RFC: Web packages and Prefix:

Mariusz Mazur mmazur at kernel.pl
Wed Aug 20 23:11:10 CEST 2003

On Wednesday 20 of August 2003 22:35, Aredridel wrote:
> I was wondering whether anyone else considered it of use to make web
> packages relocatable.  I did some initial poking around, and see no
> reason that SquirrelMail couldn't have
> 	Prefix: /home/services/httpd/html
> in the spec file. . . It would be of great utility to me to be able to
> 	rpm -i squirrelmail...rpm --prefix /home/sites/mail.nbtsc.org
> Comments?

I must say that this is a very interesting idea but it would either require an 
ugly hack (some changes in rpm + some hackish stuff inside squirrelmail.spec) 
or a higher level of abstraction inside rpm (eg. if I can install 
squirrelmail with a prefix than maybe I could install one in this dir, and a 
second one in that... but I would have real problems when trying to 
uninstall/upgrade/whatever any of them).

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