metaconf tranformations

Michal Moskal malekith at
Mon Jun 4 13:02:33 CEST 2001


I refined Lukasz's idea about xml->config translation.
What we need is :
 1) validation
 2) descriptions
 3) transformation
It seems to be good idea that everything will go into
a single file, as validation is close to writing descriptions
and/or error messages, and transformation requires validated
document, and it is more obvious what you can expect from validated
document if transformation is so close to validation.

Anyway: waiting for comments.

And, I can write parser for files like this.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!-- desc tags could be used by some kind of UI, or
      to generate default .xml config, with lots of
      comments -->
  Configuration of LILO bootloader.
 <desc lang=pl>
  Konfiguracja booloadera LILO.
  <!-- structure of tags here roughly follows structure of
       config .xml file -->
   <order>global, image</order>
     Global parameters
    <!-- <global> doesn't have order, as it's not important,
         except, that 'SELF' comes first, but it is the default. -->
     #lilo.conf generated at $(date)
      Timeout before booting default system in seconds.
      <!-- as in XSL, . is caption of current xml entity.
           in global, above one could use %{timeout},
	   here, to refer to global/boot, one could use
	   %{../boot} -->
      Partition to boot from.
      boot = %{.}
      Default system to boot.
      $(test "%{.}" = "" || echo "default = %{.}")
   </conf> <!-- global -->

     Description of particular OS' images.
    <order>SELF, kernel, root</order>
     # %{type} Image.
      Type of system to boot.
        Linux system, with kernel paramter.
        (Net|Open|Free)BSD system, with own bootloader.

      Kernel image to boot.
      <sh>test "%{../type}" = "Linux"</sh>
       <!-- regexps are always matched against entire string.
            i.e. /.* bahaves as ^/.*$ -->
        image = %{.}
       <error>kernel not allowed on non-Linux</error>
      <sh>test "%{../type}" = "Linux"</sh>
        root = %{.}
        other = %{.}

     <!-- cannot be empty -->
      label = %{.}
    <!-- ... -->
   </conf-loop> <!-- image -->
  </conf> <!-- rc-boot -->

: Michal ``,/\/\,       '' Moskal    | |            : GCS {C,UL}++++$
:          |    |alekith      @    |)|(| . org . pl : {E--, W, w-,M}-
:                                  |                : {b,e>+}++ !tv h
: Current project: : PLD Team member

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