Problems with x86 installation

Bob Van Cleef vancleef at
Thu Aug 9 22:38:49 CEST 2001

Just attempted my first PLD installation.  So far, no good.

I appear to have ended up with some empty partitions...

First problem - /src/PLD/RPMS/packages.dir[.gz] not found

Second problem - I tried to customize the partitioning.  I selected
the following partitions in the installation setup program.
	1	/boot		10M
	2	/		20%
	3	swap		300M
	4	/altboot	20%
	5	/s1		100% of remaining

I saw the following while running the batch installation script.

running parted -s /dev/hda mkpart logical ext2 7947.160 19092.859
Error: Invalid argument during seek for write on /dev/hda

parted print

	 ... 0.000 - 19092.937
	1     .031 -     7.844	ext2
	2    7.844 -  3827....  ext2
	3 3827.... -  4126....
	4 4126.... - 19092.... extended
	5 4126.... -  7946.... logical

I attempted to run parted manually and got the same error.

I'm heading back to rerun the installation, with the default
partitioning scheme.


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