Read the attribute buffer */
- /* ------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTreadattr(PointID, attrname, datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTreadattr(pointID, attrname, datbuf);
- if ( status == FAIL )
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot read the attribute value. \n");
-@@ -11191,8 +11096,7 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -11224,20 +11128,14 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(int pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
-+HE5_PTreadgrpattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE]; /* Error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTreadgrpattr(PointID,attrname,datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTreadgrpattr(pointID,attrname,datbuf);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot read Group Attribute \"%s\".\n", attrname);
-@@ -11245,8 +11143,7 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -11279,21 +11176,15 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTreadlocattrF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
-+HE5_PTreadlocattrF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, void *datbuf)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;/* return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type Point ID */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTreadlocattr( PointID, levelname, attrname, datbuf);
-+ status = HE5_PTreadlocattr(pointID, levelname, attrname, datbuf);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot read Attribute \"%s\" associated wth the \"%s\" level.\n", attrname,levelname);
-@@ -11301,8 +11192,7 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -11337,12 +11227,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--static int
-+static herr_t
- HE5_PTc2fort(long dims[], int rank, int datatype, void *inputfortbuf, void *outputfortbuf)
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable */
- int i = 0;
- int dim_index = 0;
-@@ -11568,9 +11457,8 @@
- free(errbuf);
- status = 0;
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -11604,12 +11492,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--static int
-+static herr_t
- HE5_PTfort2c(long dims[], int rank, int datatype, void *inputfortbuf, void *outputfortbuf)
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable */
- int i = 0;
- int dim_index = 0;
-@@ -11832,9 +11719,7 @@
- free(fort_order_buf);
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -11878,12 +11763,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--static int
-+static herr_t
- HE5_PTgetfort_order(long *dims, int dim_index, long *c_index, int rank, long *P, long *coeffs, long *n)
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) return status variable */
- int i = 0;
- int j = 0;
- int k = 0;
-@@ -11954,8 +11838,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
- status = 0;
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /* Inquiry routines */
-@@ -11989,17 +11872,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTnrecsF(int pointID, int level)
-+HE5_PTnrecsF(hid_t pointID, int level)
- {
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- hsize_t nallrec = 0; /* Number of records in Point */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Allocate memory for error buffer */
- /* -------------------------------- */
- errbuf = (char * )calloc( HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE, sizeof(char));
-@@ -12010,7 +11889,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- nallrec = HE5_PTnrecs(PointID, level);
-+ nallrec = HE5_PTnrecs(pointID, level);
- if(nallrec == 0)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "No records in current level. \n");
-@@ -12019,7 +11898,7 @@
- }
- free(errbuf);
-- return((int)nallrec);
-+ return(nallrec);
- }
-@@ -12115,7 +11994,7 @@
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int
--HE5_PTnfieldsF(int pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize)
-+HE5_PTnfieldsF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *fieldlist, long *strbufsize)
- {
- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
-@@ -12123,8 +12002,6 @@
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Allocate memory for error buffer */
- /* -------------------------------- */
- errbuf = (char * )calloc( HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE, sizeof(char));
-@@ -12137,7 +12014,7 @@
- /* Get number of fields and fieldlist */
- /* ---------------------------------- */
-- nfields = HE5_PTnfields(PointID, level, fieldlist, strbufsize);
-+ nfields = HE5_PTnfields(pointID, level, fieldlist, strbufsize);
- if(nfields == 0)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot retrieve the number of fields. \n");
-@@ -12180,16 +12057,12 @@
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int
--HE5_PTlevelindxF(int pointID, const char *levelname)
-+HE5_PTlevelindxF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname)
- {
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- int index = FAIL;
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Allocate memory for error buffer */
- /* -------------------------------- */
- errbuf = (char * )calloc( HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE, sizeof(char));
-@@ -12200,11 +12073,9 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Get index of named Level */
- /* ---------------------------------- */
-- index = HE5_PTlevelindx(PointID, levelname);
-+ index = HE5_PTlevelindx(pointID, levelname);
- if(index == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot retrieve the Level Index. \n");
-@@ -12245,15 +12116,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(int pointID, int level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize)
-+HE5_PTgetlevelnameF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *levelname, long *strbufsize)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -12264,15 +12131,13 @@
- {
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTgetlevelnameF", __LINE__, H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, "Cannot allocate memory to error buffer.");
- HE5_EHprint("Error: Cannot allocate memory for error buffer, occured", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Get index of named Level */
- /* ---------------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTgetlevelname( PointID, level, levelname, strbufsize);
-+ status = HE5_PTgetlevelname(pointID, level, levelname, strbufsize);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot retrieve the Level Name. \n");
-@@ -12281,8 +12146,7 @@
- }
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -12315,15 +12179,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
-+HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -12334,12 +12194,10 @@
- {
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF", __LINE__, H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, "Cannot allocate memory to error buffer.");
- HE5_EHprint("Error: Cannot allocate memory for error buffer, occured", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTbcklinkinfo( PointID, level, linkfield);
-+ status = HE5_PTbcklinkinfo(pointID, level, linkfield);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error in Fortran Wrapper HE5_PTbcklinkinfoF(). \n");
-@@ -12349,8 +12207,7 @@
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -12383,15 +12240,11 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
-+HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *linkfield)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL;
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type point ID */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL;/*Error message buffer */
-@@ -12402,12 +12255,10 @@
- {
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF", __LINE__, H5E_RESOURCE, H5E_NOSPACE, "Cannot allocate memory to error buffer.");
- HE5_EHprint("Error: Cannot allocate memory for error buffer, occured", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTfwdlinkinfo( PointID, level, linkfield);
-+ status = HE5_PTfwdlinkinfo(pointID, level, linkfield);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Error in Fortran Wrapper HE5_PTfwdlinkinfoF(). \n");
-@@ -12416,8 +12267,7 @@
- }
- free(errbuf);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -12460,16 +12310,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTlevelinfoF(int pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], int dtype[])
-+HE5_PTlevelinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, char *levelname, int rank[], char *fieldlist, long *dim_sizes, long *datasize, long offset[], hid_t dtype[])
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;
- HE5_CmpDTSinfo dtsinfo;
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- int i, j, k = 0;
- long nfields = FAIL;
- long max_rank = 0;
-@@ -12478,12 +12325,9 @@
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE]; /* error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Call HE5_PTlevelinfo to get information structure */
- /* ------------------------------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTlevelinfo(PointID, level, &dtsinfo);
-+ status = HE5_PTlevelinfo(pointID, level, &dtsinfo);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Call to HE5_PTlevelinfo failed.\n");
-@@ -12505,7 +12349,7 @@
- /* Get the levelname */
- /* ----------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTgetlevelname(PointID, level, levelname, &strbufsize);
-+ status = HE5_PTgetlevelname(pointID, level, levelname, &strbufsize);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Call to HE5_PTgetlevelname failed.\n");
-@@ -12518,7 +12362,7 @@
- {
- rank[i] = dtsinfo.rank[i];
- offset[i] = (long)dtsinfo.offset[i];
-- dtype[i] = (int)dtsinfo.dtype[i];
-+ dtype[i] = dtsinfo.dtype[i];
- }
- /* Get fieldlist (output from HE5_PTnfields) */
-@@ -12548,8 +12392,7 @@
- }
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -12586,17 +12429,14 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(int pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, int *Type, int *Class, int *Order, long *size)
-+HE5_PTinqdatatypeF(hid_t pointID, char *fieldname, char *attrname, int fieldgroup, hid_t *Type, H5T_class_t *Class, H5T_order_t *Order, size_t *size)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* return status variable */
- size_t *tsize = (size_t *)NULL; /* data size variable */
- hid_t *typeID = (hid_t *)NULL; /* HDF5 Data type ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- H5T_class_t *classID = (H5T_class_t *)NULL;/* Data type class ID */
- H5T_order_t *order = (H5T_order_t *)NULL;/* Byte order of datatype */
-@@ -12667,11 +12507,9 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Get data type information */
- /* ------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTinqdatatype(PointID, fieldname, attrname, fieldgroup, typeID, classID, order, tsize);
-+ status = HE5_PTinqdatatype(pointID, fieldname, attrname, fieldgroup, typeID, classID, order, tsize);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about data type.\n");
-@@ -12679,10 +12517,10 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *Type = (int)(*typeID);
-- *Class = (int)(*classID);
-- *Order = (int)(*order);
-- *size = (long)(*tsize);
-+ *Type = (*typeID);
-+ *Class = (*classID);
-+ *Order = (*order);
-+ *size = (*tsize);
- free(errbuf);
- free(typeID);
-@@ -12690,8 +12528,7 @@
- free(order);
- free(tsize);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -12723,11 +12560,9 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- HE5_PTinqpointF(const char *filename, char *pointlist, long *strbufsize)
- {
-- int npoint = FAIL;
- long nPoint = FAIL;/* Number of point structures in file (return) */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message buffer */
-@@ -12740,8 +12575,7 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- npoint = (int)nPoint;
-- return(npoint);
-+ return(nPoint);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -12775,17 +12609,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
-+HE5_PTattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* return status variable */
- hid_t *ntype = (hid_t *)NULL; /* Data type class ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to count (C order) */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL; /* error message buffer */
-@@ -12821,9 +12651,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTattrinfo(PointID, attrname, ntype, count);
-+ status = HE5_PTattrinfo(pointID, attrname, ntype, count);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about attribute \"%s\".\n", attrname);
-@@ -12831,15 +12659,14 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *fortcount = (long)(*count);
-- *numbertype = (int)(*ntype);
-+ *fortcount = (*count);
-+ *numbertype = (*ntype);
- free(errbuf);
- free(count);
- free(ntype);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -12875,17 +12702,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTattrinfoF2(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount, long *fortsize)
-+HE5_PTattrinfoF2(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount, hsize_t *fortsize)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* return status variable */
- hid_t *ntype = (hid_t *)NULL; /* Data type class ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to count of array elements */
- hsize_t *size = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to size of array elements */
-@@ -12933,9 +12756,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTattrinfo2(PointID, attrname, ntype, count, size);
-+ status = HE5_PTattrinfo2(pointID, attrname, ntype, count, size);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about attribute \"%s\".\n", attrname);
-@@ -12943,17 +12764,16 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *fortcount = (long)(*count);
-- *fortsize = (long)(*size);
-- *numbertype = (int)(*ntype);
-+ *fortcount = (*count);
-+ *fortsize = (*size);
-+ *numbertype = (*ntype);
- free(errbuf);
- free(count);
- free(size);
- free(ntype);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -12990,17 +12810,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
-+HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* routine return status variable */
- hid_t *ntype = (hid_t *)NULL; /* Data type class ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL;/* Pointer to count (C order) */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL; /* error message buffer */
-@@ -13036,9 +12852,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTgrpattrinfo(PointID, attrname, ntype, count);
-+ status = HE5_PTgrpattrinfo(pointID, attrname, ntype, count);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about group attribute.\n");
-@@ -13046,15 +12860,14 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *fortcount = (long)(*count);
-- *numbertype = (int)(*ntype);
-+ *fortcount = (*count);
-+ *numbertype = (*ntype);
- free(errbuf);
- free(count);
- free(ntype);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -13092,17 +12905,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF2(int pointID, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount, long *fortsize)
-+HE5_PTgrpattrinfoF2(hid_t pointID, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount, hsize_t *fortsize)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* routine return status variable */
- hid_t *ntype = (hid_t *)NULL; /* Data type class ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to count of array elements */
- hsize_t *size = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to size of array elements */
-@@ -13150,9 +12959,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTgrpattrinfo2(PointID, attrname, ntype, count, size);
-+ status = HE5_PTgrpattrinfo2(pointID, attrname, ntype, count, size);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about group attribute.\n");
-@@ -13160,17 +12967,16 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *fortcount = (long)(*count);
-- *fortsize = (long)(*size);
-- *numbertype = (int)(*ntype);
-+ *fortcount = (*count);
-+ *fortsize = (*size);
-+ *numbertype = (*ntype);
- free(errbuf);
- free(count);
- free(size);
- free(ntype);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -13206,17 +13012,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount)
-+HE5_PTlocattrinfoF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* routine return status variable */
- hid_t *ntype = (hid_t *)NULL; /* Data type class ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL;/* Pointer to count (C order) */
- char *errbuf = (char *)NULL; /* error message buffer */
-@@ -13252,9 +13054,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTlocattrinfo(PointID, levelname, attrname, ntype, count);
-+ status = HE5_PTlocattrinfo(pointID, levelname, attrname, ntype, count);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about local attribute.\n");
-@@ -13262,16 +13062,14 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *fortcount = (long)(*count);
-- *numbertype = (int)(*ntype);
-+ *fortcount = (*count);
-+ *numbertype = (*ntype);
- free(errbuf);
- free(count);
- free(ntype);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -13309,17 +13107,13 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTlocattrinfoF2(int pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, int *numbertype, long *fortcount, long *fortsize)
-+HE5_PTlocattrinfoF2(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, const char *attrname, hid_t *numbertype, hsize_t *fortcount, hsize_t *fortsize)
- {
-- int ret = FAIL; /* (int) return status variable */
- herr_t status = FAIL; /* routine return status variable */
- hid_t *ntype = (hid_t *)NULL; /* Data type class ID */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type Point ID */
- hsize_t *count = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to count of array elements */
- hsize_t *size = (hsize_t *)NULL; /* Pointer to size of array elements */
-@@ -13367,9 +13161,7 @@
- return(FAIL);
- }
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
-- status = HE5_PTlocattrinfo2(PointID, levelname, attrname, ntype, count, size);
-+ status = HE5_PTlocattrinfo2(pointID, levelname, attrname, ntype, count, size);
- if(status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot get information about local attribute.\n");
-@@ -13377,18 +13169,16 @@
- HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
- }
-- *fortcount = (long)(*count);
-- *fortsize = (long)(*size);
-- *numbertype = (int)(*ntype);
-+ *fortcount = (*count);
-+ *fortsize = (*size);
-+ *numbertype = (*ntype);
- free(errbuf);
- free(count);
- free(size);
- free(ntype);
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
-@@ -13425,12 +13215,10 @@
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- long
--HE5_PTinqattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
-+HE5_PTinqattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
- {
- long nattr = FAIL;/* Number of attributes (return) */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF5 type Point ID */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message buffer */
- char *attrnames_t = (char *)NULL;
-@@ -13439,8 +13227,6 @@
- int result = 1;
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Change Fortran character '0' to NULL if needed */
- /* ---------------------------------------------- */
- buffer1[0] = attrnames[0];
-@@ -13449,8 +13235,8 @@
- if( memcmp(buffer1,buffer,sizeof(buffer)) == 0 ) { result = 0; }
-- if( result == 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqattrs(PointID, attrnames_t, strbufsize);
-- if( result != 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqattrs(PointID, attrnames, strbufsize);
-+ if( result == 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqattrs(pointID, attrnames_t, strbufsize);
-+ if( result != 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqattrs(pointID, attrnames, strbufsize);
- if ( nattr < 0 )
- {
-@@ -13499,12 +13285,10 @@
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- long
--HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(int pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
-+HE5_PTinqgrpattrsF(hid_t pointID, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
- {
- long nattr = FAIL; /* Number of attributes (return) */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type swath ID */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message buffer */
- char *attrnames_t = (char *)NULL;
-@@ -13513,8 +13297,6 @@
- int result = 1;
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Change Fortran character '0' to NULL if needed */
- /* ---------------------------------------------- */
- buffer1[0] = attrnames[0];
-@@ -13523,8 +13305,8 @@
- if( memcmp(buffer1,buffer,sizeof(buffer)) == 0 ) { result = 0; }
-- if( result == 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqgrpattrs(PointID, attrnames_t, strbufsize);
-- if( result != 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqgrpattrs(PointID, attrnames, strbufsize);
-+ if( result == 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqgrpattrs(pointID, attrnames_t, strbufsize);
-+ if( result != 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqgrpattrs(pointID, attrnames, strbufsize);
- if ( nattr < 0 )
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot retrieve the attributes. \n");
-@@ -13570,11 +13352,9 @@
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- long
--HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(int pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
-+HE5_PTinqlocattrsF(hid_t pointID, const char *levelname, char *attrnames, long *strbufsize)
- {
- long nattr = FAIL; /* Number of attributes */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL; /* HDF5 type swath ID */
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE];/* Error message buffer */
- char *attrnames_t = (char *)NULL;
-@@ -13583,8 +13363,6 @@
- int result = 1;
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Change Fortran character '0' to NULL if needed */
- /* ---------------------------------------------- */
- buffer1[0] = attrnames[0];
-@@ -13593,8 +13371,8 @@
- if( memcmp(buffer1,buffer,sizeof(buffer)) == 0 ) { result = 0; }
-- if( result == 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqlocattrs(PointID, levelname, attrnames_t, strbufsize);
-- if( result != 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqlocattrs(PointID, levelname, attrnames, strbufsize);
-+ if( result == 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqlocattrs(pointID, levelname, attrnames_t, strbufsize);
-+ if( result != 0 ) nattr = HE5_PTinqlocattrs(pointID, levelname, attrnames, strbufsize);
- if ( nattr < 0 )
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot retrieve the attributes. \n");
-@@ -13635,28 +13413,22 @@
- | |
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
--HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(int pointID, int level, int numtype[])
-+HE5_PTnumtypeinfoF(hid_t pointID, int level, hid_t numtype[])
- {
- herr_t status = FAIL;/* routine return status variable */
-- hid_t PointID = FAIL;/* HDF-EOS Point ID */
- HE5_CmpDTSinfo dtsinfo;
-- int ret = FAIL;/* (int) Return status variable */
- int i = 0;
- long nfields = FAIL;/* Number of fields in the level*/
- char errbuf[HE5_HDFE_ERRBUFSIZE]; /* error message buffer */
-- PointID = (hid_t)pointID;
- /* Call HE5_PTlevelinfo to get information structure */
- /* ------------------------------------------------- */
-- status = HE5_PTlevelinfo(PointID, level, &dtsinfo);
-+ status = HE5_PTlevelinfo(pointID, level, &dtsinfo);
- if (status == FAIL)
- {
- sprintf(errbuf, "Call to HE5_PTlevelinfo failed.\n");
-@@ -13669,11 +13441,10 @@
- for( i = 0; i < nfields; i++ )
- {
-- numtype[i] = (int)dtsinfo.numtype[i];
-+ numtype[i] = dtsinfo.numtype[i];
- }
-- ret = (int)status;
-- return(ret);
-+ return(status);
- }
---- hdfeos5/src/SWapi.c.orig 2019-12-10 16:45:34.831256606 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/src/SWapi.c 2019-12-10 16:45:38.444570365 +0100
-@@ -2020,6 +2020,9 @@
++ sprintf(errbuf, "Only %d levels Defined for point ID: %"PRId64"\n", nlevels, pointID);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_PTwritelevel_f", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
+ HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ return(status);
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/src/SWapi.c.orig 2021-04-22 01:06:56.000000000 +0200
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/src/SWapi.c 2024-12-15 12:59:55.089580488 +0100
+@@ -2031,6 +2031,9 @@ HE5_SWdefdimscale(hid_t swathID, char *
@@ -2192,7 +496,7 @@
-@@ -13361,7 +13364,7 @@
+@@ -13444,7 +13447,7 @@ HE5_SWdefboxregion(hid_t swathID, double
if ((HE5_SWXRegion[k]->nRegions) > HE5_MAXNREGIONS)
@@ -2201,7 +505,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWdefboxregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
if (lonArr != NULL) free(lonArr);
-@@ -14685,7 +14688,7 @@
+@@ -14768,7 +14771,7 @@ HE5_SWextractregion(hid_t swathID, hid_t
if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2210,7 +514,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -14698,7 +14701,7 @@
+@@ -14781,7 +14784,7 @@ HE5_SWextractregion(hid_t swathID, hid_t
if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2219,7 +523,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWextractregion", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16253,7 +16256,7 @@
+@@ -16336,7 +16339,7 @@ HE5_SWregioninfo(hid_t swathID, hid_t re
if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2228,7 +532,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16266,7 +16269,7 @@
+@@ -16349,7 +16352,7 @@ HE5_SWregioninfo(hid_t swathID, hid_t re
if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2237,16 +541,16 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWregioninfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16733,7 +16736,7 @@
+@@ -16816,7 +16819,7 @@ HE5_SWupdatescene(hid_t swathID, hid_t r
if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %d.\n", regionID);
+ sprintf(errbuf, "Invalid Region ID: %"PRId64".\n", regionID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16746,7 +16749,7 @@
+@@ -16829,7 +16832,7 @@ HE5_SWupdatescene(hid_t swathID, hid_t r
if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2255,7 +559,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16775,7 +16778,7 @@
+@@ -16858,7 +16861,7 @@ HE5_SWupdatescene(hid_t swathID, hid_t r
HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] = 0;
status = FAIL;
@@ -2264,16 +568,16 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdatescene", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16894,7 +16897,7 @@
+@@ -16977,7 +16980,7 @@ HE5_SWupdateidxmap(hid_t swathID, hid_t
if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
status = FAIL;
- sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid Region id: %d.\n", regionID);
+ sprintf(errbuf,"Invalid Region id: %"PRId64".\n", regionID);
- H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdateidxmap", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdateidxmap", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -16907,7 +16910,7 @@
+@@ -16990,7 +16993,7 @@ HE5_SWupdateidxmap(hid_t swathID, hid_t
if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2282,7 +586,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWupdateidxmap", __LINE__, H5E_FILE, H5E_BADRANGE, errbuf );
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -23662,7 +23665,7 @@
+@@ -23745,7 +23748,7 @@ HE5_SWindexinfo(hid_t regionID, char *ob
if (regionID < 0 || regionID >= HE5_NSWATHREGN)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2291,7 +595,7 @@
H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_SWindexinfo", __LINE__, H5E_ARGS, H5E_BADVALUE, errbuf);
HE5_EHprint(errbuf, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-@@ -23673,7 +23676,7 @@
+@@ -23756,7 +23759,7 @@ HE5_SWindexinfo(hid_t regionID, char *ob
if (HE5_SWXRegion[regionID] == 0)
status = FAIL;
@@ -2312,315 +616,315 @@
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_datainfo.c.orig 2001-07-11 00:11:08.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_datainfo.c 2019-12-10 16:47:13.027391299 +0100
-@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_datainfo.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_datainfo.c 2024-12-15 13:01:49.158962521 +0100
+@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ int main(void)
size_t size = 0;
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_GDopen() : %d \n", fid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_GDopen() : %ld \n", (long) fid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_GDopen() : %"PRId64" \n", fid);
GDid = HE5_GDattach(fid, OBJECT);
-- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach() : %d \n", GDid);
+- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach() : %ld \n", (long) GDid);
+ printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach() : %"PRId64" \n", GDid);
fieldgroup = HE5_HDFE_DATAGROUP;
status = HE5_GDinqdatatype(GDid, FIELDNAME, NULL, fieldgroup, &datatype, &classid, &order, &size);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_defunlimfld.c.orig 2014-01-14 18:00:21.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_defunlimfld.c 2019-12-10 16:48:23.313677192 +0100
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_defunlimfld.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_defunlimfld.c 2024-12-15 13:02:51.015294083 +0100
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ int main()
if (gdfid != FAIL)
GDid1 = HE5_GDattach(gdfid, "UTMGrid");
-- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach(,\"UTMGrid\"): %d\n", GDid1);
+- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach(,\"UTMGrid\"): %ld\n", (long) GDid1);
+ printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach(,\"UTMGrid\"): %"PRId64"\n", GDid1);
/* Define appendable field "Vegetation" */
tilerank = 2;
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int main()
printf("Status returned by HE5_GDdeffield(\"Vegetation\"): %d\n", status);
GDid2 = HE5_GDattach(gdfid, "PolarGrid");
-- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach(\"PolarGrid\"): %d\n", GDid2);
+- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach(\"PolarGrid\"): %ld\n", (long) GDid2);
+ printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDattach(\"PolarGrid\"): %"PRId64"\n", GDid2);
status = HE5_GDdeffield(GDid2, "Temperature", "YDim,XDim", NULL, H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, 0);
printf("Status returned by HE5_GDdeffield(\"Temperature\"): %d\n", status);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_setup.c.orig 2001-07-11 00:13:46.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_setup.c 2019-12-10 16:49:04.463454265 +0100
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_setup.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_setup.c 2024-12-15 13:03:48.454982906 +0100
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ int main()
ydim = 200;
GDid = HE5_GDcreate(gdfid, "UTMGrid", xdim, ydim, uplft, lowrgt);
-- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate : %d \n", GDid);
+- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate : %ld \n", (long) GDid);
+ printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate : %"PRId64" \n", GDid);
status = HE5_GDdefproj(GDid, HE5_GCTP_UTM, zonecode, spherecode, projparm);
printf("status returned by HE5_GDdefproj(...\"HE5_GCTP_UTM\"...) : %d \n", status);
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ int main()
ydim = 100;
GDid2 = HE5_GDcreate(gdfid, "PolarGrid", xdim, ydim, NULL, NULL);
-- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate() : %d \n", GDid2);
+- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate() : %ld \n", (long) GDid2);
+ printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate() : %"PRId64" \n", GDid2);
status = HE5_GDdefproj(GDid2, HE5_GCTP_PS, dummy, spherecode, projparm);
printf("status returned by HE5_GDdefproj(...\"HE5_GCTP_PS\"...) : %d \n", status);
-@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
+@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ int main()
lowrgt[1] = HE5_EHconvAng(20., HE5_HDFE_DEG_DMS);
GDid3 = HE5_GDcreate(gdfid, "GEOGrid", xdim, ydim, uplft, lowrgt);
-- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate() : %d \n", GDid3);
+- printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate() : %ld \n", (long) GDid3);
+ printf("Grid ID returned by HE5_GDcreate() : %"PRId64" \n", GDid3);
status = HE5_GDdefproj(GDid3, HE5_GCTP_GEO, dummy, dummy, NULL);
printf("status returned by HE5_GDdefproj(...\"HE5_GCTP_GEO\"...) : %d \n", status);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_subset.c.orig 2003-02-12 20:30:50.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_gd_subset.c 2019-12-10 16:49:21.156697163 +0100
-@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_subset.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_gd_subset.c 2024-12-15 13:04:27.298105808 +0100
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ int main()
cornerlon[1] = 90.; cornerlat[1] = 0.;
regionID = HE5_GDdefboxregion(GDid, cornerlon, cornerlat);
-- printf("Region ID returned by HE5_GDdefboxregion() : %d \n", regionID);
+- printf("Region ID returned by HE5_GDdefboxregion() : %ld \n", (long) regionID);
+ printf("Region ID returned by HE5_GDdefboxregion() : %"PRId64" \n", regionID);
ntype = (hid_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hid_t));
status = HE5_GDregioninfo(GDid, regionID, "Temperature", ntype,&rank, dims, &size, upleft, lowright);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_datainfo.c.orig 2001-07-11 00:16:30.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_datainfo.c 2019-12-10 16:49:46.643225757 +0100
-@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_datainfo.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_datainfo.c 2024-12-15 13:05:02.397915656 +0100
+@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ int main(void)
size_t size = 0;
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %d \n", fid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %ld \n", (long) fid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %"PRId64" \n", fid);
PTid = HE5_PTattach(fid, OBJECT);
-- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %d \n", PTid);
+- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %ld \n", (long) PTid);
+ printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %"PRId64" \n", PTid);
fieldgroup = HE5_HDFE_DATAGROUP;
status = HE5_PTinqdatatype(PTid, "Observations", NULL, fieldgroup, &datatype, &classid, &order, &size);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_definelevels.c.orig 2001-07-11 00:16:43.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_definelevels.c 2019-12-10 16:50:03.936465405 +0100
-@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_definelevels.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_definelevels.c 2024-12-15 13:05:47.577670896 +0100
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ int main()
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %d \n", ptfid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %ld \n", (long) ptfid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %"PRId64" \n", ptfid);
return 0;
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_readattrs.c.orig 2003-03-06 20:47:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_readattrs.c 2019-12-10 16:50:59.759496319 +0100
-@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_readattrs.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.858298771 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_readattrs.c 2024-12-15 13:06:18.404170562 +0100
+@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ int main()
/* Open the HDF-EOS file, "Point.h5" */
/* --------------------------------- */
ptfid = HE5_PTopen("Point.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %d \n", ptfid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %ld \n", (long) ptfid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %"PRId64" \n", ptfid);
PTid = HE5_PTattach(ptfid, "FixedBuoy Point");
-- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %d \n", PTid);
+- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %ld \n", (long) PTid);
+ printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %"PRId64" \n", PTid);
nt = (hid_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hid_t));
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_readdata.c.orig 2001-07-11 00:17:10.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_readdata.c 2019-12-10 16:51:49.905891319 +0100
-@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_readdata.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_readdata.c 2024-12-15 13:07:17.553850120 +0100
+@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@ int main()
/* Open the HDF-EOS file, "Point.h5" */
/* --------------------------------- */
ptfid = HE5_PTopen("Point.h5", H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %d \n", ptfid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %ld \n", (long) ptfid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %"PRId64" \n", ptfid);
/* Read Simple Point */
/* ----------------- */
PTid = HE5_PTattach(ptfid, "Simple Point");
-- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %d \n", PTid);
+- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %ld \n", (long) PTid);
+ printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %"PRId64" \n", PTid);
/* Get level information */
/* --------------------- */
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ int main()
printf("Field name: %s \n", level.fieldname[i]);
printf("Field rank: %d \n", level.rank[i]);
-- printf("Field type ID: %d \n", level.dtype[i]);
+- printf("Field type ID: %ld \n", (long) level.dtype[i]);
+ printf("Field type ID: %"PRId64" \n", level.dtype[i]);
for (j = 0; j < level.rank[i]; j++)
printf("Field dims: %d \n", (int)level.dims[i][j]);
printf("Field class: %d \n", level.dclass[i]);
-@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ int main()
printf("Status returned by HE5_PTdetach() : %d \n", status);
PTid = HE5_PTattach(ptfid, "FixedBuoy Point");
-- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %d \n", PTid);
+- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %ld \n", (long) PTid);
+ printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %"PRId64" \n", PTid);
/* Read Fixed Buoy Point Attributes */
/* -------------------------------- */
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_writeattrs.c.orig 2001-07-11 00:17:49.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_pt_writeattrs.c 2019-12-10 16:52:30.835669584 +0100
-@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_writeattrs.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_pt_writeattrs.c 2024-12-15 13:08:03.136936509 +0100
+@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ int main()
/* Open the HDF-EOS file, "Point.h5" */
/* --------------------------------- */
ptfid = HE5_PTopen("Point.h5", H5F_ACC_RDWR);
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %d \n", ptfid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %ld \n", (long) ptfid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_PTopen() : %"PRId64" \n", ptfid);
/* Write attribute to "Fixed Buoy Point" */
/* ------------------------------------- */
PTid = HE5_PTattach(ptfid, "FixedBuoy Point");
-- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %d \n", PTid);
+- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %ld \n", (long) PTid);
+ printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %"PRId64" \n", PTid);
count[0] = 1;
status = HE5_PTwriteattr(PTid, "GlobalAttribute_int", H5T_NATIVE_INT, count, &attr);
-@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ int main()
/* Write attributes to "Floating Buoy Point" */
/* ----------------------------------------- */
PTid = HE5_PTattach(ptfid, "FloatBuoy Point");
-- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %d \n", PTid);
+- printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %ld \n", (long) PTid);
+ printf("Point ID returned by HE5_PTattach() : %"PRId64" \n", PTid);
count[0] = 1;
status = HE5_PTwriteattr(PTid, "GlobalAttribute_float", H5T_NATIVE_FLOAT, count, &flt);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_datainfo.c.orig 2003-12-01 20:24:51.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_datainfo.c 2019-12-10 16:57:35.334019975 +0100
-@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_datainfo.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_datainfo.c 2024-12-15 13:37:08.494147764 +0100
+@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ int main(void)
/* Open the HDF-EOS swath file */
/* --------------------------- */
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_SWopen() : %d \n", fid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_SWopen() : %ld \n", (long) fid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_SWopen() : %"PRId64" \n", fid);
/* Attach to the "Swath1" swath */
/* ---------------------------- */
SWid = HE5_SWattach(fid, OBJECT);
-- printf("Swath ID returned by HE5_SWattach() : %d \n", SWid);
+- printf("Swath ID returned by HE5_SWattach() : %ld \n", (long) SWid);
+ printf("Swath ID returned by HE5_SWattach() : %"PRId64" \n", SWid);
/* Inquire data type information for the "Spectra" field */
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
+@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_EHinqglbdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_EHinqglbdatatype()->GLOBAL_DOUBLE_ATTR_1 : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype()->GLOBAL_CHAR_ATTR_11 : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
+@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype()->GLOBAL_CHAR_ATTR : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
+@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_info.c.orig 2004-01-20 20:17:54.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_info.c 2019-12-10 17:01:28.582756358 +0100
-@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_info.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_info.c 2024-12-15 13:39:53.289921655 +0100
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ int main()
printf("geo fields: %s\n", fieldlist);
for (i = 0; i < nflds; i++)
-- printf("Rank: %d Data type: %d\n", rank[i], ntype[i]);
+- printf("Rank: %d Data type: %ld\n", rank[i], (long) ntype[i]);
+ printf("Rank: %d Data type: %"PRId64"\n", rank[i], ntype[i]);
-@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
+@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ int main()
printf("data fields: %s\n", fieldlist);
for (i = 0; i < nflds; i++)
-- printf("Rank: %d Data type: %d\n", rank[i], ntype[i]);
+- printf("Rank: %d Data type: %ld\n", rank[i], (long) ntype[i]);
+ printf("Rank: %d Data type: %"PRId64"\n", rank[i], ntype[i]);
-@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@
+@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@ int main()
/* ----------------------------- */
status = HE5_SWfieldinfo(SWid, "Longitude", &rk, dim, &dtype, dimlist, NULL);
printf("Longitude Rank: %d\n", rk);
-- printf("Longitude NumberType: %d\n", dtype);
+- printf("Longitude NumberType: %ld\n", (long) dtype);
+ printf("Longitude NumberType: %"PRId64"\n", dtype);
printf("Longitude Dimension List: %s\n", dimlist);
for (i = 0; i < rk; i++)
@@ -2628,203 +932,203 @@
status = HE5_SWfieldinfo(SWid, "Test_string", &rk1, dim1, &dtype_char, dimlist1, NULL);
printf("Test_string Rank: %d\n", rk1);
-- printf("Test_string NumberType: %d\n", dtype_char);
+- printf("Test_string NumberType: %ld\n", (long) dtype_char);
+ printf("Test_string NumberType: %"PRId64"\n", dtype_char);
printf("Test_string Dimension List: %s\n", dimlist1);
for (i = 0; i < rk1; i++)
printf("Dimension %d: %lu\n",i+1,(unsigned long)dim1[i]);
-@@ -175,17 +175,17 @@
+@@ -175,17 +175,17 @@ int main()
/* -------------------------------- */
printf("Global Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_SWattrinfo(SWid,"GlobalAttribute",&dtype1, &nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 0;
status = HE5_SWattrinfo(SWid,"GLOBAL_CHAR_ATTR",&dtype1, &nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t The size of string: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 0;
status = HE5_SWattrinfo(SWid,"GLOBAL_DOUBLE_ATTR",&dtype1, &nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 0;
-@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
+@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ int main()
/* ------------------------------- */
printf("Group Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_SWgrpattrinfo(SWid,"GroupAttribute",&dtype1,&nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 777;
-@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
+@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@ int main()
/* ------------------------------- */
printf("Local Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_SWlocattrinfo(SWid,"Density", "LocalAttribute_1",&dtype1,&nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
printf("Local Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_SWlocattrinfo(SWid,"Longitude", "LocalAttribute_2",&dtype1,&nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 0;
status = HE5_SWlocattrinfo(SWid,"Time", "LOCAL_CHAR_ATTR",&dtype1,&nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype1);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype1);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype1);
printf("\t\t The size of string: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
/* Inquire Global Attributes */
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_setup.c.orig 2003-02-12 20:32:10.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_setup.c 2019-12-10 17:51:25.706519547 +0100
-@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_setup.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_setup.c 2024-12-15 13:40:14.266474682 +0100
+@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ int main()
/* Open a new HDF-EOS swath file, "Swath.h5" */
/* ----------------------------------------- */
swfid = HE5_SWopen("Swath.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_SWopen(): %d \n", swfid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_SWopen(): %ld \n", (long) swfid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_SWopen(): %"PRId64" \n", swfid);
/* Create the swath, "Swath1", within the file */
/* ------------------------------------------- */
SWid = HE5_SWcreate(swfid, "Swath1");
-- printf("Swath ID returned by HE5_SWcreate(): %d \n", SWid);
+- printf("Swath ID returned by HE5_SWcreate(): %ld \n", (long) SWid);
+ printf("Swath ID returned by HE5_SWcreate(): %"PRId64" \n", SWid);
/* Define dimensions and specify their sizes */
/* ----------------------------------------- */
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_subset.c.orig 2003-02-12 20:32:29.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_sw_subset.c 2019-12-10 17:51:57.159682484 +0100
-@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_subset.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_sw_subset.c 2024-12-15 13:40:45.252973480 +0100
+@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ int main()
regionID = HE5_SWdefboxregion(SWid, cornerlon, cornerlat, HE5_HDFE_MIDPOINT);
-- printf("Region ID returned by HE5_SWdefboxregion() : %d \n", regionID);
+- printf("Region ID returned by HE5_SWdefboxregion() : %ld \n", (long) regionID);
+ printf("Region ID returned by HE5_SWdefboxregion() : %"PRId64" \n", regionID);
ntype = (hid_t *)calloc(1, sizeof(hid_t) );
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
+@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ int main()
periodID = HE5_SWdeftimeperiod(SWid, start_time, stop_time, HE5_HDFE_MIDPOINT);
-- printf("Period ID returned by HE5_SWdeftimeperiod() : %d \n", periodID);
+- printf("Period ID returned by HE5_SWdeftimeperiod() : %ld \n", (long) periodID);
+ printf("Period ID returned by HE5_SWdeftimeperiod() : %"PRId64" \n", periodID);
status = HE5_SWperiodinfo(SWid, periodID, "Time", ntype, &rank, dims, &size);
printf("Status returned by HE5_SWperiodinfo() : %d \n", status);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_za_datainfo.c.orig 2003-06-03 20:09:03.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_za_datainfo.c 2019-12-10 17:57:51.877760812 +0100
-@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_za_datainfo.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.861632087 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_za_datainfo.c 2024-12-15 13:41:43.832656127 +0100
+@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ int main(void)
/* Open the HDF-EOS ZA file */
/* ------------------------ */
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_ZAopen() : %d \n", fid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_ZAopen() : %ld \n", (long) fid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_ZAopen() : %"PRId64" \n", fid);
/* Attach to the "ZA1" za */
/* ---------------------- */
ZAid = HE5_ZAattach(fid, OBJECT);
-- printf("ZA ID returned by HE5_ZAattach() : %d \n", ZAid);
+- printf("ZA ID returned by HE5_ZAattach() : %ld \n", (long) ZAid);
+ printf("ZA ID returned by HE5_ZAattach() : %"PRId64" \n", ZAid);
/* Inquire data type information for the "Spectra" field */
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_ZAinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_ZAinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_ZAinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ int main(void)
printf("Status returned by HE5_ZAinqdatatype() : %d \n", status);
if (status != FAIL)
-- printf("\tdatatype: %d \n", datatype);
+- printf("\tdatatype: %ld \n", (long) datatype);
+ printf("\tdatatype: %"PRId64" \n", datatype);
printf("\tclass ID: %d \n", classid);
printf("\torder: %d \n", order);
printf("\tsize: %d \n", (int)size);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_za_info.c.orig 2004-01-20 20:18:40.000000000 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_za_info.c 2019-12-10 17:58:44.894140264 +0100
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_za_info.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.864965402 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_za_info.c 2024-12-15 13:42:38.509026586 +0100
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ int main()
printf("data fields: %s\n", fieldlist);
for (i = 0; i < nflds; i++)
-- printf("Rank: %d Data type: %d\n", rank[i], ntype[i]);
+- printf("Rank: %d Data type: %ld\n", rank[i], (long) ntype[i]);
+ printf("Rank: %d Data type: %"PRId64"\n", rank[i], ntype[i]);
-@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ int main()
/* -------------------------------- */
printf("Global Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_ZAattrinfo(ZAid,"GlobalAttribute",&dtype, &nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 0;
-@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ int main()
/* ------------------------------- */
printf("Group Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_ZAgrpattrinfo(ZAid,"GroupAttribute",&dtype,&nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
nelem = 777;
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
+@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ int main()
/* ------------------------------- */
printf("Local Attribute:\n");
status = HE5_ZAlocattrinfo(ZAid,"Density", "LocalAttribute",&dtype,&nelem);
-- printf("\t\t Data type: %d\n", dtype);
+- printf("\t\t Data type: %ld\n", (long) dtype);
+ printf("\t\t Data type: %"PRId64"\n", dtype);
printf("\t\t Number of elements: %lu \n", (unsigned long)nelem);
---- hdfeos5/samples/he5_za_setup.c.orig 2003-06-03 20:10:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ hdfeos5/samples/he5_za_setup.c 2019-12-10 17:59:06.717355371 +0100
-@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
+--- hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_za_setup.c.orig 2024-12-15 10:50:32.864965402 +0100
++++ hdf-eos5-2.0/samples/he5_za_setup.c 2024-12-15 13:43:05.035549546 +0100
+@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ int main()
/* Open a new HDF-EOS za file, "ZA.he5" */
/* ----------------------------------- */
zafid = HE5_ZAopen("ZA.he5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
-- printf("File ID returned by HE5_ZAopen(): %d \n", zafid);
+- printf("File ID returned by HE5_ZAopen(): %ld \n", (long) zafid);
+ printf("File ID returned by HE5_ZAopen(): %"PRId64" \n", zafid);
/* Create the ZA, "ZA1", within the file */
/* ------------------------------------- */
ZAid = HE5_ZAcreate(zafid, "ZA1");
-- printf("ZA ID returned by HE5_ZAcreate(): %d \n", ZAid);
+- printf("ZA ID returned by HE5_ZAcreate(): %ld \n", (long) ZAid);
+ printf("ZA ID returned by HE5_ZAcreate(): %"PRId64" \n", ZAid);
/* Define dimensions and specify their sizes */
@@ -2860,269 +1164,3 @@
unsigned LONGLONG HE5_EHint2ullong(int invalue);
long HE5_EHullong2long(unsigned LONGLONG invalue);
---- hdfeos5/src/EHapi.c.orig 2019-12-11 15:44:35.239680034 +0100
-+++ hdfeos5/src/EHapi.c 2019-12-11 16:00:43.981098579 +0100
-@@ -324,6 +324,8 @@
- outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
- outvalue = invalue;
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2long(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -410,6 +410,8 @@
- outvalue = invalue;
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
- outvalue = HE5_EHlong2int(invalue);
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2int(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -447,6 +449,8 @@
- outvalue = invalue;
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
- outvalue = HE5_EHint2long(invalue);
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHint2llong(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -485,6 +489,8 @@
- outvalue = HE5_EHlong2int(invalue);
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long))
- outvalue = invalue;
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHlong2llong(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -542,6 +548,79 @@
- return(outvalue);
- }
-+HE5_EHllong2int(long long invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ long outvalue = FAIL;
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_INT, 1, &invalue, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2int", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"int\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,&invalue,sizeof(int));
-+ return(outvalue);
-+HE5_EHllong2long(long long invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ long outvalue = FAIL;
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_LONG, 1, &invalue, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2long", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"long\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,&invalue,sizeof(long));
-+ return(outvalue);
-+long long
-+HE5_EHint2llong(int invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ long long outvalue = FAIL;
-+ long long buf = FAIL;
-+ memmove(&buf,&invalue,sizeof(int));
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHint2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"int\" to \"long long\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
-+ return(outvalue);
-+long long
-+HE5_EHlong2llong(long invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ long long outvalue = FAIL;
-+ long long buf = FAIL;
-+ memmove(&buf,&invalue,sizeof(long));
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LONG, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, &buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHlong2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long\" to \"long long\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,&buf,sizeof(long long));
-+ return(outvalue);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
-@@ -576,6 +655,8 @@
- outvalue = HE5_EHint2hsize(invalue);
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
- outvalue = HE5_EHlong2hsize(invalue);
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2hsize(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -728,6 +809,8 @@
- outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2int(invalue);
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
- outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2long(invalue);
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHhsize2llong(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -843,6 +926,55 @@
- return(outvalue);
- }
-+HE5_EHllong2hsize(long long invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ void *buf = NULL;
-+ hsize_t outvalue = 0;
-+ size_t maxsize = 0;
-+ maxsize = MAX(H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
-+ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
-+ memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2hsize", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"hsize_t\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
-+ free(buf);
-+ return(outvalue);
-+long long
-+HE5_EHhsize2llong(hsize_t invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ void *buf = NULL;
-+ long long outvalue = FAIL;
-+ size_t maxsize = 0;
-+ maxsize = MAX(H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
-+ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
-+ memmove(buf,&invalue,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE));
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_HSIZE, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHhsize2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"hsize_t\" to \"long long\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG));
-+ free(buf);
-+ return(outvalue);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | |
-@@ -877,6 +1009,8 @@
- outvalue = HE5_EHint2hssize(invalue);
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
- outvalue = HE5_EHlong2hssize(invalue);
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHllong2hssize(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -1027,6 +1161,8 @@
- outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2int(invalue);
- else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long) )
- outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2long(invalue);
-+ else if (sizeof(hid_t) == sizeof(long long))
-+ outvalue = HE5_EHhssize2llong(invalue);
- return(outvalue);
- }
-@@ -1142,6 +1278,55 @@
- return(outvalue);
- }
-+HE5_EHllong2hssize(long long invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ void *buf = NULL;
-+ hssize_t outvalue = FAIL;
-+ size_t maxsize = 0;
-+ maxsize = MAX(sizeof(long long),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
-+ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
-+ memmove(buf,&invalue,sizeof(long long));
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHllong2hssize", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"long long\" to \"hssize_t\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
-+ free(buf);
-+ return(outvalue);
-+long long
-+HE5_EHhssize2llong(hssize_t invalue)
-+ herr_t status = FAIL;
-+ void *buf = NULL;
-+ long long outvalue = FAIL;
-+ size_t maxsize = 0;
-+ maxsize = MAX(H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG),H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
-+ buf = calloc(1,maxsize);
-+ memmove(buf,&invalue,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE));
-+ status = H5Tconvert(H5T_NATIVE_HSSIZE, H5T_NATIVE_LLONG, 1, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
-+ if (status == FAIL)
-+ {
-+ H5Epush(__FILE__, "HE5_EHhssize2llong", __LINE__, H5E_FUNC, H5E_CANTINIT, "Cannot convert \"hssize_t\" to \"long long\" data type.");
-+ return(status);
-+ }
-+ memmove(&outvalue,buf,H5Tget_size(H5T_NATIVE_LLONG));
-+ free(buf);
-+ return(outvalue);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | |
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